Overcoming Our Addiction to Fear and Anxiety
So, to begin with, even the very idea that we can be addicted to fear and anxiety, people are like. "Wait a minute, no, no, we might be addicted to drugs that help us cope with, seem to help us cope with, fear and anxiety," but they don't realize for an anxiety is actually something people are addicted to.
Now the mainstream world of psychotherapy and such, maybe medical science as well, but the mainstream world is gonna say the progression or genesis of this is gonna be, a person has some sort of trauma in their life, most often attributed to something in childhood, but not necessarily childhood or not exclusively childhood, but they'll say There are some traumatic event that has affected you and whether it was literal trauma or perceived as trauma, it then caused you to have an ongoing programmed response.
That's kind of true, but yet it's kind of not true, what they don't understand that there's life before childhood. We come in with these things, lifetimes, but even for those who don't believe in such a thing, let's just say it another way. It's almost like the old Catholic Christian concept, of born with original sin.
So let's go that for a sec. We are divine beings. There's just no getting around that, we thank God we are divine beings made in God's image. However, something has shifted since that moment. Now in reality, you can't shift what God is created, but what seems to have happened is that we have been sort of tricked into experiencing a world that doesn't exist or a world that is not the one God created.
So, in some weird kind of a way you could also say if we wanna play with the word like almost like conspiracy but I don't mean it in any way to get your heart racing 'cause that would be counter-productive. Today's talk right to today's talk. There's almost like a hypnosis. Everybody's gone or was given a hip, not a trance.
And so the world lives under this hypnotic trance believing that we are something that we're not... That we are somewhere that we are not experiencing things that we are not and so on, and so on. So again, we're divine beings and that's just so, so cool. Let's remember that because some of your cure for anxiety and fear, panic attacks, included, is to remember who we really are.
Breathe in the... I am on the NHL and at peace on the exhale. See, now if I just go, I am at ease. I am at peace, but I stay anxious. It's not gonna help, but at least saying the words does help feeling the words takes it to a whole new level. So you say it, you pace yourself you basically get your parasympathetic nervous system to override your sympathetic nervous system.
And in a way, we need all these systems while we're here, on Earth these seeming bodily systems to function, we've got our central nervous system and so on. But we've got our sympathetic nervous system and it says, "Well I need to be here in case you need something and we're gonna jump left jump right we're gonna do something.
But the para-sympathetic is like the counter to that. I think some people have taught that Paris sympathetic means simply like to run alongside sympathetic, that's not what it means. Para you could say is better defined as beyond which is a cool definition because Paris sympathetic would mean it's not just sympathetic nervous-ism, it is like beyond it's para-sympathetic.
There was once a scientist named Celsus and eventually some time after him a metaphysical scientist. Physician and such comes along, and he says... So I'm not just Celsus I am Paracelsus meaning I'm beyond. It was actually his father. That said, "you're gonna be beyond Celia. Sympathetic beyond meaning almost like it's your...
Not your physical system but your metaphysical system. And that's cool because it's your parasympathetic system that you can use to. I interact, whatever the world is trying to do to you, whatever your fears and anxieties are trying to do. So keep that in my... Not that you need to memorize all that or that you even need to know that it's person, it just enough to know I have a choice.
I am relaxed I am at peace or something along those lines. It's just a beautiful exercise in free will. So this world tells us that there's a problem we come in, we're ultimately made in God's image, but we come into this world and whether it's cumulative of past lives or whether it's childhood trauma at some point, something happens, and then that's where science can tell you or Psychology could tell you...
Well, you're now going to be may be living some of the effects of that. It's programmed in your, the captors brain nervous system, whatever, and now you just have this automatic response and that's true, but not true. It's true, but it's missing something somewhere between our wholeness, innocence, healthiest non-stress, fear, anxious self.
Somewhere beyond that. Before that happened, we had trauma, but before we had trauma, we birth an ego meaning of false self. Religion would call it the devil, but it's the ego. And yeah, the double made me do it. Concept. We're not using that in the blame context, but what happens is, the ego wants you to believe that you are less that we are less than God created us to be.
It tricks us into believing that that's the metaphor of the Garden of Eden where the devil Satan is on the tree, and tricks. Eve we are Eve we're at a meet UT. In this case, we're Eve, we are this Receptive, open, innocent being and this conniving being comes into the picture, convinces us that we are less than whole and you could say, "Well God, why we listen to such a thing we do it every stinking day, you walk through checkout stands and there's a magazine, telling you there's ten of something that you don't
have three of this that you should have if you're not gonna be happy if you don't do these five things, you'll never be healthy if you don't eat these three things. I mean it sells and you don't even have to see the magazine cover this stuff. Is there constantly programming? Believe it or not, like if you do, if you ever did it.
