Peace Versus Understanding
so today for our message um joy asked me a few minutes ago what are we going to talk about today and i'm like juggling the thoughts and and what comes out of my mouth to her so she can post it is peace versus understanding and and then she and the couple board members went what do you mean it doesn't make sense it's supposed to be peace and understanding no peace versus understanding because you will never understand anything well enough to have peace but if you have peace you'll understand everything
so the the the whole talk can be summarized as that okay just that's it always god first and in this case peace so we pray and we constantly say i'm just you know i'm praying the lord for understanding and god's like no what do you want me to give you understanding about well just tell me why somebody broke up with me you know and broke my heart why what you're wanting is not peace you want to wrap your head around why things happen which is not coming from god that request that's coming from the ego
mind and it will never be happy everybody in this room has had associations friendships etc of any level i mean it could be just colleagues or whatever people that ask things you answer them and they just keep asking and sometimes the question doesn't even change so so why did you leave me well i told you why i left they might say you know somebody might say um it's because whatever abc okay next day so why did you leave and over and over and over if there's no evolution in the question then that's a sign that you're getting
hooked into something unhealthy or you're hooking someone see so i've always seen that in human beings and i've always known i'm going to try to be careful not to ask too many questions not in a bad way i just mean that i want to know where they're coming from if something in me is willing to hear the answer then i'll ask a question if i know that part of me doesn't want to hear the answer i'm gonna have to be careful about asking you see what i mean what i mean by that peace which is of
god understanding is not of god understanding is of i want to understand something you've even had people say to you i just want to understand and you say well i already told you 10 times and you're still not understanding now you don't have to blame them you can say you know it's a funny thing i i just must be terrible at explaining things so and and sometimes you can even go so far although you probably wouldn't because it's too facetious but you might say i'm going to make a recording of it
and anytime you want to ask the question again just play the recording that way you have understanding and i have peace and quiet you know think about it do you think they would be okay with that no because they want to hook you into their not understanding you can be totally at peace jesus goes before pilate and others and they just ask and ask and ask and he answers and he did answer it's in the scriptures but he answered a lot more than what's in there but at some point he just went done no more answering how dare you not
answer i've already answered you and it's not good enough and that's basically the last thing he says now you and i if we want to think of ourselves as on the journey towards christ consciousness that means you and i have to do the same thing sometimes i've answered it's i'm done again if the questions are morphing i understand that you know medical issue and the doctor says a b and c is is is that for sure yes now he told you yes but you might say is there something i can do about it there's another question related but
it's a different question it's morphing it's growing because you want to understand but most of us wanting to understand things i it could be committee committees boards uh member meetings like we have a member meeting today in fact there there's sometimes there's just people that they're not going to understand but why is that do they lack intelligence guys they don't want to understand that's why so many philosophers and scientists religionists they'll say things like the the infamous
line well we may never know so you'll sit and watch on the stinking history channel two hours of searching for bigfoot and they never find him and you know what they say at the end we may never know then why didn't you say that at the start of the show so i wouldn't watch it they hook you in there is they don't want to know and if they did want to know they would say it's a fact bigfoot exists or ufos exist instead of playing into this this ambiguity religion doesn't actually want answers
they want to keep god a mystery now the only thing time something's a why don't they just hire sherlock holmes and bring him into the church and he'll answer all their questions because they have to keep god a mystery because they don't understand god here's why because religion is in cahoots with the unholy trinity of science religion and politics all right i'm on a roll huh i'm sorry man if if this is if this is too much man you know just go to sleep for a minute i'll be done but that unholy trinity and those feed
each other they don't want answers when someone some politician says something that's just not true it's you know they're never going to be guided to say the truth because they want to stay in this ambiguity religion well why does god do well it's a mystery how come you guys don't know now a mystic knows why because a mystic encourages connection with god then all of a sudden just go i know there have been people i mean psycho people who have had near-death experiences seen the other side they come back and
