The 12 Holy Days of Christmas
another thing we did and this is again a blessing you know a couple of you folks um with your gifting he gave us gift cards to share with people and uh and also a couple of us donated um some money and um so we went and broke up you know 50 dollar bills into a bunch of envelopes and several of us went and to certain places around the area here cottonwood and and gifted people and it was really really beautiful i can't get into all that because but all of our folks that did that have a lot of really amazing stories
because they were asked intuit you know who to go to and so they did a lot of great stories people just the shock and the you know i mean the wow factor you know to being gifted something and i mean people that were saying somebody said i just lost four family members this year another person i just lost my brother and all of these amazing scenarios right there and you know it's opened up heart to heart you're bridging and gifting people things which is what christmas is about people think it's about
gifts you know christmas presents but it's spelled different it's christmas presents you the god presence of god and that's what it's really about i mean the rest is beautiful it's symbolic of all kinds of cool things but it's about bringing presents not just presents gifts um and there was an interesting thing because i haven't told the crew that was with me but i just said you know i'll wait outside and um let them kind of do all that but i there was a point where i went and um
was standing outside and um i didn't have the gift cards i just had cash myself so i opened my they you know took out 50 or whatever and um there was this lady and i felt called i thought i'm hearing the calling to to gift her so i kind of walked over but she finished what she was out doing water containers you know outside the stores filling up water she fills up water and she you know and as i start to approach she doesn't see me but she turns and leaves and i thought that's strange i was getting guidance
you know but yet she left so i kind of went and paced or waited for the folks to come out our gifting folks and then she came back and she was doing another i thought well there it is so it is right that i was guided to go over there so i went over to her and um she kind of looked over to me and i mean i was wearing my coat long to the ground black coat and a mask you know so i understand and i think i had my shades on didn't i so i probably looked very creepy um but she turned and kind of quickly moved away and i thought
and i kind of just stood there and laughed to myself you know walked away and again i was like well that's weird because it felt like she was supposed to you know receive so i went to the opposite end of the front of this store complex you know and um and all of a sudden i hear something you know somebody yell listen and i turned and it was her and i thought she can't be talking to me because you remember i creeped her out so she must be talking to somebody else so i looked around you know waited a moment and then she
walked the rest of the way up to me i said hi she goes i'm so sorry a woman over there told me that you wanted to talk to me no there was nobody else there no she goes a woman told me you wanted you had something for me and i was going okay there's no woman over there but okay so i was like wow and then she i said yeah well well here you know uh happy holidays and and this woman the nervousness that made her walk away when i was there okay that's her style that's her temperament whatever in other words she's a nervous person
so here she is standing there but she came all the way over somebody told her something told her to come and talk to me right past all her nervousness she comes all the way over to me talking to this guy oh you know all that stuff and um and then she's you know this could be weird for somebody especially that nervous and i said oh well i just wanted to you know give you a gift you know happy holidays and she starts choking up and crying and and but nervous because her nervousness is still there and she doesn't know what to do i just
reached and i touched her hand i said it's okay and to calm her down and so forth but she again she started mumbling there oh there was a woman and and and and you had some in and why why are you and just around and around and around and it's it reminds me of everything we're on this planet for we hear guidance it all doesn't always seem clear but it ends up clear especially when we keep learning to listen it was clear for me then it was clear for her she manifested some woman telling her you know to that i had
something for her um i just should have said no i don't you know um but anyway um and then this person was gifted this you know and they didn't expect it and you could tell what a difference it made oh and here's one more quick thing so we're driving out of the parking lot and judy was there and a few of you and we're driving out of the parking lot and um and some of them know me they know michael gets these spider senses so we left the parking lot we drove out of it i drove down on our way you know back
this direction and uh went a little distance pulled into the next parking lot and i can see her looking what are you up to and she goes you got something going on don't you yeah so i drove in went to a different store never heard of the store never seen the store i said okay that store um i don't know what it is she goes i don't think it's a i think it's like a a teller type of place i don't think there's actually people in there i said we'll go inside and here's three 50 dollar bills i think you might need
three but go in and see she goes and she comes out michael that was so weird there were three employees they had nothing to do nobody's shopping they're just standing there twiddling their thumbs and there were three so again listen list practice listening to the guidance the guidance becomes clearer more accurate more beneficial because the whole point of guidance is always creating more win-win scenarios christmas every day so what people look forward to in terms of the christmas evening talk a lot of people are watching online people
kind of go i can't wait till christmas eve i'm going to be as brief as i can with it but i'm going to go through the 12 holy days and nights of christmas now it's like with everything just briefly stated we can look at things very deeply on this planet or from a shallow place one is conscious one is unconscious thinking and the holiday season i don't know why more people don't get this and see the beauty and humor of it the holiday season you know from from october-ish you know the halloween time
all the way till epiphany it's a couple of months just packed with activity spiritual activity why so that you go into a new year with all your reserves you're totally charged up you know you're not supposed to be dragging into another year with all the little you have left from the last year or the whole life supposed to have hit an oasis filled up and boom here we go so an overview would be october is where it's like look you know what do you have any skeletons in the closet let's look at them nice time for