But in hypnotherapy, they've done complex experiments where you can walk through a check-out stand, you walk out of the store, they can say. Okay, now let's do a test. What things did you see in the check-out stand. Well, I saw this one lady in front of me she was wearing a blue sweater. Okay, you remember anything else? Color, hair, vaguely remember that, and the checker was a male, and my bill was around 23, but I don't remember exactly.
Okay, that's it, that's it. They put you under hypnosis, and all of a sudden you go... Let's see, the check-out stand. There were five magazines on the rack and they were... These topics, these headings, and so on. It's like you actually are seeing, or better worded absorbing more than you imagine that you're absorbing and most of it is garbage.
And I know everybody's gotta make a living, everybody's got a right to do what they want, whatever their candy bars on the rack, the cigarettes on the rack. I don't know if they do that anymore. I remember there's a kid, but you have these things, and you're absorbing that it's called: Stimulus and we are addicted to stimulus because in a sense picture this, guys, and I hope this doesn't all sound too gloomy but in a sense, we we forgot our divinity.
And that doesn't feel really good. So we automatically start to crash energetically historically, we start to crash. It's like Let's pretend it only happened one time, we started at noon today or whatever, and we were birthed given consciousness and by one o'clock, there's this barrage of lies that tell us that we're not beautiful.
That were not whole that we're not truly innocent we're flawed, people are out to get us, because we're flawed which means we're vulnerable. Vulnerable to what? You know people that can get you really where are they? Well, this gets really freaky. So hang in there with me, as soon as you have this.
Wait a minute, there are people out to get me, which is based on my feeling flawed. If I'm a god, goddess, who's gonna get me first. You have to fill or identify with the belief that you're flawed which means you bit the apple in the garden. You're believing a lie, that it is not true, but you're believing it.
So that tree of knowledge is actually a tree of lies, and we bit from it. So what the story tells us. So, okay now, I was born at noon manifesto created at noon. Before long I turned on a TV and it told me something I could not even turn on a T-T, I could just look outside and I see a spider catches a butterfly and it's killing it.
Oh my gosh, what's that death? I think that Buddhas, family tried to keep him from seeing... But you can't because the world is here, trying to seduce and stimulate and or a combination of the two seduce or stimulator or combination. So all of a sudden, I'm going, Wow, something's wrong, I'm starting to feel something's off.
What is this? And all of a sudden this darkness overtakes kind of reminds me of the movie "What Dreams May Come" where there is a scene where the man goes into hell to find the soul of his wife, so he can bring her back. He thinks he can bring her back with love. But the warning is if you're there too long, you'll start to believe the vibration of where you are and you'll be lost.
And that's what happens in the movie they use they use color and they use lighting and they use sound to really emphasize it. There he is one minute talking loving her and all of a sudden she starts shifting or whatever, but he starts going into darkness, and you just see it, you see in his face, you hear it, you feel it, it's like that we were okay and all of a sudden done...
We're gone. Something's happened, and this is in consciousness, but whatever gets programmed in consciousness also then is in our soul and then it's in our mind it's in our mind, it's in our brain because the mind will the consciousness will programme the brain once we reach a body, the brain is going to then send that through the system.
As programs. Here are our realities. The brain's gonna SEM basically a store house, and in the meantime, the receptors on the skin are gonna be doing the same thing. Gathering more information saying receptor, the brain, we verified "There's enemy to the left, to the right, to the front to the back, there's enemy everywhere, so it's true.
I should be afraid now it gets really interesting because the ego is like a really gross business that loves to win, either way, like a stock market or like war. Now, they will find a way to win no matter what's happening. Good, the really good version of the disgusting versions of things you think, or you can't win.
It's a business. So they're gonna find ways to win and stock markets, even worse because if they are the people that really run it behind the scenes, which is a metaphor of the ego, because if the stock market crashes average people and wealthy people too are gonna lose money, but there's people that are wealthier than the wealthy and there are always making money, they're always profiting off of everyone's losses and gains you gain, they win, you lose they want...
But it's just kind of bizarre. Well, the ego does that with chemistry, it's going to make sure you lose. No matter what. So, you incarnate black or white, it's gonna win. Yeah, it's gonna just win no matter what you're gonna lose, but it's gonna win you black manifest you incarnate.
Male or female, it doesn't matter, it's gonna win, you're the predator or the victim, it's gonna win because everyone else loses. So as long as the ego can be certain that you lose it wins. You say, chemically speaking, it does the same thing. So again, going back over this, the ego comes to existent tricks us into believing we're flat, then tells us You need to watch out as soon as there's watch out, you start to feel fear.
Now what am I gonna do well? I don't like feeling fear all the time, so I need to, I'm gonna feel two feelings I once I'm convinced that I'm flawed, I'm gonna either need stimulated or sedated. And of course, a combination of those most human means that's clearly a combination, but we might certainly lean towards one or another.
