Michael Mirdad Meets Frank Stranges and Valiant Thor: Part 1
Hi there! My name is Michael Mirdad, and I appreciate you taking a moment to watch this video. This is sort of a departure from what I often do or usually do. A lot of people know of me, I've been doing work as a sort of a spiritual teacher an author and doing healing work with people for about 40 years, and you know again this is sort of a departure, because I talk about life and spirituality, meditation, self-worth and working on ourselves and improving our lives that sort of thing, Just quite a variety of
topics, and ever since I started teaching around 1980 I was teaching about the connectedness of everything healing to spirituality obviously but also variety of spiritual topics UFOs Bible ancient civilizations things that are now becoming kind of more popular or acceptable on History Channel you see things like that but these are all topics that I've been teaching since about 1980 and wasn't as acceptable then but I just did it because I could see the connectedness to things well it just happens this again being a bit of a
departure that I met a unique person in around 1984 might have been give or take a year but I think it was around 1984 this is an individual who became a bit of a controversial figure but I'm gonna talk about him and you know it's interesting because I've heard and seen some things on the internet about him his name is Frank strangers and Frank was quite a wonderful guy you know but I met him way back and you know I think he was born in the 1920s passed away maybe you'll attend ten years ago roughly and I know that you know he had a wife and
and a pretty wonderful wife and I believe he had the family members that were you know decent people and so on he had a quite a background I think he was like the National you know for the deputies 'deputy association or something like I think he was the chaplain of that group so he had people that respected him on on mainstream levels academic levels or mainstream levels a bit of a theologian of sorts I mean he was really in a pretty rich background but also kind of a simple guy in many respects and might
in my estimation but he claims to have met a person named valiant Thor and it's actually a name that was made up because it it fit the times in the 50s when he met though and so the name was given by the being to be something that people could relate to but it's really worthless you know in the big picture but this has become a bit of a controversy but you know so you see people saying is it true did he meet somebody was this guy real long story short he says look I was just doing my work and I worked I think he worked at
the Pentagon or something but he he meets this guy who introduces himself as being an et a higher-dimensional being but a being from Venus and you know this bird without going into all the details but you know he just he this being introduced himself to Frank and and explained I'm here to help you know your world there are many of us here helping you know your world from higher realms and yes there are laws about how much influence beings can have because of free will but it still isn't breaking the laws when they say we're here to
propose and then you guys can choose to take that or not so those of you who know my teachings you you know I teach on most every topic some of you it might be strange to see me doing a video just on this because this is sort of et related but in case you don't know some parts of my teaching I'll make it clear that angels do exist ETS do exist light beings to exist and darker beings do exist there are more things in heaven that are dreamt of in all your philosophies so these things do exist so
it might push the limits for some of you watching you know and your beliefs but just you know do your best to accept it if it doesn't resonate with you you know for sure let it go but Frank was I think a really great guy he wrote a book called stranger at the Pentagon and he also did some other work less unless notable or less popular to people but strange at the Pentagon was quite a stir because you know here you have this guy saying I come from the mainstream world and I met this guy he says he's from Venus he includes some photos a family
gathering with this guy Val and you know but very only a couple photos are known to have included him and you know he's saying you know that this actually happened and that this guy advised him and gave him feedback and that you know there was a moment where he told me and he told others I think it was you know Nixon walks in the room when he was just a vice president and engaging with Val several heads of state of different types Pentagon officials and also Kennedy Robert I think it was that it's been so many years now but that I've
talked about this but Robert I think got in on this a couple of times a meeting with Val so so there's a lot to it now I want to say that Frank's sharing of this seemed very real and authentic and and yet Frank had in my opinion a bit of a dry sense of humor so once in a while he'd say something just quips about this and people would think that he was still talking for real about the experience but he might have been a dry sense of humor kind of a joke and people would think that that's part of the story and then it looks a little like a flaky
story but he so I noticed that a couple of times in our time and interactions and I met Frank when we did a conference he was invited as a speaker I think there were six of us and you know we did this conference it was in British Columbia and you know he spoke and you know people dug it I don't know why he was chosen as one of the speakers but he was and I was chosen to be one of the speakers about ancient civilizations and so on this is in the 90s mid 90s and early 90s or so and you know so I did my
talk and there are some photos that we're gonna post here where you'll see me there's maybe two of them all show they're pretty similar but it's me on stage speaking and you can see Frank sitting in the background looking like he was one of the guys at the grassy knoll you know the Kennedy assassination because he's got his dark shades and you know all that you know he was a little like that he was a little cautious with people in some ways but really kind of jovial and up upbeat and open to talking
