Shifting from 3rd Dimension to 5th
hi there it's time for our Friday night spiritual insights with Michael Mayer dad program so thank you for joining us a lot of folks are asking and you know these days and talks and coming up with feedback when I mentioned such things related to our transition transformation that we're in so the earth is actually in a major transition transformation and I know that most of you know that if you're watching a program like this that should be no new news but we're in a major transition but we we are living in
a symbiotic relationship with the planet so when you talk about the planet going through changes whether you say wow the poor planet is going through you know economic issues or it's going through ecological issues or whatever you name it to be you can't have it going through changes without us going through those same changes when the earth is going through a global warming something's happening in us when the earth is going through war and conflict depression the Great Depression it's happening within
people in fact it happens in people before it actually is reflected outside in a sense they're happening simultaneously but it happens all things happen in our consciousness before they manifest so what I'm saying there is that it's important for us to look at ourselves to look at ourselves and say you know wow you know there's so much duality and conflict in politics or in the world or in genders it's time to stop and say wait okay what is that what is that signifying in myself because if
you don't get the message if you don't let it take you on a journey within yourself then when it's over when it's blown over eventually because things happen in cycles on this earth and they cycle around and around so if we don't get it while it's raw while it's up then what's going to happen is it'll blow over and then some of us are gonna say you know I I think we might have learned something better from that whether it's world wars and then they're ending and people are celebrating you know they're
celebrating but they're distracted as they're distracted by winning or losing a war they're really not interested in looking at any of the deeper issues because in a sense they're relieved just to be done whether they win or lose and then the same goes for mmm any other topic and oh you know right now people talk about duality and they talk about even violence a lot of things in the news about this and that I mean you know I don't even recommend people watch these kinds of things on the news because you're being you know
fed what what you they want you to hear but you know watch it if you want all I'm saying though is that when we're going through these changes it's time for us to look within and see what's really happening within ourselves because again when it blows over we're sort of not in the mood to learn anymore you know a lot of people just the most common prayer in all the world and throughout history has been you know in more or less these words the dear God get me out of this mess you know it's
like dear God bring them back to me dear God make this pain go away dear God heal me from such insects they all mean the same thing get me out of the situation I'm in fix it humans do not know how to pray all they're doing is throwing tantrums I know there's tears on the face I know sometimes there's desperation and there's anxiety and it all looks very real and very heartfelt but most of the time it's just a tantrum because you also get tears and frustrations and anxieties when you're throwing tantrums
it looks very passionate very heartfelt but real prayer is to say not get me out of this mess but help me while a minute be with me while I'm in it walk with me walk with me now I'm in the darkest places be a light like a torch for me and walk with me show me what to do in the dark moments and in my hour of Darkness she is standing right in front of me you know speaking words of wisdom let it be you know that's a the the Beatles obviously but Paul McCartney going through a personal dark night of the
soul his band was splitting up he was heartbroken they wouldn't communicate with each other and they were there it was accusatory and attacking defending so he didn't know what was happening but he loved that band he loved the band more than any of the other Beatles in fact for various reasons but he did he really really loved them that's why he kept them going he kept trying to move them into new directions and move them into let's do more let's do more let's do better let you know he was the one and that only
ticked off another one or two of the guys in the band but he loved it so when he was losing that he lost what was for you losing a loved one it was like for you losing a job you know it was losing something that was very dear to him and and it's all levels you're losing things financially emotionally you're losing friendships you're losing reputation everything is crashing and so he was going through a dark night of the soul but he didn't sing you know whisper words of wisdom take this away from me
he was talking about be with me and he's talking a sort of a double meaning mother Mary being with me in one respect spiritually whether he knew it consciously or not he was calling out to God mother Mary the Divine Mother the Holy Spirit Jesus or whatever saying help me you know be with me but help me and it's okay to reach out to call out and say help me but have the courage to say help me by being with me rather than help me by doing what I want I'm gonna tell you God what I want pick such-and-such for me so McCartney was
saying mother Mary but he was also with a double meaning he was also mourning in that moment because when you go through darkness you're going through all darkness so he was remembering the loss of his own mother that he loved very much so the her name was married so it's mother Mary with a double meaning and this isn't just Beatle trivia this is to say when you and I go through things please please remember you're never going through one thing guys you're never going through just one loss one
ending of a relationship if today I lost a relationship it's every relationship I've ever lost it's people that have died friends that have walked away you know friends that moved away endings ending up schoolmates or whatever it was to you to me it's all of them at the same time even the loss of an animal comes up when we're dealing with things it you know humans like to think so linearly they like to think such and such happened today it's never you know nothing I see is exactly what I think it
