Soul Level Emotions
um so those who are just getting online welcome we've already done our opening prayer and second reading but we'll do it again and so it is so folks have asked for specific topics ranging diverse as usual which is really great the first one I want to share what it was asked about were times an illusion what's reincarnation and that's all going to blend in with everything else in sharing them you know thank you for trusting you know you're here whether somebody brought you here or whether you
thought this is a bar and you walked through it and you're like why am I here however you got here is for a reason and it's an interesting thing because everything everything in the world and you could be thinking that that's highly philosophical that's actually science this is a hologram we know that there's more space in every cell than there is density there's more space in every cell so you're actually made up of more spaciousness than density oh that's not true I can touch it just because you can
touch it doesn't mean you should believe it scientifically there's more space in every one of your cells than there is density well if that's true and I assure you that it is with this and this and the walls and the planets where do you end it it's there's this energy and all of that spaciousness is in a sense the the womb of the mother the Divine mother the holy spirit of God when Jesus says I leave you with a comforter he was talking about that spaciousness and yet not not a dead casual spaces
he's talking about you're held in the arms slash womb of the mother the mother is taking care of you so he's saying I'd leave you with a comforter he meant the comfort of the holy spirit of God so we're being taken care of we're taking care of automatically but we can't see it because we're looking at the matter that's the outer shell behind it is the presence of God that's the real universe but the density we call it a facade the face of something is the facade make sense the personality
is called the persona it's what you're personifying or the facade you're giving the world but that's not the real world so people look at each other and of course the rude behaviors but the rude behaviors are their facade why is there a facade because they're covering up for deeper hurt and if I react to it I actually reinforce that that's you hi nice to meet you you are your pain and I'm not letting you off the hook I'll prove it to you because when you're rude to me I'm going to be rude back and
now we're both in hell we both have joined in forgetting Who We Are that doesn't mean I'm saying that you should be a doormat Edgar Casey said one of the biggest mistakes of Christians is to become a doormat that's not what this means healthy boundaries are good but it means at least even in the outside if I have to say no back off the root inside and help me see them as you see yes gosh the outside I might have to say no which is my facade but where's my facade coming from covering up pain or is it
just dealing with the situation on the outside what's appropriate but inside choosing something different one day the day will come when the facade and the inner truth of God are different what you see becomes what if you get it's the real me but for now in a world where there's this stuff going on it's okay for you to set boundaries it's okay for you to say no some people use Jesus as an example of well you know he let himself be crucified we should just be doormats like him no that's
that's that's an old notion that was created by church that said well if Jesus was a victim which he wasn't but if it looks like he was a victim then we all have to be christ-like and become victims well wow you know Jesus is like how did they mess this up nobody told you I'm doing this for you so it's done you all are now redundant why would you be repeating what I did that it's the same with reincarnation as a matter of fact reincarnation beautiful valid law but reincarnation is a branch of karma
what you see is what you get what what you do comes back to you there's a boomerang effect as you know as you do so will you meet it right it's that's that's karma so karma you set something in motion not just your actions you have action karmas you have emotional Karma you have thought Karma all that I think I am and put out is coming back and mirroring it to me what because it wins the holy man what's the Hologram representing our thoughts words Deeds Etc but I sometimes die before I can clear
it all up some people die before their bills right some people die before they've said goodbye to everybody but we also pass away without having cleaned our slate and some of those things we didn't clear they go with us and we clear them on the other side but we also sometimes are given a file these aren't the Casual things you can clear up now that you're on the other side we have some things that you've actually done several times and you just say not seem to be getting it oh look there's a
folder called dense you know like like wow so we're going to send you back really really focusing on this one this is never forced Upon Us believe it or not even what we're choosing to come in with there's a part of us it's called the soul that wants to clear all this and go home the Persona the personality mostly controlled by the ego is resisting so all these yogis and Mystics throughout time have tried to say man let go of the egos resistance to clearing the Slate goodbye to the karma Buddha himself saying you know it's not
just about being a nice person being a nice person can clear the Slate from here on but you also have to not react to the old stuff so that you can clear the past so the old stuff is coming up in the present for you to clear the present stuff needs to be well chosen too so you don't have a different you know a painful future so clear the past and stay present then the future becomes a very different future than we've we're used to living so time's an illusion everything's an illusion but while we're here we've made up some
rules to kind of keep our slate clean what I mean by that in a sense is if you were to say God I'm walking into today and do this every day but let's say you're walking into today you're walking into this lifetime and you say hold it a minute I noticed that I'm walking in with a file and it's telling me you know flaws issues triggers patterns okay and I'm going in to work on them which is normal that's how it works but if you stop for a minute and said wait a minute God here's the files they're called The
Acacia records I have this feeling that I can actually give this to you and I would like to instead go in and live a life that is a hologram of how you see me all this starts to poof and you walk in very differently now I would love to say it's just magic and you know then we could all just go uh fine God's will you know go into divorce you know court case God's Will and everything goes your way things things do change but it changes in here first the problem is sometimes it takes time which is an illusion to get from here to
here so I might walk into a divorce settlement in a divorce case do my prayer and I just feel centered like at peace that might not yet download to the lawyers and the judge and of course your ex your ex might just you know you know and then look over at you oh such Tranquility I think I'll be okay now that might not catch on they might be so distracted with how annoying you are as a person that lived with them that they might not get clear but then here's what's going to happen you're sitting over there going oh as
usual my ex gave me that look here I was doing my prayer and I'm all holy but they're such jerks you know and then you get triggered again well see what you did was you took the bait their Persona their personality their ego said no way and you're like fine and and you took the bait it's not easy it isn't easy to be in these challenging circumstances and I make fun of this stuff because it's funny but but does it feel funny when a loved one's passing away unexpectedly and you're like oh it's an illusion blah
