The All Is In All
speaking of God today we're gonna talk about the the all is within all it's one of the hermetic laws of the universe the all which is God is in all which is us so this hermetic law one of seven hermetic laws of the universe is the all is within all and all which is you and I is in not all God is in us we're in God that's what that law means but it also means if God is love then love is within all does that make sense so God is within all so some people then take off with that and make it as though what it
means is well God is in all things we talked about this a little last week but God is within all things you know God is within birds and sea creatures and you know predator animals but God is also in war and molestation and this this is not the truth of God this is these are people who think they have spiritual understanding because what they're saying sort of makes sense it's very simple math if God is in all then gods at all which means in in murder hate war it makes sense because the deduction is
if God is in all then you're not allowed to dispute that it's in all including hurt and negativity but that's not so and then you go well then this is contradiction no it's just a paradox the paradox is that God is within all but only with what's real when we say God is in all it means God is in all that's real and only love is real hate is just the fear that you don't have love but you do have love so it's just an opinion which is why we call the teachings of Christ the truth because
it's not the truth versus the false warring it's just the truth versus what only truth is true so if something else is the opposite of truth it's called false which means it doesn't exist so that's why Jesus said resist not evil he wasn't saying do your best to not fight against evil which is still a fight he was really being philosophical resist not evil meaning I wouldn't bother if I were you because it isn't there you know it's really kind of deep he was being kind of Lao Tzu you
know like one of those doubting you know the DAO kinds of sayings resist not evil for evil is not so why bother with the evil that isn't there just focus on the love it is and the little isn't that isn't and the oneness that isn't it within the three you know and you go what is this guy saying Lao Tzu and then Lao Tzu says my words are actually simple you're just messed up that's why you don't understand him and and the Course in Miracles he says the same thing Jesus says this this course is
teaching you something that's so it's as natural and organic as you can find and you still act like you don't understand it why because you've lost your organic self if you were back in touch with who you were you would totally get it the Lao Tzu you know Doughty chings and that of Christ or whatever because the teachings of God the reality of God is simple simple not as in educationally simplistic in that sense but it means simple meaning just so easy so the all of God God is in all so then we start to
take it literally because humans always like to interpret things are typically like to interpret things literally just relaxed on the literal for a moment God is in all it doesn't mean God is the pine needle on the tree God is the the hair on the head it means God is the light behind what you think you see it doesn't mean what you think you see because your senses are lying to you your eyes can't see the light of God when we closed one eye and opened two we no longer knew how to see light that can
be seen with one I why do we call it one-eyed meat well literally it's known as our third eye and it's far more than what we perceive like clairvoyance it's far more this is a knowingness clairvoyance is just a sort of a symptom of a greater knowingness it's just a microcosm of a greater knowingness but this I is is the one Jesus referred to let thine eye be single and you will be filled with light I dig that so it also means if this I opened whoa you know it's like you just dropped some form of positive acid like
wow everything looks different except your brain cells aren't dying so everything looks different this I opened and all of a sudden not only are the trees glowing they're in communion with me and the communion is called love and you're just like and they could put you in shackles and you don't care and they can hate you and you don't care and you can get on the cross and you'll go forgive them they know not what they do it's not was cuz he was stoned it's because he got it his mind is open and
and this sounds to human beings they call this lofty and impractical but it's as practical as you can get because it's your real self that says wait a minute because they see the needy self the one that thinks it lost God starts to say okay we don't have God so that's a huge loss so I really can't afford any more losses so don't you leave me if you're my partner don't you veer off if you're my chill everybody has to be in line so that I know I'm in control because losing God made me feel like I'm not in
control if God can be absent from my life I just know you guys are on borrowed time so I need to do my best to keep you all and you know intact or if I get bitter in because enough of you have dumped me or left me abandon me whatever I just start going you know keep everybody at arm's distance it's just another attempt to preserve your emotion to save yourself emotionally instead this is different because you say it's not like okay arms distance or codependence I'll tell you what if you promise to never leave me
I'll promise to never leave you this is a dysfunctional agreement one of us is going at some point you can't say you know then so they throw in to death to us part so it's like well there is that what about the death of my love for you what about the death of my commitments to you those those are a form of death as well when when are we allowed to say it's over so we should say it when we're starting it right you should say it when we're starting it so that we understand you know what I love you I absolutely do
