Lessons in Christ Consciousness: Luke 17-24
oh okay beautiful you can always count on yogananda right yeah yeah i've never read something of yoga non-sound that wasn't very good you know it's like it's just like he's just always in the zone um for years i've shared before but for years when i travel you know all these many decades um some people you know you often have books to read i often just had his annual calendar and i would read the quotes out of it just the the quotes of yogananda were like feeding my soul as much as any full book
for that matter we're going to finish today we spend a couple of weeks talking about um the gospel of luke it's almost the only time in all my years that i ever said well let's let's do a study of a particular teaching you know the bible especially um so i've not really done that i don't come up here and we're going to cover genesis 3 8 you know i don't do that i just kind of go and and channel you know whatever's happening at the time i often even ask you folks what do you want me to talk
about and then you say it and we go right there uh but i want to finish this we've done it for a couple of weeks last week we took a break from it and talked about frequency beautiful stuff wasn't it it's great oh my god how wonderful right it was just great um today just finishing up the the last third or fourth i don't remember how many how we broke it up the gospel of luke now we're doing this from a a deeper perspective we're not playing theologian we're not you know going historian here we're just looking at
deeper teachings and messages and i'm choosing snippets out of that gospel that are relevant to us in our day-to-day lives but translating things from a bit of a deeper place so by the time you get to the gospel of luke chapter 17 there's a really beautiful message here you know listen and hear it but also try to allow yourself to translate intuitively the deeper message even before i give you some other translation but it starts off jesus said to his disciples things that cause people to stumble are bound to come
but woe to anyone through whom they come challenges are going to happen on earth but woe to those through whom they come so be careful and if your brother or sister does something to harm you call them on it and if they apologize and make amends forgive them even if they do harm again but sincerely apologize and make amends forgive them again okay so that one you might already have some hits on that one but you know here's he's pointing out that in this world people will continue to do hurtful and selfish things because
that's part of the ego based world so he's saying that but you know hang in there but he also adds woe to the person who's who the harm is coming through meaning if harm comes to you hang in there it happens in this world if you're the one causing the harm you better think twice karma okay but he go he does go on to say advice to you and me about forgiveness he doesn't say enable he also doesn't say lock down and never forgive there's a condition he's giving for lack of a better word if people are
sincere and make amends i apologize and i'm making amends just like in recovery you apologize and you make amends give them a shot okay if it's not sincere if they only do half of it only apologize and not change the way they are i mean the change gives you something tangible practice forgiveness he goes on to say about because they're asking him when is this time of the second coming of christ he says it's not something that it can be externally observed per se that's not supposed to be your focus now this is
very tricky the way he words this whole thing but he ends up saying the second coming of christ that's already happened once why would a second coming be any different it's supposed to be an internal experience it doesn't mean you will not also see something happen on the outside but the second coming of christ some people are preaching oh yeah jesus is coming back and he's angry you know um there's a bit of that on the televangelist programs but um how could he be you know when they say jesus is coming
back and he's angry how about jesus is coming back and he's quite excited that we're prepared to join him in that consciousness i've never heard anybody say that he goes on to say but on that day when i return if you're on your house top don't go inside to get your things if you're out in the field don't go into the house to get things what he goes on to say is that should be your only priority when it's happening if you're in and again i know it's not easy for us to
apply all these principles in our day-to-day lives but what he's partly saying if you're in your home and you're in meditation and you have an epiphany that's like oh my god i get it i'm awake i'm now going to be clean and sober your friends that you party with might not like that that's the metaphor when he says don't go back in the house and get things what he's saying is don't go back when you wake up don't go back oh but my friends are going to be who cares keep going move on and if it's your own
family there's only one family that's real spiritual family not even just this spiritual family but we quoted this from from the gospel of luke a couple weeks ago like jesus was saying those who do the will of god are my family it doesn't mean those who are not doing the will of god are not my family but it does mean they're not acting like it so i won't hang with them okay how is that helping enabling one generation after another there are generations that have had abuse in the child in the you know for
children at home and they say don't talk about it you'll spoil everybody's fun i'm not having fun nor is there a person who was abused that were keeping secrets around i'm not saying you need to out things just you know that could be you know just to be hurtful i'm saying that hurtful secrets are hurtful anyway i don't care if it's family and if someone in your family has caused harm and they apologize and make amends you do your best to forgive that doesn't mean you're condoning the behavior
