Lemuria: The Real Story
all right thank you and let's see your little eye pod pad kind of thing over here out of the way so um i i didn't uh go into some extra announcements we were going to make today so all i'm going to say is go away there you go i don't know you know we what we used to play the music here but we're not doing the song this morning so it's throwing a tantrum i want to play a song so i didn't make an announcement so very briefly let me just share that you know as usual we have um our chaplains available after service so
just let them know they'll be standing against the side walls if you'd like after service hands-on healing or prayer whatever you're looking for they can take your side to a private area and um ask you you know have you work with them all right so i'll share the rest of the announcements after assuming i remember to do so all right now in the meantime uh i i shared with you guys when we started last week that did uh had an interesting thing happen you know there was this lady um sent an email and started reprimanding
about how i wasn't a very spiritual or good teacher because i talk about things that are just silly like angels and fairies and things that those things don't exist and i should know that if i was a decent teacher so she's gonna leave us you know and she's moving on to to probably some i don't know what you know some uh you know very shallow kind of thing you know where they just say the same thing every week so um that's good she should probably do that um so i thought you know what in in in
honor of her today i'm going to talk about lemuria why not this'll if she was on the fence this will help her humpty dumpty you out of here so i thought yeah that would be great and some other folks have been asking this week you know that yeah that would be just fantastic so i thought okay so how does that fit into a sunday church service a spiritual center service and so on uh you know this is it's funny because people actually think there's a positive thinking church there's a catholic church there's a
you know a pagan group there's a all of these things started as one so i that's what i teach and it seems like i'm arbitrary to some they're going where does this guy come from angels fairies lamoria really they think it's arbitrary because separated people separated minds needs separated conversations their brains are separated so they they need just one little thing to believe in and then they go you know because i'm a catholic oh well i'm a buddhist well i'm a it's all the same bloody hell people
it's all the same that's the british coming up but i'm not british so i probably shouldn't have said it sorry i was channeling roger all right his fault i do not swear so so the thing think about this it's not they're all they're all the same the origins all of it is real all of it's true there are light beings that's not an arbitrary conversation you think i'm arbitrary when i bring these things up arbitrary is to separate them out so it was all and is all true mythologies
the stories of god's goddesses of greek mythology i mean it's so it's so odd to me and i understand it i understand that humans are messed up so they need to have their little isms and their little sticks and whatever but everything is connected when people talked about hercules in greece they were talking about samson in israel the legends are of the same person and sometimes it's not the same person it's the same archetype that manifest in different cultures but at one time there weren't different cultures so much
there was a global communication there was a global understanding so you know we we started off one with god and just like when you're looking at a fire and then little sparks pop pop and those little sparks come flying off the fire that's us once the original fire of god and little sparks and that's us except it happened at once where a countless number went pop that's called the separation where we all seemingly flew into the darkness and onto the lawn you know or wherever we to the sander wherever the sparks
flew but they left the original fire if you took one of those sparks that however it's still from that original source just because it popped and landed on the the grass or the sand over there doesn't mean it didn't it looks like it's from a separate source but it isn't it's not sitting there burning independently it came from something that gave it its fire so we have the spirit of god in us that's that original fire just like the embers will eventually go out that's a metaphor of us going to sleep
and forgetting our divine fire the amber goes out it goes quiet you could throw it back in the fire and it might light up again that's you and i getting in touch with god and we feel inspired again and we're lit up again it's great but what looks pop separate but it wasn't just souls that became you and me the sometimes there's a loud pop and a bigger piece flies off those bigger piece pieces became you could say archetypes in the universe god goddess type archetypes or sometimes planetary beings
i mean even planets are beings but people forget they separate everything it becomes astronomy where you just measure a planet you know that's kind of that's called objectifying by the way the word objectifying isn't something you just do to women anything you see as an object is objectifying that's what the word means you're making into an object so a woman can say i hate being objectified made like i'm some object well you know you would you would like you would you would hate even you know
more you think you hate being objectified you would hate even more if we didn't even see you as an object i can't even see you you'd be like how come you ignore me because i don't want to see you as an object [Laughter] there's one thing better and greater than not objectifying and it's experiencing i i choose to know you not see you know you in the bible it's kind of funny because i'm going to whatever i'm going to bring all kinds of things in i guess in the bible the original word for
having intimacy instead of you know using other words for it but it you know having intimacy it was called knowing someone and then he knew her meant you know but why do you think they use that word and think about that because originally it was about knowing them connecting with them it wasn't nice legs let's do something it's you know that's objectifying but that's humans that's the humans that fell and fell and fell and fell and the ember went out the fire went out they lost sight of themselves
so what do you expect them to do they're just little bits of you know some sort of whether it's wood or some other product that they're burning it's just you're just an ember that's gone out and so in the desperation of being an ember that has no flame no fire no spark you're bored and you're lonely so you hit on each other and see each other as objects because there's nothing else to do when you're a little chunk of wood sitting on the sand hey how are you doing over there you
know can you ignite me again and that's what relationships and codependence and drugs are all about and drinking everybody's looking for something to ignite them again but you're asking other cold dead things to ignite you is this valentine's day or something sounding real romantic okay so boof we all flew away and we all became the spirit sparks flying into a universe that was starting it's the womb of the mother that went to the father i'm gonna birth them they're thinking that they're leaving
