Mary Magdalene The Real Story
It's time for our Friday night spiritual insights with Michael Mirdad, so thank you for joining us. You have sent in one kind of consistent comment or question. This is one that I've put off for a while. I put if off for maybe, I don't know, maybe 30 years to address, because honestly it's it's just one of the most challenged topics.
It's probably as challenged as as the topic of politics these days. It's about Mary Magdalene. "Michael, who was Mary Magdalene?" "Michael," lots of people saying, "I was Mary Magdalene in a past life. Folks saying, "Was she married to Jesus?" "Was she this? Did they have children," and so on and so on. Man it's such a charged topic...
So I'll start by saying, although some of you may not believe me, I'm gonna really not state my opinion per se. What I'll share is just simply what's going on. Why people are asking, and what's all the hoopla about? I guess so to begin with, the Bible mentions Mary Magdalene a few times, handful of times, but a few times, and we you know we read about her.
First it depends on which gospel, but you know basically we're told in the New Testament that Mary and there is actually references to a couple of Mary's, popular name at the time. Mary Mother Mary Mary Magdalene and there's another Mary that's that's really kind of a key figure in the teaching time of Jesus but Mary Magdalene is mentioned as first she's the sister of Lazarus the man that Jesus brought back to life she's the sister of Lazarus and the sister of Martha who lived in McDonough and you know it's kind of interesting because she's the
sister of but she was raised in a family this parts not in the Bible per se but she was raised in a family that was wealthy Lazarus was quite wealthy but her family was quite wealthy even her parents and she just didn't like or appreciate the materialism the shallowness or the materialism of that family and so she rebelled and and wanted to launch off and find out who she is and kind of do her own thing that will set that aside for a sec what the bible does tell us is that she was the sister of Martha and
Lazarus and then we also read that she is supposedly caught in adultery and that happened to a few people during Jesus's ministry in the region and you know but caught in adultery whether you believe it or not doesn't matter I'm just saying this is what the Bible tells us that caught in adultery and Jesus steps in to save her from being stoned to death because that was the mandatory punishment at the time now you know some people don't like that this this story about the prostitution potential but let's just let's deal with the facts as
we're told and then we can weigh it all out later but that's what we're told us who was arrested for you know prostitution we're then told there's a point where she she comes to Jesus when he's dining with the Pharisees and bursts in which was absolutely not allowed but this is a woman who already is different she's got like a I'm gonna follow what I feel I'm gonna follow what's right for me now whether you agree or don't agree with historical things or channeled things or whatever one thing is pretty consistent and and
steady as she goes here is that to this girl man she she is she's not one to just you know follow as it were and that's an important piece to the story she's really got her own ideas and her family you know that it starts there and then it continues here she doesn't follow whether she is a prostitute or not she doesn't appreciate the she doesn't feel like a sincere within the Faris itical kind of teachings or the religions of the time so she's doing her own thing and she is said to have come in to the chamber
where they're having meal and it's forbidden but she does it anyway they're like get this woman out of here it's funny how most of knew she was yeah you get what I'm saying there so get this woman out of here well Jesus says no no leave her alone and then he turns it on them and says do you see what she's doing you know she's in here totally sincere now whether the arrested as a prostitute thing is true or not fine but this one's true because this doesn't affect that story but she comes in and she is crying because she she is
she is being born again many of you folks watching this program when were you know when we're doing these live things or when I'm doing that Sunday sacred service so there's just so many times and I've heard you guys talk about tears coming up because of being seen or heard or felt for the first time connecting with something beautiful in in what we're sharing together so that's just oh man just imagine that times a hundred to understand what she would be feeling in that moment and so you know she she comes in she's crying she uses
water and her tears too you know pour out onto his feet and uses that to wash his feet I mean I could spend an hour just on the symbolism of what's all happening in this but man the tears coming from the soul washing his feet the feet representing foundation and so forth so she's like and it's an act of humility so she goes and washes his feet then she and you know dries him with her hair that's just amazing and then you know she anoints the feet with oil and it's an interesting thing because he points out she's actually doing a
ceremony he points out to the Pharisees she's doing a ceremony to prepare for my death and they're like what are you talking about you're sitting here in your life so you know in a sense he was speaking metaphorically in that she sees who I really am she's willing to see me beyond a human you know the the Jesus and sees the Christ in me so she's able to see my death of the human and birth into the new she's also whether she knew it consciously or not she's also somehow aware that he's going to be put to death and she's already