i said amends which means that's done and if i'm the person who took on some of the hurtful behavior but somehow we through waking up forgiving amends change my hurt into healed and your hurt into no more behavior like that that's actually miraculous i know we still want revenge but when we really tune into the good that comes from these shifts in our lives there's nothing better i mean it is amazing when people say okay no more of that i've asked that of you you know in your lives hang in there
be vigilant set boundaries in your life but even when i've asked people say no to friends that gossip you know somebody comes up to you and starts you know gossiping hate stuff they say it about you they said about me they don't even know me but they come up with it they say it about your other friends just say did were you married to that person no but i've heard wait what you're doing is a form of evil immediately they're not going to be friends anymore but listen what you're doing is a form of evil
gossip gossip is how is that there's a term for it backstabbing why would it be called backstabbing if it was handing out flowers you're causing harm i know it's only with words but guess what it hurts i mean you can go to science on that they've proven that kind words to animals are sensed by the animals even plant life grows more hearty with kind words if a plant can get this why can't you why is a philodendron more intelligent than a human it's just responding to the vibes what's going on in the room so you can you know
say all kinds kinds of harmful things to your children and then say well you know it's just the way it was when we're growing up you can apologize and make amends because you allow the child who grew up with that negative the gossip the hurt the hate you allow them to go so none of that was true i can come out now because i was programmed that this is the way i am or bad or shameful or whatever it is i can come out and i can be free that's called being born again born again just doesn't mean jesus on a river
baptism it means i get to have a new life and sometimes just giving yourself permission even if your parents or your friends your partners don't own what they've done why don't you just do it my parents were wrong when they said i'm worthless they were wrong they were wrong they were they it can't be true something made in god's image is worthless how could that be they're wrong now some of us all but i don't want to think that way my mom passed away so what it's good for her to hear it mom you
were wrong whatever level of heaven or hell you might reside right now hear me clearly you were mistaken and the good news is guess what mom if you were mistaken about me you were probably mistaken about you you too now can be free so your child who you thought was worthless just released you from hell pretty cool because i get it how can i hold it against you now that i got it all is forgiven because i'm awake and your mom dad whomever you know ex-husbands even living still that happens believe it or not on some
level they'll feel a decompression how much there's no way to know it depends if they're in touch with their soul enough to go there's something wrong with the way i've conducted my life and i'm looking for an out there not that that's conscious but when you bring that out instantaneous things happen so you can be part of that miracle all right so jesus says about giving up all you have i love this he says truly i tell you no one who has left their home or their wife or their husband or brothers or
sisters parents children for the sake of god's consciousness will fail to receive many times as much in this age and in the ages to come meaning make god your priority if people don't get it sorry stay your course stick to your guns and keep going forward anyone who has for whatever reason had to part the seas leave old egypt you know moses takes the people out of egypt that's you getting out of your home that's getting away from a toxic marriage if you have great marriages keep giving thanks for all the goodness but the
context is sometimes you say pharaoh free my people oh who's my people me husband free me goodbye now moses didn't say only with your permission he said well by the way we're leaving now you know you think the pharaoh went oh namaste thanks i'm you know i'm i'm i'm fine to be losing millions of free slave labor that's no problem no and if the pharaoh complains you know some family members are going to complain when you say you know pharaoh ego free my people i'm coming out of captivity
i want to know what it is to be alive i mean i've i've had people tell me you know the problems in relationships like i'm not allowed to speak at the table we're talking about a grown woman my husband says i'm not allowed to speak at the table because that's the way he was brought up you know it's just interesting see now i have my humor about those kinds of things i think that while he's sleeping he should wake up with a shock caller um then every time he tells you you're not
allowed to speak you know what was that i don't know so i have my humorous visions of how to deal with this world but i'm not going to advise that to you all right um when you the bottom line is when you give up material things for spiritual things that just told you you will be rewarded but he said in this age and ages to come why would he say this age first of all because he means you don't have to wait till someday you get your good karma it can change your life now to start choosing spiritual priority over
material got that one but then he adds and in the ages to come why well good karma for the no it's all that yes but it's also it means you're permanently going to be different so if i made some changes today that's going to go with me to the ages to come i will have that same um freedom level of consciousness the next there's a tax collector who's uh hearing about jesus and he's he's you know he's going you know he's touring at jericho i think it was and and um the tax collector thinks hey i've heard about
this guy this guy's wealthy this tax collector and he's like i want to hear this jesus so he's kind of watching for him and jesus senses something um so he says hey you know i'd like you to zacchaeus i think is his name but he says um i'd like to come to your home now here's what this is people gossip the people standing around go oh did you one minute we were loving honoring jesus but he did something we don't like he's going to go and hang out with this sinner they called them