So if I see it's unconsciously, but what's worse it becomes conscious, unconsciously, I'm depressed because I feel separate from love from God, from God, from myself and from others. Feel separate, and so I feel depressed when I eat a little bit of a stimulant and or I feel scared, which it makes me feel anxious the opposite of depressed if I'm manic I'm up, but in an unhealthy way, so I feel hyper-stimulated or I feel overly sedated.
And what is this doing to my glance, wears it wears because I got that. If I've got that. Stimulus my adrenaline running, I've got now all kinds of things happening in my system cortisol, which is just killing me, creating acidity in my glands and my blood, so I'm not bathing in acid because I'm anxious, but I'm anxious a doctor is gonna say, or someone is gonna say, you're anxious because you had this terrible event happened, someone tried to steal your car, once with you in it, and you had this trauma, so now you have post-trauma,
so you'll have panic attacks and so on it's own, it's normal. Take this, take this drug. So what happened is, I'm feeling anxious. So, you're gonna sedate me. But the egos got all this figured out. It's already making it a knows that you feel separate from your divinity, and therefore you are anxious or depressed, about that.
So it's going to set you up with a sort of a Chemistry lab in your system, and it'll say, "How are we doing today? And you go, "You know, I'm getting so unconsciously, speaking, I'm getting so depressed. That I'm starting to just think Something's wrong with this picture, I gotta try something, I'm gonna go see a therapist or I'm gonna do some work on this and then it'll give you some false stimulant to make sure you don't feel quite badly enough to go and heal yourself
or get help so it'll mess with this game of ups and downs, but what's worse is we are getting a chemical fix, we are getting addicted. Because once I believe I'm separate from God and I start to feel anxious. Remember there's part of me that also have depression and so on inside on all unconscious usually unconscious, but all of a sudden it hits the conscious level too.
So now I'm really getting far off, and then I start hopefully reaching out for some help, but most people won't most people don't, they'll just get a drink, they'll just get a drug they'll get a sex addiction, a relationship addiction, whatever even eating. You know the old saying, "You know, I'm kind of depressed, I'm gonna have some ice cream I feel better when I...
Somebody broke up with me, and I'm gonna go have some ice cream. The ice cream. Is it actually curing your relationship patterns? Let's be honest, right, what is happening? I'm actually having a drug experience I need to give my body something that makes it think I don't feel so bad and all that does if any of you watch TV and you see ads for commercials for whatever anti-depressants or any kind of drug.
It has the big speech about the side effects. Well, that in itself tells you, even if you do ice cream, there's gonna be side effects because you're having a drug, it's not a drug maid per se in a lab that's dish out pharmaceutical-ly, but it's not far off from that. Somebody did make that.
They do want to stimulate your sedate you with it. And they know that. I mean, just like, all the story about foods, how they pump up so many fast foods, with sugars because it's addictive, they put things in cigarettes to purposefully addict, people to it. I mean, you couldn't get more disgusting in your cover and over-behaviors hooking people like that.
But it is this world. But I'm saying, it's not all based on traumas, it's based on our belief systems, of who we are. So then it gets really weird because my beliefs are downloaded from my soul to my mind, mine to my brain, but also from my soul to my mind, in my mind, into my shockers or spiritual centers and then into my glands.
Not only will I have neurotransmitters firing being sent? I will have also hormones from the glance going into my system. Well, they're just gonna do whatever. I'm just a victim of whatever they do. Now, our beliefs about ourselves determine what chemistry neurotransmitters and hormones are released into our body dopamine even the whole concept all doped up that this relaxes you, it kinda helps you chill, you know? No, it all has effects that nobody understands they think they understand it, no sooner do
they understand it ten years later, they're gonna change their perception of it because they were not right in the first place. None of these chemistries that come from ego, are going to be good. None of them. Well, I need a little of that for now, but it's great but it's gonna have side effects, and I'm not saying don't take an aspirin when you have a headache.
I'm not giving you a speech about doing and don't doing things on that level. All I'm saying is, there's a chemistry in us that is a manifestation of our psychology and our psychology is a manifest manifestation of our spirituality, so our soul experience. I'm separate, I'm not separate, that's gonna determine what happens in my body right now.
And we think things happen and then our body reacts now believe it or not in your body once the chemistry is set up today, I feel separate still. And I fell a little anxious about that, believe it or not, my belief that I am separate that resulted in a certain level, subtle level of anxiety in my system.
As soon as that happens, I become predisposed to events coming up in my day, that create an anxious response and I'll go God, I feel anxious because this is happening. You already felt anxious and the chemicals in your system actually attracted the events that resonated with something that causes anxiety.
We actually do create... You could call it law of attraction, but just not in the lane sell you something kind of a hype. This is a spiritual thing. I don't speak about love attraction in the form of, I'm going to use my mind to make things happen in my life. All that is, is spiritual arrogance. Okay, it's just silly, and it's a good sales pitch so do what you want with it.
