The Divine I AM Versus the Ego i am not
we are made in God's image I mean we hear that in a lot of different centers and so forth but we're we're made in God's image but we really we really have only one identity and that is God is and I am right God is I am that's that's our only real identity however when we come into the earth plane we conjured up a couple of other identities we have our which can never change we have our divine identity but then there's also a soul so there's a spiritual self the divine self and then there seems to be
an evolving soul case that doesn't already strike a little flag there for some reason if we are made in God's image what is the evolving soul what are you evolving if you were already made perfect what are you evolving that's because we thought we could separate and we became Souls so there's the fire of God that we are that spirit it's also known as I am and then there's a spark that sort of you know took off sparked off of the fire it's an Amber it's a it's a spark that's the soul and the
soul looks like it left the fire but really it's carrying the fire but it looks separate so that's our evolving soul where are we evolving to how were we evolve we're already divine so that's why some people will say this spiritual path is really about remembering not not learning and gaining this soul just has to remember what it is and then it's it surrenders and becomes the beloved again it just it dissolves into the the oneness the love of God which is really great it was another problem the soul
then conjured up a body to live in and learn to think that that was it who are you I'm my name's Michael or I have a certificate or I don't I'm a parent I'm a non-parent I'm a male a female I'm gay or straight all these titles and none of which are true they're just called masks that we wear some of course are the wounded masks and some are the achievements but not one is real they're still masks underneath the mask is the soul and underneath the mask of the soul is the I am again so it's kind of cool
it looks though like we have three selves a spirit self or spiritual self the soul and then the humanists now some people would interpret what I say or what some teachers say as dissing the human self you can't really distance self some people make it holy oh the human self is wonderful isn't it great that you're a body that goes through lessons and then has limitations that never end and gets old constantly and wants to die every day and you know back to dust from the dust you return to the dust I don't know who made that up
because I'm not dust if I'm spirit if I'm God how could I be dust that means you're made up of dust and then if you're you seem to be anyway your body you're made up of dust that's all but you're really the divine I am but you're just wearing the cloak the body of the dust and the frequency of my beliefs in my soul are going to help determine what dust I attract dust called molecules or atoms or molecules that are attracted to the body to make up what I am if I am confident the dust is going to collect
to this soul it's going to vibrationally be compatible like filings to a magnet it's going to attract and make up the body and it's always going to make it up perfectly because you can't have the body or the scent the molecules are attracted to the soul that don't vibrate compatibly to it so you can't have my molecules I can't have yours whether it's all compatible that every hair is numbered as they say in the Bible everything somehow is perfect but perfect doesn't mean perfect in God's
image of perfect it means perfectly compatible to what the beliefs are so if I believe that I have good self-esteem I'm going to attract molecules including jobs in cash and molecules are not just cells it also means everything you walk down the street with low self-worth you might have tracked the molecules in the form of a rock that you trip over and land in the mud god this always happens to me perfect it's perfect and there's a part of us that would like things like that to never happen so that we can seem more
perfect than we seem to be like it's like I want to wear a mask where I seem to be better off than the mask that makes me look like I'm not but they're all still masks so one of the ways to approach that is to be able to own it own it and laugh at it isn't that funny how you know this happens or that happens and so on you know it's you know isn't it funny how I'm made in God's image and yet you know Here I am with another wrinkle or another gray hair you know instead of oh my god it takes me
down it's like it it's preposterous it really is so some people are making the body into something very bad and shameful and that's not healthy but then other people worship it the younger you can make it look the better off you know and you can you flaunt it and you do this and that you know I taught for years and years on sacred sexuality just as one topic and and it's a very difficult topic to teach on because as soon as you say you're teaching it people expect that you're doing it a
certain way and then they don't understand that you're not why and that you're not doing it that way so I would go to conferences and there would be all these you know lust bunnies attend attending do well usually there it's sex I have two addicts but the rooms the rooms filled with but there are some people that sincerely want to heal there are there are some there that want to heal they just don't know what they're getting into by going to some of these events so they go thinking it's about
healing and then everybody sometimes you're leaning towards the wild and permissive kind of side so I get up there and I say look the first thing you have to understand well I'll do something first to get their attention so I might do a demonstration and all of a sudden I'm demonstrating one and then two and then three I bring another volunteer and I got them all in the center and they're exchanging energy like I'm just downloading like a cheeking energy and they're all starting to go into these fits which is
appropriate because this is an orgasmic kind of a conversation you know - - at a sex conference so big people are all having these body reactions and then now they're all like the people watching her like oh you know what he has to say you know and then I say so would you like to be able to do that yes oh my god I want what he's having you know and they go yes yes we want that and I said so lesson number one you are not a body so stop touching the body another hole like confused dismay sets into the room deep depression you know