they go i get it now just an ounce of god will answer everything psychos can do that and yet so-called religious people don't do it they don't get it why don't they just say i know i know now i get it and therefore now that i get it now i understand if somebody's broken your heart you want to know why but it'll never be enough because your heart's broken and and women although not to say like stereotyping but generally speaking a woman often says her heart gets broken a man doesn't use that phrase that often
you know why because he doesn't realize his mind gets broken when a woman gets dumped her heart's broken because she's in the feeling of it it's like i this is not computing to my heart this is a complete shift a disturbing experience when the man does it he has everything figured out on how things are going to be when that changes his mind gets broken his mind gets broken and that's why a male more often will keep asking the questions because his mind is getting broken this isn't this doesn't make sense to me what do
you mean you're you're in love with someone else see and he's going to try to figure it out he's going to try to ask questions and to me it's reasonable because if i'm your partner and i've done something changing the relationship and you're hurting you know i'll answer forever if you want because to me that's called making amends if i've done something odd or broken our rules or agreements i i want to answer you now if the answering i can tell is the same exact question
then i can see that there's something off a little bit but if it's morphing to me it makes sense and i'll answer questions you know but in this world when a person says you know oh look there's a ufo science will say there must be a rational explanation why is their explanation rational when they have none you'll see these ships you know and there's like beings in the window going and they'll say it's swamp gas the first time i heard that i all i could do is laugh what is that what is swamp gas i mean
seriously or they use but it wasn't just me there were 3 000 people that saw it they waved you know and we saw there's photos and you know no no it's they'll say it's mass hysteria how come their answers aren't answers but they're the published ones they don't even have an answer and it's published we cannot confirm nor deny i mean those kinds of answers and we're sitting here and this is where humans are really messed up waiting for their answers waiting for them to validate it
you know there's just there's somebody in their living room as i speak you know watching some show reading a paper and staying in his head hear her head you know they just do that staying safely away from the eventuality someone's going to be on tv eventually and say we need to tell you there are other species out there and they are interacting now some of us are going to be like this is boring i've seen this show turn the channel because we know we're not waiting to understand why we look thought we saw a
ship and then thank god i thought i saw a ship but the next day in the paper they explained it it was just a reflection of the sun on a cloud well okay forget the landing gear that i saw but here here's a quick here is a quick funny there's a guy you know i've worked with a lot his name is greg braden now greg's a very dry kind of guy he's always in a black suit turtleneck you know he's you know he's laser pointer for his laser show you know for his slides very dry you know and um i don't see him laugh a lot his hair is
always hair sprayed perfectly i mean he's a cracker just straight genius and he's straight and and one time he's doing a talk and he said something it's like it was so beautiful it was so great and out of character he he said something about uh i think maybe somebody even asked a question but he said well you know i do get strange requests now and then he said i've had people come up to me and say greg we're channeling this information and we need to tell you to build like 30 by 30 50 by 50 cement landing pads
for ships that are coming soon now greg and his straight face the whole time and he just you know so the people are asking me to you know build this 50 by 50 cement landing pad and then with a straight face he goes and i i cannot i cannot by any stretch imagine how a ship can be traveling interdimensionally and need a concrete landing pad and i thought that was so so beautiful you know what i mean right interdimension portals wormhole you know all this and then we can't land can you quickly pour some cement so we can touch down like
come on man so that was brilliant stop needing answers to things in life now i'm asking us to do the impossible really it's as a human you're wired to try to figure it out and you're not figuring anything out what you're doing is called coping it's all you're doing it's called settling because when you when you get in your head and you say i want answers you've become a prosecutor like an attorney i want answers and i'm going to prove and i'm going to disprove it that's what you're doing you're going in
the inner courtroom in your head but sometimes when you get answers what you're looking for in the courtroom is called a settlement right undisclosed amounts a settlement but the word settlement comes from settling so you're still settling you don't have peace you're saying well i could go for peace or i could get what i want information to where my brain likes what it hears and if it doesn't it'll keep asking parenting until you get some answer that seems semi-related to something and you go