inventory once you're done with that how'd you do give thanks for how you did give thanks for the skeletons in the closet that you released and said goodbye to and the ones you can give thanks for great give thanks then you start moving obviously closer and closer to a three-part holiday christmas which is your standard christmas eve christmas day then comes the holy 12 holy days and nights of christmas which most people don't know about and then you have epiphany and a lot of people don't know about that either but
this is moving towards that three-part holiday and then also in that mix new year's so i mean it's just beautiful how could it have been planned any better than that skeletons in the closet clean them out give thanks you receive gifts on christmas because of the good work you did then you do the 12 holy days and nights you're packing in mysticism then you know you go into giving thanks you the new year here we go into a new year and epiphany says which epiphany is called an octave holiday we're going to take everything
you just did in all these holidays and take it to another octave another level you know but humans they're like just sitting around well that was a nice christmas wasn't it honey do you have do we have any leftovers oh that would be wonderful could we warm that up and i don't know you know humans it's just anyway okay so with all this in mind you just think this would be a no-brainer but you know humans it's it's a challenge so we go into the 12 holy days and nights of christmas and just to try to briefly
explain this again this is followed by epiphany but the 12 holy days and nights of christmas start tomorrow why i do this talk which i can do it another week is because tomorrow it starts so it's nice to hear about this today so it'll begin tomorrow and it'll run all the way uh until the epiphany starts the 5th of january all right so during the 12 holy days and nights we're given a chance to magnify our mysticism our spirituality basically we can step everything up what happens for the next 12 days starting tomorrow
every one of those days is going to be synchronized with an astrological sign some people because they're just a little bit even though they're trying to be you know deep astrologers and so on they'll just figure it must start on aries and go for 12 days so in other words you're going to do a microcosm of all the 12 months all the 12 signs of the zodiac the 12 months of the year but you're going to do them in 12 days concentrate it into 12 days but it doesn't go aries toes et cetera et cetera it starts
with virgo because of the virgin birth now if you do it from aries that's fine and if you try to look online for some of this information everybody's just contradicting one another for whatever reason it's just from a mystical standpoint you've got to start with the virgin birth it really makes sense and you'll you'll see why when you started with the virgin birth it's kind of interesting because when you get to aries it's the first of january the beginning of a year so this is a way that it
actually works in a very deep and multiple level kind of a style so you know try this out if you want to go with standard astrology and go aries first day whatever works for you all right so i'm going to read a little bit for each of these 12 days you might look at it like i'd like to hear my sign but it's really we have all 12 signs within us you're going to go through all 12 days what you experience for the next 12 days especially now that you've heard this it's too late to back out what you experience for the next 12 days
is going to be a microcosm of what you're going to experience for the next 12 months see the ptolemaic calendar solar calendar that was developed by um you could say alexander the great's right-hand man they decided let's go with a solar year a lot of cultures were using a lunar year but when you go with the lunar year it ends 12 days before the solar calendar ends so there's this 12 days of pause what happens well astrologically vibrationally energetically the moon is not there for 12 days to buffer
the sun in terms of the calendar year it's not there to buffer because the moon acts as sort of a buffer that's why you can't look directly at the sun but you can see the sun on the moon so the moon is like the mother the light of god is too bright for most people's eyes but you can see god in the mother the the the moon so it's a very great metaphor of that they call it the man on the moon it's really the mother um you know the men they took over everything so anyway so there's this ptolemaic calendar it
comes to an end there's 12 days sitting there where there's no lunar calendar coincidentally or not that 12 days is when mystics say the solar rays become intensified because nothing's buffering them and they hit you more intensely and what happens is on a typical day the sun gives us warmth and light but during this time it gives you higher vibration and it doesn't just shine upon your body it reaches into your soul so there's really some intense things happening and it's going to click through all 12 signs
so let's say you have a a bad day on the third day into this well you start you go virgo libra it would be scorpio so chances are when that particular month comes around that's going to be perhaps a challenging month so you know it's advisable to keep a journal so you can kind of know what what's coming around at some point or another all right so i'm going to read each one and i don't typically read when i'm up here but i'm going to do this because some folks are really going to be
meticulous about notes and they want everything on there all right so i'm going to start with and by the way you know this to me this is uh one of the coolest disciplines or practices we can do each year and we're going to actually do a 12 month course one day per month we're going to concentrate on this particular theme each 12 when we're going to do those each 12 months but we're also going to you know do a lot more there'll be specific teachings workshops every month so one day a month we're going to do a
workshop for a few hours and also include information about these to take this to another level so the first holy day and night that's tomorrow virgo it's key words as some of you know is i analyze so on this day and night is the first night in our series virgo's not actually the first sign of the zodiac but it fits perfectly because it's a memory commemorating the virgin birth virgo is known as the virgin constellation the sign of the divine mother and the earth mother and it's the primary
teacher that this this virgoian vibe is the primary teacher of female initiates which also the female in each of us she holds pure vision the virgoian energy the vibration the frequency of the the you could call it lords of virgo the goddesses of virgo every sign has beings that support their frequency like you can imagine angel serving god there are creative beings that serve each side of the zodiac so she holds the pure vision of having a cleansed and rejuvenated earth now i'll just briefly mention that each
