Lightworkers, Teachers & Healers
well um if you want to give me a couple of topics uh to cover for today hold it she gets my jokes why can't you okay anyone else okay that's good thank you let me start you know today by again thanking everyone as we said this is the last day um the last service we're doing as unity of sedona tell me technically that changed months ago years ago but um officially now uh last week and um you know it's you know it's wonderful i mean there's you know i get a lot of great feedback
from people who have said you know during the whole covet thing you guys really stood out you really made a difference you know streaming live and and being here and allowing people to to wear masks not wear mess and be respected you know they they felt it i mean i've gotten some great feedback about how we because it was all of us shined light you know that we just kept being the light well but it's important that we all get that i mean did you do that don't just tell us that we did that what did you do you know did you shine
or did you get scared which is okay you know to to get scared as human and to move past that is divine so it's okay but please when you see the positive examples that you feel i or we set ask yourself and how are you doing that you have to become what you love right so that was fantastic and and uh you know we've seen changes there's a few people that left when when they asked me to come here years ago to be the spiritual leader a few people left hundreds added you know when we when we started live
streaming a few people said oh no i want it to be only you know they left and thousands added is it worth it i don't you know you ask yourself in your life when you make changes for the better you know how does it pan out does it does you know by the fruits you're supposed to look at things and say is it fruitful you know and so when we moved buildings some people oh you know i went the other building you know that had rats and things you know because it was like 80 000 years old and everything was falling down and
collapsing and you know um you know it's we understand you loved it we loved it it's great um we just keep shining the light we just keep you know and i understand one guy was very beautiful very very beautiful and responsible he was on the original board when i got here he left after a while and i saw him later and i said where have you been how are you doing you know he said you know i love it's beyond amazing who you are what you do what you guys are doing what unity of sedona has done and become he
said but but i i just i wanted our small you know 40 people me sunday services i just wanted that and you know what i think it's beautiful he knows what he wants and this wasn't it but he handled it responsibly i think so i was very very proud of him um he didn't say you guys are wrong you guys are he just said he he owned it i'm he said you know i'm kind of messed up i want my old you know i said you know that's beautiful in my head i'm thinking that's called hoarding no i i didn't
i didn't say that but you know it it kind of is so got to keep the old stuff um but in your life and in our life when when things people can't adapt it has nothing to do with you okay when you when you're done with a relationship and i'm i'm not excusing people who prematurely jump out of everything and run run run all the time not at all but i'm just saying it's you know exactly exactly um but just check this out and say to yourself when there's a change in your life you know here's what humans do
a little annoyance they allow their ego to inflate into a major fire like a deal breaker be careful you might have a relationship that only has a 10 annoyance and you allow it to become a deal breaker and that's because the ego wants us to be unloved unlovable constantly on the run constantly finding fault and and i mean there could be people here that can do that week after week going oh my god and then one day whatever it is i'll say something do something with the wrong musicians they didn't like or would it
and they're like oh my god i'm out of there it's not like we don't see through that that's your ego causing you to run from something that was good and helpful to you unless it was a major deal breaker kind of a thing i could have my favorite musicians in the old days and i would go and see them they might change musicians in the band i remember one band that did that i was like i really don't like the the new member it's the way they played it was really not them but it was an annoyance
and it's my annoyance for me to work on right it was not a deal breaker it was not at all a deal breaker so see you own it and you keep it to what really is the situation like the the guy who said i want to keep my small little congregation i think it's absolutely astounding to see that level of you know responsible behavior but to to have that to be gaining so much from a partnership or a job that you love but you're kind of wanting to retire don't start shaming the job don't start making
everybody there bad just so you can feel better about retiring but that's what humans do i want to retire and i can't clear it in my head that this is really what's going on so i'm going to start fault finding to excuse me for going you fall and same with partnerships you know you just make stuff up to justify you're wanting to go just no this is where i'm at but but if this is where i'm at and i'm making certain decisions if it's not your fault how am i going to live and blame you i've got to justify what i'm
doing and it can't be my thing it's got to be yours so this is what humans do so jesus himself would not have been well liked in sedona because the first time he said something like you know when his friends in sedona would have said jesus um we we heard you're gonna do something we don't like you to do you know and he says get behind me satan i mean sedona people would be like um first of all we don't believe in satan man and second of all we're like totally don't believe in evil or hell so what
does he mean like get behind me satan not to mention that was like rude that's what would have happened and he would have been like and i don't care what you think like this is just the truth because the firmness sometimes man you've got to say this is over sometimes sometimes mom even mom dad you gotta say um listen um i don't mind talking as long as we're staying loving if it starts going into weirdness and you start you know calling me a witch or you start you know you know anti-religious comments and if
you start telling me you can't talk to me because you might catch my virus through the phone and i need to wear a mask when i'm on the phone to you and a complete you know has been suit i call it anyway i know right um you just say mom bye click she calls back click she calls back caller block take care man just it's okay but some people are going to get annoyed they think spirituality has to look the way they want it to look but your decisions in your life as long as they're congruent with you i will absolutely tell you up front we
love balance here there's times we say yes sometimes we say no times total lenience and times enough and someone's going to get annoyed by such things so in your life and i'm saying this partly because of the way the world is going um in your life please be true to yourself all all of yourself your beliefs and whatever they happen to be and your beliefs are only your beliefs today as our dear lee chaplin said you know this is he said earlier today in a meeting this is where you are today okay um don't stick too