okay we may never know you know and you just conclude it like that i want my answers or i'm gonna throw it all out that's what they do when we can't answer things when we don't get the answers we want we just wash it all away and say we may never know so the religion in us the the politics in us the you know science in us they're not going to have an answer they're not going to bring you what we really want and you don't want understanding you think you do but that's when your ego's
talking all we really want is the peace of god watch what happens when you think of those words when you have peace there's this and now i understand or i don't i don't care because i feel full see the head is gonna go okay well put peace on hold until we're finished with the court hearing you know constantly prosecuting process defending defending you know on and on and on thinking it's going to bring us peace and it cannot and it's in every category of life you say you know hey listen i i've got this um
ache in my body and the ache is gonna make you think that it's your body that's the problem and not the soul and someone can say to you okay we checked it out and it's this and not this bad thing this really heavy oh thank god but where it feels like you got an answer that made you feel better oh i feel so much better now or now now when somebody says well i i left you i i hate you for leaving me well the reason i left is because i loved you so much and i'm i'm actually gonna die soon and i didn't want you to
have to go through that and now all of a sudden you're like oh well that's not so bad you know and because you heard something you like you've been bribed into forgiving them and that's not fair and it's not real i'm not saying we don't do it i'm saying it's how we constantly look for understanding and somebody tells you you have a lesser disease and you thought oh thank god until the next one when you have the peace of god none of it matters and they say you have the bad one
you have six months to live okay cool that would be your answer if you have peace the other one is wait wait a minute who gave it to me i want to know who to hate you know it's always some because the head looking for understanding and there's there's a proper understanding let me make that clear but the false versions of understanding that head that does that like i said it's the ego mind there is a proper form of understanding it only comes when you have peace first how do you know which one you're doing
the the spiritual understanding or the ego understanding how do you know which one you're doing well one is the feeling when i'm still leaning forward and furrowing my forehead and trying to figure things out you can tell the other one's like i'm okay with it there's this feeling people that are passing over there's all the anxiety about passing over and the resistance and all the stuff the body does they pass over a near-death experience they come back god it was so peaceful i didn't care about anything and i'm
looking going don't even resuscitate me i'm doing great you know and everybody else in the room is like claire you know everybody's stressing stressing and you're like just let it go i'm good it's different mindsets you and i can and we will inevitably experience total peace even on earth it's our destiny technically we're part of god as we know we're made in god's image so that means there's a part of us that's already tranquil and at peace constantly we just don't know that
that peace because it's almost like living in a parallel universe and in one universe peace we through flew through a veil into the world of illusion and it's anything but peace we asked what would life be like without god and it's that stress i need to understand tell me everything's okay tell me i'll be all right tell me i won't die and you know it's it doesn't bring you peace you think it does when they say everything's okay tess came out and i'm saying all you did was have a bargain
which is fine because i'm glad you feel better today i really am i would never tell a child who was anxious and now feels better that they're wrong for feeling better and i wouldn't tell you you're wrong for feeling better but i have to say there's temporarily feeling better and there's feeling the peace and presence of god they're totally different they're totally different one says i'll get the ultimate when i get enough of what i want the other says i have what i want don't
care about the other but i can have it but i'm okay without it understanding sure and there's a couple kinds of understanding the there's the ego based i'm going to get understanding to get peace there's the peace that gives you understanding peace that surpasses understanding you ever hear that phrase i have the peace that surpasses understanding great line that's called peace versus understanding when i'm doing a talk about it peace that surpasses understanding don't need it i feel good i'm alive i'm
clear but do you still gain any forms of understanding in other words is there any good forms yes when you have peace first and in my opinion when you have that that connection you get a form of understanding and it does involve the mind like the other one does but the other one's a manic mind an anxious mind trying to get something this one is sort of like i i'm already good but you still can get understanding and the understanding can be wisdom clarity on topics it can even be knowledge you can you can
