The Trinity of God
well today what i'd like to talk about it's something that might even sound kind of traditional but it's not really um we're going to talk about the the trinity of god and um i'd like everybody just to to set an extra moment of intention to really go to deep places again today this has been such a blast for me to be here for all these years because you know in a town like sedona i can just talk about whatever you know like anything goes in this town right um you know i could suddenly talk about
you know aliens and bigfoot and everybody be like oh yeah of course you know so so it's kind of nice that we and this is a global ministry this this experience we have it's the folks in the room but it's a global ministry if i we didn't have this building and these folks in the room i'd still be teaching this way the difference i would have still made is i used to travel globally and now we're doing that virtually i resisted doing things virtually by the way for a while because i like people and so
i always liked even though people would say how do you why do you keep traveling why do you i like people so i liked going to centers all over the world and being with the folks i mean it's kind of nice to see the faces and you know not just make it just all virtual it just sounded so strange but this we have the we have both the best of both so we can have a an in-person experience and a global experience as well so that feels really really great so that's how i sort of resolved that that dilemma for myself not wanting to
break away from touring and it was great because for me inspiration and guidance is nearly always accurate and and so when i was getting guidance it was like surreal the idea of michael you're going to stop touring it's like well uh that's interesting god you must have the lottery in mind because i this is how i make a living you know um but i it still was happening and i bid you all during this time of change in the world be careful not to hold the shape that you want to take god and say god fill that shape for me
you know it's it's like a the concept of holding a thimble and saying i'm ready for the the waters of life to pour upon me and you're just you're holding a thimble like how about a bucket you know or a lake so so we say i'm ready for change and then we say and here's how i want it so be careful because the world is changing dramatically and and for me but yet i rode the wave i i saw something coming and i prepared appropriately like the noah's of the world so be careful if you insist that it look
a certain way it might not work as well as if you say you know what my soul's purpose is awaiting me healthier relationships are awaiting me we have to nurture a tighter more beautiful relationship with god it's just essential and it's not the religious version of connecting with god like guys let's open our hearts let's get back to recognizing like all these concept of the gods uh greece and and norway you know the norse the scandinavian countries all the north nordic countries this idea of god and then all the gods and goddess
entities well people lost sight of that which i think is a shame but one value one value underneath letting go of all the mythologies and the stories of gods and goddesses that we want to embrace i'm not i think that's a bummer that we lost that but here's a value that instead of talking to the many get to the one because it's in the many anyway so jesus gave you this idea of talking to god like it's your own parent and he was right for doing that so underneath again all the other stories and gods and mythology i think it's
beautiful but if it meant taking god and splintering it into many things none of which you put focused on focus on it wasn't as valuable as saying think of god like being right here like your own friend jesus your own friend your elder brother god like your mother and father god so i that's the value i think of the changes that have happened over thousands of years is that we're supposed to be nurturing and in buddhism the concept of where why out there go here but if you go here and you're not
changing then you're really not getting that either so we're really supposed to be nurturing a closer relationship with god and i don't care if it's the gods of rome and the goddesses of rome i don't care if it's abba i don't care if you call it shakina if you're not a nicer person it isn't working so whatever form of god you have it's supposed to be making a difference one connect with god more two let it make a difference in you three bring it to others if any of those is missing
then something's wrong you want to bring all kinds of change but you're no different that's called hypocrisy i'm gonna bring all kind of change and i am different but i don't believe in god so i'm just bringing you me that's kind of missing something thanks for more of you but we don't like you so more of you doesn't work very well if you're missing any of these three if you connect with god and do a lot of changes inside but you sit in a cave somewhere in the himalayas wow
how sad that you didn't bring that to us so we could also see the effects of someone who's connected and plugged in got to have all three god self and others as the sufi say there's really only one it's all love but it takes the form splintering out into three types love for god self and others so there's this concept of the trinity and it's not like just let's say catholic it's it's it's everywhere brahma shiva visnu it's everywhere there's monotheism the concept of one god
polytheism many gods right panism you know you this penotheism where you it's like nature itself is god or the gods but it's still god it's still what to you and if it's not making a difference then it didn't matter if you were monotheistic politician because you're still not very nice so and it is a bummer that people have used religion so poorly as some sort of this is a represent representation of god and i'm going to be cruel as a as a dictator or as a a leader of some kind or as the leader of a church
