Multidimensional Beings
so it was asked because we stream our services often now more and more often around the world and folks out there have asked us to talk about this morning to ask us some specific topics the one that was coming up for some reason for several people was angels so we're going to talk about that but we're gonna kind of asleep not interested in growth waking up and so on and there's a group of people that have always been interested in growth awakening you know those I call light workers but those are
awakening Souls that's cool right and those awakening Souls have often been students and and all too often the students did what they thought students are supposed to do which was keep listening to new information and remain a student and I don't mean you ever should get to a point where you must never read a book never do another meditation because you know everything that's not so it's not what I'm saying it's more the mindset so do we want to be the mindset of the student who yes I'm a student on the path I'm going to
read another book and get nothing out of it go to another sending service and get nothing out of it and so on we're meant to be different each time we close that book every time we leave the center in this Center or any other or you stop watching a program or listening to a DVD or even the the sounds of like dairies and and tunes you listen to you don't have to just listen to a song to go my that was nice you can actually go wow you know when you hear somebody singing about surrender you don't just go mmhmm
yes you you know you're not just learning to spell it you know by reading the liner notes on them surrender as that's intellectual and do I surrender this guy's singing about it do I do that all the time you know with this stoic look that's me look at me now I'm totally surrendering you know carefully look your face is gonna break you know it's like relax so do I surrender do I surrender what do I surrender and sing when the music's play you know do I move and dance and trying to stay appropriate with the
surroundings you know if you if your bank teller it may not be appropriate to just start a nurse in an hour you know in an emergency room you know like it may not be good at hot pull somebody over to give a ticket you know the cops just starting to feel in the spirit you have to stay within the the spirit and the groove of the moment that you're that's around you but do you stop do you surrender and this whole universe there's this kaboom this Big Bang that takes place above the universe metaphorically is God's presence and all
the children of God every being ever created is still in gone as one unified field a bliss and that can actually never change but it can seem like it changed in our imagination so the children of God said I wonder what it's like to be separate and kaboom Big Bang takes place and what we imagined which is what would it be like and the Big Bang took place and so there's this big explosion and all these beings that were one with God are one with God fly out into something that's called a universe God remains God is but
the rest is this explosion and this journey just imagine an absolutely countless number of spirits both splitting from one unified consciousness into a countless number of spirit souls and they were flying into that universe but where do they land some land in one dimension some land in another some land in one planet some in another star system and another they all go different directions the main thing where they go is going to be based on their vibration the vibration of one keynote can't go to a different keynotes dimension it doesn't
make sense so the vibration but what does that come from consciousness one way to summarize how all this happens is that where you go in creation including the furthest reaches of what one would even call hell it's all within the womb of the Holy Spirit it's all within the womb of the Divine Mother there's no being that's somewhere else God is one but even when we created the idea that we could leave God God immediately created the holy present the Divine Mother to hold everything that could try to leave so she's the ultimate
container to hold the loving space for God's children and and we forget that she's a she she's not really a she female like gender but we forget she's the mother aspect of God mother matter so she's the universe the matter of the universe and I've never heard this said before for whatever reason but whenever I think it or say it it just feels so all inspiring once upon a time there's a man named Jesus and he goes to the water and he gets baptized by John the Baptist and when he comes from the water some
amazing things happen but one of them is that the Holy Spirit descends upon like in the form of a dove but this means that the Holy Spirit descends upon him it fills him surrounds him and whether it took a literal form is just a symbol doesn't matter the Spirit descends upon him and then there's a voice they said heard from the heavens anybody know what it said beautiful this is my beloved son or child and oh man well please who said that but it's the Divine Mother we always thought and when movies portray it it's
always it's always a a male it was the Divine Mother just try to feel what I just said it was the mother the Divine Mother that said this is my beloved child it's her child not just Mary's child Mary's a manifestation of the Divine Mother so I get such a such chill thinking about that that the divine universal mother says this is my beloved child this is my baby so to speak in whom I am well pleased now on a broader sense of course we must remember that that's because Jesus chose to step up and awaken to him being a
divine child of God but it doesn't stand for Jesus it stands for any of us who choose to step into the remembrance now what if you're not of the remembrance well then the Holy Spirit doesn't descend on you in the form of a dove and it doesn't say this is my beloved this is it you know what's it gonna say this is my beloved child whom I mean is no longer beloved and no longer well pleased am I so what it would say is if you're not awakened to Christ it would say this is my beloved child who has not
