Resurrecting Our Spiritual Self
When we get into the deeper significance of anything, relationship, communication. sound. music. and so on, you start to realize, all the barriers fall away, because those are illusions we built along the way - opinions. differences. and so on. You know, there's just something that happens when we allow that to happen you know things to fall away.
The parting of the Red Sea is really the the parting of veils in our consciousness you know the significance Moses leading the Israelites to freedom is really our soul saying that's enough and leading our human self into a better life and it must seem really strange to some people some cultures some races religions groups you know to think about like Christians we're not a Christian by religion nor am i any other particular religion I just I enjoy it all you know it's just like whatever it all is is okay but they're all practices they're
all things that work for people at this time there's going to be a point where we look back and go what was I thinking what why would I wear that you know whatever it happens to be in our rituals and our ceremonies there there'll be a point where even forgiveness will not be necessary when you're home because there's nothing left to forgive which is a really interesting notion because that would imply that even right now if I practice recognizing there's nothing to forgive I am in effect home but I can't pretend to believe that there's nothing
to forgive I otherwise I'm in denial it's like a you know a five-year-old going lalalala you know pretending there's nothing to forgive there's nothing that you know when in fact you feel hurt and angry so you can't fake forgiveness of course but at the same time to really practice recognizing what is it that I need to forgive well so-and-so is annoying they hurt my field they said something mean they took something whatever did the people have done they've harmed us sometimes grossly so in this world and so we think
forgiveness is us being told by some higher beings that we're wrong for holding on to our hurt or for bener like you're wrong stop being hurt stop get over it those are not healthy terms those are not healthy advisors they need a therapist a really good one you know they do and and their therapist might need a therapist if the therapist tells them you know the same thing you have to understand right now I'm just feeling hurt and that person needs to be heard not enabled but heard I'm really sorry what happened well this
happened oh you're kidding be with them just be with them where they are but in the back of your mind you need to remember your job as a listener is how can I take them home today because they're not home when they're hurt they're in exile they're off in a planet that you know that that people are starving for love well in heaven that's not so and our job is to bring heaven here through compassion but also through the complete recognition what do I need to do right now what's the next right thing and right the next
right thing could be to take someone's hand not to tell them to get over it's to take their hand to give them a tissue but also to recognize whatever you're telling me triggers me it might bring up stuff for me and if I practice forgiveness we're all experiencing forgiveness because I'm playing a role is all I being any one of us that are that as a listener so we give thanks in advance even before I see the healing in you the healing of you know resurrection we'll call it the healing healing and resurrection mean the same thing before
I even see it in you I already know it's happening for you how do I know that because I'm feeling it and we're one make sense so now and people are okay listening to this part a parent a human being a parent let's say can be neglectful and and hurtful and so on and and it could be something passed down generation after generation but when it comes to the right person along the way someone finally says it stops here I think it was Harry Truman that's coined that concept you know but the buck stops you're one of you know the presidents of
that era but it's it stops here what that means Speer actually is the resentments the patterns the addictions the programming the genetics stops here how because I do not believe it so it's the little boy that says the Emperor is naked you know the one in the fable that says I I don't I don't agree well that's what we are it's how we do things around here it's our family we've been hating for generations just what we do what why you know and I was like that as a kid why oh you know they always hate you when you ask
questions like that you know so it was already gonna go badly for me but but why would we you know well and so-and-so said you know the leader of their religion or their group or their race or whatever it is and I would say but but they're not making any sense what you know the heck like Fred Sanford you know this is the big one Elizabeth you know when I would say something seemingly irreverent but in fact I wasn't meaning to be hurtful I was like just saying that doesn't make any sense you know it's just because that's it but
if it's not helpful if it's hurtful how could you say it's just the way it is well you know stop asking questions and so on so in this world we go through these challenges and we can actually learn to say it's not gonna continue from here whether its ancestral whether its emotional psychological energetic it stops here but if it's going to stop here I can't just say that I need to live it I need to not be like them whoever they might be a race or religion or whatever need to not be like them now if I go out of my way to not be like