so we got to get over all that we can't just keep saying well i'm not going to become spiritual because of what other people did to religion religion has nothing to do with spirituality has or you could say very little they both talk about god but one walks it and one doesn't so you're going to keep using them as an excuse that you're not embodying that greater walk that greater experience god i am versus god they aren't you know then bring the difference to us i'm really turned off to religion and
god you know and when see people have said that to me in no way shape or form do i share it shame them i instead say yeah i don't blame you oh whoa man i thought you're a spiritual leader i am and that's how i am a good spiritual leader because i that i can understand why you don't believe in god and they think i'm nuts sometimes but at the end of the day they had somebody that heard them see a religious person's goodness oh oh my god you're gonna go to hell and shame them how is that helping anybody
sit back put your feet up with them and be able to say oh yeah god i don't blame you bridge with them connect with them and if in one conversation you know whether they're ultra religious or they're totally agnostic or atheistic bond with them you know i've seen this so many times in my life sometimes being humane is a way that you're bringing spirituality to people as opposed to preaching doctrines and whatever but once in a while you know you're talking to somebody and they don't believe in
any of that but you you know you throw in there oh yeah that you know what you just said about science being superior government being important and conspiracies whatever they're into and then you throw in yeah you know buddha said that too just little planting seeds to let them know that wise people have said some of the things that they they believe in you know i just don't agree with religion how they expect everybody to believe yeah buddha said that too and uh you know certain saints and mystics and
over time have said the same thing they did and i get that from people they did i thought they were all just messed up people no no they agree with you their religion's kind of messed up or they agree with you that you shouldn't just trust something without experiencing it test it out jesus said by the fruits you'll know them so it's interesting when you can be the change you want to see in the world see when you just shame people and shut them down all it has proven is that you know nothing and because you
know nothing you're extra reactive and so you use words like well you're going to go to hell which means i don't know what else to say so i'm going to repeat something my pastor told me you know and it could be like yo youtube bubblegum you're going to hell you know you know just and just throw that out there at any opportune time that your religion can take over the conversation it's not taking people home how can you make a difference how can you take people home you know we have to nurture a
relationship god is one but think of it for a moment as a trinity god the father the son the holy spirit even the sign of the cross which i use at times the sign of the cross is is not just praying superstitiously to something out there in fact when you do the sign of the cross you're anointing yourself as being the embodiment of the father your upper three chakras the sun my own heart and soul and my humanness and the holy spirit to the shoulders why because the holy spirit is the line that separates seemingly or
bridges heaven and earth the holy spirit is the mother that helps bridge between the father and the children which is us so she's the bridge she's the ultimate bridge that's why we go to the shoulders it's a veil between reality and illusion i'm stuck in this illusion i believe that that bills have power over me i believe that invisible germs can destroy me how could they destroy me i co-created the entire universe it makes no sense but that's this world so the mother we're calling upon any
time we pray the holy spirit caller whatever and it's it's really a prayer to say the veil has blinded me today can you help open the veil so i see a little differently so i can see some reality so i can let some light through and it can illuminate on my situation i'm down here in this human plane i'm sick today how would you have me see it so the holy spirit opens that veil people talk religion religion politics government they're the unholy trinity that's down here in the darkness without god none of them can illuminate
anything you would have to be a politician that says help me the mother then draws the father's light essence down to illuminate that person to give them inspirations even a politician can go wow i have an idea but but on you know on their behalf to be a politician you can stand in the light you can receive direct inspirations by the time it makes it to the world it has been beat up you know slammed hammered judge criticized my god if i were a president of a country like this and i said i have this idea you know and what
what the the other parties they don't want you to succeed at anything so they beat it up i would be i swear i'd quit in one day i would i'd quit in one day i'd say and i would exit with a statement y'all are nuts you know i'm not going to be your president you voted for me thank you but you're all crazy because fear running so rampant it would be so nice you'd have to go into a position like that and say i'm going to do god first in everything i do well now sir mr president you're not
allowed to actually say you know god in your speeches you're fired next that's what i would do i would just make it an absolute commitment and you know what the people even that don't know if they believe in god would see that you're a good person and start being touched by your sincerity by your intention to say hey guys you don't have to call it this kind of god or that just call it love if you want but we have to let love prevail and i think people eventually get it they start to go wow you know yeah you know there's