yet remembered it can't condemn us it's just you remember or you don't there's not much more to it now when that big bang takes place technically the Divine Mother boom instantly in in wraps that just holds it all it contains it all but what will seem like it's happening in there are vibrations dimensions levels layers as you heard me quote a couple weeks back in a talk about multidimensionality consciousness or something to that effect this there's all these layers and dimensions and there's so many it seems
overwhelming some people have clearly forgotten that they even exist science speculates it into some degree or another but knows nothing about it and people are forgotten so Shakespeare puts it as I said a couple weeks ago you know there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in all your philosophies saying you know there's more levels layers and such that you can even imagine and there and that's true so let's try and play with that and imagine that today at least to the best of our ability now what we do know is
the Big Bang takes place in all beings seem to leave move out into the universe there's first not there's the one God but the one God isn't really that thing that we know a name here god it's not the thing we name and know it interact with God it's something that's so far beyond our understanding that really we when we're praying we're praying to images of God Elohim Yahweh Jehovah their names they're sort of like aspects of God that are in the universe so the highest dimensions of all are the God
goddess out there God and Goddess beings and up there with them are the angels of God the angels of God there's technically nine levels of those three groups of three you know you start with you got things like Seraphim cherubim virtues dominions powers principalities Archangels angels with this nine total and oh this is important why the layers we'll come back to that after angels God's angels light beings Syrians Arcturians higher dimensional light beings not ETS not aliens at light beings multi-dimensional they're not
usually dense they do move through the universe they're multi-dimensional but they don't have to like boom boom you know start up their ships you know and fly them from place at Craigs as much as they move in consciousness although in ships but the ships are crystalline they're they're energetic some of you not in approval when I say angels yes I believe an angel then I go like me no there's no such thing because we all have our different limits of what we'll believe but guess what there are
more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in all your philosophies light beings light beings are half angel and half human in a sense you could think of it that way now halfway between the light beings and the humans nature spirits nature spirits and Davis they do exist Steiner details the more Rudolf Steiner and your Cayce talks about them a little bit but nature spirits earth spirits water spirits fire spirits air spirits and if you think immediately linearly also he's saying well maybe I can't
believe that I don't know you know a little fairies are flying around and they are there they're humanoid species but they're etheric and not dense so just accept that it's possible that there are if there it beings there are creatures in the ocean that nobody has seen yet why can't there be if there it wants to so the elementals or nature spirits live they're kind of half-human in half like being ish they're halfway between and and it's great because this includes everything from Pixies fairies
gnomes and so forth you know we have our imagery of gnomes most people in the know that talk about fairies say they have wings okay now angels also have wings but I want you to understand they have wings because that's what you think they need to have to fly they actually don't you know where you going Archangel Michael oh I've got to go all the way to heaven today let me get started on my turn you know Wow tired which is why you know people don't see him that off because he's always stopped up on Mars for a
break or whatever that's that's not the wings are because they're depictions how else can it be in get from here to there so quickly they must fly how do they fly they must have wings so the people in the know would tell you that fairies fly by magic not by wings can they have one sure let'em enemies but the wings are just there they're energetic that's what we imagine however if it sounds too strange I mean there are photographs authentic photographs I've one on my website under
strange photos but there are some other edgar cayce photographed a form of ferry lots of leaves of a plant I mean the stuff is beautiful but try to open your mind to understanding the beauty of what I'd be talking about here you have a yard and that means there's life in that yard oh you mean the trees there are beings there things are not linear tree rock me hmm you know me think rock tree oh you know it's so dense primal there's life there's life that links all the kingdoms the plant life interacts with
the animal life interacts with the earth life and so there's this whole interaction so the elemental and nature spirit beings are not just little things you know in those communities they have a purpose because underneath all this there's a wave that's happening the wave is starting it off the wave is this the angels closest to God are said to flap their wings constantly flapping their wings why are they flapping them they're creating vibration what vibration they're taking the vibration of God
behind them drawing that energy in and wishing it upon the earth you follow they're taking that energy and sending it downstream and they do this constantly that means there's angels designed just to give blessing to the whole universe but what is the blessing have a nice day we'll get you a new car tomorrow it's it's only this God loves you and come home it just takes that message of God love come back love and come back now you take it to the next Kingdom you know the next layer of angels angels
angels all the way down to Archangels and the Archangels are hearing that wave of God I love you come home and they're taking the Archangels are saying because a lot of them are related to nations running nations and nature the nation's leaders accept this country so they're like sorry sorry so and you know what Nomad no matter what President or leader in the world to be at that level of responsibility you have to have angels with you you can shut off their messages that you can't be at that level of