But it's focused on another note, the real version of low attraction is that my soul just because I say I want this and I want to create that that only helps us manifest things still coming from our ego. You wanna really come from the right place. You have to get aligned with something different. If I create from myself, my personal self, I'm very much potentially still coming from my ego.
So would you like the law of a track? They should call it the law of attraction on how to create from your ego, that's what you would be doing. It's the ego's law of attraction, but there's also a spiritual law of attraction, you can't have a spiritual law of attraction, if you don't have spirit involved with The attraction.
If you're just trying to create your new partner, your soul mate, or a nice night on the town, anything you're trying to create. I wanna create a new car, a new job. If it's still you, you're the one who got yourself into the mess. So why would you rely on you to create something better just 'cause it's a cooler, a little law that you heard about.
No, no. God, God is the thing to attract from a line with God, co-create from God with God. Then you are attracting healthy. So there's a lot of attraction with a capital A law of attraction, lower case A, anything that doesn't have God involved, with the law of attraction with the actual concept or the technique.
And I mean, God, the creator, not the... Well, I am God, crap, you know I mean the real thing. So if you have God involved, yes, congratulations. Capital A. You're practicing the law of attraction. That was just in a side. Alright, now back to the point which is still related. My consciousness, my beliefs of weather, I'm connected or not to spirit will determine my day, and it actually happens chemically, so I technically not only create because I feel afraid, see if I have trauma if I feel separate and then it creates trauma, in my
life I might become maybe what they call a victim now I actually have the chemistry of a victim. The bummer is, people around me can sense it. They can actually smell it, feel it. And they know who to take advantage of, "what do I have an all my forehead for loser. I just keep attracting these things.
People keep taking advantage. Or a V for victim. Yeah, yeah you kind of do. It's in your chemistry. But adding to that my choices to not heal mean that I'm also choosing to stay in that particular program. So one of the ways to fix this, to heal, this is healing. You have to turn this to round you have to say, first of all, there's a problem.
Not... I wish people didn't treat me like this. It's Wait a minute I play a part and I'm going to go ahead and retire myself from that. How you're gonna try a lot of different ways, you're gonna find yourself on the hamster wheel of attempting to fix these kinds of things and it goes around and around and it just doesn't get anywhere.
So how am I going to see one of the scariest or weirdest things is, how am I going to heal my patterns of victim or anxiety or fear? You cannot, if you don't realize you're actually addicted to it. I'm not addicted I'm a victim. Will. You're addicted to that too. How dare you? People have hurt me, I'm not addicted.
I know, I know, I'm not blaming you, I'm saying that the experience, this is in a sense, you could say "Medical Science it's a para-biology, which is that your receptors allow certain things in and reject certain things. What it's accepting energetically and chemically are things that relate to your past patterns.
It really doesn't want too much going on in by way of foreign substances, so it allows in what is familiar and if you've been a victim or you've been in a role of anxieties and fears it's used to that. So it actually allows more of it in which then feeds our system with that. So even when I don't know it, I'm being given subtle doses of fear and anxiety.
Okay, now, what's that doing to my system keeps constant adrenaline cortisol acidity running into my system, I can go out and eat the finest alkaline foods or raw vegetables or salads or whatever. Those are alkaline based on their ash content in the system of the blood stream. After you digest it, it doesn't matter, it turns to ask it because you've got this, it's like having in a computer where you have certain programs running in the background, it's called You might seem to be doing just fine right now, but there's this thing running in the
background. Fear and anxiety and you don't realize it, but your body is absorbing it from god knows what, if you were brought up with A, you never know when something could go wrong. I never know when some bacon go around a program. I got this, I never know. You just go with it like a robot, just program, I never know.
And something can go wrong and your system goes... Oh crap, to that. We better keep the Cortes El go, we better keep the adrenaline going, we better keep your system up. You're sympathetic nervous is, you never know 'cause that's your program. The parasympathetic means you know, "I don't like this, there's something wrong with this picture, I'm gonna call it, I'm gonna say, "Hey wait, it, somebody's lying to me.
There is a world there is a dimension. Where there is no attack there's no need to be afraid. And so on, now I have to say real quick. That's not the world we're used to seeing. And you could definitely come across looking like you're in denial to walk around going. Gosh, even though everything is falling apart and look, there's a tree about to fall on me, but there's some dimension where everything's just...
Okay, so all just stay right here. Oh, you know it's not gonna work. I have to admit it. You know this world will keep trying to force you into its hypnotic program. That's why we're told we need to learn to be in the world but not over the world. That's why we're told Jesus says be as gentle as doves which means be nice, be cool, chill but as wise, serpents, means know the game know that you're being lied to.
But don't you don't have to go and get on a soap box and scream at everybody, you don't have to walk in to work tomorrow. We're all being lied to, you know, don't have to go and wrestle your doctors to the ground and tell them, "You know, you didn't tell me this, or your psychotherapist.