there's something about that a quick story uh um you know this town has a lot of that people gossip and all these kinds of things it's kind of awkward i think but this one time this one time i was driving out of one of the parking lots and there was one of the people you know um standing there looking for you know donations or whatever so i pulled up and i walked over to the group there were like four of them and i gave them 20 i said here's for you guys to split you know now i don't know who they are you know
there i just see the a group of them sitting i gave one of them the 20 and i said you guys can split it you know peace be with you and i leave and then some gal one of them was a gal and she said you're michael murdad you know yes i am she goes you know i have to stop talking crap about you [Laughter] i'm like first of all give me my money back no but it's like well why would you have been doing that in the first place i don't even know you because people are just so lame they're just so ridiculous i don't even
know you but how funny it was because a kindness that wasn't done because of who i am a kindness that was there still made made something happen in them it was still kind of weird to hear that but at the end what was the whole point someone said for some reason i didn't like you i don't know why i never met you but you know because you're spiritual because whatever her story was an act of kindness helped her kind of switch a little so as president or whatever you do in your life as the mother of a household
the kids oh you know she doesn't allow this dad doesn't allow us to do this and then love melts it all away they may not like you keep persistent with the love that's the presence of the mother the divine mother in us making a difference in the world you inspire people because of the father aspect of god in you you nurture people because of the mother aspect you change yourself because of the son or daughter of god aspect the trinity is in us all three of them have their moment the kabbalah talks about
you know ein or einsof or einstoff air it's a trinity sulfur mercury salt in alchemy all these systems still have a trinity all these studies all these sciences it's you know but it's within us and one moment it's the father aspect coming through us the mother aspect and all too often people have forgotten who they are so they're no seemingly divine mother father or son aspect instead just fear-based hurt wounded people clawing to survive and that's what you see in the world right now masks no mask
illness no illness is there really a virus is it just a conspiracy spiritually speaking it no matter what it is it's a test and everybody's failing miserably it doesn't matter real or not it still is interesting to see how people behave about it this group judges that group that group judges zecharia it's interesting and and republicans and democrats and every form of splitting every form of separation as it's been said even jesus said one eye is what you need to awaken not two as soon as you have two eyes you have
two opinions which are going to be in conflict in sacred geometry and in numerology this concept's the same but in sacred geometry the first is one the first number the first essence is a dot or a circle one as soon as you have two they are moving apart the very nature of two means two things that are separating so there was once god and only god and then there became a second opinion i wonder what life would be like if we could separate from god boom and there we were and that's why the universe is expanding because
we're living the results of a belief in separation so as soon as you have two parties in politics as soon as you have two which some people think is brilliant the the the mothership of this particular thought system the one we're not a part of anymore but the one that we were part of for a while um a new thought without naming who they are that that church they have um bylaws that say when you have a board you need to have a board that doesn't get along they need to teach each other patients by having arguments and conflicting and
grinding you know stuff so that they can grow even new thought church is promoting conflict and they they thought i was nuts i'm going well no um you know they were asking us about the many years ago about and i said they are board members they get along oh no that's not good it's like wow you can even shame love you can even shame camaraderie collaboration oh we don't want that we want the other conflict so people are so wounded they have forgotten the value of love they have forgotten what that peace
surpasses understanding that the heart knows things the mind knows not of they've forgotten that there's this core that can guide us through anything the israelites who were once guided by god eventually said we want a king and god's like why would you want a king well we need a leader i'll be your leader no no we'd rather have a different kind of leader really wow let's see how that goes the first one was competitive he hated david tried to have david kill that was their first king that didn't go
well david did really well and he was you know really loved and respected but he has a son that got so caught up in power and money and magic solomon that by the end of his life he was walking around just drooling and kind of you know he was a kundalini casualty you know he's just walking around you know like homeless just kind of talking to himself and people are like oh stay away from that homeless guy it's not homeless or not homeless it's that he acted like he lost his mind and and people were like afraid of him
