Spiritual Bypassing
one question that somebody has asked is for me to talk about what's what's a commonly known as spiritual bypassing so I'm gonna kind of come back to that concept in just a sec but first I want to share that that there's something really amazing happening in the world you know people take this for granted they think we're just doing it's just another day in just another year things are ramping up fast but that's the thing everything is accelerating and even if you say well no you know that you can't
really speed up time time to the planetary movements it measures time so we're not down to having only you know 22 hours in a day or you know it can't measure it like that because what's happening is the speed of time is happening where where time itself still seems to be calculated with the gears moving but what speeding up is our consciousness so we're living multiple minutes in one minute multiple hours in one hour multiple days in one day and so on it's not something we can measure yet per se nor do you
should you need to because you can feel it it's psychological it's something spiritual and psychological and and even even with the idea I mean inspirations when we tune into God we start to feel inspiration like wow something's happening and some people go I wish that were me I'm not having inspirations I'm having crashes well that's okay too because crashes happen just before inspirations if you have the eyes to see the ears to hear you can also just crash that's what humans do typically things
aren't going well okay now I'll just be bummed well mystics understand the cycles things are collapsing I'm gonna go inside and help them collapse I'm gonna get in get on board participate in the collapse of the false world and then I'll be ready when the next cycle comes around because it's gonna launch me and it does and so the world is having its own dark night of the soul and it'll cycle deeper and deeper into that but at the same time we're allowed to live and thrive and when psychos look like they're
spinning downwards because there's many circle cycles within a big cycle so we're sort on a high and then a little bit of a low but the big wheel is turning and that big wheel in terms of the universe and our planet and our evolution that big wheel is in overall in the dark time even though we have little many times of Renaissance a--'s and in some ways that's happening now for many of us but though big wheel is turning and it's going to keep moving in that direction for a little while longer
where the big stuff people's karma individual karma national karma all that still has to be purged and if you have any doubts it's like what Jesus called in A Course in Miracles a lot of people don't realize it he referred to as the great cosmic speed up so this is happening it's not just one teacher or an opinion something very magnificent is happening and I've seen churches say to me how do we do more like you guys are doing at unity up Sedona and this is I haven't told people this before anybody
I have I said this too but churches not this part but the Churchill's elastins michael what should we do how do we do that and or can you advise us we're collapsing can you help us bounce back typically what I do and I've not said this part like I said but is I usually will get very clear about what they need to do and then I'll tell them knowing it's the very thing they won't do then why bother telling them just to bum them out make them feel bad about not doing it's the same reason Jesus said to
a rich man tell me I'll do anything to become close to God excellent Jesus is like flower you're impressive you're amazing what should all be like you there's only one thing you need to do get rid of all your stuff that you're attached to the guys are gone I'm not gonna do that Jesus like I know so there are churches that over the last several years would say would you be our minister you know sure even the one here I'd say yeah I would consider that as long as you do this this this will do it a couple
months later nothing even with Mike saying sure I'll do it it's it's not that I actually will although I would probably find a way to do it it's because I know they're not gonna do it people do not like counsellors that would mirror that sort of thing they only want to be coached along in their ego kind of a fashion tell us what we want to hear so instead I'm going to say actually you need to do this this and this and then absolutely I'll be here and I've had it's amazing what happens
because they have to disappear because the guilt and shame of not being able to pull it off you know and I'm like still here you know still doing my thing but it's the same with people they don't want to hear the very things that would most help them clear the past of all their leaks and issues and bank anchors that keep you stuck and launch into that new life so we don't just get what we want from our ego we have to get rid of those pieces and then spirit takes us not even by our own you know
manufacturing or contriving spirit takes us so you know this is this is something that's happening and it's part of this cosmic speed up so imagine if I'm saying this and it made any sense to you what if God also is saying the same thing to all of us hey God we would like this and we would like that how do we not know that God the spirit of love is also saying I would love to help you all in your prayers and and and your wanting to launch into a new life you you want to have this you want to have that you want a new job
you want this in that whatever haven't we figured out yet that for us to receive we have to first let go of what is it that is in the way of what we want to receive in the first place and it's the same thing so planet Earth is shifting so rapidly it's almost scary and if people realized what's happening they would definitely be scared because the world as we know it is disappearing and when we ask for transformation of the world all of us have a little bit of a tendency to say here we are beloved father mother God drumming you
know gums bring the changes heaven on earth we're ready for transformation but in the back of our minds we're going in you know what we mean we we mean not too much outside all money but we bring us changes but not too fast you know we have our little agendas and I've seen churches in in the sickest behaviors with their agendas the church folks might say we want to launch on the board says no or the board says we want to launch and the minister says no there's there's in all it is is a representation
of the ego and that ego needs to be crucified but I'm not saying literally crucify your board you know and do something gross I'm saying the crucifying means ending done we're done with this but somebody has to speak up so what if you're the one in your house in the old days that tried to speak up and ended up kind of you know ridiculed for it in those days we were bummed that it happened but it's totally appropriate meaning expected meaning you're trying to shine a light in a place that people
would rather you not shine lights you know that that dark place that people like we don't want you to wake us up you know so in this transformation that's happening frequencies and vibrations are changing and I'm not going to go into this too far I talked about maybe save this for another time but things are shifting so rapidly but it means vibration and frequency and I talked about this I think a day or two ago when I this little introduction or announcement that we're going to have our service
again today but the frequencies are changing and the electromagnetic field of the planet is changing and as that's happening you're in our entire nervous system changes because we're in a symbiotic relationship with Earth so if she's changing we're changing if we're changing she's changing the whole thing the whole game is ramping up and it does affect us it affects our nervous system what's our nervous is part of our neurology which is also including our brain and one reason a lot of people are
noticing like memory issues is because you're getting old no I'm kidding we don't want to ignore this so-called the illusion you know and the fact that you know biology but that's not what's happening in part what's happening in part is our neurology is changing because we no longer have the electromagnetic field on this planet that used to buffer things and hold our memory together it's all dispersing so something's in and it's gone and I can't remember it yesterday to today and today
to tomorrow because I don't have anything in me that holds it like it used to god I wish we can get our memory all back well I understand that but if you do then you're also then going back and trying to lock in the old rules and laws of this world so how do we know that losing memory isn't one symptom of becoming at the moment at the same time how do I stay responsible I have to pick my kids up on time today but my memory is not it you know it gets very tricky so that's when we know the truth but we