them then I'm actually still in reaction to them I just mean I don't feel any resonance there's a saying that I'm just slightly paraphrasing and that is the Prince of this world comes and finds no resonance in me when the ego our evil comes and looking for a place to lock itself in it finds Teflon it finds not velcro but Teflon it can't stick it throws daggers that throws arrows it tries to get reactions and it's just not there because I feel different well you know you you're just like your father your mother and people
will try that well if it's true maybe look at it only in particularly if there's something about family you didn't like or your religions you didn't like them you know you might want to look like if you're still living those old patterns but don't buy into every bit of that somebody will say oh you know you're just like your mother because you have her eyes you mean she had eyes I mean she also had hair does that mean I'm just like her because I adhere people will stretch to make a judgment stick on you don't buy it just
don't buy it you're just like all other Christians you're just like all how can that be you don't even know me when people say what sign are you I said what sign do you think I am they'll say oh you're a ok that's it then I knew it I knew it all that I've confirmed is you've already had an opinion of me and you want it confirmed and if I tell you it's a different sign you'll go and you'll come up with some reason why it's not fitting you anyway so I just don't buy
it I don't bother with it which bothers people life on earth is a test when you're graduated and you ascend there's no more tests so you don't have to go to school to have tests so you don't come here and you don't have tests it's really simple because life is a school this world is a school when you believe when like Buddha is saying you know you come here because of desire rebirth is caused from desire and people thought it meant you know like desire you know you must be having secret lusts to cause you to come here
it meant the desire to work on your stuff it meant the desire to learn what you think you needed to learn everybody messes everything up with their translations every teacher poor things man it never carries the way it's supposed to be carried it gets interpreted and misinterpreted strangely so we look at the deeper meanings of things and individuality starts to fall away and oneness replaces it we starts we start to the deeper intention to her teachers all the teachers great teachers originally was love and then it gets twisted into love and you must do this or this or
this love and you must do this or this or this and it's always added to and I understand it because we're human being so we like variations and flavours that's fine but when you get stuck on the flavors and variations now it's becoming religious or ritual it's becoming superstitious and then it becomes hurtful and hateful in some ways used by some life is a schoolroom this world is a schoolroom graduate you don't come back because you've already passed your test what are the ultimate test well again
ultimately capital you ultimately there is no reason to be here because it's an illusion what's the meaning of life you just confirm that there is a life to have a meaning so you have to get quite quite metaphysical if you really want to answer you get answers just those kinds of questions what's the meaning of life nothing and they go oh that's deep you know they don't get what you mean I mean there's no meaning to life because life isn't happening it's a dream what's the
meaning to a dream well I don't know do you like the dream no terrible nightmare wake up that's it an old saying you know like a story a : you know it's like imagine yourself in an inescapable room absolutely no way out how do you ever escape that room because that's this world how do you break the wheel of life the wheel of karma how do you break all that Buddha when he awakened he goes I got it I'm awake I got it what secret did he know how do you get out of that inescapable room which is what life is inescapable
you are gonna you know there's people that would say oh you incarnate until you're perfected do you know how long it takes thousands of lifetime's theoretically and some people would say tens or hundreds of thousands man I don't have that kind of time I'm serious hundreds what and it doesn't just mean you're putting your time you've now put in 100,000 lifetimes you're enlightened you actually have to become a better person every one of those times till where there's nothing left of the ego oh man no wonder we're
depressed like this is like a lot of work it's heavy right you look at it there and it's Wow how do you escape according to that that concept that's saying how do you escape an inescapable room and I'm had all kinds of people in workshops ago I heard it's inescapable I mean everything from I kicked the door down I imagined a Dorian you know I had a blowtorch and they come up with all kinds of ways to escape the inescapable room there's actually only one way out I started the story with and you're all trying to be
philosophical I can tell some of you are like well I would do you know stop every anything you come up with is a failure because it's inescapable so as soon as you start trying I will no longer try you know and you're trying to be philosophical again no I started it with imagine you're in an inescapable room the only way out imagine yourself out and that's this world start imagining a different world start not just imagine like minoo passive imagination or casual imagination I mean start living as though you know see yourself as a
