Jesus’s Real Teachings Part 1
something that really really comes to mind IIIi don't know you know it's an interesting thing on this planet how teachings of God love and so forth are so Mis just distorted misunderstood God God sends a message to everyone there's a workbook lesson in A Course in Miracles God's voice speaks to me all through the day so we we are God's children and by that even saying children it sounds like there's many of us and then we have variations we're actually God's one and only child
because the children of God are one why because their Creator is one and we're made in God's image so we are one with God and we're one with ourself and were one with each other so there's this perfect oneness and God can only really ever say to its child us I love you and the only time God added a second sentence a man of few words the only time he added a second sentence was when we thought we left then he had to add I say he loosely God then has to add I love you and come home I love you please come home oh no we can't we're
busy we're messed up you know not until we get the right president you know not until the economy is better not until my retirement not until my parents say sorry or whatever you know and it's like then you die you get to the other side and the universe says and so it is meaning have fun go back and do it again because you keep saying I'm not going home until and you have a list of little bullet points of things you want to see done before the universe can end not until there's world peace like you're Miss America or
something you know not until I see world peace so yeah you know you and then you get a bowl of world peace so they go oh you know they didn't understand what I meant so the universe the universe keeps sending us back to experience things that we in our opinions believe need to be done it's so far from our understanding the concept of I need do nothing if I would stop doing everything would probably be okay meaning not not literally in the world stop doing anything and then everything will be okay don't eat don't breathe it
means when I stop trying to force my opinions and and set in will into manifestation my thoughts my manipulations of matter and consciousness when I can let go and let God then God's Will would be done and we well but now you know that but just in case God misses something and that's what keeps getting us in trouble thinking that we're gonna one-up God and to fix something that God might have missed philosophies tell us that every bit of science is telling us every bit of medical science tells us just in case
you know there's going to be some sort of plate so we better spray everything oh well now that you all are dying from whatever we sprayed you probably need this other thing which by the way we've already created and can tell you and it's just strange and that's a lot of what Einstein meant by you can't create you can't fix the world with the same mind that created it you can't fix the world with the same distorted mind you need something else and we go more stuff more cures and fixit's and so on instead
of saying we forgot what to ask for we forgot you know even a nation built on principles of spirituality man's mind gets in there and twists it all around so you get somebody like Jesus or any great teacher but Jesus being the Christ a teacher you know he comes in and he can see can teach and it's like they beat him up they murder him and some people are saying you know well even you know Jesus he got do this because he was a victim and that guy's Jesus tells us even though I was crucified by people and so are you
figuratively maybe not literally you are crucified like me and everyone else but he says but I wanted I'm doing it to teach you something I am NOT dying at the hands of people I'm allowing it that's the difference between us I am choosing it can you say I chose this divorce I chose a partner that did this in this I chose a life where a child could pass away no no no then you remain victims and I'm not trying to like talk you into walking around going I guess my life is terrible and Michael told me it's to accept that it's my
fault the word fault if you use it does you don't even understand what I just said Jesus is saying guys that you know like when he tells Pilate do you realize I have the power to kill you Jesus and he says you don't have any power that I don't give you wait a minute what how many people have ever said that to a judge I mean just a quick example not not exact example but just generally I get pulled over once by a cop many years ago and you know and he gave me the you know speed you did this and that and the
other and you know I any and and I said really I didn't yeah actually is one of those where I didn't realize him doing and I said okay and he says yeah but if you don't agree you can you can go and fight in court and I go you're kidding me do you know many times I've done this and not getting caught gotten caught to me it's like just it's okay and he kind of laughed like and I'm shaking his hand he's like I think this guy might be disturbed you know because you know cops are pulling people over in the people
going yeah even if I didn't do it you know the number of times I have and didn't get caught karma you know it's like that's not they don't usually hear people don't usually hear what's responsible and I'm not saying that's easy and I'm not telling you to blame yourself for horrific things that have happened on this planet I'm just saying we start to shift and realize nothing is happening but by our not my choosing literally but my beliefs if I believe that I'm separate from God just that one
