Sacred Sexuality: Real Sex Versus False–Short
hello everyone this is our friday night spiritual insights with michael mirdad program this is 5 30 arizona time every friday and it has been for many years and you can watch hundreds of these for free on youtube in our playlists and the playlists break things down for you they could be playlists could break things down into ascension multi-dimensionality relationships you know psychological topics self-help of all kinds of different topics so check it out if you like we're going to share today i think an extension
last sunday uh in because i do sunday talks at 10 o'clock arizona time at unity of sedona as part of a sunday sacred service so this last sunday i spoke about real versus compensatory relationships it's almost like saying real versus false but i changed false into i decided you know let me go into um a specific theme or topic compensatory relationships so let's let's extend that a little further today let's go with this and look at it as as sacred sexuality but let's go so far as to talk about
porn versus real sex all right hope that's not too you know um awkward for some of you but um let's you know look at every topic has a purpose to be able to be healed or embraced or whatever the case may be so as many of you know i taught sacred sexuality very specifically that topic as one of my few art workshops five-day intensives for many years i also have written a couple of books on intimacy and sacred sexuality amongst my many books it's just a topic for me when people say michael is known for
what this topic that none it's it's god us and everything it's just to be able to learn to bring love into everything really awakening ourselves and being different you know being uh making a difference in the world so to me uh sacred sexuality was never my only topic by any stretch it's one of many topics to me it's just any topic needs to be made profound or explained and healed and so on so a lot of you know that that i taught that for years and even though i'm against shaming you know
topics including sexuality i did stop teaching sacred sexuality about 10 almost 10 years ago and for for all kinds of reasons but one uh one reason is because there was no further message i could give in terms of different from what i already said um a lot of times i write books so that the information is there i try to make them complete so that the the essence not everything i would say is there but the essence is there and i've written you know books on this um so if people want to study they can go there um
i taught workshops mainly to teach people how to address the topic themselves or how to teach others that was my main focus on it and uh did plenty of that hundreds of different you know just hundreds or thousands or whatever of different students and lectures and workshops uh you know people that purchased the book it's like i i got the information out there but it's it's too um troubled of a topic too it's just too you know i don't like to shut the door on people that are saying michael i have abuse in this area please
teach me about this area let me you know and help me i mean i don't want to say no to that at all but again it's in the books and it's in the workshop so you can listen to that and work on that i wouldn't turn you down instead i'm opening up avenues for you to learn other than first hand in a workshop uh within the last 10 years almost 10 years ago i did teach a workshop or two that focused more on healing as opposed to healing and what i used to do healing and the pleasure and the beauty and the art
and just really all-encompassing but i decided to focus on the healing because that's the last category that i would want to close the door on because people need it so badly in any case you know i did i did stop teaching after a while and i even recently even recently found you know i went to one of my files on my computer and the file on sacred sexuality and just started deleting old material deleting uh um notes and things that i wanted to share with people and printouts that i used to hand out during the workshops just
kind of clearing things out to a new level that felt good but in a way odd because again you know wow it's like a chapter of one's life kind of coming to a close so i also deleted the material because it was my way of acknowledging that i was done with my attempts to to help people um more overtly in that topic again lectures materials are there just in my overt form of teaching you know the the three-dimensional version of teaching so still it was one of my life's dreams and i still believe this but
just to share kind of vulnerably you could say with you it it it was always one of my life's dreams to create a movie that depicts what it is like sacred sexuality in its most sensual beautiful form not just like a movie about healing trauma that's intense but maybe could be a part of the movie but i would love to have been able to create a movie that that demonstrates even in its graphic form beauty so we can just say no shaming you know just because you share something graphically doesn't mean it's bad
naughty etc from what church or family might have told you but most of them are made that way and they're you know just kind of silly and gross so i know that the odds were against and i've been involved in projects where i was an advisor in in terms of healing sexual trauma and it's interesting because when the movie was being sold to the the producer the production companies that uh would put mass produce you know and promote those kinds of uh films um you know their response was like oh no no no we