this sinner this tax man he's a sinner because you don't like paying taxes first of all but this wealthy sinner oh he's horrible so this is interesting because jesus says the guy says look lord here and now i need to know what would you want me to do i believe in you as a teacher what do you want me to do i have given half of my possessions to the poor this is how this guy lives everybody thinks he's just a selfish greedy wealthy tax collector he comes out and says i already have given half of everything i own and i do
give to the poor amazing then he says if i've cheated anybody out of anything that wasn't supposed to be taxed and paid i'm going to pay them back four times the number of dollars see what he's doing he's he's coming out first of all if i have made mistakes i apologize and i'm willing to make amends i love that but he's also saying god what would you have me do to be to confirm that you know to be a better person so jesus responds and says today salvation has come to this man's
house and by house he doesn't mean the walls he means that person which is very similar to hanging with two literally hanging on the cross with two criminals and one of them saying hey listen if you really do have powers you know can we can we go to you know miami you know hang out south beach the other guy's going you know what enough we messed up we've lived a horrible life and we've caused a lot of harm if this is what the world brings to us you know retribution or whatever so be it he said this guy isn't one of
us they're killing him for being good you see what does jesus say today you shall be with me in paradise how could he even say that to say is same as when he says to a leper you're healed take off the garments that you know you were covering yourself with you you're you know crippled and whatnot get up and walk it's the same consciousness the sinner tax man wow this house is redeemed this person he's saying consciousness in one split second you can get it in one split second this guy this criminal saw who he was now he doesn't
just mean jesus when you and i see the value of the light in us the presence of god in us the presence of the christ in us and and can go so far as to say no to the non-god parts of us jesus just told you today you will be with me in paradise it doesn't matter what you've done it's not like well i've lived all spiritual i'm i'm now gr that that worked for a few people in all of history let's say that on this planet a grand total let's pretend that 100 billion people have existed just using a
number do you know how many reached enlightenment by trying to be perfect a few i mean those are terrible odds so jesus is trying to say you know oh oh you you guys are still trying to spiritualize yourself i'm almost there lord just one more you know vegan meal a day just one more you know no sex no money you know i live i'm homeless um jesus is kind of laughing at that sort of thing he's like didn't you hear me you know like read about me i sat with prostitutes and drank wine with them do you know what people could say about you when
you're a rabbi doing that sort of and i've heard it right it's like people oh my god why are you hanging out with naughty people i was just talking with one of you in the back of the room when the before we started and he was telling me what a big fan of a heavy metal band he was and so i just talked him about that love it you know but if one of these overthinkers from 2000 years ago would have hurt us they would have said michael was talking to a sinner a guy who likes heavy metal or whatever they
would have called it then okay i love it i i love that conversation i love that we're talking about whatever and so jesus is sitting down having wine and and they're just condemning the heck out of it so we're being told you focus on god and just own this your human self even if you only have one percent ego which you do your human self you can't fix yourself you can't make holy yourself you need the higher power to do it because it's the higher power that knows how to do it the mother the divine mother the holy spirit of god
is waiting to birth everybody your mommy gave you birth physically the holy spirit the divine mother is waiting to birth you spiritually she is not waiting for you to birth yourself and showing up going guess what i'm enlightened and if you did you know what she would say i'm very glad to hear that and then under her breath she's going to say you probably could have done it a million years ago if you'd just not judged yourself we don't need to do all the perfect kneel stan pray chant uh oh money pogba
boom chuckle kaboom and so on and so on we don't actually have to fast ourselves to prove perfect perfection we don't have to lay on a bed of nails jesus says and of course in miracles go ahead fast prove that you're not a human prove that you're not of the eagle prove it go ahead he says it will work you will eventually wake up but you could have saved a lot of time if you would have just said isn't that funny that deep inside i know the truth of god and yet on a human level i still play
this game you know i'm still getting a vaccine i'm still wearing a mask isn't it i still change my children's diaper or whatever you do that's just this world our job is to forgive the world that we think has power over us our job is not to get the right politician in office and then everything's going to be fine our job is not the right diet your job our job is to say i'm going to forgive myself for even thinking i have a body to feed because it's not there it's a hologram
when you get to the other side and you go you know you're making a religion out of your diet and you get to the other side and you realize you know they're gonna say well how'd you do oh man i was only eating perfectly organic foods how do you know it was organic it said right on the label and then they'll show you a video of how these companies make money on putting false labels you know and then you're going to be like what was i thinking i want an oscar meyer hot dog now or something you know
