Truth Versus truth
In our service we talked about several things, but to a degree we focused on, in various forms, we focused on learning to see reality, and in a word I'm gonna say, the truth. We talked about trust to some degree, and so on, but you know, a lot of folks, and I talked about this on the Friday Night Live thing that I do out there on the internet.
But all this stuff that we do, all the reading and meditating all the spiritual work all these things we do I sometimes notice that people don't even know why they do it it's sort of like well this just makes sense or it just kind of it's something to do it's kind of cool friends do it and whatever behind all of this what are we really doing and are we studying are we reading are we learning are we memorizing information spiritual philosophical information what's really happening is when you hear the the phrase and the
scriptures you know you need to hear the good news of the Lord and people fundamental Christians would say the good news of the Lord is the word written in the Bible and it's not it's not ink on paper really the good news is hey I've got some great news despite how things look they the world looks like it has power over you it's not true that's the great news the great news is there is only God and it's also true you're made in God's image so guess what nothing can prevail over you it'll seem
like it can so what we have is not a world that's contrary to God we don't actually have a heaven in hell we have a heaven and what seems to be something else only seems to be so that's you know all this work that we're doing is is not the old religious context of we're trying to defeat evil you know or we're trying to overcome our ego you know mystics would it maybe look at it more like you have to overcome the ego it's a mystical way of saying something that the Christians might say you have to
defeat evil you know there's the picture of Archangel Michael stabbing Satan you know and you know victory you know onwards Christian soldiers you know that sort of thing but in reality it's it's that's not what it is there really isn't a fight so you have Jesus saying resist not evil there's something to that it's it means there's not really anything to fight but while you're on earth it will seem that way while you're on earth you seemed to have addiction so do something with it
on earth you seem to have frailties doubt self doubts over criticizing ourselves or others those those are not the god self and it is right to overcome those things but not to see them as an actual power and adversary it's kind of like more like see it as a silly distraction like don't don't inflate it and then fight it that doesn't make sense that's like going into an athletic event and injecting your your competitors with all the proper steroids and get them all high and put yourself into a depressed mood and then try to
compete it doesn't make sense but that's what we do on earth we put ourselves in a state of oh god I'm overwhelmed and then wonder why we're not able to overcome things we have to align with the truth of God the truth is there is only God and the truth of God is this if there's only God and or that there is God God is love and peace and joy it's not a thing that fights like my dad can beat up your dad God you know help me out here and beat all the bad things in the world it's Wow how nice to know that you know
learning to talk to ourselves like if you were talking to a person who's passing away and they had fears what you would be doing if you're at any amount of a decent person is more or less reassuring them but why are you reassuring that it's going to be okay they might say I'm looking forward they might say I'm scared but you're you're really probably gonna go it's gonna be okay right right why are you shirring them because you believe something good is okay waiting on the other side right that's what we have to
do when you have a bill you can't pay it's okay just give yourself the same love and care you what somebody who's dying because you are dying when you think a bill is bigger than you you're dying when you think you can't live if living is without them you know oh my god how could I see like if I were a musician how could I sing that song with a straight face no not really you know I mean it's like and there's people just go you know say codependent you know anyway so so the truth of God like
just speak to your heart speak to the soul and say it's okay just the way you would someone passing it's gonna be okay but I'm but I'm dying I have a bill to pay I have this my children don't like me whatever and I know that's what seems to be the illusion that you're dying but you're really not and you can even say to a person who's passing away and you'd be telling them the truth the truth is in a way you're gonna be more alive in a few seconds than you are now so why
wouldn't you also be able to accurately tell someone if you can find the truth of who you are that bill will seem small in just moments from now if we could get you to transition from this reality where everything seems so amazingly huge against us to undifferentiated ëthe in a good way so we don't let life crucify us we learn to crucify it in a good kind of a way we learn to say you know what enough of this let it pass away let it die the old self I used to think that I can't live if living is without you I
used to think that God these bills they're just they're just so huge or I cannot overcome this addiction whatever it is just be able to say that's how I once thought even if you're not totally healthy and whole yet know that that's the truth of God so we have the truth of God which is capital T we have our truth which is a lowercase T and then we even have human fats on earth and humans tend to mix these all up if I have it's a fact you broke up with me you kicked me in the leg you whatever it