but what's interesting is I've noticed things coming online about this now that the Internet's happened this in those days that wasn't really out there but people are asking you know is this authentic and they're disputing and then the P you have skeptics and conspiratorial people all the time fighting about these things I'm only going to tell you what I know and some of its personal perception he seemed authentic and so on but in my experience I know there are controversies around some of these things and I'm telling you
that you know Frank is real Frank spoke Frank said he had these experiences he shared a lot of these things with me we interacted a bit through the 90s and one thing that's interesting is that when you're looking at the pictures you'll see a strange energy energy field around me now now those of you who know me as a teacher know that those kinds of things can happen when I'm talking and you know you get a certain special effects and phenomena it kind of takes place and some of you might be skeptical and not believe that so but I'm just putting
this out there anyway you'll see that in the in the picture and you also see Frank sitting behind me whether that is my own energy field that shows up on camera or whether you think that might be related to the energy around Frank um you can take your best guess at those things however one thing that's really cool I remember this when I was doing the talk because Frank what people knew wow he's got this Venusian guy that he interacts with you know not everybody knew about that but some of the people that spoke because and not everybody
knew not everybody in the audience knew all the speakers so a lot of them weren't familiar with him but I do remember that when I got done speaking I went off the this exit stage left you know kind of concept I exited the stage and Frank we walked down out the door and down there's a few steps I think it was and and it was an outdoor thing but they had a stage built a big kind of a just a nice really cool alcove ish looking stage amphitheater like so we went out the back went down the stairs and and I remember Frank saying I would
like you to and to introduce you to somebody and I didn't know all about Frank's he hadn't done his talk yet and I hadn't met him before so I didn't know about all this but I do know that when I went out the back and down the steps he said I'd like to introduce you to somebody and he introduces me to somebody that ends up looking like or being valiant Thor or Val and that engagement connection meeting was was really interesting I mean he just basically said you know whatever pleasure to meet
you all the niceties he said I'm aware of your work and it's it's wonderful it's in line with what we're doing this is all about bringing the presence of God to this planet to this world and the presence of love I mean there were you know wonderful exchanges um but in the moment I thought I was meeting a person so you know I mean it's just like well thank you thank you you know true you know you're being nice you're connecting well you know great to meet you too it's met on that level and and yet it was interesting
because I turned back in the door because we were just outside the door down a couple steps they turned back in the door grabbed something kote or whatever it happened to have been and came back and he wasn't there and there was nowhere he could have gone but that kind of struck me as Wow but I've experienced many strange things so it was a little like wow and then okay maybe I missed something but it's obvious that something supernatural may have happened but again it's fairly common I'm used to the supernatural I
guess you could say so it was kind of interesting and I really put it together when I started hearing whispers of people at the conference you know especially around regarding a frank hey did you see that that black haired guy around Frank and that there was this buzz going did you hear did you hear you know because other people saw him too now I'm going okay so I didn't dream that obviously and other people but other people were saying yeah but it was like he was there and then he wasn't there so whether you believe in this
story about Frank or not I can tell you firsthand someone was there and then wasn't there and then the other people around were starting to notice the same thing and I hadn't told them my experience with Val so we had brief conversation did meet the person a unique and incredible beautiful vibe to him and it was later I think Frank probably gave me a copy of his book during that weekend and I saw the guy's picture the thing to me though is that he looked somewhat the same so my first impression then was ageless that's what
it felt like to me I know I think somebody posted something online and said this is Val today because he's still around and it was a gray haired person in the picture that didn't make sense to me but whatever I don't know if that picture is real or authentic or whatever I only know of my experience and I know that Laura there's a gal named Laura Eisenhower as in the Eisenhower you know family president I know that she has caught wind of this and sort of started validating the stories to people that this did exist
that there was somebody like this around the two gone and and it was kind of cold to hear that she might be validating Val's story of regarding him and Frank one other kind of funny thing is that I was doing another talk because I think each of us did two or three talks but I did another talk and I mean true story man this is just weird but there was this moment in another one of my talks where and I remember seeing hearing it before during this talk during the weekend but now it was starting just to gel and so I
was able to make a little bit of a joke about it but there were helicopters now some of you won't know what this means but some of you were gonna catch on right away unmarked black helicopters choppers that would come in get kind of you know hover about a little bit and then move on and this happened a few times during that weekend and then in itself was strange to people that kind of were aware of the black helicopter governmental connection to UFOs and you know people that are seemingly a threat or talking about UFOs and ETS this is
