Dear Friends:

It’s already September and what a month this will be. The month begins with the final effects of the second Super Blue Full Moon of August—which symbolizes the exposure of some of our deepest, darkest secrets or issues. The question is, do we fight to hold our darkness or do we celebrate the coming of the Light that can shine into our soul and bring about the greatest of transformations? It’s also a great time for self-reflection AND a great time to own and give thanks for any changes that we’ve experienced in our lives.

A few weeks later, we have the Summer Equinox, which marks a time of setting the tone for the Fall Season AND for the final few months of the year. It’s therefore wise to spend this day giving thanks for all we’ve gained so far this year and in our lives, but also to begin preparing to let things go over the next several weeks (especially in October and November).

Lastly, this month will draw to a close with the “Daughters of Heaven Conference.” This is as much a “soul activation” as it is a gathering and celebration of the awakening of a special group of Lightworkers. Everyone involved and attending are feeling such profound things (e.g. awakening, peace, energy, kundalini, etc.) that it’s clear something magical is happening. In fact, if you read the testimonials, you will find that people are commenting that as soon as they buy the book (of the same name), or when it arrives in the mail, they can feel a transformation inside themselves. This is because of the high level of work we are all doing to awaken ourselves and our planet.

Well, you can expect more and more of this level of depth from us—in our intention and events—as well as these profound levels of awakening. In the meantime, all of us, at the Global Center for Christ Consciousness pray that you allow the deepest processes possible this month so that you might move into the highest state of your being.

Love & Light,
Michael Mirdad