Neat, do any of that be as gentle as dogs, but wake up inside inside start to recognize what really is going on. And the good news is if you really do understand what I'm saying you wouldn't go out and shake anybody up for it because you realize that would be reacting to the LIE, which would be a little insane, for me to react to something that isn't true.
That's a definition of insanity. So, no, I'd rather be saying... So I can say "Forgive them, they know not what they do, the people that try to do this but it isn't just the people, the cells of my body, are also part of this conspiracy. They're doing what they're told they're reacting.
My beliefs that I'm flawed, makes my own chemistry determined that it needs to be afraid. So it's an inside job. This healing. And if I may, whenever you feel something like that, let's say your pattern is anxiety or fear or whatever, even if it's a habit, an addiction, you have anything that seems to be pulling you off center.
Try to remember to just do the following. Start with, Okay, first Wow, it's happening, again, you know a couple of deep breaths and what's really nice one hand on your heart, one on your tummy, the lower Tommy and it's kind of like battery cables. I always think of it as that, to plug in, but not anxiously but just plug in to God to peace, to self inside.
So I handed my lower tell me in one of my heart and whatever may be happening. Oh my God, so and so called just now, and I see I'm getting anxious again. Oh my God, the bank called night that I'm always struggling with my account here comes my anxiety. Or it could just be whatever else like it could be an addiction.
God, I'm feeling that craving for such and such. Again, there's a song by the way, I got a segue there's a song by sticks. You remember the Band sticks and it's why me. It's a great tune, but look up the lyrics because it's like he says, "You know, there's this world and it isn't it funny how some days you think everything's kind of going Okay but before you know it, something's come to get you.
And he says You know and where do you go, what do you do? You got bills to pay. And he, he starts by saying we're all struggling with these anxieties and here comes. Anxiety is one of the lines or "Oh my god, here comes anxiety. But the second part of the song, he gets to, he says, You know, all of a sudden, he realizes, he goes, "You know what everybody says, "Why me, you know, at the end of the day, it's not just me, we're all sitting around anxious and afraid.
Why me, why? Gosh, you know, I don't know, it's just these things happen and you know, so the recognition. God, this is happening again, I don't personalize it, I don't think it's only you, this is like... Like look at it and go. Wow, here's that crap, again the lie again. Oh my god, I started getting anxious because you know I did a project and somebody said, or a class or or whatever you do, you know, somebody said, "You know, you look like you...
You, he aged a lot since the last time I saw you. Your hair looks terrible. What's wrong, we start to, "Oh my God, really whatever it is that set you off whatever it is that takes you off your center. Stop especially, the patterns, like anxiety, panic attacks. My God, you know you put your hand over the heart, upper chest, in the lower tummy and a few breaths, for...
So, let's go para-sympathetic for a second, let's let's Canterbury relaxed. I am relaxed with each breath and slow your breathing so that it helps actually override the anxious response very simple technique. And when you see people say here, I'm gonna show you five techniques. So they'll all help a bit, but if they don't also make you understand that you're addicted to what you're feeling, you won't have quite the full success in any case.
Centering okay, I recognize this happening again. I'm having one of my panic attacks okay, you know, crowded place whatever it was it set me off. Okay, it's happening again, don't go into it too far, just acknowledge it's happening. I'm not denying it, I'm not minimizing it's happening again.
Okay, second this is not likely about anything that's happening right now, if it is take action to protect yourself to be safe, no problem. But generally when I go into a mall and it's crowded, I have an anxiety attack, optic attack. It is not because the people in the mall are going to do something to me, it's not happening right now, and it helps to say that this is not about anything that's happening right now.
That's part two, the centre breathing and acknowledgement and feeling it again. Then it's not about anything that's happening right now and you know, continue some relaxed breathing, you know you could imagine a few breaths, may be with each of these statements. And it's not about what's happening right now.
Leads me to the second half of that sentence. Still part, too, which is, if it's not happening right now, all I get it. This is about some unheard wounds. I don't even have to know what they are just right now I'm just acknowledging this is about on healed wounds from when... From the past. So breathing I'm upset.
Again, this is not about what's happening right now. This is about some oiled wounds from the past. Breath, breath, breath, breath. Good third, I'm gonna give all of this to you, God, the panic my anxiety, my chemistry. I'm gonna give it all of this to you. My events of the past that I know. Or don't know the mall that crowd.
I don't know what else to do with it, I can't fix it all. It's just there and so I'm just gonna give it to you. Perfect, perfect breath, breath, next after a couple breaths. What would I like to feel instead? You know what I really want to remember, I was doing the... I am relaxed to kind of calm down.