expect the illusion and I've seen things like this I've seen where I'm just finished writing a new book that'll be out in a few weeks but I'm sitting there with my famous two fingers trying to you know plug out a book you know and as I'm doing it I'm noticing words are missing or a letters missing and and I'm noticing that's not typical but but I'm watching it and I don't panic about a question I don't panic about it I just stop for a moment and recognize it's
happening and then it'll usually stop because as long as you don't try to avoid it or be afraid of it if you can turn and look at courageously things shift your attention around it will shift therefore it'll I don't want to say it'll go back to it was you won't but what happens is you you allow spirit to catch up and repair those pieces that started short-circuiting so this process is not just one about external experiences and cool metaphysical experiences and not it's not just about
I'm wrapping up my vibrations now I tingle more often that's a symptom it's beautiful you might see auras more you might notice short circuiting ago Wow you know and remember you're not going crazy you're just waking up it's actually part of the awakening processes you should be happy you should be proud and excited and all that but the phenomenon itself is not the goal so when you recognize this is not the goal this is just some of the special effects then those special effects won't have
some of the seemingly jarring or negative results or or whatever symptoms in your life so you just turn and look at and go wow what's happening oh okay I think I was short-circuiting a little bit you see it and then you'll notice it'll it'll stop and now how will it always stop and perfectly maybe not maybe you'll still notice there's still some Kundalini kind of things happening Kundalini is not your goal Kundalini is an effect of your awakening I want all my chakras open no you don't know yeah I
want them all blasted open you know I'm gonna put jaws of life and everyone in spiritual jaws of life just keep them all stuck open mmm you know heart now I'm all heart shock you you would last seconds last all your your chakras open you you would only last seconds you and your have a total neurological burnout because of energetically what's happening the chakras the or these things open and your gifts and your talents they open naturally the Mystics of old used to say you want to have cosmic experiences be a nice person when
you have love and enact attitude of service love and service they used to say the mist six love and service will bring you all those special effects over time when you try to have the special effects without being loved and service that's when you have the ill results of the Kundalini Bert you know purging through your system so everything in its time and yet time is running out time is speeding up and with again you can't get into it all at once but the polls you know are shifting already they can measure that
they can see that scientifically they know it's the Earth's wobbling a little bit where it used to be Northlands up it's wobbling a little bit where it was here it's no longer true north is no longer true and at some point will it completely flip which it has done before absolutely it's gonna flip again and again we can't get into all the details of that but what I'm saying is how can it flip and you not flip if you're in a symbiotic relationship with the planet when it flips you'll flip and vice versa
because we're in this shared experience right now people are still seeing all of this as a separate thing you know some of us are waking up some of us are not that's because some people people behave in a way that doesn't look like they're waking up but they are waking up even when there's churches that I've advised and they said no to making certain changes I'm still planted the seed and they're gonna remember that next time they're in hell meaning the next challenges they go through and say God
why do we have these challenges one of them at least one's gonna go didn't Michael talk to us about this before and they're gonna have their own version of awakening so even the people in your lives and your families you've tried to to insight some changes or suggest some you know hey groups and things to help people you may not be the one that helps that complete flip the pulse shift for them but you plant the seeds and what's really challenging to remember is that we're on this planet and when we're
making change when we're saying to people or the earth itself I'm really praying to see some changes for you for the earth to be healed of this and two imbalances that get caused you know from our own uses to it and to each other and when we see people hurting and we said been praying for my my child who's got this issue in that issue or my parent or whatever the prayers when people refuse them are not gone they sit in the energy field of the person they do and then when that person has a moment of okay you know what they look
around make sure nobody's watching I can't take it anymore there must be another way boom all these prayers come rushing in they become a mystic and you're still praying for them because they got it now they're like nah man isn't it amazing yeah I was talking to Jesus yesterday and you're like I've never seen Jesus you know and and you're praying that they wake up because we shouldn't get caught up in what we think we see when you pray for somebody you can't put I'm praying for you and hold
on a second I got to get the clip ready cuz my prayers come with attachments I'm going to attach them to I need it to look like this and I want you to wake up by June you know it it can't it just means I see you as perfectly on the love of God as I would see myself I see myself as perfectly as I'd love to see you you stay out of the personalizing of all of this which you know it's not always easy but things are you know getting to that place of transformation so fast somebody asks this morning if
things have changed the way they have a certain is such negativity of times and karma in the planet why can't we just uncreated if we're the ones who co-created it why can't we uncreate it there's a problem with that and the good news is none of it ever even happen but that's another story in the meantime why can't we just uncreated because we're all invested in it without even realizing it so for example how do we uncreate it so right now I'm in the mood to do someone creating I think I would like I would
like this place to become more Green we live in the high desert I would love it to be but for that to happen I'm gonna need to create some changes in the ecosystem well what if somebody else is asking for the opposite see the changes can't be the way we think they're gonna be when we say how do we uncreate it you uncreated mainly through love and forgiveness mainly through pulling your attachments out of the thing you created in the first place so if you want to uncreate the world let's say you have a
family member that's a real challenge to the family I'm creating it doesn't mean you mentally fix them and change them you one created by saying like ho oponopono prayer the Hawaiian prayer you say something along the lines of I see that you're reflecting things that I have somehow co-created and called you to be and manifest I created you being the pain of this family and that wasn't very nice please forgive me I love you and I want to see you as who you really are instead of being my challenge to
child because I needed one of them you know got five kids let's say I need one of them to be a pain to be my Karma to be this and to be that and do all the things I did to my parents whatever you know and so one of them's like um well I guess I'll do it they're not raising their hand is either that or your kids on the other side before they all came in they heard you saying I'm here I'm gonna have children like you in yeah okay well okay there's five of us whichever one of us is gonna be the
thorn in mom dad's side step forward in the other format you know oh oh so it could have happen that way but either way somebody took the assignment and we're like prayers of fix the plug fix them Lord fix them which means I don't like really dealing with what they bring up in me so it should be really fix me Lord fix me like you know it's I need some healing I need to see this differently and even in our prayers we start deciding what that's going to look like but what it really needs to be as I
need to see this differently meaning I'm willing to unplug how I think I see it and what I assigned it to be and I'm willing to see it as God sees it as unconditionally as possible to see it as God sees I want to out of the way I don't want to be you know sabotaging my ability to see what's really here and what's really here is only ever love that's all God ever can only be is just pure love so these things come into our life and and we reincarnate not just people reincarnate issues reincarnate if I have issues with
let's say abandonment and I pass away without working on them I'm coming back and those issues will reincarnate with me because they're my beliefs and we will reincarnate I mean reincarnation we'll talk about that maybe some other day but you can have a grandfather that you loved or one you were challenged with and you can come back and become your own child if he's passed away before you have the job or grandchild for that matter it can be that specific and tricky this whole reincarnation