anointing him for the experience so I mean it's just so deep so please try to hear what's happening when I share this instead of having your heads on you know hyperactive your minds your heads the intellect saying no this can't be just just relax and just try it out one of the big problems with the story of Mary Magdalene is people with agendas people that want to create the the hyper levels of feminism or whatever their agendas are that are anti male or anti Jesus or anti whatever and and trying to let create some little religion around this
girl this woman you know that's that's fine that's that's your trip but just see through it if you can and if you don't cool then keep it on your way and find Facebook groups that are really into that but the folks that appreciate at least what I do try to hear I'm trying to be fair with this but also I don't encourage agendas and that sort of thing so try to listen just try to listen and see what feels right to you and I'll explain a little bit more as we go but that's kind of what we're hearing and then we're hearing that she's at the
crucifixion which the other apostles they bailed they all took off all but one or so and mother Mary too was there but you know they all bail for their lives and she's like hey what-what life I have I don't care about anything in this material world this is the truth of God man I'd love that that's if we if we only had a teachings as an example of how to be a person go to Mary Magdalene what little we know and hear read feel what she demonstrated and it really you know supersedes what the Apostles demonstrated in terms of
behavior we unfortunately can't say it she supersedes them and teach because there's not really a lot recorded as a teaching we just know that she became a mystic in her own right we know for a fact you know really that she went on to the south of France after Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection and ascension you know and some people are oh no she went to South events with Jesus Jesus faked his death how do you you know how do you folks that this those of you who are into that I have no idea how you justify that Jesus the
Christ lied pretended he was dead to fool everybody or whatever it would be I mean just think it through I could go on and on about how ridiculous some of this is that people are pushing it you know but he faked his death he took an antidote I don't know I don't know what antidote maybe there was some secret Hebrew or pagan antidote for having a spear thrust through your heart and pericardium you know until the blood and fluid pours out confirming that your hearts been punctured I don't know what antidote there is for you know spikes
through the you know hands and feet till you suffocate on you know because your arms are pulled out of the rib cage and the rib cage contracted during crucifixions I mean the Romans knew what they were doing it's not like they went well let's create sort of a capital punishment that people could just take an antidote and be cured to come out that's not the Romans man just think it through okay so don't get me started on it so so we do hear about her being there but he she's also in one of the only people there when during his or
shortly after his resurrection and don't romanticize these things don't don't blow them out with just people's wishful thinking of what happens this is just miraculous some people you know antidotes to you know cure him or he fakes it man the dude was dead and when he comes back to life you know his his light in every particle of his being bursts to say no to the body and yes to the soul the spirit and it leaves a boom a flash impression on the burial cloth called the Shroud of Turin turned because it's later found in Turin
so that's pretty cool now and and and even that even even though the the you know the appearance of Jesus you know a couple of you have written in before you know did Jesus have long hair or short hair and which is not really essential but just so that we're understanding how to use our minds a little more clearly people will say well the men didn't have long hair at the time I don't know man I don't know what what book you folks are reading I know that there's a couple of religions that keep printing pictures of
them with short hair you know it kind of looks like a Beatle or something you know and they're in the fat for days I you know that's just because they're not wanting to have men with long hair they think it's effeminate or they think it's something else they're judging and and um you know they they don't want to believe Jesus how long here but even if you could believe that the custom was somehow everybody had Crewcuts in Jerusalem fine okay fair enough I mean the Romans kept their hair short because there were warriors and they needed to
fight and so forth so they kept their hair shorter but you can imagine the Israelites were not exactly wanting to keep par to the Romans but the Jesus was a Nazarene or a Nazarite that's that's really what he belonged to his particular is seen affiliations they were called Nazarenes or Nazarites Samson was also one of those and their custom was long hair actually tapered a little bit to a flames like cut like that not just straight but it was tapered slightly in the back towards a point but you know again I could go on
and on with that but this is just to share an example of how people take one thing and then take off and say well he this is true that's true he also had a blue eyes steel gray or blue eyes and people say where does Michael make this stuff up he couldn't have had blue eyes and his hair wasn't dark like black it was burgundy and in burgundy and and dark but there was there was gold tents to it here and there but somebody says well how could that be and why would he have light her skin because there were tribes of Israel that had lighter skin
King David is recorded as having redder hair and lighter skin so again I could go on and on you know disproving all these ridiculous things but just just let me just say this just stop just taking the bait with everybody's little agendas and and sales pitches just come on you know and none of this is important really about length of hair anyway but the more people do a disinformation a misinformation the more everybody stays very confused very you know the mind gets very like it's just obscure just like not knowing which