hard on these things just recognize all i know like for us the global center for christ consciousness and and some of us have heard nothing but praise that we're going in that and you know and one or two of us were like oh i had one person or two you know say what's that christ consciousness that sounds christian or it sounds to this or to that just ask we'll explain christ consciousness is you know synonymous with god it's just that if we would have called this the center for god or god consciousness someone who would have
been anointed do you mean the feminine aspect of god or the masculine somebody would have still had a problem with it why do you have to use the word god call it spirit now we just sound like a new age store the center for spirit come here and buy your yoga pants and you know and and crystal pyramids and it sounds like just kind of a beautiful new age story you know we got to own who we are this is the center for christ consciousness the highest consciousness anyone can attain why is it the highest because it's the name of what you really
are krishna consciousness you know it's not like we are the center the global center of the semi-consciousness the global center for pseudo enlightenment that doesn't make sense to me this is who i am and if people say oh it's too fine complain leave it doesn't matter to me we're just going to honor who we are and apparently it works because you're all sitting here filling up the chairs and watching from around the world and it's because some part of us all knows part of us all of us knows
this is the time we're in it's the time of the second coming oh is jesus returning no he's awakening in you christ has to be born in us we have to remember who we are thank you you know and some people are like i was i was just hoping for a kind of an ascension well that then you should go to the center for pseudo-enlightenment or semi-enlightenment where you get to ascend to the fifth level of dimension instead of all the way home you'll never hear me talk much really it would be rare for me to talk about me
going to a certain dimension michael you know when all changes are you going to the fifth dimension eighth dimension like buddha says don't name it i'm going home i won't limit you know that's not me bing fifth floor anybody getting out no bing sixth floor i'm not getting out man all the way home someday no today i make this choice today to be all the way home on that note and in you know in regard to the requests you guys shared we're entering a new age and it's funny to me that there are
people out there still saying oh you remember you know y2k it never happened oh 2012 it never what do you need to see happening before you realize it did happen the world has never been the same since 2000. since 2012 it's just escalating all of those prophecies were true people started back paddling like oh well um maybe we got the date wrong what were you waiting for like just really some kaboom it was never predicted to be a one-hour event this is a process that we're in and this is hitting everybody on every level but
i don't want to go too far into like prophecies but everything is changing the bad news is it's a global dark night of the soul and the dark night of the soul never feels good that's why it's called the dark night of the soul instead of the gray night of the soul the semi dark night it it's the dark night of the soul and people will say but the problem is i'm having faith issues you will that's the point well no i want to not have the if i'm in the dark night i want to not have that's
nice thanks for sharing but that's what the dark knight means nothing works my prayers my hopes my dreams things aren't going my way things aren't going the way i would hoped people are dying or people or this and pandemics and you know personal or global issues that's the dark night our job is not to ask god to get us out of it it's to be with us while we're in it how you change a dark night is by turning on the light where you are and by calling on god to help you do it don't try to do it on your own
oh i'm a light worker i'll just i'll affirm it you know as the poles are shifting and planets you know the mountains are sinking and continents are sinking atlanteans from ten thousand years ago or popping up out of the ocean going man that was a weird you know i was almost running out of air you know i've been under the ocean for ten thousand years you know welcome to my mind but anyway you know there's going to be all this and you're going to be like all is good in my life all is good you know it's going to be
all is good boom and all is good boom you you affirm no matter what's happening around you you know the truth but respect the illusion and it's okay for you to say out of the darkness into the light like the song it's beautiful say that and then you happen to notice an asteroid about to land you might want to move out of the darkness into the because the shadow might in the darkness might have been the shadow of the asteroid out of the you know shadow of the asteroid i'll move to the right you know
it's okay keep knowing the truth keep affirming the truth you'll make changes and some people will not like them don't let them guilt shame you be who you are if they were really worth being in your life they would have come to you and said two things primarily one i'm looking at this and i'm seeing my part in how i'm feeling that's called responsible behavior only then after they've processed their little trigger with you or whatever they would say and you you did something once where you you
abruptly took something out of my hand keys to the building if you take something from you i have triggers around that would you do me a favor and let me know you're doing it because i got startled see that's responsible i realize it's my triggers and you can still know that i'm a loving enough i being any of us i'm a loving enough person to where you can communicate an issue and i'll work with you on it see that's perfect that's all you can expect if people don't want to talk they don't
want to communicate they don't want to work on the issues change what you can accept what you can't walk away well but they might think this they're going to when somebody doesn't want to like you or wants to find fault they're going to and if it isn't today it's going to be tomorrow why prolong it just rip the keys out of their hand again and get it over with you know let him throw a tantrum and leave maybe not for you but you know it's okay just being who we really are so i call this being lightworkers
we're not just on the planet and we're not just descending there all this is happening but we're light workers there's two major categories of light workers teachers and healers but there's a third category anyone who just chooses to hold space you don't have to be a teacher teacher you don't have to be a healer healer but just moms poets musicians anyone trying to hold space they're light workers now what if they don't know it that's fine then it's being unconscious light workers and that's sad
to me not because it's bad because if they knew what will happen to their music to their parenting when they own who they really are everything ramps up it changes how you parent it's it changes how you politic it changes how you sing everything goes to another level and you know that can be intimidating which is why some people just seemingly by coincidence don't know such terms new age or ascension or light worker they don't want to know because it's too intimidating you know the famous john lennon you know
