“Since I saw Michael in Massachusetts a few months ago and attending his workshops, a lot of growth has transpired. I bought several of his CD’s, many of which I have now lent to my clients because I felt they could learn so much. One man in particular is a 62-yea- old retired gentleman whom I have been meeting with in therapy/spiritual direction weekly for five years. He’s a man of faith, but had previously thought of taking his own life and is clinically very depressed. He’s been very angry at God at the way his life turned out. So I gave him Michael’s CD on ‘You’re Not Going Crazy.’ After listening to the CD, he could not give it back to me. He listened and listened daily, and sometimes many times daily. So I just let him keep it. And now he’s a changed man. There’s something about Michael and  his energy and his language and his expression that was just what this man needed to push him out of the birth canal. I have not seen him this motivated or clear about anything in the five years we’ve been meeting. He’s devouring Michael’s concepts of God loves his humor. While I am sure this kind of growth is happening to many people in many places that experience Michael, I still had to write. Every single soul that is affected should be celebrated!”

–K, MA