We Are What We Believe
you and I live in a world and it's so interesting because we're we're made in God's image so there's a spiritual pure perfect child of God part of us and let's metaphorically let's say that that's the heavenly energy in us not heavenly as the cosmos but divine divine okay then there's this other part that thinks it's a person with stuff with problems I mean you you know you can't be divine and have issues but we we came up with a way to do it nobody else could do this nobody else could have screwed
things up the way we have we're so unique in in an odd kind of a way we've done the impossible and the good news is it is impossible to ruin God's kingdom now humans go you know in our thinking sometimes we go you know the universe it's it's this battle of good and evil that was never I don't care if you're talking about the King Arthur knights or if you're talking about some Far Eastern tradition North American South America this battle of good and evil it's never been a battle between God and a devil
it's not like God's going God we almost lost that battle it's it's there's nothing that can oppose God not because God's stronger and bigger because there is only good but it's it's God I said this in one of our weekly broadcast somewhere this week but it's God / good somebody added an O or subtracted to know God is synonymous with good true good but then there's evil a daddy it's devil honestly it's not God versa devil it's good versus evil but what is the
evil that good fights evil comes from the word a veil so all that happens is that you can't destroy God's kingdom but what you can do is put a veil over it so that you can't see God's kingdom and that's evil not the action but the aftermath so there's pure God and then we put up a veil and act like we're living in darkness and that's painful so now you have what seems to be oh you know what is hel like aw it's like constant pain people are tortured that's what it's like to put a veil between good and
us lift the veil or Arthurian mythology pierce the veil Percival pierce the veil and you see God again how do you pierce the veil well you take it by storm no you can't make it happen what are you gonna do fix God it's a veil who put it there we did who's gonna remove it we are you can't even say God please remove the veil that we put there and believe in God's gonna say that would be taking away your beliefs I will not strip away your will I cannot and will not strip away your will you were made in my
perfect image to strip something away makes you wrong I would like you just to do the following like a 12-step program God says I would like you to realize how miserable you are without me and then long do you have me and that is absolutely perfect that is the perfect parenting style perfect parenting style you can't like just make your kids behave it's important sometimes in parenting to tell stories of ourselves or lessons in life give them metaphors examples you know so that they understand your you have the right to
choose this but why would you want to why would you want to it's kind of painful you know when my kids asked about you know when they were talking about when they were little and got to be teenagers and I never said to them don't ever date don't ever do this don't I just said if you're going to and it'll inevitably happen I just prayed that it'll be with someone you love you know that's all I can only hope for your best you're still gonna do what you want to do I can model examples I can
try to alter this or you know say this but I can't force them to do or not do so God in this perfect parenting style with us is basically refusing to make us good make us be good instead as Jesus says in the Course in Miracles you have to become aware of how unhappy you are that's called reaching bottom in a program and I've always said why does bottom have to be something you eventually reach why can't it be just today why can't you just go I'm just gonna call today miserable enough I
don't actually have to get worse why don't you let one hangover be enough instead of a DUI and losing your job and your partner what why not why not just the effects of alcohol you know the hangover and people humans man they're over the toilet bowl they're always finding God on their knees and I'll never drink again and once you're done that's probably it I'm done throwing up you know a call hey we're going out again tonight I'm there man where was your new life resolution you know it's
like one minute finding God the next minute forgetting so human beings if it's not obvious have an addiction and it's not just drugs alcohol and so on food and whatever we're essentially we're addicted to not just the drinking food this place we're in an unhealthy addiction we come to realize it's it's impossible for for any person to live in the material world we're spiritual beings and yet are we dense beings some of us say we're both here's a problem you can't be both you
can try to be both which is what we do and guess what it causes us problems because we have this spiritual calling then we have these human compulsions and this person standing right here Michael or you or you or you or you any of us this little space we take up is actually a collision between God's will and our own when you here in the scriptures choose whom you will serve you have before you go to navel God and you know whatever you want to call it light dark you have before you these shoes it didn't
say so blend the two and have gray it says choose whom you will serve it now here's the the downside to that religiously we were taught you need to choose and it needs to only be God or else well that's not actually choosing that's make believing you're you're pretending to be religious choose whom you will serve is not like you better choose choose means you get to and I didn't choose very well today tomorrow I get to choose again so tomorrow I go you know yesterday I didn't choose to start