different person and live accordingly life is filled with tests and they're not inconveniences like we think they are although they feel totally like that so this concept of Easter which which clearly has gone way off you know there's Easter Easter a moment whether a human being attained divine awareness said life is an illusion and you're all separate in your minds you believe you're separate and you believe you're flawed and you think because you're flawed according to the old law the
wages of sin is death you think that you're flawed and that you're going to die and then you're going to come back and have to do it again and again and again which is a merciless God concept God must not like me because apparently I didn't get it right the first time or the second time so we just have this you know and you could even say God's patient why because we're so messed up and yet God still loves us which implies God sees us as flawed yet overlooks our flaws imagine yourself out of this stop believing you're flawed that was the
imagine that you're flawed and now we're still trying to fix ourselves to get out of the room that worked out didn't it yeah it's really like the way that just rolled out of there good so instead start imagining yourself out imagine you're a different person than the one that was flawed what if you're not flawed wrap your mind around this idea what if you're not flawed then there's no karmic to coming to you there's no debts how do you do that love and forgiveness obviously love and forgiveness so there's this character
and he gets it and he says and you all believe in death what I'm gonna do because ancient civilizations from pagan the Egyptian cultures all around the world for every continent practiced some something along these lines even before we had words you know to put it into a frame to put it in there were people that believed the Sun comes back every year even after cold winters the Sun still comes back at him even if you're in the Nordic countries the Sun still returns and they worship the Sun cause it brings warmth but we think sometimes
that all they worshipped was the Sun they were really intending to worship that which brings warmth which is always God God is our light and our source and our warmth divinity whether you believe Diwani divine is in the heaven or inside it still is the source of goodness so people were right to worship light when they made it the thing in the sky it becomes superstitious when it becomes something within me and you it becomes real and it becomes a spiritual and psychological experience what does it mean to not just worship
the Sun in the sky but in each other it means oh my child is an addict but all that is is a winter and the Sun shall come and I'm gonna believe in them even though they look like they're going through winter yeah winter feels cold it feels isolating it feels win it just like you're feeling when your child is an addict I feel scared I feel cold I'm worried what's good what they're going to do and so on but this too shall pass so an unawakened being stops believing in the room they imagine themselves in and starts imagining themselves out how I'm
imagining that you are beyond your addictions I'm holding a vision on your behalf and that's what the divine mother does the divine mother Quan Yin mother Mary the divine mother she is a perfectly divine being she's God in what we call the feminine aspect although there's no gender involved in its feminine aspects she's saying children you think that you're in a room that you imagined yourselves into I'm already imagining you out but since you believe you're in the room and you are creating these stories and lessons for yourselves
quite insane but I won't say a word she's saying you're imagining that you're flawed and that you're getting better so I'm gonna go ahead and support you where you are I'll help you manifest lessons because that's where you think you are you think you're impatient I know a few people who I'll be bringing into your life tomorrow then it'll perfectly mirror that not karma like we thought the world's out to get us God's out to get us God's punishing us that's all superstition instead we're being told I'm only going
to reflect your thoughts so that one day you're gonna say I'm done with this I'd like something different she'll say oh great you know shake it all up and manifest your new version of what you'd like there's an experiment that was done or as early as the 50s believe it or not but way back they would take a plate of glass and put fine powder on the glass they would take like a violin bow and play the side of the glass like as though it were a string on a boat on a violin they would use the bow and play
any particular note every time they played a particular note the powder would vibrate into a geometric design okay you could look it up I'm sure they have YouTube by now things on that but and then you play a different note it would all change a pattern cymatics and it would all vibrate into a different geometry now that's pretty cool pretty interesting but what does it mean change your thoughts and beliefs and your pattern will change there's a pattern I'm seeing it looks kind of chaotic it looks something strange
that's your life that's called a relationship I'd like to change this relationship into something more you know harmonious Wahaha that had felt much better you know change the vibration how it's assembly because even in the experiment someone's choosing what notes to be played we're sitting around even metaphysical people going vibration has to change and we're doing all kinds of funky strange things to try to make vibrations change but even when you do this you're forgetting what about