so i'm going to help go in with them to a place we're going to create together co-creating the universe so she the womb is expanding to receive these little sparks or embryos that are us and we flew into the universe this vast universe that is the consciousness womb metaphorically the consciousness of the mother and the holy spirit of god so she's here saying i'll just mirror wherever you're at i'll mirror wherever you at every day every thought every emotion i'm just going to be here mirroring this
for you and so we fly in what seems to be a vast universe and it's just a dream experience but let's just go with it as though it's happening for real real time so the universe is expanding and all of a sudden in there there's all these fiery nebula kind of this energy you know this churning in the universe just as they say the universe would have been at the big bang this fiery just kind of celestial movement this dance of energy but then those things start densifying and becoming suns that blow off planets that blow off
moons etc we're in the meantime flying in and we're saying what is this what what happened i don't know what happened one minute it seems like we were one with something god and yet now we're flying into a dark universe what are we and where are we so in one respect there's the sadness of having lost something that we knew was there a moment ago and that's a sadness that no human being can understand you think you're sad when you lose a loved one when you lost everyone including god
that was a sadness that was unbearable so we chose to forget it we chose to pretend you know we that's where the ego was created we need to create a virus in our mind we need to download a virus that will make us not have to deal with what we're feeling so the the separation was one thing to try to hide from our emotions was even worse and that's why the concept of responsibility is so important because if you truly take responsibility you're not taking responsibility for all the naughty things you've done
you're taking responsibility for thinking you could have done anything other than love then it would disappear so the ego makes you afraid of responsibility because if you take true responsibility you'll reverse the separation and we'll go home and the ego doesn't exist at home so it's telling you for its own survival reasons don't go there now done we fly in and some of us went to the syrian star system some went to the arcturian star system some of us came to this star system those of us who gravitated here we
gravitated here now now some of us moved from different places and i know this can sound a little out there but it starts one with god it's going to end one with god god wills that no soul shall perish means everyone's going home it's actually not going to be a few of us make it and every other being goes to hell i mean that's like that's like the worst story you could ever have come up with you know like only a few can make it and then everything's futile then and then religions are even telling you're born
with sin your original sin you don't stand a chance so some religions don't even try to make it look good like it might work one religion is going you know i know there's trillions of us but only 144 000 can make it that's like really wicked and then there's far eastern traditions that say no we don't believe in that technically you'll reincarnate until all of us make it but they forget to tell you which is going to take a trillion years that's i might as well just send me to hell because that is hell to me
if i've got to come back and have 3 000 lifetimes or 50 000 lifetimes working on myself i think this time i'll just work on smoking next time i'll work on drinking next time i'll try to have a head of hair and whatever else is important to you whatever else is important to you if you keep waiting for everything to be perfect enough lifetimes it's like you know what never mind just just trapdoor me let me go to hell now because it's all the same so whether you believe far east and whether you believe christian 145 000
or whatever else none of these are really good the only good outcome is we all go home we're all in this together and we're all going to go home god is one the lord thy god is one means we're part of that one and that means half of us can't make it and half of us not god would not be god if it was only half present so we're all going to make it but in the meantime we flew into these universes and we were you could say in soul bodies almost like undefined energy light and eventually as time's
going on there's some people that gravitated to this star system some to others but let's work with this star system if you're here wishing you were in another star system you're already failing your test because all that means is i don't like where i am and i don't want to deal with the the issues and feelings that make me wish i were elsewhere i mean i don't care if you're doing this in your relationship at a job or in the star system wishing you were somewhere else tells us you're wounded here and you
need to work on that yeah but i wouldn't if i got to go to some other place no that's why you're not in that other place so they sent you here to work on something so just own it so in this star system we come in and some of us are going through again we're not defined bodies so you're able to move into existence and planets and so on because there's different frequencies different lessons different energies going on in our musical scale called our planetary system and it is a musical scale
our planets each have musical notes to them so you're coming in to experience the song of this star system so now when we do come in we're coming in as soul bodies soul beings gradually as we come into the earth plane we started becoming a little bit more what we would call astral bodies astral beings astral is like your ghost but if i right now leave this body and enter my astral body i would look like a ghost of michael because we all remembered michael so my astral body would look like michael but when you're first coming in there
was no other person you were so the astral self doesn't look like a person it's just a tad more dense than pure energy and pure energy i'm saying you're still a being but sort of a cloud of light we'll call it so we start taking on astral bodies now where we gravitated where life was starting on planet earth primarily as a place called lemuria i know it sounds fabalistic even more than atlantis so it's okay just hang in there as best you can think of this as a flashback all right just a weird trip you're
having okay so so we come in and we're taking on these astral soul bodies mixture of soul body and astral body and we're coming in and we're going where are we where where are we like but the planet is forming and gradually you have your prehistoric creatures here and we're looking at the foliage and water and you know these creatures and we're going what what what where are we and so what we had the gift that we still maintain was the ability to create through thought so we would say to ourselves i
