mirror on the wall

I first bought this book for a friend of mine; she was going through a tumultuous transition and I wanted to help... I should have known better, a week later, it was my turn! I ended up having to get her another copy! This book doesn't erase scary feelings, it [...]

By |2021-07-01T12:11:54-07:00September 1, 2009|

You’re Not Going Crazy…

This could easily be referred to as a pocket guide to 'Life'. A spiritual navigation through the bumpy roads we endure written beautifully from a true Master. It describes what we are experiencing in a way we can grasp a true understanding of 'why' we experience the things we do [...]

By |2021-07-01T12:19:10-07:00August 31, 2009|

This book is a gem!

This latest book by Michael Mirdad is definitely a gem! It is concise and yet thorough. I have read it through a few times and still look up aspects of it again.I hadn't realized there were actual, definable steps to learn from within certain events I was labeling as failures, [...]

By |2021-07-01T12:16:54-07:00August 30, 2009|

A perfect handbook for transformation

I cannot remember how many copies of this book I have bought, because I keep giving my most current copy away. It is the human condition to change and transform ourselves and our lives, the bigger shifts in our consciousness can be frightening. We tend to think there is something [...]

By |2021-07-01T12:14:21-07:00August 30, 2009|

Thank heaven I am not going crazy!

What a brilliant and powerful little book. This is a potent and concise description of the stages one goes through as they walk through soul transformation. What a relief it was to find that I was not alone in the things I was experiencing in my journey to "enlightenment". I [...]

By |2021-07-01T12:11:06-07:00August 30, 2009|

Undergoing Changes in Your Life?

"You're Not going Crazy" is a learner's manual for being a human on planet Earth where change is the "name of the game." Who has not experienced various degrees of angst from wanted or unwanted changes? Michael Mirdad gives a "blow by blow" description of the psychological/emotional/mental processes all of [...]

By |2021-07-01T12:09:29-07:00August 30, 2009|

You’re Not Going Crazy

This book is very concise and comforting. It gives life lessons in an easy format and reaffirms the progress you have made in life already. I recommend all Michael's books and workshops.

By |2021-07-01T12:24:52-07:00August 29, 2009|
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