we did you see me touch anybody well no you have to know the magic is beyond the magic you have to understand how this works stop rubbing things just stop stop getting caught up in in all this stuff so you know I usually would end those talks with you know don't pet the sweaty stuff I mean don't sweat the petty stuff no okay so okay there's people that expect it to attend church today so let me switch no in all honesty it's all relevant okay it's all relevant because I was making a point you're not a body
guys or you have to honor the body as soon as you say you need to honor the body you're making me a body which is a three dimensional limited being don't touch my body until you see my soul and until you can affirm my spirit you can touch and rub it it'll eventually come to an end you can't you can't keep doing that you can't keep you know making everything about the body feed it just right you're still gonna die stop getting into the body find the soul if you go after the body you will lose your
soul you're told in in scriptures what what does it profit you to gain your body and lose the soul he means as soon as you focus on the body you lost sight of the soul or the deeper parts of a person in fact you can focus on the body so much you can forget that part of the stuff that makes up the body is the wounds that are deep inside I want you to see that to help me please don't look at me look at what I'm made up of can you help me I've got some wounds and when you can do that that's lovemaking that's the presence
and you won't find the divine I am until you can get past the ego I am NOT and the ego I am not has a body this thing that's three-dimensional the god I am has a body it just can't be seen with human eyes look with the eyes of the ego I am NOT body and you're gonna see that which I am NOT how we doing see see it's like we're dating the ego I am NOT is dating the ego you are not wow this is really cool how far can that go if we just affirm that it is not it's it's that which I am NOT if I'm sick the
reason we do the Hawaiian ho oponopono prayer is because you're sick why do you say I'm sorry in that prayer because it means I accidentally started focusing on the ego you are not you can't be sick and I bought into it for a minute sorry about that that's what it means and then when you say I love you forgive me a lot what you're saying is oops sorry about that I got caught up in your body whether you're whether you're being sensual with someone or whether you're working on a
sick person's body it's easy to get caught in the body that's why the tantric Buddhists would say it's almost impossible to to ever deal with the body on a sensual level and understand the soul so it's called the easy or quick path to enlightenment tantric Buddhism because they're saying we're going to teach our students how to see not the body but beyond it and I'm referring to the the contact tantric people there's also a non contact religious tantric Buddhism but there's also a Tantra that
where you make contact but what the others are saying the religious ones are saying is we're going to do the non touch why because we have to tell you it's next to impossible to touch a human being especially essentially and still keep sight of spirit and those who can do it or on the short path to enlightenment but why don't they do it because they say it's next to impossible because as soon and Jesus says in A Course in Miracles you know quick comments he's asked to mate about sexuality or whatever it he says well
sex is an interesting thing because it's completely messed up as soon as you touch something it starts to feel good and makes you want to go somewhere you're now not in the moment you're also you're already where you want to go a release of some kind so he says so people that are having contact are not here they're already going that feels good what feels good this thing okay now what and now it's got me hooked though who this is let's go go go and that's what the body does let's go go go so
he's saying if you could do it right you would feel that but then come back to Center again and feel then come back to Center and feel and come back just like when you're feeling afraid come back afraid come back sick come back it doesn't matter what the world is doing the divine I am doesn't have to buy into that the only thing that buys into it is the ego I am NOT and I don't need to be too concerned about that other than seeing when it's happening and make a different choice I see this is happening
but this is not god I am so when you're even if you're being intimate and the talk really isn't on intimacy today but even when you're being intimate what you can do is say wow isn't this amazing how wonderful this feels and yet I'm choosing to call in your divine presence I'd like to feel who you really are I know I'm feeling what you are not I'd like to feel what you really are and that's a shift in consciousness that happens it doesn't mean you flee from the contact with the other person the
hug to your children I love making to your partner or whatever it is you don't run from those things that's when we took things too serious on the religious level it's a vows of you know no love no contact in Buddha walked away from his family but that's the extremism that we sometimes go through it's not to make it something to worship nor is it to have to run away from it all we have to do is learn to say how can I see this differently how can I see this from the divine I am I like this
talk I'd like to be more of that how do i how do I become the divine I am I just told you how recognize when you are being the ego you are not own it surrender it and then calling the other one that's all you got to do here it is again I'm being the ego I am NOT got it and I'm giving that up and I'd like to experience now the god I am just remember though when you call in the presence of the God I am to feel an experience you can't do that by yourself because God is one so you don't go I'm
gonna I'm gonna go over here away from you and be in the God I am and you can't be it you can't do that to pee but that may seem like well you would never literally do that but you are doing that when you think someone is unworthy of God's love and your love it doesn't mean you have to move in with people that are kind of hurtful in their behavior but you mustn't exclude them in here and in here there has to be an affirmation if I am as God created me so are you and if I want to feel that in my day-to-day life
I have to be willing to not only feel it here I have to be willing to see it for you to your Lord take me away from all rude and hurtful people and help me to be more like you and perfect and divine you just made a sentence that's an impossibility soon as you excluded someone it's and so it is judge and you are judged that wasn't like a condemning statement of Jesus he was just kind of hanging out you know straw kind of she went nuts I'm trying to say by the way you know as soon as you judge others you