needs to be more porn like it needs to this is too spiritual and whatever and it's like wow what a what an amazing lesson to have learned from that but that's what goes on in this world so it was my one of my dreams to just let's do it absolutely almost like a spiritual only graphic only in the sense uh pornography pornographic only a sense that it would be graphic but to do one right to do beauty like sensuality and gorgeousness and love and integrity and really so not just the uh you know the ones that are narrated
and you know they've made a few of those out there you know uh tantra video hello welcome to tantra step one touch your partner slowly you know it's a little too staged and so forth can it not also be sensual can it not also be such a sexual and graphic and beautiful you know this is just what what went on in my mind and i know some of you would agree and some of you at the google hoods too much but you know it's what i thought it would be beautiful to do something that's different from all the other stuff done and could bring
healing to a topic but you know i think uh you know i i i had in my computer files lots of of links to movies new age sexuality you know graphic uh the narrated ones the things i've seen in movies here and there where i went okay i like that piece that's the way a lot of filmmakers do things they they keep a board with clips and notes of everything that they want to bring together in their films it's it's you know just kind of like all in here blown out onto a board so they can remember you know we're going to tie this scene
to that scene it's you know storyboard kind of thing so i had that in in documents and finally i just deleted them you know not because of regrets and oh you know it's it's a dream not coming true it's just um i just did it's hard to explain because it was partly a uh a closure in one respect but also a closure in let that be somebody else's battle now so to speak it's a fair speech but let that be somebody else's battle to try to bring healing to that kind of a realm i'm grateful
that i know anybody or have known anybody in my life that said i would like to experience that in a healed form and what a beautiful experience but i i'm the type that says you know that's great that i've experienced that but wouldn't it be nice if more people could so i did the workshops teach people you know what they can do and share and all that but i i would have loved to say it's like a course in miracles is telling us you know you keep things by sharing them so i thought wow i would love to be able to explain this
more show this more to the world um but there's so many hurdles you need millions of dollars you need just the right everything for this to happen and then people immediately judge it and shut it down anyway so you know leave people to their own you know whatever limiting beliefs they want to keep but um these are all deleted now these files these uh snippets and snapshots and hopes and you know and all that sort of thing so um you know and i teach that you know sometimes you bid farewell so that sometimes those kinds of projects can dissipate
and be gone and get regenerated in another form other times they get regenerated in the same form but sometimes you just let things go so that they can come back to life and we'll see whether it's for somebody else or for me um we'll see but it doesn't it doesn't feel like something i'm interested in doing who knows there might be a billionaire on watching right now saying i'll fund it and then i would probably reconsider it i can't say i would do it or that i wouldn't i don't know i would wait for
inspiration because i just choose to typically i make no decisions alone and make them with god so if i get an inspiration i would consider it our job to make this educational even what i'm talking about now is to stay detached from the outcome when we release things but it was definitely a strong dream of mine to be able to go oh we could do this the world you you know we can make a difference that'll be somebody else's thing probably or possibly at this point um i truly believe there's a lot of
people that could have learned and would have learned and you might be saying oh i would have loved to well listen it's not gone there are some forms of that out there there are some forms of other movies here and there one of the most intense but but healing oriented but a little intense nothing gross and graphic but it can bring up issues anyway a movie called bliss i love the movie i've recommended it a thousand trillion times um it's a it's a beautiful movie but it's about a couple that gets married
and issues she starts the girl starts remembering traumas the guy's struggling with what's going on and they can't figure it out she goes to a like a healer who does sexual healing and he helps her reawaken this and heal this very rough road but that's really more about the healing when it comes to the sensual there are a couple of movies out there that i think are you know just semi-graphic you know just a slight nudity here and there but done very tastefully but but very beautiful very sensual some
in a way there's a handful of these that i think are done with integrity um but i can't name them all because some of them might still trigger some people um one that i thought was very beautiful uh was called lake consequence um [Music] and um yeah there's a couple others out there but you know you you might i think even summer lovers was very sweet uh young people i think it was two gals and a guy sharing love like in greece they met each other and it was just an old you might remember it 70s or 80s movie
