Dear Friends:

It’s that time of the year for us all to take extra time to give thanks. Some people will, of course, question the timing of this concept, citing all the wicked things going on in the world as being a reason to NOT give thanks—nor to have a grateful spirit. People such as this simply do not understand the true meaning of gratitude—which is rooted in love and is never conditional on external circumstance. True gratitude involves giving thanks for everything—good and bad—but not in the way you might think.

When we have wonderful, positive things occur in our life, it’s obviously worth giving thanks—which in fact tends to attract more positives. The trick, however, is in understanding the power and effectiveness of giving thanks for negative experiences. But there is a right way and a wrong way of doing this. First of all, we should never give thanks for hurtful and tragic events in our lives, nor in the lives of others—especially since giving thanks tends to attract more of the same. Instead, we are asked by Spirit to give thanks ONLY for what we’ve learned from any challenging events.

One of the greatest evils in the world involves people who chose to ignore hurtful behaviors. This ranges from gossip and dysfunctional families to slavery and concentration camps. All such behaviors are rooted in selfishness and hurtfulness. But of course hating such people or resenting their behaviors is clearly not the answer nor is turning a blind eye and pretending it’s not happening. What we are asked to do is recognize such behaviors, walk away if that is the healthiest thing to do, and pray for the transformation and forgiveness of the perpetrators. We are also asked to give thanks for whatever we can personally learn from such experiences. One person might find themselves learning more patience, while another might be learning to set healthier boundaries. Once they can see the progress attained by such learning, they can give heartfelt thanks for it all.

Now is a great time of the year to release the skeletons in the closet (Halloween) by owning whatever secrets and unhealed wounds we might be carrying around, followed by giving thanks (Thanksgiving) for what we learned from these skeletons and such. Let’s also make it a point to give thanks for whatever good we have created in the past year (or more) truly soaking in the appreciation for all improvements in mind, body, finances, boundaries, spirituality, and even friendships and/or partnerships. These may have improved in their pleasantness and vibration OR it may be that the old, unhealthy form has changed or ended. Either way, let’s give the deepest prayers of gratitude for it all, as this is how we trim back the branches of our old life and recycle all valuable aspects of the past so we can use it as compost to creating a new and healthier life and lifestyle for today, and in our future.

Love & Light, Michael Mirdad