and I mean that spiritually first and it is my intention to share it personally with you I'm a human being however I don't know what I feel tomorrow I don't know what my intention is this that's all I can promise you promise the intention if you walk up the aisle proverbial aisle you know just promise that's where I'm at but but there's reasons why it's it's misdirected and misguided spiritual statements when we say I'm gonna walk down the aisle and you're gonna wear white and and now it's
like anything but white you know nobody will kill you no could walk down the aisle and say I'm pure as the driven snow driven everywhere by everybody good no no get be patient be patient this this you have four lifetimes had so many lovers you can't count them you've had light you can't just be a promise to me you can't don't try it you can't promise me you're going to be this I want you to be what is it women are told they have to marry Jesus and men are told they have to find the Virgin Mary which isn't hot
at all this is this is not like sexy it's not all of that is what religion made people believe they had to marry at the end of the aisle and underneath it is this I'm seeking God that's all I ever seek because everything is love or a cry for love that's all it is when you look at the tree bless you when you look at the tree and you would like to see a beautiful green tree you're actually looking for God when you walk up the aisle and say I do you're actually looking for God that person can't be
that they've been with other people this lifetime or now they sworn to other people they've vowed to be married just to God if they were nuns or priests we have to kind of retire all this peel the layers off and say would you like to get to know me as I'm getting to know me that's all I can really promise you I can't promise you the white gown what I could promise you is that my intentions are pure so whatever color the gown is it's never supposed to have been about the gown the whiteness it's that your
intentions are pure so no matter what shade literally or figuratively your partner wears no matter how much dowry noma how much money that people we did in the old days it's really about the intention I I'm getting to know me and from what I'm finding I've got some fears and some strengths and they sometimes get mixed up even are you interested in getting to know that me because that's the me so far that I know yeah I think I can afford that no models at the end no plastic bride and bridegroom on the
at the end it's it's really a revealing you know Here I am does that interest you getting to know you know making a commitment to get to know not to marry the person you thought was the model at the end because none of that's true and it seems like generations I mean it really to me it feels like it's hundreds of years outdated but people are still doing this and and this isn't a tirade about marriage but it's interesting to me because right now lots of marriages got cancelled this year because of the
virus so a lot of and I'm thinking that's not an accident this is another wave of the truth coming in saying you're never gonna be able to do that the same ever and if you try worse things are gonna happen you can never walk up the aisle and find the glowing white bound partner everybody's got to become more real I can't promise you the perfect groom which is coming from that concept groomed to be something I can't I don't know I'm me well who are you well I'm kind of figuring that out does that
interest you yeah it kind of does I don't know why but I feel capable of committing to this your process of getting to know yourself as long as I'm gonna be doing the same thing are you okay with that that is an agreement that is a really healthy agreement even though we're both owning we're kind of uncertain and we're flawed it's still more real so behind everything is God when you look for the driven snow white bound woman or the perfect groomed to be your husband grew none of that was
really you were always just looking for God and that's why they overly inflated it to be married Jesus and Mary the Virgin Mary how could that ever have gone well I mean sorry you know but how could that ever ever have gone well they could not live up to it and even if they did there would have been this neglect because you're my wife and you're supposed to be the mother Mary so we can't be intimate or sexy but I'll look you up now and again when my mood overrides what I think I believe that's just Ussery man
so they should have been saying no not until you're in the really right mindset that would have been great for wives to have used that one over and over through the years no not until you're in the right mindset which should have been theirs you know the race would have disappeared there's no procreation but anyway just imagine imagine now that everything that we do is actually a search for God what if that's true and it is what if that's true what if I'm looking for a new job is actually you're
looking for God and a new job what if I want to get a raise at work what if that's really I want more God and a raise at work what if beneath everything is a search for light and if it's a search for God it's a search for love you're not gonna get it by getting mad if you don't get the raise now you're just affirming if you don't get the raise you're affirming you didn't get the love which means you're affirming there's no love so this is why Jesus had taught give thanks even before
you see the results learn to affirm that the light of God is here even if I can't see it it's okay to do that well no I have to affirm it if I slip and and think that I'm not seeing it then I've done something wrong no you're actually encouraged you're encouraged to say even though I don't see it I know it's here because that means your soul self has entered and says I don't care what the human eyes tell me this is the truth of God you see what I'm saying faith and things unseen that's a part of
