Universal Mother
oh thank you well those of you who are guests you may or may not know exactly our format it's what we decide to talk about isn't pre-advertised it's something that you know we typically i'll ask the audience what topics they want me to cover or there might be a kind of a vibe in the air or sometimes it's it's uh the sacred reading i'll hear a word and it kind of snaps and i go there we go so it's kind of spontaneous and since we're in sedona we just call it channeling um you know
but um when people have asked me you know how do you do that you know like um there's this one kind of interesting story one time i was doing the sunday service for a a unity church in florida and got up and realized you know wow i don't know where this place is so found out and and went flying you know at 90 miles an hour on 50 mile an hour streets side streets just fly looking for this place because i was running behind because didn't know where it was but they had construction so it was like all this hectic craziness
and um i finally come you know re just whipping into the parking lot and the minister's out there poor thing you know she's like oh my gosh what am i going to do you know he's not here i come into the parking lot and we go in and she's oh i'm so glad you're oh my god michael you know we're all waiting everybody's excited that you're visiting us this week so i go in we sat down and she's like you could just tell she's like giving thanks to all kinds of entities so she's doing all this gratitude and we
sat and then what do you want me to talk about she just poor thing turned white like you're kidding i'm like no no really um so it's i call this search find meaning a word it could be in the song that we're singing or it could be whatever this is how it can be for us for anybody edgar casey i remember once saying in meditation any human being in meditation could receive an answer to any question whether it's where are your lost car keys or the secrets of the universe but it's don't take it all too literally
it's it's the principle any of us how could we not know what we need to know at any given moment if we are one with god then you could know anything that god knows but because we don't own our oneness with god it creates a division it creates a blank an empty space that we think there's a chasm between the moment asking and the moment receiving right and then we even stop asking because what's the point god word my car keys now since you're technically there's this chasm and there's you're
technically i'm not going to get the answer for like 95 years i won't even bother asking because who cares by then i'll be riding a spaceship by that time so who needs my car keys so people don't even ask because the answers don't come when you want them but they can you know there's there's a guy who built an entire castle it's called coral castle and these are several ton rocks by himself this eccentric guy that never left all the secrets about this but when they did ask him ed his name was ed ed he just called
himself ed but how did you do this his answer just like casey edgar casey how do you do these incredible readings which nobody in history has ever matched that that skill they have this answer they go oh it's actually easy it's just knowing how oh thank you thank you that helps so if i'm on the side of the road car broke down and i can't get it to start i'll just remember that that if i only had the skill i wouldn't be standing on the side of the road right in summer in arizona especially so
so he you know this guy ed you it's just the trick is knowing how so i know that there's that in the back of my mind when i say this but it is easy it's knowing how but it's not an how it's a trusting it's a faithing so i don't i don't have a time in my life when i did some specific skill building technique and it it's it's like in a computer search find find this word in anywhere in any document in my computer or google or whatever you call these things too you know search for
pyramids or whatever you're looking for and the subject comes up so when i do talks that's kind of what i do it's in here though it's search find it's not an intellectual process it just it just happens now somebody could say this guy's an amazing channel but then people start attending going he's gonna channel and then they expect me to roll my eyes back and start speaking in a different voice because i'm channeling which is great if that's what you do but i don't need to do that i'm very
grateful that i don't have to lie on a couch and loosen my tie as edgar casey did for his readings and that's that's the way he did it but he that's called unconscious channeling meaning you don't know what you're saying because you're unconscious to a degree my thing is to do it like this and so some people get confused by that because they'll say well but he's not channeling he didn't roll his eyes back i need that or i can't believe it one time i did a reading for a guy and it was urgent i
was doing a workshop and this guy comes in not here but a different center this was in southern california a guy walked in this is like 1986 no 85. this guy walks in this young kid he walks in and um you could tell he's troubled and we took a break in the class and somebody said this kid's here you know can anything you can do to help him and i said sure i walked back and i said come in this room you know here i am facilitating but i walked in the room and said uh how can i help you well i'm really struggling i go okay you don't
have to have to tell me let's sit down we sat down and i said here's what's going on in your life bam bam bam bam started just nailing all these things and he's like like yeah yeah wow he's like in the wow you know the awe of this happening and he goes wait wait wait i go what he goes you're supposed to hold my keys or something i go fine give me your keys okay now where were we oh yeah but he needed that he needed that thing wait isn't there some thing you're supposed to sure so it's funny
you you you can channel but it's conscious you're here you're involved the old school which isn't a bad school but the old way was to talk about god it was to channel beings of other dimensions i have been saying all along you have to become those things you once channeled or heard people channeling and that's not easy it should be but it's not easy but it would be easier for me to say i'm going to channel this this deceased relative of mine because that's not much to live up to you start channeling
christ consciousness you start channeling archetypes of god goddess beings out you know on cosmic levels and then you try to live it it affects what you can eat and not eat what you can do and not do shows you watched at one time that might have been okay your frequency starts to change so this is why we say channeling or birthing christ consciousness doesn't change what you do but how you do it so you don't say well now that i'm channeling christ consciousness i think i need to have only organic sheets on my
bed and i have to only have you know non-msg kinds of foods and that might be where it goes for you but remember it's how you do things that needs to change how you do them the quality you don't have to give up smoking and judge yourself for smoking but the chances are you'll change your attitude about it and if you have addictions your mind starts to go i need nothing then the addictions start to fall away because you get it in consciousness so we talked about this a little last week you might want to go back and watch
the video but the doing aspect the doing starts to fade because the being is different and you realize wow you know this is fantastic so there's this thing called the holy spirit so christians are okay channeling the holy spirit but they won't call it channeling blessed or something by the holy spirit i was blessed the holy spirit it you know it came upon me somebody else calls it channeling oh no that's evil to them but they'll talk about the holy spirit spoke to me which is beautiful christians will call that something