and a coke it's like you know be careful don't make a religion out of it forgive yourself and if you still have a smoke oh it's terrible it's gonna cause this and that and the other you're going to have more pain coming from you just people telling you of what smoking can do to you than with the actual cigarette would do but that's another story if you still have a spirit just do this you know just just look at and realize this is this is not even real i'm a holy child of god and i think this little
white stick calms me down laugh at it and then light up the more you start seeing the truth the more you you're going to realize i don't do it as often the hobbies habits whatever you want to call them they're like the sea for moses they're going to part you and i are going to make mistakes we're going to it's going to happen your job is to forgive yourself but it's going to happen you're going to slip and say a wrong word sometimes you're going to cheat or look at someone else when
you're married you know these things are going to happen and you can say never never okay great you're making your brain not do it but your body is tense because you're so afraid of doing it relax relax find peace so jesus is telling them you know hey don't judge me because i sit with dying with what you people think are sinners look at you guys all in your garb your robes and your special hats and you know all the the whole thing you know your entourage of other holy people and you all walk around you know look at us and
then at night you're sleeping with the people i was partying with you know i mean i mean honestly that's what they were doing so it's like everybody just come out you know it's okay they were wrong to shame you for being gay for being straight for being this or that just take the veils off so this goes into jesus shares a parable and he says okay and i'm just you know i'm just summarizing it but he says okay look there's this wealthy guy and he's going to be made king of his area so
he's going off to get coronated and before he leaves he says to one guy again i'm just paraphrasing he says to one of his servants here's 10 gold coins i want you to do something productive with them to multiply the gold you know great the other guy five gold coins do something productive you i'm going to give you one gold coin whatever you know variety of people and then he leaves gets cornered he comes back he's the king and uh he says so how did you do this guy says hey i took the you know 10
coins and multiplied him whether he multiplied 1 into 10 or 10 into 100 i invested and we did great well good job so you took a gold coin you made it into 10. great he says now i'm going to give you rulership over several provinces the next guy how did you do well i made several gold coins too from what you gave me great not as many as that i'm going to give you less provinces but you still get honored next guy well i took the gold coin and i hit it away because i was afraid you were going to be mean to me if i
blew it so i did nothing with it this parable jesus goes on to say is about you and me you're given talents and you're afraid to show them the way you smile is one of your talents your laughter might be not laughing at people but this stuff your type of laughter your tone of your voice your your believe it or not it might even be just your handwriting style the goodness in us is supposed to be coming out and if you were given talents that you do not share with the world i don't care your reasons well but my dad said i wasn't really
good at it so i never shared it with the world he just told you why did the one guy not invest because he was afraid of what might happen so if you still have these programs about daddy mommy this might happen that might happen at the end of this story jesus says the one that was given the coin take the coin away from him he gets nothing why because he gave nothing he didn't trust so when you're not trusting in your talents because they're called talent sometimes these coins when you're not trusting in your talents
essentially you're allowing fear to control you which means you're already dead so how can you come out you know if you have a partner you know how can you come let's let's watch more movies together let's laugh more and let's be more sensual and playful some any whatever the category come out play the kids game come out come out wherever you are but just watch yourself do you have it doesn't mean you're supposed to you must write a book you must paint a painting i didn't say what
form and nor how much but are you coming out at all i love the stories of the people like in the the vendor booths here for example oh well you know i i just felt this calling to make crystal wands i felt this calling to do psychic readings i love that you have no idea i love that people heard it and went with it does it always because i've also heard michael i was guided to write a book and so i did how did it how'd you do you know how's it going well they're on a pallet in my garage and nobody's buying them
great success i say they go well what do you mean well you were told what what i heard you say was you're supposed to write a book you did good job done well now they're not selling uh did the voice say and they're gonna sell no it didn't see i'm serious and people get all heartbroken god guided me to write a book but it didn't sell god didn't tell you it would sell god said you know i want you to write a book it's an important book that's going to change lives starting with yours
so human beings get so hurt so easily and then they blame god so i'm not promising you that every every talent you might think you're supposed to come out with is the one that's going to blow open the most don't know it it varies i lived this you know i was a kid in doing this and going this is what i'm supposed to do but i couldn't do it for years where i only did this exclusively for income i struggled and i cried and i was in pain and hurting and not understanding i would go to psychic fairs when i was a
kid and psychics excuse me um can i talk to you sure you know when i was 16 18 or you know whatever you're you're going to be wow you i can see it i'm i mean they were like wow you're going to be a major teacher in this world i'm like okay but i'm like hello when you know because i'm like 18.
