Sin Versus Grace
nice our beloved John Dumas and and also Robin Miller are doing it was mentioned already but a Mystic Journey concert so that's this Wednesday the 15th 6 to 8 so join if you can um Robin Miller boy that takes me way back I mean one of my favorite CDs was this um magical spheres I played it all the time uh I he's probably tired of me saying oh my God you know Robin magical spheres it was um in my late 20s I think um that I found that when it came out it was some of you won't understand there were these things
called cassette tapes and it was on a cassette tape and then eventually CDs but he'll be doing that concert with John so we're really great to very pleased to have them um what would you like me to talk about today what topics are dear to you just a few of the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Egyptian there's a The Ten Commandments that were given in the Egyptian Book of the Dead 700 years before Moses gave it to the isra 700 years that's yeah yeah yeah I get it before you somebody said something over there
what again health health and what was the other one somebody Integrity okay that's good um to the world the lord has I'll try to to do something on the Ten Commandments in the next week or too so that we can go more fully into that I mean now you know even that topic oh you know like how it's how it's thought and how it really is um people perceive things through their own lenses when the Ten Commandments were given these were guidelines for living and there's so much depth to them there's right brain activation left
brain activation there's so much more than meets the eye much more than Charlton hon told you what a funny those movies you know by God you know that dramatic kind of by God Pharaoh you know that whole Moses Moses you know the everybody just but uh Ramsey the yeah Ramsay you know so let it be written so let it be done you'll Bren man most handsome man I've ever seen in my life but we won't go there right now it's just what a great just presence God I mean he just you know beautiful being um so we'll
talk about that um maybe in the next week or two so that we can give it more full attention but on the topics shared um quite diverse and so forth from Health to feminine rising to Joy and so on you know joy happiness Prosperity you know these are spiritual Concepts there's there's Divine Concepts like Joy is an aspect of God happiness is like that's more human we follow joy and then happiness some of us haven't even tasted happiness so it's enough for us to say one of my goals is to feel happiness but some of us can say
hey you know what I'm going full on man Joy the the joy of God the peace of God the Bliss of God those are more Divine feelings bless you times 10 okay so ultimately it's to feel as God feels there is no like actual appearance of God you're made in my image you know it's it's not appearance it's you're made in my image means you have my Consciousness which includes now again the Consciousness is here and then it brings a Feeling so in a sense go seek first the consciousness of Heaven seek first the
kingdom of God and the rest follows that's what it means seek the consciousness of God and then Inc comes the health the Integrity the joy and so on you can't not have those other things if you have the consciousness of God but to some people it's like well wow that's just way too too big for my mind so they'd rather start off I just I just want to get a little happier a little more Prosperity Etc rather than abundance cash you know and that's those are baby steps and it's start wherever
you are but don't ever think that you're undeserving of the grand you know scheme the grand Consciousness the consciousness of God and one of the things that spoils these things well why don't I have more Prosperity why don't I have more Health it's not to shame you for these but I'm saying if you have the consciousness of God you can't not pay a check or pay a bill if you have the consciousness of God you wouldn't not feel Joy it's impossible to be in the presence consciousness of God and have
human struggles totally one with God and then I have my arthritic knee now what happens in the light of God everything else dissipates but why isn't it happening am I bad no no no you're human to Heir is human to forgive divine fine so don't worry about it look at the arthritic knee and say isn't that you know isn't that funny that I'm this and what the heck you know just learn to laugh at it because it's not true are my eyes playing tricks on me yes learn to know the truth of God but
play the game for now respect the illusion put some ointment on the knee but ointment is an illusion and so is your need then why do it because you believe you have it and you believe ointment helps so play the game still pay your bills no but I'm one with God still pay your bills they don't want to hear it your collectors don't want to hear it one with God you know like whatever but the truth is you are one with God and I don't care if you're on your deathbed know the truth despite what seems to be
happening what do you think Jesus did despite what seems to be happening and he told those around him don't believe what you see oh Jesus crucifixion oh my god look what they've done to you sh it's okay I'm playing the game just wait I've got a surprise for you and they're going where's the surprise I mean he's gone now did we miss it and they're all analyzing it maybe he said some magical words maybe you know and he's gone the 3 days later boom boom psych you know boom I appeared dead but I'm not there's
everybody says you can't overcome death he becomes this person that says I so see through the illusion that I can't die and you will do all the things I've done and even more you've got to be kidding I mean we we we're trying to fix that knee we're trying it's all for now this is the game this is what happens when when we believe in separation it it's a funny concept because here's here's a word for you all do you do you all believe in karma is it's kind of a common word right okay we've heard that
that's cool answer me this riddle me this Batman do you believe in sin you rep yourself yeah more or less do you believe in sin look how you hesitate you're like he's this has got to be a trick question he's going to turn this back on us somehow most people in the spiritual and New Age Community oh man that's old school Sin Sin how do you believe in karma and not sin they're the same thing they mean I missed the Mark I blew it I made a mistake and I'm going to suffer for it in some way it's called karma yeah it's