what that means so everything is just a search for God and I just find this to be so so amazing to me everything I've ever looked for was just my longing for God any person that was ever homeless longing to be having a roof over that they were longing for God everything even a craving for a body another person is a search for God but they're all misdirected because the senses the ego hijacks the thought process doesn't allow it to be pure Here I am God and get filled it hijacks it and strips it all down and changes all the wording you
have to be this perfect man or woman for me this job has to do this and somebody else has to do that nature needs to do this and God needs to deliver that though those are all statements that you and I don't believe that we have God believe it or not everything is love or a cry for love so every bit of love even love like I really like you I really love you is actually a microcosm of my love for God you follow if I say that I don't love anybody that's really sad because that's my tenth temper tantrum
towards God but when I love you I'm really loving it's just a minor version of my love for you when I think I love you and I think I love you because of a B and C that's just a minor version of it I love you because you're so dedicated I love you because I'm married you're so pure I love you because you're a good provider I all these loves you're attractive guys those are the eyes the ears senses there there's something far more that says I love you even if I just think I just like you even without me
knowing it I love everyone at such a capacity it is beyond their capability to understand that's how much I love everyone I being any of us even people you don't think you like deep down inside you actually love them but you're angry because you don't remember how to love them it's there but I'm actually frustrated so when you see like racial things going on in abuses you actually love all parties involved on some level but what you're saying is but I don't understand why they're not demonstrating it for me
they're not acting very loving so then what's my job to see it for them to know that even though a brother or sister has been abused it could be child molestation it could be murder of a person on the streets whatever's happening my job is to say hold in a minute wait it's not with these eyes that I'm supposed to be evaluating the situation I am supposed to be seeing love beyond what these eyes can tell me if I don't know how then just affirm it just say despite the way I see things happening right now there is a deep love
and it's it's it seems ludicrous believe it or not the guy that shot John Lennon you don't understand loved him but didn't know how to actually love him so he did what the ego told him to do instead of what his heart told him to do people just rude hurtful murders when people steal from each other burglarized and so on it's a it's a statement of I don't have something I'm gonna take it from you what do you think the ultimate statement is you think it's about a piece of paper or something it's I don't
have God anymore I don't know how to find God anymore so I'm gonna take it from you so I abuse a child because I see an innocence there that I think I lost I see some person that seems weaker than me and I feel predatorial yes yes the psychologist that tells you it's about power and control that's true but why am I needing power and control over that other human beings because of insecurities what do you think my insecurity has come from me because I don't feel God so I'm feeling quite insecure so everything is really
just this dance of love or a cry for love the all of God is in all stop looking with your eyes stop expecting it from the pure white dress stop expecting it from the vows but you promised me what you're saying is look I'm so messed up I need someone to promise me you're gonna make me better promise me you'll never leave me promise me you'll never this promise me oh my god you know and all it is is you know imagine if they went to the altar and you know I promised they'd read you know I promise to love and cherish and
honor you no matter what you look like I'll never look at anybody else and you know no matter how much if we struggle financially I'm just gonna be always in a good mood and you know everything you know all these things it should really be take the paper symbolically throw it up have an extra little fire up on the altar drop it in the fire and say you know what I could love icon on a spiritual level I love everybody on the planet but I'm choosing to partner with you and that should tell you something
that's all you need to say in your vows if that doesn't tell I mean eight billion people I could choose from I'm standing in this building with you at the altar that should tell you something if that doesn't make you go wow I thank you I'm not making you feel valuable I'm just reflecting that you have value and people saying thank you to each other for that all right this would be kind of cool no big pressures no bride it has to be the the little the old school you know pure pure pure and the guy provide
provide provide just stop and say men you know for some reason I just I feel enough for you that I would like to walk this walk with you so let's let's do that that's more authentic do you know that every time you ever had your favorite meal and you went oh my god that was so good do you know that underneath it it was really the light in you dancing with the light of the food you ate and you think it's the food all it's the most delicious you created that moment somewhere somehow you must have
thought you deserved a good moment but it's you it's not the bride bridegroom and it's not the food or the drink anything that ever made you feel relaxed was a symptom of how relaxed you can really be you think something Oh dad a drink and I feel more relaxed here's the tragedy - at all it's called objectifying you have the potential of God some part of you unconsciously said I want to feel the peace of God unconsciously that's what you're saying I really really want to feel the peace of God but by the time