belief is enough to bring all kinds of garbage my way I don't have to literally say I I guess I'm gonna choose abuse today no no no you don't have to choose abuse all you have to choose is to not remember who you are and then things will happen well I don't want to be one of those we all are we all are it's okay things you're in this world things are gonna happen but we don't have to react the way we react so Buddha sets into motion this concept the old school the Sun rises in the east
so does the spiritual path everything started in the far east and it's moving westward consciousness and so on so it starts in the east this concept of karma look where you have karma we separated from God and now there's an effect a karmic effect of that we're separate we're living bodies and we're aging and then that karma becomes reincarnation we come again and again lifetime after lifetime because you know if there's stuff that didn't get saddled last time so there's the law and then Buddha says
you know what I believe we can break that law I believe we can neutralize that we don't have to keep life you know life time cycling we can probably clear ourselves now how check this out stop reacting to the Karma that was already set in motion that makes sense and then part 2 and don't create new Karma genius genius it took us hundreds of thousands of years to figure that one out that's why he says I'm awake I got it now we might go well that's him it totally makes sense if all you did was
live prior to that this was a dogma that was really heavy karma karma karma karma and so it's not like somebody should just step up and say you know it's an illusion so that's why they the priestly people of that time didn't like Buddha because he's daring to say you you can rise above the laws how and why mainly because we created the laws so when you take power back to yourself you realize wait a minute I don't have to beg something in the sky to give me power to override the laws I we created these
laws so we're allowed to uncreate them so that's what Buddha was doing it part he wasn't trying to diss a previous belief system and Hinduism and all that he was just recognizing it is an illusion and all you need to do with dreams fight them no hope that you never have another one Oh wake up I'm having a dream wake up when you wake up the dream tends to fade so that's what he taught us you can neutralize karma by not reacting to the past karma and then also not creating new Karma and then a few hundred years
later Jesus comes along and he tries to explain you don't you not only don't need to react to it and not cause anymore there is no such thing and I'll prove it cause has an effect if ever somebody could prove that's not true all of it would disappear so you're gonna cause me to die go ahead crucify me come on let's get it over with you know a Judas is gonna betray me like Judas do me a favor go on go do that thing you're gonna do can you imagine inviting it hey Judas since you're gonna
betray me can it's getting late can you kind of get started I'd like to get crucified by you know a couple within 24 hours or whatever so but you know a Judas goes in crew you know betrays him he gets crucified and then he comes back to life and he did he resurrected it's not a myth he resurrected but when he resurrected he's saying I just proved cause is an illusion because the effect my death is not real if I can prove the effect isn't real it proves the cause isn't real therefore shift from the laws of karma
to the laws of grace you don't have to fight anything and we're like no no no no no we all have to now now we were whipping ourselves you know because we're following Jesus and Jesus is like Jesus know Jesus is like what what did you not understand so you know Jesus is thinking Wow it's gonna take a while you turn on a heater when you're freezing it takes a moment you know it takes a moment so it's gonna take you some time 2000 years later you know has it occurred to anybody oh it's still
on AC you know switch it to like choose again just try something different if you're not warming up to the truth of God try something else try try listening to my teachings you don't like mine try someone else don't give up they'll make excuses because if you can't find the truth that warms you it's only you that's not yet either ready or willing so find something that feels right something that warms your soul not just strokes your ego that kind of warms your soul something that actually
reaches beyond your personality getting stroked and gets into the soul there's um a lot that can be found in in the teachings of Jesus you know you can look in the Gospels you can look in the lost books of the Bible Lost Gospels there's some amazingly deep stuff there and I do talks at times on these various teachings quotes or particular books of the Scriptures or Gospels or even the Acts of the Apostles and the gospel of Mary Magdalene all these lost books I do talks on these things and it's it people
go I didn't know that depth was there even if you read the Gospels as they are you might still have a hard time finding the depth because they're way they're written the way they're translated it's a little off for the time let's just say it might have been find the wording but as we grow in our own ability to be Christ as the mother the Divine Mother births the Christ in us more and more and helps nurture us sort of feeding you know breast feeding us nurturing us from one day olds to one year olds and to
adolescents and so on helping nurture us get us off to school and that's the mother as we allow her to do that as we grow in consciousness things change we start to realize I can understand a deeper version of this particular quote or that particular quote so I printed out a couple of quotes a moment ago when the folks asked for a particular conversation today so I just printed a couple out of one little chapter in the Gospels so here's an example the disciples came to Jesus saying who you know who is the greatest