thing but we don't want to judge it good or bad what we want to understand is you can't run from yourself wherever you go there you are your children are nothing but literally all people are and children even more so are manifestations of my consciousness they're not just manifestations of biology producing an offspring all of my issues and good thing good and bad traits you know it's not just genetics but also my onions will manifest through those children if I have deep deep losses then it's a
possibility that I'll manifest those through that child or children if I have deep love and I just love to share the love with the world those children can reflect that love you know what seeds are you planting literally and figuratively those are going to come back all people mirror to us how we're doing inside for good or ill man I'm really feeling like I'm evolving I'm growing in consciousness and I look out here and wow I see a lot of really great people so my having you folks in my life
is a an earned thing I've had people say well Michael you know it's probably easy for you to work on your stuff because you have a lot of really great no I had to earn this this is not what I had as a child so as Buddha has taught us what you see in your life is something you've earned if you've had prosperity or good looks or whatever you've got they're always earned and then he says Buddha says so use them to bring people closer to God so none of this is by chance and if you're struggling in your
life recognize okay if the outside is a reflection of the inside maybe I need to do some further work do that but don't become a workaholic about your issues also start hanging around with better people to reflect that you're a happier person and whatever the groups may be if you're going to a 12-step group if by chance it's really really heavily focused on the the hurts and the recovery aspect I think it's great but what if you say and I also want to know the perks of recovery yet the the great like Wow of
it not just the work but the well then maybe a step study or maybe you get some folks from your study group and you say can we get together and talk about some other things now how do we bring this to the world like it's we're being told to do how do we do that without staying too stuck with some people do in life so looking at if my life is feeling such-and-such what do I do if I'm not soaring I'm either not healing something and it's got me stuck or even if I did heal sometimes I'm not
planting new seeds for a new life I'm like well I'm still here I'm still doing all my work even if here's what you're doing if all you're doing is work and you're not if this is the reason you're not saying a new life see it's one of the two it's either I haven't done some sufficient work so weeds are choking out my new life or I've done plenty of weeding but now I keep weeding never doing any new life preparation so every time there's a new flower coming up I've
weeded it out because I'm still pulling they're you know hoeing and raking the garden the soil and here comes a little life boom gone you know because all I do is sit there and work on my style there's a time for doing one and there's a time for another remember the song to everything there is a season which is from the Bible of course so okay so yeah on another note where I started a bit ago there's one thing that gets us into trouble and it's this concept of spiritual bypassing the
this is a phrase that became very popular with pop psychology and so forth spiritual bypassing isn't actually the best word for it it's really more spiritual shortcuts so what we have is a lot of spiritual bypassing spiritual shortcuts it's one reason the clinical world the academic world makes fun of the spiritual people is because they're saying these spiritual people you know they think they can just chant their issues away and they make fun of us and they're half correct at least generally
speaking half correct in that people eventually start getting on the spiritual path and they think because they now started reading A Course in Miracles everything should start being peachy I probably will never have to take vitamins again because of course the miracle says you know it's an illusion and a day later you're in surgery you know because you have to deal with the guilt of having to come to the body looking like it has power over you you know because you have to face yourself you have to face your false
beliefs so there's this whole spiritual bypass this and bypass means too like a shortcut you know it sort of an easy way around something edgar cayce I remember saying when I read like a 1982 first first time I read him saying this there are no shortcuts to spirituality if you try shortcuts you know what happens is you're less authentic okay you're less authentic you you you might know something but you haven't experienced that you haven't been it you know how much good would it be for some let's say a 17 year
old girl to lecture older girls who have had babies on how to have babies and how to parent them then we kind of look at that person like you haven't even become an adult yourself and you haven't even had children yet and yet you're you're lecturing us about children we've each got a few it wouldn't make much sense and that's a lot of what happens and that's why sometimes we're disrespected by the world so even though I'm saying you know spiritual bypass I don't think that we
should shame people if they have exhibited signs of bureaux spiritual bypassing I don't think we should judge and forget on their case but I think we should see it in case that's in ourselves you know the bypassing comes as basically in two forms why do we do spiritual bypassing it's an attempt to avoid either doing spiritual work or to avoid the pain that comes from doing the emotional work it's avoidance though that's what bypass means so you're using spiritual avoidance you know and so
whatever you know is not authentic first time I went through the dark night of the soul I remember I had studied I had read and I I just felt totally awake I mean it was it felt fantastic yet going through the dark night of the soul anyway which feels really strange which is one good reason to go through the dark night of the soul because you feel so much like you've read you understand you meditate you've got clear clarity and vision and guidance you know and run into psychics spontaneously you would
say Wow Michael you're gonna be doing such-and-such with your life I'm like great so it was all I'm ready to go now I'm going through the dark night that's all I'm like how could that be happening I really haven't done anything really cruel or yucky like some people karmically you know and I've been spiritual and started off spirituality faster or sooner than other people how could this be happening and she long story short when I sat with this amazing shaman and he did a wonderful reading
for me in summary the thing he said is you learned too much too soon and what that meant is you absorb so quickly you hadn't had the time to integrate yet and so he's saying the universe is doing to you what it needs to do to get you to catch up to all that you know had I not done it I would have been attempting a spiritual bypass a shortcut I would have been a teacher who speaks from what I studied and instead I decided not to study after the dark night of the soul because I realized God and I are gonna be pretty
good here I'm not saying I'm against studying or reading because I'm not whatever flips your switch I think is just fine but at the same time I realized wow and at the time it wasn't fun to hear that by any means trust me it was it was painful to hear that because I'm thinking well I mean I'm reading a course in America I'm studying this of teaching that I'm teaching about every topics even back then in my early 20s it was just fantastic but the dark night of the soul says how many books
you got oh I got ten books okay we're gonna like those on fire okay what else you got I got a couple certificates that say I've learned this healing oh let's light those two that would have you anything else and you got anything else of importance or well I have kids well we'll just have a divorce okay anything else you know and at some point you're like no I can't think of anything this it's the of any value but the universe is like what we can because there's a deeper wisdom so it finds
things that you're trying not in and it just lights them all up and and now if the best you could do is learn to get your hands warm from the bonfire that's going on because none of its gonna have any value any value and that is heart-wrenching to think well at least I've got my child well your child is going to get older and at some point something's gonna karmically create a rift because you weren't integrated you weren't really loving them like you thought you used compensation that extra