true I know when I do some really heavy things it's probably Karma but why not sin well it's the way it's presented sinner thou Hast sinned you're going to hell I'm sorry man but it's the same as karma when you're paying for karma that's still called hell what do you think that Eternal damnation is damn it's because everybody that goes through it says damn a lot that's what Eternal damnation is damn I can't believe that man this I'm back with this person again I've married them five times in
five different lives when am I going to get get it you can't get it cuz you're a sinner I don't like that you're it's just your karma oh that's okay then it's just so weird they're the same thing but I agree with you the way it's presented is off because karma sounds so neutral it's very objective but sin sounds like someone's after me and I'm being punished but it it is wasn't isn't meant to sound that way it's just the the way people project it sin you know oh my God the wages of
sin are death you're a sinner you know okay well technically I am well how do I know that is that bad to to own that no listen it just means mistakes if you go one mile over the speed limit you're sinning consciously or unconsciously you're sinning how do I say that because you're making a mistake is it bad is it heavy is it damnation is there a special hell for speeders you know where it's called roundabouts [Laughter] um I had to throw that in there there's not really a a Hell in the center of the earth guys hell is Edgar
Casey said hell is any place where you don't feel the presence of God which is today this minute when I make a mistake in that moment when you drop something on your foot you make a mistake ow you're not feeling God you're feeling pain pain is hell hell is pain so this concept what is original sin it's not just the belief that we separated from God and from each other and even from ourselves we're all disjointed you seem to be sitting there I seem to be standing here and then as I'm standing here there's a an emotional
self you know an intellectual self there's all these Su levels in God it's just Bliss so we seem to have separated and then the separation multiplies it's exponentially it multiplies endlessly like a like a fractal geometry concept it just keeps self-perpetuating however the reason it becomes something after we think the thought of separation is actually the guilt we feel afterwards so sin only kicks in karma only kicks in when you feel guilt I don't mean conscious guilt cuz sociopaths can say I don't feel that so
I must be blissed out no it on some level your soul knows when you're off so I'm going to Define sin as this and again all these comments you're asking about are in a sense related why why the health issues why the whatever issues all of it comes from somewhere in our being we believe that we are not the Christ we have forgotten our identity with that comes some guilt and shame with the guilt and shame comes the punishment that we inflict on ourselves the solution is forgiveness so think about this this is great we we
commit something we then feel guilty for it what is going to cure guilt shame judgment forgiveness so what if I don't remember remember what I did to cause this health or financial or whatever other you don't have to know we're so spoiled that God says you don't even have to know only own that if you're not feeling peace in mind body and soul finances and every other level if somewhere in your life you're not feeling peace rest assured something's gone wrong somewhere with who probably
you but I don't remember it ignorance Is No Escape From the law look please rest rest and just own it I can't I refuse to own it see that's not God talking if I'm willing to own it release it replace it with God that thing that was sin has now brought me home I used it to take me home rather than to keep me ashamed and separate be at peace The Prodigal Son story it's okay oh my God I just know that when I go home I'm going to I'm going to get punished try it see what happens usually I mean 90 something per
of the time when you say okay fine I'm going to try this experiment here this exercise Financial or physical or in some way I'm feeling off emotionally I feel off somewhere this came from me believing that either I or someone else around me is less than God created them to be I don't even remember where I did it who what doesn't matter someone somewhere got judged as being less than holy these are the likely results so I'm giving the results to you God but I'm also giving you what else
the cause my beliefs wherever they are I don't care I'm giving it all to you as unconditionally as possible and I ask for you to replace it with your presence and whoever I judged out there don't know who they are I bless them with this presence as well and me who did the judgment I bless myself so God myself and others all in a state of Holiness and so it is and you leave it at that you're going to notice a shift it's called a miracle you're going to notice a shift well why I didn't even know who I was
forgiving listen control freak you don't need to know who it was just do it well if I don't know for sure who it was how do I what quantify it qualify how do you we don't need your opinion we only need your willingness you don't have to forgive anyone that hasn't repented to God first who that's scripture only one of us is talking today if you have anything else to share go on the parking lot and talk to yourself don't don't don't interrupt don't interrupt I'm a witness
don't interrupt I'm just a wi you're just whatever you are but don't interrupt okay promise no more interrupting thanks so even people that are messed up in your life put them in their place stand your ground because people make mistakes always be willing to forgive you can say no and still forgive you still have to forgive and if you don't do it today it's going to be tomorrow the abuser in your life past present or eventual it's the same job judge them as helpless hopeless judge