do know that you're judged already yourself right you know and it's not like he was trying to judge you and ye shall be judged you know he wasn't good he was just making a point of fact if as soon as you do judge you are judged because you're the thing you just judged what you don't like and another is mirroring something in us anyway love to all you can still say no to people that's actually healthy boundaries one day people will not come from the ego I am NOT and they won't have to have boundaries and I affirm
that day is already here instead of well I think I'm getting that today but you're probably gonna take a while you can't do that you have to affirm that it is the truth and the law of God that it's already here how can you see healing for anybody if all you see is wow you're really sick this is gonna take special healing as soon as you gave it that magnitude and so it is but when you did judge them as being really really sick or really financially broke or whatever it is beyond help soon as you do that
you're also affirming your own state of consciousness I'm not capable of affirming your goodness and we think it's because you're too far gone it means my faith in who you really are hasn't gotten there yet the ego I am NOT mostly runs this world and I'm not saying that there's no hope the ego I am NOT I already said it is not it doesn't really exist so you that's why Jesus says reason reason resist not evil don't fight evil all the people everybody getting all trippy about
economy or about politics and watch yourselves because you you claim to be spiritual but you're getting hooked I don't care what the headlines are you got hooked well this time it's right to get hooked really so you're saying sometimes the ego I am NOT is good and justified it's either real or it isn't it can't be real sometimes if it is the ego I am not so and I'm not dissing you because we all get hooked on something you just be careful because people know how to hook you whether it's advertising whether
it's shock value things people you know they know how to hook you and our job is to say I get it what what value is there for this hey did you hear know what something terrible happened really what's going oh this and that the other oh now I'm getting hooked cuz I'm gettin well why did they do that and it'd be good and bad and our job is to recognize like Jesus said you will always have issues in this world it's made from the ego I am NOT it's going to do that why would you be shocked no but this
time they're really bad this time it's politics how did you not ever hear about that before it's always been messed up almost every instance of politic is is ego-oriented but god bless the person who can get into politics and try to come from a different place that's a master that's a master I dig that and there have been some that have tried like Abraham Lincoln I don't care you can say well I think his hair was too long or whatever you can find something you don't like I've never liked his fashion sense you
know I don't I don't I don't care that you don't like his fashion you know I'm not going to get hooked and not like his fashion sense look into the soul of a person and a lot of times our actions can demonstrate what's happening in here that's why Jesus was telling you don't obsess on what you put in the mouth as a food and think it makes you holy your words that come out of your mouth are going to let us know more what you're about then the food you put in man as you sit there you know on your raw
broccoli and hummus kind of lunch can you put hummus with broccoli can you okay so hummus and broccoli so you're doing your hummus and broccoli as you sit there you know and I heard no no no and I hate that person and it you know it doesn't work it does you know this doesn't like make you holy encounter your hatred Edgar Cayce had a great statement about your liver your spleen your stomach that these organs cannot be healthy if you hate if you judge if you have resentment it's it's toxifying your
system eat healthy foods but also think healthy thoughts and speak healthy words that's why Zarathustra Buddha Jesus one of the most consistent sayings out of all the teachers like they don't always all say the same thing two of them might say the same thing another two three might say this but they one of the only sayings that all of them agreed and seemed to have stated good thoughts good words good deeds along those lines so I need to become the holiness that I really am and that's not gonna happen by getting
down on myself when I slip and act like the ego I am NOT what do you do with that you own it just like if you saw it in somebody else where did that come from wow that that comment that mood that's something the ego I am NOT you're going to go through the dark night of the soul I just did a talk on that Friday you can go on and watch it it's free on YouTube but the dark night of the soul you're going to go through the dark night of the soul it's still not who you are what's the purpose of life's test what's
the purpose of you and I going through the dark night of the soul ultimately there is no purpose because ultimately I'm made in God's image and I am that I am then why do we have to do all that because I forgot and I became an ego I am NOT that draws me towards lessons and tests in life so that I look like I'm you know finally kind of learning you're not really ever learning any you're just remembering but it looks like I'm learning and I'm going through tests and I'm becoming stronger more faithful more
spiritual more centered and all that but the moment you wake up and go it actually like finally like boom all you do is go I just had the weirdest dream that's all that happens it's not like I made it thank God all my tests it's like it you realize it was all a dream you dreamt that you were less than divine and it's not true and you woke up that's a Course in Miracles calls that a moment of great laughter when you go away this is weird man just had the weirdest dream I mean now I'm in the oneness of love
and God this is fantastic but I just had the weirdest dream and the Angels gather around really what happened it was kind of weird I mean first of all I was a completely messed up what do you mean messed up what's that it's hard to explain in the divine I am of love but it's when you do everything contrary to love why would you do that I have no idea I have no it did it give you something well no because there is only love so what could non love bring me okay sounding insane so far but go ahead tell us the rest