loved them because your parents didn't love you that's not real so that's gonna have to be shown everything that is not real has to be shown and we're gonna try to avoid it by being extra close to this one make sure that doesn't happen and those are the things that it'll find to light up for you so that you have nothing left of personal pride which is a good thing it doesn't feel good and it's not intentional to harm us but these transformations happen so that the pall shift and the personal shift can
just go instead of you know in life the the pole shift can be without drama if it meant literal flooding we would know it's coming like the Lemurians did and they just moved to higher ground and the floods then the Seas rose and and their life and civilizations were submerged and they started new life in the highlands like the Polynesian islands and when the same metaphor is applied to emotions when you know it's coming because you're a master instead of being knocked over all the time you know it's
coming you kind of prepare if you know whether it's an astrological chart or whether it's personal intuition when you know these things are coming it's kind of smart you just kind of adapt I mean plants do that you know it's not like when you definite winter is coming that a certain number of plants aren't going Wow you know let's really go full-on in to blooming and giving fruit when it contrary to nature you know man's one of man's big crimes is doing things contrary to nature right on
earth would you agree but that's just a mirror of how we went contrary to nature spiritually because if we knew the nature of who we are we wouldn't be against the nature of anything because it wouldn't make any sense so we recognize who we are and things start shifting and we drop into a greater awareness and the awareness is reflected inside and then it's reflected outside and then we don't find it saying why is the outside not matching I'm perfect and wholly inside and we realize well maybe
not maybe there are some pieces I missed and that dark night of the soul comes and kind of brings them forward and again that's not fun but it's gonna happen the spiritual bypassing whether this applies to you or not I have met many people full-on into that spiritual bypassing they include things like fake Buddhists I know that sounds a little weird and contradict but I've seen I've seen people hiding dying Buddhism or any other religion for that matter right have you have you noticed it if it's not
real if it's not integrated then it's possibly just another one of those bypasses and again another word is shortcut you know if we try to be very cosmic but it's a form of trying to dissociate from a world we don't like then it's not authentic I didn't because could become cosmic because I'm cosmic I'm needing to be cosmic so I don't have to deal with the day-to-day life do you see the difference and that's attempt at that bypassing again I've seen fake celibates you know I've
seen the the people that call themselves tantrikas who are just sex addicts that's all bypassed we just it means I'm gonna put on a facade of being something that I'm not you know and we all the masses have to go you know that's not obvious we all every human being wears a certain number of masks but the masks have to go we have people that are convenient vegetarians you know if you're in a yoga group and we're all like oh yeah maybe we should organize some lunch after this week's
yoga oh I'll bring some hummus hummus whatever the hell you call it and we'll spread that on on non-flavored non tasty the non weak cracker ish kinds of things and we'll do that well like hmm where'd you go but where did you leave the yoga center you're like can we go to Mickey's or whatever the convenient that can be spirituality the convenient vegetarianism you know the folks that that justify every kind of an imaginable thing and it's all it is is a bypassing and I again I don't
sit around looking at people going you're a 35% by pastor I don't sit around it and scale people rate people judge people because you know what it happens to the best of us so I just whatever but I don't buy it you know I know I'm by what they're selling if they're if they're a fake vegetarian trying to tell me I should be a vegetarian makes no sense to me and I'll just smile it's about right you know and that's fine but this world is a big mask and all the inhabitants wear masks pretending to be
things we're not what's nice is when you can really drop in and be that thing you can be five and be authentic it doesn't necessarily come with age as long as you can you know be who you are there's two ways to be who you are be who you are meaning the the vulnerable human who I am I have boner abilities I have fears and then there's the divine who you are I will never find the divine who I am until I'm open to exposing all that I am not all the masks that reveal who I'm not so it's essential that I not get
caught up and stuck in that who I'm not going oh another issue you know oh I've got issues with that I still working on that I still got money you know if you can't obsess on it but if it shows be honest about it and and be honest that all those hundreds of things you think you have to deal with and talk about and heal they're actually not hundreds there's only a few core patterns we all have abandom can take many forms and if you chase it around and try to heal each little form it's a it's sort of a waste
of time partly a waste of time just get to the core of what's behind those several items god my abandonment leads to this this this this anger I'm not I'm not an alcoholic I'm angry as what I am and I drink to not be so angry but I still am angry when I'm done great tune from the 60s kiks kiks just keep getting harder to find you know the kicks ain't bringing you peace of mind and you better find out before it's too late amazing that a band some cent was singing about the illusion of what we
use to stimulate and sedate as a means of avoidance and again it's just forgive them they know not what they do if somebody's doing bypass they're not evil people but they're scared people and again they're either avoiding the process that will happen you know if you take away my addiction stuff's gonna come up obviously but not so obvious to some people but that's what's gonna happen take away my distraction and other things are gonna happen take away my food you know you can say you know I
only eat a little bit a couple times a day and that's amazing what's amazing though more so is when you even take that away just for hours and you start noticing you know these irritations and chewing your nails you know because something shifted you you might even have an addiction even to lady eating and I'm not saying don't eat at all what I'm saying is just notice it and some addictions are nicer than others if I had to have a partner with an addict addiction and it would either be full-blown crack addict or addicted to
reading the Bible I guess I'd prefer somebody that just is addicted to reading the Bible I just don't want to tell me about it all the time I'm addicted to peace and quiet sorry so we can become religious as an addiction because without this I'm in trouble if I don't have my book whatever the holy book is if I don't have my book then God's gonna be down on me about something you know God's gonna judge me there are people that think that the wearing the cross is there you know I where'd this cross and it makes
me close to Jesus and Jesus like really you know I'm actually in your mind no you're not you're on this cross that I wear heaven help me if I lose the cross you know so these are all addictions and I'm saying we don't need to get caught up in it guys it's forgive them they know not what they do that's all those forms of masks those are desperations the spiritual bypassing is not an accident but it's either I'm afraid of what else I would have to deal with if I did real work or I need to
pretend I'm more spiritual or further along than I am you know and those are the people that and there's lots of ways that people get to that I'm not criticizing a single one of them but it's it's an example of I've seen people say I'm so spiritual I just I'm just gonna go with spirit today you know I didn't show up for my appointment cuz I wasn't feeling guided you know let's say you're a massage therapist and they didn't show up cuz it's funny cuz spirit
just wasn't speaking to them about going and that you say that's great did spirit tell you I'm gonna charge you for a missed appointment and they get mad at you now we're spirit I thought I'm sorry I thought this was all about you being so spiritual that you are guided if you're really guided you'll also be practical you won't use your responsibility you know you won't make excuses for irresponsibility you'll be you'll be there you know I've seen people that because it suits them I'm a
shaman wow that's pretty cool where did you train oh in neighbor's garage for about four hours we did this ceremony and now I'm a shaman because I studied for four hours you know the real tradition would never buy that you know you can't be an overnight druid you can't be a this it it you have to be real real about anything you're doing or why bother doing it you know there's people that just lack the training in any one thing and I'm not saying that the certifications make you something