that registers into your brain what do you say I need a drink I swear this is how this works it starts off a sublime - everything starts off as a sublime union with God potentially by the time it reaches the body the human self its it seems all but lost but it isn't lost it's never lost completely because the all is in all God is in us we're part of the all so be all of God is in us is what that means so then why do I think a drink relaxed me I'm part of God and that's because the ego never
wants you to completely credit the all it wants you to create credit anything between the all and yourself anything else why it's called objectifying because as soon as you thought an object gave you anything you lost the holiness of the moment you accidentally put credit on the thing and now what's going to happen is it starts to program and the neurons in your brain that you know the thing really helps me feel a thing and that that thing makes me feel a thing everything's just about things and
if it's about things it's not about God anymore so people lose sight of God and then it becomes your program now we're just running on a pro you know yeah as long as the government takes care of us as well I know my religion will always be honest with me and I know science is only ever about the truth and and the world is teaching us right now it didn't happen it didn't work they all led us down but not to judge them because they're just things if you think you're a thing you need another thing to
look at if you and I remember that we're not a thing we're a presence where the all what could satisfy me but remembering that I'm the all if I forget then all of a sudden a drink is all I need and it doesn't help it doesn't work it everything is synthetic is what I'm saying it isn't just synthetic foods that are manufactured nutrients that are manufactured it's not everything in this world is manufactured some look more organic but everything is manufactured if you're not seeing feeling
experiencing the complete total presence of the all God then you've manufactured something else to stand between you and God even when it comes to physical sensations oh I love to be hugged or I love making love and wonderful by a lot all biology isn't biology wonderful it's a thing you're this and biology is that in comparison it's nothing it's seemingly a thing and no thing only God is the all how do I find the all then what do you want the all to be like for you peace okay then every time you reach for
something else that you think brings you peace pause and say this actually can't bring me anything that I'm not already call in the consciousness to replace the thing then this is what Jesus calls give to Caesar what Caesar's and give to God what is God's so make that God in you reach for the god of your remembrance and know the difference but you can still have a thing just know that it's just a thing mmm know that it can't bring you anything it's really interesting isn't it think about this nothing really helps
when you reach for nutrients and your medicines which you should take if that's where you're at but when you reach for them you think that they're actually doing something for you what you want is consciousness if I'm tuning in to God I am whole and anything outside of wholeness would disappear instantly disease couldn't find a home in you because you'd be radiating such perfect light no no but I better take this thing this vitamin you know because this this is what makes me not stressful this is what only
consciousness matters so when you think a thing fixed you you start becoming addicted to the concept of things having power over you and I I personally don't think it's easy to break that program it's so engrained you're told you're crazy if you think outside their box you're a heretic if you think outside the religion mocks your you're gullible and naive if you think outside Sciences box and you're a renegade if you think outside the box of politics but at some point you just realize that no no more
settling the presence of God for fathers of this country did that they got it you can't settle it's about God everything's about God and some of them said yes and because we're into sacred geometry we're gonna open up and set up Washington DC and perfect sacred geometry which they did everything aligned in and so they were getting so caught up in the thing of sacred geometry the measurements they would stand around okay so for the next building okay well three degrees to the right kick and Jefferson Thomas joy he
just said what in the hell are you people doing while we're making everything perfectly sacred and jumping cuz that's gonna be a thing that we think has power over us he said you know what no he took a stick stuck in the ground it goes there which is like a metaphor for destroyed it's no he's you know stop measuring it's in here he got it but you know okay he's gonna be like daddy sorry Thomas we were just wanting to you know make sure everything was spiritually right for God but apparently you don't care and what
Jefferson was saying was I care so much that any place that I say is God is God it's not from the measurement it's not from the nutrient it's not from behavioral modifications it's everywhere the all of God is in all and everybody tends to forget that why because it is the absolute insistence and need of the ego to forget that so the more you allow your ego to run rampant the more you're gonna have to know that everything that we think is the all is gone and now it's survival of the fittest so we all just try to get by
manufacturing what seems to help us each and every day but it doesn't so to me the world every so often you can just see these waves and I myself I'm not cold to this when I see it stuff happened in the world I just think man my prayer is that everybody just learned to learn their lessons the easy way instead of the hard way you know I I could get just as depressed as anybody by any of this stuff that goes on it's not like I just walk around cold and philosophical you know a part of me is is is part of the human race and I'm