blah blah you're will God and they don't get up and dance for you it hurts so some of these things are very funny when you look at them and some of them are very painful you're still you're you still have the right to say despite them dying despite this divorce there's another way of looking at this God how would you have me see it and again careful with the words see it doesn't mean it shifts here it shifts here a weight that you were carrying changes when this locks in enough you'll actually change what you see with
these eyes when this shifts enough that doesn't mean that you should go well it's still not changing so I got to do more shifting you know it's like trying to start something motorcycle you know and you just keep trying you don't it doesn't need to become some intense labor you know come on go go go go go come on go go go go it's do it and just practice knowing just practice knowing I've said a prayer and now it's inevitable that I'm going to see you differently that's called faith
in things not yet seen but it's inevitable I've set my intention to see the real you and I'm looking forward to that could be today tomorrow you know what's the time times an illusion and the Holy Spirit is in charge of the Illusions and dispersing them so times an illusion things don't have to take forever to catch on things don't have to take for you for you to experience some amazing shift that's why they're called Miracles because they seem like they came out of nowhere but they really didn't
you've done good work and when you haven't seen the shifts on the outside and you doubt yourself it's a test and it's one that we all fail once in a while well I did my work but this is still a drag something's still happening it's a test of your faith you must know that despite the way things look you're okay I am as God created me and that can never change in reality I am as God created me but in this realm one of you asked about miracle-mindedness it's the same thing the miracle mind is the one that's
choosing it's not Miracle mind meaning you you got lucky and received miracle-mindedness the miracle mind comes from or mindedness comes from somebody who has made a choice to see as God sees and does their best to resist the temptation to see otherwise which we've talked about in other terminology like come back to Center come back to Santa despite the way things look you come back to Center so karma is this stuff we haven't worked out and we take to the other side and it's still there there's still some
patterns um you might work out uh I lent somebody money they didn't pay me back I passed away it's okay I'm done it's good but you might have a pattern a bigger pattern of let's say uh rejection that one's not gone yet you went to the other side you cleared the thing about somebody owing you money but you didn't clear rejection as a pattern now you come in with a family that's perfect for rejection issues whatever that means you know they gave you up for adoption or they kept you in
the family they just never talked to you um so you you the pattern is still living out the good news is this is for our Amusement this isn't God's will God didn't say you have issues to work out that's what we were taught about reincarnation this is our beliefs We're All in This World mainly for two things learning and healing which are kind of the same but slightly different learning and healing you're here to learn more about who you are etc etc and heal Old Wounds the only other reason you're here is to
experience the gifts that come from learning and healing got that we're here to learn and heal Oh I thought I was here so that I could work for 50 years and get a watch at the end of my career no you're not here for that I thought I was here to have children no you weren't you're here to learn and heal it's just that your children will be good sources of learning and healing and parents so think about that all for Learning and healing oh no there's some people there's also in third category being annoyed no
that's under learning and healing and when you're done it means I've learned and healed I got it the light bulb went off spiritually and oh my God I got it and that's that Buddha moment of I got it Buddha had that moment of I awakened to the Earth Plains cycle of Life called The Wheel of karma and reincarnation that's what he woke up to so he became an ascended Master as did Moses and others who became clear of the Earth plane Jesus is different Jesus became cosmically universally and completely awakened not just the Earth
plane all planes all Dimensions all realities and it has a a unique role let's say that's why they they say you know he has the keys to the universe he didn't have the key to himself self-aware right self-realization he away awakened to everything the absolute so the keys to the universe so one of you is asking also about the Holy instant the holy instant is what you call the moment of time on the clock when you have had those epiphanies it's called a holy instant in A Course in Miracles a lot of course in Miracle
students think of you know this terminology there's Miracle miracle-mindedness Holiness and all these terms they're all the same there are moments where we allow the Holy Spirit to take control for a moment and we see the effects of it okay and that's also one of you asking transformation transformation is also part of that word Transfiguration in other similar terms it trans changing transforming so I'm I'm changing I refuse to be who I was yesterday but this everything I'm describing Karma
reincarnation believe it or not it's so far more under our power than we think for lifetimes for generations and generations thousands and thousands or millions of years we actually were programmed to believe stuff happens to us forgetting it can't unless you're part of its creation and I'm not going to give you the burden of you're always you you individually are responsible for everything that goes wrong you know it's like that comedian I think his name was Steve Wright you know the one that used to talk real so you
know he would say I remember as a kid a commercial it's Smokey who said only you can prevent forest fires he said the pressure almost killed me only me you know it's all on me man really so it's the same concept so we take this Michael was saying it's it's on us guys we create individually and collectively Holograms when they use them in lasers in Labs Holograms meaning they can now create holographic images in in Labs but the Hologram needs a laser split into what is a laser shooting light
what are you light so when they're doing holographic experiments they're actually trying to replicate how you create your reality they don't call it that but that's what's happening so I am light they split me just like my eyes have been split from one into two and then I see my reality which is called a hologram Hollow by the way meaning worthless and meaningless it just seems to be there but the Hologram it should be a whole ogram meaning holistic a a full picture but immediately you split the light so now
my reality how many suns are in the sky how many moons are in the sky Etc and who's nice to me who's not that becomes my reality in a laboratory how did the laboratory create this reality it took my original light split it into me and us when those two lights those beams are mirrored they off of mirrors back into the center of the room two or more gathered with one belief you have one son if the majority of us decided we want three moons we would create it overnight if the majority two things can change
the reality in the room me or us which one's easiest to change me but the laws of physics would say yeah but there's just little old U versus eight billion people yeah I I can't really have much effect and that's the ego that's the ego even if the Hologram doesn't change yet I changed how I see it you must change you it's it's it's in your power but you can't change the US without changing you otherwise what you're doing is well I just hope we can all get our act together so that I can feel better about
it you see and you know what will happen it sounds logical the hundredth monkey yeah maybe if all of them you know these people get them their act together my life will be better here's what happens their reality will be better and you'll still be waiting you might as well step up and just oh let me just own this and now Karma reincarnation I slash we created that I slash we created it as a belief system the good news is you could say we created it to keep ourselves in a system of cleansing wash dry repeat