them as too far gone and you sink with them okay that's that's not where you need to go Holiness how do I get back to Holiness and you'll be tested by individuals or groups Concepts judgments whatever the things are the news it's going to be tempting you and your job is to hold this place this Center you know and be a good example to others demonstrate like you've seen me do demonstrate it's okay to say no and yes in the right moments but if you allow your family unit to go off your business
place to go off your friendships your Partnerships your children wh whomever wherever however if you allow it to go off you have to own that you're actually enabling this and in enabling you're actually co-creating a problem that will bring fruits of itself you get that no no I don't care who it is oh but that's my partner that's my child I don't want them to get upset with me you just affirmed something sin is an addiction people are addicted to misery I don't care what excuses we use oh but
I can't because that's my child blood you're you don't understand M Michael because I'm a mommy no they're all stories to justify your willingness to allow that Consciousness and its fruits effects in your life am I shaming you wronging me for it not at all just be willing to come forward make sense somebody has to or else the sickness continues so it's interesting because technically all mistakes are synonymous with the word sin I mean sin means missing the mark it means okay mistake
oops it isn't the sin that's the problem it's the guilt and shame that goes with with it almost inexorably it just it just it's just there you can't pretend well I'm going to block it it's there every and and here's the thing so what is this sin does that mean if I went accidentally unconsciously one mile over the speed limit I'm I'm going to have some big karmic thing maybe not big but you you can't say some things get to fall through the cracks the law is perfect if I make a mistake here it
comes some sort of karma well now you're going to make it heavy karmic sin you've done wrong you've done bad correct it how what's the word forgiveness so how do I know if I'm sinning I one mile over the speed anytime you steer off but here's a better way to to the litmus test the further you are away from Christ Consciousness the more you are sinking into sin heavy word I know but we're just playing with that word today the further off Christ conscious the further into karma is that making sense so
what's the solution well to think as God love Christ easy enough to say but it also means forgiving so when I'm forgiving see in heaven forgiveness doesn't happen because there's nothing but bliss but in a fallen World in a world where we separate judge each other we're slipping into a place that's off and then we have to practice forgiveness okay for now there'll be the day where that is erased but you can't ever get to that moment where forgiveness is no longer needed because everything's Bliss again you
can't get to that place without a word called responsibility if I don't own that I've been off I can't surrender it and have it replaced with God's presence when I practice forgiveness of myself and others I am more like God than in any other time in my life even though in God there need not be any forgiveness cuz God's not judging but more like God when I practice forgiveness because when I practice forgiveness and I let things be restored forgiveness restores the mistakes into Holiness it erases the
stuff it white washes us clear of Karma and all that it's like the symbol of baptism it's to wash us clean so when I practice forgiveness and things are restored I'm actually remembering something else that exists in heaven we're forgiven doesn't something else that does that causes you to choose forgiveness it's called Grace some people just oh I'm I'm calling in the State of Grace you can't if you don't practice forgiveness you'll never know Grace Grace is the result of
getting the other stuff out of the way you can't find it's like the word innocence innosence you know what that means Innosense I know sin I will not sin there's a part of me that's so innocent filled with grace holy mother full of grace all of us have Grace within us but you have to practice forgiveness to get to it for now eventually we just are but but for now if you want joy forgiveness offers it Prosperity forgiveness offers it now you go to a an abundance Prosperity manifest a million dollar seminar they're not going to talk
usually about God usually they're going to talk about you and empowering you see I wouldn't want to hear that I don't want to be taught to do anything without God but they're going to talk about how you can manifest more money cash in itself Health in itself you can you know come up with some great technique to fix that arthritic knee or whatever else you're doing or you can co-create this with God and I would choose if I were you I advise co-create with God and so I say you know I don't have to worry
about fear anymore I was addicted to fear-based thinking and judgment that cannot restore me to who I it can't bring total Joy because I'm in my head thinking and and making things my way pause come back got it and it's not I affirm my Holiness you can affirm all you want but if you're a judgmental person you're not going anywhere where so you can affirm your Holiness but if I'm holy how would I behave forgiving you follow what I'm saying you don't be affirming fifth-dimensional Consciousness without
practicing what it takes to get there the more I do not act like my Christ self that's the evidence that I don't believe I am my Christ self that's why of Course in Miracles will say teach only love for that is what you are it means teach only Christ for that is what you are and anytime and and teaching is all your thoughts words Deeds it's it's all that you exude it shows you what you think about yourself you see if you don't set a boundary with people that are abusive selfish hurtful or whatever it means you
don't think you're worth it if you overly do it it shows hyper defensiveness you see so every day I am as God created me and sometimes I'll forget so I'm calling on you divine mother to show me how you birth that Christ in me again today bring this forward I Die daily Apostle says means the old even if I accomplished a zero to 10 scale a two in my Christ Behavior tomorrow a three a four five and and keep aspiring to that place is that making sense so don't be afraid of the word sin I mean I too sit and think twice about