buddhist will call something else new agers will call it something else but there's still a general theme which is something beyond you is coming through preferably a higher something right you know if like you know if all you can channel is like you know whatever some some himmler you know that's probably not a good thing so you want to channel something higher but that's cool because it's like something's coming through do not think that the teachers the channel or that you channeling is the highest
are you becoming anything that you channeled you know what i'm saying by that you're channeling frequency and dimensionality and non-judgment and all these other things the more you start to channel these higher things the more that this thing here is going to see are you contrasted or are you congruent because if i am channeling high frequency but my lifestyle is contrasted it creates an anxiety in the body in the nervous system chakras energy systems everything starts to go a little weird because not not because there's a spirit
judging you this it's happening here there's an incongruence high frequency coming in low frequency overshadowing it and so there's conflict which is war so how do i how do i set this part of me the lower the human self how do i set it aside so this can come through so the next thing you think about doing is judging the lower the lower self it must be cast aside it's evil you know you can't judge it and now it's going to add to the tension just turn on the light and there's no dark you don't have to like erase darkness in
a room you know for a light bulb to work you just turn on the light so these things sound easy because they're supposed to be but it's not always easy it doesn't feel always easy for humans so for me you know bring in this light search find and something comes through but i have that thing in me that says we've got to do our best to live that and even that creates you know attention anxiety inside because i'm i'm doing my best to to hold that space but that frequency comes through like kundalini it sort of burns
away all that is unlike itself so the best thing i can advise is to call upon the holy spirit or the divine mother people very much misunderstand the role of the divine mother what that is most people i've talked to or that have heard me speak they don't put it together that the divine mother the and the holy spirit are the same the holy spirit is the feminine aspect of god although god is not a gender so please don't go there but the holy spirit there's the father mother god we say father aspect of god
the mother aspect of god the father aspect of god in heaven created us like itself and there's called the trinity the father the son which is us and the holy spirit son not a gender boy it's just the father son there's the trinity of god so the children the son of god which is us the children of god said what would life be like if we could separate from god i wonder at that moment what you've heard me say the big bang occurred and we flew into a universe that was now forming here's a veil god heaven down here illusion and the
material universe and we flew in but what's amazing is the holy spirit at the moment that the children of god say hey you know what i wonder if there's what would it be like if to have a universe a life where we were separate from god so here comes the big bang and we start to fly in flying where were you going there is nothing but god so we had to manufacture to make believe a universe that seems complex multi-dimensions multi-time space fusion right planets and suns all this is happening but it isn't it's just being made up
and that's why the gospel of john says everything that was ever made was made by the word it doesn't say created it was made up so we we had thoughts because thoughts become things we had thoughts what would life be like without god here's what it would be like boom fear and fusion and chaos and travel and distance and prayers that aren't immediately answered and you know things that we later are going to try to channel that are just other aspects higher aspects but other aspects of the universe
and we're growing and we we come to this primitive level and we try to grow and evolve but we're really only evolving in a sense of remembering who we are so if we can get out of trying to search find new information and instead realize i'm just remembering it makes it easier so one piece of advice is think you're remembering not i'm learning and if i just do one more thing to learn more and if only i do 100 more lifetimes i think i'll have this down stop affirming the work affirm it's easy
everything is easy people when i say this they get irritated no it isn't this is going to be majorly hard work and so it is i'll just go over there i'm going to go over there in in the easy area you know i mean whether it was school work you know they didn't get it don't show your work show your we need to see all but i don't need it make it up of 23 x squared you know like i'm just going to scribble some numbers so you think i had to work it out intellectually but it's the same thing with
relationship stuff it's easy if you get out of the way channeling the highest is easy if you just get out of the way i know what that word if there is huge i get that but do understand there is an easier way there really is i've seen people in in business or people doing whether they're post holes it doesn't matter get in the mind set of it's it's easy it'll be fine oh we need to earn a hundred dollars we have to make a hundred dollars and it's easy everything can be easy if people would
get in that mindset not just that you can make it easy but when you get plugged in search find hey god i'm 100 bucks short paying off my taxes this year and i've used all the money i have what can i do you'll get this guidance whatever a yard sale calling in a debt somebody owes you something will suddenly pop into your mind that's still part of the search find but the father aspect of god believe it or not is holding space here in heaven when the children of god thought that they could separate which you can't
so how do you deal with this how do you separate but not separate what's the answer to that so some intellectuals types they'll say it never happened really then why are you sitting here talking to me because you're not really here see there's no answer it never really happened really because i could swear it did how do you answer that to people that want to call it an illusion it is an illusion but it seems to be yogananda puts it dreamt heads bumped against a dreamt rock brings dreamt pain it's a great summary
it seems to be okay so i am as god created me but living in a world that seems to be i do you see how you can wrap your mind around that instead of i don't know how to deal with this conflict it's easy because this is what seems to be okay so the father aspect of god is holding space and we said what would life be like to separate we burst into a universe that's now forming as we come into it but here's what's amazing the mother which is also known as the holy shekinah okay and by various other names
binah various names as we start to separate she says to the father i'm not literally a she and not literally words but she says to the father it looks to me like the children want to dream that they could go elsewhere i am going to become the elsewhere for them so she actually goes in and creates a womb called the universe where she holds space father holds space here the mother loves us so much that she goes into an illusion only a mother that would love children unconditionally would take the time to go and become an illusion for them
why didn't she just say no you can't go she said honey you're a creator and what you think and believe it starts to become but you're thinking things that can't be what a weird quandary we have here what a paradox i'm gonna be that thing so into the universe she creates this womb that she is and in that womb she says your beliefs and your experiences your beliefs and your thoughts i'm going to mirror them to you they can be horrific thoughts i'm so undeserving i'm a terrible person or i