Let's do that, except let's change the words too. I am at peace. I am okay. Something that's even more proactive like I'm safe, it's more specific wording to my condition rather than just trying to calm myself down. I am relaxed I am relaxed instead I can actually add... I'm loved, I'm at peace, I'm happy and you just calm and breathe, but don't just say, it, feel it, make yourself believe it.
This is a positive form of hypnotherapy. So, I'm affirming something positive, which means I'm not doing something wrong. Like hypnosis hypnotic transit. The ego world puts me to it's a positivity of a hypnotherapy it's A... I have the right to choose is because this is actually a healthy thing I'm calling it, therefore it's closer to reality.
I'm not calling it a non-reality, an illusion, like fear and anxiety about I'm a flawed person, or people are out to get me, everything's okay everything is okay, breathe, and the fifth step is just to give thanks and give thanks is important. This is kind of like the five steps that some of you know that I teach.
The five steps of the SOL level, healing process. I wrote a book called Healing the heart and soul and in there, there are five steps to healing. Just like there are five steps that like the grieving process, except this is this just grief, grief or grieving this is healing the soul. Finding out what's really going on inside and then turning it around and healing the...
Also it's kind of like those steps, but slightly different, just slightly different wording. But the fifth one is the same as in that technique, which is give thanks. The reason is because I'm saying to myself, "This is true, what I just did is true, it's factual, it's so true that I can actually say...
And so it is like a man I give thanks, I'm saying it because it's factual, it's true what I just did, I actually gave it up, replaced it with something new and I feel that something new that that peace wow, and it is, and so it is a men amen. And so, it is means it is a fact. I do feel this so it's great to end or close that process with the reality that you're okay.
Now added to that. When I've done that, I actually am changing my Chemistry because my body says because you feel flawed we need to feel constant cortisol and other forms of chemistry of chemicals in the body that go along with what you believe about yourself. And they're usually not good and the ego loves that because it just attracts more of itself.
So it's like a company like a cigarette company that tells you something after putting something to get you addicted to it. They can't lose it so it's along those same lines. The ego is like selling you on your belief system that you're flowed then giving you chemicals, it's almost like it's selling you chemicals, but it's giving you these chemicals, like you're a pusher...
Giving you this to get you hooked on it because then you're gonna come begging for more. And if you... It's kind of weird, because if you ever try to just starve those emotions, those chemicals, they're gonna get quite ticked off because it'll feel like Where's my fear Where's my anxiety? You're not gonna think it's that you're gonna think you've lost something of value, but you're not, but you won't know that 'cause it's gonna convince you, You need cheerful
chemistry fear-based chemistry. Well, after all, how do you expect to protect yourself if you're not ready and charged all the time, charged in online and ready to run and fight and defend and even verbally, you, you just can't stop defending yourself or whatever it is, that's the same stuff.
Why, why do you have to talk and defend or whatever, it is. Overly explain overly defend or whatever, why. Well, I just have to make sure you know that I'm not stupid, or that I'm right. Or whatever it is that God speaking, not likely. So all that is ego, and the chemistry that matches the ego. And when you try to just start it, it will fight more, but when you replace the chemicals with a different chemical except a love-based chemical A Love-based, chemistry piece called oneness, everything's okay, trust, and so on.
When you replace the other with this new chemistry, the ego is gonna still be quite inflamed about this, but your body is gonna say, We don't understand what you're all tripped out about we feel okay, and then it can metaphorically start questioning the guidance of the ego, so believe it or not, little exercises like this can actually dismantle the control to a degree that the ego has.
It just so happens, we're doing right now. I just started an online course on Revelation, the revelation of our divine self and we're using the Book of Revelation as a metaphor. It doesn't mean, like it's like a little Bible study class but you can still sign up and check it out with us. But what's important is that book is so mystical that it's got several layers but one of the layers in there is what I just described which is that it's the ego, you know you are in the Book of Revelation, about evil the devil, Satan, the beast, the anti-Christ and all
these different kinds of things. Well, biologically the esoteric biology of it is that the beast is the ego in the psychology and it creates all these chemistries and this is one layer of it, of the story, but it creates all this chemistry and when you hear about plagues and Locust and all this stuff in Revelation, seven seals being open and plagues coming and all that.
All it's describing is the cleansing of your addictions, including your addiction to fear and anxiety, it's a cleansing of your addictions, those plagues all that stuff coming out. It's the part I don't wanna look at. That's why Revelation starts off with the address towards seven churches, it's the seven shock or seven states of consciousness that it's addressing.
It's addressing my seven states of consciousness so that I'm doing a self-inventory and I need to do a self-inventory so that I start taking responsibility, in my inner life, so that I'm ready when my addiction start being purged during the seven vials of wrath and all this kind of thing so it's pretty amazing.
And after you do your purging of the seven chakras through the seven seals and so on, that go on, it's after cleansing, cleansing that all of a sudden, the ego rears up, that's why some mystics have described fasting Jesus 40 days for nights fasting because when you fast, even food can be an addiction, a distraction is another word for addiction, so Jesus fast long enough to wear the ego rears its ugly head and says Who do you think you are fending off my pharmacy of ego-based chemicals that's not gonna happen.