anyway you know and then I went through that and then people broke my heart how did they break your heart what heart you mean the the well I had this organ that I thought I had it was called a heart but I mean the heart chakra they don't go to chakra they go with the chakra well the chakra is you have a chakra here and then another shocker and they're all different we don't know different we only know one yeah but these are different chakras and usually if you go to certain towns they're gonna want to work on certain
chakras your crown in your heart because you know you need to open your heart you know to be more loving why would you need anything to be more loving you are loved I know don't get me started this whole thing was weird and because I was living in this bizarre story I got sick what's that okay you got this body what's a body okay pretend that you're like a turnip you're just a you're a thing yeah what's a turnip it's a thing you mean you're no longer no you're you're a thing and then because you're
so upset as a thing that you don't do anything divine you're believing you're a thing it upsets you inside and so you start to get sick which means you start to become a death version of that thing a dying version this is how the description would go or the conversation would go I do I had a bad dream that's all it was it was a weird dream that I was a messed-up person how did you get out of that how did you get back to heaven okay well I started you know wearing white or purple and I wore a crystal and you know
what do though I just don't forget it just and then I made sure I ate right because that made me more spiritual and then I went to workshops and learn to own money padmi home and boom Shakalaka boom and I learned to do this and chant and gongs and wrong you know you know it's I tried guns and bongs I tried you know just about anything and everything to get home and I stood on one foot for hours and hours why did you do that because my yogi told me to I just stood there and on one foot and fingers you
know ramma lamma lamma ding-dong you know and i did all these and and when you think it look at what we do we sit around doing these things you know and then Monty Python boom you know and so you do all these things and they're gonna go did it help not really how did you then wake up and you're gonna say I learned to forgive I learned to forgive myself not for thinking I needed all those things because in the illusion all of those things were helpful bettering my diet and doing yoga all those things in the
illusion they were helpful because they taught me how to think and feel as though I was having a happy dream it's still happening in the dream but it was a happy dream before I did that I toxified my body and I lived very hatefully towards myself so it was right while in the dream to wake up and say it's time for a happy dream that's why we do these things those things don't actually earn your way back to God you are as God created you I am as God created me all the other stuff is just my ago she ation of it my movement might
dance with it that's all you don't make them negative but don't make them holy either they're just signs of good healthy choices today it's a sign of my moving in the right direction I am three letters I am I am I represents the eye of God the eye I like the ye the eye of God Here I am it's the upper three chakras is the eye of God just like there's a top a bottom and a middle branch of there's three pieces that to that capital I I am and there's three chakras all right now the
lower four chakras are going to be you let me say it another way the lower for chakras get split ones the heart and then you have three lower ones below that so watch this carefully I am I is up here a single line and it ends it starts with a single line the single point and it ends with a single point because God is one and then the eye connects to the tip of the a in my heart which is one point because one point joint with one point the a in my heart the a then splits into how many points at the bottom two so in the heart
all right in the heart the eye connects to the a the a tip of the a splits into two parts now why two parts because the M is going to be representing the lower three chakras and the top of the M has two points that connect with the bottom of the a and the bottom of the M has three points representing your three lower chakras i1 connects to one becomes to two becomes the top of the M that you know the pointed parts of the M and connects there and splits into three the lower three chakras one set of three is one eye the God presence it splits to
the a and that's my heart seemingly split off from God seemingly instead of one point splits into two so that's called duality where does it originate in my heart and soul in God there's no such thing as duality but in my heart I started to believe in it why cuz that's where my soul is in my soul learned to believe that it was separate from God and then that soul gave birth to another 3 Center so at the bottom of the M you have 3 points and that's my lower three chakras however notice that the I M
includes my whole being it brings the I presence of God into all aspects all of my chakras all of me high and low so we can't actually decline or ignore or walk away from or whatever you want to call it the the human self this is what we believe we are now we have to bring the divine presence into it as I am the ego says I am NOT the ego says I'm just down here struggling to get by that whole divine stuff up there do you see God no do you feel God on a regular basis no you better just rely on me as your guide
because I'm as terrified as you are and we need to get through this the best we can which is not really an intention it has other than the misery for us so the ego saying look there is no God and it sir it sure seems true biola anatomically we're down in the lower three chakras do you know how the lower three chakras how do you get to the fourth chakra well you just rise no you can't you have a diaphragm anatomically that doesn't want the lower three chakras to get up to the heart you have a diaphragm and ancients used to say you
know this is an just another hundred or so years ago people started and whenever that time was people started wearing ties they you know there's a people that are in a somatic bodywork kind of laugh at that because they said even when we wore ties we were trying to cut off the flow from our divine chakras into our heart and into our body you know just choke it back so instead open so they would people that are into such somatic forms of healing they're like open it up find the blocks in the body the diaphragm doesn't have to be