there's a an apostle for each of these 12 as well which i've never shared with you folks during these talks that i've done but there are and i'm just going to name a few things about them so you can see the amazing synchronicity the apostle who correlates with the sign virgo is bartholomew he was known for being honest and having a pure heart after the ascension of jesus he was drawn to the east so he taught in armenia and he also taught in india strangely though there's a lot of crests or symbols that
go with each apostle and you if you look him up you'll see him carrying a skin like a hide on one arm it's because when he was murdered as most of the apostles were he was skinned alive now i'm not trying to gross you out but what i'm going to say is the skin the skin and the intestines are formed in the embryo in the first trimester those are two key things being developed so skin and the intestines are an important part for this particular sign of the zodiac so on that note during this particular
auspicious day night and then month after we get this launched here i advise that people beware of issues related to that part of their body their skin their intestines digestive system and so on so during this particular time accept your original innocence so especially on the first day tomorrow focus each day for 12 days on what i'm describing here so it carries into the month but accept your original innocence rather than everybody's opinions of you i mean just put some consciousness into this today i'm starting over they said this about
me they said i said this and that about stop how do i get back to my original innocence also to birth the inner god goddess we must never lose our sense of humility even though you know jesus was the prince of peace he was born in a stable it was actually a cave but remember that only the divine is perfect trying too hard virgoians trying too hard to be perfect or find protection perfection is impractical it'll only cause you harm and stress so beware okay the second day holy and holy day night of christmas this will be on the 26th we have libra
which is key words i balance this is known by the way traditionally as saint stephen's day stephen was martyred and he demonstrated despite his martyrdom he demonstrated a great deal of faith and conviction some of libra's primary keynotes have to do with balance harmony and nature all aspects of nature when libra is allowed to express its gift fully there will be no poverty no disease no pain on earth so the the gods goddesses creative beings of libra are trying to they hold the vision of that on the earth it's almost like saying the
12 groups of these creative beings are serving god but people have forgotten so much about the creative hierarchy the celestial the divine hierarchy you know people barely believe in god anymore let alone love the people that can recognize that every tree has a elemental serving it you know to just get back to everything has life and love and divine presence in it the apostle correlating to libra is jude known as the minister of the beautiful he was known for being honest and having a pure heart he was actually
the youngest brother of one apostle named james and jesus jesus did have two brothers he was the youngest okay tender-hearted child-like humility very libran patron saint by the way of faith and hope but it's not just faith and hope it's faith and hope in lost causes so what's nice about that particular saint that particular celestial being group our particular librarians in the world and the libra within all of us it's about finding courage for people that are sort of sensitive you know let the librarians in us find
courage to be able to speak and to be able to to know that they have value instead of being so sensitive so airy so on the libra day night improve your ability to discern and make decisions with clarity in in alignment with your higher good you know instead of i don't know you know practice making decisions but go with the higher good practice greater conviction in your choices even if it means persecution from some people or your own lower self treat yourself and others fairly and accept apologies instead of holding grudges
and beware issues related to kidneys low back adrenals and endocrine glands third one-fourth the way there the holy day night on the 27th scorpio traditionally traditionally they use the the key words i create i i tend to say i delve so think about that for scorpio i delve the highest aspect of of scorpio is typically seen as an eagle or phoenix this day is also known by the way of the day of saint john on the calendar day of saint john that's because he's also the apostle that happens to be corresponding with that particular day
uh john wrote the gospel of john which is the mystical of the four gospels because he's deeper scorpio idelve and he also wrote revelation of course you know you get aneurysm you can have an aneurysm trying to read revelation but that's like you know john going i delve well he did um but one of the gifts because you're symbol scorpios and the scorpio in all of us and on that day even if you're not a scorpio on that day practice the traits the scorpio the eagle the phoenix rises to get a bird's eye view of things
so scorpios can see more clearly if they're not the serpent aspect of scorpio so the cosmic pattern for this sign is related to the transmutation of matter into spirit which is because you're you're gonna say you know it's time to i'm willing to set aside my lower self for my greater self it's really that simple it's not as simple to push through and do it but so the apostle uh you know for scorpio is obviously john the beloved he's called um john's emblem by the way was a serpent in a chalice
and the chalice represents that christ self the chalice the grail and then the serpent inside of that you know so here i am the chalice in the making but inside still got that serpent side scorpio but you guys can see how these things match the signs right no coincidences in this so when you get to scorpio day night practice transforming personal lower human urges the way buddha advised the way moses pulled it off you know it's a matter of being a master above all these you know human parts of ourselves be aware also of mood swings and instead
remain as centered as possible especially all of us on that day uh which is the 27th be aware do soul searching to find and release any and all issues and grievances uh knowing that the spiritual heights can't be reached while we're holding the weight of resentments you know what's the gift of scorpio they rise above and see things well you like but i'm flapping and i can't get anywhere because you have all these anchors of resentment release those and you'll find it's organic when you don't have the weight you rise