is there's so much more than meets the eye it's just cycles within cycles within cycles and so even when you're struggling with betrayal it's past life betrayal it's childhood betrayal young adulthood betrayal adulthood betrayal today yesterday it's job's betrayal well friendship betrayals and so on so the more we grow spiritually the more we move into multiples when people say well what's it like to go from the third dimension to the fifth dimension it just everything is exponential in one respect
things are simpler because they're more like oneness and there's clearly a more love higher love frequency more of a love frequency in the fifth dimension than the third you don't go to the fifth dimension and just say everything is multiplied badly you know it's it's really a higher frequency of love the third and fourth dimension is really nearly as tough as it gets on any evolutionary level it really is so we are for all intents and purposes we are living in hell the only thing that can
get worse than a living hell is a set pseudo living hell meaning a dead help meaning with what we call Hell on the other side and what I mean by that is that what's worse than a living hell where you're living and breathing and walking around and dealing with karma because that's what hell is is payment of your sins that's what the tradition religions say it is what would you think carmine is payment of sins it's payment of mistakes rehashing things to Clara it's nicer wording but it's all the same
it's stuff that didn't go well is being cleared whether it's being paid for in Hell or purgatory or on you know some small town on earth or the big city on earth wherever it's still the same payment time so you know we look at this and say well could it get worse well only only in the sense that on earth you're mostly dealing with things you can sense with your senses you can see the person that's struggling with you or you with them you can feel it you know with your your hand you can touch things and they
Pat people that pass away you can hear the moans of hurtful you know things the sadness and crying and the pains of this world so there's all these senses you can use your senses and experience hell with five senses what is on the other side is hell that you can't experience with your physical senses it's more of an emotional health so in other words there is a hell on the other side but it's only a figurative sense a hell it's still a place of clearing stuff but it's clearing things that are less tangible
so there is still some clearing place and what I'm leading to is that the more we grow things intensify in one sense and that is they multiply on your way to the fifth dimensional consciousness and you know there's videos I'm sure all over line and you know in books and lectures going on that basically just try to placate the ego you know just people doing videos or books like you know what it's like to live in the fifth dimension or hey everybody we're on our way to the fifth dimension you know
whoo-hoo and it sounds all grand and sweet you you you do not go to the fifth dimension without dealing with the third and fourth I mean you can't it doesn't exist it doesn't work that way you don't just go oh well now that I heard about the fifth dimension I guess I'll go right now that's like saying I heard there's a lottery I guess it's mine it isn't it isn't go through the process buy some tickets use your hard-earned money to buy tickets and so on and so anyway there's a process and you know
with we fifth-dimensional attainment it doesn't happen because you snapped your fingers it doesn't happen because you decided to make it happen it doesn't even happen because you use words like prayers or even affirmations I am now living in the fifth dimension if you're a jerk you're not you can say I I'm a jerk but I'm living in the fifth dimension there's no jerks allowed so you're not living in the fifth dimension you're still here and if you continue to be a jerk you'll
pay for being a jerk here in the third and the fourth dimension which is the one you go to when you pass away that's what I meant by the the astral plane that's what I meant by dealing with you know emotional versions of Hell you know and I'm not trying to give you a bleak outlook I'm just saying that this is the realities these are the realities that that we work with dimensionally if you want to become fifth dimensional you have to become fifth dimensional be become this be this you have to be that
consciousness you can't fake it you have to become that consciousness so you know what does that involve everything like I said is first multiples meaning I'm ready I'm ready to start awakening to the fifth dimensional consciousness well first of all I wouldn't recommend that I would say I'm ready to remember that I am one with God beyond dimensionality you go ahead you go ahead and affirm fifth dimension and you know I'll just go to heaven I'll just go to God because it's not fifth dimension god it isn't it
isn't fifth it isn't six days at 60th there is it's B there is no dimension it's beyond dimensionality this consciousness we call God so just you know set your course to God man God first set your course to God let's go let's let's go there and then everything that's in your way lessons achievements whatever it happens to be we'll come to you now edits given right time perfect time trust in the Divine Mother and she'll bring all the right things at the right time but going from the third to
fifth dimension such a course on God but if you are wanting to think about fifth dimension that is a next step for us all we are we are in the process all of us moving from third / fourth dimension to fifth but it doesn't just happen it doesn't it's not because of the year it's not because of 2012 the year it's not because of the year two thousand a year there it isn't it isn't any particular magic of that nature it's a consciousness readiness we have to be ready we've heard this said
many times Jesus when will you return or people channelling when will Jesus return or add your Casey's readings the most common answer is when the way is made ready what do you think that means it's when enough of us choose a consciousness of love then we make these quantum leaps into consciousness higher and higher consciousness however there will be a critical mass point you can't say exactly what that point is nobody can but there's a critical mass point where all the people on earth will shift