actually stuck so when they show you breathing day demonstrate breathing they look to see are you breathing totally or is it just barely and when it's barely there's a reason it's it's it's a statement I'm barely here I'm barely wanting to be here I'm afraid or unwanted this shallow breathing so to bring the breath all the way through the body to see if even the pelvis even the feet should respond to a breath it shouldn't be here it shouldn't be up here it should be everywhere the
presence of God the other way is like the ego saying let's keep God stuck way up there and not experience it here and now I am as God created me the ego saying I am NOT shut the door immediately lock it down diaphragm boom and we have other segments that are like diaphragms but this is the big one the one that keeps the lower three chakras of the I am NOT to the heart which then connects me to the divine I am so we learned that even on a somatic breathing it's also symbolic Wow god I feel different you know you get the body
work done and you know certain types of body work particularly and all of a sudden you feel more energy flowing through now that's good news the body worker opens you up and you go things are flowing more than they ever have that's good news but moments after the ego is gonna say what have you done what do you think you're doing well I'm feeling really no you're not what are you trusting really well we'll make sure that by the time you get home we're gonna give you ten other people
just on the road to not trust ten other reasons to not trust you better watch out really yeah here we go again locking it up again so the body work often does not last because the mind hasn't caught up to it the only value the the body work has is sending a signal to the mind to change itself if all you do is the body work without the mind change meaning the soul change the belief systems change then it's really in vain you're just wasting your money because you're just going to be stuck again a minute later an hour
later or whatever it happens to be so you get the body work a good healer should not just be doing the work and you should not be going to one just to get the work it's experiencing the work did you breathe and receive were you becoming aware at all of the things that helped make you stuck because that's what it's about the former days we did all these doctors and body workers and so on in the future they're going to be called healers they won't be names from one to another they're gonna be called healers
because they'll have one purpose healing not doings not surgeries or pills or herbs or rubs it's going to be they're healers why because they're accomplishing what the only thing healing is about less ego more God that's what a healing looks like less ego in whatever capacity at whatever capacity that's a good sign but some people will help you get some of the ego out but they don't replace it with God so therefore it's not healing other people will preach the God but not touch
and not do any body work or not do any healing on the body so that's in a sense limited I need to release some of the old stealing something old has to go something new has to come in and now it's a complete system I emptied my cup and my cup was refilled and I feel different now you feel different but that's going to be forever of course in miracles' explains to us when you have something like that happen you might even shift back a little bit to your old patterns but what you accomplished it
says will be held for you forever until you come back when you gain God consciousness you don't it's like in this world we think oh I used to be spiritual and then I lost it or you know I was out of it and then became spiritual in this world you can go back and forth the reality is every real bit of God you gain can't be lost there's never a and then I lost that it's forgotten for now but it's never lost only stuff in this world can be seemingly gained and seemingly lost there's no seeming with God it's real I
am and when we talk about the I am presence of God it's just it's almost hilarious because we're thinking of that thing up there you know Moses went and spoke to God up on the mountain but was there really a mountain yet probably but is it also symbolic yes meaning Moses didn't just climb on a mountain like people going under the Red Rocks and Sedona I climbed a mountain so I'm holy now no you're not did you also go up on the mountain in here when you climb the mountain did you climb the mountain did
you go up and just think now that I'm at a higher altitude I'm more spiritual I even feel lighter no you're passing out that's called altitude sickness you know I mean you know come on you have to also go up the mountain so when Moses says okay they look at the analogy Moses a climb up a mountain tedious took days man took days to get to that level of altitude to get up that mountain got up there and then I saw God in this fire you know this bush in it its voice was speaking to me and then it gave me two tablets of
laws very cool very cool that's a master but what it's telling us also happened that isn't Devolder understood and it's also telling us what has to happen to us is not go to the same mountain to try the same thing it's to live it so living it means guess what there's this guy named Moses like me any of us here's what happened to him he had to take some time it took days had to take time to get to a higher level of consciousness that's like prayer and meditation and fasting and getting to a higher let got there
getting to a higher level when he got there he starts to see and fill and hear the voice of God where has he gone up here to this place and I saw this burning bush that's my hair and my crown chakras all glowing this is the burning bush it's me and I was given these two tablets that's the messages given into the right and left sides of the brain hemispheres so all of this is actually an alligator ji of my own inner process and he hears the voice of God do you dang right right in here and it's that I
am oh that's kind of cool the downside is them even even if one of us any of us have that same vision we're tempted to come down the mountain and think why I got to go back up there someday because God lives up there what we're actually supposed to do is take God down into the world with us down into the day-to-day decisions that's why he's given the two tablets hemispheres of the brain but he brings them down to the people and says we have to live these laws because it means you don't just say I am you live