like wow you know I don't want to see anybody abused or harmed anybody old or young but it happens not just the ones that are conveniently on the news the ones that aren't on the news the number of clients I have every day on phone and in-person sessions the stuff that goes on is crazy on this planet and I have to keep reminding myself everything is love or a cry for love that's it the all is in all my job is to say how did I forget that today and forgive and then to replace it with now do I remember that today how am I going
to remember that if it's true that any one person purposefully the police officer whatever else purposefully harmed or killed another that's not good but you think that's the problem even if they didn't kill them but secretly harbored hatred and wishing to kill them isn't good it's not the action it's the consciousness do you understand everybody you guys understand that if murder hadn't taken place which which don't know all the details and that's not being proven and all that yet but
but even if it is true and proven would it have been better if it hadn't happened but he wish he had done it no no not really consciousness is behind these behaviors you don't want to have hate in people's consciousness so how to deal with it the only answer is to give what wasn't there which is love I really really admire I remember one time a few years back there was this child that was interviewed his father who was african-american was killed presumably you know irresponsibly let's say by some authority and and when
they interviewed the family members they had differing opinions on what they wanted to happen to the the guy that did this but it was like the kid who started talking he just like channelled I think they need to be forgiving and I mean I could have listened to that kid for hours I could have this this channeling of were even their family members that were angry you could tell either resisted what the kid was saying or melted but they knew something Wow how did that child step up and say well I don't like that this happened but I know
that he would want us to forgive even the person that was killed he would have wanted us to forgive if he were here that soon he would ask us to do and people you know judges and it was just like wow that's the real stuff out of the mouths of babes someone aside from opinions and all that stuff of the external world I understand the anger people feel about poverty and hurt and so on and so on but more hate isn't gonna help it no that's what we need we need reaction and more hate it actually doesn't work they tried that
against the Romans over it do you know Rome lasted like a thousand years when you counted all the way up to you know later years for that matter like a thousand they never cared they didn't go oh wait a minute Colosseum feed Christians to the Lions oh wait wait we shall hold off the games because there are thine three picketers outside who are telling us we're wrong let's change our ways the things that most touched dictators and lunatics governments that allowed hurtful behaviors you know whatever most changed
them were those in those of those beings that were thrown to the Lions who walked into the fires who walked up to the Lions sometimes tamed the Lions in front of everybody's eyes other times they said God take me the ones that didn't react made more of an affect on even the hardened Rome then did any amount of complaining or rioting you may not like it may not agree but it's true being an example is the number one way to make a change in the world it's true and and you know sometimes that's hard to do
because you take the hit as a race or as a family or whatever role you're playing then don't don't take the hit and don't try to make any changes just go along if that's what you think you want to do but it's really nice when you and I can say you know what being an example is like saying the all is not only in all I am that all I am as God created me I will to be the Christ on earth when you see me you see the father that's amazing stuff when you can say hey nothing you do like Jesus to Pilate you have no power over
me other than the power I decided to give you today you know that's huge man so when you and I can step out of reaction some of you say my father abused me should I write a letter tell him I hate him no no you can write all the family a letter and say this is what happened so I won't be at any family reunions until I see changes that's beautiful but showing them that you hate him in a way is what they want you to do what their ego wants they want to see you broken down you're crying you look what you've done to me do you
understand that their ego loves that so cry when you're alone cry when you're at home screaming a pillow when you let them see you stand in your Center like a being who's plugged into God and who has no wavering from them in any way shape or form someone who stands and says when you see me you see the father I stand here with the divine mother in me the Holy Spirit of God so when I stand here and share a B and C I'm just telling you how it is oh but you're inconveniencing our family to tell us that I don't care
I'm not doing this to harm any of you I'm just plugged in so now here I am plugged in light glowing you don't want the light go crawl under a rock go live in the darkness your little serpents of whatever type go ahead but I'm standing in the light you know I don't hate you I'm just saying here's light do you like the light if you don't like the light you're gonna go crawl off into the corner and gossip about how I ruined the family and I don't care hold on let me - you know I'm checking muscle Jesse I
don't care Oh my body wisdom is telling me no checking again I don't care let me just a different muscle group no still strong I'm good man I'm clear just that beauty it's so profound to be able to say that to this world all of those beings got all those great ones that that could stand in the Colosseum's and say you do what you want it's not gonna change the truth of God and those who who understood the Cathars of the old days you know the Inquisition asyou know the Rome come and say we're gonna