is you said something rude to me and it's a fact so now I'm upset meaning the truth of who I am capital T is gone the lowercase T is even gone and I'm now little because of what you've done to me based on facts and humans love to live on that well yeah you know Michaels telling us we're supposed to love and see the light in people but the fact is that person did this we build facts based on our senses and Yogi's throughout history of said do not trust your senses do not trust your eyes I saw
it with my own eyes I saw them doing this I heard them saying that I felt them kicked me in the leg or whatever you know those are the facts and and mystics and masters and God itself is saying my children please please try and reorient yourself to listening and looking for the real truth and not the facts and and that's like excuse me wait God I mean if you love us why would you ask us to ignore facts that are so intensely real to us and that's why people are afraid to return to God that's why they're afraid to take that
final movement into reality because you can't take it with your human facts so we learn to to let the facts fall away which is like the yogi saying let your senses fall away that's why they do all those intense exercises that they do disciplines for years and years and years and years they're really they're they're peeling away the program that the senses matter and then they learn to trust something else not these eyes but this eye not these senses but an inner knowing and and it is almost impossible but that
which is impossible for people is possible for God so it's not really as easy to do on your own as it would be if you're asking for God's help that's why the workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles are saying these things like I don't know what I'm seeing I don't understand things that I think I see it's true it's more gently helping us peel away our opinions of life and it's not making you intending to make you feel bad like saying you know when you're saying nothing I see means
anything that can be really threatening to the self especially if you're building a case I'm angry because someone did something to me and it's a fact that they did it I even have people that saw it so it's a fact do it so don't tell me to forgive them I have nothing to say to that you got that see we're asking people to learn how to forgive but when they're saying wait a minute here's my stack of facts now that is not going to be proven wrong how are you telling me to forgive if
these are the facts so then people think what you're supposed to forgive are are is a thing you're doing despite the facts people think that forgiveness means okay here are the facts you're a horrible person but I'm so not horrible that I can forgive you for being the horrible person you are the bigger the stack of facts I have against you the more amazing I am and that's what people think forgiveness is logically that makes total sense the the divine in us and of us and so on and that created us the divine is saying one
day you're all going to realize and this is very challenging to understand before anybody did anything and became a fact that you filed you already set it up that way for example before anybody ever betrayed you you had low self-worth buried deep inside and then they manifested it so if you really look at the paperwork here's my stack of facts about what you did to me if you really do your research I don't need any research the facts speak for themselves well wait if a fact is a piece of paper what do you mean it speaks for itself
it's dead it's just a piece of paper what are the facts I have photos photos are an illusion they're just dense materials what are the real facts the real the closest humans will know to real is what's in the heart do you know what's in the heart of the person that did whatever they did no you're talking about the fact the actions so you're so shallow that you only want to talk about the most external material dense level of something and call it your reality really okay good for you I mean that's
it that's your reality all based on facts spirits saying if you look more closely read the fine print of the facts this person that's right there it's even titled this paper this person betrayed me that's the title of it I don't even need to read anymore go ahead and read this person betrayed me they did this this this this this there it's all that bullet points even one and there's lots of them wait there's more flip on the back I've this person's really hurtful keep reading keep reading keep reading
because that the foundation of that document that is a fact of somebody doing something oh god I mean look oh they did this I didn't even know about some of these now I hate them even more read read read read read and somewhere you're gonna get to my low self-worth assigned the job to them or at least allowed them permitted them to do the following I bought a house once and one day out on the lawn I saw this stacked like this pile of rocks and debris and I'm like where did that come from and I'm
scratching my head over it and wondering and gave it some time and thought about and then I called the city and they're like nope that wasn't us I finally found somebody said they saw the city truck dump it there so I called the city again hi I have evidence of you guys dropping you backed a dump truck unto my front yard and dumped a pile of debris like weeds and junk and rocks and mud and whatever you know you want to explain that they were like all wood no we don't know they wanted to pretend they knew
nothing but further research I found this now at this point I am a victim I had nothing to do with it and it's true and they did this and it's illegal and all that and they don't even want to acknowledge that they did it because they're like oh we could get in trouble for that but they did do it but and it sort of apropos to the point I'm trying to make the previous owner had actually signed documents allowing the city to dump stuff there I don't know why maybe they were using it as a fill at one time