i should be successful by now you know why do i still have to you know get another job we go through that again i'm sorry for the human struggles all i know is be true you're given talents and again the funny play on words that's what those coins were called talents you're given talents you know can you bring them out starting with on a day-to-day level all right next um the pharisees send some people over to try to trick jesus you know ask him some questions that would you know cause him to stumble and say something illegal so we can get him
arrested so they sent him hey what do you think about paying taxes jesus says do you have a coin they hand him a coin he says whose face is on that caesar well it seems to me that it's his see the funny game he played there whose face is on it well if it's caesar's face this must belong to him so give it to him like it's like if you my id you find it's mine it's got my id right my signature my photo so he's saying well apparently that's jesus that's uh caesar's so jesus says
give to god what's god and get give to caesar what's caesar's beautiful bridging and beautiful play of the mind there because he leaves it back on them you guys decide what you want to do but i'm advising that you give to god what's god's well what's god's your soul pay your taxes get your vaccine if that's what you want to do don't get the vaccine take care of the material world know the truth but respect the illusion how about if i just fudge a little keep one coin and not tell the taxman about
it do what you feel is right but if any part of you thinks that you're you know cheating so it's this is me this is my consciousness if if i think i'm going to have more money by not giving more money that's a linear way to think but then i'm now controlled by that law when i realize i can afford to give right i can you can afford to give i was sharing that story about these landscape guys the other day i'm not being paid but at the end of the day i saw these guys had put in a few hard hour after hour for a few days straight
and i i just opened up my wallet and i gave them each a tip you know part of me is going wait no i'm not even not even making money i just lost money volunteering and again i don't know i don't i still have gas in the car you're going to be taken care of but don't do it the way i do it if you try to apply yourself to my level of faith or me to your level we will find ourselves in trouble it has to be to thine own divine self be true so there was a great example but next oh you know there's the one of um
parable again jesus is saying you know they were they were actually in this one temple and and he's talked he's done parables along this line but he says look there's this poor old woman and she goes and puts a couple pennies you know in the donation jar now there's these wealthy leaders and they come up and they put a portion so jesus says you know did you notice that you know who gave more linear left brain material world it's very obvious they gave a thousand dollars she gave two pennies who gave more she did
jesus says no here's why she gave everything she had in her purse they gave a portion it looks good but it was a portion this isn't just about money there this is about you and i we give a convenient portion of our lives to god or to spirit we're only asked to give one seventh of the week and call it a holy sabbath and nobody even does that right so what i teach is try to start and end the day 60 seconds i'm not even the one one day full day a week you know i'm going to give it a budget time 60 seconds in the morning and night to
think of nothing but calling in the presence of god as a feeling peace and happiness and so it is and just do that several times pull that in integrate that vibe um and again just give a portion you know jesus is saying the old woman the widow and so on she gave all she had how many people can do that dietarily people have a hard time fasting you know they oh i'm totally dedicated to god when was last time you fasted well never because i get hungry okay well then hungry for what food you don't have a body what are you putting the food in
well my stomach you don't have a stomach see but that's too much for people to understand spiritually so i do nothing for god because i don't know how to do anything for god do just 60 seconds morning and night find a way to devote to god being here once a week i you i cannot put into words how grateful i am that anyone and all around the world says i'm going to put some time into this an hour a week and we can have an extraordinary experience together so we go on to um jesus starts talking about the temple
because they're very very proud about the temple oh this grand beautiful opulent temple and jesus ends up saying about the temple you know this one day every brick of this temple is going to be gone it's like is are you into the material building what are you learning while you're here and i've said that many times at in my talks i can go to a conference and people sit and they're doing the conference thing or a sunday service thing we can actually get in the habit of just showing up and going i'm at a
conference wow isn't this great i'm at a spiritual conference wow what did you get from it well i was at a conference you know did how were you different when you left i forgot to be different i was just kind of doing a conference it's not a boutique you're not just oh spring oh i like that i like a bi this isn't an external thing this is an internal thing please whether it's your day that you devote to god whether it's when you're cooking your foods and you say you know it's just
food it's just material but i didn't say don't do it i said respect the illusion but god first so when you get your food in front of you don't bless it like it's a horrendous thing like oh dear lord you know i'm blessing this food because it's evil it's got msgs and bads and you know and this guy oh wow this thing's going to come out and you know bite into my jugular it's just food it's just an illusion it's just a make-believe thing but i can still bring god into it and say
allow this to have all that my body needs to be healthy and strong i'm not literally thinking this thing is stronger than a child of god but it's a nice way to play the game don't don't bless your food because it's evil against you give thanks for it and empower it with having light when you when you ingest something and the native americans it would be meats or it could be grains or it could be veggies and fruits whatever you ingest if you really understood this people think this stuff is it's got some
nutritional value it's not even real it's a hologram i mean if you walk down the street going you know you're some friends and they go hey let's go we're hungry going to go hold on i'm done out of thin air they're going to think you're nuts and not a lot of fun to dine with either you know just etheric you know wow that's great i feel full but if we really understood this we would realize based on if i'm a broken human i need supplements or i need nutrients from foods i now have given the foods power
but what if you do this what if you realized on the chain here of you know the kingdoms here i'm a holy child of god when i take the buffalo when i take the the veggie if i really know who i am do you realize that the cells of that are actually receiving your nutrients you think you're getting their nutrients because you forgot who you are so you think you're missing something that they're giving you now in heaven this is hilarious oh look they're eating broccoli they don't even like broccoli