my day with prayer I'm gonna do that and then after I did I go wow that's weird cuz I was in the shower today and I actually was a little you know just feeling like excited for the day like I was feeling motivated instead of showering and on still sleepy it's like I feel ready I wonder if that prayer might have helped and then you realize I'm gonna kind of sit with my meal and just hold presence for a moment instead or don't you know devouring your food there's this Wow setting aside these
moments to be with me be with me God calling in that presence and what happens prayer and things like affirmation meditation these things are actually curing the collision between spiritual energy and material energy we're not cursing or making wrong material choose whom you will serve means I get to choose the only real answer which is that I am God's holy child in whom by the way God is well pleased well I don't feel like that I mean I've cussed five times and I'm not even out of bed yet
I've already customs I needed a drink had three cigarettes and you know I'm not even out of bed then judge yourself and you're not any better you know instead just be able to say this is funny I'm not even out of bed yet I remember this guy he was a student of mine in A Course in Miracles uni he was this lumberjack really that's not like a job that he was a lumberjack he was a you know a tree cutter and all and in the northwest and anybody who's from Jersey and so he's like hey Michael
how you doing and so I remember did a visualization once okay everybody you know Annan and picture you're moving you're now drifting into a beautiful forest and there's trees in the stream and then you look down and at your feet in the stream there's a drinking cup of some kind you reach into the stream and notice what kind of cup it is now I'm like it's a chalice it has the you know BG it's just a beautiful dazzling beautiful chalice and it's got gemstones on it and all this that's what I'm
thinking and the stream is crystal clear and you drink from the greenery oh my god dense you know lush that's what I'm thinking and so we're done and I say okay everybody share well it was a clear-cut forest all the trees were cut and when you said reach for a chalice or two cup or whatever mine was one of those cups who they have poker cards on the side and hoe so this is the kind of guy he was and I'm like well how because this is also a it's truly it's a psychological test you can bring three people through
and it reveals things so so he he says to me you know I'm doing this course and miracles with you and here's what happens for me now when I wake up now instead of just starting my day every day I can hear my ego sitting on the headboard saying it's about time you got up We Need to Talk I mean this poor guy that's his way of starting his day that would be the opposite of what I'm trying to explain today you're gonna start you didn't be able to laugh at it and go god that that sounds
like that guy that michael was talking about and and it does because you're starting your day somewhere are you getting up on the right side of your head like the right side of the bed are you getting up with with God it and I'm not talking about six hours of ohm and mani padmi and chanting I'm not talking about that seconds with God done with intention is worth what some people do for hours or days or years just truly humbly and remember don't think of God as something vicious dear Jesus I hope
I'm okay it's you get to you get to talk to God when Jesus told you to talk to God he said talk to that being that's like your own father like Abba hey Dad guess what talk to it like it's close it's real it's approachable so not to be afraid of God so this concept we are what we believe and of course in miracles' then has this line that says something I'm paraphrasing slightly you you will believe that what you are you will believe what you are based on where you are so if you live in slums you
think you're poverty-stricken if you live in bad relations you think that's all you deserve if you live in addiction you think that's what you are you're not an addict it's what you do it's not who you are it's what you're doing and so this gets tricky we are what we believe and then our environment confirms it you and I already believed that we're off that we separated from God and all the outside world is doing is confirming it so we deal with tragedy and difficulty and betrayals and so on but it's it's
already it's actually mirroring what we already believe inside so the outside doesn't make for who we are but it makes us it adds to our beliefs like it's a confirmation so human beings say I would be better if only this different my relations and so on because we believe what we perceive but it's not true you actually perceive what you already believed but nobody's going to get that unless they know how to take responsibility humans love to say well I would have if only well if only this
would have been different because we think again we believe what we perceive so if only my family were nicer and empowered me I could have been something no you already didn't think you were anything and they improved it so what do you want to do with that oh I'm just gonna I'm seeing a stay in this misery you know and that's not God's will and that's the good news is if we realize that God's on our side then you realize I have all the power in the universe just change this so call on that power