it was like that shamed look when you see people that seem homeless no god is in everybody homeless or not homeless you can lose sight of god and if you have a home god bless you do you bring god into it i don't need to because i have a home i have the securities of this world you're going to end up in another lifetime without that home do you share it do you thank god for what you have do you own it and let it become something of gratitude in your heart and do you share it in any way there's no two people there's no
home having home and homeless no such thing there's no such thing as differing colors people want to argue about how to repair racial things or gender things you can't fix them with the same minds that created it so we have to get to a place where like like for me generally speaking i just don't even see that it doesn't enter my mind there's a part of me that's so naive which i love it's fine it's the god innocence that when someone says yeah you know there's this job but they won't pay women as much as they do
men for the job i have to sit there and go what instead of hating that idea or collapsing because i actually am startled like it doesn't register in my mind how that could exist and it may sound hyper naive i think it's a good thing i think we could all go a little more in that direction where it just doesn't register it's not acceptable it it's not a concept that i will own then i don't have to to fight for it or against it it's not even there let thine eye be single and you will be filled with light so
when you open this eye and learn to see there's no difference in terms from love standpoint there might be a a preference you have in terms of uh um how you name your children instead of being like george foreman and naming all your children men the boys and the girls george i don't that was the oddest thing i've ever heard he named all his boys and girls george um i think it's funny actually but i think it's kind of strange so it's not like you have to go to that extreme and and you might have a preference of which you
prefer romantically it's not that it's that you don't care as much there's no have to's there's no social telling you this it's just an absolute love for everyone and i've always felt that everybody has value and it's sad you know some people have lost their minds in their kundalini casualties and they they drift around the world homeless some but there's people with who've lost their minds that have homes so i i love to be able to talk to anyone hey how are you doing and it is a
challenge that if somebody's lost their mind and they're not coherent yeah that that can be a bit of a bummer but to be able to even see such a person and wish them the same love as you would your own partner i think that's great see them all on a love basis as the same we're all children of god equal perfect and holy we just don't act like it we don't feel like it we don't seem like it but this too shall pass this is inevitably going to pass everything's going to you know to turn at some point god is in
charge of heaven the the father aspect of god isn't is in charge of heaven the holy spirit is in charge of the eden the world of eden because that's the world of corrected mindedness humans are in charge and creating earth so when you if you interviewed god how's heaven really great interview the holy spirit how's eden really great the average human being how's earth sucks terrible so where has something gone wrong it's not in god's creation it's in our miscreations so how do we fix it well let's just keep
evolving it ain't happening the world isn't any different oh yes it is there are several things that people don't do like they might have in one you know in ancient times you can't as easily murder and do this and that and the other hatred is still there they may not act it out the same judgment and hatred is still there we cannot fix the world and if you do think we can you say michael's being pessimistic let me explain you've had millions of years and it hasn't worked yet so am i being realistic or pessimistic
it's realistic you cannot fix this world with the same mind that created it my point back to god back to to to all that we know god to be back to calling in god's presence one way that we nurture a relationship with the father aspect of god is learning to trust god another way to nurture more of a relationship with god is to recognize any time you've inspired a person that's the father anytime anybody's inspired you that's the father so nurture a relationship with the father instead of the catholic or the christian or
whatever version of the father let it be your own one that you can relate to my creator i got an inspiration today thank you father you can do that you inspire others you're being father to them by inspiring them prayer and meditation is another way to nurture your relationship with the father aspect of god calling upon the mother is the way to nurture your relationship with the holy spirit calling on the mother to be your teacher your healer your guide in all things that's how you nurture a relationship with the mother
in a sense the father is like the the old you know parrot we would have thought to be like the um you know the standard uh image of the father in the old days when we were growing up he's gone to work a lot and that's actually a good metaphor for the the father aspect of god the father just gives life what we do with it is up to us but the mother's role is to help us turn our miscreations into god creations it's mom that's cleaning us up each day for dinner it's mom that's taking us and take
making sure we get to school and then saying honey how was school today that's the mother to nurture a relationship with the mother can involve several things but again to think of her as my healer my guide she's my nurturer not something invisible up in the sky it's the presence of god god's love here is the mother so it feels really beautiful to be able to talk to the holy spirit but it's still for some people that's so abstract then talk to your elder brother jesus well what about gandhi