responsibility what about our own power I am as God created me I am the living Christ on earth I am awake I get it all I need is for you to change what do you mean you get it you still don't get it back in sheep you know the Divine Mother room back in and let's get you to learn again we're just learning based on her own decision to not learn good news is yeah humanity in many ways is getting it and waking up but it's ever so slowly we need to choose to change the game the rules and we can because we created the game in the first place and it's time to
start waking up thing to do is say everyone can do as they may but for me and mine we will serve the Living God it's like I'm just gonna start living this life myself but what if I'm the only one what if I'm living in a country where there's not a lot of deep spirituality be the change you'd like to see in the world yeah but I wish I could live somewhere where it was easier yeah but you're not so start where you are and go from there there's a divine plan of awakening for all humanity and the mothers behind that
she's part of the Holy Spirit which is another name for her but the Holy Spirit's we have know and knows this perfect plan of how to everyone can awaken she's not only aware of us she's in us it's our inner divinity knows how to get us there but our human ego needs to be gotten out of the way so it can come through we have to move the false self to find the real self and so that that experience 2,000 years ago what Jesus says you know you all believe that you're flawed the ultimate punishment for your flaws
according to your laws is death I have an idea I'm gonna prove that there's no death so the ancient cultures all these ancient cultures when you get pagan Egyptian they all have these mythologies about the death in the world and the universe there's death but their mythologies would always talk about a resurrection so Jesus says I'm gonna come and not talk about these stories these mythologies I'm not going to tell you about a legend or a story or a solar myth movements of the plant I'm gonna
live it I'm gonna be the Sun that comes back whenever someone's ready to feel warmth and light again I'm gonna live it I'm gonna go through the death and I'm gonna resurrect so he does something that is not typically found on this planet other great teachers they died he came back he did something different he proved that death is an illusion we always heard even Lao Tzu who wrote the Dao de Jing said deaths in illusion we were taught the deaths in illusion but nobody had shown us this literal this literal awakening this is
a lie and I'm going to show you now when he did that he's telling you death is a lie he's demonstrating it he's living it and in so doing what he's telling us all when you go through a divorce come back to life when you go through a loss come back to life you don't literally have to go and prove this or die literally what you have to do is any version of death in your life is your test if you doubt and you don't bounce back or come back to life then you have another test you'll have to come back and experience so how's your
life doing how is your you know look at your reality around you how you doing you'll see the areas you'll know the areas that you're failing and I know it sounds like a heavy word but it's just a figure of speech you're failing your tests they're the ones where you don't feel love and peace feel joy you'll know that because when you call in the presence of God in here when you call in peace and happiness through love and forgiveness you feel the effect when you're hurtful and hateful there's effects you eat certain foods it
does something to your chemistry certain foods would be acidic certain foods would be alkalizing to your system certain thoughts and behaviors are aesthetic and certain ones are alkalizing love and forgiveness is always alkalizing so you'll know what you ate Edgar Cayce said the food you eat your stomach you said is a medicine chest if you want your body to repair itself and you want to be healthy you should let your body be able to open the medicine chest and get whatever it needs oh that's right there's nothing in there
of value I all I have is energetic hatreds and toxic foods so when it goes let's see what's in the medicine chest everything has stolen crossbones on it poison poison but so I don't know what to use to heal my body so it dies it decays it hurts and it's in pain so the same thing in consciousness put love and forgiveness into your heart your system metaphysically you know symbolic the stomach but I'm saying in the heart put love and forgiveness there and when you're having down moments it'll be there as a reserve it's good karma to be
loving and forgiving you'll be able to call on that whenever you need to so Jesus is demonstrating Buddha's demonstrating I'm demonstrating you're demonstrating some of us better than others that this world is trying to crucify you it struck meaning the ego-based world it's trying to make you fail it's trying to make you believe you're a limited being because if you fail any test you are a limited being unlimited you wouldn't fail so every time we fail we confirm we are limited beings and that's
what the ego wants my own psychological ego the collective ego that's what it's trying to accomplish and we give into it we feed it and you can say well I try not to feed it here but some people they're just beyond forgiveness that's where your limit was today that's where your test will be tomorrow find anybody unforgivable and that's your test tomorrow let no stone be left unturned Here I am Here I am like Yogananda says Here I am God shining the light every part of me shine the light and show me loving experiences and creeps and creepy things