but they're eating it because they need special nutrients from it when we're holy children of god the cells of those things that we're eating start to dance with delight when they are in the presence of someone who remembers that they're holy your broccoli nutrients and whatever else i don't care if it's a snickers bar nutrients whatever they are they will be enhanced and made into light when they enter your presence because you're a holy child of god think about it i know some people don't want to believe
that because you don't want to believe you're holy but it's true when the native americans taking the life you know of a buffalo or whatever they believed that this was a symbiotic experience this buffalo isn't something i'm gonna kill and get something from this is more like i'm gonna let you join with my body we'll both be raised with this see it's a different level of consciousness one clearly you know humans forgot so then he goes into we're down to the last couple this is kind of a cool one because it
gets a little bit heavy he says don't be deceived when people talk about the the second coming of christ and this is a lengthy one but i'm not i'm only going to share a synopsis of it he says you know people are going to say you know you got to do this to be spirit you got to do that and so on and so on all those external things he says when it's time he does answer their question how will we know that it's time for the second coming but listen to this and see where your heart goes with it
when you hear you know this that the other the external thing you know uh this person's the the christ and you know there are people on the planet that say i'm i'm this you know the final coming of christ i'm the matreya i'm the next buddha whatever you know silly stuff jesus says look don't don't don't even bother with that kind of pre you know preaching and spouting pr he says you know it's going to happen though when the time has come for christ's consciousness to come to the earth and
it's now by the way he says things are going to happen that you should know about nations are going to rise up against nations kingdom against kingdom there will be great earthquakes famines pestilence in various places and fearful events and this i love because he says signs in the heavens it's called astrology but before all this you will be seized and persecuted they'll hand you over to the the world leaders you know who will persecute you they'll maybe even put you in prison you'll be brought before kings
and governors and all accounting on account of my name but make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you're going to defend yourself plug into me and i'll speak through you i will give you the right words and wisdom and none of your adversaries will have power over you you will be betrayed even by your own parents eric clapton um brothers sisters relatives children you know and so on everyone will hate you because of your real commitment to your path how dreadful it'll be in those days even for pregnant women to be bringing
children into such a challenging time there's going to be great distress in the land there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars on the earth nations will be in anguish and perplexity even at the roaring and the tossing of the sea everything is going to go to hell in a handbasket he didn't say that i'm just paraphrasing okay people will even faint from terror because of what they start to see with their eyes the whole world will be shaken but even the heavenly bodies everything okay no listen then everyone
will see me returning on the clouds with power and great glory when you see these things happening you'll know kingdom of god is near truly i tell you this generation shall not pass it's so so strange and amazing you know when i'm sharing these kinds of things when the human self kind of catches up to what's being said does that make sense then all of a sudden wow it's like a moment of overwhelm so this generation will not pass until all these things happen be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with drunkenness and
anxiety of life and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap for this will affect everyone on the face of the earth so there's a lot that he just said there part of it is literally this world this this as we know everything's going to be shaken and it's starting to happen but things are going to be very intense even more so soon but he's not just talking about the world he's talking about your life when he says the the seas are tossing that's your emotions when he says you'll be betrayed by faith
all that's true but it's also you're going to be severing yourself from your ego you look at the metaphor you are going to change psychologically and spiritually is what he's describing externally in mass the human race some big things are coming but it's also happening in you the second coming of christ isn't everybody choosing the same religion it's individually choosing to wake up to our divine self so he says that then he goes on to say and i love that he's making planetary
references there'll be signs that's called astrology when people say and fundamental christians say jesus is not you know he doesn't like astrology you know really come on so you know god then he says this generation shall not pass now what did that mean because technically if it meant literally which is why i had that moment if he meant it literally it meant the people that lived 2000 years ago right the second coming had to have happened right then but what he was saying was the people that are alive during his lifetime are
coming back and they will be on the earth for this to happen the this generation meant you people that are here with me now 2000 years ago he's saying to us you that are here now are going to be back when this happens that's what it means by this generation will be back and that's why that hit me so hard so and you know so we're all you know reincarnating in waves and we're back for this cycle and then he closes that with he warns don't allow the weight of the world and life stuff to get you trapped into
addiction the anxieties of this world are going to try to pull you into such anxiety and it happens and we're seeing it that addictions are rampant every kind um i go on tour and people tell me oh my god you're you're getting to go to that place that's so special sedona or or hawaii or whatever beautiful place they say oh it's so sacred the drug addiction is so rampant in some of these places that claim to be paradise and i'm like wow somebody must have missed it you know the point it
wasn't paradise when you're stoned enough how did you not experience just find your high just in this space the rocky mountain high you know why would you go to the rocky mountains and get stoned did you miss the feeling that was already there yes humans their anxiety levels easily getting trapped in having to drink having to drug having to food sex whatever else is your addiction codependence so he is warning us about getting you know getting trapped in addiction as a specific thing so we're starting to wrap up now