so after every lifetime we clear as much as we can we come back it makes sense that's kind of a nice thing better than just having hell right we give ourselves more chances to work it doesn't that make sense it's very much more compassionate right but at some point someone needed to say I hate to be a buzz kill but has anybody noticed we've reincarnated 5 000 times and we still haven't gotten it it's been billions of years now right you know we we were created before the universe was even created so it's been a
while and I still don't feel perfect I still can't find my car keys it's the weirdest thing I still can't have a relationship that lasts more than three years you know this infinitely powerful made in the image of God being and I wow so at some point we have to go you know what let's do we have a plan B anybody have a plan B and that's Christ as a consciousness the one that says I have been trying to fix myself and it didn't work so I'm going to call upon that part of me called no no known as Christ that
part of me that did wake up that did get it and that's where the Christians are correct when they say if you accept Jesus as your savior that's actually correct it means if you accept Christ as your consciousness you'll get it now Christ is a okay so now I got to get to work and start being all Christy I gotta wear a white robe and how serious do you take it oh well you know Jesus was a male now I gotta reincarnate and come back as a male if I'm a female today no don't take it so seriously
because he's going to tell you if you were having a conversation with him how do I get myself to be as perfect as you he would say well there's two routes let's check your Acacia records first well technically it looks like in the year 50 billion A.D you will have evolved enough to get there also there's hope yeah that's what I was saying yeah there's another option stop judging yourself today keep forgiving yourself for everything you do that's not very Christy that's how you get home
forgiveness don't try to perfect yourself forgive your imperfections learn to laugh at yourself it doesn't feel like laughing sometimes because it's painful but from the other side you're going to be dragged into the courtrooms of life no matter your race your gender your age you're going to be dragged into the courtrooms of life that are going to try to crucify you because their lawyer is the ego and it's going to say listen you're lucky we allow you to be alive technically the wages of sin are death
and you've made at least one sin in all your lifetimes therefore technically I'm allowed to kill you you have corporal punishment we're allowed to kill you so give thanks for the ego it's trying to tell you give thanks that I haven't killed you yet I'm allowing you to make Time payments but it has it's a time payment like the worst of loan officers It's Time payments that it knows you'll never pay off you'll only be paying interest rates which aren't very interesting
so you're paying forever for what your imperfections wait you're made in the image of God which is perfect so where do the imperfections see we just run on that like it's automatic you go to the other side and go okay I'm ready for a reincarnation again you just assume you have Karma we assume all these things because it's the program that's been downloaded into our mind by our permission when we gave up our real power I am as God created me well I'm not sure okay here it comes now a virus
entered and it runs rampant changes my whole reality so at the end of the day I've said this before try to prove that you're perfect I wouldn't advise it guys try to become very very pure perfect you know make sure everything you do things say is just right tight walking that tightrope you can do that and you will eventually become enlightened you will but it'll take however many lifetimes which you're allowed to do it's free will but you could also just go into the courtroom and instead of please let me
pay overtime please please let me you know we're do do public service or whatever right whatever they call it right let me go let me pay it off that's what we do because the ego is going we're like I'll I'll pay anyway possible to not be put to death meaning thrown into hell as we're taught no no instead here's what you do your honor I have all kinds of papers and arguments and look here's even in the acacia records look I was crying just yesterday about how miserable my life is please
take pity on me you could try that look I I mean God nobody has had a worse life lifetimes than me so come on I mean I have tried to pay my debts It's never enough so you can't win so the universe God God is saying what is it you want of me can I have Time payments all the mother God whatever can do is say and so it is to honor where you're at my advice and I swear to you not only is it brilliant advice it works and here's what you do your honor I'm not even going to open the book I plead insanity
that's how you do it that's how you I'm serious that's how you do it plead insanity your honor I know there's lots of footage I know don't even put on the monitors and start running the akashic records five Affairs and 15 murders in other lifetimes and oh you know I've done all kinds of naughty things don't even bother because I'm not going to defend it I'm not going to justify it I'm not going to minimize it because then there's an it you understand minimize it there's an IT
deny it there's an it your honor don't don't even don't even bother we know that the ego has records but the records are of Time and Time doesn't exist your honor anything I have done in any of the acacia films forgive me I knew not what I was doing I was actually stricken with amnesia and the ego can you prove that you had Amnesia yes yes I can actually prove it the only footage we're going to allow from The Acacia records is the moment where I believed that I was not as God created me
which is all the way back to the to the beginning of time hit play I am as God created me Bliss Joy Oneness isn't this fantastic and then there's this moment where I went I wonder what life would be like if I weren't one with God boom that's the footage that's all you need and the judge will say in that moment we definitely see that you went insane case dismissed right it's how it works yeah it's beautiful all of the pain has been my part of my hallucinations but part of my Illusions and And to clarify because you have
people that have been hurtful to you you can't just go well Michael says it's an illusion then you're going to throw away this whole talk because it doesn't tell you what to do with that pain what you can do is cry and talk about the pain I wouldn't say make it your reality but I would say talk about it while it feels real so go ahead and continue processing but also keep your mind open that there's something more than just what they did and here's what starts to happen okay my name is Michael I'm here at a counselor
here's what they did what they did what they did what they did okay keep going and there you are that's normal human emotions human experiences human memory but there's a point where you're allowed to say The Next Step they did did but wait but I don't have to allow it to have an effect on me now you're changing something you see you're changing it its effects now when you start changing if its effects here's what you're going to also be doing and you'll see this in the next step which
is not only did I start changing its effects that means I started changing what I believe about it if there's an if that doesn't have the effects it used to have it must not have been that powerful in the first place you follow and it'll keep evolving forgiveness is not an instant as people think it is it's a process layer layer layer you start with how everybody did and its effects on you but it starts shifting yeah they did this but that's their thing that they never they could have never been in their right mind when they