he got all these beautiful songs all you need is love i mean how much more direct can you be right all you need is love and later on he writes whatever gets you to the light mind games imagine beautiful tunes but he had anxiety attacks over this he started saying i i i don't want to write spiritual stuff anymore because people expect it to always be deep it's got to be great it's got to be perfect or they judge it so he caved to anxiety and he stopped writing and then when he comes back they're just real simple tunes
you know i love my wife i love my kid i love my wife i love my kid and it's like wow where's the depth my heart goes out because i understand it he was living with this spotlight on and show us how spiritual you can be and and he already had anxiety about performing and being a beetle and how everybody expects perfection their last concert he just goes nuts he's just doing all these silly things on stage george harrison years later said i don't think anybody realizes it but john was having a nervous breakdown
on stage yeah he was on scene you know he's on the keyboard and he's doing this with his elbow on the keys and just noise and noise it was his way of saying there's something inside help it's bursting to get out you know something inside i don't know what it is and it was all kinds of things it was knowing god but not knowing how to connect with god all you need is love but i have anger issues you know so that con that inner conflict creates at the very least anxiety disorders so there are these three categories
now some some of us lean towards one or the other out of the three very rarely some of us embrace two i'm a teacher and healer very very rarely can someone say i do all three i'm a healer and a teacher and i know how to hold presents but if i asked this kind of audience online and here i would bet you a good number would say all three and i think that's beautiful once upon a time that wasn't the case it's changing why and how is that changing because the more we accept our christ self the more we awaken all three because in
christ there's no limitation it's our god self and i know people get tripped out about you know names christ self it sounds christian and so on i get that but one of you asked about the word discipline and trust that really plays into this discipline means own who you are discipline means not to cave when someone gets all weird about that i'm a teacher i'm a healer people come to me uh anywhere in this town or any other town and they say i'm a healer really with that okay cool now tomorrow i have a major health
crisis i call oh i'm gone for the week i'm going to be with my beloved we're going to be you know stirring stew in a campsite somewhere or whatever don't tell me you're a healer i'm saying this man i know this is one of those moments where michael sounds too intense that's okay i'm talking not you so don't call yourself a healer if there are other priorities in your life say i'm a mommy i think that's perfect completely be that mom i'm not saying you can't do two things i'm saying
where's your priority nurturer mother perfect but it gets challenging when you say i'm a healer because if i hear that i'm going to hold you to that that's what you said you are hi i have somebody that needs some help your sessions are 200 they can only afford 150.
oh no i won't work with them see there's a difference and i'm not saying even i there's times when i'll say no because it's you know or my staff or whatever to people that want this and what there's times to say no but where is your priority i said this before as well the spiritual leaders the spiritual leaders they call themselves in this world the ones most respected are just false prophets and i don't mean that in a rude way let me explain they're actually just authors that are successful they don't live the life
they don't talk god they don't even talk christ consciousness they just talk about you know self-help or whatever they are just call them what they are they're just teachers they're authors rather they're just successful authors there's publishing companies that call themselves new age publishing companies and they're known by us authors as the new age mafia why how could that be because that's how they behave teachers and healers have made success fame and money their priority not god
and mankind fame and success money publishing companies have done it and the teachers and healers out there they don't care about healing they're just selling books and i think that's great don't think that i'm saying they're doing anything wrong i'm only saying they're mislabeled call things for what they really are and please stop people out there that are i'm a healer when in fact you have five other things that are more important a healer isn't you know like you can be
a naturopath and be a healer but you could also be a naturopath and not be a healer just a naturopath you studied something and now you're doing not being there's a difference see you could never separate in me the teacher and healer from michael i've tried trust me in some moments i've thought okay well you know and i've had people say so michael when are you not the teacher and the healer and when they exactly right see and i laugh too honey it those people asking me now it's kind of rude for them to say
when are you not because what they're trying to do is say we need you to not be this spiritual person you get that it's kind of rude and so on and so on but actually it's not them they're mirroring me michael yes in their form of them michael yes are you ever not this and i had to answer the question not how dare you it's more like they're never separate when i answered them i answered who myself same for you when somebody's saying oh how long you going to be into this honey you know if we didn't bring you up to be
a new agey spiritual you know we brought you up to our traditional religion or whatever their their trip is your husbands wives they're mirroring a question to you and your job is to step up and answer it not just to them but to you you see answer this i'm owning this and that's powerful when a a naturopath or healer of any you know physician or any kind of healer or teacher or life coach or counselors or whatever when you realize even musicians when you realize this is your ministry it's not just a talent or a job although
it can be you know i'm i'm a naturopath or a chiropractor an herbalist and i'm just doing my measurements and selling things you know it's all very linear and that's fine you're you're an herbalist but that don't say you're a healer i'm saying the new age of healers and teachers is an umbrella under which many things can be but those individual things don't make you the umbrella i'm doing doing doing these things i am i am i am this thing does that make sense so you know do what you want with it
but the whole world is going to be testing everybody to see if you're living up to that thing because that's who we ultimately are what if you only label yourself little fine live up to that for now that's fine but i'm saying to you you will never leave the earth plane you will never end incarnating until you own the whole enchilada own the whole thing but you said michael we can own the small for now yes but the whole time the world's going to be calling you to step up to your real title i am