download quantum physics when you have proper understanding peace can give you anything so there are people that have downloaded spontaneously downloaded profound information because something shifted in their mind and it came jesus didn't know what he knew because he studied academically he just said if i have god how could i not know that one plus one is two what could what information could be like not there when i have understanding everything else is chill everything else and that's why that's how i do what i do
but i mean on any topic now you might not feel it on every topic because you know maybe you're navigating and growing that under all of us that understanding but you can plug in not knowing how to be a healer and be a healer you can plug in and not knowing technicalities of life mechanical thing and it comes to you you can channel being a parent and you can be a single mom and channel also being a dad nothing limited nothing it can come to us and anything i mean i remember i remember uh family members when i was a kid they
were involved in things of the world and you know and union elections and things like that one time they brought me along i was probably in high school maybe mid middle of high school or something but i was you know probably 16 17 and i went along you know and and they're kind of hoping that they're guys going to win but unfortunately there's been this other guy in this office year after year after year after year and anytime anybody tries to run he'll make the union have the no work for them and they call it starving them
out so they'll punish you for trying to run against that one right so there's these games so everybody was like really trying to let's get rid of this guy once and for all so there's this election and i remember they said well the the first you know the first results are whatever their number was you know 300 to 250 and then like an hour later they came out it's uh 475 to 600 whatever and i go this is who's going to win immediately i knew because i could feel the the trend even though it was still
the morning and it wasn't anywhere close to the end it didn't matter i could feel something you can feel how to be a dad when you're not even a male you can feel how to be a mom you can feel how to listen to your kids when they're talking and not have that proverbial you know generation gap i never even understood stuff like that so when they when they go to jesus and say you know jesus wait hold on jesus is talking and then he starts getting to some cool stuff oh hold on jesus you're going to get to
the cool stuff let's make sure we have the women leave the room this is the culture at the time this is the custom wait wait wait you're getting the cool stuff ladies you'll have to leave now and it wasn't because they were talking about like sexy things they were he was talking about deep conversations not allowed women were not allowed to enter temples they had to stay in the foyer all right so he's you know they're saying let's let's ask and it was magdalen was one of them and that's in
the bible you know and they're asked you know to leave and jesus says why well because only men are supposed to be able to listen to these kinds of teachings he said then make her a man now what did he mean like let's give an instantaneous sex change operation you know what he meant just let's imagine that she is that thing whatever you think she needs just imagine it and it's so just in your minds accept that she's got that part that's you think is needed to hear this information you know isn't it amazing so what can
you be left out of what can we not accomplish you know and i just i just need to understand you know and i've seen and heard people you know say these things uh you know people saying to me of man calls you know a private session and you know my wife and this and that we're having challenges in our relationship and i'm just trying to understand i know you're not going to understand by human terms so what my job then would be to do is to channel universal language that will somehow enter their mind because this is a
bridge there's god's way of getting understanding there's humans but there's a third one leaking gods into the human one where they're not going after god peace first but there's still a way to get them partway there the right words coming from spirit through you and they'll like it's like it's all of a sudden it's like a multi-dimensional experience someone who's no i want to know and understand and you give them an answer and they go you see they're not committed to god or
anything like that per se but you brought god to them and that could be so miraculous they'll change forever you know they might still tend towards their head here and there now that's fine but something major shifted something shifted so multi-dimensionally so dramatically that in that moment they've got a piece of god you know and it's like wow you know just there's this i remember one time doing a session about 30 years ago and i was overseas this was australia and um the president of the board of
some center was where i stayed he put he put me up at his house with him and his wife her girlfriend or whatever she was and um i went and did my talk and we came home you know and they were sitting in the living room and i was milling about you know and putting my things away and he kind of said you know you seem to know a lot of things you know can i ask you a question sure and usually i'm i'm not this um let's call it rough or direct in a sense but you know i was like you know just doing my thing