but how much you really into it I've shared the example of as a kid I studied martial arts and I went up the ranks and wanted to get to you know the ultimate you know we're gonna get up and I got up there and then I got up the next time and the higher of the highest and all that and before when they go to hand me my certification of being the highest level you can get in the martial arts of kungfu i said okay give me the certificate and you know i said i want you to change the title because the title was master and i said we're gonna
chan they're like what do you mean it seemed disrespectful but what I did is I changed it from master and downgraded it to just degrees of teacher whatever you want to call it black belt you know they call it but so what I did is I didn't take the other why because it wasn't me I have lost interest in it long before I reached that level and it's not in integrity and it's not authentic to say I'm a master at something I don't even care about don't call yourself married when you're not in consciousness married
you're not oh yes we are we have a certificate but but be honest it's just not happening if you're not a if you're not dedicated to the martial art don't call yourself a master of that you know you see what I'm saying it's the authenticity and so we have to have the courage to say well you know cuz that can screw everything up like I could have that level why do they study all those years to achieve it that's the head talking and I'm not interested if it's not me then it's not me you know we
have if the Mystics would say to you do you want to say your spiritual I am spiritual how do you know well because I've read three books now you know or whatever you think makes you spiritual if you're not any more loving and if you're not any more of service to others meaning humility then you're not spiritual how dare you own you know it's not you're not going to get any we're trying to convince me otherwise if we're really spiritual we should be seeing a difference in us I've seen people who
claim to be spiritual and they put on workshops and all they care about is the money I mean I've seen people in Sedona just cashing in now I'm not shaming prosperity I'm just saying wow you can just see where the heart is what why they're even doing these some people are doing it to make a living rather than the difference it can make in people's lives if you take care of the people you're gonna be taken care of you don't have to say I'm doing this and I have to figure out a way to make more money doing what I'm
doing man we forget that when we're dropping to being all the other takes care of it it takes care of itself so we can be prosperous and so on and so on but it's just to become greater greater is centered in the authenticity of who we are I've seen people advertise things in a if it's you please forgive me I've seen people advertise things like in just one session we will clear all of your past life karma that's amazing that's a man oh I think it's amazing because if you can clear all my
past then that means I have none then that would mean within seconds of our session I should be ascending or getting a refund right you don't mind if I ask for a refund if I don't ascend oh we don't give refunds really then stop promising people things stop promising quick fixes I believe in miracles don't get me wrong but do you actually know this can happen or is it just a good way to if you hook in more clients I mean I see these people at promising all kinds of healing that's just incredible I'll clear all your past
lives all I need to do is you know burn a smudge stick and you're good to go and it's hype cheese then light me a bonfire of smudge and let's just go I see people using spiritual bypass you know making excuses for things my child is not out of control they're just an indigo bring it on parents go ahead throw it at me whatever but but is it true you know because it could be true but we jumped to excuses always the excuses to excuse our masks instead of recognizing you know that that maybe your child is out of control and maybe
that's why some other people have a hard time with your child no it can't be and then what you're doing is you're hiding behind your child your own issues that you don't want to look at so you have to now hide behind the this praising the child because if you praise the child you feel better people don't know how to recognize their own issues when they're hid behind hidden behind so many other things I could give you a dozen great symptoms of spiritual bypass but just try to tune to any of them that I'm
describing and see if it applies to you and then you can cure it in seconds for just 99 No you can cure it in seconds because we can recognize authentically not fixes quick fixes we can say oh my god and it can be scary it can be scary you know I do it did a few workshops one as a kid I had some certificates and and it's intimidating the idea I thought what why do I even have these papers so a couple certificates that I took this class and they graduated and you know got certified why do I have these well
when I was a kid I believed that that's what gave me some credibility but I learned soon after it really doesn't matter if you know who you are and what you're teaching it really doesn't matter cuz there's people with certificates that know nothing and without them to know everything such as Buddha Jesus just a couple names you know okay what the heck mother Mary Amazon they didn't have credentials Jesus was called master and rabbi but he never actually studied how to certificate because it's the
wisdom of God that speaks into us and awakens anything we need to know at any given time go ahead and do the studies but do them with God go ahead and study Reiki instead of just saying well I I'm gonna just ask God to download Reiki to me today what you can do go ahead and study it as well so that you have the certificate so you can have some you know credibility to people you can train I think it's great but did you also get it inside are you a Reiki Master oh yeah I took it no it's not what I asked is it real
are you in recovery oh yeah I go to the rooms every week okay so are you recovering are you wishing you could recover are you recovered where are you in that and make it real the people that say I'm really um you know I'm recovered I'm healthy and whatever but again they're chomping at their fingernails and still anxious we're not there yet but what's beautiful is I'm on my way I'm getting it you see but all of this meant all the certificates it's scary and one day I came to unity of Sedona
and and they had asked me you know do you have sort of cake do you know anything you know where you you know they wanted to know all tonight so that they could believe I'm talking about the board members and such but maybe some of the attendees they wanted to know if I had any credibility on paper so what I did one service I took them all all my certificates I brought them from home and I shredded them in the paper shredder during the service and it's what you do is okay now am i okay if I drop the masks they may not but they
might they may be like you and not care but just go ahead and try it and you have to push through that moment to say I I'm really really happy all the time but yet it's a mask I learned to wear because in my family let's pretend that there was no happiness so I like where I'm always happy what if and then you guys love that I'm always happy what if I remove the mask and let you know that today I'm struggling you guys might not like me and that's the courage that it takes dropping the masks you might not
like me you're a wonderful lover I really enjoy our relationship because we really spark it together man and we both passionate and well we're just amazing what happens one of those two says to tell you the truth I don't feel a whole lot when we're together my body is shut down when I was younger and all that is just kind of the passion of wishing that I could feel what you feel man some people would drop that person wouldn't they and and you're you're being challenged to go to the next level when that person
says I'm going to show more of myself and if everybody on the planet could simultaneously say that's all expose ourselves No let's all go that's what that meant in classic true Tantra that's what disrobing meant it didn't mean drop the clothes it meant can you be fully vulnerable and exposed your being and you know in the Western world they said well that being stuff exposing and let's just drop the clothes but in true Tantra it meant can you love me when I show myself yes physically but also can you love me
when you know I'm getting older can you love me when you know my memories well can you love me when you know I don't have the money I was hoping I would have it retirement you know whatever it is can you love me if I as your teachers struggle at time can you love me if I as your student don't always have faith you know that's the good stuff and if everybody on the planet could simultaneously say this is going to be risky everybody ready on three and one two and we just go bubble boom and we blurt it out you know we just blurt it