now when that time comes let's just pretend you could call the day let's pretend we've passed it and now we look back historically in the records to see you know what did it look like when it happened well first of all it didn't happen in one moment it was built upon day after day after day for years so this has been building since around 1960 now it's gonna take you know many you know tens of years for that fluid kind of process so that there's a readiness can't be - would you know - shocking -
sudden however when the time comes which will be in our generation or the next within one or two generations this is going to happen now when this happens and this is agreed upon by many so I don't wanted to start throwing out you know sources and whatever this is what I know to be true you might or might not agree but in this time when it's happening if we were looking back at the records we would first see that it took time to build over time you know it took time to to progress into that readiness then we
would say then there was a time all more seemingly sudden when things seemed to reach a critical mass and when it reached a critical mass something fantastic happened and what it is is that the birth it's like birth pains for 40 years 50 or 60 years and so on birth pains but at some point the head crowns when the baby starts showing and I know something if you would have known that and some not so that's why I explained so it's the birthing now starts to happen which can be more intense in some regards physically more intense but
eventually once the baby's born there's a lot of tears of joy there's a like the whole room a birth room wherever it happens to be has shifted like oh my god there's a baby the baby in this story is known as the Christ so we're all going to be birthing the Christ the Divine Mother is going to help us birth the christ the questions gonna be there's an order out all around the world asking for midwives and not literally but midwives to help birth to Christ if you're doing work like this if you're
watching programs like this if you're teaching and programs like this I don't care what you call it you might have some fancy name for what you're doing but really we're all just going to be here helping to birth each other forward it doesn't matter what gender or what race or whatever else we happen to be or call ourselves it's the bottom line is we're looking for midwives and when the call goes out they didn't say we're looking for midwives of a certain color or a gender they're not even saying
we're looking for midwives with a certain you know educational background it's right now a baby's coming can somebody help step in some of us will have more expertise to know what to do when the baby's not yet come but it's on its way while it's coming after it's gone arrived so our different life experiences are actually helping to prepare us for our role in the birthing and the birthing is for ourselves and for others in a sense we're hoping that there are people helping us in our
birthing ourselves so that we can be berthed midwives now we're we're now grown into being ready and act as midwives but some of us don't need training some of us will have one minutes notice going from the old style of life that you had to new it doesn't mean that you have to have a whole lifetime of spirituality it could just be brand new you you know you might just wake up yesterday wake up two seconds ago and go okay wait what just happened oh something's happening Oh birthing can I help and it'll be good enough the
Divine Mother knows how to assign all the roles all right so you and I were being asked to step up now I'm in a position and some of us are in positions to birth the midwives true some of us are in more of that position but then there's the midwives that are birthing the child the children and when we birth midwives were really birthing the Christ in the midwives and the midwives themselves the teachers of today but there's also truth to the fact that those midwives are going to be birthing the Christ and many many other people so
that's in a in a sense that's really it's an accurate portrayal or metaphor for what's happening in the world around the world through the world so something beautiful is happening it is not just humanity achieving fifth dimensional consciousness we just happen to be achieving fifth dimensional consciousness it's a stepping stone but it's not our goal it is not of course the miracles tells you you do these workbook lessons and you're gonna start noticing your vision changes you might
start to notice lights around people's bodies he was clearly talking about auras you know so you're gonna start seeing youthere kinds of things he said don't pay attention to it just keep moving on he tells you don't put a lot of emphasis on it does I mean don't see the lights what I'm saying is that he's saying that's not your goal your psychic development intuitive development fifth dimensional consciousness and so forth there are only symptoms of your movement through yet another level of consciousness don't
stay there don't stick there don't obsess there don't focus there just notice it and go wow isn't this fun isn't this cool see colors I'm noticing chakras and our auras and wow I can see past lives in people my intuition is really refining my creativity starting to flow more I'm becoming more prosperous great it's all great keep going don't stop and go I've landed you have not arrived go keep moving and enjoy it's all just part of the process and keep going hope that
made sense now the fifth dimension and any other higher dimension that we shift to is going to be including some drama just like birthing so in one respect it's a beautiful concept our senses heighten creativity heightens consciousness expands her sense of oneness are good wishing for you know Humanity instead of competing and survival of the fittest you know so that's beautiful in itself obviously however you can achieve the higher without processing releasing the lower that's simple as that now what I meant
earlier by it starts to multiply is you're going into multiple dimensions because your third and fourth and then simultaneously experiencing manifesting fifth and sometimes even other levels of consciousness besides that so as we move as an individual and as a race as the race does it I'm doing it as I do it the race is doing it any one of us so it's a we and an hi at the same time so as we move through that we're going to notice the body changes because the earth is changing the earth is changing therefore