which if we no longer need it but somehow without my knowledge permission was given you follow without our knowledge often we're giving permission for things now I don't mean you literally sign up for it oh okay today's Sunday tomorrow morning as of 8:00 a.m. I would love for some intense betrayal you know I just think I think I'm ready you know all right I'm ready betrayal come on it's not like we actually do that that's not how it works and that's what scares people they go I didn't ask for this
because they're using the conscious mind they're thinking if I didn't ask consciously then this is still making me a victim forget that it's conscious you don't have to ask for the world to do things to you all you have to do is still have beliefs that you are less than a holy being and it already permits it and some of us go well I don't believe that I know that I'm a holy being be careful because any of us can say the words how holy are you I'm a completely holy one with God being
yeah well you know if you're in a body it's hard to claim that but if you are can you can you drink poison and have it not affect you can you walk in snow and not leave footprints you know I mean be careful how holy it's easy to say the words and everybody in Sedona thinks their cosmic cannot I mean jeez you know and it's just like you know an asylum but anyway that's another anyway in many respects because when when you have everybody under the delusion that their cosmic I mean it's better for us to say
you know I do feel kind of evolved in cosmic I live in Sedona I my chakras buzz all day that's great but it's also beautiful to say and isn't it funny that I still have these challenges that's the real thing to just you know to just go and isn't this funny you know as much as I all I need to do is close my eyes and all of a sudden I see the universe it's amazing and yet I still don't know how to be nice sometimes you know that's kind of cool to see those silly things not to claim though that the grandiose
things but to own some of the silly things that's that's what makes us almost more perfect is to own the imperfection because in owning that we can also say and I'm willing to surrender that you know instead of pretending they're not there because that keeps you far further the distance from the truth of who we are so there's something about this that's amazing when you see people let's say victims of the flooding going on in the planet right now when you see people who just are struggling financially or drug
addictions or or they're just not feeling attractive when we look at other human beings we're not seeing the truth of who they are oh yes I am because I can see auras that's not the truth that's a lowercase T when you can see nicer things in people you're not you're still not in the God because when you're in the God consciousness the capital T you will not see anything you will feel a presence of light you will feel nothing but this wave of love and it won't be like oh my gosh I'm feeling
oneness with God and love and bliss and joy for you but not them it's never able to exclude anyone when you really do see someone you see everyone and it's because you feel everyone it's this surreal experience this surreal experience you know and it's like that's why people that have near-death experiences they're like I don't even know how to put it into words it's a peace that surpasses understanding it's Wow in it and that's beautiful but that's closer to the real thing on earth we're
gonna have things like that nicer experiences and so on lower case T where we're just learning to be nicer and assume the best about people communicate ask before you know don't shoot first and ask questions later communicate ask you know work with people the the the lower level than that is when people think they know the truth of something when in fact they're just going by their senses they're going by the the what's nice is when we can get the truth of God to align with our facts our truth
and our facts that's what's nice when we can get the truth to line up other the facts to line up with the lowercase T truth and the lowercase T truth to line up with the truth of God that's really cool when you could say I can feel it coming and going it just runs right through me you know the facts are whatever they happen to be but business or prosperity or whatever you're affirming are working on the facts are my prosperity is increasing but also because that's a reflection of the truth
growing in me which is a reflection of the truth of God you see if I don't have this alignment and I say well the truth of God is that we're all prosperous but my inner truth and beliefs do not align with that then I'm going to be trying to manufacture facts of more prosperity but they won't happen as easily we need everything to line up how can I get myself to see only facts that are in alignment with the truth of God and how can I get my my personal truth to line up with the truth of God because on
earth here's what happens what do you think about this what do you think about the president what do you think about war what do you think whatever it is you know what do you think about this musical band as soon as you have someone go I like them and I don't like it you have opinions which are usually based on their version of either their facts or lowercase t truth and I've always thought what's that about I don't really want to be caught up in opinions even as a young person I remember thinking isn't
there a truth and spiritual teachers would say no we all have our truths ah another one of those new-age missed statements we may all have our truths but if we're one how could that be that would be because we're still playing with the little truths I don't want to know the little truths I don't want to know my own truth I want to only know the truth of God even though the lowercase truth is nice it's better than untruth false or illusion or ego it's nicer I want to go past that I want to know