wonder what that is and we actually projected ourselves even into objects the problem is when we in this pure state the beautiful state really but we're in this pure state when we project it into things you start densifying as much as that thing is is that making sense if i'm let's pretend i'm uh let's let's give it a rating out of a hundred possibilities i'm let's use ten out of ten ratio of possibilities vibrationally i'm like added nine i project into a creature i'm a two and a two can't do the things
a nine can so we projected ourselves into things and didn't know how to get out and this was even further what we call the fall this is where the mythologies of of creatures uh where which were half centaur and half man that's what the mythologies of really of the atlantean period were telling us about souls had gone into creatures created half this half that it became really weird sci-fi but it all did happen those those pictures of beings being half of this and half of that they are if not literal they are
metaphorically depicting that we got lost and became mixed in with things now not all of us some of us did some of us projected into uh anthropoids and other kinds of creatures some of us just gradually denser and we became denser and started materializing into body-like forms astral bodies etheric bodies and then eventually body but we decided to formulate human bodies slightly different than they are now but roughly the same now when we did that we became groups like tribes primitive type tribes so you have some beings that densified into let's
call it tribal beings some of us projected into things anthropoids and other kinds of things some of us did not choose to densify all the way at all we remained kind of like etheric light bodies those who remained like that remained like the guides in other words what you see today as a spiritual teacher with groups in those days it would have been the etheric kind of person speaking to the tribes does that make sense okay and they would be telling them what they would be telling them listen we forgot we separated we forgot and we need to
remember who we are which is exactly what we're doing today so i love the fact that whether you call it lamorian or whether you call it today all of it's the same we went on a bizarre journey without distance to a place we never left and all we're needing to do is remember so the etheric priestess goddess because it was primarily a feminine leadership in those days was trying to encourage children let's try to remember let's go home but you're now talking to beings that were projected into dense bodies and they couldn't even
understand what you were saying so the teachers really had to try to dumb it down for lack of a better word just you know dumb it down and speak to them at such a primitive level and that's where we got stuck and it became it's going to take millions of years of evolution to wake up why because we allowed ourselves to get that far gone now time's an illusion the bodies are an illusion but the belief systems densified when your beliefs become dense like money doesn't grow on trees guess what happens money doesn't grow on trees
but when you start to wake up you go wait a minute money doesn't grow on trees i don't like that saying anymore so the first thing you're going to do is see that you don't like that the second thing you're going to do is figure out how to chop up a tree and sell firewood now money does metaphorically grow on trees and that's ingenious but that's not all the way home there's still another level where you actually can manifest money on trees but that could be your reality the world
will not support that eventually the treasury department's going to come knocking on your door excuse me there's these hundred dollar bills circulating and um you know it's kind of odd because the serial number it's it's like you know instead of instead of a long serial number you just have one and you're like isn't that wonderful we're all one and we can create whatever no they're just gonna haul you away so this world doesn't support this so we divided into three primary groups
the the lemurian experience and um in a way one of the positives about what we were able to do as lamoria's is we we were experimenting with how to use our minds to manifest but we were manifesting separation fear fear created density rather than awakening and that's why even today we're still needing to go back and correct that original thought i'm going to use my mind and i'm going to start believing that we can we can create we can manifest anything a being could actually have a child by believing itself to be
impregnated with a new creation and then she if it was a female vibe she could then give birth so immaculate conception was still able to happen back then mary was just able to hold the same mindset as a lemurian that i can create with my mind and she did immaculately conceive humans don't like to hear these things because they can't remember how to do it so they dissed the whole thing we need to go back to magical thinking we need to go back to miraculous thinking and realizing god it's the wonderment
it's a childlike mind that we can do anything and you know then they're going to tell you you know we think you have asperger's we think you have autism you know because you're one of those believers and miracles and that's why those kinds of groups what they think to be malfunctions mental malfunctions are actually having a deeper understanding of the real thing but they look messed up because they're trying to speak to people that are messed up you see what i'm saying like but they're
the ones with the problem and and that that what seems like hypersensitive are simply more etheric but they can't get all of it articulated to three-dimensional minds even as i stand here speaking about lamoria what were lemurians like michael i don't know which group you want me to tell you about the etheric kind of lamorians or the tribal ones or the ones that were projected into objects one from another they're different the the romans are the ones that coined that phrase they called these people
lemurians because even the the romans knew about this continent that was in the pacific the high mountain areas of the of the mauryan continent are now with the ark what we call the polynesian islands it slowly submerged and became the high lines highlands became the polynesian islands this is all true you know these things can be easily proven just by weaving all of it together it all makes sense but the romans called lemuria and the the inhabitants lamorians because it meant ghost people so the romans even knew from mythologies
and stories passed down only 2 000 years ago knew about these people the lamorians and called them ghost people why because they were astral and or etheric beings see even they understood it to this time of their their you know civilization so lemorians what are they like you know and they last from you know hundreds of thousands of years so they're different from the day we arrived compared to the day it submerged because over time they got denser and denser still there were the etheric teachers masters trying to get people