and he just happened to catch me in a i'm doing something right now and you know can i ask you a question and you know i i really i really feel like i i have to be the president of this board again i want to do that renew my contract or whatever he was saying you know and and i just my wife here she's not wanting me to do that and i'm feeling and i mean all i did was a sentence i said well because of your insecurities about life you know you're wanting to compensate by being the bread and this sentence and he was just like
i swear it and i thought oh you know because you caught me on the fly so it came out a little more but it was true it was just boom a little much you know but true and fine and she just went well then and she looks at him you see i told you mate i told you my i told you there was something other issues at you know and and then i realized oh i just got pulled into a a thing one time these two ladies who were in a relationship with each other they they were my ride to the airport this is in canada and they're my ride to the airport and
they're driving and i'm just sitting in the backseat you know all of a sudden one of them turns around can i ask you a question sure she looks at her partner well and you know where that's going right i want to understand because she thinks such and such and i don't agree and you know and then here it comes but part of my answer to them and they kind of went whoa because i don't take sides i'm just going to tell the truth if it happens to fit this side or that side or both or neither i'm still just gonna say the truth but
you know i'm still loving and tactful about it but i'm gonna do that so i answered and they were like oh and it you could just tell they were their minds were blending more because that's that's real truth peace it bridges minds instead of splits them so part of the answer to them was sometimes when you're not sure what to do and you see a sign being calling you to do something that's uncomfortable just do it and the one saying oh my god i'm sorry you know honey i i didn't realize you know and
they got it so that was their answer or was it our answer so now i got on the plane and you're you know ladies and gentlemen seatbelt we're sitting there i crack open a book i'm just kind of browsing or whatever it is and then you know we start taking up as we're ascending there's a commotion a few rows up and i have headphones on as usual which you're not supposed to wear at that point but i always put them on so i'm in music and reading just settling in for a long flight and i think i was heading for florida
from canada at the time so it was a long flight so i'm settling in and i'm on the isle which i usually didn't sit in but i'm on the aisle now i can sense you know like there's a commotion even though i'm here something i call it my spider senses you know our spider senses so i can feel something so i'm like what's going on and i look and there's somebody choking on something and people are like and the flight attendants are they're supposed to stay in their seats and everybody's not sure looking around what
are we going to do i unbuckled got out of the rope walked up a couple rows took the person pulled their head back dug something out of their throat made them cough and then i went sat down and i mean and then i could feel something and i look up and people are like you know what the heck was that you know looking quite you know kind of are they they're scared of me or you know it was kind of funny and i'm like oh you know i laughed with them oh that was weird wasn't it but if i hadn't had that conversation in
the car it might not have entered my mind or been as raw or present for me to hear something's happening you've got to act i mean i don't have any experience in that you know i didn't go to you know throat digging obstacle classes 101 you know obstructions you know clearing the throat obstructions you know i never did so if you would have asked the human one i would have been nervous but i wasn't i was in another i gotta go and we're all meant to live that way something's needing done
let's just do it and you know people will say to me well you know but but do you stop do you take a break we all take breaks here and there but to me when the day is done i'll sit down and rest if i need to rest or whatever but in in between i just feel we can all learn to say how can i be helpful today now that doesn't mean be on hyper alert and be a rescuer i'm just saying there's there's a another dimension that it's still right here but not seen all dimensions are right here and not
seen then how do you get to them your mind has to be in the dimension you want to go to so for example if you want to access fifth dimensional consciousness which has so much to do with love and oneness then you have to shift to that consciousness you can't you can't take an herb to get you there oh i know some that i do yeah man i do this one and that one you know desert this and that and frog you know you know lick the skin of a frog and you start tripping out you didn't go to the fifth dimension if