throw you into the fires you heretics who claim that everybody is the Christ potentially it's only Jesus and we're his church and the catheters are saying no oh you better changed your wording we're gonna write to testimony change your testimony or we're gonna burn you in the fires they went no we'll save you the trouble they just walked into the fires because they were saying you don't get it this isn't real so how could we be intimidated by you the mouthpiece of illusion all you are is the pretending
role of the leader of the illusion but you're still the illusion that's amazing guys all that matters is God holding that light to a family your partners it's beautiful in Aquarian gospel there's a story where a woman says to Jesus you know you need to come to my house and convert my husband he drinks too much and Jesus said let's talk about you you know like a hoe I didn't want that I wanted to talk can't you just validate that my husband's messed up you know and he wasn't saying well married to you he
would be it's not what he was saying he was saying let's talk about you and partly what he was saying was if we change you he'll change because when you heal yourself others around you can be transformed if they choose not to be you don't sit there and wait you don't sit there and wait noting you know no changes yet today you know you don't have conditions on the transformation just hold your presence that's one of the most brilliant experiences I've ever had we'll end with family to realize all
of a sudden instead of but why don't you like me or or why don't you do something different it's like when I didn't care that was the most empowering thing I ever had with family it's weird because it felt like like I inside I was jumping up and down literally in their presence inside I felt like oh my god do you feel it it's the presence of I don't care this is so amazing and and you know uh arguments and issues when I was married and she you know how to tend to see you know get out get out get out get out so
I was always sleeping everywhere you know at the office and in the car and whatever get out one day she goes get out and I said I did I got an apartment yesterday how dare you you jerk that go ahead no and isn't it great I mean you got possessed with the I don't care spirit and you know I'm not wrong in her in any respect I'm just saying it's true that whatever others seem to hold kids a let's go out to eat let's go out to eat all these years then one day I said you know you're being rude to each other if
you guys do that we won't be going out to eat we never went again to be able to say love and nothing else to the best of our ability we slip and I had somebody send me an email as I'm going to start to wrap up and they sent me a really concerned email and it was I'm trying to change fast and change my life my diet everything and I'm saying that's okay cool you know good job I said but be careful don't make a religion out of your transformation cuz then you've downgraded it again see
there's inspiration and your egos gonna try to hijack it each step along the way as it comes into your embodiment I feel the transformation coming oh never mind Scott you know it's like it just it you lose it and so this person's wow and then I'm going great great great but I know what's coming so then they're back on the you know email was with well so I'm doing this transformation but what foods should I eat well what are you reading right now this will then go with that for now oh but they said this this and
they're careful you're making it a religion so you know now they're like but this one book says all cooked foods are evil and all meats are evil that isn't that God is in all is it so I said look you're starting to make it an argument between a turnip and a turkey and it isn't it isn't that nobody should ever because this book said and nobody should ever I said listen there are estimate that have to eat foods for survival they won't even survive if they try to go with the fresh broccoli in
their igloo it won't happen it won't happen so so some cultures some body type some don't don't start making things into a religion meaning rules and dogmas you know and so I ended the conversation with them with this you think and this is that this whole talk has been about you think it's about the thing so for you right now you're talking about how you're improving your diet your fasting you're becoming such a spiritual person you forgot to forgive yourself for the areas where you're not eating perfectly
to that book forgiveness was the point I'm trying to be more spiritual so I need to eat perfectly you're also I'm a bad person how is that spiritual just go easy I said to them go easy on yourself that's more spiritual believe it or not and watch this how this goes full circle as you have become more forgiving believe it or not you'll become less carnivorous because there's a peace that sets in I'm not shaming meat-eating I'm just saying the more a peace comes in the less grinding on flesh that you feel
compelled to do I'm not criticizing it I promise I'm not because I don't you know I don't care either what what people eat what I'm saying is you change inside and the outside starts to change organically and you start to say you know what like I don't feel compelled to drink or do this or that anymore something inside changes John Lennon was a flaming addict of every kind and he started growing spiritually after going through the dark night of the soul with the loss of the Beatle band he went
through the dark night and something in him he just tapered off and he no longer was doing her drugs or alcohol anymore that was all he did for a period of his life it just changed organically and it's an interesting thing to hear his description of this no religion made him do it he had a kid and another one and it opened his heart and when it opened his heart he started thinking more about love and he said it's funny in the 60s all of us were trying to be cosmic and when I never realized is I was already cosmic