it just starts happening be aware though bring everything including the darkest secrets to the light and beware of issues related to the sexual organs and the colon during that day during that month the fourth holy day night sagittarius their keywords i perceive this is the day historically it's believed the day where um herod ordered the murder of all the newborn children so the role of sagittarius involves holding space for the golden aura of the supreme light of the world sagittarians bid us not merely to look
towards the higher like the emblem but to become that thing you're aiming towards never forget that the apostle corresponding is philip now the word the name philip like alexander's the great the great's father was philip and he was known for having lots and lots of horses they bred horses and became part of their military but um the name philip means a friend of horses but philip is the sagittarian half horse half man philip was dense traditional and intellectual but he learned to aim for truth beyond his own
perceptions and so he loved eventually when he when he you know basically awoke you know to his real self he loved teaching uh the word of christ all right and um when it comes to the sagittar sagittarius day night focus your mind the arrow on the grand plan rather than the temporary setbacks like here these children were murdered and you sagittarian are being told something happens in your life or around you take a deep breath and get your focus back to where you're supposed to be going bounce back even if the stuff's dramatic
and heavy as soon as you can bounce back beware of hurtful comments and negative thoughts that can detour your heart's desire all right and devour your inspiration so stay steady remind yourself there are no losses remember to relax keep things light sagittarians and remember to laugh at things not at people beware issues with your kundalini during that day and that month and with any blocks along the spine your hips thighs liver beware this particular area all right the fifth holy day night december 29th capricorn
some of the ancients referred to capricorn the sign as the gate of the gods because it was believed that if we were evolved enough to walk through that particular gate found in that constellation which means leaving useless things behind by the way we could achieve anything this is symbolized by the sign being the one that ends the calendar year and starts the next capricorn's the sign of the world avatars and a specific group of angels that hold a vision of what the new world will look like when the christ spirit
is brought to earth again on this night all of humanity will hear the song not just some people all humanity will hear a song when that way of you know the path through capricorn has achieved peace on earth and good will to all the apostle corresponding to capricorn is judas iscariot capricorn's planet saturn satan now it's not that we want to say oh that guy oh and i'm a capricorn oh my god michael put me down no no saturn is teaching us the hard way what we refuse to learn the easy way that's all i mean you know saturn's just
like oh really learning it that way didn't work for you huh you know i have some ideas so it's it's all appropriate capricorns ironically they often struggle with addiction and with addiction can come a lot of deception so here's i think a funny story judas is sitting there and you see if you look you know you see um pictures at the last supper you see him holding a bag of money da vinci did right that's not an accident so you have judas sitting there holding a bag of money well at the last supper judas is sitting
with a bag of money that he was paid to betray jesus jesus says it hurts me to say this but tonight one of you is going to betray me and he's like who's it going to be that's the deception that goes with addiction so beware the capricorn self cleanse yourself and all your addictions on this day and month and the lower nature as much as possible in so doing you'll reach the heights of a new life remember instead of being stubborn enough to try to do things on your own learn instead to call on divine power to
overcome personal flaws that's all judas needed to do he's an equal brother to all but he did he did decide what he thought needed to happen i want jesus to speak to the sanhedrin so he can free the jews and that's not what he was there for he was there to free everyone so assume the best instead of the worst in people beware of issues with bones teeth joints and knees the sixth holy day and night about halfway through now is aquarius december 30th it's commemorated aquarius which keywords are i know
you might even know aquarians that say that i had a relative and they would constantly go michael i know and i'd go you know what you know i just know it was the weirdest thing i'm like aquarian aquarium according you know i try not to say too much but it was pretty funny the sign is connected with king david not the apostle we're not there yet but it's associated with king david the version of a human king he's just as much a version of a human king as jesus was a spiritual king very balanced aquarian man and what he
was respected for most of all was his humility and his love for god aquarius holds a group of creative lords that hold a cosmic pattern in their consciousness that embodies a healed image of the father aspect of god and the father in all of us the male their focus also maintains an image of true brotherhood for all our job is to make this all-inclusive by pouring our unconditional love out to everyone that's the real aquarium in us aquarius is also the sign that holds a frequency it's commonly believed by
mystics a frequency closest to the abode of the angels so the aquarium constellation very high vibration the apostle james the just or he was also called james the less he was the brother so there was jesus there was james there's couple james's but he this is the jesus's brother james james and then jude so there were three male siblings in that family he was a pious jew studied in scriptures and a rigorous observer of the law he was also a great teacher and speaker he was well known for purity of character and his commitment
to selfless service the aquarian day night beware watch tune into discovering how to be a more balanced god goddess forget this thing about one side only time for the goddess it's time for spirit and halfway home to spirit you have to become not just a god or goddess but a balanced version of the male female the god and goddess within try not to forget that it's like a blend of jesus you know and david or mother mary and mary magdalene you know it's the elder goddess and the youthful goddess the elder god
the youthful god as well as the opposite gender move beyond thinking that you know everything i know maintain your interdependence but be flexible and practice thinking as a we making choices that consider the needs and opinions of everyone that's totally aquarian beware issues related to legs including ankles shins calves everything as well as your circulation all right the seventh day night pisces is i perceive now pisces this day is literally the end of december and in our calendar year end being the end of the 12 signs of the