home and one of the great things the gifts was the the belief that thought can create instantaneously so the downside of thought manifesting was that they projected themselves into matter and got stuck the positive was from here from the mind they knew how to project so what they would do is project lessons teachings into things like crystals so that people could hold the crystals and download information see that came from the lemurian skill of thought projection so you have lemurian crystals or objects that you think is just an object but
it's like a an indiana jones movie somebody can hold this thing you know it starts downloading the great pyramid is made out of quartz because the entire thing because quartz holds memory but you have to know how to unlock it so i when i sit and tune in you know it's like god it's i just see and experience and can understand this whole amorian concept here's another thing the lamorians didn't have memory because memory is based on your opinions of what happened in the past but they were so childlike everything
was in the moment it either is or it isn't you don't go yeah but don't you remember no is it here now no well then that's it so they were just from this wow like what a cool place to kind of you know be centered in so not having had memory they could project thoughts into objects so that things could be in a pseudo kind of way memorized in cells or in structure of a of a crystal for example so that someone could have an odd way of going back to have memories of life let's say in lemuria or mankind's
existence because we we we don't have memory so we only have now we're going to project what we have now and no now into these objects is that making sense and that's why some of you are like into the stones you know the rocks and minerals and feeling that kind of the magic of you know of minerals or stones crystals and so on so lamorians didn't consider things based on the past or or even contemplating the future they just kind of came from a place of what what's happening now now and in that innocence that also the
innocence became a target the way as the same way human beings today when you're very simple very naive very childlike it often all too often on this planet you become a target for predators right that originated right there lemuria is where we have the cellular memory genetic memory of something going wrong like that and and that that gets very tripped out so i'm not going to go too far into that i'm just saying that the gradual demise of the lemurian civilization was partly because of the predators
coming in and you know having such an ill effect on these beautiful innocent like beings and then that's where we segue into the aggressive masculine kind of uh atlantean civilization but that's you know another thing now here's something else that's interesting the language of lamorians the closest you would know today would be would be like native americans where something is like you know like a few short words the language though is was never about like if i uh in a course in miracles you're told
do an exercise i don't know what this cup is for i don't know what this pen is for because you you only know things based on your memory of what you were told about it there's no in the moment experience so the course in its workbook lessons is trying to get you to unplug your memories of what you think is true and experience them differently as the moment okay so the language of lemurians was not hi honey come here your child you know this is a podium podium got it where everything is so linear and memorized they don't have
memory so they had to always experience and their language would be something that reflects the present moment so essentially it's kind of like sending out on a radar you send out a signal and it hits something so it's beep beep right you send out a signal and it bounces off of the object you're sending the signal to sort of like that when you experienced a tree it wasn't oh look that's a tree just like i was told that's a tall tree where do you get that it's tall you know it's tall well
because i can see it how do you know because i've seen soul trees before and i was told the word tall that's not how they were they would be with something experience it totally fresh then there's a signal that comes from the mind you know sort of like who are you what are you that signal goes out the thing answers thank you thank you for asking see a woman too thank you for asking instead of hi tall blonde whatever you know you're you're this race you're no no opinions there's no past there's
no memory so it's constantly i don't know you tell me so you send out that frequency the thing responds with its vibration when the vibration comes back to the person syllables pop out of their mouth or little short words come out you know hep sup or whatever and you just named it but you didn't give it your opinion of its identity you asked the thing what it was and it revealed itself to you doesn't that sound amazing i appreciate you i'm you know saying that because i otherwise i'd sit here
going on michael stop talking you know if i'm the only one that thinks this is amazing i probably should change the subject let's talk about positive thinking um so so it's it's to me it's beautiful it you you allow it to convey its name i've done workshops i even took a group once sacred sites tours many many many years ago even before i moved here obviously and i took a group up to one of the red rocks and we sat and i was explaining this to them ask that plant what its name is and you
can't just you know like fake it you don't want to just get into faking things like that tune in and ask it and it was amazing because several people in the group would come up with the same name and that is the you know very slim chance and they would come up with the same name but even more important than it proving itself factually is when you look at water a stream and you're asking it i mean it's you now you join with it you experience it you know even every topic intimacy where somebody does someone like that's
bizarre that would be foreign to a lemurian mind now we have things like you know sacred spaces sacred intimacy sacred foods two lemurians they would wonder what you're talking about because everything had to be sacred it was that's all they knew how could i cook a meal and it not be sacred stupid you don't have any respect for me i don't know why i'm even making you any food rat poison rat poison you know humans how could i not sit and think oh and i'm i'm feeling like this is good today and i'm feeling like the children
a little extra nutrient and everything is like so conscious conscious and conscientious how wonderful if the blend of this would would taste wonderful for people see everything's sacred intimacy it can't be anything but who are you let's reveal ourselves what humans do is undress to reveal themselves lamorians are like what are you doing i'm taking my clothes why to reveal myself really you have to actually move stuff you can't just like you know in consciousness here i am you know no no i have to garments
you know and wow and when you get really excited they go off faster wow that's really hot no it's shallow i understand that people dig it and good for you but there's another way the the the lemurians everything was sacred from cooking parenting every gardening everything was done from a sacred space and if you think about it you a part of you is going wow that sounds amazing think a little further and realize it also sounds exhausting if you really are honest with yourself that you try to remember to be