direction to go what do I believe well if that didn't happen then that didn't happen then the I could maybe if his hair was short and his dark skin was dark in the Apple hack hair and Michael's wrong and so and so's wrong it's Owens I was wrong then maybe it's true that these other people that come out and say and he never walked on water it was just a look that way the appearance to the fishermen you know and above the apostles he just looked like he was just walking on a reef you know is according to some scientists who
actually are paid to come up with these theories unbelievable but anyway so Magdalene you know we know from the Bible these things and that she was at the resurrection which i think is cool because she symbolizes the soul if you look up look look and watch the video of mine there's a DVD set called mythology and I talked about gods and goddesses in there but you know there's one myth mythology that's the the root of all others and it's the one called Sophia it's the one that describes and I'll just be very brief the soul coming from
God into the earth plane getting caught in the material earth plane then feeling shamed and and flawed you know so that it she it's called a she Sophia is as she our soul is called a she not a he it's a she believe it or not so even though everybody wants to tell you that there's a conspiracy to make everything masculine they're actually trying to create conspiracy to that level because they're both both sides of the extreme argument are messed up the truth is the soul comes to earth and it's got a she a soul feminine vibration to it all of us
now her beloved is the Christ self that's called a heat it's neither a superior they're both essential to blend into one then people twist and pervert that into becoming there's a soulmate out there a twin soul out there you know twin flame out there that completes you that's actually a perversion of the truth which is still it's beautiful that they're looking for something but the why not why not stop looking and find so to find it means your soul all of us the female in us needs to marry or wet or join with the Christ self and that's it
and then we go home as the bride bridegroom merged into one which is happening within each of us not by finding someone else and locking them into a marriage or whatever you know like this is my soulmate now we're complete we're waiting we're supposed to ascend now right we said I do so now we're supposed to get the I am nothing happens then you start saying I thought you were my soulmate I don't like you I didn't ascend and then now you have to find another perfect twin soul so on and on that story goes right so bear with me
but the the Sophia story is beautiful because she comes to earth and is is raped and abused which is all of us have come to this earth and experienced trauma and then because she's raped and abused it confirms she's now unworthy to go home that's how the Sophia story goes except her brother sometimes called her partner but her her brother comes and says to the father off in heaven I'm gonna go and get our sister I'm gonna go get my sister so he comes here and it's called redeems her but awakens her to who she really is which is like Christ
doing that for us but it's also lived out in the Magdalene story the Sophia story has played out perfectly in the Magnum Magdalene story because she is a symbol of our soul some people want to make Magdalene into like oh no she was a priestess in some you know I'm channeling that she was a priestess here in their aunt alone thank you for channeling that doesn't it's authentic but today you know I'm channeling she was a priestess and there's people out there going oh I knew it I knew it she's a wonderful being
that's not how she becomes wonderful just because you pretend she's wonderful she is because of who she is a perfect soul made an image of God and she gets redeemed she gets saved some people don't like to hear Jesus casts out seven demons from her they go and that's typical the men are trying to say they say women stop with the gender stupidities man that's not what this is about get to the spirit of the message and if this message triggers you it wouldn't be my first but if this message triggers you but don't watch it that's
all watch it if you have an open heart and you're willing to hear this because it's cool stuff so he casts out seven demons what that meant was he purified all seven of her chakras and awakened her is that wrong oh we don't eat shouldn't awaken her because she's the master she's equal oh just stop okay that's all defensive I think it's beautiful so if you believe Magdalene was an equal and he met her in a temple somewhere doing yoga said wow that chicks got the Sun Salutation down doesn't she wow that's hot and she
looked over at him and said whew look at you and they just hit it off and they partnered up and they just faked a crucifixion this is what some of you believe and they got it on and had a kid and the kids got a blood line out there somewhere and it could be you me we got to go looking for it and that's going to be our salvation finding the bloodline as though anything material can save you you know if that's what you want to believe that's fine but but I'm saying that if Magdalene on the other hand were a prostitute just stuff down by the
authorities ignored and and despised by her family and she still became Christ it I think that's amazing I don't care which one's true I'm saying for me the one is more amazing it's more impressive for me to hear about a being who fought through the human crap and woke up and that to me is more impressive than one that she was already awake she got together with Jesus they were awake and then they conspired to lie to everybody one of them impresses me more because it means she she won she passed the test she she did it and she's telling us all