using the word because know how it triggers well then track that and find out why that triggers you clearly you've got some past lives as a Catholic or some fundamental Christ or somebody's that it's all into sin and going to hell I'm not picking on the group I'm saying there's people that talk about Sin all the time so you've got some triggers from the past and some of us are even going to be rebellious well I don't believe in this I'm going to I'm going to choose what I want in my life and
they go overboard abusing themselves and others to prove that they're the the ones who were in charge not some invisable power and the invisible power is just going oh you poor thing because see what you're doing is rebellious spirit and so you're possessed by hatred and it's going to lead you into decisions that are going to come back as hurtfulness you might think you're a big shot now showing the world who you are who you think you are you're prosperous you're wealthy you've got all the cars
and houses but you're going to come back and you won't have that whatever you're attached to whatever you think is your evidence of your goodness you're not going to have it because you have to deal with you so those things will be taken and it doesn't mean that everybody that has lack has is being punished for something like that I'm just saying that's the direction you will go so there's this beautiful concept that when I forgive I'm acting like God and when I'm acting as God would have me
act I start entering God's Consciousness and all of a sudden I went from I forgive that person yes yes yes good oh and I I forgive myself this is great forgiveness forgiveness and then you just feel a shift you don't know why you might not even put it together and you're going an hour later five days later I don't know why but I just feel great you're starting to feel the presence of God as a result of your good work called forgiveness your good work as people think it I'm I'm a good
Christian good work means go and preach to people that is not what it is that is not at all what it is is Christ Consciousness is completely contrary it's complete different story from you preaching telling people what they should do think or whatever no no it's not and and I struggle with this you know I see people all the time they bring this to me but we have to do we have to tell people your example is the first thing you have to do how can you tell people about Jesus or Christ or being born again or whatever you believe in how can
you tell them if you're not owning that space if you're not an example of it well I will tell you this the more they have to do this the less they're feeling it here that's with the old Axiom in the Far East the more you talk the less you know and it doesn't mean telling your children don't touch a hot stove is evidence of you not knowing something it's not about you speaking or speaking here it's about the compensatory kind of vibe behind it the more I have to push it prove it that's why I've said you know
things like government or religions or things like the more an intellectuals in Academia the more it has to push its science on you the less secure it is in its science the more the politician has to tell you how much they're going to do to change things show us you know where's the example where's the living example so don't go in that direction of telling people that they're sinful I wouldn't use that word because you know it's charged I don't I don't walk around telling people what you're doing is
going to be bad karma I don't care I don't really invest too much into people when somebody calls me Michael I've done something horrible I don't ever go you know and have some horrible reaction because you know what happens is that when people think that they're separate from love they're going to act frightened and do things that are rash so my attit ude is let me hear and let me help bring you back to that place that you forgot that's my goal not to react to what you say you've done and
I've heard so many things and still as a human being sometimes there's a part of me that's like wow the things I've heard people experience the you know and so on the the things I've heard you know I did this and that it's yeah I mean it's heartbreaking to see what humans can and will do but it's not unpredictable it's not that much of a surprise is it there's a lot of horrible stuff and you're hearing about it on the news but not just this week there's always
something that's why Jesus says listen you guys think that the world the external World fixing the external world's going to get you anywhere it's not you will always have this stuff in a world of Separation fear and guilt if you have people living in fear they're going to act hurtfully and rashly so what does he tell you it's the Consciousness go to the cons seek first the consciousness of God don't think that if only I get my family members to be nice and like me my life's going to
turn around for the better turn it around and you might see them differently but if they don't shift with your shift sometimes you say goodbye because you don't want to show signs of weakness or addiction to hurtful behavior when you enable you're actually encouraging it which means you're co-creator ating it so take responsibility I had a a really interesting thing thing happened recently I noticed there were a couple of different people that that worked sort of peripherally for us in a sense
um two different completely different people and it's so interesting one was uh working for us at different jobs and we gave each of these people like not just a job once we saw them and got you know nice to meet you we try to help people so we gave several jobs to this one and several jobs to that one to help in their life you follow but this is interesting one is just kind of a hey man how's it going you know just really root base kind no spirituality known to us no they're not a member they don't
attend it's all just you know very more root and the person might struggle with addiction or something because they they had these moments of just flipping out and then we would try to calm it down and love love love and they would be great then they'd flip out again well then there there's this other person who's I'm spiritual I'm this and all these Kudos they give themselves about how evolved they are both of these people during this crazy week because it's been a really intense week both of
