“In the East, Buddhas are called the twice-born€”or dwija. The first gift of life is through the parents; the second gift we have to give to ourselves. Jesus said to Nicodemus that ‘Unless you are born again, you will not enter into the Kingdom of my God. Michael created the most beautiful situation I ever experienced to allow this rebirth to happen within all of us. During the lectures, bio-energetic work, and symbolic exercises of this retreat, I felt we were all ‘becoming together’ like being ‘reborn’ together. It was so beautiful, I’m at a loss for words. By releasing past issues that were so buried in our psyche and bodies, there was a new space being created within us to be filled with Light. There was this realization of what Jesus meant when he taught that we must die as an ego, die as a personality, die as past, and also die as the mind. We have to let go. Then we are filled with God! Then we are born into being! Thank you, Michael, for creating such a beautiful healing and re-birth for all of us on Easter Day!”

–Ingrid, MI