harmed you it's impossible if somebody was in their God mind I swear to you they could not have acted so selfishly they can't cheat on you they can't steal from you all the Commandments they cannot kill you in this life or another they could never be in their Divine mind and act the way they did however you could not have been in your Divine mind if it got to you so Jesus is on the cross still saying forgive them he never chose to buy into what they were saying you know when they're saying oh you
think you're the Christ look at you now we've kicked you and spit on you and punched you and mashed your face so you oh yeah you're nothing you know he wasn't like well I would have been the Christ if you would have been nicer to me as a good impersonation wasn't it just totally sold you on it and Jesus y'all were so mean to me instead he's like you don't realize nothing you can say or do even feel towards me has any effect on the I am that I am but the funny thing is I know that you
are but you forgot and that's what makes you so angry it makes you angry you you rape and molest and you do these things to me to to us people in the world they did these things because they forgot who they are and it bothers them so they're taking it out on you if you only become a victim of their behavior you both descended into and that's our reality they forgot I forgot and we both live in Amnesia which is a painful experience when you practice forgiveness and I don't mean gratuitous like go find I
forgive all the horrible things you'd truly shifting inside when you do that you're you're ascending out of hell but you're actually planting it in their mind they can go too you can't force them to go but you plant it in their mind if I'm not any longer part of the cycle of cause and effect and I've released the effect the cause now starts to change would you like to change too they can say yes or no that's their thing you stay unattached to that but you've at least given them the e-ticket out of
here that's an old reference to amusement parks remember that the e-ticket was like everything wow so you really made a difference so so shifting gears for a moment and yet just expanding what we're talking about you know over the years we've covered lots of topics everything everything you know healing UFOs everything every topic under the sun because these are all the things that we have fabricated or lived as part of our reality for now what's really amazing is that it's time now for God's
truth rather than our truths it's true that there's a Bigfoot and it's true that there's UFOs and it's true that there's conspiracies and it's true that government's corrupted all the stories they're all true lowercase t but now God is saying have you had enough have you had enough uh because now a wave of the truth of God is coming through and so humanity is Awakening it might look like it's getting worse and it will actually continue to look worse every year every decade for the
next bit of time because it's all coming to an end but God has had a plan all along you are my beloved children in whom I am well pleased and it is beyond my will that you go anywhere but home so everyone's going to get it does it look like they're like right on the verge really does it look like all the political leaders like you know I used to be a politician but now I'm a Mystic you know I'm waking up I'm starting to think selflessly you know no I don't think so but you know what
that's because the ego in everyone is fighting harder to keep its reality it is and so the whole world is changing and we've taught every topic Under the Sun in one building you know it's not like we're talking about a hundred different buildings with 100 different philosophies we cover everything here because it all has a place but we also talk about not just the buildings on the pyramid the Rocks the blocks on the pyramid we also talk about the Capstone Christ Consciousness God which I'm glad we do
and even though we've talked about all kinds of topics there are some topics that nobody else has ever talked about back in the day when I made up the word light workers there was no such word so it happened and now people started refer to themselves as light workers that was kind of fun but it was kind of you know it's like okay but something's happening now where I mentioned a couple years ago I think it was there's a new wave of angels that have been created or released to come to Earth and help Mankind in their
Ascension process a new completely new wave of angels which I'm not doing a talk on but maybe I will sometime then came this topic of the daughters of Heaven it just blurted that out a few months ago and it was like the daughters of who are they this is where instead of just people hoping to change the world people you know having a little bit of interest in spirituality or personal growth or whatever casually Something's Happened where there are individuals men and women even though I call it daughters daughters mean soul
so the soul of many of us has been aware all along I I don't feel like I'm just into self-help I feel somehow deeply devoted to God and I don't know why you see they don't know why they're uniquely connected even though they're they're they're they're agnostic or they're a particular religion or just new age they still have this Affinity to let's say mother Mary why she you don't hear a lot about Mother Mary at new thought churches you don't you know outside of
Catholicism how often do you hear about Mother Mary what about Jesus well a lot of that's not used in new thought churches so why do I feel like Jesus is my my brother you know why do I feel so connected and mother why why am I still like oh the Divine mother why do I have on my altar candles for the Divine mother and when my friends come over I hide them and put a little Buddhist at you because he's more acceptable you know little Namaste symbol oh um I was just meditating come on girls you know BFF so yeah let's sit
around and um you know and then they leave and it's like oh sorry mother Mary you know why is that I'm telling you there's something in us that never forgot God the father the mother aspect of God Devotion to Mother Mary also known as Kuan Yin in Asian communities other names in Africa other names in South America et cetera et cetera it's the mother it's the Divine mother and her image it's not mother Mary's owned by Catholics but I'm grateful that they remember her and honor her because it's a woman who
chose to be the presence of the Divine mother the universal mother I mean Kudos man in this world to have held that I am here to be a vessel to receive the presence of God and do God's will that's supposed to be the prayer of us all every morning what would you have me do that's the prayer of the the mother that you know the servant of God as it were some of the terminology flips people a servant and to be of service uh the mother Mary Mother Mary there's triggers get over them she didn't do anything to you
you know oh yeah but Catholic Church did this to me what that had nothing to do with her you're surprised a religion was abusive organizations can be like that whether they're political scientific administrative or whatever they can get selfish and weird keep your Devotion to the Divine mother keep your Devotion to Jesus Keep Your Devotion to Mother Mary Etc you know you could have this and not even know it oh my favorite scent is roses what a coincidence that's the scent that enters a room miraculously supernaturally when mother
Mary is nearby no way but I'm not even Catholic yeah because she just looks for Catholics I was going to come to you but no you know that's like saying you know Jesus is owned you know by fundamental Christians wow he would want an adoption quickly you know um not because I'm not trying to like dis any particular religion but you know what they dissed themselves any religion selfish hateful making you fear God making you fear Jesus making you fear mother Mary making you fear other belief systems they're not holy anymore they're not