responsibility and have some level of powerful angel trying to guide you now that vibration is sent downstream downstream and the Archangels are to the nations and the angels are taking that energy down to individual guardian angels are taking that energy down to each individual that they watch over you have debts energy set down to ascended masters that are just downloading it to Planet Earth and then the elemental and Davis there's not just elementals and nature spirits individual and they are humanoid and
they do have their own evolutionary death these beings but you have Davis or part of that you have a mountain daiva you have treaty Davis you know you actually have it's like saying you have a force field can you believe that an atom has a force field can you believe your body has a force field around you okay just take that force field and imagine that a mountain has one and a tree has one at an ocean and a stream okay fine they're wrapped in a in an energy field but when there's enough life like a mountain that that force
field the bigger the entity a mountain a bigger thee the the thing the more likely that there's a higher consciousness to it that's why we say earth is called Gaia she's actually an entity she didn't become a human entity she's a planetary entity you you're not living on her you're living with her so she's a being now her you have a dense body she has but hers is called minerals here's his bones she has an etheric body you're you know so to you you have hair hers is called plants she
has an astral body it's called animals and yours is called emotion and so on we have levels and bodies here in within us and she has bodies she's a being a grand big being you know we think wow look at me I'm a CEO of a company let's say wow that's huge man you should be real proud um no matter what level you think you've attained and how cool you are the earth could just have a slight sneeze and you'd be gone never to be found again she's huge she's big in consciousness you have to be big in
consciousness to hold that kind of body together just like I said Archangels work with many times leaders of countries it's not that they buy into politics and are right or wrong and all that it's just that they're saying you're leading a group of people we need to try to inspire you well why they don't listen it doesn't matter that's called unconditional love we're just gonna keep talking to we love you come home and you go you know the nation leader goes again it once upon a time it
happened when a guy named Ronald Reagan the Pope and Gorbachev brought an end to what we call the Cold War once upon a time those three guys got together and said you know what we keep trying to do things politically and it doesn't work why don't we just get together get it done they got it together they made a plan started implementing it at all three were almost dead within a short period of time - shocked and mother Mary tells the children in magic Oreo who she was giving visits to she was telling them
exactly what was happening and she said if they die the worlds in trouble because this is big stuff that's happening spirits that listened to Archangels that they needed to make a change they did it they were shot which is the evil part of us that says no we want ego we want fear to run the world and if we would have and it's we not the guy with the gun if we would have cocoa created the death of these people that would have been a devastating sign or symbol it would have met we are allowing the death of hope so we wipe it out
would say no and people prayed and these people survived - were shot in the short period of time the other one there was a cougar he almost was killed so all three were endangered big time so there's these angels and archangels that are part of this and we just sit in our little linear lives thinking you know this is all there is what matters today whether my clothes match as this looking you know that is that as deep as you go you know really how deep as you go so it's having more stuff getting caught up
in cluttered whether it's verbal clutter or physical junk clutter we're meant to let go of things make your home a place angels would seek to develop and that also means make your yard a place nature spirits can seem to dwell you know and I've had so many wonderful interactions with nature spirits angels and so on but you don't hear me talking about him a lot and there's reasons but I don't stand up here every sandy guess what had another cool vision I was talkin Archangel Michael today he was standing
there we were chatting you know I offered him some filtered water and you know I don't I don't do that for various reasons one because if if I can't show it to you then it makes you kind of sit there going okay well thanks for telling us but we can't relate let's pretend you can't relate some of you I know can connect and all that but it feels a little weird some people tend to get a little worship e towards people that have great stories like that don't want that some people actually get scared they were
scared of Jesus because of some of his magical abilities and they'll be scared of you as you develop those skills they get intimidated well how did you do that why did you do that I've heard people say from healings I've done as well as other healers go go oh my god I'm completely healed I feel amazing this is great what a miracle they go home family members say we don't believe in that that's not our religion and shame them back into sickness you know just ruining the chance of a miracle but but no this
angels don't buy into them they just keep loving there's no like bad day for an angel they just keep loving but where are they fed from it always coming from that original source of love of God and it pours into each of these kingdoms again the gods goddesses to the Angels downstream to the light beings to the nature spirits what comes next humans but not all humans humans are split in two there's light workers and sleepers people who just want to stay asleep these people are wanting to wake up and these people are choosing to stay