the I am presence those Commandments that are actually called translated Commandments as translated as disciplines these are things you should you know do not things you better not do these are guidelines of how to live spiritually and for a time of you know cultures at that time the murder and and war and all the things going on it applied don't kill don't kill don't steal you know it's it's common sense but at the time you hear it as laws but even laws have to become realities you have to say there's the laws and the
laws have to send a message to my heart for me to become a different person not just keep behaving a certain way people have done this for thousands and tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of years trying to follow rules to behave differently so that it's more agreeable to some or law-abiding but there's a point where all that can go because we learn to become the law I would not how could I kill or steal how could I do anything covet thy neighbor's Goods what Goods there's not even a neighbor we're all one what am I
gonna covet and why would you covet anything because you'd go god I wish I had that the law is telling you not just to not covet it's telling you why would you just access the IM and create it get into the IM and say hey you know I need a car to I don't have one this is kind of cool I am that I am I am owning a new car or I am etc etc etc whatever it is and then you have you don't need it's not don't covet watch out for coveting beware coveting you're gonna be punished if you cover its it
doesn't make any sense to covet Moses heard it as a law but really it was a principle why would you do that that doesn't make any sense there is no other why would you covered a person why would you covered a thing there is nothing else there's only one of us here the Sufi say there's only one of us here what am I going to covet I'm coveting that that is me I'm coveting that which is me see it doesn't make sense if you put it the other way but you say it's just me all I see is
part of me and as I learn to access do not state use the Lord's name in vain okay I better be careful that meant that we shouldn't say goddamn you know better watch out it's not like God's going oh my god Allah Allah I cannot hear such words terrible plug my holy ears I will not listen to such nonsense and now you're gonna go to hell because you said as a customer phrase do not use God's name in vain ment do not waste your time don't say I am sick I am hateful I am angry not because it's bad it's a waste
of time the I am can't be sick don't use God's name in vain men don't say I am and then say anything stupid you know that was channeled from the highest heavens but that's all it means why would you not be where it's just what did you just say I I said I am angry what's anger well it's when you're mad at someone so for what doing something to who there's only one we're not doing what I wanted them to do why would that make you angry if you are as God created you what do you didn't need them to say
or do for you dance a dance for you it doesn't make any sense it makes sense to the ego I am NOT because the ego I am NOT says I lack something and I need you to give it to me and if you don't I'm mad at you that's what anger is it's a state of insanity coming from my own state of being off what's the solution the truth that I can't be I can't need and it's a hard seemingly hard principle to live because then it sounds like I'm telling you you all should do this and do that
and don't ever let ego I didn't say that that would be ideal but not because you behave a certain way because you understand it and at the same time what I did say is see it surrender it and replace it see it surrender it replace it just change the mind I was angry why well I was thinking you you I was mad that you did such-and-such but why would that make you angry and when you really track it look at it it's because I was feeling inadequate and I wanted you to give me something or do something or don't do something or
whatever it is so I got angry at you for not but what that did is affirm that I am NOT that I am the ego I am NOT and what you give me is going to make me feel better but it can't as soon as I say I'm the ego I am NOT meaning I lack something needs something etc that drugs alcohol people whatever it happens to be our addictions all of those things are affirming that it's true that I am not divine as soon as you think you're gonna get something and it's gonna make you feel better it's a sad scary of affirmation that you
really are messed up and you need that thing you know what I need I need a good drink you know many TV shows or people or movies say that I need a stiff drink or I need a good drink that's not actually true but it's how you feel you feel like you need a drink because you feel like something's off and it'll help you it will not help you it does I drink and look I'm more calm you're seem calm you are drugged you seem calmer the if the thing that happened inside did not get healed you are not better that's what it
comes down to you rubbed it you medicated it whatever that's great good for you and that is how the ego I am NOT works but the divine I am was not restored because I medicated myself so all that and that's very deep stuff that I'm talking about here but it's not beyond our grasp it's our ability to say what I know is I'm not feeling right and I know that what I'm trying to do here is not gonna fix it I get that and I'm gonna give that to you God you give that to the mother the divine mother you give
that to the Holy Spirit and then you say an in replacement you know what I'd like more than anything is to feel your presence in other words it means to be restored to that which I am which we can also call sanity so again I'm closing now there's the God I am and the ego I am NOT if you want to hear more about this kind of a talk I've done this a couple of times this type of talk there's a video I think it's called spirit versus matter a video set and one of the talks cuz there's four like this
but four and one of them is the divine I am versus the ego I am NOT and it goes a lot more detail than I did today but you know it's along those lines if you want to know more you can check that out but think about how cool the wording is the divine I am is the truth of Who I am God that feels great and no matter what you've ever done and no matter what was ever done to you that was never touched all the three points down at the bottom of the M cannot migrate up and touch the one point of God the three cannot become one they
need to be one but they can't make themselves into one the ego I am NOT versus the ego the the God I am those are mutually exclusive I can't be in the ego I am not simultaneously being in the god I am and some of this may sound twisted the words it's hard to keep up with it isn't it's like Lao Tzu who wrote the dao said my words are actually simple but the ego i am not makes it a hard thing to hear because it wants to make it complicated when in fact it's not so the ego I am NOT the good news is