you know if you want you could also go for your brother-in-law but why not go all the way why not go to the father the holy spirit the father and mother aspect of god or the human brother of ours that got it right and completely tied his relationship in with the other two to complete the trinity that's the unique role that jesus accomplished and played but anything you want to call it doesn't matter call talk to the father directly talk to the holy spirit but go to the trinity of god some aspect of the trinity
and don't just forever go to it become that father that mother bring the prayer right here in me is the father the son and the holy spirit i make it my life's priority and intention me being any of us i make it my life's priority and intention to embody god's presence now does that mean i think you can actually get away with walking around saying that hi nice to meet you all you know hey what's your name i am the holy son of god i i don't think that's going to go well and i think you'll also be shutting
communication with people so you might be the holy child of god but i just wouldn't say it a lot am i telling you to to shame it no but you also don't need to preach it be it well when i'm being it shouldn't i preach it no be not speak be it and when you are it you don't have to say it when a person has to tell you how much money they have they're not actually prosperous well you know because i have 10 million when they have to keep saying it they don't get the consciousness yet truly wealthy people rarely talk about
it it's like the the one guy um buffett i think is his name he you know he keeps driving around in this beat up old truck bill gates went to visit him once he goes wow he goes i went and you know hi you know he shook hands he invited me into his house he said have a seat and i went and sat on a chair and it i fell right through it the seat was like just kind of sitting there you can't afford four screws to put the seat back how about a new chair dude mr buffett you know i think you could afford it it's just i love that there's it doesn't
have that pretentiousness and that look at me he'd like to just hang out and have his beat up old truck and i think that's kind of funny and kind of eccentric and unique in a good way so you don't have to push i'm a holy child of god just know it and let that first and and foremost let you become a nicer person people shouldn't be saying well you know i'm really impressed about the way they preached being a holy child of god what they should be saying is there's something about that person
they seemed really calm really centered i went and saw the visionaries that were channeling mother mary and megoria many years ago and that went on for many years that they were channeling her presence but i went over there and just a quick story um i went to the church and i brought people that were with me on a sacred sites trip there and i brought them in and you know told them where to stay you know get into the church and hang out for this beautiful experience which they had but i went outside and just was doing my
own prayer and this gal walked up to me and we were talking for a few she was very little english but she was one of the visionaries and she came over and started talking to me and it was like i didn't realize it at first but i started catching on and then a translator came over i think it was maybe the cab driver the shuttle driver that brought me there and he he knew she was and he explained i'm like wow cool she says would you like to come over to my house and i'm like this would be great you know so while everybody's in church
looking for mother mary i went home with her so so we went home and i remember she gave me um uh cookies and seven up so i sat there enjoying the cookies and seven up grateful that i could find some my kind of food um in yugoslavia so i'm there and i'm enjoying the munchies and um and she's you know she's saying so why are you here and i'm talking to her about and global changes and the things she's channeling you know and i'm agreeing saying and my guidance is this she said yes that's good that's going to happen and
that's very beautiful and powerful and scary in a way but um but she said so where are you from and i said united states she said no but where through a translator where i said originally southern california she said you're not like americans and i'm like what do you mean she said you know americans she does that's what she did americans and i'm like oh i get it you know i didn't need the translator [Music] she was just saying there's such a tension and an anxiety and and that's kind of what i'm talking
about here that that people should be able to sense wow you're you're not really a human are you that might be a little of their thought process you know like wow you're you're so kind and why did you do that you didn't even know them they get people asking questions of a positive nature like that you know stump them in the in the most glorious kind of a way you know you give them a gift of some kind you pay their their grocery bill would be because you're in line with them i'm not saying that's exactly how you do it it's
just an example and for them to go but why why did you do that there was a staples over here um i think i've been into that place maybe twice in my 10 years living here but one of the times there was a an elderly woman and she was buying herself a printer and it was like a hundred and something dollars and she was a bit surprised she thought it was on sale and you know you could just tell there was oh well never mind and i said i'll buy it for you i don't have a ton of money but i have a hundred dollars and the