he says um this is now he's going to be arrested and he goes and does a prayer and he says father i'm scared that's a human being i'm scared what's coming what they're gonna do to me it's not it's not polite it's not nice it doesn't feel good i'm scared at their the pain but i'm also scared with all the horror that people feel how scared they're why they would even kill a person who's done nothing to them that's sad too right so he's talking about the whole the
drama the the pain of this whole experience so that's why he says if it were up to me i would say no i would love to have this cup pass from me but let your will be done and by that he's not saying i have better ideas but i guess i'll go with yours what he says to you and me do not pray to get out of your challenges ask god to be with you while you're in them please remember that one of the simplest things i've ever said throughout my years of teaching and one of the most important stop praying to get fixed and out of
your mess pray for holiness to anchor into you while you go through your things because if you do you'll change the experience you'll bring healing and light to dark places you'll be the savior of this situation instead of i'm just messed up god fix all that which is very disempowering but it's also irresponsible so there's a lot there and so in that prayer please remember that for yourself if i pray to be fixed from something what i'm saying is that it has power and i need help being fixed from it
it's another route to say wait a minute your will in me as me be done and if god's will is done i'm made holy suddenly the events that seem to have so much power they're reduced my perspective has totally changed superstitious religion will keep praying for other things to be fixed spirituality is i'm here what would you have me do god i want to be part of this all right he's arrested you know the crucifixion is happening when pilate arrests him pilot one of his famous lines do you not realize i have the power to crucify you
and what did jesus say please don't no you know what he said you don't have any power except that's what's given to you now listen to that that's pretty courageous right to say that to the person who's holding seemingly your life in their hands yeah it's really a smart thing to do is take them off right now you know but instead you go you don't have any power you're saying that to the guy who is in power and you're saying you don't have any power except that what's given
so now simple hopefully profound to you all but take it to your own life think of that when you think of your abusive parents neglectful parents cheating partners addict children do you not know i have the power because i'm your parent to make you miserable i'm not telling you if you're five you should say dad you have no power but that which is given to you it won't go well trust me i've tried it when i was a kid but but but think about it guys think about it sounds challenging to say that
but if you do believe it you understand i play a part in what's happening in my life i mean i'd like to just go to a counselor and say yeah it was my mother's fault that feels so much better and they agree but if you want spiritual awakening you can't be awakened and blaming at the same time i'm not saying they didn't do things i'm not saying they weren't selfish or hurtful fine they were but what we said was they couldn't have done anything like that without on some level us believing that
that's where we were at we come in with erroneous beliefs about ourselves undeservability we're flawed we're undeserving and and this is the kind of stuff it attracts so we played a part you don't have to believe that one because i know that one's a tough one but that's the direction we're all going so i love that you know jesus even on his way to the cross the women are crying on the side of the road and you know that story one of them dabs his face with a cloth and here he tells these women if you look in
the lost books of the bible there's a little more of a detailed account but here he looks at them they're crying and he says don't weep for me don't believe in what you see what he was saying was this is a hologram this is a game it's okay he says don't weep for me but he actually tells the women on the side of the road you should be weeping for yourselves and for your children and what he meant was the karma that's going to come to this area because of what these people are doing it's going to be a harsh reality
it's going to be a harsh you know this this is the christ we're killing how can that go over well so when he's crucified the crucifixion is complete he says into your hands i surrender my spirit well that's beautiful historic kind of message michael thank you no in your life into your hands i surrender this meal that's what i do into your hands i surrender this session when i'm doing a session into your hands i surrender this phone bill it's not just the life of jesus or whatever it's guys surrender everything
into the hands of god so that you can raise your consciousness and move through it differently into your hands i surrender my spirit and when that happened the whole land went dark for a period of time that is phenomenal literally and figuratively they have accounts all around the world that 2000 years ago nobody knows why with the south americas the north americas asia everywhere that nobody knows why but the whole world went dark for a period of hours why because that's a darkness that's already here and nobody could see it
because we put a pseudo-light illusion of in in this world that were everything's just peachy there's a darkness called the ego or evil that is over everybody's eyes and makes us think that what we're looking at is reality there is no god because i can't see it there are people because i can see them that's my science test the darkness is also a symbol of what fear is so darkness came over the world when they crucified jesus but believe it or not darkness came over you whenever you've had intimacy with somebody that
you didn't like because the christ in you was crucified right then i mean i know that might sound harsh but try it on okay when you did things to your body that you didn't feel was right you crucified the christ and the darkness came over you now you need to drink more drug more because of the darkness you know was there but you don't want to see was there coping it's called is that supposed to make us feel ashamed no let it make you wake up and say wow i get that i get that when i said i do to somebody that was
a psychopath i crucified the christ that day and yeah darkness came over the land over me on some level shame myself no i get it and that's i'm going to apologize to me and make amends hey listen yes that was kind of weird wasn't it yes it was very weird let's not do that again okay totally we vote you know unanimously dismissed and and change but please consider it don't don't just hear about historic crucifixion the times you were crucified by your own hand so the last comment is the jesus appears after the crucifixion
resurrectionist and before the ascension he appears and he says very simply i will come back and it's an interesting thing because some bibles although they're changing some of them the way it worded it originally i'm going to return on the clouds now it's interesting because when he's crucified um there are things happening that nobody know about but he says i'm here he is he's going to leave the land he says i came back to share with you that i'm arisen i've resurrected now i'm