asleep so most people in this room are watching a program like this are likely to be considering themselves light workers but it really it's not like a membership you know you can't fifth year Lightworker I see you're only a third you're just saying you know so so think about this light workers are just people that are looking how to anchor the light of God into the universe how oh well they're not like workers because they're into Davis and nature spirits I talk to angels it's all
part of the whole light work you're a counselor in a social working system perfect but when you recognize your job in social systems doing social worker thing is to anchor the light of God it helps you do your work it raises the vibe of you doing it but it also makes you feel more of the effect positive effect when it comes back to you because you reckon I'm not just here you recognize you're not just here wearing yourself down oh look at me you know I'm just going to work again worn down by the job that I have it's wake up
and recognized you don't like that one get a different one but you're a light worker so what are we here to do to bring in the light so the thing is this is getting us halfway through this system now I'm gonna brief the other there's another five to match those five and they're the exact same but opposite meaning humans now we move into humans that are sleeping they don't want to wake up they don't want to know any of this stuff but remember they represent the collective resistance to waking up
all of the other five groups they're just they're not bad they're collective resistance starting with humans to not light beings or are not nature spirits but negative nature spirits mischievious and so on then you have light beings going up you have ETS coming down controlling manipulative say to Reticuli and most of them any system parts of orion other places that's these guys the greys and others reptilians you know if you get weird about it afraid of it I'm just saying freaking people
who angels you know angels demons the god archetypes the dark archetypes so that's there's these little in many levels and layers but the one we access is the one that matches our consciousness the more I know about the oneness of God the higher up I am it doesn't matter if I'm stone-cold at the very bottom of the list just pull down chart let's call it if I start to understand that there's only at one and it's God I immediately start rising that's it most of it could be defined as
that the the quotient of the you know the quantity of awareness of oneness with God is what determines where you are that some wanted no oneness and they went all the way here some less some less and so on and some to say decided we believe in the oneness and so they're right there as gods reflecting to us as deities Jehovah and so on is that all making sense all right now other than that there are also let me say this first understand that all of this sounds like okay layers and get this it's just a wave there's a
wave of all beings of light go in to the best of their ability they all always reach in to grab more light so they can do what to bring it forward them exactly so nature spirits etheric and astral they go in to grab more light and they bring it and then when it manifests in the form of vegetation and so forth in nature angels go into God and they bring forth prayers and miracles to people numbers miracles to people you see all of them have this habit of in and then the out-breath here it comes I go within and here it comes so when
you think oh so michael says there's these linear little fairies hopping arena flying about flitting about it's not linear it's beings that are another dimension than us but they go in they of light and they come forward they live all of us live in a symbiotic relationship though those beings are working in our etheric field they're working in the plant kingdom but they're mostly etheric remember I was saying the first service you want to know a lot of rudolf steiner stuff very very deep
stuff talked to mario over there is quite the guy and the expert on that really profound what he's got in that mind of his but he helped us do the water but the blessings here on the property using these this the idea and he and merrick Martha Mary Lou doing prayer in the water infusing the water of course with prayer and then feeding that to the nature spirits and I saw a market different in our landscape and shrewd and foliage but they also did that at my house and man it's weird I mean I just put in a few plants here in
here in here went as I could afford it and this place just came to life I've got people you know but the electrician or something has to come out or the the water guy or whatever they just go where did you get this you know there's good old Cisco it's the funniest thing the reputation we have I give me on a flight somewhere in somebody where you're from Sedona is it true everybody gets high they're a bunch of them do some of them were just out there as it is they don't have to get up yeah so
we've got reputations all around the world is the funniest thing pilots and so forth going and I've heard about you people like we're species in any case besides these beings please try to feel what I'm saying this beautiful wave this life weighed in and the out-breath and the beings that want to remain in darkness refuse it but it stops where Harry Truman the but stops here that wave stops right here at the human level where humans are choosing the others I've already chosen their feeling
this or this humans are right at the pivotal point the we are the ones that are the stop off point if we're awake we're helping another level of energy being pulled from God and giving that to the universe but if we just connect we're become the become the humans that are asleep and then there's a problem to see we're then feeding the illusion of being separate from God so we've got a job to do man and it's to wake up here and now and some people well what if I don't see fair easy you don't have to
see them for them to exist however when we raise our consciousness not through synthetic means when we raise our consciousness then you start to see higher dimensions anyway but your first job is to get this dimension right a bit more you know be right here be right righteous here in right consciousness which means righteousness here be nice be good here if you're a hateful person it's like they would say st.