sacred all of these Traditions Islam zero through you know the teachings of zarathustra and in the uh Persian Traditions all around the world everyone every continent there's some honoring of the mother and sometimes they think that it's the Earth Mother Only well that's because they're awful little just as a fundamental Christian makes the crucifixion of Jesus the whole moral of the story what does that mean do you believe Jesus died for your sins what's the point of that if he had stayed dead we wouldn't
have gotten anything out of it oh I'm gonna die for your sins too look and nothing comes of it it's his resurrection that changed everything that he overcame death kills all the laws of the universe that made you think you were a limited being I can come back from Death meaning I have no limits if you can just honor that I did this in you starts to birth your own Christ self the second coming of Christ is your Awakening and the things I have done you shall do and more he himself said what did he mean
just what he said because I can only do so much in this time for this generation you're gonna get it what did he mean is it sacrilegious to say you two are the Christ no it isn't what did he mean by you know you all the things I've done you shall do and more oh I think he meant that I could be better at Parcheesi than him serious it's an old game sorry um but is that is that all you can believe that you what about you can not die you're immortal you're immune to this world and all limitation that's what he's saying
so we're all getting to that place of Awakening and the daughters of Heaven are are saying we're not just here to kind of bring people along bring people home teach lecture write books do poems you know we're not talking about that the daughters of Heaven are saying that's beautiful we're actually going to be the presence of the Divine mother because the Divine mother is the one that births the Christ Jesus was birthed by Mother Mary Jesus the person the body was birthed by Mother Mary guys it's a metaphor
that the Christ was birthed by the Divine mother Jesus by Mother Mary the Christ by the Divine mother you follow so Mary had to have been christed basically to hold that presence to give birth to this Christ child this person who was allowing himself to choose to be the Christ so what he has done you shall do and more we all have to surrender to the mother now to the Holy Spirit that's why Jesus says let the Holy Spirit birth you let let her give birth to you let her be born again of the holy spirit it's what
it means Born Again doesn't just mean thank God I'm not going to hell now Born Again means I was born of the Flesh and now I'm being born of the spirit the Christ in me is being born today and the daughters of Heaven are choosing to be that example of the Christ and they're really not thinking of it as per se Christ all the time or Jesus all the time it's that's the obvious to them but it's the mother that they're closest to for reasons I won't go into in detail but the daughters of Heaven just feel
this natural Vibe this natural affinity and yes some of them are past life Vibes that they're remembered they remember being Mystics priests nuns that were devoted to God but they're going away from the religious version of it to here I am like a personal experience version so so wrapping all this up these Daughters of Heaven are also experiencing something very powerful but not just for them all people are going to a place of understanding soul level emotions now the lowest three chakras are your human
self the upper three chakras if you don't know chakras it's these spiritual centers that are connected to your endocrine glands your upper three centers it's why you see Jesus and others with a Halo it means that these centers are awakened and they're glowing with light and this is their life priority now you have these upper three chakras and they represent not human emotions Divine feelings such as Bliss peace very beautiful look at pictures of Krishna who is like the Eastern mythological version of Krishna caution Consciousness
Christ so he's the Christ as an example as a story so look at creation of these examples of him riding into war and he's just glowing like just nothing phases me you know like nothing phases me like I can still get annoyed listening to country western music like there's still triggers here and there you know like if I had to go get a car repair and they go round down there you know I'm like keep the car I don't want my tires sorry man um Christian is like glowing like nothing nothing has an effect here
you know um and that's that's what the Christ is and what it looks like in my day-to-day life so he gives examples and Krishna by the way in his teachings does tell you how to live that life and it's very funny because he says you know you do this all this and you're like okay and he goes you know what it's not going to work what just keep forgiving yourself just do you're the best you can and forgive when you can change what you can accept it you know it's funny all this preaching and and
divine downloads and then he's like but you're probably not going to be able to pull it off which is basically what Moses could have said Ten Commandments which none of you are going to live up to let's just be clear because they could have looked at that went oh I'm totally up creek because those were shown to you the same as Jesus here's what you're not going to be able to pull off but not because you're a failure because forgive yourself and you become greater than these laws honestly
so this is where we have Divine feelings Bliss wow nice but you know what in exact opposition human emotions down in the lower three chakras anger jealousy frustration annoyance Etc down here and what some of us try to do is bypass oh I don't have any of that oh you know everything's just peaceful that's that's fake you have to take this light and there's one of two ways to say it bring this light here and let it shine away the human emotions and or you could say bring your emotions to the Divine either
way however you want I won't go into the difference but either way my job is to not judge these emotions but the truth is as I grow these will fade stop stop inflating them oh but I think we're humans we're supposed to be angry and jealous and Petty well that's and so it is and so you are but you're not only you not only have the right to rise above that literally and figuratively but it's your destiny you're going to get to the point where you only know God and only know peace Joy one is bliss love abundance
here there's no such thing as genders and racism this is God but down here all kinds of differing opinions so human emotions Divine feelings but what's happening is Mankind and the daughters of Heaven in particular but everybody is realizing there's something else happening where my Consciousness is not just human anymore I'm rising to the point where I'm accessing my soul and in my soul I have soul level emotions they're kind of divine feelings yet in a way kind of human because I still feel
them viscerally in my skin but they're not the same as human emotions if you notice this happening if you feel any shift like that at all it's wonderful the heart and soul not only is unique half of it is your darkest stuff all of these human emotions those are symptoms your deepest darkest roots of those are half of your heart the one that believed you left God which is up here came down into the Earth plane and are therefore a flawed sinful being deepest darkest stuff that you'll run into when you go
through the Dark Night of the soul for example it's not just a bad day these darkest things are it's like several times greater than just your average annoyances or hurts or shames or whatever this when you go through and you face your deepest darkest stuff which comes to a person at least a couple times every Lifetime and it can last Generations it can last decades rather but it can also last weeks but it's when you run into your darkest we've addressed that and talked about that in healing conversations all of
them in closing today is introducing this other half of the heart and soul emotions not the dark ones but the joy-filled ones if you're starting to notice that you you feel inexplicable levels of Joy you're starting to feel hope and like Resurrection you found things that actually work spiritually this is opening this is blossoming this heart chakra lotus flower rose is opening it's blooming and the fragrance from it becomes noticeable so I'm noticing that I don't know things don't get to me as much as they used to