think i'm wonderful and so it is she mirrors these things to us with one intention i'm gonna keep mirroring things perfectly objectively unconditionally going to mirror them to you and my hope is that while i'm mirroring them to you there's going to be progression because you're going to realize i want to keep improving my life and she'll keep saying and so it is and so it is because you keep improving and if you don't improve you'll learn the hard way because she'll be mirroring
pain and suffering pain and suffering some religions blame her they call her the destroyer in some traditions the destroyer what a weird name to put on the divine mother because it's destroying your little ego trips she's just mirroring perfectly but when you learn self-worth she says oh what a relief but she doesn't say that part to you she's like oh thank me um but she says and so it is and so as you're growing what's the intention till you grow and grow and grow until you no longer have thoughts apart from
god's and that's what spiritual evolution is it's not evolving like a species some people think it's can't wait we're going to become fourth dimensional we're going to become fifth dimensional you're going to become non-dimensional when you have no thoughts that are measurable no opinions that are measurable it's not enough to become fifth dimensional because fifth is still a number there's something beyond all the dimensionality above the veil here that is it is it just is but it's what it just
is well it needs to be something well that's why you're down here because you need it the absolute to become something for your little brain there's a point though when it's not my will but your will be done boom and it's like now you're fourth fifth dimensional it's eight dimension you're just speed tracking right back home so to me the search find is the more we get our personal opinions and so forth out of the way the the less chance you're going to be giving limited information
is that making sense you just you're tapping into the unlimited mind of god so this to me this asp this aspect this thing called the divine mother and people called the divine feminine it's very confused this thing that people try to talk about and teach about it is not a gender and we've got to understand that but i can still use the terminology because i know what i mean by it for myself i can say the divine mother even though it's not a mommy per se i can say the holy spirit but i don't
mean it in the fundamental christian sense because you have to have some terminology somewhere but unfortunately we we have these opinions and judgments based on religion when we think divine mother if you think universal mother you might think kuan yin if you think the the divine mother you might think mother mary mother mary what an amazing being when i was talking earlier about having to embody she could not just say well i'm a complete kind of a jerk but i think i'll set my body aside to channel the christ
energy she had to be of that frequency to be able to have that being come through if she would have been an average human being and have chrysler she'd have been like you know having bad nightmares everywhere you know rambling and it would have been nutty this christ frequency in your tummy and you're just like blah energy yeah so imagine she when you say i want a channel but you're like you know yeah i'm gonna start channeling now here we go microphone is this on um hello beloveds peace to you all from the higher realms
i mean really so i think that's amazing for you i'm good luck and whatever but but what impresses me is someone that says i don't channel anything but i i try to be a nice person i like that but mother mary had to have been to to a clear degree christed to hold the frequency for this other being to come through and some people will say well so mother mary was the feminine christ jesus was the masculine don't do that and when you hear teachers do that stop listening don't get into jesus was the christ of
the west and there's another don't let people subdivide the christ consciousness how could it be split off in only half and be christed how could it only be the masculine christ and the feminine christ don't do that because i hear people do that too if that's what you feel like you need to do go for it but it's not the highest teaching mother mary when she's embodying for the feminine basically to become the great embodiment of any gender you have to equally embody the other even if it's not visible
so you can't say i'm really really together as the the feminine i really hold a great embodiment of the divine feminine my divine masculine is pretty messed up but the divine feminine is really gray or vice versa that's not how it works for you to become a great embodiment of the divine feminine you have to have equally embodied the divine masculine if we're talking divine because you can't be half a being and call it divine so that doesn't mean that you'll be equally visibly half male half female
but you will have had to integrate along with the nurturer has to become has to come in the strength of the other along with the strength of one has to be the nurturer you can't be christed and only be half a being if that makes sense so there's you know different people dabble with these concepts differently and they keep limiting things but there's a reason some people will say i'm totally in the divine mother look i have a little thing hanging from my car mirror the statues of the mother perfect i love
it in any form it's perfect but if you're only going to hold on to one aspect of honoring the mother try to make it the highest aspect possible if i had to choose between having a mother mary hanging from my car mirror or being in touch with communication with the divine mother i'd rather go that one but ultimately all of them are great mother mary became she was a girl and she was also a mother so she was embodying several layers of what feminine in its divine form would be but it's not about being overpowering
her main key was to say here i am perfectly here i am the channel so when she says here i am god when it comes to conception time she's saying here i am meaning completely open to being all that god is so it sounds really like a hyper humble servant that people made her into what an amazing being here i am none of my filters blocking it so that she can totally when it says the holy spirit you know comes upon her and you know fills her being and all that's channeling so when the holy spirit fills her being
she can do anything and the holy spirit which is god the female aspect of god if you call it that but the mother aspect but this comes into mary it fills her being but today it's like there's only one or two thought systems or religions that allow themselves to honor mary another one will be quan yin and another one we'll call it holy spirit these different names they're all the same in the kabbalistic traditions they'll say there's this bina this this um the trinity in the tree of life the
true there's a trinity at the top well one of them is the divine mother her name is even emma the mother so there is a trinity basically and the divine feminine isn't about what we call the divine feminine it's the divine mother aspect of god so part of what i want to promote as it were today is back to the mother back to the holy spirit call it what you need but what an incredible thing to say the holy spirit because if you want to get to your highest possible consciousness which is the divine the god part which is called
the i am but it's also called the christ if we want to birth the highest in us we have to first birth the mother that births the highest you can't do it on your own you have to call in the mother to birth the child christ child which i've i said a bit last week so allow allow allow grace into your life especially the the in the um very sacred important texts uh some of the jewish texts and kabbalistic texts it says basically that in women there's a little extra of this divine feminine there's more in women a bit more given