you're not begging for something you're calling on something gods like waiting for it yes come on come on I know you can do it so there's nothing wrong other than we don't believe it we have not yet learned to believe in what we deserve and that's because of you know the good old self-worth I separated from God I've been raised in the shames and guilts naughty things were done to me people have bad-mouthed me you know my parents said I could never this my partner did that and somebody betrayed
me on and on I mean everything you know sexual preferences I'm going to help for that non sexual preferences I'm going to help for that everything's just not looking really good I mean even if you just believe instead of heaven hell reincarnation you're like all this next one's not gonna be very good at all it can't go well so but these are all my beliefs and what's behind him right here what who I believe I am which tiptoes through the talks we've done the last few weeks it's all based
on who I believe I am now when someone says that and you sit with that you can close your eyes and go okay I believe I'm a good person I believe and and now what I'm doing is I'm efforting to convince myself that I'm a nice person little cards on your bathroom mirror you know I'm wonderful you know that is still you trying to convince you're still using your head it's better than the opposite and thinking negative things about yourself I'm saying it still involves effort there's another way
ask God instead of okay I'm a good person I am a good dad I am a good stop and say I don't know I don't know you show me who I really am and what I am and then don't think it's gonna come as a feeling it might be subtle it might be profound but when a child of God releases their opinions of themselves which is arrogant to have in the first place you and I are actually programmed to believe that we're arrogant to say something nice about ourselves and we're learning to understand you are
absolutely arrogant to think that you're something other than God said you are who are you to decide that well I mean I'm a stop you're wrong I have a license of no you're wrong I'm certified in wrong but I have a lot of experience everal life don't drawn nothing you can say can be accurate if it isn't coming from God within God speaking to us isn't that amazing I mean I just dissed humans completely nothing you can ever think without God is accurate you're always wrong that's a great empowering
statement here's the here's the good news in case you didn't get it your you've always been wrong you can't think anything accurately you can't speak the truth you're always lying and you're always wrong that'll give you a good day right I feel so empowered this is good news because anything that you think you're thinking without God is wrong because you can't ever actually think without God when you're trying to think without God you're not plugged into anything real it's your own conjuring
--zz it doesn't matter if the conscience or negative contries are positive conjuring I'm I'm a good person really what makes you think so well and you start giving evidence do you know that if God answered you wouldn't need evidence I am that I am that's it it's kind of nice well because because you know and this is kind of cool with parenting no you can't do that why who says I am that I am that'd be kind of cool with kids right Oh stay away from dad man he's really in his Center today but instead
parents you know well because I I just don't think you know honey and and you're afraid of them being mad at you that's not God when people are plugged in god I remember like a story of a gal who who I'm so many there's so many that flood my mind right now but in particular a story of a gal who she went down to a market to shop for some groceries and at some point she started seeing a guy was kind of looking at her strangely she thought I'm just gonna leave the store and she walked back up the roads
to her house when she got to her house there was the guy was at her house he followed her home and as she was putting some things aside she went to her front door and he was in the end by her front door she realized immediately not only this isn't good she realized his face is the one that's been in the papers yeah the raping and murdering women in this region and this is not good she realized I'm in trouble and so she started to cower and she started to get afraid and shrink back and he starts walking towards her and
then in her mind a quick instant kind of a god be with me help me and something in her switched and she started looking at him like what do you want and immediately there's a space instead of theory of hers he realizes she's speaking up what do you want so he's like what and he's now getting nervous well I'll tell you what I want I'm gonna take control of this situation whatever you know and she says no you're not well I just told you I'm going to yeah but you're not and he starts
getting confused and within of seconds two minutes the whole role reversed the whole role reversed he started shrinking back and she then says now get lost she walks by him to her front door cuz he's gotten in front of her door now he actually shielded his face as she walked by him that was not what he's been doing lately and that's not what a typical victim would do she found her Center I'm not saying it always goes perfectly like that but it often does a guy picked a girl up once who was hitchhiking and was giving her ride and
it was very clear I'm going up here he drives a few blocks that direction then he takes a different turn she said what are you doing he said just mind your own business I have other plans for you well no no but wait a minute and and he starts seeing here this is great she's scared and I have her where I wanted and before you know it she starts saying you know what this is silly you don't really want to do this yes I do no you don't you know this is really not good and this is gonna come back on you