zodiac making the sign clearly about endings and the preparation for new beginnings the sign of pisces shows two fish swimming in opposite directions one swim towards the development of a higher nature one towards the lower it's kind of they call it the sink and swim sign you know you can rise you can fall and all of them all the signs have their version of two halves all right um the divine beings that correlate with pisces hold the ideal vision of peace and oneness into all creation in other words pisces um thins veils of illusion between
reality and this earthling heaven and earth so it's really beautiful the piscean energy is all about thinning the veil which is why pisces can be so intuitive so psychic pisces marks the end of the past and the start of a new life the apostle connecting with pisces is andrew andrew was very he was the brother of peter the radical except andrew was kind of mellow it's kind of funny because peter's pisces he's uh ares and his brother's a pisces that would have been an interesting family to watch anyway andrew was
trustworthy and humble in character which comes in handy when you want to bow the ego so you can rise to the christ self and ares again ares or peter was intense but his brother was more passive andrew was the fisherman literally he was a fisherman who drank they say drank from living waters of christ on the piscean day night remember this go with the flow of life but also practice moving through the early clumsy stages when you develop new beliefs make a choice to swim in the direction of spirit rather than materiality
be practical about extending trust otherwise you'll end up being a victim or martyr embrace your intuition and creativity walk from old school beliefs into new school beliefs and beware issues related to feet toes and lymphatic system the eighth holy day night aries keywords i am this literally falls on new year's day it's therefore the new big day of new beginnings especially with ares being the first of the 12 signs of the zodiac this is also the day when jesus was baptized and circumcised as well as the day when his name was
announced so that's who are you i am you see it's like this you're you're even though you're not naming yourself you are spiritually and you are who so that that day would be auspicious for you or i to say i'm gonna step into a new self all right now the apostle that correlates with ares is peter as i said leader head of the apostles peter was rash vibrant fiery he seemed to be the founder of this new church that became the catholic church they say anyway he was often too impulsive he's the guy
who when they came and arrested jesus you know picture this 12 signs of the zodiac and jesus 12 signs of zodiac and jesus we're here to arrest jesus knife cuts off the ear of one of the guys that have come to rest i mean that's an aries oh maybe i should have thought about that first it's like you know ares goes head first man and then goes wait shoot first ask questions later see some of you guys are already going dude that's totally you ares pursue new beginnings but in the form of what's
guided by god you still be a leader but like the apostle peter hey i'm a leader i'm a leader cut do this do it and then wait wait you guide me i can still be a leader there's nothing wrong with being it's not humiliating to be a leader that's inspired by god because you're one with god that lifts you higher that's higher than being a human who in their own little world thinks of themselves as a leader this one's filled with i mean you know with god like wow like i have the the real power
of creation behind me and can lead into new world so just be careful not jumping not to jump in head first is the point use your fire to cleanse obstacles and to light the way for yourself and others you know like don't leap away from everybody but hey here let's try this shine some light show that you can be guided shine some light that's a good way to lead and inspire people watch for how your temper and aggressions can become offensive and beware issues related to the head and taurus all right the next three knights by the
way are going to commemorate the three wise men synchronistically so this is going to be the taurian represents malchior he's the one who brought gold taurus right gold so they're honoring jesus as a king when they bring gold there's a symbolism to that taurus is the home of creative lords that presides over cosmic archetypes in the earth plane love is the primary force that continually pours out upon our planet the apostle correlating to taurus is matthew you know matthew was the extreme because we're talking about the apostles had
the extreme side of these signs before changing so he was you know dishonest he was greedy he loved the finer things of life which is fine but he was caught up in them nobody liked him i mean typically he's symbolizing a tax collector people like to project their stuff on to onto people that help you stay grounded you know that's what part of that's about oh i just hate people that make me keep my checkbook in order or you know people that take taxes well you know part of it part of their purpose is to keep you grounded
so the more ungrounded you'd like to be the more you're going to be triggered by people like this anyway so anyway he's a taurean he was set in his ways but the taurus the bull is like i'm not moving but when you get the bull moving it's a force to be reckoned with and that became matthew he writes a gospel you know he becomes a great teacher it's a beautiful story and scene about peter because peter's like i hate everybody he's not even old and he's already grumpy he's like you know just this grumpy old
guy kind of an attitude but he's like angry and um you know he goes to listen begrudgingly to jesus and he's like whatever you know and his brother the pisces you know or the uh the uh matthew i should be saying that matthew's going you know come on brother you know just relax you know we're a little bit different i'm a pisces you know you're at aries but let's try to give this guy a shot so peter listens he goes wow this is this is something but i'm still suspicious head first you know
i'm going to get my head in the way well there's a scene in this where jesus says okay matthew i want you to join us too and peter's like oh no because i hate this guy i work hard for every dime and this guy steals from us so i don't like him so peter says jesus says that's perfect so i want both of you to come and join and let's have dinner you know just perfect to push buttons but when they come walking in and they sit they overhear jesus telling a story he's sitting with not not in a synagogue or a sanctuary of
some kind he's sitting in a kind of a person's home and the room's filled with prostitutes and drinkers and whatever just everybody's stoned and they invited jesus to come and chat you know jesus didn't say oh no man that'll make my orders and chakra spin backwards he just he's like a damn right absolutely it's always more fun to go and talk to prostitutes and you know drinkers than it is priests so he goes and he's sharing some stories with them and he decides to tell a parable a