in the kingdom of heaven now you already know they're out of their minds because when you're talking about the kingdom of heaven why would you be competing for who's the best it's just like wow these people still aren't getting it but who's who's the greatest in the kingdom and you know Jesus in His infinite patience sits down and calls a child over to him child comes over and he sits him down in the midst they call it you know amongst the everybody that's there to learn and Jesus says unless you
are transformed and become as a little child you'll never enter the kingdom so what does it mean if they even ask him what did you mean become as a child how do you how do you become a child again you're already an adult it's in here it's consciousness not literally he doesn't even mean metaphysically you get you die and you become born again in reincarnate and when you're a child again you'll have another shot you must become as a child he's talking about accessing our innocence the part of us
that has not flawed and harmed others yet the part of us that hasn't developed much ego behavior yet innocence become as a child so they say therefore he says whoever humbles themselves and becomes vulnerable like a child is the greatest in the kingdom I'm just translating a couple words here and there to make it make truth instead of dogmatic stuff so he says you know become vulnerable like a child and you'll be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven remember the words Kingdom of Heaven mean the consciousness
of God there's not actually a place with a moat and walls and there's no Kingdom like that and the reason they called it the pearly gates because when the Bible was being developed and over time there were kings and the kings tended to say well if the greatest people are saying there's the greatest person that we know a wealthiest and great is a king God must be a big king God doesn't have just gates he has pearly gates he doesn't just have a moat you know there's there's there's like
mermaids and and cool things in it you know he doesn't have horses he has unicorns it's if they just make inroads of gold why cuz they like gold that's to them what was a value there is no place I hope that's obvious but whomever offends he's saying you must be as a child love honorable however he adds anyone who offends such a childlike soul not just children anyone who offends a boner about you know someone on the spiritual path a vulnerable childlike person they offend me and they will
suffer dearly which he doesn't mean I'm gonna get you he means when you cause harm to goodness you're going to hold yourself accountable you're going to suffer in fact you already are suffering when you cause harm to others it already confirms that you're you're in your place of suffering so he says so I'm warning you all the place is a world of many offenses but heaven help those who cause offenses so this is in part when you guys were asking like one of the questions about patience and this world
is going to have stuff happen your job is to not be one of the people causing the stuff to happen there's going to be suffering here but if you're causing the suffering that's what you need to be concerned with don't sit around and pray that there's no suffering work on you are you adding to the suffering not at all in fact I pray regularly that God sends all those such people as those to hell you are adding because every reaction every fear is feeding the vibe that causes people to eat hate and then bring
it to the world starve them starve hatred by giving it no hate don't feed it hate so this last part of the parable is you know it's a great value in returning to our original innocence but those who insist on karma causing harm are going to suffer and in fact they're already suffering so the metaphor I often use for this like the example of Buddha and karma and not reacting to karma it's kind of like this even if you really get what I'm saying and you go that's it I'm going to start living
a life of like Buddha don't react like Buddha don't cause new and like Jesus and forgive I got that trifecta perfect I'm going to I'm going to get that and practice that even if you do here's what's gonna happen just so you're warned in a good way but you're warned when you say I'm gonna go with this you're basically going going to want help call not on your teachers calling your teachers in this world to help but the big help comes from our vulnerability being like children like
children means partly it means to be to recognize your need for God that's what it partly means the child should say I know that my housing and my food comes from my parents that's it's kind of like a metaphor of that God is your parent you're your real parent and so recognize that you have a certain need for God and not try to do everything yourself don't even try to heal your own wounds call on the Divine Mother so that said here's what happens I'm ready to work on my life whether it's 12-step program and
and whatever else whether it's my inner child work whatever else I'm ready to work on it so the Holy Spirit the Divine Mother says okay we're here we're gonna help you now one thing that's got to happen is clear the past I'm not gonna send you back constantly I'm just gonna bring it all up today because I like to be in the moment me too we'll see how you feel about that later on she will not bring more than you can handle but she will bring stuff and so she'll say well you know how are you doing