Francis why did animals go to him quite often they they they sensed absolutely nothing there that would harm them that doesn't make him perfect and just because you love animals doesn't make you perfect but there is something important to look at there what can I learn from that you may or may not agree with every philosophical thing he ever said but wait animals could not sense fear in him hurt in him and that I would love to have in other words all of us any of us would say I would love to have that so love attracts
nature spirits hate attracts the opposite love the tracks angels hate attracts the opposite will always be downloading love to those other dimensions and they can repel it as long as they want what's going to happen by the way is that all of those beings and all of those dark realms they're gonna hold that energy they're going to resist now it's not like the light went down bounced off and dated and accept it and went elsewhere and they stay in darkness what it does is it waits and every prayer for beings of all dimensions is
just gathered around them waiting and the moment beings of darker dimensions say I surrender all that light is there and just rushes into it they will experience in a split second what it took you and I millions of years to a color which seems unfair but don't bother getting into that you don't want to do this again so just be okay with that I'm really glad you guys got it so quickly unlike me you had to keep it guarding over and over you know what I've been married and divorced oh my god but that's okay horrible mean planet
beings got it in one split second that's great guys you see so it's okay it should actually excite you to think that all of our prayers and good work that we do for people that don't seem like they get it it's they don't get it and it repels they don't get it and it stores around them in their energy field awaiting the moment and then it's amazing to see it happen an estranged child you know it gets all into other stuff and messes up their life the prayers the prayers the prayers and
sometimes it goes poorly I know but it's amazing when suddenly it happens in and they're like far more enlightened than the parents sometimes mom guess what I saw angels and my kids city angels you know so it's pretty funny but all of those dimensions are a part of this way so those if you have a hard time imagining nature spirits which is odd because if you believe in angels why wouldn't there be another Kingdom but if you have a hard time imagine just a theory being there like orbs or sparkles of light and those
when they're etheric they're drawing from that etheric energy but when they have to come into manifestation they do so but they don't always manifest these little people but as other things in nature which again can talk to Mario about that because I really respect his his love for that topic so lastly there's there's other types of beings I mean Mario can you stand away ladies and gentleman Mario yeah yeah you were gonna need to contact your nature spirits to find him somebody show me some being out there show me more all
right so besides these beings there's also extra pieces you know we can talk about which I'm not gonna go far into but just to understand there's there's deceased beings like us we pass away we enter the astral world you're not suddenly a Syrian or suddenly an angel who suddenly a God you know we have our own cycles but you know deceased beings I shared a story that I thought was pretty funny Edgar Cayce once was staying in a bedroom on the second storey and him and his wife and there's
a tapping on the window and his wife's like what's that he goes I'll take care of it he goes downstairs and opens the door and it's a ghost it's a spirit of a woman who's passed away and she said I've heard that you might be able to help me I don't know where I'm supposed to go so he just gives her he tells her what to do and she's guided home and then you know the wife's like well who was it what do you do with that oh it was just a ghost of a woman who was not sure where to go but why did she
tap on the window and he said what she told him was I knew I had to ask permission and her I didn't want to disturb anybody or scare anybody that you know is a good being the negative kind liked to control and manipulate they like to be worshipped or thought to be great if ever you work with an angel of lightning and you sense a bit of it's about them cash him in for another one trade them in for another only that which works in the light of Christ is welcome here you know and I do that here for what people as well as beings only
that which works in the light of Christ now you say that and you live by that but remember there's other beings that don't like you saying that and they mess with you and there are a lot of people that they have clairvoyant abilities to see some of these things and they're more open than others and beings often know that and they they tour mention I'm really sorry about that work and call in that prayer of the Christ energy you don't do it to defend against bad beings you simply enhance that light in