as god created me i will to be the christ on earth i am awake you see and owning that you know stepping in and owning that and realizing wow this is so beautiful and so heavy in a sense and churches have done the same thing they they started you know they were always doing their thing just you know amazing grace we're all sinners from now you know and it's just and everything was just kind of dull but then christ consciousness entered some minds and said what about new thought what about we're not sinners
what about we are the love of god well that's a novel concept they became called you know new thought churches beautiful but now the new thought churches have become the old new thought because they say stayed stuck at the level of being in between the old way and the new way they stayed stuck as a bridge the good news is they're still there bringing some old old school people into the old new thought system i think again okay but what if you're the new new thought what if what if it's not just a a
more palatable softer approach of spirituality what if it it's calling us to become the consciousness the mind you know put on the mind of christ as the bible says put on the mind of christ all that i have done you shall do and more wow jesus said that so we worship jesus and we talk jesus in fundamental churches but but he's already saying man i'm handing this to you because you are this thing too jesus when is the second coming and all he could think of is oy they like you guys are waiting for my second
appearance you're not getting it all that i am you shall be put on the mind of christ how else do i have to say it it's not and he even uses the term you're going to hear people say there he is there he is see and don't listen to those people he's over there he's what did he mean because there is no over there it's poof inside and the common denominator between truly being a light worker who holds presence or as a teacher or as a healer is your level of forgiveness i don't mean you know just like people
that are annoying well okay i forgive the guy that just cut me off on the road that's true you do that i'm talking about we're learning in as we develop greater god consciousness christ consciousness we're realizing i have to forgive everything i have to forgive myself for believing in death i have to forgive myself for believing that in this room i see men and women you're not a body how could you be a man or a woman i have to forgive myself for thinking you look older than that person all of my perceptions are wrong
everything you ever thought you knew was inaccurate and that's why we have moments of epiphanies i had this and people think wow i had this epiphany that brought me up actually you got to the point where you were willing to let go of something that kept you down it's not like god actually said uh let's see i'm kind of bored today i think i'm going to appear to you yeah you know i like brunettes you know i i favor men or women you know i think i'm going to appear to you like some random thing
god can never appear to us without our being open to it on some level well i know somebody that was atheist and they were rude and crude and they weren't open to it on some level the tumblers of that lock fell into place somehow click the safe opens the wrong tumblers it doesn't happen and some of us are like well when do my tumblers fall into shh as soon as you start thinking to make it happen you're already out of that anyway so we're light workers but we're also healers teachers and people that hold presents
you're allowed to say no no no i hear you i hear you even if you agree with me i hear you but i i really want to lean towards one it's already overwhelming i'm a healer let me work on that i think it's great i'm only saying that as we awaken to who we really are all three kind of come in the word trust that one of you asked about man that is trust to be able to say there's so much more to me and i'm gonna stay open to it downloading into my being well downloading a little already made
siblings never talk to me again now how much more what do i basically become friendless you know is that the way of you know no but it might start off that way you know moses had to part the sea to walk through it sometimes it's like you guys over there you guys over there i'm going there and that's just the way it's going to be well i don't want it to be that way okay then then then be a spiritual hoarder keep everybody in their little place every every toothpick every you know paper clip
which means every person every relationship and i'm telling you they're gonna go anyway the difference is do i get to participate in the departure of those who are not going the same direction or do i become a victim of it because they're going to go anyway when they don't you know when they want to find fault they're going to find fault anyway so let's just move on it's you know i know that's easier said than than done so those who seem to be spiritual trendsetters they're what i meant by
false prophets is they're appearing to be lightworkers doing the work of god here's the definition more or less a light worker you're serving god in mankind cert not i'm collecting funds from mankind if there's nothing wrong with being prosperous at all but like like i've written books i'd go on tour the book selling is part of my income half the time i'd forget to even announce that i had them you know it was it was kind of funny because there weren't the priority teaching healing being of service that way that's
what i was about and people would say well you forgot michael and that sales and i would just say it's still going to come to me if it's meant to come to me it's all okay this beautiful woman she was a minister for a long time of a religious science church i shared this story recently with a few of you but man it was amazing she asked me would you come and speak at our church sure sure so i put it on my my list and we toured there that that year and several years after but i said she said we want you to do a
workshop i said well okay which one you know something usually let me introduce myself to the group i'll do something kind of simple clear beautiful you know and all that oh do your healing the heart and soul not heal it's heal the healing workshop which was like a two day four day five day intensive i'm like you you're kidding me like that's heavy heavy deep healing stuff not just the healing of the heart and soul book kind of work this was deep deep healing work and i'm like you're
kidding no no we that's what i feel guided i'm like okay i trusted and went with it we did the workshop when we were done let's pretend it made four thousand dollars she hands me all the money i said okay well here's your 50 or whatever the percentage was and she she was always no honey that was always her worth honey no we don't need any money from it i'm like well this is your percentage as the center god takes care you know she's going god is the source this is only the resource i always love
that saying i said okay so wow so i became prosperous i made four grand and so on she writes me two weeks later and says guess what one of your attendees was so transformed she wrote us a check for sixty thousand dollars right you're cool huh that woman lived it lived this kind of level of trust that some of us would only just hear about like you just heard some of us live that and that's our job to be able to say you know like last week i gave away a bunch of my uh relationships book it's just the way it is it's okay give