out what is your deepest fear if I ask 10 of you to stand up and share your absolute deepest fear could you do it some of you could some of you couldn't and on the internet and with each other and so here's what I do just get partway there just don't part my just think of concentrate concentrate worst thing that you could ever imagine doing and having you know and fears and issues what about your biggest shames and guilts go ahead and tell them to us well you know no way you know this reason than that reason here's what you can do
as an exercise you can just concentrate on what it is I never wanted to tell anyone and then whoa whoa whoa and you blurt it with your hands over your mouth and nobody will know but you still did it and if you do that a couple of times which I've done in workshops everybody is now saying you do it a couple of times and you're gonna find it's easier each time because at the end of the day nobody that matters will have an issue of any kind with anything you've ever done or thought or said I said nobody
that matters the ego in all people will matter to your ego if all of a sudden a few friends kind of part ways oh you know you could feel hurt but the real part of them it's their ego that's controlling them how much of you want to stay and stuck with that the real them cannot and that's what healers are supposed to represent to us healers are supposed to represent that that surrogate like it they're supposed to play the role of if I'm the presence of God you can tell me anything and I promise to still see the light in you
it's okay that's what they're supposed to do it's not supposed to just be cash in on a session you know and pay and go it's not supposed to be where they hear something and then they tell somebody else you know listen otherwise say anything but as long as if we keep it between us I don't mind saying it but did you know so-and-so that or not it up and it's never going to be kept between us as soon as you broke the bow it's now gonna keep leaking because that's what you just created is an irreverence right
an in congruence to love so now that's gonna be what you bred into the world so instead how do we hold the presents for each other and it is beyond what your ultimate archetype of a mother or father would be it's it's really to do your best to be the Divine Mother and hold every child of God in grace and in peace when they share even the darkest stuff their biggest fears do you feel that it's fantastic and you drop in and hold that presence I I find it to be just started just amazing when people share
those kinds of things there are times when you know I hear things and I go wow you know it's hard to hear some things because people have done heavy harms and have been heavily harmed it's mind-boggling there's even a a passage most people still have not come across in the diary notes of Helen who wrote A Course in Miracles and I remember she's talking to Jesus and she brings up this this the Holocaust and the response was I have shed many tears over that and you think well if your spiritual your beyond
all that it's a metaphor meaning atrocities are not wonderful hurtful behaviors are not Oh you don't just say well that's an illusion that spiritual bypass oh my god of course the miracle students can be experts at spiritual bypass well it's an illusion what do you mean it's an illusion it's an illusion you shouldn't have been wanting a cigarette anyway because it's just an illusion really are you gonna use your car to get home tonight it's an illusion why would you use it
see it's just lies it's hypocrisy and we hide because it makes us look like we know something more you can know something in two ways you can really know it or not know it when you really know it you don't preach it you embody it you can still reflect it but it's never enough you know this kind of a fashion longing and shaming people it's wow look at this option and then they can step into it or not so in closing we've gone a lot of places today frequencies and changes and spiritual bypass the world
is changing frequencies are changing time is changing our consciousness is changing but are you part of the authentic change or are you part of the bypass change the fake change the shortcuts you know I'm really spiritual I've seen people at workshops or avoid workshops they'd have to do with emotional work well I don't really have any issues I've heard it many times more in this town than anywhere else I've ever but I'm past that I don't really have any issues well then you won't mind
doing the breath work right because nothing will come up we'll see and it's it's such an amazing thing to just to drop in and I can do that I can sit here right now I feel just full of the spirit I don't feel a bunch of triggers and masks right now but I can sit and I can just drop in in this moment I can sit and drop in and just become present and could still find myself feeling tears welling up maybe a memory of mine but it could be a global issue an event something I've seen or heard right
because when I drop in whatever happens to be percolating or surrounding in the energy field in memory can can can come up and remember we talked about this last week things come up on their way out if I judge it and say I'm a teacher I shouldn't think that or feel that I'm not as real I'm not authentic but people will judge us the opposite sometimes if this teacher goes got it got some some hurts I remember about something there are people to go I thought they were spiritual but they still have some
issues that's not how you judge the spirituality if anything it would be how you handle it when it's there not that you don't have them it's that if it's there we let it come up and move out hopefully appropriately if you're spending time to be here and spending money to be here from if I just go off on rampages about my personal life all the time it becomes inappropriate but can i authenticate them and you know if I if I shed it here just to wipe it and keep going you know and say okay here we
are because we're in this together having that level of authenticity you guys know because you've seen it in me or other people in your life friends and otherwise when people have been authentic do you mostly judge them for it or do you mostly appreciate it yeah we do we appreciate it when someone comes to me and says Michael I've never told anybody but boom it whatever it is I only have ever felt appreciation because of who they are what they've gone through but also that they trusted me enough to
tell them how could I ever take that for granted and I would never do the spiritual bypass and say what's an illusion get over it that's ridiculous so what are we doing guys were rising to new levels the polls will shift this poll will shift and when it does do I really need birth quakes and floods or can I just make a graceful shift how to make the graceful shift don't judge what comes up let it just move and then trust in the next trust in tomorrow there's a death today a rebirth tomorrow there's a loss today
and a rebirth tomorrow trust in the new life but also trust in your ability to handle the old life that washes through sometimes you do have all that you need to handle these things but you don't hear me talking just positive positive positive positive like some people and not say the Emperor is naked sometimes when people have abused their teaching and pretended that they were more spiritual than they were the overnight shaman and all this and that the other it's just games you know it's not authentic
it's just games stay close to God and let God guide you to the real and authentic teachers and psychics you can still do these things but stick to the real even who you date let God guide you to authentic and real as much as possible let's take a few centering breaths please tune out all the stuff of the world we've had plenty of time to think about all the stuff of the world we've done it for lifetimes when we want to send her back in how quickly can we do that it's just in a breath or two just right - I
am on the inhale at peace on the exhale think of nothing else and come to this awareness and listening no more bypassing no more shortcuts no more games all of that the avoidance of the deeper human stuff and the pretend this spiritual done not only am I done doing it I'm done attracting it pseudo partners that say well hey I'm spiritual like I study a lot and it's not real it's the egos way of trying to turn us off to what is real let's not do it let's not buy it stay committed to the
real hear these words and see how it fits don't pretend it fits to be cosmic try to really feel as I am the love of God drop into it see if there's any resistance and he doubt any fear or complete welcoming of it and hear it half a dozen times with each breath in breath I am the love of God and on your out-breath whatever came up that was not congruent with believing that breathe it out give it to God it's not true on the exhale not true if it's something coming up and then I am the peace of God
you can have thoughts like I don't feel peaceful affirm in any way and give to God what doesn't feel peaceful what does it mean to be the peace of God I am the peace of God I am the joy of God you've heard and seen part of and seeing proud parents that are just really happy and they say our baby is our bundle of joy can you imagine God saying that about you I am the bundle of joy of God I am the joy of God I don't just feel the joy I am actually an embodiment of the joy of God and see how that feels even if the