you can do it too why would that be important why don't we sit around going well who who are you to tell me there's a woman that can teach us such things you know and feel all this you know put down as males that are out there you know feeling that that's bad I think it's great because whether it's a man or woman it's somebody woke up and I think it's great but the fact that she's a woman she better symbolizes Sophia which is the soul she represents my soul all the crap I've ever been through in any lifetime and she tells me you can wake
up no man you don't know there's some things I've done you can wake up Michael she says and yeah but there's things have been done to me Michael doesn't matter you can wake up I've been in the lowliest of low and I woke up that's a pretty cool message whether it's literal literal or not to me that's a more important message but fine you know believe whichever one you want now and I hope some of this is you know already kind of reaching you and making sense but you know the Bible you know tells us these different things about her and
that she's at the resurrection and I think that's cold that she she keeps the faith that says he's awakened he's a he's resurrected the Apostles are like no way she believes not them and I think that just kicks butt because anybody believed but I also think it's cool that she did it that's my personal thought on it anyway the lost books of the Bible tell us that lost books of the Bible or Bible or are their Gospels that either were not known about or discovered yet or when the Bible is being put together they weren't
known about or sometimes they were known but voted out by the council that got together to make the Bible but the lost books of Bible some of them are complete fabrications you know some of them are just not accurate they're not authentic they're you know fraudulent or forgeries but that's a minor amount of them there are some that are astounding in fact and beautiful but they were too mystical for the people at the time so they were voted out so the lost books of the Bible there are some related to the Old Testament and some related to the New
Testament but those locks lost books are you know in in those in the New Testament ones you hear there's a gospel of Mother Mary there's a gospel of Mary Magdalene there's a gospel of nicodemus there's Gospels of other apostles like Thomas that we're not known about or in the Bible not included in the Bible and they're beautiful they have someone great great things in them that doesn't mean you can just run off and find one and read them all there's hundreds and you you know it can get sometimes some of them are as tedious or boring as
really some of the densest Old Testament stuff which is all fantastic to some people but just some of its kind of dense you know and heavy you know read to read and so you know the lost books there's some material in there that that becomes interesting noteworthy you know like hmm and they there's some that say one gospel that says you know great Jesus would sometimes upset the Apostles cuz when he would see Mary Magdalene he would greet her with a kiss which was not normal for the time because women were considered
lowlifes to these people at the time and men were the great thing so for some reason you could kiss a man but not a woman that seems a real little bit weird especially since they were really phobic about homosexuality so it the whole thing is twisted but what isn't in in these days and times those days in time and within religion and customs so you know it is what it is but they would get kind of freaked out they would say you know he kisses her on the lips but in these lost books people are taking pieces out going see look he kissed her
on the lips that proves it they were having sex had children etc no it doesn't the translation of the word kiss is translated to actually mean shared the same breath which could mean kiss it could also mean you or I are on the same you and I are on the same page they shared the same breath I'm not saying they did or didn't kiss I'm saying they take people are taking a sentence twisting the meaning and there's these are the kinds of people who are saying the Bible's been mistranslated we need to know the truth but then they're
twisting something too and asking us to believe that that's okay so it's all kind of weird I mean all of it has potential twists you know and perversions of what it really says just practice being objective so you know they shared the same breath the Apostles one time they're saying you know we're confused by Jesus relationship with Mary not because they're married and getting it on there they're confused by Mary and Jesus because you're not supposed to talk to women even you're you know it's that's how messed up the days were it's
like he treats her like he's wonder she's one of us and then people are going up see there again she's a mystic master his equal and they're married he got it to get into the context of it they don't believe she should be in the room so when he says let's bring her in the room they're confused and people are now twisting that to mean something it's very simple so yes he treated her differently and they're saying it's as though he loves her more than us he responds in these Gospels how could I love her more than
you I love all of you see you have to know who Christ is to understand what Jesus the person could do with a man or woman you have to understand get to the spiritual meaning stop twisting it to be your humanistic meaning get to the deeper spiritual meaning and you would understand that he couldn't be doing he couldn't like one of them more than another so there's that there's also references Jesus would they would call him more than one occasion Mary was called his companion people say mm-hmm there it is that's that's it case
closed companion the word as it's properly translated means my sister my wife or even my mother it's it's a word that could go any direction in that regard and again the people that wanted to go left make it go left and the ones didn't want it to go right make it go right whatever direction they want to make it they're gonna make it so it's kind of unfortunate that people mess things up like that and you guys get confused and you've asked me for a long time to address this but I hope you understand