I don't might show them to me any people that I thought I was over where did that come from memories and flashes of faces do it until there's nothing but light and don't say you know I gotta get to that place obsessively where there's only like just relax we're already home dreaming we're still here so all I need to do is kind of work with those dream symbols that pop in nobody has any power to do anything harmful to you in reality just in this illusion so start imagining you're out of that room start imagining that you're a holy being and you'll
start to realize you're invincible now all of a sudden where you used to be able to say well this one person's really bad this one not former dictator current dictator this bad this bad you that's gonna fade away it's like you feel like I don't know it's weird I feel so different it's like I don't have opinions anymore and that's a really good thing you know I used to think this is not in yep anytime you have an opinion just understand this anytime you have an opinion you're wrong that's all
we don't have to like figure out which ones are right and one you're just wrong just live dangerously and accept that now if you start to go no I will select which that's a control freak all you have to do is make one mistake on trying to justify one opinion I'm gonna keep one that's enough to toxify your system oh you need is one virus you know you could die from certain viruses and there you go just affirm that I don't even bother opinions you know just get to that kind of a state I can have images come into
my mind and it might buy myself and go well that one really doesn't make sense cuz and although ho no no no instead of like let me just brush that one aside because it probably popped you in by accident there's a face of somebody I don't have any memory of issues they're there so they deserve the same holy consciousness as anyone else and if there's any charge I surrender that to the mother anyway just keep immune just keep immune is raise your immunity by recognizing your value you're liked you're not in that
room like you thought you were forgive yourself for ever believing you were in that room it's a metaphor for believing you were flawed forgive yourself for thinking anyone was ever any you know amount of flawed but some people are be careful I know it seems that way and I'm not gonna wrong you for feeling that way feelings are opinions so I agree with you they sure do seem that way Jesus says in A Course in Miracles when people are coming from their ego they're always wrong because the ego is not a right consciousness wrong simply meaning it is
not divine and only divine is real so therefore it's false it's an error so when people are coming from their ego he says they're there in error they're not in God consciousness they're there dreaming that there's something other god and there isn't so he says however your job is to be careful not to try to prove that to them to force that upon them be careful because then you're caught in the same web that you see them caught in now it doesn't mean you're trying to enable them and sort of defend them and pretend that what they're
saying is right or accurate but you've got to do your best to be tactful and stealthy if you want to be a healer and a miracle worker it's very different than what you thought it was it's learning to fly under the radar it's learning to bridge with people that are sometimes acting completely insane and hurtful but being able to say how are you doing what's going on oh you're kidding and bridging with them instead of wrong wrong wrong it's how can i bridge with you how can I connect with you because the
ultimate issue for Humanity as we believe are separate from divinity and from each other if we recognize oneness that would pass away how to recognize oneness by bridging with each other if I understand what you're saying if I understand where you're coming from I must be part of you when I don't get you I'm pushing away from you I'm not saying it's always easy sometimes it doesn't even seem possible to connect with some of the crazy things some people will try to say or do and get you to agree with but you can at
least exhibit signs of patience or love without converting people so as we're coming towards the close everyone has to accept anytime I believe that I was a limited being I was being crucified how did that look well people picking on me bullying me people telling me I'm wrong all the time people taking something from me that's crucified people gossiping about me meaning any of us that's being crucified anytime someone ever hurts you that was a crucifixion it is it's a form of crucifixion whether it's
psychological or physical or financial it's a form of crucifixion loss death hurt your being crucified so don't just put Jesus on a cross you also have been crucified and it isn't just Jesus he's the living one there's also Osiris and many other gods and goddesses in history that demonstrated what resurrections about but Jesus lived that as an experience so but it's worthless for him to have done that if we don't get it so whatever you believe Buddha to be Jesus to be God to be you still have to become whatever