the truth so the truth when we say this is my truth that's your truth while I honor your truth all that is is a truce you know all it is is a ceasefire but I'm still I got my gun still loaded but it's a ceasefire you have your truth and I have mine and people look like they're spiritual when they say that and it's not I don't have to argue the truth to the truth but what I would do in my mind if it feels like my truth your truth in my mind I'm gonna say I don't know what I want to know is the truth of God and
in the back of my mind that's what I would release to and I may be stuck I may may cease talking so that I don't get caught up in the truth versus truth kind of syndrome and so something amazing happens when we learn to love and forgive if you're a person who's sick or challenged or just a mean person and we say love and forgiveness can change people it really can what we're doing is when we learn to allow people to to you know like to bring forward their Christ self their light we will see a different person which does happen
but does it mean that they will always perfectly change on the outside not necessarily so what's happening is called surreal in other words it's not factual a person in your life can look a certain way and behave a certain way you can have a completely let's say there's two people that are dealing with them and don't like that person one of them works forgiveness one of them doesn't what's going to happen if the one forgives them and you say they're totally different now it doesn't mean
they look different to the other person right they might still look the same but why does this person go it's the weirdest thing their face looks more gentle or their words don't seem to trigger me as much you'll feel like they changed and that's because physically they may not sometimes they do make some shifts and cellular changes happen that's true but sometimes that's not what happens what more likely and more what usually happens is their light body their their higher self let's say starts to shine
through but it can only be seen by higher vision so this person is still there they might look the same then how is it that I'm seeing something different because I've done my work and I'm seeing another person there remember in the movie star wars you know one minute there's a you know obi-wan Kenobi right and he's a physical person and he's fighting and he gets killed in one of the episodes and then later on in that movie he's standing there and a completely light body he's still fine
well it's kind of like that except the person doesn't have to be deceased to do it you can actually see it's think of it like a sci-fi almost thing but instead of a dark being shining through somebody like a Jack Nicholson kind of a character imagine that there's a light that comes forward and even when the person acts creepy you're you're responding different because you're seeing an angelic presence come through them that's what happens when we practice forgiveness something else and
if you don't know that it's harder to experience it once you know it it's easier to see it and it's easier for this to actually happen because we're not going to be trusting our eyes we're going to be trusting what I just said that it is possible for people to still hold density but in our ability to see them choose to see them differently another them can come forward it may not be visible to anybody else but because I have shifted my perceptions I'm able to see another them is that making sense and it's quite it's
quite beautiful and so when you're saying when I have to forgive somebody there's there's this relative of mine and they're really they were really gross and rude to me Michaels saying forgive I'm going to forgive that person that's not the them you're not forgiving like as much as you think it's not what they did what you're saying is I'm done allowing that to affect me and that's not the real them anyway so I can say adios to the hurtful them that's okay I can affirm goodbye to the hurtful
behaviors I'm done with that I really I don't have to know exactly how I ended up in that arena with you dude that where this thing these things happened all I do is need to own that I was there somehow there was something there for me I'm willing to take it and go now goodbye it's okay to say goodbye to hurtful things and hurtful people but are you willing to see that other side of them Jesus is saying in A Course in Miracles he sees he's challenging us and he says one thing you should ask
yourself when you want to forgive someone or when you want to do a healing like a miraculous healing you know Lazarus come forth when you want to do a healing on someone whether it's a Reiki session or anything he's saying you should ask yourself this am I willing to see them for who they really are meaning am I willing to see that other them emerge now nice people of course Oh namaste hello beloved friends you know as long as you you agree with things I say I love all of you that's how we treat life the greater
challenges am I willing to see the same light if I have a loved one like a child that I just love love love am I willing to see its light oh of course because my child is just so dang angelic anyway now try to do that with somebody that's harmed you to the greatest extent and we we have a hard time with that because the ego inside is gonna say if you do that you are then saying what they've done is okay and that's not at all what you're saying you're saying I'm gonna say goodbye to that and then choose to see the other
they're very beautiful distinctions you're not asked to placate you're not asked to enable you're not asked to do anything definitely nothing that would cause you harm that doesn't make any sense spiritually we're asked to say goodbye to those things and and and whatever effects they may have had and that's kind of a process it's not necessarily all in one moment we let the layers peel away so there's this truth of God and it's not a philosophical thing it's the truth of