why and because it's you know first of all I don't want to rain on anybody's parade either direction not not unnecessarily I don't mind you know telling the truth be able to like it but I don't want to unnecessarily just go you know and just put the light on something and deflate people not at all but I also you know really honor that I I don't care like there are people that see her as it old the old school she was just a prostitute we shouldn't even be talking about her the other extreme
she was his beloved I don't care I'm okay with either one I have been among amongst people for how many years teaching now and I've never said yes or no to either extreme of those two options never I'm gonna go a little more out on a Ledge today by explaining some things but that's just explaining them I'm not telling you what I believe per se I'm just asking you to please you know don't don't buy into people's tangents and fads and agendas especially you know in terms of what they want us to get out of
this but you know so there's a point where we know we read in the Bible and then lost books of the Bible there's a point where Peters kind of getting a little anxious and irritated that Jesus has this woman around and that is his issue that's not a mistranslation that is his issue he's being a jerk about it and he then finally confronts Jesus because he was a pretty gutsy dude and so Peter says you know Jesus what's this trip you got this woman sitting in the room it's it's against customs you're not supposed to have women in the room
because they're not worthy of hearing the word and Jesus's response was then let's make her a man now if you want to get off on mistranslations and you want to take off with a word he kissed her and think that means they had children take off on this one let's make her into a minute clearly meant let's have a sex change operation you know seriously guys I mean he says it let's make her a newa man then what did it mean it meant then why don't we learn to perceive her as worthy the way you perceive men is worthy let's make her worthy not let's
make her into a man you know let's make her feel worthy so again it's translation stuff but it's true Peter was getting kind of irritated and not really welcoming her into the fold and and the apostles were men but the disciples were men and women we know that in the Bible but they were apostles there were disciples and they were men and women and they were in the dozens and hundreds sometimes followers they were like sort of like you folks you could say that you're a disciple of Christ consciousness you're sort of a student
maybe some of you of Michael Moore dad but you're not yet I don't own you and you're not an apostle of mine I don't have such a things because Christ is what I would lead everybody to anyway so I don't have a thing for anybody to belong to but a student is it means disciple means like a student of so some of you would say no I just watch once in a while and some of you say yeah I call myself a student and it's great it's great whatever that means you know let that have meaning for you your heart between you and God you know so there
were disciples there were men and women and it was acceptable but the women were kind of allowed to be there just to in in Mass you know not not for the deeper teachings and then there's a point where the Apostles a couple of the Apostles said okay wait we overheard Mary make a comment or two about so jesus said such-and-such and they're like we never heard him say that oh well he was telling me that when I was talking to earlier well why is he confiding really deep teachings to you why are we being left out they actually asked her this
this is recorded you know why are we being left out of the car why is he teaching you deeper things we're being left out of the conversations and she answers him it's Peter in particular this question here but she answers him she said I think he tells me some of the may be deeper teachings cuz he knows I'll believe it and I'm parent and now I'm just gonna paraphrase slightly or I'm going to extrapolate a little here just a little bit what what she's saying is my mind and heart were completely open to him I believe anything he tells me you and
unfortunately I think it sort of means you being men you still think and you know use your heads and you try to discern what you will believe of what he says you know I'm gonna think about that I'll agree with him saying this and I agree with him saying that even when they wrote the Gospels they didn't put exactly what he said they put what they heard or wanted to hear and she's saying I'm just open and I think that's just so cool we should all be so lucky you know my gosh you know just Wow just to say
what God tells me I believe you know I just think that's so cool God meaning in the manifestation form of a Christ did one so I just think it's cool but that's how she responds to them and so there's a point where you know there's they're there are lost books of the Bible there is actually a gospel of Mary Magdalene nowhere in there does she specifically talk about marriage children there's nothing it's other scriptures and only a few lines in all the last books hundreds of them there's only a few lines and those lines can be
translated several ways sorry to say for some of you but and there is a gospel of Mary Magdalene she doesn't say that why would that be why would she who's involved with him neglect to mention and my partner Jesus my husband Jesus and our child you know I'm writing this testimonial here in this Testament the gospel of Mary Magdalene and I need to pause because I have to go breastfeed my child or I have to go change its clothes or you know it's just not there guys so you know I know people are really intrigued and just swept in the