and i think it was beautiful only mainly in the sense that there was a sensuality shared between these three people but it was also beautiful because it was you know kind of like questioning what can we do and what's okay and then the jealousies and the question you know it's just beautiful in that it's real life what happens with with people when they want to explore or when they have curiosity so that that was kind of cool anyway i know a lot of people would like you know for me to have gone further
with that but i believe time is running out on this planet i don't mean tomorrow it ends but we're winding up and in my ears that are remaining that are remaining here you know i'm 60 now and whether i'm here for one more year or 20 more years or whatever um things are winding up and it becomes prioritizing so i'm i'm really focusing on more and more and more i will never focus i hope on a topic i doubt that that would be me because i'm into love god in everything god in everything love and everything um
but i am focusing just awakening the christ consciousness so i'm really much very much i still teach mastery still teach relationships on and on and on but times winding up so it's like i gotta prioritize the goodbye to the potential of that movie and just i'm teaching and doing my work you know so i don't even take you know tons of time in relationship anymore it's been many years since i have but i'm grateful that i have or can't have choose to have whenever i have intimate friendships and i think that
all of us should be open to can i have an intimate friendship or do i have to always wait 20 years to find one that i think is one and only the last four years and comes to an end and then i look for another 20 years later of a one and only why not find intimate friendships and you know allow yourself to be so um i think tradition traditional sex is is horrible i know it's a strong word but traditionally sex is filled with shame repression repressing sounds repressing feelings you know people at best if they even allow anything they
they forgive the term but you know they use it to get off um it's it's just that and um it's an interesting thing because spiritually speaking well edgar casey was asked about sexuality you know is it for example self-pleasure masturbation the word masturbation means to disturb yourself that's the negative connotation given to masturbation but to disturb so casey was asked is self-pleasuring good or bad for the body and his answer was beautiful and interesting and that was um paraphrasing and summarizing he basically said
if you have natural desire like literally building up sexual power building up arousal and you repress it it can burn gland cells cells in the testicles or ovary cells in the reproductive organs that energy like kundalini almost you could say it that way he said but yet you know doing it just making yourself have sex um like like just just habitually addictively is is it it exhausts your system um i've if you don't mind by saying this you know my own take on this has been interesting because 90 something percent of the time
when i feel arousal and pleasuring yourself is fine but is it you're stimulating to make yourself feel arousal or do you feel an organic arousal and then your stimulator pleasure one is healthier and that is the one that it's already there and then you just take it you just ride that wave that's the healthier and for me 90 something percent of the time i will if i even go that route i'll go that route and then just stop and let let the energy all feed me and just move it's just i leave it at that
you might do that too and i think it's beautiful when you feel like you want to take it all the way to the end and so on and explosions and whatever you want to feel that's great too i would just recommend that you don't always have that ending have an ending sometimes where you you know you push away from the table wishing you could have a little more it's like that it's you know wow that's perfect you got the energy happening and it's cool it's almost like using this thing that some people use to
expend energy you're using it to nurture energy within the system and that includes channeling energy through the microcosmic orbit and all these other things that are in workshops and talks i've done so you guys can watch those another time i just think uh you know for those who i've known who love their partners i know people who love their partners and still repress their sexual experience because they're mad at them because they're bored from other things in their life or because they just feel shame or
they why be with them then try to allow some energy movement sounds tears and whatever's there why repress it and then if you're going to repress it why because i'm not feeling safe then why are you doing it at all so just think it through the traditional things that people do sexually are just they're just out there they're just gone they're just not making sense so the opposite of repressing it all the opposite extreme pendulum would be the world of porn everything bigger louder but it's fake
you may not know that but 90 of what you see in a porn is fake porn addictions are not just interesting fun they they do actually cause just like alcohol or any other chemical addiction there's a chemical addiction to porn because there is chemistry happening when you're all stimulated and whatever especially if you're doing stimulation based on what you can't have in your life which you wish you could have a fantasy in other words it can do destructive things it's better if you're aroused and it's organic