and she starts philosophizing with him the end of that story after he's taking these turns down these dark areas you know the end of that story is he got so upset he brings her to her destination he was crying and said get out of the court look what you've done to me didn't hit something so you can handle your kids if these people can handle that you can handle your kids you can handle people at work you know you can handle things when somebody says you know we don't think we're gonna be able to give you that
raise when you when you know who you are you can say things like okay if it didn't happen this week I still know that it'll come around soon have a different belief in what you deserve it is not arrogant for you to speak up and call : what you know this is what I'm gonna choose in my life it does get tricky because we are control freaks and narcissists very you know to a great degree so there's a part of us that starts making demands and that's not what I asked just now the human part will start to over compensate make
demands thinking that's called empowered if it's empowered it comes from God because God is the only real power so we live in this life and we're a collision you know when people say man you look like a wreck you are you're a collision of heavenly and earthly energies not like yin yang but literally the cosmic God divine trying to come through us and the human that says the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak bambam it every second of every day you have that collision going on no wonder glands shut down and organs
fail and because there's this collision because we don't know how to say you have two things to choose reality and illusion choose reality you have two things to choose God or mana the material world God choose God's so that this can gently continue on down through instead of crashing in the heart with the other energy breathe and practice drawing in this other option God's presence you're not shaming the material because you're not going to call God in and then suddenly ascend calling God in
means I'm gonna change the way I live in my life and in this world okay it's that you're in the world but not over the world it's really amazing I feel more at ease I feel happier but I also feel more guided I don't just walk in a walk around going oh hello namaste you get stuff done you you know but it's just so effective and efficient you feel like you have insight you're writing a book that used to take you three years to write and it comes to you in days you know just something happens poems you
know you see you have to work hard to figure out those fun you know rhymes and and all of a sudden it starts flowing how to say whatever to your parent to your children how to deal with mediating between two people things just come just like I'm doing a talk things just come to us it can be that way but not just in one category it can be that way on all areas of our life in all areas of our life it needs to be parenting and intimacy and work place and whatever else our lives are supposed to be looking really grand
you know we use Jesus as an extreme example Buddha as an extreme example mother Teresa that's their particular thing that they needed wanted to do you don't have to go to Calcutta and work with lepers you don't have to you know hang out with just a small band of people and walk around and try to be crucified at the end you don't have to starve yourself to the extreme bow to ever do you don't stand up here like Michael does just ask for how it's supposed to be in you and then you're
living the Christ life put on the Christ mind put on the consciousness and allow you know God you just to imagine some of us don't like to think that we think negatively of God that God's gonna punish us and all you might not want to believe that but that's what happens in our subconscious it's really there but what about the opposite not only do we need to get over that God wants to punish us what if it's true that God loves us what if God actually does want to kind of take us home what if it
doesn't matter if you've messed up your life in your opinion of messing up your life what if God says yeah so anyway what well I you know I did I did this one thing I smoked puppet I didn't inhale you know and God says what you should have known wouldn't hurt you at all that you could have used it oh my god you know I never did a lot of drugs and all those kinds of things you know it never really just did anything for me but one time oh my god I tried that and it was the weirdest thing I hope you don't mind this but it was the
weirdest thing I the beach with some friends and they're doing this and you know smoking and I'm like wow you know so I tried this out and a few minutes later I swear to god somebody said something funny and I laughed I would and my my head I couldn't lift it back up it it felt back home like oh man I can't lift my head up I swear and then I realized oh is this what people are doing you know and yeah so it was so bizarre and I thought yeah I don't want to do that too much because you have to
go okay so I'm gonna go home so it was never my thing you know really to do that but but it doesn't matter because you might have said well I don't really care about you know smoking about drinking and that's not a big deal so I live with that pretty well but there's this other thing I did it doesn't matter which thing you think you're gonna have thought you did something and even when you don't think you've done any overt hurtful actions some people still think you did and you're gonna carry that