excitement of it all and if it serves you I think it's great if it makes you into a an angry person and it's only serving your bitterness because of an agenda I don't think it's healthy but you know you'll know in your heart which one it is for you but it's not in the gospel of Mary Magdalene that much we know so now let's let's change gears for just a sec and ask ourselves what did Edgar Cayce say and I say Edgar Cayce because he's very biblical he's very you know old New Testament historic I mean this guy
got you know more than anyone he's that the number one clairvoyant in history Kasich record readings nobody comes even remotely close to his breadth and depth of his readings and the accuracy so what we do know with Casey is he's 80 to 90% accurate that's unheard of even you know just among psychics and good psychics are still gonna be 60% accurate which doesn't sound like much but that's scientifically impossible that's why it's considered a gift it's science says you can't just randomly make stuff up and be right 60% of the time but that's
just an aside so Casey's accuracy 80 to 90% which means to me that if he says something there's an 80 to 90% chance that he's right and I know people that like they say I like you what Michael my dad teaches until I say something they don't like well what you ought to do is just discern guys like Buddha said use discernment so you discerned Michael is what 50% accurate then you should only listen to me and trust me half the time and I wouldn't even watch a teacher that it's only 50% accurate so if you think I'm 80% 70% whatever it is accurate and
what I teach then give me give me that amount of the benefit of the doubt that I might be right but do the same for Casey have some respect you know and not just throw me out or Casey out or whomever because we said something that didn't resonate mostly let's say with your ego and I say ego because that's the only part that would get ticked off and toss out such teachers such so rashly just relax and you know hmm okay it's okay he's pretty right what did he say he said she's from a wealthy family he said she was caught in prostitution
he said Jesus brought her into a wonderful state of enlightenment he confirms that she becomes a fantastic fantastic role model and and leader in a sense just a just a spiritual symbol and you know segue from Casey and there's other lost books that tell us similar things and that she went to the South of France with her family after the resurrection and the Ascension they go off we know that I mean there are so many stories about that and in the South of France they don't always talk about things like children we hear more about
her arriving her doing ministry her being a healer even raising people from the dead we hear about her having a mission but what can we believe her mission was why don't we ask her go to her gospel man said of people's gross extrapolations of a seed of something and saying here's what it means or they channeled it everybody check it can channel all kinds of things doesn't mean it's right or true so you know we hear in her gospel but also other sources that she she says in the gospel of Mary Magdalene Jesus is my master not my
husband my master I'll do anything for my master I mean she was the soul bowing in humility to the spirit and that is beautiful don't agender the soul bowing to the spirit I'm here to serve you and she became a perfect depiction of the soul you can goddess her you can priestess her you can you know embellish all kinds of things none of them compared to being a perfect soul because she was knowledgeable she was a priestess of this temple in school it's all stuff you're you're channeling but and you might even feel it's true that's
great guys I'm not dissing that but what could be greater than saying it's a soul that became perfectly humble and of service to God's will because that's what she did that is a statement of the Divine Feminine it's not what you accomplished it's your presence of heart you know and we could go on and on about that because people just fight that because they're having so many issues with masculine and feminine but you don't have to bleed your gender issues you know into spirituality but it's it's hijacking a
lot of spiritual people and making them go off on these tangents of anger and whatever just anchors never justified man did you know you're making yourself victims and fighting things just forget all that and get to the spiritual the deeper significance of all these things so Casey says she was from a wealthy family yeah she was almost stoned to death and it is um that she became kind of like almost born again a great symbol of old life surrendering to a new life so much of my work is about that emptying my cup to refill my cup
who's a good example of that Mary Magdalene absolutely I see her as a goddess because of what she accomplished not because of studies in a temple somewhere that somebody made up and said this I believe this happened I channeled it and then I had a synchronicity that confirmed it anyway I want to don't want to get too far with that so that's you know Casey and other source is all confirming you know and I just think it's cool I love I love the the message but let's pretend for a moment Michael is off Casey could be off what about
what is of course in miracles' say cuz that's Jesus channeled right and it's a very I mean it's not just somebody's whim of a channeling a Course in Miracles sold a million copies and nobody benefits from it the woman that channeled never went on workshop tours or money whatever which is not a bad thing but she just never did nobody gained from it and it's never been advertised I mean I could go and advertise that I'm going to class on it but it the publishers never advertised it on
its own it sold this many copies and it's on just about every you know country and in every country and on every content I mean it's it's weird because it's writing on angel's wings it has a power of its own that's you know indisputable then you get to the channeling process the infallibility of its the wording there's there's melody there's Shakespearean pentameter that that creates a rhythm of the word it is otherworldly let's just say that it's not just a nice channeling it's otherworldly but I won't go any further