parable that was perfect for how you know let's just say prodigal son and how god loves everybody and we all make mistakes and peter's standing there overhearing this and his soul is melting and realizing he's got my number and he's talking to me about my hatred for matthew and it's a really beautiful thing because the two of them embrace and that's called a holy relationship that's the whole point of being on this planet you'll never ascend without holy relationships and those two bickering was more
important that what sign they were or that they were brothers sibling stuff forget it how do we find a way to get you to love each other that's the key so with the taurean day night release your attachment to material things let go of limiting beliefs around abundance and learn to manifest abundance like manifesting gold out of thin air don't grab abundance and greed around it just manifest it be practical and responsible but trust god to be your supplier practice going with the flow and adapt to change
tame the bull and harness the energy for good beware issues related neck to neck and throat the tenth day and night two more to go after this is gemini i think now this one i think is so obvious it's so beautiful which apostle gemini maybe thomas doubting thomas the twin he's called so the next of the three wise men though because this is three wise men being noted in these three right now is kaspar and he's the one that brought frankincense honoring jesus as a priest remember melchior brought gold to one room as a king which
is honoring you as a king gold symbolizes that as us the frankincense i'm not just a human king materially speaking the one with prosperity and so on i'm also a mystic a priest and that's what this frankincense meant frankincense also symbolizes duality in that it's it melts into a liquid like resin yet its essence rises to the heavens as a smoke that's why we ordered that the really pure frank and myrrh oil that she's got this week uh rebecca in the bookstore the gift of frankincense sense was
acknowledging jesus's ability to transform the material world while also opening the doorway to the highest heaven the creative spirits these these lords of gemini hold a vision of earth as being a place of peace that surpasses understanding ironically the gemini that once was at war eventually becomes a model of poise unmoved by stuff of this world so the warring twin goes wait bing finds center the point of being a sign is not to stay the sign the point of being assigned is to rise to the higher aspect of a sign
then to become the higher aspect of all the signs then to wear them all like a crown which is why you see the tarot card of the divine mother wearing a crown of 12 stars it means my consciousness holds all of these as tools in my consciousness they're in other words i wear them as a crown i own them the apostle is of course thomas true gemini his doubts got the best of him but once he set aside his mental war between doubt and faith thomas went on to write one of the most beautiful gospels although not included in the bible it's one of
the most beautiful gospels of all and he also was known to work many miracles with the use of laying on of hands so the gemini day night commit to healing and releasing all forms of duality the warring twins as we call it in astrology towards gemini and the inner warring between your head and heart for that matter the male female the ego and soul practice making healthier decisions and commitments be more decisive and watch for moments where doubt causes you to overthink things thus delaying action beware of issues related to the nervous
system see again the overthinking it overstimulates the nervous system as well as your shoulders arms and hands which is ironic because he becomes a major faith healer with laying on of hands all right two more to go the holy day night january 4th cancer i feel the last of the three wise men as well balthazar who brought myrrh which is an oil that's both valuable but bitter and since myrrh was used to anoint dead bodies which is why why mary magdalene came in and anointed jesus's feet before his crucifixion
it's it's um this gift at the birth of jesus was foretelling the bitter experience because it can be a bitter herb a bitter resin so it's a bitter experience of his crucifixion and death so she was knowing on some level what's coming anoints his feet which which in itself was symbolic but what she used to do so myrrh the cancerian frequency is known as a month of dedication for the cancerian month is an auspicious time for devotion to our quest for reaching a light never seen on land or sea cancerian right the apostle that
correlates with the sign cancer is james the elder he's the um brother of uh john the beloved a lot of there were a few sets of brothers in the apostles people don't realize his emblem in his crest was actually a clamshell cancer james was religious brave and strong-willed as a cancerian he tended to try to get everyone to get along why can't we all just get along you know including the christians and jews you know he's trying to get bridge and and get people to get along on the cancerian day night of christmas
get your priorities straight by recognizing the bitter truth that god has to be of primary importance you know we're talking family as a theme but make god your primary not your human family your spiritual family and god should come first face the bitter truth myrrh that some people will not appreciate your commitment to spirit now those who do the will of god are your family you know it's just one of these things you know you start feeling yourself going you know it'll start with friends that want to be the same old way hey
let's just keep getting stoned we're like 95 really i mean couldn't we come up with something else to do nothing i know i've only seen that i've i don't i just i saw it in a movie fine i did it but i didn't inhale okay so face the bitter truth people are not going to dig it when you say you know what friends first but family it happens with family too that you just start a different way of thinking you know you you go and hang out with family and they're still talking maybe some families judgment or just
shallow stuff hey did you hear on the news and you're like it's they don't they don't want you to do that and that's when you're going through that cancerian vibe dealing with family prioritizing recognize the importance of shifting from loyalty as a human mother because it's a very mothering sign to being a you know a mother for all know that you're loved and appreciated instead of getting codependent cancerians know that you are loved and appreciated and refrain from allowing doubt and