how you can where you can your time your consciousness your love your prayers when the world is crashing more and more and you can't give today when things are still reasonably decent how are you going to give when you're more afraid than you were today don't be calling yourself light worker if you can't shine light bring light bring help into people's lives we do such an impeccable job here at at being the presence and once in a while we'll slip in a way that we don't like once in a while we'll slip in a way that
you don't like our job forgive correct move on someone doesn't accept the correction that's because they're staying broken in your life or our life but we're you know we're we're light workers and the world is changing we're light workers we are the light of god so let's wrap our minds around this before we're done the big bang takes place let's say and i don't care about science some of them believe and some of them don't believe in the big bang i don't care the big
bang took place when that happened we'll call it the great central sun the pinhole in the whole dark universe if you get into mythology they describe creation with more elaboration not in contradiction because the book of genesis is actually mythology that got written down i swear to god all the things you hear in the all the gospel genesis said yeah and you know where they got it from ancient people beyond their years it was mythology telling us the following there was this suddenly there was this there was this black
nothingness that's the moment that the children of god said let's close our eyes we were awake in god one minute the next minute let's close our eyes and imagine in that moment boom the black universe started forming we closed our eyes and said what would life be like if we could be separate first thing blackness secondly what would life be like if we were separate well what boom the great central sun that was the children of god blew and fragmented into souls a countless number let's pretend it's a
trillion souls just as the universe exploded and became several suns they're actually called stars some people you know have this thing about the word sun and the word star you know and that just goes nowhere to argue that the bottom line is they're all stars all these fiery masses they're all stars well ours is wiser called the sun because we named it the sun that's why we named our star the sun but i would also argue that one day we'll come any place that there's a solar system with life on the planets
that star needs to be changed called a sun but that's another conversation in any case all of those fiery masses all the stars including our own sun they're all symbols of us blasting apart so there is a star which i've said before i know there's a star that has your name on it energetically there's a star that is the symbol of every one of us when the universe blew apart it was us leaving each other and leaving god the more we separated the more we became separate but jesus said i am the light of the
world which means he's saying i'm i'm making myself right now a proclamation that i am synonymous with the sun in the solar system that gives you light and warmth i'm identifying with the sun but he says you're also the light of god well if i'm the light of oh i'm a star too and i don't mean like a star like oh look at me i'm a star it's not an ego kind of a basis i'm talking every one of us is a star every one of us is a light now if we didn't exist the universe
would be black again blackened you're bringing light if you're a star and you are to the darkened universe right that's what the suns do that stars do they they're light in the darkness but that's a metaphor if that's those stars bring light to the black universe you're supposed to be bringing light to the dark world i can't even bring light to the passengers in my car and i'm the only one in there you know what i mean like how do i become a light unto the universe it will happen
the yes song it can happen to you it will happen to me and it'll happen to everyone eventually it's it's happening it's who we are it's not like we became not it and now we're going to become it's already who we are but we choose to play small we choose to forget who we are and play small then we live with guilts and shames right it's it's it's i mean there's no better word for it playing small one of you asked about new beginnings it's just perfect for what we're talking
about here but what is your new beginning is it the same old beginning i got divorced by endings i'm ready for a new life hey look there's someone just like my ex it doesn't make sense you know i want them and then sometimes you actually you know don't see that they're the same you know they oh they look different different name different skin color doesn't matter they're just flying in under the radar if you're not different how can they be different that's why to take a break and clear
stuff is so important and or if you're in a relationship to not go all the way into commitments and all you know partner life made and finish healing if you die married and you're a screwed up person you're just a screwed up formerly married dead person nothing changed if you live or die and you worked on yourself that is permanent change permanent change you're raising the bar on what you can attract prosperity-wise wise and so on so we are the light of god in a darkened place and yeah it's okay for us to say
it feels unfair you know why do i have to shine more light i'm tired today then be tired because if you are the light of god you deserve to rest see it's okay to go today i'm just not in the mood to like shine i'm like ah you know darkness you know when you walk through life like the spiritual version of pig pen with this you know dust pouring out your aura looks all dark and what that's that yeah i'm gonna i'm in a mood man you know it's just the way i feel today someone said just recently you know it's
hard to affirm all that great stuff when you're not feeling it that's especially when you need to affirm that stuff and you know what i would do i wouldn't do it like denial i am not feeling negative i am feeling bright i would say despite feeling dark today that's what i would do why because i'm owning how i feel instead of pushing it down i am not feeling this i'm feeling that which jesus referred to as polishing tombstones you still have the dead person inside if you polish it up as
much as you want it's still dead body i don't want to be that i want to open the tomb and let this light shine on this dead body and bring it to a resurrection man i'm feeling this way i know it feels yucky however in the the creepiness of halloween you know for some people but it's like let's do halloween boom here i am skeletons in the closet oh my god there's old stuff oh and i didn't know they would come up in this you know process and let the light shine and all the little mouths and things come flying out and
ghosts and goblins let them out the light shines and you resurrect that's how it's going to happen not by pretending you don't have issues let the light shine on it i'm a light worker i'm a healer i'm a you know a teacher and they say well we're all teachers i don't mean just the ones that say that i'm talking about when you own it are you really and what is the teacher of god how do we know if if it's authentic teacher healer is their first priority god and mankind i'm not leaving you out of the equation