there's lectures I've done on just that background of course but yeah man she's you know that that was an amazing channeling but Jesus is saying because she was sort of asking him questions at times and he was saying how could I have been focused on teaching the world that this world and all of its illusion it's all an illusion life on Earth and this world is an illusion bodies are an illusion so he says in there how could I have then focused on you know getting the hots for a girl getting married having children starting a family
leaving a bloodline that everybody has to track down to find the Christ how could how could I be telling you this as an illusion and then what to involve myself with something that is so focused on a detail a cell cell a body cell a gene so he's pretty you know if he is clear about that so now you have to sit and go oh now you might not like this if you're you know an angry type you might be fighting for something saying this is not true what Michaels saying it's not true great now you remember you have to toss out the teachings of Jesus today
and the course and so many other materials that are consistent you're only background is a few mistranslated comments and they're literally only a few and that's creating a whole religion around it and so you you can say I'm gonna disregard and dis all these accurate things things that we know Casey or whatever I'm not saying they're perfect or they're not perfect I'm saying those sources that have proven themselves to be you know I mean find a FAL ability and find fault in A Course in Miracles it did it does it contradict
does it blip somewhere and no you know it's really pretty solid people's you're gonna found that other theory on people's loose channelings so think of just think about it before you do I think there's beauty to these channelings of people beauty I love the love that's in it that they love Magdalene that they love the concept of beauty or Romans I think it's all beautiful not necessarily and I won't tell you exactly what I think I'm just telling you I love you know I love the love that these people
have for Jesus Mary you know and all that more than I like the religious condescending judgmental attitudes of the past towards Mary Magdalene I'm all for it let's go the other route if I had to choose one if I had to choose one only one I would say well you know if literally if there were two camps in the one was trying to condemn her and kill her that which the church was trying to do in the early days through character assassination or by the other I'd go stand with the others I would I'd stand by the others even though I know that
the channelings are not always accurate and a lot of it's been romanticized I'd go stand with it because they're not physically causing harm they're just bitching a lot the other was trying to physically cause harm and I understand with the other just because that's what the right thing to do is but I am gonna stay in real life here in the center and say what have you got to say thank you what have you got to say thank you your anger and disgust of women I'm not into that thank you so no thank you for that peace might have other pieces or the
right but that peace no thanks the other thank you for sharing great not into really the anti-male the bitterness trying to you know hold women up to high or esteem you don't have to do anything the women are great let them be instead of fighting for it just be it practice it be what Magdalene was instead of trying to make it all about a fight of masculine and feminine so that's kind of what I would say to either camp thank you and no thank you to the right pieces and go from there because what what they're teaching what their messages
what Mary Magdalene represented is far more important than whether she was married or not and what Jesus taught is far more important than whether he was married or had long hair or short hair that's my take you may not agree but that's you know my take so I sit and I look at the kc material I look at the Course in Miracles material I think you know yeah you know I can kind of see where you know this is making sense and where it's not making sense but in summary in all honesty in summary I just go okay you know if we took all the
sources the books the Gospels the teachings the chat if we took channeling we took it all together but leave out the ones with agendas it starts to narrow them down a little bit and then we would probably conclude that you know Mary Magdalene was like most ordinary people you choose a person she's not a mythology she's a person and that she became extraordinary extraordinary Extra Ordinary she stepped up and became something amazing enough to scare the church and you know enough to also leave tidbits of stuff for
people to win it you know embellish on but I don't need it embellished I can feel who she is I don't need it I don't need it embellished you don't have to tell me she's a goddess a priestess of a temple in Egypt or Britain or this or that you don't have to make up any crap about it you don't have to magnify it you know exaggerate because you do that though you're just exaggerating it's almost like putting on dressing and then pretending that you know a skunk is an eagle you know you couldn't put feathers on it and whatever it's still the skunk
it doesn't make any difference you dress it up so to me there's a light there's a goddess there and there's a beauty there and I see it and I feel and I don't need any embellishment but also I wouldn't tolerate any smashing of you know reputation smashing either because I already know the truth get in the center of what you believe Christ to be Jesus to be Mary Magdalene to be Michael Mayer dad to be you to be instead of what everybody else is saying that's you know part of what I've been trying to get across anyway so I think that when you