that conscious constantly okay i'm going to drive to work but for a moment let me just you know sometimes you're like i'm already late i can't and then you're like i'm going to do a sacred sacred ceremony this morning and totally commune with god for a moment and the kids and it's like and you just get used to this world so now doing things right seems tiring but the truth is not doing them right is what tires us but you can't convince people of that anymore because they're so
programmed with opposite thinking you know i'd like to go off the drug addiction but man there's all kinds of negative effects and withdrawals and somebody told you that and you believed it so that you'd have a reason to not get off the drugs the truth is it's harder to stay on them it's more effort to stay addicted to things that aren't real than it is to surrender to the only thing that is real god love the light of god you know so instead of seeing things in their true interaction of vibration
humans have segmented all because separation becomes separation becomes separation almost like reversing fractals you know it just keeps breaking down breaking down to further separation till people you know walk down the street hey you know where's the namaste where's the aloha where where's the the sacred greeting and now it's like hey you know like these grunt grunting like you know weird you know and and intimacy becomes something like two rocks being pounded together and you know like like everything's so dense
and so weird hey what's up what's up what's up hey man but but where's the where's the you know connecting well here's where connecting is you know you're at the bank and you go to do you know the teller's like okay and there's a line of people behind you especially at chase but never mind okay there's a line of people behind you and they're all like you know tapping their foot whatever and your turn and you're like okay before i give you my deposit can i just can we take a moment so i can just know
who you are and that way energetically i can give you thanks for taking my deposit you know i'm sorry we're gonna get a manager i mean that's where it goes in this world that's what happens get pulled over by a cop and go before you write me up let me sir where were you going where were you let me see your registration well that's all an illusion just give me a minute to it it doesn't it doesn't go well usually i try those things and i get them to laugh and that's always fun but you know this world just doesn't
doesn't support it if your baby's crying and needs changed or fed right now you really it doesn't seem practical to go i know you're not comfortable but let's be for a minute no you know what take care of the ache take care of what seems to be happening the problem with the human race is it's okay to take care of the immediate call that you think is real and important and then come back to spirit the problem is they don't come back to spirit they do that immediate thing then they do another immediate thing and
then another there's no i'll do the immediate because that's what i need to do respecting the illusion but let me also come back to gratitude now that the baby's not crying because of need it's fed let me hold it and just appreciate it and ask what it really is just like ancient cultures they would ask the child to reveal its name and today they're like what do you mean ask the child its name it can't even speak it's not even born yet how can you ask the child they think you're ridiculous
i mean i heard all that stuff when i had kids i mean you know it's like oh what are you gonna name it running water you know like you know they would just they would just make fun of these things and you know knowing that they're asleep i could just be related to these people for another couple of years then i was like bye i gave it another couple years where i was like forgive them father they know not what they do very clearly evidently they know not what they do they know not what they say they know
nothing so it was easy to get used to the the cynical comments but why why did ancient civilizations ask because that's what they did with everything it wasn't just the children it was everything i don't know what anything's for why do you think a course in miracles tells you that in a workbook lesson i don't know what anything is for because it's trying to get us back to that lemorian eden-like consciousness i don't know so ask what are you i want to experience you when we make love and i want to
experience these foods what's it doing well this food gives me all that my body thinks it needs you see you can even command because that's that original using the mind to create and you know i remember yogananda sharing particular stories of magnificent stories about how well we needed something for our property once and i said let's go looking for and we went looking for i knew exactly what i wanted i told my assistants here's exactly what we're going to find they're like we're going to find something that
specific that's too orbit like we want to get a gate and the gate needs to be 10 feet wide but most gates are only 6. and we want a 10. and on the gate we wanted to have wrought iron of a certain color and we want to have spots on it that we can glue gemstones or whatever and they're like you okay you know and they went to some place you know they checked it out and they're like junk junkyard or whatever and looked around no no and then he just says you happen to have a gate that simply oh yeah i have just that thing
right back here you know hidden behind the building and you know people are on yoga and under they're like this guy's a trip no he's just in his original consciousness we can create anything and the lamorians did that for good and for ill i say the lemurians but really we were doing that as we came in to lamoria we just manifested it more in that time our consciousness we we do create not we once could we still do it's just that we're not creating well we're not creating from connectedness
and love we're creating from fear and anxiety from separation i need to create this because someone else is going to create it if i don't you know there's you know musicians i mean i've shared the story before but you know michael jackson was kind of neurotic in a million different ways but one of his eccentricities was he would say you know he would get really anxious about getting a song just right and the musicians getting it just right and they were like why is so uptight and he goes well if we don't do this
right god's going to give the song to prince instead well you know like wow really why don't you just enjoy the song that's coming through instead of competing it with well if if i don't get it right god's gonna give the song to prince really you know like it's like wow but this is the kind of stuff that goes on you know this is the the competitive or the fear-based and and then you have more of that going on in your life back back to our original self back to our original consciousness i am