because you're a human and you think that you know because we know the outside reflects the inside right we know the outside is a hologram that shows us our own stuff inside so the problem with that story did that fact that the outside mirrors the inside partly the way the ego uses that it does this and that means that if people don't like you they're probably right you should really consider that other people's opinions of you it uses the law which is the outside is only a mirror and convinces us that we should be
concerned about that and in fact when people do say hurtful harmful things to you and they tempt you to you know just stay stuck or hurt or wounded or whatever belittling or whatever just remember you have a choice who will you serve today whose opinion do I today and ultimately it should be think to yourself if not speaking and think to yourself thank god does god doesn't agree with that you're a terrible this you're terrible you know but that's not the way God created me if you don't make a choice
you're making a choice get that if you don't choose the righteous voice then you're still allowing the other one and that's a choice you can't say well I'm just not gonna choose either cuz I didn't know about this you know now and you can't say well I don't know which one it's not my responsibility it is your responsibility make a choice so of myself I'm nothing that means this material self I choose to know me as God knows me I screw up a little pay and parenting well God how would you have me
improve that God is not somewhere else it's here and it can and does speak to us honey here's what I would like you to work on so think of God as that's why I recommend so often the book Jesus calling because it's a way of hearing God or Christ or something talking to you like it's right next to you or within you saying here's how I would like you to consider your day today when this happens why don't you consider that like it's a good friend people are too often so close to dysfunctional
people they should be questioning that instead of questioning whether they can talk to somebody who seems invisible I mean after all God's invisible at least my dysfunctional friends are right here with me so so part of what I'm getting to us we're going to come to a close soon it is simply think in terms of God is as close as your own heart if you want to hear divine messages mind you when you first hear here comes that voice that maybe this is God it often isn't God because you're not used to
believing you can hear that so you might still hear human chatter it's like it's like dreaming when you sleep at night most people's dreams are base level dreams which is basically all bits of stuff surfacing during your dream state like Freud said but what Freud didn't understand is after you burn off the ego based little bits and frustrations of the day you can start getting deeper messages he didn't believe in that but that's what happens you start getting deeper more vivid more lucid messages and then eventually you
start having revelations from God itself it evolves to that don't try to push how fast it happens but it does go through those stages and it's like that on earth if you're trying to hear God's guidance a lot of times you're just gonna hear chatter and you're gonna go if that's what as good as it gets I mean really I said God what would you have me do today and it said order Domino's you know and it was that God well maybe not if Domino's is your favorite food that might give you a hint so you get past
that stuff and you start listening and say to say to yourself if it's God it's gonna sound loving it's gonna sound inspiring it's gonna sound healing it's gonna be something that seems clear not convoluted like Jesus says in A Course in Miracles God never meant this gift of tongues that different groups and religions practice he said God would have never meant for people to speak in various tongues if they couldn't understand one another the gift would have been to speak in a tongue that
everybody could miraculously understand now do you think he's just talking about language how about behaviors attitudes so when you get guidance from God it shouldn't be convoluted it shouldn't be something you have to decipher if you start to believe you're deserving in hearing clear loving inspiring healing messages then that's what you'll get it doesn't happen right away keep telling yourself but I know what I deserve and I'm going to hang in there I'm gonna be tenacious with this and you hang in
there and the message will come differently you might be surprised because it might come through you affecting you which is important but it might continue after affecting a part of you it your head in your heart and bless you over there it might also then channel into a song or a poem or a message to somebody or whatever else it might be so imagine the different world we're gonna have when people make that their habit instead of the negatives their habit just imagine that when people are sharing the good
news of God you know instead of the drudgery zuv life what if people are meeting in the market what was your miracle today oh thank you for asking the most cool tea this wonderful thing I didn't think this was possible but and then they're going oh my god that's amazing because I had something very similar that should be the conversations like where we're all talking about how God has come you know has come to the world and is coming to the world again you know like some really glorious but positive form of a sci-fi movie people
are starting to have miracles and insights and visions and revelations which is all predicted to have come in anyway you know down the road revelation of people starting to shift and go through challenges in life and purging --zz and whatever but eventually a new heaven and earth a new jerusalem but that can be right now and instead of in a few selected mystics it's for us all God's children are only messed up because that's what they believe they believe they've done wrong they believe they've sinned in the Garden of Eden