yourself so that that's all there is not against but rather for this person here you know and a lot of times it's adolescents that are the ones most you know messed with in that because they're going through a phase of losing the childhood simplicity and ease and innocence to a conflicted state of mind and then the excessive hormones that are changing in the system are opening their centers up so there's a lot of interaction with spirit beings especially negative ones with kids so you know raise children with a certain
amount of clearly a certain amount of the love and the light you know bring them up in the love and the light so that that itself takes care of them if ever it's necessary you could educate them about other things but just because you're a good person doesn't mean you don't won't have this this other stuff Jesus he's a pretty good guy right he's in the desert and they saved the devil kingdom it doesn't matter whether you call it the ego or the devil something big came to him to try to take him off
his path why what why wouldn't his light have repelled it because the human still is vulnerable so that thing's trying to work him over that same spirit comes to every one of us and tries to just deter us from what we're believing in what we're focusing on some of us are so dense we don't even see that battle going on but it does go on it's the spirit of doubt see to the Essenes that were the metaphysical sect 2,000 years ago that Jesus was brought up in as a kid - the Essenes they would
say the spirit of the angel of the angel of joy the angel of work they would say there's actually angels but partly what they mean is the spirit of so when you have doubt or worry you're not just having doubt or worry there's potentially it's yours but potentially it's also a spirit of worry that's tormenting you a spirit of doubt that plagues you and you have to be able to say no more no not interested but then you have to feed the opposite to yourself if all you do is say go away and you sit vulnerable to that then you
get comes back to you so this is a in a way it's a battle but it's really a statement of responsibility you might have plague of doubt and fear but it's up to you to rid yourself of those things yes you use these beings of light these many layers and levels of beings of light to help but it's got to be our choice - I'm not interested in that the will of God the light of God you know affirmation and decrees and bringing in something fantastic powerful some beings and some groups let's say like this
group live so much like this the Anasazi people they were just taken they were gone nobody knows where they went the Anasazi of you know a thousand years ago or whatever right gone nobody knows where they went now if you ask the Hopi they say light beams came and took them light beams that's one of our categories there's another group it's an Israelite group not one of the tribes of Israel a group within one of the tribes of Israel in ancient times they were taken and the legends in those tribes are well
there's this one group and one day you know they were here and then next thing we knew they were taken and they were taken it says this group was taken up into the air above the ground which is sounding again like the Anasazi like a light ship took him so up they went and they were taken away we were told later that in communion and angels and whatever else and we were told if legends has passed down that that this community they were taken somewhere lived in they lived like a paradise but the fact that it's not just
a paradise in another town it's a paradise it's like basically Eden it's another dimension an etheric Eden like Shambhala or shangri-la that these people live in they say in our place the Angels kind of keep us informed of what's happening on earth they live eternally they are they have a glow about them they say there's nothing made of metal where they live but there's always light so it's you're talking when you hear about legends like this there does exist people in etheric kinds of
dimensions and I've said many times and that consciousness is kind of like halfway to heaven and so it's kind of like living like an ascended master but on earth it's like living I can't see like a light being so we'll use something that can relate to humans more like ascended masters so we get ourselves into a state of living mastery I call it live like Masters on earth live like awakened ones and it doesn't mean you have to wear white it doesn't mean you have to wear robes and wander
the countryside preaching it's in our own way so if I'm in that wave where am I and how am i doing if that wave in is my meditation what do I do with my meditations do I take it to my yoga class do I take it to work do I take it to the drive to work do I take it to the grocery store that's your job if you're doing that you're doing your version of what nature spirits do in their dimension and that's what we're supposed to be doing and what it does is we download that increase of love and
light of God to the world obviously what it does believe it or not is it awakens humanity and you could say well I don't I don't really have time to do that I'll let God take care of that you're the thing that God is using to do that in A Course in Miracles it's called the divine plan I am part of the Divine Plan we do ceremonies and such here and I'm coming to a close and we do ceremonies and such here and you know it's quite beautiful because we put such intention into it there's a purpose to it you know