these people flared up now which one is going to practice spirituality the the Holy One the spiritual one Etc no that one actually said yes I would love to make amends and heal and okay great and then flipped again and just went into hate this person this person that none of this and they're texting oh my god what have I done I'm really sorry I take responsibility I can see you I mean their text was so heartwarming not because we needed an apology that's not really the goal it's responsibility it immediately does
this you make room for healing but spir see what I call psychological and spiritual maturity there's the one who preaches it that didn't practice it the one that knows nothing about it that practiced it you will never know which one it's going to be you think you know our job is to not evaluate either way but just neutrally objectively love them all and hold in your mind they're all coming home in some way shape or form hold do not give up on the one here do not give up if we'd have given up on this one
he's the one that showed up and demonstrated psychological and spiritual healthiness you follow had we given up on him I would be feeling the guilt and shame of sin because I made a mistake closing the door on someone and even the other person there's no way I refuse to close the door on anyone keep the door open love but I'm just giving you this story as an analogy you know every day we make mistakes physically mentally emotionally whatever it might be that's called a sin well you don't have to get all intense
about the word but what you can do is say that's right I'm told that to sin is to act what does it mean it means literally the translation to miss the mark it means a mistake right to miss the mark you try again it's a mistake take two take three you know take one didn't work it's a mistake you just do it again so if it's sin is just to make a mistake or just to miss the mark but I'm giving you the the measuring tool for it which is it's not just a mistake how far have I gone out of my Christ or
holy or loving self today that's how you'll know if I've done that how can I bounce back or if I don't know I've done it but I see the evidence of it how can I bounce back it's an interesting part of uh in the Aquarian gospel a wonderful book When Jesus is asked and some of the teachers that are working with him and also John the Baptist some other characters in there that concept comes up how do you deal with sin and one of the main themes in that book was mankind makes the sin it's up to man to erase it
it's not well you just keep screwing up and telling God fix that for me you have to take responsibility and I love the concept that it's not some thing that that's another topic for me to get familiar with my sinning my mistakes that I make with my ex with that conversation with my decision making Drawing the Line with people that are out of line setting boundaries all of it now put in the context of I'm actually acting outside of Holiness outside of love you see are you being Christy right now sounds like a chocolate commercial
or something you know you know a little Christy for you today um but you know it's like yeah like what if you put it in that context see because you can argue you can argue that you made no mistake you didn't do anything wrong you're not a sinner but instead try that how how far out of love how far out of Christ Consciousness is this what the Holy Spirit or the Divine mother would have me do you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that's ever been in my life on any level of my life that I would say um the door
isn't open for amends or whatever you know I've never felt that way I tend to Let's a second chance a third chance but there that doesn't mean I'm inviting abuse see but you say no sometimes it's just no and you let them take time to work on themselves and whatever but you're always affirming this is a child of God and I affirm that they're going to get it someday is it up to me to force it upon them no just hold the consciousness of Hope for everybody um you know when you're asking about things
like the like um Integrity what we've talked about that word when you're not in alignment you're out of Integrity integrity means this is an integral part of me I'm in my Center when I act accordance with my center it's Integrity when I go outside of this I'm out of integrity and for some reason a lot of human beings make this assumption that Integrity is just really based on telling the truth or something like that I just don't feel like I'm in my Integrity when I say this or do it's
it's really it's that but it's so much bigger keep coming back to am I feeling this is the right Christlike thing to do but remember a quote being Christlike does not mean you're a doormat do not lay yourself down for people to wipe their feet so you can prove that you're spiritual no it's okay sometimes you're going to pick up the welcome mat and hit him over the head with it because you need to stop doing what you're doing oh and you pretends to be so spiritual I am as I am well I'm going to do this and I'm I'm
going to you know no not today there will be a day where you will not have to restrain people that are violent but that's not here yet so sometimes you have to restrain them we learned from A Course in Miracles this book all about forgiveness and so on all about this is an illusion and yet it implies you have to restrain people from causing themselves or others harm why if it's an illusion because technically your brother sister that are causing harm will suffer for the consequences of guilt and shame for what they've done
which means if you don't restrain them they're going to go further off away from God you're actually helping them spiritually by restraining them interesting yes so keep these ideas in mind Center Christ Consciousness walking I call it living the Christ life um it's the a title of a talk I mean I I just Loosely used to use that talk I would Tour all over the world go to centers my first visit to any spiritual center they would say what's your topic going to be living the Christ life not because I knew what I was going
to say but I just knew that's the first priority and they're like wow okay living the C and I go in and I'm talking about how to live it not talk it live it step into it love what does love look like on a day-to-day basis what does forgiveness look like and I can give examples of this happened I slipped i f and I bounced back and this happened I've still been married and had a divorce years ago and I still and we're still great friends because living the Christ life I have to you have to we