metaphorically they believe they've eaten from the bad fruit instead of the other fruit I should have had that but that wasn't organic enough I ate from the space sprayed pesticide tree instead of the organic when it was clearly marked organic fruit you know I ate from it's not you just forgive eat from the tree of forgiveness get over yourself and say you know what man I have had so many opinions of myself and don't be afraid of saying them I'm gonna make a list I think I'm too this I think I'm
not enough that make a list knowing that you're gonna burn it when you're done wow look at the huge list of of things that I think about myself some of them are great I'm amazing but that's still my opinions make your list positive traits negative traits make a list and then burn them when you burn them burn them with conscious intention today I am burning all of my and you can have another list - what others think of you burn it if you're ready to commit to it - doing this then burn it and say now I don't know I don't
know who I am show me God and it's scary because part of us are going you know people are already thinking I've lost my mind this is gonna take it even further my memories already been challenged lately this is going to take it even further and so what if God is with me what could be against me so we start to realize God this is just amazing my life is changing everything's transitioning into if I believe I'm God's child Wow before I know it my life starts to look like it why do you think ghosts hang
around planet Earth it's they think they're still on Earth because their habitat convinces them they're still here even though they're in another dimension but they still see signs of material world so you're going to go into spirit behavior consciousness you're still going to see some of the garbage of this world and then you're going to be tempted to believe well if I'm still in the material negative world I must still be a negative low person like a ghost but no the ghost needs to
say what go to the light so tell yourself do not believe your eyes you think you separated from God and went from being a spiritual being to a material one which is incorrect but if that's the way it seems so I have a limited human life then I created in my limited human universe I created an world I created a limit limited human body limited and then on the body I stuck a couple of limited human eyes all of it lies to me all of it lies why would you treat something as though it's real when you say when you think about
vision I'm looking for a guide let's see there's God and then there's my eyes my eyes that are wired backwards sees everything upside down has anomalies that it fills in with programs of my brain so that I don't get suspicious that I'm seeing things that are an illusion that sounds like a good guide you know then why don't you go to a psychic who's like you know drinking and stoned out of their mind let's look into the crystal ball you know why don't go to if you're gonna go that far out
why not go to that God or these things they're lying to me they're gathering bits of information and then throwing them into my brain where it says summarizes the situation and says best as we can tell this is what's happening and then there's God knowingness man my life is changing because of that capital K knowingness and what's also cool is I'm bringing those changes to others I've said this many times I don't care if you read the Bible a Course in Miracles 12-step material Buddhism all the greatest
teachings on this planet 12 steps 25 steps 365 workbook lessons all the different things you can study they all are saying three things practice connecting more with God let that make a difference inside of you and bring that difference to others that's all everything is saying every one of my talks every great great really great book that's what it's saying it should bring you closer to God it should make a change in you as a person and then you bring that change to others what other he what humans do is I'm not feeling God
I don't like me so I'm gonna go to others to get everything I need complete reversal you left out the God self and went to others that's why people are so consistently codependent how do you cure codependence which is the most rampant of all addictions God first awakened self bring the change to others instead of I need you to be what I'm not I need you to be what I don't feel from God practice connecting with God takes time yes it took time to become dysfunctional the way you are too but you want to do it
differently or not yes um I have to I'm not gonna wait for my codependent version of DUI I'm just gonna say today is enough I'm not gonna wait for another failed relationship to prove that I'm codependent I'm just gonna call today enough I don't need any more evidence the fact that you sit around on a planet just turn on the news and that should convince you this is not my home you know and and realize do I really want to sit around with beer wine and reality shows because that's what
people have gotten addicted to anymore it's ridiculous there's nothing positive about it so there's a guy I met a couple times but a guy who who has sat down and tried to tell people about get back to God get back to God and work your programs if you're in a program and everybody should be in a some version of a program so get back to God and work your your your sobriety and so forth he says then he talks about relationships and he says you know what you can't do this halfway relationships ship stuff