God we will never know the capital-t truth of God if we're not willing to first see the lowercase T truth in ourselves and others and then ask to see the greater truth we actually cannot rise in consciousness without applying it right here with each other it's the strangest thing I've said this many times but I'm going to read you a quote actually first well truth is simple it must be taught to those who have already lost their way in endless mazes of complexity truth is simple you know it's
not like I'm gonna go on a quest to discover the truth or the truth of God or that it's actually simple but there's layers of self in the way we put these this maze of complexities and that's got to go and then he says in the course and this is the grand illusion you know this is saying this is the paradox this is the funny thing we have to learn that the truth which seems like it would be complex to find is actually simple it's it's not a looking anymore it's an accepting but how can I forgive that
person and think think think think think think I'm being protective so when all of us do without realizing it is we have defense mechanisms in place even defenses against God I do not want to become too spiritual too soon because you know I probably might need to keep an eye on things you know I want to forgive people I'll start with you you know and this is what we do we sit and select conveniently what how much spirituality we're going to apply how much forgiveness we're going to find all of us do it to varying degrees and the
best way to solve that is not going to be I'm just going to kick the door down and pretend I gave everybody all at once it's best to say I get it I do have defenses against the truth what is the truth again the truth is truly what God is and that I am God is and I am that's the truth of God did I am made in God's image I have defenses against that I know it sounds strange because we all think we're just perfectly marching forward into the light we're actually afraid of the light even more than the darkness so
how do we deal with it how do we find all those defenses you don't actually have to find them all but you have to be willing to acknowledge they're there and then you can basically do a an umbrella effect and just say all of my defenses I'm surrendering them I have nothing to fear this is the truth of God and it's love it can only be good you know self-talk but surrender it all just knowing that I have that tendency to surrender the tendency not all the effects and choices but the general tendency I have this tendency to to
resist forgiving some people well that's because they did did did did two facts facts facts behind it is my choosing to get some people to hold back forgiving some people is my fear of who I really am because if I let go of my stuff with people I become who I really am I emerge you see and it's also out there with other people if I told I mean some people are even afraid of the phenomena like they're afraid to see light around people I had a friend of mine who who I lent a book he was naturally kind of
metaphysical but didn't know it he thought he was kind of fundamentalist and I lent him this book and he gave it back and I said what's going on he goes ah you know he said as I was reading it there would be these like sparks and in little geometries that would jump from the pages into my head through my like my forehead I'm like oh he's like oh no that's got to be bad you know so there's people that are afraid of the metaphysics they're afraid of the phenomena that goes like like
seeing auras they think something's wrong with them but there's also it's also deeper psychological issues the unknowns the ability to just trust remember I was saying in the Friday night talk I was doing for all of us there's this bridge we have to go over the bridge is from wherever we are to what were ultimately meant to be the bridge can exist for single issues like specific single issues or in general there's the big bridge of awakening fully to God but every one of my wounds you could say has to be brought over the
bridge from where I am to here now that could be called a miracle bridge but all of us have to go over this bridge and the bridge is like this when a person is hurt or stuck in a belief system or I don't want to wake up too soon or I'm not gonna let go of all my grievances or I'll forgive some people but not others whatever that stuff is it's over here the only way you can get people to shift them ever is to get over this bridge but how do they get over the bridge the first half of the bridge is called
control second half of the bridge is called trust everybody before they're going to heal has to feel as though they're in control to some degree in other words I'm willing to forgive but at my own pace you know I don't want to be like just surrendering I have to feel like I'm in control what do you think's behind control fear but even God says then you go ahead and stay in control but try to walk over the bridge but I don't have to no you don't honey okay fine then all what I don't have to run
right no you don't have to run you don't want to become too spiritual too soon fine then all I'll walk but I'll just and sometimes I'll stop that's okay you see what I'm doing that's what we do we do this game as we're going over the bridge but as long as there's progress it's still healthy one at some point you're going to go control control I'm still needing to go to I need to stop need to pause not become too spiritual too soon well I'm going to do this and
then I'm gonna have some and then I'm going to move at least there's movement you get to this point and the second half of the bridge is called trust where I now know that I can trust I don't have to control every movement now I trust in God but I also trust in the goodness of other people I trust my counselor that if I divulged personal information they're gonna help me with it and not turn on me and tell all my neighbors you know whatever this stuff is whatever your your peeves are and secrets are I'm willing to let those