today I'm fine okay you feeling strong yeah I'm only kind of strong great we have something that would be good for you to work on right now it's gonna be let's say patience she doesn't say let's just work on patience and then eventually you'll die and you may have gotten it all or may not and then you'll have to come back and still work on it and that's only one issue you've got hundreds so so she's not gonna do that cheers what she's gonna do she's going
to say we're going to work patience and I am so powerful that when I bring you patients to work on today I'm gonna bring all of your patients issues throughout time I'm gonna bring you Atlanta in lessons in patience I'm gonna bring hula Maury I'm gonna bring you a Egyptian native Amer thing related to patients you're kidding no not at all but that doesn't mean you're gonna have 100 times the suffering you're I'm just efficient I just know how to be efficient I'm gonna bring all of it in
one lesson and I know how and if you pass your tests you will have eliminated that issue for all time that's amazing guys do you understand what that means versus the karmic laws of the past again and again and again and again only a few people ever became enlightened in history it's not a really great program to think you're gonna beat Karma so this other plan is a pretty good one I'm gonna ask God's help so God will work you on an efficient beautiful way and in a particular method so here's also a
story an example of it so all of a sudden we're saying okay I can see it I'm sensing I need to work on issues related to let's say judgment whether it's racial or gender or whatever I've got some some judgments I see that soman I'm gonna work on that I'm going to bring that to meditation or prayer or whatever I'm doing you know and I went to some ceremony in Sedona up on the Red Rocks and we all danced you know and and whatever you know did our twirling around the fires and flute and we were
deciding to work on you know triggers we have with other people judgment now that's cool and then we go about our business with the judgment on races or sexism whatever it is now you go to the grocery store and one of those people step on your toes in some way I'm so glad to get out of that store because it was one of them I don't care what them they happened it doesn't matter it could be yeah you know caller it could be a gender it could be whatever but one of them they were there thank God we got
out of there now you're driving down the street and I'm just such a good person and I had the ceremony up on the rocks and we all chanted and o'money padmi and we're just feeling great oh look there's a hitchhiker let me pull over and help them hi do you need a ride yeah look how good I am they get in the car and they start speaking like one of them you know they just don't they just don't appreciate my goodness you know and I should probably speak up and tell them what I think of them and you you're
doing all this stuff they leave the car you go home at night you sleep that night you have bad dreams you wake up and you're feeling sick you don't know why what's happening is you say god this is weird I went up on the Red Rocks I'm afraid of heights and I still climbed up on those damn Red Rocks did some ceremony dancing around fire I don't like fire I don't even like people and I danced with people I did all this spiritual stuff and I woke up sick if you could hear the Holy Spirit she would
say let me let me give you another view viewpoint or version of what happened I'll use an example of a story so I heard you say hey I'm Holy Spirit I'm going on a voyage I would like you to be with me it's a voyage of forgiveness that's what I'm working on lately I danced it saying it chanted it with these other people and great it all had held you know hands and whatever and and that was my launching my boat my journey into forgiveness that's what the Holy Spirit says I saw you do and then I
noticed that when the waters got turbulent you started panicking ah you asked me to help you work on this stuff this is gonna happen to some turbulence next thing I knew I heard you crying and screaming for me I arrived on the boat said where are you sweetheart can't find you I'm here it's terrible my life and the people a person I picked up on the street and they didn't appreciate and everybody's on my casein in the store they did this in this it's on and on and on and she finds you you know
hiding under some tarp or something come here for a second what's going on and look how to Buell and the waters got turbulent meaning the people were stepping on my toes I had a bad dream I woke up sick and she says wait wait you asked me to help you but there were these loud explosions and people you know yelling you asked me to help you so what that means metaphorically sweetheart is that as you're moving down the rivers of life or the oceans or whatever it happens to be when you're moving navigating and you asked for my
help what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go into the depth that you don't want to go into and you don't even know how I'm going to go into the depths and I'm going to start removing and releasing all the minds that are underwater that are going to cause your boat to explode now when I release those they're going to come to the surface then they're going to boom and boom and but it's just noise and you panicked so I'll make you a deal you want me to help I have to go in the depths and get your stuff to
surface on its way out all I'm asking for you to do is not lose trust again because then every time I hear while I'm in the depths that you're panicking about the stuff I'm releasing it gets anchored in again and becomes another potential bomb is that making sense it becomes another potential hazard I'm trying to help you release them and you're tethering them back into your life I almost as soon as I'm doing them but guess what when you panic you're actually causing new ones to be created