it'll never work I've been married for 40 years in love faithful and my partner helped me see my addictions and help me work on my addictions I loved every day that I wake up or Alma on my way home I looked forward to seeing that person that's really that's love not the you know addictive codependent kind of love he's talking about true when you truly love somebody you'll respect them so he's talking about faithfulness and looking forward to seeing that partner and he says that's the same way it
should be at work you'll know you've found your soul's purpose when you look forward to doing it again instead of I have to go to work that's not a soul's purpose I get to I get to go to work that's you know what I've never ever thought to myself oh another Sunday service fine you know today's talk is going to be from Deuteronomy you know such-and-such I've never felt that way so this this this person on you know you see the internet or you know in a talk somewhere on the talk talk show or if
you've ever met them they'll say the same thing about what what real love should look like what what commitment to a higher life would look like and it can't be done without God he would say who's the guy I'm talking about his name is Alice Cooper yeah it changed his life one day he realized I've gone too far and I can easily kill myself and he said I was brought up a pastor's child and I rebelled in every possible way and he said when I was just about dead I thought to myself it doesn't have to go
any further there was my wife being faithful to me and she was saying I'm gonna go if because I'm not gonna be here for your suicide and he thought why would I turn my back on love that doesn't make any sense not just her love but love so he said you know I came back I came back to Christ I came back to God I came back to realizing that I have value I mean and the guy's healthier than people that never live that way it's kind of bizarre but turning our lives around surrendering to God good things happen
alrighty so soak this in do your best to try to let this be a difference for you this isn't Michael lecturing this is us hearing something right for ourselves any part that didn't seem right you get to brush it off just ignore it any part that you heard this talk or any talk that felt right that made sense soak it in because ultimately we're all gonna realize what looks like us me giving a talk and me writing a book and you talking to each other is really us mirroring to ourselves how we're doing
every day I heard really wise talk today I'm glad that I was part of that but you still have to get that that's you reflecting waking up if you heard any decent things in a book or a talk or whatever it is a reflection of you choosing to wake up so thank yourself it's not arrogant to do so had you not chosen to wake up that would be really hazardous so it's right for you to say I can see I'm making better choices this is great it's good to do that you don't even have to thank you God that I'm
making better choices God's never kept you from making better choices you can thank God for the life that always has been planned for you but give yourself thanks and continue in that direction and be an example to others God self others be an example to others not preaching to them but just you know live it people should know that you're connected without you telling them they should just be able to see it you know God you you know you smile even even when you're pulled over and getting a ticket
you know you seem at peace the few times in my life ever ever gotten pulled over I've never failed to shake the hand of the police officer I always stumps them so to say listen I want to thank you and I told you guys before honestly you know one time I'm like you know thank you and you know whatever and then they give you this speech well and if you would like to dispute this ticket you can go to collection you got to be kidding me you know how many times I've done this and not gotten caught I deserve this I'm not
gonna go dispute even if I'm innocent it doesn't make any difference ten times I did it you weren't there so you know one time I even said I even said and if you park there tomorrow you'll catch me again we were on a sacred sites trip once and man the guy driving was driving way too fast I kept saying you better you know chill you know and he just kept getting back to the accelerator and going going you know and I'm like and eventually a cop caught us we turned this story down these hills
in the northwest or the southwest over here somewhere and cop pulled us over and said what you're going like 20 miles over the speed limit you know and the guy driving you know he's like oh sorry you know and then he's writing up a ticket and then I said now can I ask you a question now that that's done you know yes he gives the ticket to the kid and he says yes what do you need and he says I said we're looking for a particular town because we're on a sacred site store and I said we're looking for a
particular town and we don't know how many hours cuz we have a group of people couple of few cars character event we need to know how long it'll take to get to that place he said all that's hundreds of miles and it's about six hours and I said oh you're kidding we were hoping to be there in three and he says no you got a good six hours I said no problem couples just speed and the cop actually belted forward laughing so hard it was so great you know to say something that just caught him off-guard