my body is changing you know people are manifesting symptoms and illnesses and new labels for illnesses that didn't exist short times ago for various reasons but one of them is because our body / consciousness is changing and so we're manifesting new things the symptoms of aches and pains and disorders are really never meant to be but they're symptomatic of going to a higher level of consciousness you know but the symptoms the pain was never part of it meant to be part of the process of our awakening it's really reflecting
more of first our resistance to the higher dimensionality it's kind of like we're fighting to keep the body like a person who's passing away going into the next dimension for they pass along with them simultaneously experiencing pain and monie as they're passing away a lot of times that pain is coming from their fear to move to the next dimension so that's partly what I mean by that but the pain is also sometimes being experienced because you're you're moving into your body is shifting a different
genetics a different vibration a different frequency and it can actually be a little strange moving you're moving it seems like it would be effortless because you're moving to dimensions vibrations you know but there shouldn't be an ink well there is because if you have a stuck place in your body and then a frequency starts to heighten it's basically going to need to sort of dissolve that stuck area when it dissolves it you might be feeling it getting dissolved you might be feeling that you know the gland that isn't
functioning properly let's say it has well just like when you have faith healers a lot of times you're feeling that the ink of the you know them doing work on you you know because they're removing something well it shouldn't hurt if it's removed and don't the pain isn't that it's removed the pain is that it's being removed it's the process of something extracted that it that it can you know have that effect our resistance and fears of the new are going to just multiply that ache that pain or whatever
it is but this is what's going on in the bodies so there's a frequency shift something's being extracted lifted out why yeah because your body needs to change vibration and it's going to shift to a higher frequency so therefore anything that isn't that higher frequency has to be basically dissolved it's almost like a an ultrasound process the ultrasound sometimes is used to break up stagnant pieces it could be calcium deposits or whatever it happens to be but they can use like a sonar they
can use these different kinds of frequencies to to they think of it as some people describe it as sound frequencies to to create sound to break up glass sound to break rock using high frequency sound well what is higher dimensionality of it is in higher frequency so sometimes it's the sound of that other that's having that effect I've had friends with me before where they've asked me you know would you do some some specific kinds of channeling I mean what I'm doing right now is channeling but they're asking me would
you you know sort of do more like an Edgar Cayce ish kind of a reading so I lie back and start going into you know trance sort of thing and and then they could ask questions or sometimes it just starts moving wherever it's going to move and my point is not to be all fancy about that but my point was is that when it happened a lot of times I'd be laying there breathing and then all of a sudden my my throat would get kind of gurgly and there were times when a few times when it was very intense because my
movement into higher dimensions started creating kind of what some people would call it if lluvia or a liquid that you're moving through as you go from this dimension to higher dimensions you're moving it's almost like the etheric plane can seem liquidy to a dense body even though it's not liquidy in reality but it'll seem that way so as I move through you know there were a couple times when when I would literally convulse or whatever because I needed to spit out large quantities of this
this this weird fluid and it was almost like drowning in the fluid so it was a little you know clearly it was a little disconcerting and yucky and whatever else to the people in the room you know but I I understood what was happening because I could see it and feel it while I'm in the in that dimension but since I'm half out of my body I can't exactly get my body to just you know cough it out and be done with it it sounds like a hairball or something for a cat but it's you know it is like that
it's the dross the the the stuff that's lingering so you're moving through these dimensions and you will need to extract some of this that isn't able to make it to the next dimension or you're moving through that dimension you jump in a bully get wet so you're moving through from one space or element to another and then there's an effect so hopefully that's not too much information and you understand I'm just saying that we're going to go and now we're moving into
the fifth dimension and we're going to continue to do that progressively now again multiples multiple dimensions third fourth fifth and then some but with that any one dimension has an array of almost infinite numbers of issues lessons and so on with it now try to imagine if you and I are moving from third to fifth dimension and all these things these lessons are going to be having to be met well how you doing I mean if I hope if you're really clear of all your third dimensional stuff great won't be so bad
you work on fourth dimension now and then you work on fifth as well great but for some of us if some of these people haven't even started working on three dimensional third dimensional kind of daily issues how are they going to handle the transition when you're supposed to have already done some work meaning also one reason you and I are doing the work we're doing is to clear ourselves this is mystics have known this mystics have known this a long a long time clear stuff while you're here so that you're clearer when you move to
the other side you know there's there's perks to this this work is not just you know haphazard there's really really important reason to it all for at all so the work we're doing starts to reach multiples because as we're growing and some people you know Michael I'm growing and I'm meditating I shouldn't have any more problems that I'm saying who told you that because this stuff's gonna still be there in fact it's going to come in multiples now that's not to sound pessimistic but it's going to be