instead of forcing it like an addiction just if it's a if it's there enjoy it we've all dabbled in different forms that might not be suitable to other people or you might have just tried something once or twice that's fine not telling you to shame yourself last thing we want to do is shame things about sexuality it's had a fair bit of that already but but 90 something percent of porn i've worked with porn stars and all that um and worked with this and studied this and included things in my books
um about um studies and stuff and having to give you know uh facts and figures in the books um but ninety percent uh it's fake i mean if you interviewed the the porn stars it's fake it's it's staged so people go whoa i didn't know that could be done it usually isn't that's why they're going for you because they're hooking you onto whoa like why would you watch a a fairy fantasy movie if it wasn't like whoa look how pretty or an angel movie or or whatever else you know super
heroes why do you watch them you can't do those things because it's fantasy it's wow same thing with porn they hook you on the fantasy they know that if they show you everything average average bodies average aging bodies average this average love you know it's going to seem a little blah what's nice i guess you could say about porn is that it shows you the diversity of what people could consider if they love each other and i don't mean just in love forever i mean if there's a loving respect
maybe we can play and do different things and i'm not saying i'm justifying the way porn's presenting it i'm just saying that it's showing you something too extreme repress totally let go but it's a lie so but at least i know there's something besides repression and one position and one this you know stuffing its stuff down just instead how can i have balance how can i how can i have respect like this and letting go like this somewhere swinging in this pendulum instead of here it's just a thought maybe this will work
for you so although i don't encourage sex that's only coming in place from a place of the root chakra there's no doubt i do encourage that people learn to take this love down into the root chakra and the root to the heart too but don't i don't endorse just root chakra is there love is there healing is there feeling is there a releasing that's the beautiful thing to me about sexuality um it's the people letting go i think is a very beautiful thing um because they're safe enough to let go
therefore i think it's a beautiful thing it's the safety the acceptance people can feel when that's happening but what if you don't have anybody you can feel that with that's to me unfortunate it's kind of sad like any other relationship conversation so consider for yourselves as i'm going to start closing consider for yourselves find a way to be a more sensual being think about it if that's not what you feel and you don't feel any arousal don't make it happen don't say i should
or else something's wrong with me no be at peace with that also if you can bring arousal but it's not there but you're forcing it it that might be a little contrived you know some people say well it's nice if you try it well if you try it it's there and it feels right then it's not contrived but if you're like you know having to make yourself feel aroused i'm not needing to endorse that it's just not it's like just let it go if it's not there but if you do feel something
i would say let yourself be a more sensual being uh i'm not talking obviously about just more like sex i'm talking about relaxing in your body you know wow you know what's this what's this you know happiness pleasure you know people shame it i don't want to shame say to yourself i don't want to shame this let me let me relax with this you know lie out in sunbathe it's not all just sex like lie out in sunbathe you know how nice how cool how interesting you know occasionally do self-pleasuring
enjoy an intimate friend or enjoy a committed lover or partner enjoy your life mate but enjoy do things in a state of joy play you know um but just be yourself but yet in touch with pleasure in your body and how you feel in in the truth of it you don't even have a body so when you're using the body as a metaphor this is me being comfortable with my being not just my flesh that's really profound you know and i know some people say well but i don't have somebody to do that with um start with yourself then just
sunbathe hot tub you know sometimes shut your shades and turn on music and dance and just wow just be carefree don't contrive it don't make it happen don't force it but just how nice just to be able to ooh you know the right music and play and dance and twirl and be i know that if some some uh if you left your computer on and you left your camera on it people saw you dancing oh my god you know you totally shut down and be ashamed but that's because you already feel ashamed if you did that by accident and it came
onto my computer i would be like oh beautiful job there would be no oh my god i didn't imagine here she would dare do that so not everybody's gonna think that darkness towards you you shouldn't think it and if other people would say goodbye to them if you have to uh i mean you know you're not purposely trying to do that to them but they saw something hurt something you know you're dancing and somebody you forgot to lock your door and your name your friends you know they come by and walk in and you're dancing