I just said the ego I am NOT you know I did this hurtful thing once and I really feel regret who did it the ego I am NOT which means I did not do it I seemed to have I'm not telling you to start living a delusion that you never did anything you know the old fall down that didn't hurt you know it's it's it's what you I'm not asking you to do that I'm saying just to recognize if ever I did do something own it but own that it has no real power over that god I am it only has a power while I identify
with the ego I am NOT it only has power in a world that is run by the ego I am NOT or that we are not so my job putting it all another way is kind of simple remember Who I am and forget Who I am not seems easy but I'm addicted to that which I am not I'm a female I'm a male I'm gay or straight those are identities those are false identifications and they're all reflections of the ego I am NOT what what are you who are you what are you into what you know those those little labels don't fit the god I am they only
fit here and you have to respect the illusion but I didn't say become the illusion respect the illusion you know if you're filling out a federal paper to get a passport to be able to go on a trip and you write on there I am that I am when they ask for gender you know just write something man just write something that if they decide to do a strip search it better match you know that's all you need to do is match the illusion for now you know if they say what country are you from you don't go I am from all all the all aren't we
one all nations all you know they don't want to hear a philosopher cuz the lock yah just just who are you what I play the game I'm not saying denied the game play it respect the game but I didn't say believe in it respect it but don't buy it I've had horrible things happen to me in my life someone abused me someone hurt me someone took something from me someone betrayed me okay but thank God they only harmed the part that you are not what part of them did those behaviors the I am or the I am not is
the ayah so it's the part that they are not did this to the part that I am not therefore it does not have any power over me and that's the truth of God I could try to simplify it make it seem easier but that's the truth of God and we need to start living that truth it can be challenging in my opinion to try to live that that principle all the time it can be challenging because we're in a three-dimensional world and it mostly does not live by that or respect that that's why we're supposed to know the
truth but respect the illusion no in the deep recesses the truth of God and be able to affirm such things this does not have power over me well in the middle of someone harming you it's hard to believe that so what you can do is go through it do what you need to do right now in the immediate to get safe you know and so on but when you get some time to do so remind yourself that felt so real now you could say that's bad because I believed it no no no it's actually good the more real it felt at the time the
more you got drawn in the more you got sucked in the more you reacted the more you got passionate about fighting back to whatever they were saying or doing the more deeply you're gonna be able to bring the light into that dark place when you surrender that dark place I did a bad thing what I had doubt did you bring light to the doubt no I tried to just forget that I even felt doubt that's not what God wants you to do we think that's what God wants us to do hide from our stuff God instead is saying well since you're there turn on
the light you don't understand Lord it's so dark down here well turn on the damn light just turn it up like come on I can't I can't because it's so dark I'm scared so I'm adding fear to the darkness turn on the light but I can't because my hands trembling as soon as you turn on the light everything will change about the fear and the reality of it but you have to have the courage to do that well how can i when them like this try shake off the angst center yourself calm yours yes I know it's a
divorce breathe breathe I know they're saying rude things do you breathe breathe I know they betrayed you I know that they cut you out of the will I know this happened to that I get it and breathe and find the light switch and the light switch switch means switching my mind a minute ago I thought you had absolute power and in this moment you do not and if you can't spiritually say that and believe it you can do things viscerally to help because you can use the body to send a message that it's okay to comb how like
breathing but even when I'm breathing I'm thinking oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay then try this 1 2 3 4 counting on your in-breath why cuz you're occupied instead of oh my god oh my god during my inhale oh my god oh my god during my exile what just intensifies the problem it's okay I'm going to think about 1 2 3 or the sound of the gong taking you inside that's all of a sudden they have value the the gongs and the chimes and the bells and hold your you know worry stones and they all have a value all of
a sudden because you're using them simply as tools not as masters over you but as tools of the mass to remind okay one two three and you'll find soon after like it within a couple of breaths you actually start to change your neurology you start to change your chemistry even if you thought but this won't work do it a few times and you're already starting to shift from one part of your nervous system to another part the part that is actually the metaphysical part of the nervous system the part that can override by choice
your other systems the part that can make you calm down even when you don't seem like you should be able to calm down the part that can bring in greater presence and calmness which becomes a vessel into which God can come you create that vessel okay I'm calming down I'm calling me because if you go oh my god oh my god it's the tension the fear nothing can fix this I can't believe how anxious I am you are not creating a vessel for God breathe and relax and breathe and relax and believe and
believe in surrender surrender surrender and then make space and into the space comes a presence and that presence is all that God is it's the Holy Spirit it's the Divine Mother in comes the Divine Mother this is great because I calmed and I said this stuff doesn't have the power I thought it oh my god this is great you're calming and you're making a space typically it's metaphysically or metaphorically it's in the heart I'm making space now I'm a chalice and then into the chalice comes