it's not just blah blah blah you know by rote as they say it's we asked you know we believe in this stuff I feel so good I feel connected to spirit and I feel connected to the holy spirit of it to nature spirits to angels but like I said I don't boast it a whole lot but once in a while I'll share the thing there's times when I've sat and stood here or rather and done a talk at churches and I've said to a woman during a talk only because it came up so evidently but do you know you're pregnant
you know I remember this one couple and they looked at each other like oh my god I said well I can see their baby the stoller their baby hovering next to the girl the woman you know it's it's you know these things are visible edgar cayce had a lot of that thank your Casey could sit and play cards with his son and his buddies and tell everybody what hand they have so he would just say it's no fun you know it's like going you know to a race trackers I've been betting with Jesus you know I've been a bit
against Jim you know really what doesn't he know you know so it gets a little weird to see extra things especially if others can't see them like I said children and we're shamed for it well this is gonna sound like good news there be a day when you won't be shamed for you know why because they'll shut everybody down to where nobody'll even bring it up to be shamed anymore does that sound good no because it's saying do not give in to that speak your dreams speak your visions tell tell your story
still paint the paintings about life light beings elemental beings you know a grown man individual and have fairies and little gnomes and things in my yard and it's not because I'm replacing the real ones it's my way of commemorating them it's my way of honoring them and when I go into nature when I go into my yard it's fun you know a lot of times when folks are with me there'll be this wisp of air and you know something unique will happen you can just feel the vibes and I think it's fantastic but we
have to nurture that part that innocence in us I sometimes make jokes I'm on a plane and there's some screaming baby or in a you know lying or whatever post I was like and there's some screaming baby and you know and I'll do like you'll see people go oh God you know please don't let the child sit next to me on the plane please don't let me do it and a lot of times I end up with the child near me but but they're very attracted to me ask ask folks around me there's always this look you know playing with
you doing okay and the babies like starting to jump then the mom looks just so I do that and it's but but the fact that that's that's what of love but it isn't just love because some of you go well I have lung and I you haven't seen you know there's also a certain innocence childlike innocence and if you feel like what God had you're saying I don't have that there's also certain clairvoyant abilities sometimes nurtured over lifetimes Kaycee nurtured his ability over lifetimes you
don't want to compare a compete with that you know you just experience the best you can but I will say this find a way find a place I could say commune with angels and you should it's beautiful but you're communing with the light of God don't make them superior don't worship them they're part of this whole system of light and you should be proud that you're one of the beings in that system and if you want to connect with nature spirits sometimes it's subtle things one of the times it was
most prevalent was about 15 years ago when I was two I was just going in my retreat in Washington State and just sit in my bench chair and just look over the property and I would just watch all these beings just sort of it was incredible but if I went to somebody hey there's all kinds of beings how's that helped them so I often didn't say anything I just said they're just watching it with Marvel because it's such a beautiful experience but you can't see it don't worry about it just
try to feel it what I would suggest is if you have a little space if you don't make one some little playful altar to life and if I had a space like that I would recommend if you have a space like that sometimes just go and lay there meditate there create a space that draws loving beings to that space create something that makes it irresistible you want hummingbird to put a hummingbird feeder you want nature spirits plant love some little commemorations of love and respect and if you still can't close
your eyes and feel anything and notice the elements changing try going to sleep because often they'll meet you halfway into sleep or sometimes happen to your awakening statement okay there's so many things I love to share manage us so so we're but if I get into leprechauns you can I think I really love there's even fairy guides like fairy godfathers godmother like in stories there are fairy guides you know not just angelic guides there are fairy guides it's just there's so many things and and
instead of going god there's so many don't get overwhelmed become instead wow how beautiful it is that all of these beings are working for the betterment of life and light and I get to be part of that and you do get to be part of that you are a part of that but you do have to make that choice alright we're gonna move into our ceremony it doesn't take that long but we're all going to walk through