you aren't in a state of love you don't go to the love dimension you just went into the astral world and there's all kinds of freaky beings in the astral world some of them are your relatives that didn't move any further some of them are mischievous beings and some are nice normal like you are passing over to the other side we pass through the fourth dimension onto other dimensions but seriously it's peace is peace and understanding is understanding understanding still involves thinking we even say i think i understand you
understand what i'm saying i'm just kidding okay so so at the end of the day our real self does know this truth but the real self is constantly battling that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so next time you feel like you're struggling to understand something it's not easy to just erase that it's it's not it's not easy i remember one time doing a card reading for myself and i pulled something and i went i didn't like that card at all so i sat there trying to think it into a better meaning
and no wait prayer peace it's all right let me just look again you know and it's what we do because underneath the thing called the quest for understanding is one thing it's called fear the only reason you want to know why they left is because you're afraid you're inadequate and they left you because of you how come we don't just go well apparently you know they're having some sort of a whatever a meltdown or an epiphany or whatever it is and just let them be we don't know that what we live on is fear that's why you
you want to know the diagnosis and when you hear what you want to hear okay that's that's okay then make sense your head but it's because of fear i'm afraid i'm going to be sick so i want an answer tell me what i want to hear and that's just cheating life and you can't cheat life it's going to happen you'll get sick in some form you'll die in some form well i want to know why and i want to know when people that that i remember there was a guy back in the 70s who was a wealthy man and he was
putting money out there he offered a million dollars to anybody that could confirm prove to him that they could tell him who he would be in his next life so he could leave his money to himself swear to god swear to god sort of good is that like the weirdest form of insurance you ever heard of like i i that's bottom line i want to be in control and we all know people and have sometimes ourselves been i want to be in control but you're not getting the root why do you want to be in control because you're afraid
whether the fear is inadequacy it's a fear of mortality it's a it's still fear so when you're needing answers and needing to control something very sorry for you that's how we should say and think to each other when you see somebody doing that feel for them because the only reason they could be doing it is because they're that scared about their inadequacy or they're i want to be heard and i've talked about that before i want to be i need it's not i need to be heard why because it makes me feel like i'm valued
you're already valued how could you not be valued well my daddy never made me feel valued was so what he was wrong but also my my first second third fourth fifth and sixth partners also didn't make me feel valued you know what you need to do stop dating them stop marrying those people find some value and then somebody will match you at your new value stop dating when you're still in the low value so that that concept its ego and it's fear-based and the ego will keep you in that direction because it lives while you're in that direction
of mind as long as you're afraid you'll have an ego when you start saying you know what wait wait no clear my head peace peace i am entitled and you are entitled to peace human entitlement is is just disgusting kind of behavior it's basically just ego based you are entitled to divinity that's true entitlement you are entitled to peace you are entitled to knowing your real self you're entitled to forgiving and being forgiven for anything you have ever judged yourself or others for those are the entitlements goodness is
the only thing you really want to be entitled for not value from others i'm entitled to my money so i'm going to leave it to myself it doesn't make sense well it's mine wait till you get to the other side you'll understand a little more and then you're going to be like oh i can't believe i fell for that i was going for my understanding i get to the other side and they show you you get a little bit more it's not like you become enlightened because you're dead but you get a bit more of a bird's eye
view and you go oh geez my whole lesson was attachment to money and here i'm trying to leave now i left it i found a hindu astrologer who told me who i was going to come back as so i and because there is some of that so i left my money to myself and now i'm on the other side realizing that was my lesson so now my next life is going to be a curse because i didn't get it you know so now i'm going to come back wealthy wouldn't you know just my luck you know see what i'm saying it's like
you were supposed to break that spell so to peace what can i do to help with peace today ask that a client a a child your own partner when people are acting up try to think in terms of how can i help you find peace today and those are blessed are the peacemakers right it's not blessed are the understanding establishers blessed are the peacemakers oh thank god how can i bring peace today i saw a thing happen yesterday that was interesting um judy was having one of her estate cells and we were there and and something happened where a lady