only way i'm gonna get two is if i use the one wisely that's how it works and people have forgotten trust in god and i can't tell you i don't stand up here and tell you hey everyone do me a favor look in your checkbook figure out what your balance is and write a check for 10 beyond that to unity of sedona and we promise it's going to double you know you'll get double the money next week i cannot with a clear conscience do that like some teachers and ministers and so on and so on where they
oh trust in god and hell no it's irresponsible for me to tell you to do something that's beyond your faith level beyond your power yet for now to tell you to do something because i believe in it now we got to have bridging get people to to come halfway teach people how to come out of bed but not beyond what they can handle their their faith level their trust their safety level their financial level meet them where they are just hey guys you know people that have come to me and said i i don't know that i can um
tithe i can't afford i don't believe you know what learn to give a dollar and before you know it it's going to become 10 that you can afford one particular person i remember struggling a lot financially they started tithing a dollar ten dollars you know and eventually a hundred and it got to the point where this person was tithing to my work more than they were making at the time when i met them anything is possible but it's got to be a shift in consciousness but to me it's not just an empowered
thought system it's actually nurturing a relationship with the father who inspires me the mother who nurtures me the son that i need to be become a child of god just like you would with your human parents most of us did a little bit of schmoozing trying to you know gain the love and respect of our parents hey mom i got a job hey dad i graduated you know we do that well try to do that a little bit with god but not in the same needy i'm not good enough be excited be excited that i am good enough boast not what you have accomplished externally to
that which is internal doesn't make sense but you did a little of that with external parents just do it with the spiritual parent guess what guess what holy spirit oh my god i didn't think it was possible today i felt a shift towards my ex i felt a wave of peace come over me thank you now god doesn't actually not like you until you thank god enough god doesn't need that when you think god you're thanking parts of yourself really and when you give thanks you mean you're saying something has been accomplished
thank you it means and so it is so when you say i acknowledge the father aspect today the mother aspect you're not becoming pentheistic you're actually recognizing the true version of that sentence that statement that label which is that god is in all things ultimately the way to nurture a relationship with god is to learn to see and think and feel like god that's what it is how do you do that well you make yourself know you ask god to teach you how mom i don't know how to do times tables well honey
two times two and she explains holy spirit divine mother i don't know how to do forgiveness with this one person that's just really challenging well honey and she'll step in and work with you but only if you allow or you got to ask how's mom going to help you with times tables if you don't tell her that you need the help and the holy spirit also not because she doesn't know you struggle she needs the open mind and heart to enter to create the shift so to me everything in this world is changing so dramatically i'm going to
share a quote um from ernest holmes about not the father or the mother but the the child the christ aspect in us to practice the presence of god is to awaken within us the christ consciousness christ is god in the soul of mankind the resurrection is the death of the belief that we are separated from god it's just brilliant it's perfect resurrection is the death which is ironic resurrection's from death no resurrection means that death is no longer and the ultimate concept of death as holmes is saying is
the belief that you're separate that's the ultimate death death would have never existed if we didn't think we were separate from life because god is life so just imagine feel it in your hearts as i'm talking about this the parts that make sense if i say anything you don't agree with let it go but doing your best to just go wow you know the mother the holy spirit and also become the holy son child of god coming back to that in um you know certain levels of of buddhism there was this there was this concept originally in
some of the main factions of buddhism that your goal was to become like a a buddha sort of awakened so that you no longer need to incarnate it's kind of like saying you become a master an ascended master of sorts when you reach certain levels in buddhism but it happened eventually that another form of buddhism came forth and said no we're going to nurture this thing called bodhisattvas where you're not just awakened you're awakened and determined to help everyone else awaken and that took it up a notch
because before that people were capable of becoming ascended masters now a new job was created let's call it where you not only awaken but as you walk up the line hi i'm awake and i no longer need to incarnate okay move on move into the higher realms you're now an ascended master next next next now what they do would you like to move this way or would you like to be in service to those who aren't awake this by the way is an insane decision because if you're going to say listen i'm awake
but i still want to work with crazy because when you do it could mean you're going to incarnate and marry crazy and the other these beings on the other side we were we were all watching we thought it was hilarious that you actually thought you were going to keep that mastery all the time you know and instead you're like why me you know because that's how it looks because when you go in with an awakening in your consciousness you're also taking the pill to go partly asleep and you're going to find yourself saying