done very efficiently with the divine mother but you're you know you're going to work on if I have third-dimensional abandonment then while I work on it in this lifetime Spirit is going to start bringing up through in me and through me some of my fourth-dimensional abandonment versions and so on so that I'm clear to stuff from here to fifth dimension anything that's going to be sticking is going to be in the third and fourth dimension basically so before you get to fifty gotta work on third and fourth and
that's why we're doing the work we're doing that's why it's healthy to do 12-step work why you're doing child you know a family of origin work in her child work I'm not saying obsess on all these things but that's why you're doing a fair bit of it you know even changing diet can be a part of easing the burden on the third dimensional body because you start carrying a fourth and fifth dimensional frequency and the body's gonna be like you you wanna what you know like it's gonna be like you you
still have so many physical issues and addictions and whatever you you you don't just go from total cirrhosis of the liver because you're drinking every day and you still smoke every day you know packs of day and your lungs are like tar and you're just gonna become to have dimensional and it'll all go away you know I'm not saying your fate it did not get higher dimensional when you have such issues I'm saying that we have these things and the fifth dimension is going to ask you to clear it how will
you clear it you personally and us globally it's the same it's gonna get cleared the easy way the hard way so how so just as examples if my body is too far gone if it's just too filled with toxins and tar the truth the sad truth is it's possible that something miraculous is gonna happen clear it I stopped smoking and clipped my lungs eat clearer and you don't have to obsess on it you know you just do the best you can and then I go to the fifth dimension someday that's great but sometimes the way I'm going to get to
the fifth dimension is I'm going to do all this wonderful internal spiritual clearing the lungs won't make it they won't catch up to my psychological spiritual work the lungs are gonna be like have a nice trip without us we're not going anywhere and so you'll pass away the lungs will say we're not going to make it so the soul will then say well but we're really we're really ready for the fifth dimension we're really ready for higher consciousness looks like the body's not gonna be able
to make the transition so we'll ascend without the body and so you will actually let the body go called death and then transition into the higher dimensions without the body but some people will actually transition while they're in a body they will actually turn to light in the sense that you'll still be visible you'll still be visible because when you have a light body a more like a fifth dimensional body you are able to materialize and be seen and then phase out and disappear and move to wherever you want to go so this is gonna
happen globally guys the fifth dimension is being anchored in the earth plane and each group out there spiritual group thinks they're the only ones you know but what's really cool is that there's the New Agers out there that are that are doing decrees like affirmations you know I call in the golden light of this ascended master in the purple light of that ascended master to surround my body and create a light body and frequency of the purple flame and the six dimensionality and the blah blah blah
and they're absolutely having an effect then there are some natives out there Native America or whatever whatever other indigenous people just the ceremony and tuning in and doing their light work and their spiritual affirmations and whatever their versions of ceremony are and there's the Druids over here you know you know I'm not talking about groups that are pseudo spiritual and really just fraudulent talking about once though when the heart is right and there's you know it could be guys it
could be Catholics in a mass praying for the saving of humanity all of it is playing a part all of it that's good all of it that's authentic the more authentic the more heartfelt it is the more of a real effect it's having I know that I'm playing a part you need to ask yourself are you really doing your light work and some of you are gonna say yeah I'm doing what I can to get by and have a better life that's phase one phase two of your light work are you making a difference for others are you bringing
the changes in you to others that's cool that's that's the completing the first major piece part one yourself part two others because that completes this this whole dynamic disconnection another part is going to involve what am i doing for the world one is others close to me the other is the world the world doesn't mean I have to get on a broadcast around the world it means am i doing light work like grid work am i doing prayer when I pray am i praying for world experience of peace and God and love you know and then if
you don't it's okay it doesn't matter I would say get your own act together and when you feel confident enough you're gonna say you know what I was thirsty I was hungry I was starving so I could barely live now I feel strong enough I sort of feel healthy enough after climbing out of that that illness I was in called human you know limited consciousness I feel really good I've I guess I prayed enough meditated did yoga and all this and I just feel good enough now I'm gonna start helping others see I'm
healthy enough I feel okay the tragedy you know we're we're all you know the ship sank and we're all you know swept ashore on some desert island you know at first it takes some time to get your wits about you and and recover yourself before you can maybe have the energy to pull others from the water and save them so that's what we're doing are you in phase one yourself are you in Phase two others fine it's it's all fine and at some point you'll go from just yourself and there's others to saying okay now that
we figured out who survived and who's here and now that everybody's got a little bit of water or something okay now we better suss a situation where are we what island are we on is there a way to help the all the group everybody as a group not one here and there but everybody as a group and it'll come to you as to what that's going to be it'll be a a song you write it'll be a blog you write it'll be just your prayers for everybody on the planet it'll be light work grid work grid work meaning you