to them than men so that's why we find that men are not talking about mother mary as much as women because there's a unique connection that women have to being the feminine that she is but if you're a male and you can pull it off i think that's incredible because it takes a unique level of humility to not just talk male god the father to be able to say oh i just surrender to the mother every day there's something very beautiful and powerful when the mother as mother mary has come to children and
talks to them they don't say oh man she's a kick butt soul she just stands there going bam you know and channeling to us they talk about her voice is enough to make you ascend there's such a perfection in her voice there's this gentleness clarity firmness but this grace and that's the word i want to emphasize for today grace back to grace oh i'm working on my spiritual path that's a masculine side of you i'm really learning to be firmer and stronger that's great job divine masculine at best good job
the feminine the nurturer well i'm not knowing really how to be a nurturer that's very sad but you can you say not my will but yours be done show me mother show me how to be a great mommy you know i'm a 60 something year old guy what do you mean i want to become a the divine mother yeah that's what i'm going to do shawl and hello beloved you know as i go to you know is it really because you don't understand it yet grace just embracing grace if you were talking native totem if you were talking you
know asian traditions you'd use different words for it why in it one tradition yin and yang in balance is not a problem but why in the west is it you choose one or the other and it starts with your gender and what your parents tell you to do just wow you know how nice how cool is that to oh just feeling that softness that nurturer and humans start labeling it but one reason they do that is because labeling things distances you from it when you can put an intellectual label on something like that's for catholics
or that's for this or east or west or jesus is only the christ for males as soon as you do that you're pushing it away and you know why because it's safer that way to keep god back who's wanting that god or ego ego so when you see it just go wait wait wait no i see who's doing that that's not me that's not my well that's that's the ego let me relax what would happen if i allow that to be me back to the channeling becoming the channel becoming the source let me let that in a
little bit breathe it in so what if i did embrace the mother what would that mean well to me whoever i'm just using example of a per any of us softer understanding and also don't forget grace the masculine might say you know what we have to go by the rules there's karma you got to go back and the mother's going i think they're fine [Laughter] isn't that cool oh i think i think they learned their lesson or whatever you know the mother aspect called grace and people then make out of religions
they make grace be you earned grace a special thing happened you begged enough and then god said fine i'm gonna give you some grace i'll pour it upon you you know the the the canister that she holds it's it's god's essence that she pours upon the universe but what does it mean to be having grace poured upon us it's not something you earn that's the masculine side which is not bad there's a place for that but what if we shift from the more masculine experience to the more feminine experience and what if that
what if that means you're given grace but not because you earned it the feminine would be you had that when you were created so it's already there wait a minute i don't have to earn anything well no if you're made in god's image what do you need to earn oh god this is wonderful do you see how it immediately speed speeds up your evolutionary quote-unquote process like i had it all the time wow the divine mother and if i want the divine in me to be born i'm going to call upon the divine mother
i'm going to call upon the holy spirit there's nothing limiting about this there's nothing you know strange this is the way it's always been known to be but some people just didn't get it in the talmud and again some jewish jewish traditions they say the the father like they say you know here's what god is like the seed is microscopic so is the father seemingly unattainable not unattainable but seemingly in this talmud tradition okay mask the masculine aspect of father is like the seed that
creates conception okay it seems imperceptible but what is the mother's role the seed into the womb she holds space and the baby starts developing and becoming perceptible is that making sense it becomes an experience the baby is now growing that's what the mother does for us you have thoughts that you know not of but i'm going to help you find them including the ones you don't want to believe you have i'm going to be nothing but the blessing made manifest of and so it is i have low self-worth and so it is man
i'm really starting to get it and so it is perfectly objectively but her role her her purpose in doing this is i'm just trying to birth you home i'm going to birth where you believe you are but i have i have an agenda i'm going to birth who you believe you are even on your worst days why because it'll make you not want to do that again and my hope though is not that route that's called the learning the hard way my hope is that you'll say god the more i grow the more goodness comes into my life and
i she just says and so it is so it is so i'm hoping to excite you on the good news rather than you know blast you with the bad news of where your consciousness is so today if we accomplish nothing but allowing people to drop a little bit of the defenses around the holy spirit or around the divine mother the universal mother she she came in with us and she birthed us into this universe and she's birthing us out of this universe but remember a physical human mom gets cons the conception takes place she has a child
growing in her body and births it out at some point right she the divine mother the difference is she can't birth you out because there's nowhere else to go so a human mother gets it birthed here and then births it outward in the physical the divine mother wait a minute aren't we being birthed at some point michael's saying that we're in her womb forever that's a weird place i thought it was nine months what's what's up with that we've been in the mother's womb for billions of years
that's because there is nowhere else to go if she birthed you out it would mean illusion is real and you went to another place so she holds you in the womb the whole time why because you are waiting to get born that there's only one place to go home she doesn't birth you down and out she births you in and up see the difference we've already been down and out too often so she births you in and up and it's amazing because nobody really even knows this or thinks about this we've been in the womb of the mother all
these billions of years we feel an urge to be born and what we do is we manufacture death and rebirth to meet the craving i just feel like i'm supposed to be born it doesn't mean born it's born again spiritually so in the womb we die and we're born again it's not born out it's in the womb the illusion of birth and death birth and death birth and death and then at some point we realize and everybody could speed the process up by getting it and saying this isn't about born externally it isn't about achieving new levels of