pessimism about that to creep in to undermine it beware of issues related to chest the heart chakra man and the stomach last but not least it closes with leo i will this day is also known traditionally as simeon's day simeon's the man who when jesus was brought to the temple he cried out all is fulfilled now i behold the one who is the bearer of the son son leo this day symbolizes the constellation of leo the lion and the king and queen of the universe the vision held by the creative spirits of leo those lords of leo is that the earth be
filled with warmth and love and be guided by the spirit of christ and all of our decisions and actions should be motivated only by that source the apostle that correlates is simon which is interesting simeon's day it's simon he was called simon the zealot but he wasn't part of the political zealot group he was just zealous you know he's a leo so he was zealous and enthusiastic about teaching the word of god he resonated though that sun that that uh leo energy that fire energy he loved those regions so instead of
going to you know britain to teach like some of the apostles and later disciples he went to persia and egypt that's where he spent most of his time teaching on the day night of leo recognize that the last shall be first and the first shall be last meaning that we are only a great king queen god goddess as much as we're willing to wear the consciousness of god as our crown the the leo if you don't know astrology much or even if you think you do leo everybody thinks leo's about i'm the forerunner
leo is actually often the second guy not the front runner because they're supposed to be learning to wear the crown of christ or god as their guide rather than themselves is that making sense all right except that we can only lead as successfully as we're willing to follow god stand straight instead of standing out leo's stand straight instead of standing out practice allowing your warmth and generosity to lighten the lives of others beware of issues related to the heart though the spine and the upper back
so that's a synopsis of the 12 days 12 nights that's a synopsis of what we're going to go through for 12 months the more consciousness you put into this today i'm going to get my taurean self together today i'm going to get my scorpion self together those are opposing signs they say you know the more i get that together the more peace i start to you know generate in my heart the more i find the balanced you know version of let's say the aquarian or the libran or whatever sign i want to be not hyper sensitive i want to have a
bit of the backbone that this apostle needed so turning all these into the best version of learning and becoming possible so we do our best to align we really we want to concentrate on this take a little note here and there for each day for the 12 days because you'll find today it was i lost my cool a lot not a problem this is not where you're graded and found bad this is okay we hear you you you got angry you lost your cool now just make a note because when that month comes around the purpose of this test would be be
prepared and walk through it and change it what you did or didn't do in one day you'll now have 30. so 30 times the opportunities to work with this differently so it's you know it's wise to live as consciously as possible through these these 12 days nights now you might think this is a bit abstract so just think of it as a maybe a curious talk that you heard but you'll find that a lot of people in this room and online would swear to it now once they heard me talk about it they went this is remarkable not only as a
foretelling like a forecast but it becomes a remarkable tool for me to step up and implement these solar rays are going to come in more intensely for 12 days not buffered bring it on and then one will come through virgo libra scorpio sag capricorn aquarius pisces aries and so on and so on and boom each one one per day how did i do with those let's find out and the next year humans love to not be responsible not walk the way a mystic would walk in this fashion like i'm describing where you step in and participate in your life and
development humans love that and then when the year comes they just complain they call it prayer why did you do this why didn't you do that why can't you fix it hey god you know and god's like i'm not listening because and people you know i know it sounds sacrilegious to think you know god doesn't hear prayer that's why because god will only say i love you come home and we're doing all things contrary to that stepping up stepping up it's it's in a sense it's fun to participate
in our life and path it's fun to be more of a participant than a victim but being a participant means i can change any of it the victim the very definition would be you're not going to change it you're going to stay stuck in pain hurt limited and there's no sign that should be seen as wrong or bad at all it's not even allowed what sign you know do you have an issue with oh well you know aries they're so intense yeah and you'll need that when you want to start a new year what do you want your
your interlibrary to start your new year you're kidding me well i don't know i mean you got to be kidding me i've always said when when the car manufacturer tried to create a new car called the libran they had to get recalled because when you tried to steer in one direction they went the other it's like you know the the the new ford pisces did the same thing you steer one way they go there so it's all passive aggressive stuff but anyway you don't want that sign starting you want that sign
when it's time to say wait a minute is everything feeling balanced and beautiful do i have harmony because the aries isn't going to go let's check into harmony let me check inside and just see if that feels somewhere they've already gone hey aries i have an idea what do you think about you know where'd they go you know they dove in libras are still you know checking it out the uh geminis are still doubting it and so on so please consider this as a an invitation to make major leaps in terms of your growth major leaps and
bounds just quantum leaps forward in terms of the growth all right and you're welcome to join us for our um our course that we're going to do one first saturday of every month throughout the next coming year alrighty thank you are you doing a candle lighting today are you okay thank you so we're going to invite everybody into a brief meditation folks online if you don't already you can just step aside and grab a candle but if you don't have one don't worry about it just imagine it's okay all right
so the chaplains are going to help you light the candles please keep them steady and vertical you don't want to tilt them the poor wax and also you don't want them near your hair especially if you do a lot of hair product people you know some people do um we're gonna light the candles please light the candle to the person next to you um you know while maintaining social distancing i don't know about these people this planet do you have more than one lighter it only takes one there can be only one okay while they're