not uncommon but there were UFOs it's on the video if anybody out there has the video of the conference and our talks but during my talk I remember in come the videos you hear them you know barely but you hear them you know above and they come in and they just kind of hover you can see there's a vibe in the audience like this is weird this is a a it's outside of Nelson BC it's out in the boonies beautiful territory beautiful land but it's out in the boonies there's nothing here why would these
choppers be here why would they be hovering about it this peace love conference you know new age new thought / channeling / whatever conference why would they be there but I just blurted out I go oh don't worry about the helicopters they were here for Frank you know and I got a bit of a laugh out of him but everybody kind of then it broke the nervous tension because that was actually there so the this story is just to help illustrate that these things did happen Frank passed on I think about 10 years
ago as I said but the controversies that are out there people trying to validate and invalidate the story I can only tell you I met Val and we had a discussion he looked to me age of the ageless other people at the conference also saw him and were very Wow didn't who was that guy that was around Frank and then he was and yet we saw him and then it was like he was gone so that's several people were able to see slash witness that somebody was there maybe a three-dimensional person that's no not from being a saw but it was valid it
looked like now and the fact that he could just be there and then he was not there coincidental or strange or whatever it starts to not look so when you add up all the rest when you have the helicopters come in the story then something you know almost extra strange starts to look like it's happening but again those of you who don't know about any of this that's fine maybe this will just be an introduction to the fact that there are beings from higher dimensions that interact with us they have since the beginning of time this isn't the time or
place to try and go into all that and some of that starting to be seen and acknowledged in some shows like those you see on the History Channel but a lot of that gets overly hyped and a lot of it's inaccurate in those shows but some of it is accurate and it's beautiful that it things are starting to mesh together people are starting to understand and accept that there are other things out here and in the world and around us but there are angels there are you don't have to choose between aliens and angels to see which one's
real they all exist angels are the highest realms and light beings lesser but higher than ours ETS I always distinguish between light beings are ETS of a and of an angelic kind of an intention or energy some of these shows there are even people that are confused scratching their head saying we don't know because they caught the stories about a alien interaction are contradictory some people say they're malevolent some say their benevolent so that we're confused I don't even know why they're confused
because there's both light beings are very you know benevolent and typically they're related to star systems guys I know that may sound out there for some but Sirius Arcturus and some other systems you know but at the same time there are some mischievous malevolent beings related to other star systems I won't go in and name anymore but star systems that are just you know with a darker intention a little more mischievous manipulative so those things do exist such as genetic manipulations and all you know those things you might
have caught wind of by now those things do exist abductions they do exist but some are not abductions they're more like connections close encounters with beings that are of a very benevolent nature those beings serve angels and the angels serve God so it's all part of a mission of light sort of in conflict with a mission of darkness by some other beings just like on earth we have nice people not so nice people it's the same thing in the cosmos again it's this isn't the place to try to you know cover all that but the story I think is pretty
cool and I'm just in a sense going to bat for Frank saying you know he was a good guy and there's an authenticity to who he was and his story I can only validate that much I can't I can't I wasn't there when he takes him into the Pentagon to meet officials it fits everything else that I experienced but I can't tell you that that took place the story's pretty clear the story's pretty real and I meet the guy years later myself and that doesn't mean I need people to start trying to validate or invalidate my story I'm just
telling you what happened and we do have those photos and we do have some video out there and you can hear the choppers and you you see people's you can hear people's response to this strange you know that's happening in the atmosphere meaning these choppers come in and again out in the boonies there shouldn't they shouldn't have needed to be there but you know making light of it so I pray this is you know filled in some pieces maybe this is only going to be seen by people that are interested in the
valiant Thor story and the Frank strangest story again unfortunately he's passed on and and I know that he had a wife that it was wonderful and he spoke highly ever in my opinion and I also know that there have been the skeptics that have you know in some cases harassed her which I don't think is really really necessary to try to prove yourselves right and prove the the unusual things of the universe to be wrong if you don't agree with them then just don't agree I don't think you need to try to cause harm to other people
just to fight for your case you know that's my take anyway but I pray like I said I prayed this is filled in some gaps and maybe open some doors new doors for some people and those of you who believe in the ancient alien concept and and alien encounters and space beings and so forth and and ever felt dissed or whatever I my heart goes out to you because I know it's not an easy thing to own such stories that seem wild to some and really you know they really the they can be really heavy-handed and hard on on us for
believing those kinds of things so I'm sorry that that happens in this world but it is what it is and we all stand together and you know just do our part to let people know our experiences and let it be where it'll be okay so thanks so much for listening and I hope this helps pchew bye bye