money or external things although they're fine they mirror my consciousness this is about the ultimate birth that i get to go home now the last piece of this and the initiations related to this is if you're one of those people and it usually is many of us on the spiritual path i get it i get what he's saying what michael's saying here this is about birthing home oh my god it's all making sense now i'm ready to go i want to go now call it ascension or whatever else you want to call i'm ready to go can't wait cause
these people are nuts then you still don't understand the children of god are one just they're one i can't go without you so as soon as it's like you're ascending and you're waving at all of them you know the little i'm ascending now you know as soon as there's any of that going on you'll get so far and they'll say you did such a great job didn't you yes i did oh look at me i'm so ascended yes and how's everybody else doing oh you know how humans are man they're just
all messed up exactly so we're going to send you back now maybe you'll write a book or lead a meditation or maybe you'll be a pediatrician you'll do something to help them wait a minute i thought i was ascended as long as you still think there's a dam and a you you're going to be back with them you can't we cannot go pieces at a time you know we cannot you can go to higher dimensions and your work might be meant on the other side to be a guide from the other side and not incarnate again that
is a possibility but you're not going somewhere like oh god this is great god just you and i all your children what's up with them they just don't get it do they that's not going to happen that's just that's not how it looks at all you don't cross over into the absolute of god without everyone else with you now that's a depressing thought for some people but but but but i know billions of them i know what about other dimensions and you know grays ets i'm not responsible for them
yeah you kind of are we're all in this together until the day when you look at any being of any walk of life any creature fangs or non-fangs and only see the presence of god you're still going to incarnate there's still something for you to do but i'm almost there there what do you you almost go to god is there almost a god that you go to i went to almost heaven there's no such place so be patient be patient you might be assigned jobs on the other side but no matter what you're doing it's still in the universe of
dimensions i don't care if you're in the 28th dimension or the 154th dimension you're still in the universe because the universe holds all the various dimensionalities and times and so on so you might think you're in some lofty place which is great because there are loftier places you're still not here a course in miracles refers that as going from wrong-mindedness ego-based mindedness to right-mindedness and then eventually everyone to god so it's kind of interesting how all this really does work
but the the holy spirit that's the mother of god the mother aspect of god but that's not the mother aspect of god please she's right here i cannot look at one cell of your body that she didn't materialize for me to see is that making sense not one cell everything i can see every atomic wave every atom and wave is a cell of the womb of the mother just reflecting how my where i am in my consciousness that's why we're told be be objective be clear there is no other you know but we work at it and we're
evolving and i used to hate people but now i'm starting to forgive them they are you that you're forgiving there there is no other and if we can jump ahead to these higher principles it totally fast tracks you into higher consciousness you don't have to do that you can say oh no no no i want slow i want one day at a time i want to forgive one person per lifetime okay and and she says and so it is you know time's an illusion we got plenty of it for you whatever you think you need that's the good news
but if you really feel like you're like hey you know what i'm going to take responsibility for my consciousness and i'm going to try this on for size and say this is just a relationship with me and the mother it's all it is someone just entered my life she birthed them into your life well why would she do that because she's mirroring your consciousness so you're saying i'm just yes i didn't do it yeah she snuck it in just to bother you is that the god you believe in if so then go back to that religion that
does that says that so we start realizing just and there's no rush but slowly even right now allowing your breath and the muscles to kind of unwind around all this this really is a place of an illusion but we believe we're here so let's let's respect it and this is a place where it's the mother you know there's things i don't like about this world there's i can stub my toe on a rock and i can i know honey i know and the mother's gradually teaching you that you're immortal and that you don't even have a body that
can feel pain but until you get it you'll still stub your toe and she'll reflect it to you the stubbing of the toe doesn't make you bad but it reminds you that you still believe you're a limited being what should you do cuss at the rock that'll help or scream be in pain for a moment and then i get it this was a test are you supposed to go there is no rock there is no blood everything's great or god isn't as you're holding your toe isn't this crazy this is amazing i'm an immortal being i'm not in a body
and yet look at this i'm all my attention is right there on the tip of my toe all of my focus oh my god that's it i'm being shown how in meditation to hold my mind as focused as i do right now on that toe god god god you know and whatever other lessons you can pull from it you're turning something that seems like a painful experience into something else and people will say this whole mother god and all this stuff this michael's talking about binah you know of of the jewish tradition in the kabbalistic tradition there's
they call it the there's a a lower mother and a higher mother and both collectively are the same they're the mother so these various traditions they've got something going and yet i'm hearing about the mother the mother the holy spirit the holy spirit but wait a minute as a child i was abused where was the mother then great question that's a tough one i prayed make them stop make them not treat me this way and so guys that's a 3d serious question and it's harsh she wasn't there she was you know
there's all these intellectual answers and philosophical and religious oh is your karma that's not the mother talking so where was the holy spirit at the time just holding space and mirroring but here's the big test the ultimate test of the mother is you are not a body you are free so when you're screaming out in pain physically emotional you know relationships i've known many including myself that in marriage or relationship we're praying for death because the horrendous stuff going on in our
partnerships our marriage is coming to an end it's so painful at times and i've been there and crying out for help so where's god watch if god were to say you're right you are in pain and it is being caused by someone else and i'm gonna fix it it would make it powerful more powerful than you do you follow what i just said there the mother is saying right now you're crying out because you actually are being tested you think that other thing has power over you it might seem like it i'm going
to hold space that that's what it feels like for you but i'm also holding space that you will come to the place of being empowered again and realize i got it no one and nothing has the ability to do anything to me and even if it seems like it's happening is it happening to my real spiritual self divine self or to the mortal body just to the body so there are people that were abused even as children and it's an initiation because as soon as they see the lesson and break it they go into an ascended
level of consciousness because they got the worst of it and said it does not have power over me boom they go to another level of consciousness but this world will tell you oh no if you've had the worst it'll never go away that's going to ruin you for life many books sold many millions of copies telling you oh that's terrible and they're bad and you know this is going to control you for life you're always an alcoholic you're always a survivor of abuse great thank you for that now i've got to incarnate keep doing