the holy host like you see in a tarot card or in Catholic services the holy host here comes the bread of life that's the Holy Spirit and she comes descending into my being into my heart and I start to feel a shift viscerally I start to feel different but here's the last part when she comes in she's a she and she loves being pregnant so when she enters me and becomes impregnated she's going to give birth to the Christ child we're right here so I let go I let God and I become then birthed to a new level of
consciousness I might become yes viscerally a holy divine spiritual being but sometimes it's just for a moment and those little moments are called miracles and all those miracles add up to one thing at one mint with God so every little choice every little shift back to reality adds to our eventualities of our holiness remembering Who I am all right pray that all made sense and that's a great man spirit all right let's take a few centering breaths a few centering breaths and during today's meditation
I'm sharing a few quotes one from A Course in Miracles and some from scriptures some cases not changing a single word and in other cases just only one word maybe sometimes in one letter but notice how it changes everything that we were taught about Christ Christ consciousness setting aside all the thoughts and worries of the world from the course there is a light in you which is so holy that the world is sanctified because of your presence a light in you that's so holy this is not a hopefully or maybe it's a fact all space is made
holy because of our true light having completely emptied himself of his ego Jesus could say the ego I am NOT is the source is not the source of the words I speak the ego I am not is not the source of the words I speak it is the I am who dwells in me that does my work once the Apostles went out to sea out to the ocean without Jesus the winds came up and grew rough and tossed the boat around Jesus walked out to them walking on water and said it is I am do not be afraid one of the times Jesus was followed by a large crowd and they
needed food everybody was hungry and Jesus said I am the bread of life whoever comes to me which means I am would never be hungry if you turn to your I am you cannot be hungry another time he spoke and said I am the light of the world no follower of mine which is the I am will wander in darkness the I am is the light of the world he says you the ego I am the ego I am NOT are of what is below I am is what is from above that is why unless you come to identify with I am you will die in your limiting beliefs he approaches a man who was
blind from birth and he says as long as I am is in the world I am is the light of the world and when they came to arrest Jesus in one version of the story it said as follows they came to arrest Jesus and he says who are you here for and they said Jesus the Nazarene and he said I am and when Jesus said to the soldiers who came to arrest him I am they all the ground shook and they all fell backwards to the ground and of course when he was arrested and he was asked are you the son of God he answered I am now take any of these and
think of how to apply these in your life imagine in your day-to-day life right now people are pointing fingers at you shaming you accusing you being rude to you such as the case when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus it means when people have come to accuse you to shame you to harm you he said to them I am and they all felt backwards so imagine being in any scenario of challenge and deciding to choose you know to know who you are to decide to be I am how will you would respond differently but your very the very notion of calling
in that presence and being that presence see how it takes all the accusers and lets them fall back don't try to harm them just they fall away a person that attacked they cut you off on the road if that's like saying they've come to arrest you it means they've come to hook you into hatred or fear and your answer they cut you off you say I am I am the I am says I'm fine here and then imagine peace flooding the other car as well as yours imagine when you have to fix a situation like Jesus curing a man of blindness who
do you think you are trying to advise me who do you think you are you're just another family member you don't have any wisdom we want you to be as messed up as we are and then remember I am is the light of the world I am that I am it doesn't mean you say those words to them and make them hate you even more it's just the knowingness I am I am the light of the world and as long as I am in the world I will be the light of the world the woman he meets by the well and he tells her what are you doing she's
I've come to get water he said there's a water that would if you drink it you'd never be thirsty again she's what is that water I want some of that water I am he answers and he's not personalizing it meaning I am special it means the I am in US is that living water the I am in us so we'll take the last minute here go wherever your mind needs to go whether it's curing problems whether it's holding space but take yourself into a meditation I am that I am how does that look in your day-to-day
life I am that I am be still and know that I am God command that to any problems be still it means chill lighten up back off and know that the I am presence of God is here tell it to your fears your doubts your shames regrets it's not to pretend you didn't do something you learn from it if you'd like but come back to affirming the truth of God be still and know that I am God be still and know that I am be still and
know that I be still and know be still be and then remember the remembering that I am as God created me I feel good there's a celebration in my soul when I say I am as God created me so everyone just Takens moment to give thanks for this experience give thanks but in a way that feels celebratory this is great I am as God created me for some of us it's going to be the most important piece will be thank God because I'm not that other thing I thought I was when I made some mistakes in my life the mistakes are corrected by
the I am presence of God so for some it'll be important in contrast to the other things we thought about ourselves for others it's going to be an empowering statement of presence for others it will be a prosperity statement that's important I am as God created me I am the prosperity of God on earth I am abundant I am as God created me I am health and wholeness I am also the presence of God in the form of I'm holding such an amount of light here that illnesses fall away when I arrive it parts the sea of emotions or matter
all things fall away because I am that I am and so it is