know where you sort of find a beautiful spot on the planet an auspicious site like a sacred site or just a place you decide to make sacred in your own backyard let you imagine bringing in the Christ frequency and anchoring it right there where you live you know right there where you stand right there where you sit and so on so that's a little bit more global so that's gonna happen now if we that's all gonna help us learn the easy way the hard way is going to be any parts of me that refuse to move along
with the program because the program is God's will that we all awaken so you can bet your butt it's gonna happen it's not like you can say yeah I don't want to wake up you know you're allowed to stall and then you know be one of the ones that when the oceans came you know you got swept by them because you didn't get up and move when they said it's coming you know there's there's stories of volcanoes about to erupt and then there's always some you know crotchety human being no matter what age younger
old crotchety human being a review I'm not going anywhere you know I've been living here all these years and this is my house boom gone next you know try it next lifetime they know they have to come back as you know some other rough experience because of their stubbornness you know so you and I have to meet ourselves we have to face ourselves so any part of us that's resistant to love resistant to forgiveness resistant to consciousness expansion in a healthy way any part of that it's going to have to
be met so the idea is just let go of all the shields and defenses and keep moving let's go let's keep moving come on guys here we're going we're moving some more movement today and the movement today is gonna be family issues that a movement tomorrow's gonna be another thing it's whatever it is it is it's gonna be in front of you at any given time are you noticing it are you hearing the call and are you stepping up and meeting the call or are you refusing I refuse to heal I would forgive but
that person doesn't deserve it those are all just excuses and there you're gonna have to face them meet them they're gonna live themselves out through you as you in you so the hard way is going to be on planet Earth it's it's going to involve earth changes the political world as we know it is going to continue to collapse there's people that are like oh you know if only if only if only if only we got a certain person in the office if only guy said it's not gonna work it's consciousness that has to change
not puppets in a building economy is going to continue to do strange things and so will the weather and there's people that say oh no no there's there's no issues with the weather there's no such thing as global warming or whatever that's fine that's fine and there's no such thing as ego and there's no such thing as evil and there's no such thing as greed and so on no problem if you can't learn the easy way which would be the recognition of a problem and a willingness to shift it that's whether
that's globally or personally then we learn the hard way and that unfortunately is going to collapses of different kinds continents oceans glaciers all those things they're gonna happen you know I'm not trying to be like a doomsday guy but those things are gonna happen there's always a chance that humanity is gonna say you know wait a minute we could just learn the easy way but that's not been their pattern so far and it's been millions of years so we're in a situation where yeah the hard way
might come and when the hard way comes then it will it will happen that some of us are going to simply start shifting almost like almost like turning to light becoming more ethereal almost dramatically so quickly so others are not going to be able to get their bodies to catch up they'll need to pass away and move this is what I was saying when we look back at it as though or history it would be a long process of tens of years 50 60 70 whatever years shifting into this fifth dimension but when we get to that pivotal moment it's kind of
like a plane a jet when we're up high enough it's fairly calm but as that plane starts to descend which is us slowly shifting fifth dimension you know as we descend kind of the metaphor of us ascending as we descend and we hit a certain part of the atmosphere around the planet here comes the turbulence or as we're taking up turbulence it's like that the transition is the painful part the tread the transition is the turbulent part physically emotional and so it mostly ends Owen so human beings
are gonna you know have this moment where all of a sudden you know it happens it's gonna it's gonna be peaceful eventually but there's the transition and what's that going to look like nobody can say exactly because our moods and willingness and readiness shifts every second of every day but for the most part we made it guys we made it through a lot of these things we've already eased the burden on a lot of these things the visionaries who have visitations with mother Mary over the many years
last hundred years Fatima and Garabandal and and Madhu Gloria the children the most of the time has been children who have had these visions there are times when she has said like in Fatima Portugal there's going to be terrible things a world war is coming and the kids are like a what never heard of such a thing and it happened World War one and they're like okay continuing the visions she's talking to the children now that there are a few years older now another war is gonna come even more terrible than the last and the children
are like why because humanity isn't listening and she said and if they still don't get it there's gonna be a third and worse world war that will devastate everything now she predicted these things she predicted some other things and some of them she said this particular we'll call it catastrophe or challenge it was abated it was alleviated it was dissipated because of prayer you know what's funny about this is if you look at it and say she predicted these things before they happen like the world wars you go Wow or
the depression you go Wow Casey at your case you predicted the depression amazing but when they tell you things got alleviated you have no reference point for that you don't know how to give thanks for it you don't know you just don't know how to give thanks oh let's give thanks for that thing that didn't happen it didn't happen so you don't know how to thank for it you don't know what to think what are you giving thanks for that such-and-such didn't happen but you don't even believe that it would have