as it might sound like a the sacrificial i'm here for everybody else and i'm drained because of everybody else i'm not saying that i'm actually made more of who i am by being of service to god in mankind not in a co-dependent way because i know it's god's self and others but when i'm truly here i'm of service to others see there's not a doing to it it's this easy kind of presence we will never ascend we can talk fifth dimension and i believe it it's all happening i get it
but you will never fully ascend without accepting who you really are and so the world is now squeezing everybody it's it's basically it's an alchemical process and the flame is getting turned up we're burning the world is burning because it's not our real home all that is unlike love has to go yes politics economy as we know all those things including relations and whatever else we're attached to it all has to go blame everybody else for it which is typical you know well if only a different
politician if only a different science if only that's not where it it comes from it's here forgive what you think you see and then be a different scientist politician doctor whatever else you do bring forgiveness into everything you do an attitude of responsible behavior and forgiveness this isn't about frequencies only this isn't about when you go into a building do this chant because you'll anchor christ presence if you do this particular chat which does work but if you do that with an unloving
heart it's not authentic step in there access the divine inside and then do the chant then do the mantra then do the song then do the prayer hold presents wherever you go some people are saying well i'm a nurse and i want to enter this new world this new dimension of healing but but you know nurses are often kind of you know squashed down our job isn't to change the outside world it's to change the inner world shine bright enough the light will then change the outside world we're waiting for the outside to change
and that's an and which is what why humanity's so messed up it's trying to manipulate the outside to make ourselves feel better more powerful more wealthy like so much of the world and instead it's like no how can i be of service why would i be of service you know why it isn't an action like i'm not just telling you make yourself be of service the more you practice being the presence of love it's an automatic thing that's going to happen i'm i'm just going to feel like i want
to help today you follow it you can't be love and then go i'm the presence of love get away from me it doesn't make sense the presence of love remember forgiveness is what love does it's an organic thing forgiveness is what love does just like trickling water calls birds you know and other animals there's certain things it's a call it's a vibe and there's a natural response well love is just automatically forgiving so keep an eye on your heart and soul keep an eye on your you know how
how forgiving are you step up be more responsible catch yourself when stuff is getting triggered we're entering a new age and i'm back to full circle to that we are entering a new age it was predicted we went through the dates of prediction and they were right on time telling us something's happening and some people thought it simply meant everything you know turns to lavender incense or whatever in the world every household now burns incense you know then we'd have a lavender shortage somebody would complain and we'd have a
problem again so instead what's happening we are entering a new age but the old age has to die my old ways of thinking mild ways of living all of the old the past has to go so we remind ourselves that one reason we're here is to remind ourselves of that one reason you meditate is to remind yourself don't just meditate because it sounds kind of fashionable you're supposed to be different when you're done meditating well how could i be different i sat in silence really okay um so you gained the skill of
silence how about trying this learn silence and then in the silence the voice of god okay i did that now i'm starting to hear the voice of great you're still not there have you integrated being the voice of god whatever guidance you got did you become it see so remember this i am the light of the world that sounds arrogant okay walk into any fundamental religion church hi everyone i'm the light of the world i don't think they're going to respond favorably i don't i did i did this once where i there was
this gathering at mount shasta and it was supposed to be all like the spiritual leaders in their in the region and so they there there was a bunch of us you know gathered in this big circle and some of them knew me and some of them didn't and so we knew each other and some of us didn't know each other but so we're all in this circle so we're going to now hear from jeremiah das peace joy the being of you know whatever you know um hi i'm i'm jeremiah and i channel from the 18th dimension
people are like you know how cool you know beautiful and then someone else i'm tiffany from the center of peace and love wow everybody was wowed and they got to me i said i'm michael i'm from the local christian church and i'm here to convert you all and there was this like how did he get in i gave it just enough time before i said no i'm kidding you know somebody else's name and i'm just saying i love it i love that we take on our spirit names i do what i'm saying is we take it so
seriously sometimes you know and i'm here to convert you all and they just went into panic mode you know why not [Laughter] i am the light of the world you know so you walk in and you make these pronouncements i am imagine a family reunion imagine a school class reunion let's all introduce ourselves you know you're 20th your 40th whatever it's clash room you know and you stand up and i am as god created me i will to be the christ on earth you see now if i did that i know the people that remember me
from the high school they just said he's always been a little you know all it would do is confirm their suspicions but guys i'm not saying literally overtly push buttons that's you know could be egotistic but i'm saying but it's true i am the light of the world i'm a star and i bring light to the universe and i need to start living up to that and bring light to the world to the people around me how pay someone forward when they're in the shopping line give an extra tip well i i how am i going to do that you
know you give an extra five dollars to a waiter waitress or whatever a server you know and and you think well but i don't have you'll get more when you learn to give more your consciousness grows and so what if well what if i give five bucks and the world systems fall apart you're gonna be warmer sooner when your air shuts off that five bucks isn't gonna make or break anything that's all okay it's in the big picture it's not trying to save for that dark moment that we fear isn't going to
help us practice giving sharing shining the light in a way that you feel you can afford i'm not telling you to do to my degree or me to do it your degree in some way but always more if you can always a bit more how can i shine more today light workers are the people that they're helping with animal rescues light workers they're they're bringing it they're making a difference so i pray that you're all finding a way to make your difference to to be like you know anandados in the music it's a ministry