as god created me or i'm not as god created me we start every day just like that with the we talked about this the last few weeks identity i am or i'm not and we're constantly asked by the universe who are you today i don't know but i'm not connected and so it is and the universe will absolutely have to manifest an image of that for you because that's what she's there for always to show us our consciousness hoping that you will reach your pain tolerance sooner than later and say you know what enough is enough
maybe i am as god created maybe i am divine now things improve because you're saying maybe but you're not absolute and then the maybe needs to eventually turn into certainty and certainty has to eventually become the absolute there's not even a certainty versus uncertainty there's just the truth of god and that's where we're at that's where we're going the things that are happening in the world are tests we're doing a workshop but even if it's not the workshop my book called you're not going crazy
you're just waking up i i you know this is about explaining how we got into this mess and how it needs to be turned around the waking up seems challenging for people the the truth is part of you the original spirit spark never went to sleep so when you think you're evolving and waking up you're really just peeling layers off to who you really are so i look at this world and i think man sometimes it's we have certainly we have lost something i remember uh the band yes has a an album called tales from topographic
oceans and um the first song on it which is half an album length it's called the revealing science of god you know yes they did everything so deep right the revealing science of god but just in a nutshell there's there's so many lines in that song that blow the mind because he's talking about i can't believe that we lost what we originally had he says those words and they're like i i just can't believe we forgot and it's exactly right because he's describing which by that by the way that album was inspired by
autobiography of a yogi yogananda life story so he writes this whole album based on you know the major parts of the teachings of of yogananda and the vedas and so on but this first out the first site is all about once upon a time there was this connection i'm paraphrasing but not by much and this explosion took place and we all flew into the universe and we're going to learn and experience and so on and so on and then he gets to the parts of the song he's going what happened how how did we forget what we really
came here for how did we forget our origins you know and he in his lyrical style he's talking about you know the fall and vibration changes he's very deep the way he does these things but inevitably at the end of the song he does this chant that's about you know everything's going to come back to love for you and you and you and that's the closing of the song everything is going to come back to this place but why take so long you know why so much hurt in the meantime and it doesn't have to take so much pain
and suffering to get back to that place to think sacred to think oneness um you know there's a great great line um you know off by a word or two only from a course in miracles that i love which is kind of like saying i choose today to only think thoughts that god would have me think and that's been on my mind for several days now i can have a thought about someone positive or negative doesn't matter i just say but i choose to only think of this person as god would have me think of them here's an event and i would only choose
to and i would only choose to see that as god would have me see it see the lemurians were actually doing that they weren't just praying for it they were doing it because that's all they knew because they just came in so they hadn't had so many layers of pain and hurt and resentment and forgetting and so on layered over them so when we affirm let me see this through god's eyes you're actually choosing to remember lemuria is kind of like talking about eden where it's a civilization it's a world
of beauty and oneness and people lived in such perfect harmony and when like i said when they verbalize things it's you're you're actually verbalizing the vibration of the thing in front of you or before you in this particular moment and it's just it's almost like a poetic like way of experiencing life it's what are what are you telling me or or like somebody writing song lyrics you know like what what needs to go in that line right there or architecture you know there are architects who didn't say
i'm going to build a house right there what they would say is what do you want me to build there they would ask the land certain you've heard of these kinds of architects right and they say what it's already there etherically energetically every space already has everything else so you're just asking what is the right thing to bring through to that line in the song what's the right thing for that hillside for a house when you do that when you build from a sacred architecture things last longer and that's why
they're you know your house will not look the way some of the ruins of of rome look and ruins of rome were destroyed by people they would still be standing your house wouldn't your house isn't going to last a thousand years i mean it'll be firewood long before then because everything was done so differently when they're doing things like moving rocks lemurian monuments that are still out there remaining and atlantean when they're moving rocks you know they didn't they didn't have
slaves like you see on history channel you know and they'll title these shows the real the way they built the great pyramids and it still shows a bunch of people oh you know chain gang or whatever you know they would just ask the rock to do a certain thing uh we're gonna go over here now come on and the rock would move i know that sounds out there according to ancient mythologies they would write something on a papyrus papyrus lay it on the rock and the rock would then follow the instructions laid on the rock you don't have to believe in
these things have lots of beliefs and non-beliefs but there will come a time where you'll see the weaving together of all the truths and it's going to all make sense when people learn to do that instead of it being like segmenting well i want to believe that but i won't believe it i want to believe i don't want to believe i believe jesus was wonderful i don't know that he could walk on water i don't think that's possible you're deciding and that means your opinions which then means your ego
is determining your belief systems why not jump into i want to believe it as god believes and if i'm going to do that i can see anything's possible and yes immaculate conception makes sense to me you're not hearing things that sound far out what about all the you know the centaurs and all the it sounds wild yep i can totally see it from the lemurian projecting thing that went on to the atlantean genetic manipulation that went on and now the human race is all proud of itself because it's it's doing like the atlanteans did hey
we're at the point where we can make you know people half human and half turnip wow you know um you know you think that's impressive and yet it's not screwing around like the atlanteans did with genetics and trying to make yourselves into pseudo gods is not our goal it's to get out of playing god surrendering to the one and only which is love i said that about a tournament but it's kind of funny this is just a quick aside and then we're going to wrap up i remember when i was a kid my mind was still very metaphysical and