And Jesus says, Talk to the hand. I'm not interested, you got nothing to for me. Oh, I'll give you the world I'll give you this, I'll give you power, it doesn't do anything for me. So, it just didn't land anywhere. Which is why he's able to then pursue becoming the Christ, as in the Book of Revelation, for us all to become the Christ, the brides of God eventually, because we realize we're not the harlot horror of Babylon, that's described in that book, they call it though, that's
the wording they used. We're not the people that want bargained our lives away. Chemically, speaking or anatomically speaking, I no longer sell myself to co-dependence to any other kind of addiction, including anxiety. I'm trying to avoid anxiety by being co-demented. Well, as long as you're in my life, I don't feel so anxious.
Well, only for a while 'cause eventually you might leave or seem to leave you might leave mentally, emotionally, physically, affectionately you're still gonna hit me with my stuff, eventually trigger it, eventually, and I'm gonna hate you for it. That's why relationships get so triggered because I don't like that you're showing me one of my problems by not giving me what I want, I want you to be one of my pushes you know, give me my pharmacist give me the drugs that make me feel less fearful and anxious.
Another way to do it is if we go into couples counseling, maybe we can create a safe container to talk about our stuff, so that the anxieties I'm trying to cover up with... You can surface and you can embrace, you can hold space for it to come up. And then, we heal together, and I heal within myself.
That's another alternative who wants to do that. That doesn't sound very exciting. Go down the aisle and end up at the altar and they say... And do you love each other through the oncoming eventuality of therapy and the anxiety disorders that will come up when they cannot suit your needs? You know, instead, you know, I'm going to be there for you, by...
We're gonna pull love through sickness and out. It's a lie, because it's... I'm gonna help you not have issues instead it should be. And despite my humanness will you hold that space. Well, I, unravel and dismantle the lies of who I am instead of. I'm gonna pretend to be something you need.
It's no, actually I'm going to let go of that stuff so you can see who I really am. Are you okay with that? You know and asking each other, embracing each other at that level. Anyway, I pray this is making good sense and I pray that that it sounds as applicable as possible because the world doesn't want there's that old saying what they don't want you to know.
The world does not want us to realize that we're actually addicted to fear and anxiety. And I know that sounds weird, you would say. Well, I don't sit around going. Is there anything I can be anxious about? But the program is there, waiting for the other shoe to drop creating more than one relationship that we reject your betrays you.
That didn't just happen it's there and people say, I just knew that was gonna happen. That those are all signs of having an addiction to it, but we all have that to some degree or another. Here's a quick example, there's a guy, let's say you know there's a thing that men love to fix problems, so whether it's a male or female the masculine in a man or a woman, let's say it's the masculine part that loves to problem solve or fix problems.
Now that would mean think about this, honestly, that could mean would mean that in some way, shape, or form, they're going to maybe fix something and people go. Wow, thank you for fixing that. They now have a false benefit from this, the false kind of a... Oh, pleasure effect. There was a crisis. Look out, fixed it, pleasure which means I know my brain starts get wired getting wired with pleasure being associated with crisis.
Gosh, I don't feel as loved lately. Now subconsciously and chemically I put out to the world we need a drama and the right people take the hook of the chemistry that's floating in the air, 'cause these pheromones and you know, chemicals they become airborne so people are picking them up, they...
Somebody goes, "Oh they slip and fall. Not even knowing why. Because they had their program of being a victim, let's say. They slip and fall, you'r to the rescue, you run over there. Oh, you're so kind the way you picked me up and helped me. "Oh, no worries, I was just being helpful.
" When deep down you set it up, you set up your part of it. So there's actually a pseudo-pleasure response that's all connected to dopamine, and all these other things we won't go into, but there it's a false pleasure response. So all of a sudden, without that I feel less of a person. You know people that have had jobs, retire, and they don't know what to do now, and so they die emotionally guys, it's really tragic but all this, the ego chemistry is going to kill you, first, mentally and then emotionally, but it's gonna also kill you, eventually,
physically. But it's gonna kill you. The eagle chemistry. It creates an ascetic condition in your body, so you sit around, bathing and acid. Does that even sound good. You're sitting around bathing it, you're actually bathing in acid, the cells of your body. Well, when the cells of your body bathe in acid, the walls, the lining the or rather the walls of protective sheath or walls start getting eaten away.
That can sound like it goes good places. Because that's when you start to have the hyper-reactions called cancer. So none of this is great stuff, but nobody will own that. They actually have an addiction to this. And again, I'm not saying you sit around pining for anxiety or problems, it's typically gonna be unconscious, but it's important this is happening.