under the surface because now all not only did we have the original one we have your reaction to it and your shame for reacting because there's a shame we have God I reacted man that I shouldn't have done that another one under there so when you want a journey on the healing path which the healing path is half of our spiritual path it's half the only and half spiritual they work together when we want to grow then we have to be willing to let stuff surface for some strange reason humans thought no all I have to
do is say it that's going to done right well preferably while I'm sleeping it's just gonna be gone right no it's almost impossible for all that needs heal to not surface on its way out that was an Amen from the back there Jesus goes on in the same chapter of the Gospels so if your hand or foot causes suffering to anyone cut them off it's better to live with less of a body than to suffer in your soul and some people get real real strange about them if your hand offends you cut it off if your eye offends you gouge it out now
you know this is where people took some of this seriously and they literally tortured each other while your hand offended you have somebody cut off his hand you know made it literally for burglars or thieves you know cut off their hands and gouge their eyes he wasn't saying that at all he says when things of this world seem to have power over you or cause you to suffer it's better to walk away from it not literally cut your hand it's better to walk away from the things of this world to cause you to suffer if you
drink too much don't go in a bar he's saying figuratively only tolerate as much as you can if you find that you can have a conversation with your mother but it seems the pattern is after 10 minutes it goes south and some stuff starts turning and arguments then talk for 9 minutes it's better to hang up than to go to help in your conversation the relationship worked out really nicely your partnership but it's something's it's too far gone you can't fix it walk away before you go nuts everybody still
has to honor what they can handle granted but he's saying but find where your limit is find so that you don't lose your soul if watching certain behaviors of people causes you to go into judgment walk away before it happens does that make sense that's what he means by if you're a hands of it if your eyes gouged it out not literally it's just the concept stop it before it drags you into hell he says when even a mortal man has a hundred sheep because the people are acting surprised by what he's teaching
here and he says how is it you guys don't understand this when when a man loses a mortal man loses he has a hundred sheep losses even one of them do you not notice how much he'll go looking for that one he doesn't go out comes who comes on you know whatever okay sera sera too bad he'll go finding it and it'll almost look like his attention is on that one and not the other 99 he's saying in other words why does it surprise you that you're that important to God you are that important
if your hand offends you cut it off if you're in a terrible situation end it if your addictions get the best stop them so that they don't lead you into suffering and he's saying and even the man that loses a sheep look how much he'll do to find that one sheep so when you're off when you're lost we've got to do something to get you home and God is aware that you're lost you have all the power in the universe ready to swoop in we think and we were taught in religions over thousands of years God only hangs
out with the good people for some reason you know the words I'm not worthy what does that tell you I'm not worthy so yeah you know I'm not good enough well we're being told by Jesus you're the one the more messed up you are those are the ones that the most help is being given then the other ones get upset well wait a minute I'm a really good person why don't I get a little more of that attention you don't need to be all insecure and compete if you're already holding your Center and doing a good job
be proud of yourself be glad it's okay that our suffering brothers and sisters have the help of the universe so do you when you're struggling and we're all going to struggle at different times the next one if someone harms you go and tell them if they don't listen to you bring a couple more brothers sisters that are kind of centered like people that will hold space for that conversation and see if that helps that person still doesn't hear it bring more of the people from your spiritual family to show
support hey listen this is kind of happen they don't want to hear it he says at some point walk away there's the theme of what I'm saying in this whole chapter of Jesus's teachings walk away don't go to hell with them walk away now this could be I saw somebody recently sent a message that said they you know this is fairly common of course but they had been abused as a child by a certain individual other family members you know you haven't been told about it what do you do bring a safe person whether it's
your counselor your sponsor or a friend listen I need to bring this up I'm not talking about going and pulling people to vent on I'm talking about trying to help trying to help them this is what happened dad when I was a child they won't listen bring a few more they won't listen bring more whatever your spiritual family is we're gonna hold space hey man here it is we're holding space for this person I've said this many times did I ask you folks stand up against people that are rude and crude that judge me or