i feel like this but my household is like this i feel like this but my relations are like this i feel right why do you think do you think the world's only going to crucify its own when you show up as a light in this world this is the father son holy spirit son meaning christ self when you show up as the christ light in this world the world has to go after you it's not just interested in snuffing out darkness it's already dim and dark that's why you wonder wait a minute how is it that that my brother or sister
or my neighbor you know that was messed up and how did they end up winning the lottery i pray oh money put me boom shook a lookout i do all this you know and i got no lottery i still have bills that i burn golden candles or you know to you know my light bill you know please lord you know and and they're like lottery you know and they came home cashing the lottery ticket with cases of beer you know and they just sit out with their cigarette now they could retire from whatever they were doing and we think wow
this world doesn't need to pound on people that are asleep they're already there show up as a light oh man you know the world's got to go after you and to some degree or another if you feel like you were born as a light to this world it doesn't mean i'm trying to say you should brag upon yourself wow i was a holy light but know that to the degree you've been hit by this world to an equal degree you must have been holding light now should i say should you walk around bragging i must have been
really holy then hey mom dad i don't have as many issues with you because i realized you were just the darkness trying to snuff out my holy life i don't think that would go well but i do think i do think it's still righteous for you to say i get it now i'm not going to measure quantify how much light i have but i do understand that i must have been some amount of the presence of god the light which i'm glad i was it's not bragging i'm grateful you could say to yourself and now i can see why i became a target
to so many people in this world you know there are men sitting in this room that have taken a lot of hits and abuses and i'm sorry women too a lot of hits and abuses and i'm sorry for that that's this world it's not god's world it's the one we miscreated the one we manufactured over god's beautiful eden that we could live in instead it became a world of pain and hurt and limitation but all of this is meant to be changed all of this has to be changed we're not going to suddenly go
god you know please take me out of here the so-called rapture god's going to come and take the christians and you know they're gone and you know the the norse version of the revelation which is ragnarok but the the norse version of revelation is the end of the world and it talks about in the end of the world where where everyone hell itself comes to the earth plane to really make conflict like the armageddon and and the christians would say and we're going to get raptured and saved from it you don't get saved from it you become
the saved in it so how you change the world is not dear god please fix such and such it's god how would you have me see this differently see you're going in you're your that special arms you know that special service um special ops the bodhisattvas and you can say well i'm not one of those i'm not even buddhist that's you're not you're taking it too literally those of us who recognize even after we've been born and had an average life let's say today you decided to become a light worker
then own it's basically like being a potus bodhisattva which is the highest consciousness you could really reach other than completely christed so what is your role your role as a bodhisattva as a master of a student on the path a teacher on the path is all the same connect with god more embody it more and bring it to others how that's between you and god well i'm waiting for god again nurture that relationship like it's your own father and mother aspects of god nurture more of a relationship with the mother
the holy spirit talk to her she's your guide your teacher you can also take better care of your body get in contact with the earth because those are reflections of the mother your breath is her wind your bones are her minerals the mineral kingdom is her is her bones your meridians are are the same as the earth's meridians the grid lines we're in this total symbiotic relationship and people have forgotten they don't think about grid lines they don't think about power points i know we talk about them in this town
but what do you do well i go out to the vortexes all the time and do what take what are you bringing oh well i'm not really you know i just go and i obtain the energy and the red rocks and what is that doing for you so go and get in your meditation in the red rocks but when you come down from the red rocks are you any different are you kinder did you pay somebody's bill in the grocery line you know it should make a difference and if not stop going to the red rocks they don't like you [Laughter] all the vortexes there was once a vortex
a major one of the seven major vortexes on this planet was once on the east coast in a place called washington dc which is why the forefathers of the countries put the capital there they knew it was a major vortex you think they didn't know that stuff these guys were totally into uh sacred geometry and so on so they went there because there was a vortex i'm telling you i swear to you that vortex is no longer there it's like a tornado it spirals but it can move and it moved it actually shifted some miles out of that region
it's near but it's not there anymore so vortexes can be toxified if you go to a sacred site sure receive but after you've filled up your tank give somebody a ride after you've filled up your tank before you leave the vortexes give back think of people because when you put love and and intention into the vortex the mother will take that prayer to that person down through the meridians and help them it's another way to feed the earth and other people that are cared for by the mother hey mom you know you've done a lot happy