that great thing would be how and on this planet especially you're going to be crucified that's everybody you're just gonna it's gonna happen it's not with a certain age or gender or whatever it's gonna happen everyone's going to experience crucifixions more than one in their lifetime when you have multiples at once it's called the dark night of the soul but everyone's going to experience deaths and crucifixions but you're supposed to we're supposed to also learn resurrection and that's what most people didn't do everybody knows
how to die but not resurrect we know how to go you know I've gotten used to it you know I've lost a job before yeah you know and you just think you're living and you're surviving and coping survival is not thriving survival is different than thriving survive and thrive which one do you want to choose I want to thrive that's resurrection and you can't resurrect without dying well meaning don't hate it don't resist it don't judge don't blame don't shame see I
didn't say don't die I said everybody's going to but die well demonstration Jesus on the cross are you going through a divorce it doesn't mean oh I'm gonna have a spiritual experience I think I'll sign everything over to my ex who also found a nice younger blond friend and is also getting the children and had me put away in a hospital you know I'm not telling you to lie to yourself like that but don't hate refuse to hate and affirm everybody has a light of God in them everyone has the boot of self
everyone has the Christ self everyone's got that how do I see that I may not know how today so I'm asking the spirit of divinity to show that to me and that's why people practice compassion so we can try and practice seeing that divinity you're going through crucifixion die well so go through it doesn't mean signing everything over and showing enabling hurtful behavior oh I'm just gonna be loving now that's actually weak and its enabling and it's being a victim dying well means I'm going to look at the deeper meanings to things
dying well means I'm not gonna pretend it isn't happening dying well means I'm going to not allow any leaks left over in this raft I'm gonna patch my leaks still feel some resentment I'm gonna work on that today I still feel some fear I'm gonna work on that I'm gonna die well if things are being taken fine I'll keep what I can and release what I can't I'll change what I can and accept what I can that's dying well but still that's not enough because I didn't resurrect but my resurrection is determined on how
well I died if I only gave in and and and surrender to the process of death in some form if I only do it halfway like if I physically am dying and I hate my doctors who didn't cure me and I hate my family members who left me genetically with a predisposition towards an illness I didn't die well and I'm gonna come back with those same family members and the doctors will be my children the Home Instead die well and you might find that you resurrected resurrection means I came out of the experience with a new level of consciousness that's what
it means I came out of this you know school with a new level of consciousness I came out of that relationship you know yeah it's strange there were some hurtful behaviors and so on but I got it and I'm choosing to resurrect see resurrection is a choice you can come out of an illness different you can't come out of a loss a bad weekend whatever it happens to be resurrect I don't care if it's a hangover try to come out of it different with a different level of consciousness I don't deserve it because I'm still a drinker
no you do deserve it not only do you deserve it it's inevitable it's just going to be when you accept it and when you do that you realize there's nothing that has power over me when I chose to truly die well and let go for resurrection the Divine Mother sparks not me into physical birth like like say Jesus on Christmas but sparks a spiritual birth in me Easter in some sense you could say is more powerful than Christmas Christmas is about birthing the Christ self but the Chris the Easter holiday is about dying and
resurrecting the Christ self the divine self one of them is all the hopes of what could be the other is I've gone through hell and I've come out alive that's the spiritual birth everybody could be birthed to some degree spiritually or or in Christ consciousness or you can have epiphanies or awakenings you can have that ended to some degree it can fade away again through poor choices the other means I've already gone through hell and I have come out the other side in a greater sense of light so Easter is a
rebirthing a powerful more integrated experience into divine consciousness and the reason we have a third part did I even mentioned and I'm only mentioning it now in passing is ascension because what it means is I was crucified this time I chose to come back to life they rising from the ashes the phoenix rising from the ashes rising from divorce rising from death rising from illness rising from financial losses I get it and I rise I come back to life but there's a third thing which is ascension which means not
only did I come back into my life with a new level of consciousness it became permanent and I am permanently taken to a higher level of consciousness I am that I am when I do that third stage I've ascended into new levels of consciousness I am for all intents and purposes at least in this little micro cosmic experience in my life I am an ascended master because I got it I didn't just get in theory I walked and applied it in hell and then I became so ones going through one is becoming and one is being and when we get that