i mean i was just little and i heard somebody say you know this is adults talking you know they're saying that john f kennedy isn't really dead he's he's on life support um he's a vegetable and i went right into you can go from a human reincarnating into a vegetable i mean little you know this little kid and i'm already i'm already thinking reincarnation he incarnated as a vegetable poor thing you know worthy you know kid mind you know kid mind um but that's about like my daughter
when she was little thought serial killers was people that broke in your house at night and ripped up your boxes of cereal i mean this is a child-like mind i mean it's beautiful in a sense so so i know isn't that funny um maybe it's because she was my kid anyway so it's sort of coming to a close now um you could say that the lemurians made it a point in general to say we need to remember and the lemurians had very hyperdeveloped pineal and pituitary glands by the way very hyperdeveloped so now when
when um science says mankind's pineal gland is just a throwback they don't know what it is or what it's for but they just kind of go well whatever it was mankind must have used it once upon a time and it's now atrophying and it'll eventually be gone that's not it's mankind stopped using this consciousness therefore the gland is atrophying but in the lemurians it was very hyperdeveloped what does the pineal gland do it has a tail like a polywog and it flutters when light hits it but there's no light in your skull
or is there so why would you have a gland that responds to light because the inner light would awaken it and it would give you awareness it would give you vision so some animals now you see a flock let's say of birds and they're going like this and then they all go all at the same time i mean you know how do they do that like it's so bizarre it's like are they trained did one of them have a whistle that humans can hear ready everybody humans are watching everybody get ready to the right to the left
they're all one that's what's happening so when they say right they go right when they it's it's a we we and we and that's what happens humans think it was impressive to separate from each other segment they call it individual you know individuation or individualization and we think that's impressive it's it's really not all it's cracked up to be descartes said i think therefore i am jesus said when descartes said i think therefore i am he should have said i think therefore i'm not
as soon as he started thinking that you can think independently and be a little i a little tyrannical eye you lost sight of who you are i think therefore i'm not should be i choose not to think therefore i am and i know that sounds weird to some people i want my thinking which is why you're here we're going to be able to move from i think therefore i am to i accept i have faith in us and we're in this together we need to move a little right we need to move a little left i understand it if this group is taken over by ego
i can download more light to the group to feed off of to help bring them home which is what a teacher a parent or whatever is a healer should be doing seeing themselves is simply a little more choosing awakening therefore they can help the the group but they're still part of the group as soon as the teacher the mother whatever you know pulls away from and we're better than you're split off again therefore you're not so in a sense the the lemurians you could imagine their civilization was all about going home and that's why
we had you know years later you had schools and so forth and temples but this is how they lived what we now know your harry potter magic school it would be like that the children would be getting trained on having more magical abilities but not quite in the you know three-dimensional version of like a movie like that but it's like that magical abilities and they you know say incantations and be able to do things but it wasn't for the purpose of fighting each other it was it was how you lived you knew how to say
lights on lights off long before the clap on you know you know and the lights you know it's it's of course it's consciousness where you know why would we decide to stay limited in any form other than going all the way is you could say is beyond me or beyond some of us but if you think about it there's really only one answer it's fear and that's what it means to say people are afraid of their true power you're we're human beings are afraid of their true magical abilities are you thinking it's only the magic no
the reason people are afraid of remembering their true magical abilities is because they're first gonna have to take responsibility for acting very unmagical and that is too much for them even though we know the gift down the end is great god i could really get to the place where i can manifest anything really yeah but first you have to oh never mind i'll just go back to sleep again because i do not want to own my miscreations but if you know their miscreations then you'll know they're called illusions
and if they're illusions you don't have to be afraid of them oh but i'm terrified of them okay never mind go to sleep because that's that is technically the safest place to be asleep even a course in miracles will tell you the holy spirit will not come in and bring you to higher consciousness if it terrifies you so it's going to be a day at a time and those who say give me a quantum leap become the masters on this planet and we go wow how amazing this guy michael is he's teaching or this teacher over there this master from
the past we think it's amazing but that's nothing compared to where we're all going but we think it's so much safer to take one guy set them up on a podium or they've written a book or whatever and go wow aren't they amazing that's one reason we do it segment them out and place them there but where did they come from you that's your magic manifesting at the podium that's your light in that healer but you want to act like it's them because that keeps you nice and safe not owning it
your own magic and i'm not saying don't go to the teachers don't go to the healers go to them and own that they're part of you they would be able to work on you far more if you accepted your one with them you know instead of just projecting while you're the healer and i don't know you know i'm just all broken and i need your help because you're special it's okay to see them as special in a sense but you're also special as well so why don't you join your specialness
with theirs and they'll be able to know exactly what to do for your spine or your muscles or your joints or whatever else it happens to be why because they'll know who you are why because like in lemuria they'll be able to send out a frequency to say what's what's going on and it'll come back boop and when that signal hits him oh the the target is three miles away to the you know southwest et cetera meaning they'll tune in and go you know what this is this is you know chiropractic it used to be crunch crunch