happened because you have no reference to it so you could try to but humans are like that they they don't have as much seemingly they don't have as much appreciation for the things that didn't go wrong as the ones that did and that eventually got better that's clearly a case of learning the hard way so mother mary tells us that the certain things got you know dispersed and that's kind of cool but the fact that even one ever ever got dispersed means something very powerful to us all that it can be done and that to me means
even this stuff that's awaiting us now can be done smoothly or not now the thing is when I say it it might not be smooth that doesn't mean always just absolute third-dimensional catastrophe it can just be things that are our economic challenges or political dramas like we've had recently that's enough to tell you that there's a wrestling going on when you go to a if you were to go to a faith healer or a surgeon for that matter and they were removing something from you you can kind of tell there's
something happening whether it's painful or not there's something happening the politics is like a psychic surgery and people are you know the moaning it as though well if only this happened then that would be great that's not the goal stop praying for I want this fixed look at it step back and go this is one egg that is symbolic of a bigger issue so I'm praying for the bigger issue to be healed which is mankind's hurt and hate and fear so that we can let go of that thing that was becoming painful to extract don't wish
anybody harm don't wish the president or the non president harm wish them well hold them in light imagine them and just surround it with just as much light as Christ Jesus himself and then you might alleviate the fear or hate consciousness in that person I know that's a tall order because I'm asking you to ship things through consciousness rather than bitching and moaning and you know whatever but only one of them really works the other just makes you feel better momentarily because you're joining with
everybody else that's complained it's the way it goes if you want to be human be a human now if you choose that route then you're being three-dimensional and in case you didn't catch this yet the third dimension is dying which means what you're being hateful you are dying you're part of a lost breed and it's a good thing that you're an old lost breed and that you're dying because you don't suit the frequency of love that we're moving into my god I see this happening in industry
I see it happening even in spiritual centers I've told you you know in different talks I've done I stopped touring almost completely I mean I tour maybe 2% of what I ever once did and and that's two very you know just selected chosen place that I'll still go to once or twice per year instead of 20 locations a year it'll be one or two and I don't travel to places as much because of the corruption in the spiritual centers there's one that I'm not going to just because and I can't
say it's because of the corruptions and so forth it was just the you know I'll say you know unity of Atlanta beautiful minister beautiful people that's the only one I'm going to say that I'm not going to be just because of logistics they're good people but any other place you've ever seen me going to heard of me going to that I'm no longer going to which would be every other place that I once toured I'm not going for a reason and if you live near there go to those places you should know that or no loved
ones to go there don't don't call them and say you know Michaels not going there because you're evil you know I'm not saying that at all I'm saying just like any other relationship you can recognize when something is too far gone and it doesn't work for you and that's it so I'm not going because sometimes it's corruption sometimes it's just because when the group or an individual senses there's just shifted higher consciousness they resist and they get afraid and they retract back to
and retreat back to old ways so a lot of the churches it's not about corruption spiritual centers yoga centers it's not about corruption a lot of them it's actually just because they're going backwards sometimes there's you know stuff corruption and control trips you know to the max but a lot of times guys it's just they're going backwards and I can't I've had them asked me there's a place as I used to go to in you know just like in the Pacific Northwest like Northern
California Pacific Northwest where they they literally told me and I know I've shared this before but literally told me do you have to keep referencing God you know can you leave God out of it because we're trying to empower people to be God and I'd say well that's exactly why we're in a third dimensional world all screwed up because we're trying to do things without God but you know rather than fight that or rather than comply because I'm not going to be really easy at complying with something that that
twisted now if it was just they asked me to shift wording slightly no problem I can bridge I can bridge that's not a problem but I can't just jump off a cliff for people I can build a bridge that's not a problem so in your own life and in my life I'm telling you it's the changes these are these are all symptoms of an ending the world is already coming to an end the world is already dead it just doesn't know it yet now that sounds bleak and negative but no what I mean by that is you're already dead
you're already home we're already back in God just still reliving or experiencing the ghosts of a life that we once had all we're doing is choosing to act like we're still here in a phantom world ghostly version of a world we once lived in you know I don't know if you know this but it has happened many many many times it's not like an anomaly once or twice many times photographers have taken pictures of freeways that are empty yet the photos developed and there's cars everywhere parking lots that are
empty and yet it's developed there's cars everywhere that's an interesting thing but how did the camera pick that up and you might think that there's some mechanical phenomenon to that to make that look so and I'm sure that's a possibility but no sometimes especially with photographers they're a little more sixth-sense developed it creates that perfect storm to to allow these cars to show up in a parking lot that's empty cars that were there literally six hours earlier so what you're seeing is the
