Surrounded with Love

"Before the retreat started, I was feeling a scary little girl, with insecurities and too much pain in my soul. But I knew that I had to be there. I even had a dream wherein God showed to me the place in a dream. He showed me that was far [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:37:30-07:00June 15, 2021|

Single Best Decision

"After working intensely on my healing process over the past year, I felt drawn to attend this workshop. This workshop has been the single best decision and experience of my life. Michael's teachings, were nothing less than mastery and oh how I learned so many new things. This was the [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:38:46-07:00June 15, 2021|

Setting Intentions

"The day before the Mastery and Healing Intensive began, I set an intention that I would expand my consciousness, heal the past, and have a clearer vision of what's next for me. I achieved all of that and so much more. I was able to dismantle two very old, outworn beliefs [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:40:10-07:00June 15, 2021|

Soul Family

"Mere words cannot convey the experience that enveloped my soul in your Mastery Workshop. My essence is still 'glowing with the knowledge & transformational change I experienced while others around me are noticing a significant difference making them very curious about what I did on my vacation! I would definitely say it shifted me [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:40:41-07:00June 15, 2021|

Serene Space

"The Healing workshop was MIRACULOUS! I had been waking up for months (and on and off for years) with anxiety, nausea, and knots in my stomach from past trauma's being re-triggered. The first morning back after the workshop I awoke with an overwhelming sense of peace and was breathing deeper [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:40:56-07:00June 15, 2021|

Soul Self-Discovery

"This was my first opportunity to participate in the Mastery and Healing 5-Day Intensive Workshop, and as a venture into soul self-discovery, it was a physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually expanding experience. It offered the self-determined choice of "shall I step out in faith, or not?" Not only were we [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:41:56-07:00June 15, 2021|

Sense of Empowerment

"As I am still integrating the workshop, I see that I learned the value of watching my habits and realizing my distracting thoughts are all processes of the ego and that these behaviors are exactly what is keeping me from getting to the core of what I desire most. As [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:43:03-07:00June 15, 2021|


"In the East, Buddhas are called the twice-born€”or dwija. The first gift of life is through the parents; the second gift we have to give to ourselves. Jesus said to Nicodemus that 'Unless you are born again, you will not enter into the Kingdom of my God. Michael created the [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:43:25-07:00June 15, 2021|


"The Life Mastery workshop accomplished many things through the physical activities we did, through the people that participated and through Michael's spiritual guidance and presence. The focus of this workshop allowed me to reconnect that my mission is to transform my physical mind and body (since spirit needs no preparation) [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:44:23-07:00June 15, 2021|

Revealing, Healing, and Integrating

"There were so many exercises that brought about such clarity and healing for me. The first being the bow and arrow. I finally realized what it feels like to fully be connected with the pulse of 'God. I also realized just how manic my energy usually is and how much [...]

By |2021-06-23T09:45:44-07:00June 15, 2021|
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