all Integrity wise can we stop at the end of the day and say I am living it or are you preaching it are you telling your kids stay away from drugs you know come on what are you judging me for smoking no you already judged yourself you're saying something you're not doing fine then I won't do drugs but beer doesn't count you're getting stoned and you're driving a car it's not advisable see but if you say you sinner they're going to shut you out you've lost them you have to find I don't even
think you can tell them you know that's bad karma and they're going to hear you sometimes you're speaking to the mistake and other times speak to who they really are you know however you bridge sometimes the bridging is I used to do that and I became very uncomfortable with that behavior and here's what I did and you're planting seeds other times it's firmer harsher and other times it's much sweeter the Holy Spirit the Divine mother is saying Listen People you think you're separate you're actually
manifestations of me but you're not acting like it but I am the universal mother so I am the source of all matter mother so she says so when you think hateful thoughts all I can do is Manifest the karma for you so you see yourself and how you look and it's painful and then you're like hey God can you fix this pain that's in my life and I'm like hello the mother you know hello this is you the pain is you coming back on yourself take responsibility no I refuse and then you fall further and
further she's lovingly objectively saying sweetheart there is but love would you like to know what that is and live that way yes I would and she's so happy for us she doesn't hate us when we don't she's just happy when we do and when she says honey would you like to do this and you say no I'm mad at somebody it's their fault they're the blame I should be better looking but they caused me stress you know and and I got to find some anti-h hasband makeup now and you know whatever other compensatory kind of
beauty creams and whatever um and you're going to find it it doesn't work three years after you've taken it it's you're going to find out it you know causes illnesses you know premature aging probably um but the mother is saying look honey I I mean understand this her gentle voice I love you and I'm I'm only showing you you so that you can work on yourself would you like to come home today make decisions that look like this not then don't and every day we're making decisions lots and lots of conscious and
subconscious decisions but when I choose selfishness I have something to say see that that's not God God is there's no have to it is but it can speak and when it speaks it reflects a place of love and patience rather than insistence to speak or to shame people or wrong and you know you're off as soon as you say them those people you know those you know they're they're ruining the world who who is it today well you know Republicans Democrats gay straight this that the other it's like it never
ends stop instead of engaging stop and and just wait that's clearly not the voice of God but if it is if you ever want to believe the voices that judge and hate in this world I don't care what they're called politically or socially or whatever if you actually believe that that's the voice of God if it's not why are you listening to it but if it is the voice of God I warn you that's the god you're gonna face when you die you're gonna have to manifest on the other side they're going to be
like oh shoot someone's dying that believes in a vindictive God do we have any costumes left oh yeah a reptilian head oh you know you're going to have this loving Divine being going like oh you have really you know smoke quick fire you have sin you're going to hell I knew it I knew it and off to hell you go and they have to like they have to make rooms available you know quick fluff up the pillows you know okay now you live in hell for a while and then one day living in hell you're going to go I'm just tired of this and you're
going to hear a little voice call for Jesus call for the mother but I'm in hell they don't that's not a good thing just do it help me help me Jes humility help me God and in Comes This [Music] elevator you go walking into the elevator and you know you beam up how high do you get to go depends how much love and forgiveness you want to believe in honestly the universe is only matching our Consciousness so shift into un limited beliefs not of things not of powers of Love Unlimited love there is nobody beyond my ability to love but if they
act like it say no but don't hate them you are not beyond my ability to love and and I know I know there's things on the news that we're hearing and I'm not dissing you or disbelieving in you but I I know in me all I can do is oh wow that one got me I heard this thing on the news or from a person if I watched the news but it's like you know uh oh catch it oh my God that's that hold me I can feel it I was like I can't believe those what do they need the ones that are causing harm hatred that probably
won't change them because I think they got plenty so what do you need to bring them something else love and I can swear to you it's not easy to do all the time to to return love for hatred it's not always easy to do but what you can do is I've reached my quota this is as much as I can deal with today and say no to the rest be careful enable the hate the fear judgment guilt shame by adding to it shaming people guilting people enable it in other people behavior and in your own behaviors and you are co-creating it I
would call that an addiction that's gripped you and I would say not God help me with my addiction to alcohol drugs or what I I would say help me with my judgments show me there's another way and one of the easiest ways to umbrella this all under one Consciousness help me to see this as you see this you know if the mother mirrors you why wouldn't she mirror your prayer as she does everything else if you believe in low self-worth and she manifests it as physical issues why wouldn't she also mirror abundance when you start