etheric memory kind of like the Civil War people go on browse around Gettysburg and they're seeing sometimes they actually see sights and settings and experiences that happen then soldiers fighting in this and it's strange and they're ghosts yes a lot of it is actually ghost fourth-dimensional experience but sometimes they're a tharok memories they're not they're not actually living ghosts they're actually memories of you're actually able to pick up like an acacia chrec 'red memory of
an event that happened right over here or right over there it's not actually ghost still stuck in that experience although sometimes it's that too so planet Earth is that it's really already a phantom a ghost of what once was and has already disappeared and we've already gone home believe it or not you know this is Friday our our talk here on a Friday but I think maybe on Sunday at some sacred Sunday service those are at 10:15 Arizona time every Sunday morning I think maybe we'll talk about that that
the fact that we're already home I don't know I can't promise that but something might do that something more along those lines so I hope today has been making sense because we're talking about in in part the transition from third dimension to to mention but we're also talking about the stuff that happens on the way there instead of just saying hi welcome fifth dimension wow we're all moving there you know but you're all feeling etheric now you know and wearing gold and purple and
seemingly all go a little pyramid cap on my head you know getting all cool and cosmic about it instead I felt compelled more to say you know we better we better look at this stuff that has to be released to get to that place because not a lot of people seem to be addressing that or talking about that it's the truth but they don't talk about it because they want to talk about the exciting trip that they're going on well you're not going to make it on that trip until the other work is done the ground
work is done so watch for that notice that if you start to pick up symptoms that are so odd and so forth you're not going to fix it with third dimensional consciousness and doctors and so on I'm not saying don't do anything about it change what you can sometimes though accept what you can't and know that you know you're you're not going crazy you're just waking up you know some of the things that are going on in the planet people's psychic selves you know the sensitivities hypersensitivities
that people feel extreme sensitivities psychically ephyra Clee all that but it's all in transition and it won't be coming to an end in the near future but do you want to be one of the ones that have to go through hell to get to heaven or do you want to just be the ones that choose heaven so there's two elevators to choose from one has one floor h go heaven and just surrender and God will take you whatever levels you need to do your work on the way and it's the fastest route home there yeah but the
other elevator also has an H help you know and has a very different route instead of just straight up ascension consciousness it's downwards left/right everywhere it's an odd elevator and for some reason people are more intrigued by that one than the other you know they're curious curiosity killed the cat but it also killed us you know it is spiritually morally so there's a choice that we make choose God choose enlightenment choose awareness choose to wake up you can choose the other that doesn't make you a
bad person just makes you strange because why would you want pain but we do we do choose the other sometimes most of the time on earth so make better choices in your life please please no settling maybe we'll do a talk on Friday next Friday on settling but no settling maybe somebody can remind me and we'll do that if you email me closer to next Friday but just keep it in mind guys don't settle that that's not how you get to the 5th dimension you get there by choosing to live the consciousness of it
the fifth dimension soulmate friendships forgiveness processes reading meditating you know reading healthy things watching healthy things sing you know sing when you're struggling I was you know doing some hard work earlier today you know for some people and I noticed well I'm noticing that I'm aware that this is going to be fairly hard work so I just took a breath and there's only one other way instead of hard work be with me God just like we started several minutes ago when we started be with me you're the
only one that can make this seem like it was nothing and they swear it happened you know I could still pause and notice is this still hard work yes if I wanted to free will and it's kind of silly but we do it but I just shifted back to gratitude no wait a minute I would this was magic I wasn't even noticing the physicality of this I wasn't noticing the you know psychological challenge with this and I just shifted back again and again do it live in the zone if you missed it last Sunday we did a talk
called living in the light of God and that's sort of what I'm talking about here so you can always go back and watch it on YouTube we have playlists about a dozen there's not that many maybe 10 you know there's not that many to choose from it's kind of cool you can watch any number of but if you wanted to use playlists to select there's some that are more directly about us connecting with God there are some that are about healing there are some that are more about psychology some that are more about
relationships so different categories to make it easier for you to sort of pick something and then delve into it so and they're always being added to every time I do a Friday or a Sunday talk so I pray today's made good sense and I constantly thank you guys for your love and support if you feel called to do so you can make donations to support this work if not I freely give it anyway so it's your call that when you can help and how you can help it's greatly appreciated you know especially you know in this third
dimensional world we've got those three dimensional things to deal with it's kind of funny so do them do them with greats do them with love and try not to let the third dimensional things scare you like they once did whether it's loneliness debt or whatever other negative experience try to stay in the light of God while you deal with these things and ask God be with you while you deal with him peace be with you bye bye