I play a part, this is my old stuff. Once again, showing up, not a problem giving it to God, what I really want to feel his love and self-worth peace and joy. One is happiness. Call that "in instead. Ultimately, you can only do a bit of repair and healing of this as you go ultimately, you can only do so much.
It'd be great if I could tell you, it'll heal at all. Can only do so much the big picture, which is why we're studying The Revelation of our divine self. The big picture is you need the presence of God for the ultimate transformation from the old self to the new self. And then when you do that you shift from having a body bath in acidity to one of balance and or a clinic, you shift from a body that is addicted to certain chemicals and it needs that, whether it's gonna get it from a TV news flash or...
Oh my God, I can't believe that's happening. And then you can even say I didn't like watching the news had some terrible day but, you on an unconscious level, you knew just like the new stand. Hypnotherapy. An example I gave, the exercise or study that they've done on some level. You knew the news show before it even came on.
You are setting yourself up for another panic attack, and something in you says... Well, I love that. It's like the problem solver. Man, I got over that I wouldn't had some ice cream. I feel better, I just constant, the addiction to the adrenal in fear or the addiction to fixing it. Either one, it's not good.
So, the big picture is this, self with the toxic chemistry gets purged out of me, held out of me to at a time in a sense but it gets healed and it's replaced with new chemistry, and it's called a "light body, so we're all heading to a new race a new body, a new consciousness. It may not look like it, when you look at the world but we're all heading in that direction.
If you're already on track and doing the healing of yourself, it comes the easy way, it's an easy transition from semi-light body to a light body not an easy transition from totally toxic human body to a light body. That's not an easy transition. So that body is going to have to die on one level or another, physically and be incarnated eventually after light bodies are the new thing, and you might fit into one eventually.
So, do enough work on the other side to where you can come in or die metaphorically, you might have severe death mentally, emotionally, and it's better to just assume you're in between those two. There are some things we're willing to learn the easy way and some things we insist the hard way, but co-dependence is in your chemistry.
I don't mean you're just your parental genetics. It's also things you learned after dealing with traumas, and so on. So, watch yourself be careful, be responsible co-dependence, alcohol, drugs, they're all the same. If we didn't even have external things like that, we have chemistry in side, believe it or not, we're far more addicted to...
And that has done far more damage than any drink you've ever had. It's not to say that you should drink. I'm saying there's worse it's all unhealthy and only love and forgiveness only peace. And an understanding of oneness can start to turn that around and give us a new chemistry but don't just say, one is Here, we go.
You have to do the steps of... I see that this is a pattern if you don't like the word addiction, I see it's a pattern. And it's here again. And breath, breath, breath. This is about one ones from the past. This is not coming from the now presence of God. This is coming from one ones in the past Berthe I'm giving it to God-breathed breath replacing it with something new, breathe bread and give thanks.
Okay, I pray is always that this has made sense and many blessings to you and take good care yourselves everybody, this isn't to be a harsh or intense lesson just see it and take care... And realize, "You know, I don't need that. I just don't know. I think a God is good, that's what I would like love, peace, and choose that more and more often and try not to slot into being the negative bringer of chemistry that some people will want you to be in their lives, recipients of stuff, getting you to react,
getting you upset, getting you mad at them. Sometimes they're baiting you like their pharmacist, so to speak, their pusher so to speak. So be careful not to get slotted into that by people another way, another way of saying that is not to react to people's hooks into getting you to react, right.
Join us if you can, you can still join us in the revelation of the divine self-class. Be great to have you. But also, Sundays 'all Fridays we have these free talks, we appreciate guys. If you donate there might be a donate button. We appreciate any donations you can share five bucks, 50 billion whatever, anything you want to donate, it's greatly appreciated, but we freely give this and not expect it, but we're open to that.
And this is Friday nights every Friday, pretty much, and also Sundays are free, but you can donate there too, if you like, but they're free Sunday, sacred services. We bring these things to you, and we appreciate any support whether it's in prayer or support with comments or just your internal gratitude becomes a chemistry that was out there to the world.
And we can pick that up. Gratitude is an energy. And it's also a chemistry, so thank you very much for that. There are healthy addiction, so to speak, and that's the healthy love it-love based chemistry. So it's okay to feel love. And that too is a chemistry but it's an okay one, it's a good one.
So many blessings to you, I pray that this has made sense and appreciate everything you guys do for us, love doing what we do. For you, and if you have questions, remember, if you ever want anything in terms I have questions or whatever, my website Michael mere dad dot com is available, there you can find my online store for books and videos and all kinds of things here is just always too much to be able to go and mention all that sort of thing.
So, take a chance, take a shot and see what's there, that you might like. We have really great charts, Astro charts and so forth, that help you with your life guidance whether it's for moving or life purpose. I love the things we supply because they are supportive of a new life, so I really love that.
Alright, anyway, many blessings to you guys lots of love piece by.