ascension consciousness we're in that level of being and I am I'll call it an ascending master I'm still here apparently so okay let's see pinch yep still here so I'm still an ascending master ascended would feel different so call yourselves ascended masters ascending masters when you you deserve it pat yourself in the back of the I really did pretty well with that test own it breathe it in not everybody's going to appreciate it and say wow I saw that you really did well they're not gonna always get it but you better get
it and appreciate it live it shine that light and then without you realizing it you're gonna be taken to a new level of consciousness even beyond that one that your efforts can't control it's something that quickens from spirit in our hearts and boom were a new level of consciousness you're an ascending master make sense all right beneath all this you could simplify it again love and forgiveness but remember love and forgiveness for yourself and love and forgiveness for others I forgive others for what I
believe they did I forgive myself for judging those people and then I eventually realized wow in my divinity there's nothing left to forgive well somebody just barked at me yeah but I don't care I don't need to forgive them because I it didn't land I'm gonna forgive you for the breeze that just blew by but you know it's all it was you were shouting or yelling you're attacking you're nothing you know the the assemble ISM of Buddha becoming enlightened all these arrows come flying at them and they turn to rose petals in
one of the stories right rose petals well that's pretty cool isn't it Wow let's go try that try next time in the divorce settlement try next time you're being fired for reasons that you didn't contribute to like they said those petals those see if you're successful at that no it doesn't always go you go to a family reunion you know it's it's not gonna go over well it's still fun to do it you know it's you know you never know it's kind of fun to try but don't enjoy
it too much because then you'll have to forgive yourself so thank you guys for listening let's please take a moment of silence setting aside all the stuff of life all the stuff of the world things that involve curve concerns and worries and conflicts lack beliefs and limitation be aware of yourself sitting in this room seemingly quiet relaxed calm beginning of meditation
and I'll share part of a prayer the Hawaiian ho oponopono prayer and just imagine your heart and soul experiencing this allow to appear before you a person or persons that you've ever known that you need to do some healing with you don't have to decide who they are let them just appear surrender trust the Divine Mother to bring them to mind and if nobody comes to mind just imagine saying this from your heart and soul to all beings to you you're saying to them to you or to everyone I've ever known
for that matter if for any reason you have felt hurt or confused by me in any way intentionally or unintentionally please hear and absorb the following from my soul to yours I'm sorry please forgive me I knew not what I was doing the truth is I love you my soul the truth is my soul can only love and the you I see when I'm coming from my soul is only love so the truth is I love you thank you and hear that in your mind
picture all those people turning into sparkles of light and not people anymore not people with personalities differences behaviors just sparkles of light because when we truly love and forgive people and allow them to forgive us and we forgive ourselves everyone is light breathe all that light in let it empower you the love you've given them now comes back to you and it empowers you greater light and that greater light gives us the power to even go one step further and say the following to everyone who
ever feels that they have hurt or confused me in any way anyone that ever have believed intentionally or unintentionally that they hurt me in any way please hear and absorb these words from my soul to yours I love you I'm sorry that we experienced that sorry in the sense simply of it was unfortunate unnecessary in our divinity that's not how we treat each other you simply didn't know what you were doing because you were coming from a part of you that you thought existed but only God exists I love you
and I forgive you thank you see all such people turning to light it's who we all really are anyway I forgive others I forgive myself and now for the next minute I'm just going to focus on being in such a holy state that there's nothing to forgive I am the embodiment of holiness holiness means wholeness wholeness means oneness and in oneness there can be no division between one and another battling needing to forgive just basking in a tone of light just hear that feel that see that the bow is playing a different note on the
glass there's one of harmony peace compassion love love is here where there was a tomb rays of light come beaming from around the stone rolled in front of the door light beaming it's my divine self the stone rolls away or disappears where Jesus once said Lazarus come forth I and the divine in me speaks to my humaneness come forth come forth into a new self come forth into a new life rise come on get up you are not the death the divorce the loss the sickness you are not those things come forth out of death and disease of mind you are not addiction
step out and just watch yourself emerging from the tomb glorious being what marvelous thing to imagine Jesus coming out of a tomb on Easter that's me coming out of a tomb and he encourages me to see that it's not sacrilegious there is the Christ I am and breathe in that presence into your heart and soul be a new person in mind body and soul spiritually and personally my new self is light lighter alive awakened I am NOT determined by my skin color gender Genet genetics I am as God created me holy