it really is hard to wonder rip up flesh with the T it's really hard to want to hurt other people or you know murder and all the things people do whatever stealing it's really hard to do those things if right now we all share in a perfectly deep powerful meditation you usually don't think of no I'm glad the meditations over I'm gonna go hunting now you know it's usually not the first thing in your mind you know it's the strangest thing because I'm in a state of God and that feels right you still
have things to do follow your rules that you you traffic laws or whatever is in this world play the game brush your teeth play the game do the three-dimensional things but let go of the notion that by making outside things happen or that things outside are even real and have power over you let go of that and then this thing happens where there's like a piece a nice piece of tranquility what I want is the love of God and remember where I started a while ago the all is in all that's not sometimes got that the all of
God is in us all is that clear then the problem is what if I'm not seeing it where is the problem well obviously with them who aren't being very Allah SH no I must have the wrong lenses on how do I change my mind if God is in all and I'm not seeing it we think to change the things we see and it's to change the seer not the thing I see the seer so be at peace if you're a vegetarian and you sit in a Native American meal and they talk about taking an animal and they put it into a meal and they use its skin for this and
it's fur for that and it's pose for that and it's all the parts they use it somewhere that's their way of life can you sit at peace and say I get it the all is in all instead of oh you know bad it's it's okay it's okay to understand it's not easy for some of us to know that things animals our lives are taken or trees are cut down or whatever it doesn't feel very cool I I agree but I need to change the viewer the seer here not the outside loved everyone as the yes song from the
album tales from topographic oceans says no matter what they do let them rape the forests because one day they might stand and leave them and then clearly will be home what profound statement stop them from raping the forests and that'll make us have the will of God and the presence of God no you're already out you're already gone because you're hating and trying to change something outside as though it's real getting over all the clear cutting of trees says the lyrics getting over all that let them rape the
forests because they might stand and leave them and then clearly will be home that's exactly right don't hate don't react resist not evil don't hate don't react do your best to find the peace of God and it's here not to go looking it's here I just have to change my mind how generally forgiveness help me to forgive not what you did help me to forgive what I think you did which is called a thinking problem please take a few centering breaths today instead of a lengthier like meditation visualization just a moment
asking ourselves just standing back and objective we're asking for the Divine Mother the Holy Spirit of God to just show us a panorama of all the different ways that we see things in this world things you don't like and things you like your favorite foods your favorite friends your least favorite your least favorite all the things that you think you see with your eyes on the news you hear or hear about you feel just just take a moment to just review life as you know it this week this day this month what is life looked at like this year
for you and know that your ego never has any intention of any of it holding up to your deepest desire for God so just here in the back of your mind and yet all we need is love all I'm really looking for is God if I walk down the aisle and see someone groomed for me or the the pure white dressed bride they're all symbols the ego was going to make me eventually see you fall you're not pure enough you've loved others been with others you're naughty you're shameful and yet that's the ego looking for fault the
parents could not have lived up to your divine parents it's impossible that they would do so your children your berthed offspring these beautiful pure creations could never be as pure as beautiful as your consciousness can create so be aware of all such things and let them all off the hook I today I'm retiring every thing the operative word thing every person end thing they're all the same from the roles I've given them every girl to be the Virgin Mary every boy to be Jesus every man to be God
every woman to be the Divine Mother I retired the earth which sometimes quakes and shakes and allows people to be harmed from being in a certain role all people all genders all races pros and cons I retire police officers from having to be perfect never being angry I retire religions dearest religions I no longer need you to be my bridge to God you can all relax now government I don't need you to govern me anymore I know we seem like it at times but I'm retiring you because the part of me that's retiring everyone is plugged into
God so I will be self governed in the divine sense I don't need medical science to save me or come up with a cure to the latest thing salvation is the only real cure and salvation comes from forgiveness and my desire to be one with God again the cravings of the body and romance everybody I retire you I retire all of you whether they're mental fantasies or physical experiences I retire all of you if I think you're a thing I have belittled you to being the tip of a major iceberg I love you I'm sorry
please forgive me thank you retire all of them what if the all is in all and I'm part of the all my job now is to simply to remember [Music] and so it is there's all that making sense today good I hope so