bumped up against something a piece of art that was on the wall and it fell and i i kind of heard it and saw whoa you know it wasn't heavy but maybe like five pounds but boom and it fell okay fine but that lady was like oh my god i'm so sorry so sorry so i saw it blessed are the peacemakers i walked over and said it's okay you know it's not a big deal it's just it was an accident and then there's this other lady who when it fell it kind of like barely like just barely brushed her and she was i didn't like the what who
did that why did you guys here it comes the i want to understand why did you guys do and and and she goes you know and and i said oh you know yeah you okay no i'm not okay she goes and that that hurt it it didn't land on her that hurt and i go oh i'm very sorry she goes you don't sound sorry what does that mean i wasn't like sorry i mean i said i said i'm very sorry how could i not sound sorry because your brain doesn't want to believe it you don't want to hear sorry you don't
want to believe it you want to stay on the attack and at the same time the other gal scared so i'm really sorry and when i'm telling this one it's okay because she's oh i'm so sorry i and i'm trying to comfort her even if i was a stranger in this building i would have done exactly the same thing it's okay but the more i was also comforting that one no come over here and comfort me and tell me you're sorry but i was telling this one it's okay it's not okay she should have watched where she was
going okay it's just trying to gain understanding this always happens you know we have butterflies and birds and whatever outside the windows and they come up in such opportune moments you know one time i think it was my first year here when i was talking believe it or not there were strange lights out there ships and there were people like and i'm going i know this is amazing isn't it you know this was an evening talk and they're going you know they're pointing at the window and i go the ships right you know
because i'm used to these things you know but they're like yeah look i mean you know it was really cool but it is what it is so please remember when you when you see someone doesn't want it's not enough that's the key phrase it's never enough be careful because you are being hooked now it's called damned if you do and damned if you don't sorry not good enough you didn't say it properly i'm sorry ma'am don't call me ma'am i'm you know i've seen people get offended when people say
yes ma'am you know what you make me feel old i saw that in a store once you know it's like some lady you know how dare you call me ma'am you know that makes me like i'm old it's like oh sir what do you want to say i mean you know what are you going to say they don't want to hear because they're not at peace they're afraid forgive them they know not what they do but forgive them they know not what they do doesn't mean you're supposed to sign up to be abused and that's why sometimes when i've dealt
with individuals i sometimes say all right whatever it is they're asking okay i'm going to say it one more time let's pretend it's an apology sorry about that but i will sometimes if pushed that far i'll repeat it one more time i'll say that because i'm making it clear this is odd and i'm out of here the ejector you know this conversation it's done this last time i'm going to answer this question see so set your boundaries for yourselves be careful not to be hooked into the
you know endless loop of no win situations if it's a no win that's the that's not just a little off that's the opposite of god's intention the holy spirit is the ultimate embodiment of what's called win-win scenarios it doesn't mean not every it doesn't mean everybody accepts that it's win-win sometimes it's win and semi wins because some people want to stay upset but it was intended as a win-win the ego once lose lose nobody happy nobody at peace and that's where you end up if you get
hooked let's take a few centering breaths please centering quieting the mind and one constructive way to deal with the mind part right now think back for half a minute that anything you heard that worked for you today or made sense today and then just soak it in as yours not a lecture you heard just soak it in this is me it makes sense i believe this and own it as yourself so you heard it talk but now you're self-talking in a healthy way and owning the shift owning the experience there's nobody else in the room and
nobody at a podium talking you're just having your own experience epiphany and this is good understanding and then take a moment to feel peace inside of what you're experiencing whether it was you you heard something you really needed for yourself or whether you heard things that were just major epiphanies things that just made sense whatever it is underneath it try to imagine a feeling of peace kind of like this really made sense this this really made sense
this talk that's now a part of me because i chose to integrate parts let other parts go that you don't like then that's one level of peace a healthy form of peace try to feel that not think it this decompression then let's imagine that a light beaming from heaven itself beams down onto you and through you and gives you another level of peace at least let's say a hundred times what you were already imagining because that's within the mind's possibility even though it's a lot hundred times