in my opinion i'm not saying that that's what he calls it i'm saying when you see somebody doing their soul's purpose when you know it's who they are not what they do it is also what they do but it's who they are there's no separation from that if i were um someone that he were like attracted to and said hey let's have a partnership and i said great but i want you to let go of the whole music thing he would be absolutely wrong to say i agree to that you're telling me to not be who i am
if i did that and you put tape over my mouth in my sleep i would start it's who i am so if that would be a buzz kill if that would be a deal breaker let's just break the deal now right own who you are shine your light making sense all right thank you let's do a moment of centered meditation i am the light of the world god how beautiful i am the light of the world two thousand years ago jesus activated the third eye of someone named mary magdalene as well as his apostles there's a saying he used let thine eye
be single and you will be filled with light why because you open the divine eye close the human eyes there's only one real eye the eye i am of god she said to have lived out her years in the pyrenees mountains she lived in these honeycomb caves that are some of the most complex in the world there's no light in them and yet she lived in these honeycomb caves and didn't use light to navigate the caves how could that be done when you're a light unto yourself the bible ends with our awakening and says
there will come the day no more darkness in the universe there will no longer be day and night to just be light when we become light we can't perceive duality any longer it won't be the sunlight of the day and the darkness of the lack of sunlight we will be the son of god s-u-n by remembering that we are the holy child of god but is that true today spend the next couple of minutes just in your own imagination if you are and you are a holy child of god a light to the world spend the next couple minutes visualizing first
where you're not acting like the light of god and forgive yourself [Music] make amends by saying this is going to change starting now if you've darkened your own world or other people's own it forgive and move forward do that for a minute and then shift into imagining if you are the light of god what does that look like what does that look like in your day-to-day life do the first part and then the second [Music] so
[Music] where and when were you not being the light [Music] oops oops i slipped here i slipped there oops that's all make it right i'll do better at that when you allowed fear to take precedence greed to take precedence [Music] oops got it [Music] and begin visualizing the second part for about a minute i am the light of the world [Music] well don't you dare say that if you're not going to live it [Music]
it'll create conflict inside duality say it and imagine doing it you have all the power of the universe behind you the will of god all the power of god [Music] is behind you to support you in doing this how could we fail i am the light of god start by just picturing holding presents in family squabbles or just moments where people are in need [Music] picture yourself going to an animal shelter and just bringing love and light to those animals not guaranteeing they live or die you hold presence whether people live or
die [Music] you don't have to insist that everybody survive if you're a nurse in surgery you hold presents whether they live or pass on [Music] objective loving unconditionally loving how can you hold presence while you sing how can you hold presents while you're at work selling homes day-to-day life while you make love with yourself or others can you hold presents to where even a server at a restaurant feels something about you leave an impression of light [Music] if a light bulb turns on in front of my
eyes and then i close my eyes you've seen how the flash remains that's what you're supposed to do leave the presence of light indelibly ingrained into not just their eyes their souls [Music] kindness [Music] [Music] you bear a name sally sam [Music] or it can be a spirit name [Music] raphael like the angel [Music] anandados like the musician [Music]
yogananda the question is do you live up to it and then some [Music] and weighing that out you'll see why some people are afraid of the name christ it's because they know they've not been living up to that what they don't realize is they've already been forgiven for not living up to it and in forgiving they became it i am the light of god [Music] may i serve you more how may i love you more [Music]
how may i be closer to [Music] how you i serve how may i love you more how may i be closer to you [Music] [Music] the season's
[Music] changing over [Music] you are the constant [Music] guiding me [Music] the thought of you brings me [Music] i thought of you
brings me to my knees [Music] how may i love you more how may i be closer to you [Music] um [Music]
may i serve and you may i love you more how may i be closer to you [Music] centering breathing quiet just listen feel before a tree has its branches it's in the matrix of the tree before it was ever growing a crystal has a matrix behind it it grows into the matrix we are the christ growing into the matrix
of the christ is anandas playing as a person trained or is there a matrix of an artist a musician it looks like he's plucking guitar scene but is it that or is it already there just coming through right think about it he he isn't playing like it seems it's there i can't not be this i can't not sing is we are we are allowed to do there are people that are just trained and do but there's a point where we all go wait a minute i'm going to surrender to the painting that's coming through the parenting believe it or not saying
yes is that expression as is saying no continue eyes closed some of you if not that's fine too just one more minute i wander through the mystic hills sedona dust my sandal fills the trees they beckon me with song i know this is where i belong the birds of wondrous colors talk the cardinal and then the hawk the clouds the wind the sun and moon all sing their own harmonic tune it's here amidst all of nature's chatters i know that this is all that matters i'm in the moment in the now for all that is
i take my bow the stage of life is all around and i'm the actor homeward bound my body grounded to the earth my spirit travels to my birth and backward leaps through time and space before the start of human race no humans then the silent land mysterious still the desert sand i've known this place from long ago i've sought it out from high and low and lifetimes past but it's not changed the red rocks have not rearranged they now have names like courthouse bell it's all about love thank you michael
[Applause] wow does it all just isn't there beautiful wow there's a matrix of divinity in us all the conversation all that i'm they're words but it's the matrix coming out i'm only sharing what the divine matrix looks like when it reaches us verbally audibly through poem through music just perfect yeah and we're all in the remembrance of that thank you we're going to do our collection and our closing prayer please be as generous as you can be okay hold one sec hold one sec