I'm noticing this is strange because it's soul level remember human you know human you touch it you know you experience it this is your soul starting to have feelings and in a way you could argue well they must have always had feelings even if they did you weren't aware of them because you were so caught up in your human stuff do you want to help water and feed this Rose Lotus so it can bloom and open up yes well you can't while you're still talking about that stuff everybody that made you angry
will keep this closed everybody that had power over you will keep this closed and I'm not trying to keep you left out I'm saying look talk it cry it and make a decision at some point it has no power that it once had when you can commit I'm done talking about that don't go into denial about it you feel processed to completion more or less and something changes and then you can say wow you know and as a natural result your heart starts to open but when it opens with it comes the fragrance which I'm calling feelings
you can call them soul level emotions because that's what they are they're not Divine feelings yet but they're kind of so they reflect Divine level of feelings but they're still yours they're still emotions so you're still going to feel some humanness to it you might even have thoughts of God I'm feeling great but it can't last see that's still the human component component sabotaging it but watch be aware because something wonderful is happening shifts are happening to where you know
human emotions are happening I'm and how did that happen because my Consciousness is going from here it's rising so when I got here as a general statement Kundalini or I have risen to this point oh my God that's why I'm having these deeper more powerful emotions I just feel happier or more Blissful more often don't think that that means you're here although this is your goal it's where you're going be grateful that you've gone here from here I used to only even if I felt love
it was fleeting it was human you follow even Paul I'm not saying just negatives anger Rage or whatever sadness even human love is down here here today and gone tomorrow comes and goes I thought I loved you but you now you parted your hair on the other side I don't like it so I'm out of here that was not love you know well I loved you when we were both on mushrooms but when I don't take the mushrooms you just don't have the same Pizzazz you had you know you know so that's Love On Acid you know
so I'm done with that but I'm still here see what we did too often in previous generations is thought we need to go from Human to Divine and not go through this and that was fake it was a nice attempt it was well intended but it couldn't have lasted because this is still saying hi good to see you yeah great to be here I feel so blissed out really good good how you doing with all that good yeah really uh how's that no I I skipped that right I just went right up to here so the core level hurts sadness loneliness despair you didn't
look at your deepest darkest roots of your symptomatic emotions well no because I wanted to be one with god well that's nice but um no so you still have to come back and deal with this so Embrace those deepest darkest lessons not Embrace like keep them forever look at them be honest where are they coming from I am being treated hurtfully because I have these core things of I don't have value people treat me a b and c because I don't have value you see the chord versus the symptoms I I these are my core emotions that's
half and I worked through those and I work through this and by working through those The Watch it blooms wow I oh this must be the positive effects of doing therapy that would be your your head's version of the conversation but what's really happening is this is being put to rest being recycled like like composted so that this flower can bloom and you start to feel good the good will last longer and longer because these are soul level but even talking about them is not easy because they're so level you have to be
in your soul to even hear what I'm trying to describe otherwise you're in your head which is one of the three lower chakras again the intellectual you know cognitive this is beyond this is the imaginative so you start to feelings that are just so much greater and a lot of people I mentioned this I think in a just a blip last week and a lot of people were really like oh my God that's what's happening so praise man praise God congratulations if you're getting to that place it's normal and if you're not there that
doesn't mean you should go home depressed no I I wanted to hear a really great talk but he was telling everybody how they're more spiritual than I am and they get to have these feelings and I don't you do have them keep growing and you'll see them more and more when you're now walking through your house singing and dancing and and you feel less care and burden of the world you're either really old and you now have forgotten all the burdens and you're just kind of you know I'm kidding sorry
but you recently divorced um no no no but something special is happening when you're like you know and your friends are like no this can't be because when I got divorced it took me five years before I could smile again and you're like five minutes after you're like whoa you know you'd run out of the Court free at last free at last thank God Almighty you know that's a sign of something cool happening you you realize you know what I'm not so bad I thought I was everything everybody else told me and it's just not true
I'm I'm feeling free songs now I sing more and I sing louder songs now I can I dance before it was like oh you know and I'm just I'm letting go of the inner critic I feel Freer I feel open those are all really great signs and symptoms guys make sense how many of you think that you've been noticing it wave a hand up high nice nice a good proportion that's great soul level emotions I'm feeling emotions of my soul I'm crying at levels that are impossible because it's soul level grief and I cry
with soul level happiness too see say it call it that this is my soul write about it Journal about it my soul start using that instead of my Persona my personality my issues my triggers start talking about this other part of yourself my soul oh my God my soul when I see the sun it just I I breathe in my soul when I when I dip in a cool pool on a hot day my soul when I showered the past and I you know dry off and feel fresh you know my soul take every Human Experience getting a new car or whatever it is having dinner lunch
feed your soul feed your soul foods that nourish you that feel great the ones that you don't like that you know because everybody else says you have to eat them stop feed your soul ask your soul what would we like today and it's going to say great things you know it's a it's not going to be all you got to do this or else what's it going to say you know really is your soul saying you have to eat this or you'll die you're gonna die anyway what can you enjoy eat what you enjoy enjoy what you eat
dance man come out come out that's it man I'm just done with the constriction and locked up and living in shackles I'm coming out free free free free um this is me now and it's soul level and people are going to think you're kind of kooky the ones that want you to be the way they are no we we frown only you know it's like no smile Smile Smile come out you know it's like it's okay enjoy everything enjoy who you are what you feel like what you look like dance sing write poetry bring the
artist being the Creator bring the which is a heart-centered attribute bring out these parts of yourself everybody else that tells you it was wrong to smile that was wrong to laugh Etc they were wrong they were absolutely mistaken but forgive them they know not what they were saying in their pain they tried to shut themselves down and you reflected something else so they tried to shut you down and now just no no how would you how did you not know I would be about my father's business how did you not know it would be like me to