go and then we go over this bridge to that trust outside which takes us home and the only thing there's one common word that has to be there when you're controlling and when you're trusting one word that's a theme underneath all of it and that is safety ultimately not just feel control I have to feel wotton safe when I'm trusting you or God or anything I have to feel safe so I need to encourage my ability to ultimately feel safe and as I know the truth of God and the truth of who I am I start to really
recognize I'm safe beyond my imagination I always used to have defenses protecting me that never protected me when we said I'll never fall in love again that didn't protect you even if you don't fall in love again you're already in hell for that so the things we think protect us don't protect us I'll have children and I'll keep them in the house they'll never go out so that nothing bad can happen do you have stairs they might fall and trip down the stairs you see anything
can still happen you're right I'm gonna put them in a plastic bubble of oxygen in a hospital where they'll be watched over 24/7 that's not actually protective and that's what we do we put up walls to protect ourselves Oh while I'm protecting my heart it never actually accomplishes it and it actually does the opposite isolates us hurts us and you're coming back anyway you leave this life going it was pretty good I I didn't get mingled with humans you know I just lived in a cave since I was at
and that was good you know because I never had human issues that didn't help you're still coming back and you'll have to live with lots of humans you know it doesn't work all of our attempts to protect defend is what it really is doesn't work so I have to learn to come out and when I learned to come out I have to trust start with a little control if you need it but eventually trust trust someone trust somehow that come forward and you'll say well but but they do hurt us them I know trust in the
trustworthy things it doesn't mean do foolish things like jump off a cliff and trust the angels and catch you they will when you get to the other side you know it's dead how did that work you know so you have to come back and be like a skydiver or something I don't know you know I'd repeat this over and over until you understand it we forget what this is all really about humans are not always in the truth of who they are and when they're not the truth of who you are you're in the falseness of who
you are the ego and if you're in the falseness of who you are why am i expecting you to act truthfully accept it know that Jesus is saying be as gentle as Dubbs but as wise as serpents have a heart and be gentle but use your head like Buddha saying rational thought I trust everyone because I just heard this talk about trust I trust everyone I think I'm going to go get all of my money out of the bank keep it in my wallet then I'm going to go to a bar and get blitzed and leave my wallet on the counter because I trust everyone it
might not be there when you wake up or come to or whatever it is people do it may not be there and then you'll say I knew it Michael lied he's one more person that I need to not trust see because the ego wants us to constantly have reason to check things off like that so what you do is you bet on a sure thing a human being may fail but the God in someone ever fail me the more I learned to love and evoke the good in people the more I will see the good in them and the more good will come out of them I've had
people around me that I could tell saw my innocence people that would typically be hurtful and they didn't do that to me it's weird I remember seeing this times in my life where they would see something different almost like they sympathized with me it was the funniest thing almost like you know you're too much of a sucker or something it's they didn't know how to label it but they saw something in me they didn't want to do to people they typically would do that too it was kind of cool if we are really good we will
evoke the good in others we think we're doing that as spiritual people but often were not because we're still loaded fully loaded with our judgements and fears if you want more trustworthy people well be more trustworthy first of all that's good karma but if you want more trustworthy people they cannot be that thing you want them to be without you evoking it in them we're all waiting for people to be nicer that's what we're all doing I'm waiting for my soul mate or my perfect partner or my whatever they
cannot be there without you already seeing it in your mind I don't mean visualizing them I mean then I'm already there I can see that kind of goodness in people you want to see it you have to evoke it in people I know that's a drag it's an inconvenience we'd rather have it just happen or automatically and it doesn't because we have layers over our mind that don't allow us to see the God presence in anybody anymore for the most part and if we want to turn it around that's how we do it you look like a mean
person but that's not how God sees you I must have veils over my eyes I'm choosing to see who you really are that doesn't mean I marry you doesn't even have to move in with you but it's just as an exercise do your best when you see people that you don't like characters in a movie but also real-life historic characters refuse to believe the things everybody believes about them because you know what if there's an adolf hitler in history or one out there today and all we do is see them as that how do
they ever come out of it they're going to live up to our expectations when someone has to let them off the hook someone has to say oops sorry about that I let you play that role the villainous yucky being that everybody has called judgment in their minds we project onto people and let them play a role so people are really playing roles that we set up for them and if you're going to set anything up let's set up seeing the truth of who people are the goodness in them it may or may not sound easy but it's it's