um okay hold one sec put away your donations for a sec you're welcome to still give a donation to the ushers when you're leaving but what i'm going to do is whatever our average donations are here each week dosie okay just give me the average and take it from my own personal account my funds okay so i'm going to make the donations for everybody today um you know it's what i'm receiving so yeah right baby come back no so let me make your donations for you if you want to add to it out of your guidance and generosity please feel free
um but we won't we won't do a collection today somehow we'll you know i'll take care of that all right so that we understand this isn't just talking the talk you know this is this is who we are you know um we we do what we can to live this all right thank you um divine love flowing through me blesses and multiplies all that i am all that i have all that i give and all that i receive and so it is so think about one thing you the the funds you would have just shared it's already multiplied you already got
it back right but trust in that more even when you hand it over wherever however it's gonna come everything how could it not there's nothing outside of us so how can good karma not come back bad karma not come back it's the way it is because it's all us and also um donations this is if i were in your shoes i'd say well maybe i'll still give a donation but also why don't you take some of what you might have been giving and share it with our guest musician okay on your way out his tables out
there good deal yeah you're welcome love you brother yeah you're amazing what you do who you are it's just there's a vibe thank you and roger god you know i love it i mean this is the real world you're seeing reflected through these folks this is the real world being reflected through our guest musicians and each other okay if that's what we choose to see like buddha says lift the veils and it's there of course in miracles saying you have no idea how grateful you will feel when you lift the veils and see others for who
they really are now it's oh them yeah my ex oh my sister she's always been competitive with me and all the labels there's the day when that lifts and it's like oh my god they were there all along some bizarre spiritual version of you know hide and seek closing a couple quick notes from here on it it's not bad to make checks to unity of sedona if and when you share donations um but it's we got to get used to the global center for christ consciousness and some of the folks here call it the gccc you know and that just gets old i
mean i just call this the center i've always called it the center but um i've said before gccc you know when you just pronounce that it's geeks so we're spiritual geeks okay um chaplains are available for you to spend space and time with you you know counseling there'll be a prayer a chaplain prayer done here but also the chaplains will be standing to the side walls if you would like them to work with you just walk over and ask them and they'll bring into some private spot counseling prayer whatever you're looking for
remember if you're a visitor crystal bed sessions are available all right and um on social media just you know watch us here watch us on youtube if you're watching youtube you're some people have said well where is this gathering and we take for granted that they know because we think they're watching today but they're watching a year from now on youtube this is the global center for christ consciousness formerly unity of sedona you can go to our website either of those names but the global
center for christ consciousness we're switching everything over this week so some things might take until next sunday to kick in the paperwork that you guys receive and the seat backs will be different the signs will be different outside yeah we ascend baby we are nowist not taoist remember to do your best to arrive a little early before the hour for each sunday service remember that we're putting together it's the next couple weeks our new ac unit heating and air um so we would appreciate any extra
donations you can share towards that all right and again a deep deep gratitude for our guest musician today next sunday we've got a workshop practicing love and forgiveness i'll be presenting that kind of based on the book i've written by the the the book of love and forgiveness but also also many other things we'll be covering so join us there it'll be live here in person and also live online lastly join danny picard and jade lyons friday september 2nd so it's not far away at all for the light of two worlds
it's a powerful blend of alchemical hypnotherapy and music it's a very very deep process and by the way i'm so i am very very impressed and grateful for the incredible events that we have going on here we we choose to be the highest and choose to only have the highest anada das is currently doing a workshop here he's been doing a music experience last couple days amazing man just amazing the feedback and ah it's been really really just cool vibes yeah and if you miss it and you want to join
remember next time he announces an event you can catch it next time but we've got uh jaden company you know they're going to be doing a beautiful process here in just a few days from now sign up for that if you can and for the sunday workshop on love and forgiveness all right but i'm very very impressed um dosey's in charge of special events she's a board member but also is in charge of special events and i i just love how selective how it's important to say to people that want to rent space here
here's what we're about does that resonate with you some do and some don't you know but you can count on us succeeding 90 of the time to being able to hold to our light and our integrities about who we have here okay we do our best once in a while something will be a little you know maybe maybe but for the most part the musicians they have to be great they have to be great but they have to be in here great in here great not just musically they've got to be the highest consciousness to me this is serious
the selection of sacred readings in the day you don't we don't just do gratuitous sacred reading love love is butterflies you know we it's got to have depth it's got to be good stuff white eagle yogananda and whatever it's got to be deep and it's got to set help set the tone of what we're experiencing the talks have to be great the music has to be great i take it seriously that this is called and why i called it this a sacred sunday service it's an experience it should never be where you leave like
that was really nothing got nothing from the music got nothing from the top that you know that's sad and besides it's your responsibility get something even if it's you liked the person you sat next to find something good everywhere you go that'll raise your level of goodness all right thank you please stand for our closing prayer thank you for the extra time it took i shared the little tirade about us uh changing names and all that so we went a little over with that sharing uh next week our first and i know it's
gonna be really cool free at last free at last thank god almighty we are free at last just going to new levels i pray that this really made sense on every level but that it's really translating not just you heard something wonderful i pray that each of you is seeing already what you can and should be doing in your own life yes or no nice nice good good yeah we like application man hmm oh beautiful the light of god surrounds us the love of god enfolds us the power of god protects us and the presence of god watches over us
wherever we are god is i am we are and so it is and all we shall be peace be with you all bye-bye foreign