it could technically be said to be a trillion but just start with a hundred i have peace a hundred times more than i did from this talk experience today that light becomes a symbol that this is supernatural light peace head to toe front to back side to side just total tranquility it's invincible no fear can tear into it nothing impenetrable peace and then bring up just one example of where you did the opposite obsessing to understand something to figure something out to wrap your mind around it
why did they leave why did that person die why did my child go off to war how did this person become president whatever's on your mind just notice it and i'm talking to any president any politician how why betrayals and look at the feeling difference and try to look at this from your peaceful place don't go dwelling into it look at it objectively and realize that's insanity that's so not me in my true self why did i think their their answer was gonna bring me anything why did i need to be heard why did i
need to push for something what was i thinking and that's the key thinking none of this could have helped me this what i'm feeling now this piece that's what i was looking for all along see the contrast and choose back to peace not because i'm asking you to try to see that it makes sense to go to peace rather than thinking understanding one comes from the outside one is on the inside so we're only calling on something that's organic it's real it's in us as us take a moment to close and just simply
giving thanks just clarity in your mind just giving thanks and giving thanks is an attitude like i got it i got it it's god in me i got it this peace forever and so it is thank you guys um rebecca was asking me if there's any dvd sets in case you folks are interested the one called uh spirituality volume four all the dvd sets have four talks this one's got karma contracts prosperity and abundance careful what you ask for and forgiveness versus judgment so if you're interested um spirituality volume four would be the
closest set to something along these lines all right we're going to do our collection please don't come out of peace to do the collection try to take it with you into all things you do try to get the piece to last as many minutes or hours or even days as possible okay it's very easy to come out of that because we're in this world that's not designed peacefully all right so our collections be as generous as you can be and folks online as well while they're getting ready for that it'll only take a minute actually go
ahead and come on up if you don't know the prosperity blessing it's posted online but it's also on your brochures all right the prosperity blessing divine love flowing through me blesses and multiplies all that i am all that i have all that i give and all that i receive and so it is thank you so while they're passing the baskets it'll only take them a minute to do so um and i want to thank you know all of our ushers the welcoming at the door and the helping with collection and you know just all the things they do
it's really really a great crew of people our lead chaplain jeff is in charge of that the usher program as well so it's really really stellar while they're passing those around i want to just say one or two things if you're from out of town or if you're coming into town or live locally remember the round room over there our healing room has the crystal bed in case you'd like to receive any you know ramping up the immunity and health and heal it's a pretty phenomenal experience so check
that out and you book those in the bookstore if you want to have a session and i also want to thank online um there's a a person online that that you know we get donations from people that's how we survive obviously um three-dimensionally speaking and so we get donations from you folks and then we get online as well and one one of our long-distance people um made a donation you know and it was a nice amount it was real very generous of them but what they did is these people you know any donations are great
these folks what they do is they have a lot of stocks so they actually donate in the form of stocks so they transfer stocks into an account for us so there's all kinds of ways you can be supportive always remember prayer of love and support for everything we do that's that's the stellar spiritual part of it okay then the material part is welcome as well so thank you all right so they're done with the donation baskets we're going to do our closing prayer because we have a meeting coming up shortly we'll we'll
skip on a song for closing but we'll do our closing prayer please stand though oh so great our opening song good good father that was really beautiful to set the tone right somebody's on fire somebody's alarmed so thank you all right so just tuning in tuning into gratitude turning tuning into peace such gratitude of appreciation it's i chose to be here and hear this today online or here in person i chose everything's a choice i could have been distracted i could have been doing something else
i'm plugging in to god and that's a really good thing and i'm also here amongst other people all around the world not everybody and everything does that in this world i'm part of something that's global and spiritual and it's consistent day after day and week after week i must have done well chosen well and it's not arrogant to thank ourselves for good choices that's the holy spirit of god within us the light of god surrounds us the love of god unfolds us the power of god protects us
and the presence of god watches over us wherever we are god is i am we are and so it is all right guys blessings to you all we'll see you