he expects all the anger at it you know and I'm instead playing with him let's take a few centering breaths and as you're relaxing and gently closing your eyes breathing remember part of the message today the human ego mind and the body that it manufactured and the eyes that it uses keeps trying to gather evidence that we are less than God created us to be that's all all we need to do is practice saying it was circumstantial evidence just because it looked true that I was a fragile weak person that I had been abused that I had
done abuses now it's circumstantial presented as such and the judge will throw it out of court spiritual court instead I am as God created me and no longer going to fight to defend the evidence that my ego has built against me for the next couple of minutes allow your mind to speak and name first positive characteristics you think about yourself I'm not looking for major insights from God I'm asking our human sounds what makes you a good person at all
it could be well-kept hair you look nice good parent you got straight A's in school whatever it happens to be just make your own little inventory intelligent high IQ nurturing for every item you name just imagine there's ten others that you're forgetting long lists of good traits even if you don't think maybe they have poor behaviors and addictions but you have beautiful eyes then name beautiful eyes anything that's a positive even if it's things other people have told you you're very bright you're very spontaneous
you're very funny you have good posture don't pretend you don't have any everybody's got lots of good qualities and remember for everyone you're naming there's several more you're forgetting so the point is there's a long list of positive traits and then try the opposite shortcomings failures make a good list of those as well where his slipped addiction is misbehaving neglects people you've thrown under the bus people you've rejected people you betrayed but also I've been betrayed
I've been as those are negatives in your life things done to you or done by you and for every one you named there's several more you're forgetting the reason I'm saying there's several more you're forgetting is so that you can accept that you are bringing it all to the altar not leaving any stone left unturned where have I not been good enough we're having not been loved enough where did I not love it now where it wasn't I patient enough fired from a job dumped in a relationship
all of these thoughts the negatives the positives all stacked up all put on it in a book each a negative book positive or on a flash drive whatever you want to imagine take them and set them on an altar in your mind if I do can I set all this on an altar to surrender it all of my opinions of myself can I really surrender that I have evidence that I've been here and done this and they've done that to me I about it but can you let it go set it on the altar even at the risk of not knowing then who you are cuz
that's one of the scary parts not just what we've done in experience it's the unknowns and imagine the consciousness of the holy spirit descending to that altar dissipating breaking up all those memories all those titles and things you came up with and turning it into little sparkles and lifting it from the altar up to the heavens drawing all of our opinions and experiences and that those of others towards us lifting it all to the heavens even at the risk of not knowing who I am of my little self I am nothing
and we believe that that's at best where we're going to be left oblivion we have judged God and forgotten that God will now refill us so imagine that this beautiful light of spirit now starts descending from the heavens through our head into our heart with every next several inhalations this beautiful light you don't know what the lights going to look like or what it's gonna do all I know is that it's filling me with God's holiness this holiness which comes from the word wholeness whole wh wholeness it will give me
everything this will make me things I didn't even think I could be I am man and woman tall and short creative and smart I'm all things to all people I am being filled with the presence of God it can do anything this holiness of mind blesses the world this holiness blesses my life as a child of God I am blessed as a child of God I'm happy as a child of God I'm joyous as a child of God I'm abundant as a child of God I give hugs I give smiles where and when appropriate as a child of God I paid people's tabs
in the grocery line if that's what I've got I can do anything I'll be strong when people are suffering in week I'll be centered when they're shatter every direction and there's moments when I still might grow weak and my heart soul confidence failing I'll reach out to you God as well as anyone who's holding your presence counselors chaplains friends teachers but in the moments in my Center and remembering I'm here my holiness can do anything there's nothing my holiness
cannot do I am for all intents and purposes God's presence on earth and I choose now to live accordingly my slip it's all right I'll bounce back what I do know is where I'm headed even if once in a while the car stalls I'm still heading home by living and a few final centering breaths thinking of this feeling this hearing and praying it integrating it few breaths drawing that integrating that they gradually stretching when you're stretching imagine that you're packing as you ah step stress and intense a
muscle to stretch it you're actually packing what we just accomplished into that muscle you're packing the truth of what we covered into those joints you know like like it's a hug in a sense of each of those joints when you stretch up into my spine into my neck to my legs that beautiful presence packed in thank you take time in make sure you integrate that and I pray it feels good and complete within itself but also remember it connects well with the last few weeks in case you want to go back and revisit some of those topics