this the test is this is what seems to have happened and i pain and i cry and i scream and i therapy good job and at some point the consciousness opens and it's like that happened to me but it isn't who i am i get it that's the test i'm not even going to qualify it happened it didn't it was good it was bad it was semi-bad it was a terrible bad it doesn't even matter right now because i'm not in that evaluative kind of level of consciousness i'm in this other i get it i totally get it
if i'm in the broken one i still have to work hard to forgive my abusers when you start to get it you're it's more like they're not even constant they're not even relevant i don't even have to work hard to forgive them because i'm in the mother's mind a course in miracles was written by who who's the voice who do they talk about jesus very good do you know that part of the course you hear jesus saying i was on earth because of this and that it's jesus why are there other parts that say
and when jesus was there who's that the holy spirit they are in a sense separate but yet one so jesus even jesus the christ the wow you know our elder brother the ascendant of ascended the master of all masters he says all i did was become the mother that's what he's telling us all i did was become the embodiment of the holy spirit and you're all going to do that too so he's telling us not just to be like him in a way he's using himself as a model so you become like him but to do that it's synonymous with also becoming a
channel of the holy spirit okay so all of us are coming to this place to be able to channel the holy spirit there's no limits i say that because i'm getting too excited there are no limits but please know i'm a daddy i'm a human i'm a counselor i've been abused i've seen abuse counseled every kind of abuse so i don't stand here going we are unlimited being and pretend none of that happens it hurts and i'm right there with you i mean it does but i know the difference of what is and what seems to be
i know the difference of know the truth of who you are but respect the illusion right it's okay it's okay i'm a divine being blah blah blah blah and you broke a tooth get it crowned but i'm a divine being shush just go get a crowd you know just come on you know come on get with it it's okay don't contrast these two worlds that's part of the message today don't separate don't let people push you away from the mother and say oh that's old school mother mary it's not mother mitch kuan
yin it's the divine mother it's nixon all the gods the goddesses of of history the mother said you're going in i'm going in with you and i'm going to be not just the walls of the womb holding space i'm also every mother aspect in there so ladies and gentlemen when we are protectors you're channeling the father when you're nurturers you're channeling the mother own it own that and all the female goddesses it doesn't mean you have to dress like nefertiti you own especially if you're a guy
although it's okay but are you embodying what she represents see if somebody says to me so michael what about zeus and the great gods of the past i don't pray to the great gods of mythology i go to god which allows this to open and i can receive more fully everything that god is and i think that works for me i don't say i'm i'm actually only into channeling deceased relatives see that's not that's not where i go can you go any higher i'm going to go into um you know higher beings and maybe higher
fourth dimensional but there's some screwy people in the fourth dimension so some fourth dimension it just depends you dial one eight hundred hell and you don't know what's gonna who's gonna answer so what else can you channel and then you're into you know what i'm gonna channel venus or love the concept of love will be my thing great keep going and eventually for me it was like why talk about the many let me just go to the one the many aren't excluded from this they are used as your guides go to the one it
uses these to come to you and guide you so people say michael i was watching you talk and and some very sensitive people they're like i saw you became mary magdalene as you were standing i've never seen anything like that other people say there was this white presence next to you who was it i don't care i i don't care i don't i don't care if it's michael archangel i don't care meaning in a respectful way to me it's go to god and if god decides to put six ascended masters behind me
and you saw it that's good for you i didn't go home going you know today is six ascended mastery aren't i something too tempting too tempting it is and that's in the scriptures too when the gods made themselves into the god and mankind started worshiping them emboldening their egos and then they turned on us the gods of history i don't want to do that to them and i don't want to do them doing it to me go to god just straight to god as best you can and that is the holy spirit and if it's
christ let it be christ but go to the god the ultimate god so to me it's this this just this beautiful experience to just you know be with me holy spirit i walk around my house doing that you know at times you know holy spirit wake up doing that go to sleep doing have conversations with god you know just humble but talk when jesus says talk to the father like it's your father you know papa it's father talk to it like it's that close like your genetic parent but also the holy spirit you know don't get it overly complex
into this it's the holy spirit is even in a sense in a sense closer than the father she's right here with us so when jesus said i am leaving now and the apostles no no no they were doing the same thing all students do no no but but wait no you know or if you're if somebody gives you donations you know uh let's say they fund your schooling suddenly they say next year i'm not gonna be able to do it anymore your lifeline's being cut it's scary here's what jesus said about it i'm
leaving you now but anybody know what he says after that good job but i'm sending you the comforter you know who the comforter is another word the nurturer you know who it is she shekinah she woman female i'm sending you the mother really great churches diss the concept because they're trying to keep you away from god they want you talking buildings instead of experiences she i'm sending you your mother really and we're like jesus don't leave us he says if i don't leave she can't come
why because you're focused on a person when you're focused on your physical abuses you can't experience the mother which is why it felt like she wasn't there helping you when you're focused on physical pain you know just like giving birth you know it's not like the average woman is like when they're like bear down okay oh it's not like just oh this is amazing such a chilling you know cheerful blissful kind of an experience when you have physical it's in your face but it's a test
so i'm coming towards a close with this the ultimate test is the one of the greatest qualities of the mother and i've said this a few times in the last month or two is she immaculately conceives she has already immaculately conceived not just jesus every single one of us time just hasn't caught up to it yet because we have pushed it back but she's like i've already done it oh dear mother mary um divine mother please help me grow spiritually she's like i already birthed your christ self what
are you talking about oh no you haven't um you know right it's so strange but it's fine time it's an illusion but we use it destructively like that push it back so listen to this it's the mother says i'm right here and you remember me in the form of mother mary what did i do oh you're the immaculate conception what does that mean honey well that means you didn't have sex and you received a baby no no that's the external manifestation what does it mean to immaculately conceive it means the word immaculate
