What’s it about? The Dark Night of the Soul: Out of the Dark and into the Light is a guide to understanding, enduring, and embracing it as a gift, a clear and present benefit of our soul’s inner life revealing who we truly are: The Divine Expression of God in materialized spiritual form. This book expresses how it is this process, the unfolding of our heart, as the seat of our soul that purges all that is unlike God by illuminating the relevant tests, lessons, and situations that have served us up to this point. By being mindful and considering the unfolding of the “dark night of the soul” for us, we can be released to receive and give more and more of our truest nature. We live to our greatest purpose by acknowledging and experiencing the crises of spiritual growth. They potentially hold space for absolute transformation into the awakening of Christ Consciousness. Having read this book has allowed me to see this ever more clearly. The “dark night of the soul” is an instrument for dismantling the worn out old self to create a new self, the divine self. The “ten things to do and to avoid doing” chapters are keys to not only going through the “dark night of the soul”, but show how the dying to the old self, forgiving us and our seeming others, allows us to be reborn into renewal on all fronts. If I had to pick one quote that epitomizes this book: “The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great Light.” ~St. John of the Cross~
Now recognizing I have been through the “dark night of the soul” several times, even as a child, I see and understand how useful they have been to me. Would I have liked to been able to have found my way without so much suffering? Yes, indeed! But after each experience, I found renewal and a new beginning was now possible. If I have any regrets, it is that this book had not yet been written earlier to help guide me into more peace and acceptance. Can this book change your life? Absolutely, positively, without a doubt! I would recommend this book to anyone who thinks that “the dark night of the soul” serves no purpose other than suffering.

Joan Belle