believing in your deserv ability right please take a few centering [Music] breaths one of the most profound things we can ever pray for and how to pray is to say I don't know what is what is the divine feminine as one person brought up what is it I don't know God show me anything you're wanting to know forgiveness patience anything why not ask that which knows everything instead of trying to figure it out with your own head when humans try to manifest divine feminine or whatever else all it can ever do do is Swing on a
pendulum of extremes that involve judgment and results Karma of my beliefs God is in the center saying don't buy into the doings or the karmic effects of the doings find peace the ultimate image of the divine feminine is learning to be open to God the masculine side of us is the doing often The Thinker and the doing the feminine in US is the receiving and the channeling becoming the presence of the mother even in this world is what the ultimate divine feminine looks like or means breathe in what made sense for you
today release anything else for a half a minute integrate this into your own being [Music] feeling [Music] feeling there's nothing wrong with those people who who say I'm a sinner It's just sad they don't Co completely understand it there's no purpose or value in commiserating there's no value it's more like and what would you like to do about it beloved well if I had a mistake I made let's have a second take and a third
take until I know how to aim for the center of the target which is my Divine self can't get there better than in asking the god asking God to get you there let God be the guide show me how not to get perfect aim but how to forgive myself when I miss the mark that's what it's all about forgive you're not going going to get it anything perfect all the time forgive when you don't when you forgive you are as God and you start not feeling God forgiving you you're feeling the natural Grace which is the natural result of
forgiveness sin and hurtfulness has effects Karma Grace comes from forgiveness which would you choose [Music] today let every note of Music enter your being your body and imagine that every note is breaking up and dispersing like a singer who shatters glass imagine every note is blip blip blip breaking up some stuff in your body being in your mind in your soul in your beliefs Karma in your [Music] cells if you're sensitive enough notice where it starts freeing up inside of you your hips you notice just relaxed your neck your shoulders where
do you feel it moving maybe contact that spot if it feels time and appropriate Within Reach and all that or maybe you just start moving maybe you kind of drop into it and let it [Music] unwind freedom freedom guys Freedom demonstrate it through movement demonstrate it through free breath let your head move around gently whatever feels right for you and let it keep picking up and picking up you might feel compelled to stand and do it move then do it for the next couple of minutes a meditation on movement Freedom somewhere in your being even if
you sit still somewhere in your being feel freedom [Music] coming breathing ah let that come through what does it feel like to be free though what does that feel like is that something that makes you tense in your breathing or is there a a sound that goes with [Music] it finally [Music] freedom [Music] move feel clap if you feel
compelled no [Music] restriction no constriction no judgment free free free free free ATL Divine mother fill us with your spirit show us we have the right and permission to smile to have faith to have hope if anybody pops into our mind while we're doing this it's someone that's inhibiting your freedom see them give them to God ask to feel more of the mother and start dancing and celebration of having transfused that transmitted it into something else transformed [Music] it and if you feel filled with the
spirit the spirit is not condescending or hurtful so smile let your hands move in a way that seems to bless people love you love you love [Music] you dance It Feel It In a Moment we'll do our closing prayer but feel it good do you still feel guilt and shame when you want to clap your hands or smile what's that [Music] about good one more [Music] minute
[Music] half minute more stand if you feel open to doing so move clap feel free feel open people all around the world wherever you are thank you for joining us clapping dance and [Music] move you might shut your curtains first if you're worried about your neighbors or you canot worry [Music] dance [Music] [Music]
so beautiful [Music] nice good now go a little quieter with the clapping and just move your hands move your hips move your shoulders your arms sound it out shake it out anything that once inhibited out out out out good [Music] good and then preferably eyes closed unless you're laded hold still whether you're sitting or standing anywhere feel feel what's happening in your body her presence the shock te the
mother moving through as lightness as love tingling I feel your presence Holy Spirit God is I am we are which means god is I am I'm holding that I am I am as God created me I am love light being God I am the peace of God I am the love of God I am the abundance of God in your mind's eye look to anybody body who comes to mind family members friends people in the Middle East anywhere in the world Known Unknown past present and just say to them in your mind the god I am I share with you and then your own words the peace I
am the joy I am the abundance in your mind quietly bless them with that presence look around the [Music] world look around the room the peace I am I share with you say it out loud any words you want to use the god I am BL and share with you I bless you with all the love I am I bless you with all the peace I am I bless you with all the abundance I [Music] am and so it is
[Music] thank you just take your time and reintegrate did you feel that in your body when it was time to do so did you feel that light that life good good good good it's time for um we're going to do our uh love offering but before we do let's extend deep Gra gratitude towards our guest musician today John deas thank you our love offering Take Your Love offering and hold it to your heart please be as generous as you can be and with your love offering Consciousness blessings understand that you bless you