judge us or judge spirituality stand strong don't just go well I guess you know that's just your opinion it's okay it is their opinion but it's okay for you to say hey I'm in 12-step program do not tell me that I'm rude or bad or that I think I'm better than you because I won't sit and drink with you anymore don't you know it's like get behind me Satan don't try to pull me in just cuz you drink that's your thing I'm not leave me but be with mine if you don't
if you're not good with that then goodbye so he's saying bring a person bring a few people bring a group of people if they don't listen walk away walk away let it be see them as that's their thing and walk away never with hatred but walk away you only change what you can and of course accept what you can but you change what you can you if you can't force you know clearly you can't force it but if you can't get across to them if they listen there might be a reason maybe they're there it would just cause them
an aneurysm - all in what they did or what they're doing so the more reason you're what are you gonna do duck take them tape them down and put tape across their mouth and say your now you're gonna listen this this is an intervention dad you did this when we were kids or whatever it was you bring it lovingly and tactfully and if you don't you're not bringing it properly so you need don't well they won't listen to me what did you say well I said listen jerk you need to listen to me well I wouldn't listen either be
loving and tactful always and so should your group of support system be loving and tactful they don't hear walk away he then goes on to say I tell you whenever whatever you accomplish on earth will assist you in heaven and whatever you release on earth is released in heaven also when two or more of you agree and focus on anything it'll be accomplished so what he's saying is whatever you learn on earth it's going to go with you to the other side whatever you heal on earth is gonna be qualities you take
with you to the other side he's saying whenever you accomplish on earth I'm not talking about material accomplishments the consciousness work you do on earth is going to be your fuel that takes you to the other side how much fuel did you get how much healing and learning did you do because everything's about healing and learning how much healing and learning did you do not much okay guess what your rocket ship can not even launch so you die you're coming straight back with the same stuff same probably
family members instead your ship launches it's like adding another feather to your angel wings all the work you do on earth is going to be carrying you with you on the other side the last few quotes Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like having a certain King which would take account of his servants and when he was balancing the books someone was something brought to him something about someone of the people that owed him money the Lord of land was de counting doing the accounting and realize wow one of the servants owes me
a bunch of money so his Lord come and says each member of your family he says to the person owing him you and all the members of your family are going to be sold into slavery or slit sold into jail or whatever it's gonna be till the debt is fulfilled the servant therefore falls down begs for forgiveness and the Lord of that servant was moved with compassion and released him and forgave his debt anyone that has a debt no matter how large humble I'm sorry it's called apology and amends and then the Lord
forgave him the Lord of the land but it's a metaphor of God if forgiven no problem the problem is the same servant ends up going home and doing some life you know for a day or two or whatever realizes hey some of my fellow servants one of them owes me some money has them brought forward hey you owe me some money oh you're right I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'll pay it back no I'm gonna have you put in jail has the servant the fellow servant put in jail for the money owed him now the Lord finds out about this
the Lord of the land but the Lord Lord finds out about this and says you wicked man you made huge mistakes asked for forgiveness and I granted it this person did a minor thing in comparison it could be a major thing but it's a minor thing in comparison and you actually are gonna hold them accountable and send them to jail are you getting what I'm saying here this is important because this this palette of parable here means first of all as we judge others we're judged this guy got in trouble with the Lord because
he wasn't practicing forgiveness himself this is also a parable about karma and reincarnation this is Jesus talking about reincarnation because of the way he words it he says to this guy you don't live by forgiveness so you're going to live I'm paraphrasing you're gonna live by karma he says you see what's happening is you're now going to be brought before the ego that's going to always find you guilty because in this parable it says the Lord will send you to the judge the judge will send you
to the the prosecutors and the jailers and you're going to spend time in jail fulfilling your debt that's what they used to do you'll spend time in jail fulfill your debt is fulfilled what debt do you think he's talking about what do you think jail is Jesus was talking about reincarnation he says when you're found guilty you're gonna come back and you're going to stay in jail in this world held by your ego and a body this body and you'll be here and you'll stay in jail again and again
lifetime after lifetime until your debt is paid there's one of the lost books of the Bible it's kind of cool where Mary Magdalene was talking to Jesus and asking him for some teachings and some questions and it's kind of cool because she's the one that points that out that it's about past lives she says you know Jesus there's that one time you were teaching us about she doesn't say reincarnation but she says reincarnation okay more or less so she's saying there's that one time you were teaching