mother's day here's a card and i've cleaned house for you i remember doing that a couple times as a kid oh my mom's gone you know and i'll clean the house you know it's kind of a nice feeling you know shock her you know mom shoulder rub you know she'll it's like that mom put your feet up that sort of thing give back to the mother everybody i rarely hear about people doing that with vortexes they don't usually say i went to the vortex and sent some love they taught oh and they gave me this and
i had visions or whatever whatever whatever you know it's good do that but after you've filled your tank give some back i feel complete my cup runneth over and now i'm holding thoughts through the sacred meridians in sedona i'm sending love to the president of the united states to religious leaders you know instead of sitting in the vortexes cursing these people you know and then and then the vortexes start to get nauseous because of your toxicity put that in the tourist manuals wouldn't that be great
so be the love bring the love be the mother be the holy spirit be a holy child of god we're all meant to get back to that experience of being holy children of god how it's not going to be your religion it's not going to be you're going to get raptured we have to become that presence and you cannot become the christ without first having a relationship with the mother because it's mothers that give birth you have to have a connection with the mother the holy spirit of god how do you know you have it or don't have it
i've already explained take better care of this because the mother birth this as a symbol of her your body take care of this place called the earth because it's a symbol of her body go throw your garbage all over the planet and basically it's a subconscious way of saying this is what i think of the holy spirit see it's passive-aggressive behavior sometimes just overtly aggressive show her you love her bring love to her meridians make her proud of you i'm talking not in the arrogant you know ego way i'm talking about in
the beautiful way just surprise her with one of your children is awake mother keep nurturing me more and i'm going to bring more back and then you have this perfectly spiritual symbiotic relationship with light with love with god and you become the light that you'd like to see in the world let's take a few centering breaths please soaking in what we heard what we've experienced today hmm integrating whatever has made sense hmm
and today's meditation will not only begin with that part but also integrate this message it's a quote from yogananda it is of utmost importance to every man woman that they experience within themselves a birth of the universal christ the universe is the body of christ everywhere present within it without limitation is the christ consciousness if we expand our mind to receive him we will be blessed with the universal consciousness just as your consciousness pervades your whole body the consciousness of christ
is equally present throughout the cosmos in every tree and every plant and every bird and animal in every being repeat this with me he says the vast consciousness of christ is born this day within the cradle of my universal body the cosmos unto me a child is given unto me a child is born i celebrate the birth of christ in spirit and in body the consciousness of christ is all-pervading within the cradle of the universe christ and i are one breathe that in doesn't matter if you remember each word it's here
breathe it in as truth imagine that a great master like yoganander were standing up here reciting that prayer and asking you to hear it feel it and believe it to become that truth imagine that the christ itself were standing here and all these ascended masters on the stage and imagine all these angels lining the room including the rooms you're sitting in from virtual distance away and when i say imagine it as soon as we do so it's there we're imagining the light and presence of god in all this beautiful form of
the hierarchy as it were the christ the divine mother the holy spirit all these angels we're making this meditation this moment your being a place that angels would seek to dwell and because we've decided therefore it is and in this moment they're all here attending something what is it a church service no a lecture no they're all here in attendance of the birth of christ whether the christ in me has been born zero percent 98 percent they're still here to help nurture it to a new level this is the spiritual midwifery
they're all here because something glorious is happening two or more children of god gathered to say today we choose to remember the holy i am presence of god in me through me as me i am the living christ on earth i am and always will be exactly as god created me to be perfect holy innocent joyous abundant help me to forgive myself for all the times that i have forgotten my real identity and forgotten that identity in my brothers and sisters to all my brothers and sisters please forgive me i'm so sorry that i
forgot your true essence i love you and thank you and to myself all my beloved i'm so sorry please forgive me and i'm not begging forgive me i'm stating it as a fact it's true it's already done please forgive me i forgot i love you i love all the true essence of that which you are the i am presence of god and thank you and lastly holy spirit teach me how not to see anything else but god in all because nothing else exists nothing else matters and so it is hmm thank you
beautiful take a moment an extra moment to sort of breathe that in and integrate that the light of god surrounds us we are the light of god the love of god unfolds of god the us of god protects us we are the power of god and the presence of god watches over us we are the presence of god wherever we go god is i am we are and so it is thank you