means pure it means to conceive or give birth with no judgment pure consciousness and i have already birthed you the christ in you from a pure place but it's not over with i have one more job to never lose sight of that so she birthed jesus and watched him beat up and crucified her job was not just to give birth to him she was supposed to maintain the immaculate conception maintain it how do you maintain that when your son's being beat up and killed it would have been if i was her i'd have been like i thought he was supposed to
be everybody said he was the christ and the three wise men and all that went really well he's dying this is not good that's not the immaculate conception the immaculate conception is i gave birth to a business or a child or something in my life and no matter what this world did to it abused it molested it whatever i refuse to believe in what it did that could affect the divine in them i'm going to focus on that divine it's impossible for it to be harmed that's immaculate conception i am so pure in my
consciousness i cannot see anything that's deviating from purity so she you know and if she could not if she would not have done that they would not have been co-working this whole process he would have lost half his ability if his mother wouldn't have been able to hold space for him no matter what's happening to you jesus it's okay i get it i'm going to hold the divine in you it's pretty cool isn't it now would we like to become christy oh yes i want to be higher dimensional i want to glow i want to have a golden
aura i want to be able to participate are you able to look at other human beings and hold an immaculate concept of them yeah several it's like five or six i think oh man five or six well i don't know them all there's billions i've never met can you imagine holding an immaculate concept of those billions you never met well i never met them can you imagine it what if you suddenly met each of them can you hold it well probably for several minutes until i got to know them see and that's the weakening in us
that's the human ego self speaking you have a job to do and it isn't just birthing the christ it's to see it in each other that's the tougher part it is that's the tougher part the birthing of it is one thing the psychological part is harder a mommy can give birth to a child and god it's just i want to hold it all the time i love it so much because it can't talk yet you know i even change its diapers because i'm so loving because it can't talk yet this is conditional oh no not at all
when the child gets sick and you're worried you're believing it can be sick that's not an immaculate concept but it's okay because you're human until you know to be human we slip but then it gets into drugs and after all i've given to you i used to i used to read the bible to you when you weren't even born you were in my tummy i used to sleep with bibles on my tummy i know mom the pressure on my head is what made me a drug addict i got this like you know neurological damage from the
weight of the family bible you know okay so after all i've done for you and and really the immaculate concept and and for me i've watched you know i have children and they're all adults and 30 late 30s now and and i've watched them go this way in that way and my job there's times when i felt sad for them sometimes i felt this and whatever for them my my achievement as a parent wasn't having them it wasn't how many gifts they got is growing up that's just nice it's no matter how much deviation am i able
to hold this on them am i able to hold an immaculate concept of them which is like saying basically honey no matter what you've gone through it is not who you are yeah but this happened in this it is not who you are i'm not saying i would verbalize that and make it sound like i'm dissing what they experienced i'm saying in here but it isn't just your children these are all your spiritual family brothers and sisters no matter how you dress no matter what you do my job is not just to go well god i'm spiritual
and you're not my job is to see an immaculate concept of you no matter what you do no matter who you've been and where you've gone you are the living christ you may not ever know it until someone speaks it on your behalf i will be that person today and now i just birthed the christ in you which means i'm the what the mother see that how that worked i went kind of flipped around full circle when i have faith in you you could be a daddy talking to his son son i know you can do this in football or whatever
they're doing it's a subtle way of being the mother you're trying to birth confidence in them but if you can go beyond just being a dad pep talking his son and realize oh my god that's the holy spirit in me thank you thank you mother the mother manifested as the mother the womb she manifested as the primordial forces of the mother called nyx in some in various beings in various traditions uh the free in norse mythology they become these goddesses then they became further further down to the point of
being mommies to the point of being the mother in all of us so the divine mother isn't just the womb that mirrors back to us she is also it in us and if i nurture that with her assistants by asking just ask her and mommies females gals everybody and i don't i don't care if it's kuan yin but don't just make it just a statue talk to her she's a force she's a presence talk to her talk to the holy spirit talk to the mother talk to mother mary don't let people shame you out of talking to the
mother somebody says oh you're into mother mary they're like well i'm into kuan yin they're the same thing [Music] don't let them shame you in this stuff i love it guys if you embrace the mother more and you're calling her in there's just something extra beautiful about it because you're peeling off the male thing that says that's not where you go for your support you go to the dad the guy you know no i go to mother you mean mother mary yeah i guess that's part of it and the mother and me
and any of you that have ever held confidence in me when i'm wavering i honor and respect the mother in you for taking care of that seeing that in me me being any of us that all making sense but god bless you and mommy's literal mommies every time you gave birth even if it was a undesired pregnancy and so forth i swear to you and and every time even that you aborted or miscarried i swear to you the mother was there she was holding space because you're a mom you let go of the child or the child miscarry or you gave birth and you
adopted it or whatever it didn't matter the mother got extra presents during that time when you were experiencing mommy stuff and it didn't go the way you thought or should blah blah blah that's human stuff she still was there and somebody says it's shameful what you did and you shouldn't have done with your birthing and that's not her view so i close she cannot see sinfulness it's impossible for her to see sinfulness all she can see is your purity that's what makes her the divine mother
john you want to join that's what makes her the divine mother go to her she is everything if you read mythology even the gods and goddesses of greek mythology they had bad moods she can't have a bad mood it's the divine mother go to that place please take some centering breaths no you're i good you so divine just calm breaths setting aside everything of the world and we'll use music as ambiance and then i'll step back and you take it anywhere [Music]
first allowing the sounds to peel layers of old self off of your being [Music] [Music] [Music] i was there she says i was there with you when the universe was being created i was in the mountains that began to form the cosmos i was the fusion of all the chemicals of all the