lighting the candles pay attention to your candle and keep that lit but can anyone share what you heard or learned so far from today that you think might make a difference in your life did you hear something about your sign you didn't know did you hear something affirming about the partner sign that you didn't know and might make a difference okay if anybody wants to share you can while they're lighting the candles all right did the information make sense incident incidentally nice now be honest how many of you think you're going to
give this a try the attention to the next 12 days nights be honest a good good good good number of you good right on you'll see it makes a i difference well while i was listening you know the sun slowed down uh i felt like i could have this end of the 12 days right now but i didn't feel easy about right you were feeling like an end of the year now you're going oh oh there's 12 more days to be had here crucial days any yes one of the things i actually there were some new things tonight so that was great because i do
this every year and i keep um i keep journal of what happened that day and then later i go back to the month especially significant months when things happen and i can see literally see the correlations and this has been year after year like six years right nice yeah she's been following it several years yes in the back days and nights of christmas oh yeah beautiful honey thank you that a piece that specific the mother with the crown it means i'm the mother of the universe and everybody's got to get to that place
instead of well i'm a virgo and that causes me to do this no you do this and it causes you to be a virgo the planets do not control you they're just reflecting about you they're just telling you about yourself they've never been meant to be fatalistic and uh and the tarot cards and the symbolism are rooted in very deep mystical traditions from kabbalah to numerology to astrology et cetera et cetera et cetera i mean there's the card of the the this beautiful goddess with her foot on the moon that's
symbolic it means i'm in control of my emotions they're all these little bits buddha with one hand up one hand down you know it's heaven and earth all right here heaven and earth is all right here one hand pointing up one pointing down he's talking about em embodying that what most people find as a collision of two contradictory forces yin and yang no i'm embodying these i'm embracing these this is a state of balance of these all right anyone else all right let's please take a moment
to center and breathe again be aware of your surroundings make sure your candle is sitting on its own not in your clothing or anything else i know it sounds like a silly thing to address but just make sure everything's safe take a moment centered breathing we inhale we hear the words i am and on the exhale the word relaxed or you could do i am on the inhale at peace on the exhale a few times it's not casual you're affirming it it's a fact i am commanding peace i am at peace take a moment open your eyes just look
at your candle for a moment just note some things that come to you on your own but note things like this this candle represents the light of god the fire of protection and warmth purity clarity what does it represent light god this light just like the one you're holding is burning in the center of your mind but not seen until we develop enough meditation prayer inspiration but it's burning inside look at it you remember what it looks like remember what it represents and feels like and only when you're ready to own that
light being inside your own mind then you take a moment you'll open your mask gently blow out your candle and close your eyes and see the light inside only when you believe you're willing to accept that only when you're ready dare i believe eyes closed can i see that can i still see that in my mind can that light be my third eye see it inside when you're ready blow out the candle and start to see it inside instead of outside dare i say it can i really believe it can i really be pure light and then see it hold that thought for a
moment don't hear what jesus said two thousand years ago hear yourself saying i am the light of the world and where there is darkness i will be the light i will be the light to the world i will be the light to others this is all being a good mother a good father a sponsor the light takes those forms it's a miracle worker it's a teacher of god a healer a counselor it's all of those things taking whatever form i am the light of the world see that light in your mind any thoughts to the contrary any hesitation
you have the right to say be still and know i am god and just imagine all thoughts of the contrary they're just ego doubts no warring twins no piscean fish also swimming downward no reptilian part of the scorpio no god is i am we are and just see it and believe it everything else falls away all i'm seeing is that candlelight in my mind wow i am the light of the world and the last question will i use my light to burn others or to bring them comfort and warmth guidance comfort warmth just ask yourself that question because we
get to choose and we close with this thought imagine everybody in this room and watching online right now is meditating that there's a light in the center of their head imagine as well that each of those is like one of the lights on a christmas tree each of us a bulb of light the christmas tree is the world the more of us that become light the christmas tree itself the world eventually disappears and we're nothing but light and we are then the will of god again perfect peace love joy and if there's a world we would like to
imagine into being co-creating it with god it would be one of glory and joy there will be no one taking from another there will be no loss there's no such thing in god so this light that i'm owning now i am a light on the tree and i can remind other lights that are sitting there that have forgotten that they can glow like i by being that light they start to say you know what i i would like to be that i'd like to feel that way i wish i could whatever it is they witness you doing and what you're doing is as much as
possible light work we still slip we have days that we don't feel very light it's okay then lay down just untwist the bulb a little and go to sleep but do it in the safest healthiest way buy self-nurturance warm baths get a little rest just retire today from being a light worker and rest let the bulbs cool off a little but try to come back as soon as possible so that you're making the difference that brings us all home and so it is so we give thanks presence of god in a world so afraid so disturbed i choose to be a light unto the world
not of my lower self accord but the part of me that god has ordained since the beginning of time i am made in god's image therefore i vow to start acting like it the light of god surrounds us the power of god protects us and the presence of god watches over us because wherever we are god is i am we are and so it is god bless you all happy holidays and merry christmas