us about previous lifetimes or reincarnation in that parable so she's the one who figured that out and said you know because you were talking about being found guilty and sent off to jail and imprisoned the jailer it's the body and the prison is the world so we're being taught right there you're very judgements are what keep you coming back one of the questions you guys asked me to cover was you know forgiveness so here's an example where God is telling you and I I am forgiving not because it takes any effort for God
but I already forgave anything who could ever think say or do in any lifetime and all of them combined and you're still ticked off because your sister said I'm prettier than you find the holiness in yourself and forgive her she knows not what she does you see they know not what they do because anybody that would cause you harm does not know what they're doing meaning they're insane what does it mean to say they're insane they're not acting as their God's self and since you only are your God self as soon as
you fabricate that you're not you're technically insane like a person that gets hospitalized because they say I'm Napoleon and I will not speak to anybody unless they call me that Emperor and speak to me in French that's not gonna go well at work it may not go well at home so it's I'm saying it's a metaphor of it's a form of insanity to try to pretend your things that you're not that's one of our usual depictions right stereotypically so we're being told as soon as you act like you're not
a divine being you're insane and when people are harming you they're not acting very divine which means they're insane that's why Jesus said forgive them they know not what they do they're nuts is what he was saying they're acting from their ego you're forgiving them not enables don't do the enabling forgiving I'm talking about sincere I get it and forgiveness is a process so whatever level you can get if all you can do is say I'm not letting this go but I'm going to start doing my best to forgive
that's a start anything that gets the ball rolling is beautiful so let it be so forgive at the deepest level you can but one day all people will realize that true forgiveness means I am a holy being and no one has power over me so whenever I thought they did I'm letting it go because I no longer choose to believe they have power over me instead of I'm gonna forgive you because you're a horrible person and I'm a beautiful person I'm gonna move past all that and just say it doesn't matter what you are
what I am I don't care all that matters to me is reality Who I am and that you have no power and that starts to help chunk you no chunks of us the past start falling away as we recognize forgiveness so when Jesus was done saying these things there's one last quote the Pharisees came up to him to try to trap him into blasphemy so they could condemn him they did this all the time so they say is it lawful you're gonna love the wording and I even eased it up a little bit is it lawful for a man to toss his wife away at any time
for any cause because that's what they did in those days and he says have you not read a man shall connect with he will leave his father and mother and join with his new partner you guys get that you leave your father and mother you join with your new partner and they become like one therefore what God joins together no person can tear apart it's not like you actually almost could tear it apart if God joins two people with one intention called love nothing can tear it apart so they're asking is it
okay for a man to just toss his wife that's the wording they're using giving walking papers you know and they're trying to catch him and he says what don't you didn't you read the scriptures he always did that to them to tick them off you know didn't you read the scriptures because they're supposed to be experts on it so we always prove that they never read it you know they've memorized it but they didn't learn so he's saying dude didn't you read your scriptures you know when
two people are joined it's forever so what do you mean can a man toss out his wife so they responded and said then why did Moses say that a man merely give the wife a statement of divorce to be rid of her and here's Jesus's response you can understand why they killed this guy okay because because Moses is the man and he told us all you have to do a man superior to a woman give her walking papers no reasons just get out and she's walked she's got a walk and be be living a life that is you know people spitting
up on her and you know just because if she's not married she must be a bad person so he says Jesus answers and he said Moses said this because of the hardness of your hearts so he allowed you to have your way but such was not the way that it was meant to be much of what is in the the scriptures his spirits way of trying to match you you you Nimrods you know you people I would do I'd like to just you use all words I had a lot of words there I won't but but you get what he's saying he's playing
with him going guys didn't you read the scriptures when two people are joined you can't tear him apart but Moses said you can give her walking papers he said that's because you're all screwed up he was matching you and what you would allow but that's not the way it was ever meant to be he's telling them God created one way and you guys insist on having it your way so God in its infinite patience through its prophets even Moses sometimes gave you your way is that making sense so you created