you know whatever now it's going to be like you know the guy's going to be doing smudge and rattles and it'll be the etheric body and go you know what's happening this is a spear wound from five lifetimes ago you know healing is going to become healing instead of a linear topic you know you won't be a chiropractor or a surgeon i'm a healer and you just stay open and anything comes to you that needs done that's what healers are going to look like more and more because that's what they look like once
upon a time there was no segmenting no limitation it's how can i help you today i put myself before you you tune in and you can tell exactly what's going on for me just like parenting should be please take a few centering breaths breathing all this that's a transmission it's a channeling there's a frequency it took the form of words in a talk but that's not what's really happening you can hear today as a talk you don't like very dense you can hear it as a talk you do like less dense now you're raising vibration
you can hear it as a talk that was extraordinary and magical beyond even words and now you're going higher then beyond the words there's an experience something happened today it took me into the cosmos but don't analyze the cosmos civilizations vibrational conversations all of a sudden i just feel like i'm opening so let the talk now go from speaking to experiential this will expand as far as you allow it to remain the witness so you're present but also go the wonderment
at the very least let your mind enjoy the wonderment the realization that wow this has always been true the magical abilities of our consciousness it's always been true and throughout history there have been children of god trying to get us home so tune into it try this accepting that you're not a mere human being try tuning into do i feel like i've ever heard the term felt the term was the term bearer of light a light bearer children of light children of the one the lamorians were often called children
of the sun children of the law of god today a term that i came up with back in the 80s it's commonly used now light workers tune into it guys you you know the term there's a feeling to it you've done this work at some capacity i remember being like a child of the sun i remember the tropical beautiful place we once lived i remember the enormous trees like the redwoods i remember vibrations from flowers and essences i remember living in frequency and consciousness not density tune into it try to remember it so it
can start like time time release time release capsules so it starts kind of popping open cellular memory of a more magical time the divine mother is blessing this like all of our services and she when you're allowing this she's weaving into your mind and she'll work dependently independently with you in what you need to start opening neurons to remember this is not only possible this is inevitable so let's just speed it up and get there allowing this to open and open and open people that are asleep are afraid
they're often violent hurtful selfish of course it's what people do when they're afraid they act out and there are some of those that's the sleeping people act out angrily but sleeping people are also often victims because they don't step up and say no so whether you're aggressive or hyper passive it's still extremes of those who are asleep where do you really want to be the center so what we're seeing is people once upon a time lived in their center that's where i'm coming from now
that's what i'm choosing to be now more and more from my center i can step up or step back but not excessively i'm a light worker i'm awake i can prosper without taking from others i just prosper i can teach without preaching i can love without attachment center center center remind me remind me holy spirit and allow this to expand in my being and to continue blossoming then i become more and more like i was as a guide in lemurian lastly just feel like you're soaking
that in sort of owning that really anchoring this is not just a meditation or a visualization a reality i really truly get this i really feel like i'm integrating this into my being and i give thanks that today not only am i feeling this but i also understand it and many ways that i don't even know i get this there's one truth teaching under all the mythologies and everything else and we're getting back to that and that's my choice today and so it is nice job isn't that nice what's what's you know these humans oh
my god that's that's a phrase that pops out of my mouth i don't mean it in any like hyper rude way but it just i was some show or some whether it's history or whatever i'm just i just think god these humans man they're just like so strange how can they not see this you know how do they not know this how do they not see the connection to things let's talk about brahma and saraswati but wait isn't there a connection think about this how how often have you ever heard this brahma saraswati what about abraham and
sarah did anybody ever stop to think that maybe even though one seems to be far east indian no brahma and saraswati abraham and and sarah were being embodiments of them dense human versions but they were living that archetype their names are the same for god's sakes and yet you know people oh no there's no connection it's just funny to me but it's understandable separated minds see everything as separated well let's not be separated minds let's get back to one-mindedness and we see the connection and to me it's
wonderful to see those connections it's it's so exciting there are days when i think when everybody gets that what a day of celebration these two tribes beating up on each other well we're better than you wait sorry we're you you know you were attacking them but that was you're attacking yourself you were harming other people you're a narcissist you know and you're you're acting out but that's you experiencing you you know you just it's it's an amazing thing when you see
everything as projecting projection that comes back around eventually so thank you so much for sharing this time with us please stand for our closing prayer the connectedness ah breathe it in the connectedness native american and other continents cultures guys now when you see a show and you see them use those short terms you know you realize oh my god that was vibrational representations the beautiful language you know listen to cherokee and apache but hopi listen and then go indigenous people of every culture and
it's like wow there's they're they're talking vibrational representations not memorized words and meanings that came from someone else it's what are you and i'm experiencing you and then words hmm giving deep thanks that the light of god surrounds us the love of god unfolds us we are the power of god protects us we are the power of god and the presence of god watches over us wherever we go god is i am we are take a deep breath and so it is take a deep breath and a sound keep going take a breath when you need
and keep going [Music] keep going let the sound represent what you heard today what you learned today tune into all of the all and let the all make a sound through you become the sound we're not formulating words yet but at least a sound now own that sound let it vibrate in you as you through you and now lastly send it out to all others to your brothers and sisters throughout creation [Music] and so it is
peace be with you all we'll see you soon bye-bye thanks online folks you