you know if you look at the summary of it she had similar things like anybody else doubts and fears human stuff Jesus went through it too he just was awake enough to see through it and move forward but you know she just chose to be extraordinary and I think that's I just love that I thought I loved that when you guys tell me you're going through a test and you chose to step through it I loved it and I sometimes share those stories without your names attached but I share those stories with groups and workshops
because I think your victories over ego and fear and the world are just as commendable noteworthy as you know Mary Magdalene or Jesus himself because it brings it to the here and now that human beings are fighting the good fighting coming out you know victorious and the mythologies of you know the stories of our life you know when I think about it you know it's not it's not really just what she taught that's amazing it's what she pulled off in her day to day life I mean honestly even if there were more clear Gospels
and they're not even the one we have called the gospel of Mary Magdalene it's in fragments guys it's not complete I don't even I don't even know if they know how complete it is but it might only be 60 set 60 percent intact which is you know there's some cool stuff but you can't really make heads or tails of it because it chops in all of a sudden it's it's on a roll and then cuts and you have to just kind of hope you got the gist of what she was saying in that moment and what she is sharing the deepest stuff she's quoting Jesus she's
saying Jesus taught me this he asked me a question I answered this then he corrected me and said this I mean she's talking about one-on-one mini workshop stuff you know we were right there he and I and he was answering questions we were going for it Medus was great and there's cool stuff but again unfortunately it's chopped up so can't you know refer you to any great source along those lines you know we will at the end of the day we will we will all pull what we want to pull I would just try to stay out of my ego so I don't
pull ego based stuff but we're all gonna extract what we want to extract from it you just have to I think you should just basically say I only want to extract what resonates with my highest good that's kind of a good rule of thumb I guess you could call it it doesn't mean you could say what about Jesus he could have been an alien teacher from Mars according to some people out there you know on the circuit touring and saying Jesus I think he was an alien you could be an alien for us it doesn't
matter it's what the message the deeper meaning of the message and how I apply it that matters whether he was born in Jerusalem whether he's born in South America whether he was born on Mars Venus or earth the message is what's most important that's at least that's my take and I just think again you know whatever is the highest good you know don't go with messages just because they're they're popular there fats go with what seems to resonate with what you perceived to be the highest good and
if you say having Jesus and Mary betrothed married and having children for some reason for me is a symbol of perfection and wholeness that I'm seeking to achieve who could argue with that man that's pretty cold now if you sit there and base it all on and the church they're out to get us and it was a lie and this was a lie and the truth is they used to kiss and this story out of little sentences you're trying to miss translate it doesn't sell me on anything it doesn't impress me is what I'm saying so I hope you know i hope
that's made sense and please again this takes a lot for me to go into this topic because it's so charged for people so I hope you can understand I'm not sitting here just quickly rashly flippantly learning out some some thing you know these two extremes I don't support but I take there's something of value there's something about you there there's also something not a value and not a value and I just let it all come to me that that seems to be consistent with the light the message of God the message of Christ Christ messages it's an illusion
so I can't picture him you know doing some of the things that would be part of the illusion it doesn't make sense and at the same time some of the things the church has tried to say about Jesus as well as Mary they're not accurate so you don't need to stay however in the obscure and the unknown and the frustration of it all don't don't say it then though I don't know what to believe so I'm gonna toss it all just relax and develop the Christ within yourself and then the things that make the most sense and are probably the most true and
accurate will be the ones that most gravitate towards you if you go chasing them grabbing pieces and excerpts from books and mistranslating and do what everybody or whatever else you want and you bring it and you try to force it into you believes in gospel then it's really not very Christ II what you did is you formed or forcefully formed a doctrine and said this is the truth I wouldn't even do that I would just sit in centre don't go out and get pieces and force them I would sit in Center and look at
the things what makes sense yes that's consistent the corset for example of course in miracles' seems right so anything else that's contradicting that could be off even if it's only 80% right let's pretend for a second then the odds are already of something contradicts it it is already suspect suspect of being 80% off not the course but the person or thing that's contradicting it let me just use that common sense that's why Buddha was saying don't listen to anybody just test it and see
how it comes out and what's more he says is if it works for you great he doesn't mean what it works for your ego and you badger people with it he means if it changes your heart and soul and you become more like God and you know in the consciousness of Christ that's the ticket okay thank you for listening and I bid you deep peace happiness and joy in your lives I truly do and I thank you for joining us now and always all the times you do