Life Changing Guidance and Soul-level Healing

michael-mirdad-speakingPRIVATE SESSIONS: The sessions are individualized to suit the needs of each person. They can include: Healings (tension reduction, energy-system balancing, and/or trauma release) as well as Readings (life’s purpose, intuitive, and past-life). The Private Sessions consistently prove to be a powerful and safe means of accessing a person’s physical, emotional, and soul-level issues whether they stem from a past-life, childhood or current circumstances. It’s common for clients to be unsure of what they want from a session or they have one particular goal in mind, only to discover that they end up gaining insights or healing in another area. Please keep an open mind and allow Spirit to be the Guide as to the best direction for the highest good.

SKILLS & TECHNIQUES: Michael’s principal areas of expertise, experience, and practice are mainly rooted in intuitive counseling for individuals and couples. His intuitive skills are also invaluable for assisting you with life-guidance and for clearing issues related to trauma, abuse or even past lives.

THE SESSIONS: Michael’s work, guidance, and suggestions are just that—suggestions. He is never telling you what to do but instead, is merely offering feedback. At times, the sessions are simple and comforting. Yet, since the questions, issues, and traumas of humanity are so diverse, so too are the sessions. So there are times when the sessions include a reading (if that’s what’s needed) but other times the focus is on past lives. Sometimes the focus is on current relationships but at other times the focus is on childhood issues. Michael’s primary purpose is to keep you in a safe space while accessing your darkest and brightest aspects-bringing them to the Light where healing and guidance is the result.

RESPONSIBILITIES: It is your right and responsibility to decide whether or not to engage in a private session and to decide whether the session is suitable for you. You are ultimately in control of your session. If, at any time, you are not in agreement with the methods being used, it is your responsibility to express that and possibly to stop the session. It is Michael’s responsibility to use whatever means are agreed upon to reach the issues at hand, as well as to reach a place of trust, guidance, and healing. Furthermore, Michael’s role is simply to be with you like a guide or safe friend. He has no personal interests nor attachments with you nor the information that you divulge. In other words, it is his responsibility to walk with you on many levels—while remaining objective—yet without coming across as “detached.”

FOLLOW-UPS: Follow-ups are available. However, since Michael’s schedule is so packed, we strongly urge you to find a healer, doctor or counselor in your own area who will work with you on a consistent basis. Consistent support is as vital to healing as the dramatic, miraculous shifts.

Here’s what people are saying about Private Sessions with Michael Mirdad

A Beacon in the Storm

“Last year I discovered Michael’s unique services and his dedication as a spiritual teacher. A while after joining his online community pages and taking several courses, including Awakening Christ Consciousness, I reached out for private sessions with him. Michael’s wisdom and support offered me the insight and direction I needed

–B, NY

Defeating My Demons

“I wanted to tell you about the experience I had concerning the panic attacks. Maybe it can help someone else too. As I fell asleep on Friday night the fear came so quickly I don’t think my eyes were even closed yet. I was so scared. I tried to relax


Down and Out No More!

“My partner and I had a healing session, for which you graciously refused payment, as our home was in foreclosure. We wanted to let you know the ‘miracle we have been graced with. One of my clients agreed to finance our new home for us at 3% interest, and we’re

–Patricia, MI

Feeling Loved and Safe!

“Thank you for the healing session yesterday. After watching this beautiful sunset I went home and slept for 10 hours€”something I have not done in many years. I want to thank you for your calm peaceful energy, which I can still feel around me. I also loved the exercise you

–Helen, Maui

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