incongruencies come up feel them breathe them out and I am the abundance of God do I act like it do I live do I trust do i tithe do I share I am the trust of God the love of God the joy of God but I am the abundance of God I'm the prosperity of God breathing out all things that are unlike that affirmation I can see my hypocrisy I can see my fears tensions discomfort surround these statements I breathe them out to God and again with each one of these moments I feel transformed I believe in trust that I'm being
transformed my brain is being rewired so that I am more fully the love of God the peace of God the joy of God the abundance of God how would I act differently in this world if it's true that I am these things how would I act differently see yourself doing that and then when we leave here let's do our best to do it to make the outer actions match the inner affirmations then we know we're in complete alignment instead of incongruent inconsistent and we give thanks in advance for all we breathed out and what we breathed in the presence
of God what I'm affirming is not what I'm hoping for it's what God created me to be so all I need to do is get out of the way get rid of those thoughts and behaviors that are incongruent so that I can be the embodiment of this I'm grateful that this is happening now I truly believe it's already there and it's just about me stepping into the alignment of that I give thanks that I am already moving in that direction already stepping into that alignment I give thanks that immediately the
miracles of having such a consciousness comes to me now but this is Who I am there's no masks to this there's no bypassing to this it's true it's real and so it is thank you take a moment and stretch okay don't just stretch out stretch in anchor what you heard that you liked anything you didn't like let it go but if you heard anything that makes sense just kind of huh feel like it's there feeling the presence of it before we take up collection to do our closing song let's you only need a couple minutes from now
I'm gonna share the song lyrics from you I brought a week ago and didn't have a chance you'll know the song most everybody here and most anybody watching will know the song it was quite popular but I want to share the words with you because of what it says you might remember the tune because it starts with pressure pushing down on me pressing down on you no man asks for under pressure that built that burns buildings down and splits families into it puts people on the streets it's the terror of knowing
what this world is about watching my good friends scream let me out tomorrow gets me higher pressure on people people on the streets chipping around kicking my mind around the floor these are the days it never rains but it pours people on the streets people on the streets it's the terror knowing what this world is about watching all the friends screaming let me out tomorrow gets me higher and higher and higher pressure on people there's people on the streets and he says I tried to turn away from it all
like a blind man I even tried sitting on the fence but it doesn't work it keeps coming back to love but it's so slashed and torn why why the answer insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking why can't we give ourselves one more chance why can't we give love that one more chance why can't we give love give love give love give love the answer because love's such an old-fashioned word and love dare she to care for the people on the edge of the night and love dares you to change your way of caring about
ourselves this is ourselves this is ourselves this is ourselves under pressure and this is our last chance it says this is our last dance it's it's ourselves under pressure a song about the metaphor of life and people under pressure losing families losing their livelihoods living on the streets what is this all about what happened we forgot love why because love's become an old-fashioned word and love dares you it challenges you to think bigger and care for the people on the edge of the night and like I said and love dares
you to change your way of caring about everyone and it's not just everyone because everyone our selves and it ends under pressure amazing yeah don't know if you knew the lyrics of that when you were in the Disco's but I loved inspired tunes and I loved the lyrics of that it's a type of song you know we could play here for our songs but it's just not congruent enough musically beat wise and style wise but it still has a great message so I'm glad I could share that with you guys on our my private Facebook page there's a lot
of folks that have shared former songs and inspired readings and all that a couple of great Tunes lyrics from elo Electric Light Orchestra and so on so there's just some fantastic things guys in this world feed the soul listen to tunes that have those words that inspire I mean that's that's powerful stuff that's as good as anything I've heard anywhere I don't care who the teacher is Jesus mother man whom ever it still has the same feeling what's going on why have you forgotten love and then the
message because love dares you to come out and become one with everyone care about recognize and then when you're caring about everyone that's really ourselves under pressure you know that's that's big stuff I love how the spirit speaks to all of us of course in miracles' affirmation God speaks to me all through the day and it's true we're gonna do our collection and our closing song be as generous as you can that's all we ask the blue bags are for your love offerings and donations the wicker
baskets for any extra donations you can give and those go towards people of lesser means and some of our special projects one project that's coming up because it's getting to be that time of year is we're going to create a garden down there next to the children's yurt so your extra donations are going to start going towards that in part I love to see that you know especially since people told us it can't be done everything we've done here we were told can't be done and we don't do it despite
it we do it because we are what we are you know so fantastic we'll do our prosperity prayer if you don't know the words it's on the front of your bulletins and or sometimes it's printed for the folks online to read believe in the words Divine Love flowing through and we're going to ask folks to tune into what you learned today and then we'll share that with each other and with the folks watching what did you hear and learn that was most important today and I wanted to share this real
quick when you read online what people are experiencing you know you can just go wow it's great you know people I love you know great service or whatever so try to imagine if you're up here and or feeling like you're part of the members of the Board of unity imagine what it feels to be here and people are texting us or messing messaging us on posts you know and so forth and they're saying things like I've never felt like this before I never heard this but I never experienced this you follow it's not
about the accolades do you understand what it feels like to be in a position where people are feeling something shift in their being you follow and it's not just like a healing session it's a it's an experience that we have here guys it's I'm so grateful to everybody and never do I take it for granted and think wow people like us people like me it doesn't feel like that at all it's like wow it's all inspiring in a good humble way to know we make we all of us in this room in this group that we make such a
difference in people's lives and to hear people say you know heartfelt say this is life-changing for me there was one person that sent in a message just a day or so ago and said that they're actually part of a coven their practice is pagan witchcraft and they're part of a coven they said Michael I want to just say something and thank you for sending that in they said I want to say something that is we have our practices but even in our groups we're starting to see the cracks that what you're teaching
back to God has something to it everybody found a different niche and it doesn't mean those are wrong about it just means people no matter what they're into are starting to say sometimes the external versions of those things start losing the original spirit because God is behind every one of those thought systems every one of ours but we forgot that it's the source of it all we started sometimes worshiping the details of it you know even worshipping diets and exercise and things as well as religious names God and then God in all
those things and we have to remember the humility and the surrender to that so I'm really honored when somebody can say something like that so deep about a tradition they're involved in so vulnerable knowing that they're not exactly patted on the back by other people in those traditions they look like renegades and they look like failures and I just say I love you as the pagan as the which as the druid as the did I think it's all great especially because they're being so true and it's an amazing honor to kind of be