sing you know stop that singing you know what teacher put you in in um what do they call it when you have to go to after school thing you know detention what teacher principal ever put you in detention and expected you to sit there singing you know like you're on detention young man okay every you know and you're like you know doing the you know walking back you know and and they're going to be like there's just no getting through they're going to call your parents and they say he needs a different School
because he doesn't get upset when we try to trigger him you know this is this is this world man be true to yourself be true to yourself come out come out wherever you are and understand I'm not just theorizing I'm saying your soul we're all Rising for some of us globally here's what's happening there because we're all going home so we're all raising in Consciousness and Humanities finding themselves in the heart chakra that sounds like good news right yeah but what did I say it's the Dark
Night of the soul and the blossoming flower if you haven't done your Dark Knight that's where we're going and that's called Revelation the apocalypse that's called all the stuff that's coming to this world tragedy fires and famines and whatever earthquakes that's this half of this cleansing we could do this the easy way but Humanity's choosing the hard way my job is to sit here and hold space in the soul and say guys there's another way there's another way and that's that's the path for all of us
really and those of you by the way we have that conference coming up the daughters of Heaven conference join us if you haven't already heard of it or and there's the book you know you buy the book but learn more about this concept there's a website daughter of the daughters of Heaven learn more about this concept you might again your head might say but daughters it's female no no it's Souls dedicated to God Are All Souls yeah Souls can be dedicated and not feel an affinity to the daughters okay
um because that's their their walk but the truth is we're all Daughters of Heaven ultimately but some of us are seeing it feeling it knowing it and stepping into it now others will do So eventually maybe later generations please take a few centering breaths a few centering breaths nice like oh just the day the past thoughts feelings just oh just breathe all that out all the pains all the processes all the Grievances all the hurts they were committed by people that were in pain you know why they were in pain
not just family programming and hurt they miss God everybody that was ever hurtful to you and every time you were hurtful you were missing God put it in that context for a moment [Music] they were angry because they attacked your innocence because they forgot their own doesn't make what they did to you right to do but it kind of makes it a little more understandable soul level emotions are like the ego human density peeling off and exposing the next part of us which is our soul then that will eventually peel off and
reveal our divine Christ Divine self that Divine being that Essence inside but right now we're dying of the human and Rising into our soul it's very good news all the thoughts all the thoughts let them go peace you need do nothing to become more divine you can't make yourself more spiritual than God created you to be [Music] but I have so many things to fix so many things to do Karma reincarnation and you
doing them they're fine but right now let's just try another route that I am as God created me and I will to be the Christ on Earth peace [Music] imagine for a moment standing before the most obvious like altar of God or Sacred Space it could be a Grove it could be a giant statue it could be the Red Rocks whatever you perceive your altar to be it could be standing Before the Throne of God whatever you perceive to be a symbol of the higher stand in front of that for a moment just do your best to make to make absolutely it's completely holy
it is so sacred so brilliantly lit so peaceful loving oh my God you even get close to it every ailment is healed imagine some sort of presence like that wow look at it it's the presence of God it's it's the The Throne of Heaven it's Beauty look at that and then just for half a minute look at all the stark contrast of you and your humanness your flaws your foibles your addictions things done to you things you've done let it all just be present for a moment look at how you contrast to this thing that perfect Holiness look
at all this humanness ailments included aging look how different I notice father mother God that even when I approach Your Glory I am still capable of seeing all that in me that is not glorious all that in me that is limited bound stuck controlled this this Human Condition foreign I stand before you and I am choosing using my free will to say this is how I believed myself to be and believed others to be and today I come before you being baptized by you divine mother holy spirit of God my name is insert your name
and I bow before your holiness my God kneel down picture in your mind kneeling down and bowing your forehead to the ground humble [Music] I said my name is and I bow father mother God I bow my opinions I bow to the Earth arrogance [Music] judgments I have on myself or others that I thought were Justified all my opinions my judgments I don't know I'm bowing because I don't know I don't know who I am I can theorize I can use names oh I'm wonderful I'm spiritual I'm successful forget it I'm bowing all of
it down I'm bowing my successes I'm bowing my achievements none of these they just pale in comparisons to your glory [Music] and for a moment imagine you have nothing left no thoughts no opinions no emotions [Music] it's all emptied out you're like a empty shell for a moment bowed in humility [Music] tell it they kill me
the voice of the Holy Spirit the voice of Christ saying arise and the mother saying arise you are my beloved child in whom I am very well pleased and imagine before you get up fill up with light feel like you've been blessed and baptized fill up with light shimmering colorful opalescent light what's this start standing stand before the presence of God no longer the dense human not yet the perfect Holiness halfway meaning the light of God shines upon me and fills me I'm not yet fully one with God but I am
one with the effect of God The Shining Light Of God because I still have to go into the Earth plane and bring this soul level feelings or emotions I feel radiant I feel Joy I feel peace I feel purpose mother you guide me what you'd have me do where you'd have me go what you'd have me say and not say and to whom look in your mind look at your hands and notice they're not dense just imagine they're just sparkly shimmery light you have no race you have no financial status you have no gender you're a child
of God it's time to move forward into a new phase of your life [Music] I wonder what that's going to look like but I wonder doesn't mean I don't know I wonder means I'm in a state of wonder wow this has got to be good there's no need of any kind I feel whole I feel guided and inspired when I choose to share time with a person wow that's a choice I get to make and I'm bringing this presence when I write a book I want it to come from this place a poem a song from this place when I say hi to people give them a hug
It's Not a Human Experience like it was I feel radiant and they will notice what's going on with you don't try to answer halt Ultra profoundly ask for an answer that helps bridge to where they're at don't leave them in the dust with your holiness oh I'm just feeling really great today it's a decent answer right right what can you say that will make sense to them in the moment because God created as God created [Music] hear the voice of the mother saying to you so it is beautiful
slowly reintegrating into the room [Music] follow what feeds your soul enjoy state means to stand in joy notice like the song Earth Wind and Fire sing a song when you feel down and out sing a song right it's going to make your day it'll make your way it'll it'll open things up you see open the way call upon the presence take me to another place the Chicago song Beginnings we've used many times only the beginning of what I want to feel forever as the song comes to a close yes yes now you know you're