[Music] nebulas the planets [Music] the stars the dimensions the outer perimeter of the universe itself but every cell in it as well how could i ever be apart from you how could i have not been there when i'm all these things every river and every curve in the river every shoreline and every grain of sand is me materializing for you i would not and could not have been forming as a universe if you didn't believe there was one [Music]
help me to recreate it all and see it differently let's peel off the layers of density i can only manifest your consciousness peel off the old separate consciousness i'm excited at the idea of you letting me show you what's underneath every tree behind every leaf behind every physical thing i'm so excited there's this golden beautiful brilliant light [Music] behind every dollar bill there's abundance [Music] behind every stubbed toe is a light body let me show you but i await you [Music] now take time to view all matter that it
whatever comes to mind if it comes to mind the holy spirit is deciding that you could use a mind shift around that thing a healing a blessing a forgiveness for a minute or two just let your mind open let the music carry us to view anything that you can say i see it i release it and i'm ready to see a new version of it and then breathe in the new experience one after another [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music]
foreign [Music] foreign [Music] look [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
[Music] do [Music] do beautiful [Music] [Music]
uh continue centered breathing for a moment longer for a moment make believe imagine that this is all real that it's happening the shift that is imagine if you have trouble imagining you can just make believe but imagine that something actually is happening that we are calling in the mother to enter a new level of consciousness with us and take us to a new level what if it's true that she's going to start peeling matter that can be blissful
it can be extraordinary light shows colors and beautiful things but it could also be sometimes seeing something that's not so pleasant to the eyes and that's a test will you allow me to peel the pain that you think you see to show you something underneath that's brilliant beneath [Music] father mother god we give thanks for this extraordinary experience i choose to believe this is real i choose to believe that the human eyes and senses that i used to follow as my teacher's guides they are parting ways
they are parting like the sea before moses what emerges now you beloved mother become my guide my teacher my healer my advisor you beloved being even beyond the body of a person called mary the divine mother in any and all forms enter my being enter my world enter my life me see your children the way you see them i'm so sorry that i saw men and women tall and short thin and fat and so all these human opinions i was so mistaken there are these glorious beings and i've been missing this for billions of years
for hundreds or thousands of lifetimes so ridiculous i get it now i get it [Music] feel it feel grateful i don't have to work so hard trying to figure out good people bad people oh my god i'm just going to let god be god god be the mother the holy spirit of you [Music] for the next 60 seconds gently
quietly [Music] let the mother come through let her sing through you just sounds humming [Music] just sounds a little humming it can be lower higher just little sounds let the mother sing through you let her express that she's grateful and she's present [Music] good if you feel called to move you can move let it happen let it happen [Music] just sound
highs lows don't worry if it's the right key and all just something happening flow and feel raise your hands a bit for the last half minute what if it's all true what if you're plugged into the current of the mother [Music] right now no pains no limits yes [Music] do just [Music] any sound and exhale and start to become a little [Music] grateful
integrated grounded [Music] begin to slow it down slow it down center [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy i am part of god and i am very holy repeat that a few times to yourself and make sure it feels comfortable note if it doesn't i am part of god and i
am very holy you are part of god and you are very holy [Music] and slowly begin to stretch out [Music] grateful grateful grateful never again will i try to live apart from the mother [Music] and so it is [Music]
thank you thank you relax breathing we will do our closing prayer in a moment we're going to just how's it feel great yeah good good yeah does it feel like there's a deepened understanding or experience of what the mother is yes good good we've talked about the mother in fact in the dvd set called relationships volume two we talk about honoring of the mother and father aspects of god um there's other times i've talked about the divine mother and so on you can find some of our dvds some of them free on youtube
and some are in the dvd sets if you're interested in exploring that a bit more just a couple weeks ago our team member said because i spoke about the mother and somebody posted something who do you think you are you're a male how can you talk about female or the mother or the i'm like who are you to tell me as a male who i am makes no sense but that's okay and i thought you don't like me talking about the mother so i know what i'm going to talk about the mother you know it'll either blow their mind or get them to go
somewhere else please stand for our closing song we're closing prayer you know when you hear that you feel just do something guys dance in your house when you're doing yoga god just don't just do god feel it you know oh so nice you know get in the zone day and night if possible driving you know just bring something through within reason you know you can't start twirling while you're driving but what is appropriate for the moment and the gratitude for for what you see it's amazing you're just kind of doing your
channel kind of connection with the mother you pulled to a stoplight somebody's crossing the crosswalk and you just they seem like they're glowing you don't you're not able to see who they are where they've been are they an addict a former addict you don't that's not there you just for me i can feel it's like i feel like a gratitude like hey beloved you know and it's amazing this something happens when we become that presence people want to think the divine mother and the divine feminine is supposed to
fit the stereotype of the divine feminine which means be quiet chest you know be broke be celibate all these rules that's what the divine feminine was said to be how could you be plugged into god and be like that i'm so plugged in i can barely even say it look at me can't you tell you know namaste when you feel plugged in it's like oh my god you know and for me it happens like oh sometimes i just get to like you know you go to a store or whatever and you just see people hey how are you you know i hug people and then i've been caught
in the middle of hugging a contractor and i'm like oh because i can feel them going and i'm like oh oops you know i don't cause sometimes i'm just feeling so like wow good to see you alive you're beautiful you look great and people oh i saw you you hugged them and you and you smiled too much you know as a kid wrong wrong bad bad bad shame shame i've been through that and it's a weird thing but know the truth and respect the illusion i don't have to hug you and say hey if you have an issue with it it's your
problem because god told me to hug you no god didn't tell you to make people mad just within reason dance and smile especially within your own space we all deserve it man we all deserve to be able to feel it and express it agreed ah that's why we have this nice closing prayer the wording it's so versatile and it affirms the presence of god everywhere here you me all of us the light of god surrounds us the love of god enfolds us the power of god protects us and the presence of god watches over us wherever we go
god is i am we are and so it is namaste peace be with you all thank you