going to leave for a more lengthy period of time but i'm with you always they say parting words he does a blessing and he's it says he rose up to it didn't say through to the clouds and then the clouds moved away now that's kind of weird a weather report we're in the middle of jesus doing a download and they decided to talk about oh and then the clouds moved away he rose to the clouds and the clouds moved away remember that then it says when he comes back he said earlier i read i'm going to come back on the clouds
why why are the clouds being referenced now you don't have to believe this part but just consider this first metaphysically the clouds represent ether so it means he will come back in the e on an etheric level an etheric level means internally too so that's the beautiful metaphysical meaning i will come back on the clouds means on the ether in the ether and you'll feel my presence great because that's the second coming is something that happens within each of us but he is also talking about something that can be external when he
says i've left to the clouds and they moved away i'm coming back riding on the clouds and with the angels the angels too it says are going to become writing and when i second coming of christ you'll see jesus and all the angels riding on clouds why because they're ships of higher dimensionality i know that sounds a little out there maybe not because this is sedona but i know it sounds a little out there just keep that in the back of your mind somewhere about how amazing that is why did he say i the angels and i are
gonna come riding in on clouds why because there are things called light beings and they're part of it just like there's angels there are light beings less high of a dimension angels here light beings here and then light workers in bodies here so that's what this is about it to me it ties in other dimensions to this experience and it's why nostradamus says in the end times they're in even edgar casey but in the end times casey and nostradamus talk about beings of higher dimension are going to be part of
humanity's ascension process they will be here they will help us heal the blow-ups literally and figuratively and they will help us rebuild so there's a whole beautiful experience waiting but the old has to die and we're seeing the pains of that they're not so much death pains other than when we're attached but these are birth pains we're coming to life guys and the old has to die before we awaken to the new that is inconvenient to say the least and it's actually painful depending on how attached we are to our
old way of life government economics whatever it happens to be it's none of it's real none of it has real power and we have to learn that the easy way or the hard way okay please take a few centering breaths today we will not do a lengthy meditation just centering we take a moment to soak in anything we heard that made good sense to us and we integrate it as ours breathe it in so that when we leave we are different to some capacity hopefully completely different but i breathe in the things that made sense
i let them soak in and integrate that away i would foods become nutrients nutrients become absorbed in my assimilation of those nutrients they become a part of my wholeness the things i heard act as nutrients heavenly father mother god in place of our meditation we do a prayer meditation right now simply asking this we feel to some degree or another prepared to be part of this awakening of humanity our divine mother knows exactly how much we can handle at any given time give to us all the talents you see fit but help us to have the courage to own
those talents and use them so they can be multiplied we call upon your presence father mother god we call upon the presence of christ we call upon the presence of ascended masters beings of light light workers throughout history are here right now those that met around campfires with chant song prayer dance they can see our faces in the center of the fire as they do their ceremony that has to do with connecting all into love and there we are they can see this room and people watching from all around the world there is no time or space so
we need to believe this this generation shall not pass that's us it's almost all inspiring to think that we're playing a role like that and divine mother even in the form of mother mary spritz the room with your roses when you bring presents it's so common spritz the room with roses and or the white lilies of the christ symbol the presence of sparkles of light even the stars of the heavens are seen by us here and now beings that have been light workers throughout history and before our known history and after
we're all in this together and this is a beautiful unfolding of all that god truly is and it starts right here right now with me with us and the room and our lives surrounded by heavenly angels protecting encouraging singing songs of gratitude and so it is thank you we're gonna do our closing song just rest for a minute first but we're gonna do our closing song we've gone a few minutes over today i apologize but we had the short tirade and then we wanted to finish that gospel okay all right please stand for our closing
prayer so and thanks for your your patience um i know we gained a lot from it anyway but just thanks for allowing me to share from some quotes from the gospel of luke if you're interested in further pursuit do that pray meditate and ask for deeper meanings to things hopefully you guys had some of your own epiphanies but also from the things i shared there might have been some light bulbs going off right ranging from you know dealing with people's judgment of you to light ships you know um but i really appreciate you know that
you allowed that space for us to cover um instead of a specific topic like frequency last week you know a variety of quotes all right so thank you for that um next week we'll be back to the usual madness of doing whatever um comes up and i appreciate your open-mindedness i really do i know some of you it might be very harsh to talk about things like vaccines and i i know and i'm i apologize that it's so difficult for people but thanks for allowing us to to share okay i definitely hope none of it came across one-sided or political
political because that's not my intention nor my interest all right into our hearts feeling some gratitude for what we experienced today all these beautiful faces people that are here there's been tears today you know a couple of you you know tissue and we're here and we're loving you and supporting so just feel that support getting realigned choking up for a second and getting us all realigned getting the human to realign with the spirit because those moments when you struggle when you're afraid
when you're anxious or if you choke up the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and we have those moments let's bring them into alignment then all kinds of greatness comes into our lives we were told don't be anxious of what to say to others authorities relatives let me speak through you the light of god surrounds us the love of god unfolds us the power of god protects us and the presence of god watches over us wherever we are god is i am we are and so it is god bless you all peace be with you we'll see you soon bye