allowed to play depressing music when you want to commiserate you know when you want to play there's no reason to live you know it's it's fine but see it for what it is but don't just only play that at some point show enough courage to put on a song that makes you want to stand up and move to feel alive just to come to life a little more you get to decide how much you want to resurrect but choose to resurrect fine percent only when you feel down in it sing a song that's all I'm gonna do just you know I'm not going to go full
on here you can do that but how do you do that without laughing you know eventually you know just sort of start loosening it up you know we're going to uh thank you guys very much we're going to do our closing prayer in a moment we'll do our collection if you could all just be as generous as possible ah feel good looks like a lot of you are in a deep place be as generous as you can be there's a link online to share and there's the baskets here the bags are where you put your donations okay the baskets are
for any extra donations you can share and that we use towards people of lesser means or towards special projects recently it's some of the things you see here which we'll come back to in a sec but hold your love offering to your heart with full intention full Consciousness together please Divine love flowing through me blesses and multiplies all that I am all that I have all that I give and all that I receive and so it is nice can anyone share what did you learn or hear today that was the most important
for you what did you experience learner here yes nice right nice starting the day God be with me it might not always go the way you think but stay connected and the guidance will come along to to micro adjustments to get you there to the higher good anyone else yes right right you're not here to perfect yourself that's the mistake many Mystics made along the way there was religion we know what that was like but there were individual Mystics that pulled away from religion and they said we're not going
to be like them judging you know judging all our flaws we're gonna rise above and be more like God one here one here religion all about your naughtiness and this was I'm going to be perfect no no no there's another one right here the heart forgive yourself for the imperfections and you'll get to the perfection try to perfect yourself you'll be working out a long time yes yes Shine the Light Of God into yourself into your human stuff Shine the Light God be with me in what I do not God keep me from doing everything
I don't want to be naughty oh I'm feeling the Temptation have food this month oh strike this demon of food away from me relax man just chill you know oh no I'm a Mystic lighten up it's okay have a Twinkie you know it's like it's okay creamy center you know symbolizing your light yes so now you can see it and feel it the name to it as you're saying the soul level emotions the darkest of the dark that cause all the symptomatic and the light shining from Heaven into our hearts that say here's what it's like to
come close to me oh this is so cool you know which is very much Jesus saying You must become as children before you come home he's talking about you humans must become as Children soul level emotions before you can come home yes yes you're welcome wow you're welcome another kind of putting a name to it you can see it you can see it happening you know and um I'm not one to like try to start Buzz phrases you know I'm kind of like you know it could become so popular and everybody around the planet
oh I'm having some soul level emotions today everybody says and then they forget the meaning I like I like everybody really getting stuff rather than flippantly using words you know what's going on darkness is all and everybody's walking around you know yeah knocking out of this old buddy how you doing oh yeah tractor stop working Dark Night of the soul and making everything into the just terminology throwing terms out there that's that's not I I would love to know people really get it I'm
Going Through The Dark Knight you know you drink too much you're having a hangover that's not the Dark Knight of the Soul that's just a hangover oh over the bullion Dark Knight of the Soul no you just drank too much stop trying to use spiritual phrases just flippantly you know really get it but I it's out of my hands yes nice thank you versus nice we're all on that path aren't we you're welcome thank you and your guidance in this community yeah thank you very much she's extending gratitude and for what we do
in the commitment we have the profound stuff that goes on and feeling the soul level soul level everything soul level hurt it's healing soul level Joy that's part of my Ascension process it's fantastic we're doing something very unique how could you not if you're the global Center for Christ consciousness you know um you know it's beautiful I I and and and living with this knowing personally like living with this knowing what all this was when I first moved here many years ago and and or ever ever going to
any Center all over the world centers and churches and you know and talking knowing this but having to keep the talks like this they were great people loved them but I knew I knew you want to go oh no no you know I would say God in Dallas Ascension and then ministers would come up um we really frown on using the word god because we believe we are God yeah you sound like it right now but I didn't say that uh well sometimes I did then I wasn't invited back but so think about that think about that actually told no no not because most
were hey most of them were absolutely thank you what what you brought here I mean I'm grateful all my years of touring have been pretty well embraced in almost every circumstance so I'm very grateful but I always knew even when I came here it went from here to here you know but uh one of my friends told the board you don't realize what you got you wait they're like we're so grateful we got Michael and they're like no you don't realize and it's not me it's me giving permission for us to go well
because I knew all along God's waiting for us for someone to say sky's the limit yes one more in a sec nice right right it's true that she's talking about the Christ Consciousness and the workshops we've done over the years very much about Awakening the Christ but you're seeing it now that the Sundays are versions of intensives I mean and they are and that's how it's going to be yeah oh even the humor you know take my ego please yeah thank you for getting that who had their hand up oh yes
right on beautiful we're going to do our closing yes he's speaking to these people and going around the place like an ant feeling this feeling I like being the wife and also get off the phone you know what to do with this I absolutely trust I am safe nice wow
right that I have not experienced right right um we went to the kitchen and there was like ants all in the kitchen oh so it was like the message foreign nice so you experienced the concept of soul level emotions but you saw both some deep stuff and then surrender and you saw the other which is a holy instant that shift and it's a miracle please stand for our closing prayer so what are you feeling don't speak it but what are you feeling uh you're you're filled with the spirit you want to blurt something don't do it yet
peace be with you love God praise God you know Nirvana whatever word you have peace be with you Joy love oh my God you look great to you know whatever words are there turn and share it with at least one person how you doing darling marvelous nice job ah there's a very deep powerful chant it's a chant of the Christ that has never been published that people don't know about it you can repeat it after me thank you the light of God surrounds us the love of God unfolds us
the presence of God watches over us only God is only God is only God is say it again good this presence watches over us at all times doesn't it why because God is I am we are and so it is peace be with you all [Applause]