you're gonna be tempted to feel funky because this world wants that on us what are you going to do about it though i i would just have to sit there and go dang i feel pretty embarrassed but this is life birds do this they sing they dance you know the the the lilies of the field don't worry about what to wear today it's just let this be beautiful and if i thought the friends or the people didn't handle it well and they were shaming i would see them as a voice of my past that i would say goodbye to
that's what i would do so if you have any you know amount of a sensual calling you know just don't shame that part of yourself you know play with the feelings you know let them be enjoyed let them be shared let them be owned if there's none let that be as well be at peace with it um you know the world religion family there's a lot of guilty and shame about bodies um and uh it's an unfortunate thing so what are you gonna do about it just say oh it's an unfortunate thing or can you at least for your start with
this person and and come out um i was raised pretty conservatively and uh very conservatively maybe but not religious conservative it's more family shaming and conservative and so when i first sat in a hot tub by myself or with a group of people and people chose not to be dressed it was such a beautiful thing but but some people they make it a thing it's two they make it too much everything oh you you've got to go naked or you know they they make it into an ism they make it into like a must not interested not interested in that or
those kinds of people i like when there's a certain vulnerability to it as opposed to oh you know let's all be naked always be naked and everybody's got to be okay with themselves you know just it's it's too silly because they're trying to make a statement of how open they are i love the the vulnerability of somebody going wow this is a little odd and awkward but here i go i love that i just love people relaxing and being open about that new aspect of their life even if it's just conversation about
something they were once shamed about and they're letting it out i love it anything that has to do with releasing hurt locked up darkness in themselves is a very beautiful concept you know there's different ways that that happens sometimes it's orgasmic sometimes it's tears and whatever i think it's all beautiful nevertheless because it's somebody saying i'm going to let the old go and welcome in the new and that to me is is nothing shy of a miracle so i would say you know with yourself or
others find a way to be playful find a way to come out um if you do choose to share with somebody else it's best if it's someone you can call a trusted friend whether it's your partner or a friend or if you do share with somebody the definition for it being sacred sexuality would be that this is a trusted friend then it becomes a sacred experience in all honesty and you know so just think about it as as i close just real versus false um false has the two extremes false sex is the shame shut down sex
false sex is also the oh gratuitous and i go wild and do everything with everybody these two extremes porn and religion you know um so what about somewhere in here where i like the playfulness and allowing like a little bit this direction and i like there to be an integrity a little bit of this direction nowhere near these extremes but just somewhere that feels right for me but once you decide what that is real you know versus false once you find out what that is now comes the homework what do you do to allow that some people
god just even bathing a showering becomes a process because they're so shamed or shut down i know that some people have been abused but what are you doing to heal the abuse if you don't have a trusted partner because you have a partner and they're not trustworthy or you don't have one at all call upon a trusted friend learn the techniques and try these things in any way you can don't forget prayer don't forget god to help you with this process don't just use people and bodies but allow people and bodies including
your own to be part of that process all righty i pray this works for you in some way god bless you all and i'm very sorry for for folks that have been hurt and they're sitting with this going this is a struggle for me hearing this others are like this is just what i needed to hear i wanted i want to be free i want to dance and and i'll do so and others will say i do so but i don't have the right place well let's find that place but those of you who are like this is a lot it's bringing up stuff
it's triggering i'm very sorry about the hurts and um you know i would love to have done more than i've done but a lot of us feel that way in this world but i did a lot and took a lot of hits for some of that trying to teach this people shaming it and so on but i did i did what i could and there's a lot of my material out there in books that can help you so one smaller book intro to sacred sexuality todd translation sacred sexuality so there's a smaller book very tasty tasteful and blah blah
the bigger book sacred sexuality a manual for living bliss that is the more like the graphic stuff they're both tasteful but this one is more just the material the philosophy of this this one's a manual so diagrams and techniques and exercises very thorough you know you can try those things out you might check online and watch this and that but just be discreet discerning about which things you'll watch because some are are not coming from the highest place all right so be careful be careful not to just go to any workshop study with just
any healer each or teacher because sometimes they're a little bit more adding to trauma than releasing it so god bless you all we'll be seeing you soon i hope in one program or another thank you and god bless you bye-bye