bless with your smile with your donations you're always teaching something is it love or fear and when you're sharing those donations Let It Come From Love let it come from a knowingness that you are abundant and you can afford to give and share and give thanks and it will multiply the prayer together please Divine love flowing through me blesses and multiplies all that I am all that I have all that I give and all that I receive and so it is thank you can anyone share what they learned or heard today that made the most sense
or could be most help to you in your life or people around you just a brief concise statement how would you summarize and and that includes the meditation what did you hear what did you learn what did you feel what did you experience yes um I love the part about humility and having the humility to surrender when we don't know and I don't know what this is but I offer it and nice humility and it is beautiful humility to say I don't know like if you have an ache I don't know where this is coming from you don't
have to try to oneup God and say listen you don't have to think about it I got it figured out I don't know that doesn't mean you're dumb it you know meaning that that ignorant kind of it means I don't care because whatever it is I'm over it I'm willing to give this to you that's a beautiful thing that's true humility okay yes ah right very well said it isn't great that people put that you're a sinner stuff on you but it didn't help that you tried to rebel and fight those people either you
were then started hurting yourself you're not a sinner but yet you are in the sense that you make mistakes what did Jesus say when he says I died for your sins picture it this way instead of I died bloody for your sins picture it this way picture Jesus saying I did an exchange I traded my Consciousness for your judgments on yourself the they're washed clean why is that so challenging when a Christian says to you do you believe in Jesus Christ yes do you accept him as yes why would you not for all they know you're they're like
wow this is cool you you're a Christian my H yeah join with them you know but you know sometimes they they push for more do you admit you're a sinner you're going to start going oh here they go oh here they but you know what just say yes and in your head go I know I drive sometimes two miles over the speed limit I know sometimes I get annoyed at people that's missing the mark how do I know because it's not Christy that's how I know sinner doesn't mean you're bad it means you made a
mistake and thought you were a flawed human being and you are not but you thought so let's own it and give it up replace it with forgiveness Grace who else yes good you like the the tone we set and setting things clear and and setting healthy boundaries did you catch that yes yes you know seriously guys seriously anything you do as John lenon saying whatever gets you to the light is all right fine okay okay um stand on one foot turn your eyes to your third eye chant and you know whatever you know boom Shak
boom Shak you know whatever whatever turns you on but you know what you can do all those fun things rattles crystals you know do all of it because it's beautiful but there's one thing that you could do while you're doing that that would take it to another level just how would you have me see it instead of which prayers of forgiveness I can't remember the wording how would you have me see this surrender to God back to the word humility surrender to God is the fast track it's gets you right there you
can do all the other stuff to get into a high vibrational self yeah you know you whatever you people are into snort peyote put a copper pyramid hat on your head do whatever you think you need but I'm telling you at the end of the day you can do all of that have your water bong going and you know every you can do it all but please just add one extra thing how would you have me see this and at some point you're G to start laughing if you happen to see a mirror especially this is but you know what the beauty is
of all those things that we can laugh about the beauty is that's how badly I wanted to remember who I am that I did all these stand on one foot rotate you know clockwise counterclockwise Sufi Dance all the things we do snort and and and sound and here's the good news it shows me how badly I really wanted to be home so I don't need to judge myself for it now put the pyramid back on go shopping you know go to Home Depot and just watch these guys with tobacco in their Tong what that go go copper H I wonder what Ro he found that copper
you know because it doesn't matter you can now laugh it's not all serious copper pyramid from ancient Egypt raise my vibrations and help me Ascend and the pyramid's like dude I'm just copper I can't I can't can't Ascend you but what you can do is oh my god look how badly I wanted God and all I really needed was be with me and let me see everything through your eyes and you might take the pyramid off and you might leave it on and laugh see there's not because there's no judgment left to it you you
there's no don't do it repent there's none of that you just start to say whatever doesn't feel like this I think I'm going to let go of now there's this beautiful parting ways with the unhealthy things and none of those things are unhealthy so it's up to you I like it I don't like it it's okay Al righty please stand for our closing prayer um and John thank you for your music today John does have um the table in the forer sharing his gifts and um and he and Robin are going to be doing a
concert so get involved with that if you can this week um I know that the the drum he was playing I I really liked you know how he can turn things into just magic you know um that's one of the it's the only larger drum we have in there we have a couple small native drums but if you like that sound if you like that Vibe I'd go get him to bless it real quick first but um if you wanted to buy it you can holding space of gratitude I just love that we can talk about the Divine mother in this Center I just love that we invite her into our
day day-to-day lives it's not dogmatic it's no strangeness to it's just this is God and the mother aspect of God the comforter Jesus spoke of thank you mother thank you and thank you Christ in Jesus and in each of us that is Awakening and remembering thank you the light of God surrounds us the love of God unfolds us love God the power of God protects us we are the of God and the presence of God watches over us we are the presence of God wherever we go God is I am we are and so it is peace be with you all thank you