doable and it's how it works it's how we get to heaven is through the conscious and a shifting right how we see angels is not God I can't wait till the angels eventually come and get me away from their screwed up humans it's how do I see the angelic self of each person and it's I'm not saying that's always easy but if you have someone that's in front of you who's really not acting very angelic that's the one you set up for today that's your test and if they're
really challenging just say to yourself ooh good one now it wasn't there so evil it's a test it's this is how much I'm projecting onto them to test myself okay please take a few centering breaths setting aside the stuff of the world as always when we choose to get still and choose to get quiet it's kind of like setting our priorities straight getting them straight I'm choosing to know something else besides what's in my head the truth take for a moment the time to imagine
individuals that you believe really did a great job exhibiting the truth of God to you people that looked felt beautiful their hearts were good man they were great channels of divine presence think of at least one or more individuals that you could say did that if you can't think of anybody in your life then then use historic characters if you must Jesus or Buddha but at some point because that's your need to control who it's going to be but at some point trust that there's probably even people in
this life that have done a fairly good job anchoring manifesting good presence visualize people you can say you that loved you er were loving or that you appreciated or appreciated you [Music] feel the heart just naturally just opening and expanding it's a natural effect of goodness when I see goodness oh my heart just opens and if it's not opening there's still fear so just allow it try to allow it if you're seeing a good angelic kind of person it doesn't mean they're always perfect or always
behave in a way that he is perfect to you but they're just pretty good people or there was a good energy there and feel the gratitude and expansion of the heart and then try to understand this it would not have been possible for you to create them to see them experience them in any of that goodness if you did not set it up that way if you did not create it deserve it or something you earned believe it or not the right the ability to see this goodness in them so give yourself some credit picture putting a hand or two on your heart and
just be grateful to yourself God thank you so grateful that I trusted enough to be able to do this Wow this was my doing it's not selfish to say that and then imagine a person that has been challenging to you let them just come to mind whoever they happen to be let the Holy Spirit bring them forward and don't let your head say well they're not the most or if they come forward they're the right person to work on sometimes I haven't seen that divinity in this person why go ahead and blurt it out in
your head why well they did this and this that's not very holy that's okay to say that cuz those are the facts get them out of your system all the reasons they're not holy in their behaviors and then saying to yourself I may not know how or why but it's possible that I set them up this way it's possible that they were there to act out what for me I didn't deserve or whatever else let it come to mind what were they acting out my shame not deserving whatever happens to be sometimes you might even ask yourself
just if like hypothetically if this person manifested something so that I would keep myself from shining more what reason might I have had what reason might I have had just hypothetically and let let it come through spontaneously that way I didn't have to come out and shine too much did it keep me from trusting because I might have gotten hurt see what's behind it good dear friend you're saying to them you are what I assigned you to be I may not know how or why I made such an assignment but I was mistaken I actually
did not need you to play out anything I am now brave enough to see whatever that would have been own what it would have been and release what it would have been I'm ready to be who I really am I'm sorry for assigning that role to you you never really stood a chance I'm not really responsible per se for their decisions but I'm responsible for their decisions in my life to some degree or another I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I love your soul who you really are now do your best to see that person that
challenged you at one time or another and do your best to imagine them with light growing and emerging from inside them there's the image we saw but imagine the light body of them the angelic self coming forward and shining so bright that the other almost like bakes away crackles and just falls to dust see this other self if it's too challenging that tells us exactly how determined we are to be the truth of God so it's worth at least a try doesn't justify the behaviors or any reasons behind it it just means unwilling to see
something else and now that I see this light in you it also means to a new degree to a new level I'm done with whatever it was that we did it also means I release you from playing this role to anybody else and that's a good thing and then let that image fade for a moment and let's come back to ourselves and our own hearts enter our own heart and feel in the heart how am i different how am I change in any way shape or form from this I am here to know the truth of God I choose not to stand in the way nor will I hold
any symbols of other people up to fend off the truth of God any longer no more judgments no more issues I let them all go and I welcome in the presence of God the truth of God and I'm capable of doing this for every human being that's ever existed you Subtitles by the community