somehow a piece of that and having dropped a presence there I died tomorrow God and I are good you know I don't I wouldn't die with any wish I could have it's like wow I stood in that light and did the best I could to you know even in dark places to shine that light but stood in that column of presence and said remember God you know why do you have issues with the name God why do you have issues with this and let's look at it let's talk honestly and let's let it go so we can rise and do a new level of
consciousness so thank you for that anybody want to share what they heard or today that would be most important just one or two people it's a good point if any of us drop a hint to a she says whether it's a church or it could be a family anything that has an ism a thing it becomes like a culture in itself if I
say here's what you guys can do to change that the problem is there's a culture or it's called a paradigm or a thought system all we can do is drop the hints I mean this was a this was a thought system in a paradigm everything on earth is a paradigm of some kind but this was and I came here and I I still how did we do that almost instantly start making dramatic energetic changes it can happen I've done it I have done it I mean yeah and and when you're not welcomed with those hints skies when
you're not in your partnership and your family in wherever never judge them never judge them but be willing to say I'm gonna just shake the dust off my feet and move on I'm just gonna do my work and move on and it's okay now some of us go well I'm willing to do that with strangers like if I were visiting a church but not in my home my family oh my gosh I could never imagine being without my dysfunctional family you know you have to you have to be willing to say but wait you know this this doesn't
feel right so what do you guys think about this and I don't care what they say because culture is an illusion paradigms are only structures of illusion so call yourselves beyond that to call yourselves the the Church of collective illusions and and own that that's what you are but don't say that you are a Church of Christ consciousness when in fact you've never welcomed Christ in to that church because Christ would never say structuring culture structure let's praise and affirm structure and culture let's chant it
structure culture it just doesn't happen that way all of that breaks up and dissipates yeah in the back yes yeah yes because everything's speeding up and that means even our former life times could be live multiple lifetimes could be lived in what we used to just dress it's a weight amazing we used to drag our past lives with us you know I'm gonna work on that one or two and then times start speeding up you know years ago even hundreds of years ago for that matter it started speeding up to the point where we're living
several a dozen in one lifetime and now it could be a hundred because it's all speeding up its what used to be this only this big will and we were sluggishly moving through and the whole you know this whole delusion happens and and it's very complex but also very simple this simple is we believe we separated from God that the progression is we were one with God we were created by God we then thought we could separate created the ego to cover our tracks God says since you're trying to create an ego I'm gonna let the divine mother
be the counter to your ego call on her and she'll heal all of your beliefs and separation the ego then said I have a counter to that I'm going to create people and you'll you'll always be thinking about people the ones you liking the ones you don't like but you'll never think about you because if you go inside you you're gonna find God you can't have that so the ego says I'm going to counter your idea to bring the Holy Mother the the Holy feminine divine from into your being where you'll find
grace and forgiveness no I'm gonna create people so all of a sudden we projected people outside of ourselves to like and not like but we're still talking about even if we like them I'm so spiritual I like people well that's dysfunctional too there are no people there's just you so God says okay if you're gonna do this and project use your ego to project all your issues out onto people and then talk about them instead of yourself I'm going to create a solution to that as well instead of
relationships I'm going to create holy relationships and it's all this it all means this if you can forgive everybody you think you like and everybody you think you don't like that one act forgiveness which will still be the divine mother working in us we'll take you home so we have this very complex system lifetimes in karma and cosmic speed up when it's all done we will realize it was funny in one split second everything happened or didn't one split second we said what would it be like to be separate oh that
was good glad we didn't do that but we created time to make it seem like it's billions of years o incarnated again Oh got some karma gonna come back I'll see you next time I'd rather not but that means I gotta come back and you know now I've got five people I don't like coming now they're all my family members because I have a collection of now we call the family all my issues have become my family you know and on and on and and and it looks complex and then oh I'm getting spiritual now now I'm starting
to breath work breath work the family members but your mom hates my dad controlling no good with me guys I love a process process process and we don't look mentally ill at all you know process process process you know being on the pill then all these techniques you know process I need some water to flush out yes though you can you memories of your past yeah water there or there they all go next time i urinate all my issues are gone it seems very complex and in the illusion it's true but at the end of the day we'll realize
why were you washing flushing why were you drinking why were you cross why was it breath working why were you talking about mom and counseling and crying and pain and abused and abused when at the end of the day I need to forgive at all I need to forgive the belief that I ever even could have imagined any of this taking place because we only see what we can imagine I need to forgive myself that anyone or anything including me could be anything holy and as that happens people walk up to you figuratively they walk up and say
thank you for retiring me from being your abuser thank you for retiring me from being the bad guy the culture the limited disc the limited death see we forgive the world and it disappears first what happens is it changes by the world not being so harsh and then it starts to look a little nicer then we notice what's happening really as our investments are dropping our investments in a dysfunctional world are dropping and that's a beautiful thing because that means I'm changing we're looking for and
praying for everybody else has changed but we realize at the end of the day I'm changing and that's really what counts I just feel good I just feel alive I just feel holiness within my being and the world will not always support that I said when I came here actually and I repeated a few years ago to maybe two I said guys I'm feeling like because with everything it's cycles and I said you guys I think it feels like we're ready to launch - and yet another level you know for a while I did lots of different
topics and week so that we can get them on DVD so people can have them now we did the sets of DVDs and I can now go anywhere I want any topic that's that's what's coming up for you all and so that allowed another level of freedom and then in that freedom we can say well if we have freedom to talk about any topic we also more so are allowed to bring in the presence of Christ consciousness for that process to happen even more so we all launch to another level that people are watching it online going wow that's
that's amazing this isn't just something we're doing it's something we've achieved in consciousness we worked together to make this happen if you want to change your family it can be a process you might have to purge away some things you might have to do some inner work and healing we did that viscerally here and that's how we got to this level of consciousness it was always great since I got it it's always always felt great the audience the subject matters it's always felt great
but still rising to higher and higher levels because of doing the authentic work with one another right right yeah it's we're in this together all right and if you're in that family do what you can say what you can't do it you be the presence but if your presence becomes more harm than good for them because their egos shake the dust off and move but to thine own divine self be true the last hand do to anybody else all right guys thank you for your feedback and I know a couple other people raised ends but thank you guys
peace be with you we're gonna do our closing song and peace be with all of you thank you for tuning in god bless you all and hopefully you stay connected with us