karma that was never God's plan you created ups and downs left's and rights Democrats Republicans and so on you created that that's not God's Way so we've all got to find that way to return to our innocence return to who we really are just because you find it in the scriptures you know you stone women when they wear makeup this isn't real this isn't God's will so then what about God saying you know I joined to never pull it apart he's not talking about wedlock per se cuz even then he's saying you
people marry anything you're all so desperate to hook up man stop he's up then because the next questions they ask him are all about eunuchs and so forth should we all become eunuchs he's like what is wrong with you people should you all be he does I mean I'm paraphrasing but he says some people are born eunuchs some people make themselves into eunuchs and he says but there's different reasons some choose to be such meaning celibate to be such as part of their spiritual path you can't he's saying I can't give one
answer that flexes so much per person in situation what we do know is that when you say I love this person we romanticize we always make things ridiculous on earth so we go you know you're kind of hot marry me you then you marry that man or woman or partner whatever it is you marry them and then we said and you're not allowed to get divorced even getting together was a far worse decision than getting divorced so you can't say well getting divorces against God's will no if you would have asked God he would have told
you not to marry in the first place oh oh but but I felt a flutter in my heart that was an anxiety attack you you should not when I met them I felt this flutter it's called a panic attack you weren't supposed to marry them but I felt like we were supposed to be together no you were together you already were in another lifetime and it wasn't good so what kind of a person would go seeking that person out again a desperate one a desperate one so is it wrong to get a divorce no no the bottom line guys what it's saying when when two
are joined together no man can pull apart it means that when you join in your intention with another person whether the intention is love partnership work writing a book and editing the book do together together anything you do with spiritual intention will never be torn apart it cannot as soon as you say God would you bless us I'm gonna write a book they're going to edit like Helen who wrote A Course in Miracles and her partner bill her friend will edit to the book those were joined together as one that can never be
destroyed the intention to accomplish something fantastic can never be destroyed that's what it means I've been married and I got a divorce divorce was such a painful concept to me there's a million reasons that the the failure to my family the failure to my kids all kinds of things it just destroyed me I wanted to die literally prayed take me because it was such a painful experience when I got clearer from it there's moments where I laughed and cried at the same time which looks insane because I started realizing the
love will never change the situation seems to have to happen because what God joins together and I refuse I have never had anybody in my life friend partner anything that I wouldn't say I still love them not one that if they called me and said I'm struggling I'm having a challenge that I wouldn't give advice to honestly not because I'm enabled but I would do what I know I could afford to do inside I had somebody who who caused some major harm another another male and he caused some major
harm to to people close to me really really caused a lot of harm and in my romantic life too and this person this one person wants after they did all this they called me for advice listen my life's falling apart I'm like no kidding no good but they said my life's falling apart guys I didn't even have to call them back after thinking about it hey soul called and said my life's falling apart what can I do like any other time I take a breath and do it it's going to be the same answer whether you're my best
friend or somebody that tried to cause me the greatest harm how can I be helpful today that's me I would not recommend that to you all the time sometimes you need to say not today no way you've you've used me enough those are good things to tell people sometimes so don't take my lead and do what I'm do I did what was I could afford to do you need to do what you can afford to do but in these circumstances these these teachings of Jesus forgiveness it's all what we can afford to do at any given
time and people that have caused harm they're out of their minds they're not in their spiritual minds they're out of their mind out of their spiritual mind what can I do to be helpful I can't do anything they hurt me too much and they deserve to suffer death that's okay because what I hear talking right there I don't say oh my god you shouldn't speak like that lalalala and I don't want to hear it what I hear is wow that's how hurt you are the only reason a person can refuse to forgive is when
they're that hurt you can clearly also just be in your ego and be stubborn but why would you do that unless you're hurt so I've had interesting you know experiences like that but there's nobody I can think of that that I wouldn't still help any I've had people that have tried to cause harm here at unity and then they showed up some days later and they were kind of you know moping and sad and depressed I took them aside and talked to them they've tried to cause just the worst kinds of harm to us that anybody ever
has took them aside and I said if you want to come back you can I mean I'm thinking everybody's gonna think I'm totally nuts when they see this person but I still had to do it and they didn't choose to come back and that was okay too I'm gonna do what I know I'm being guided to do and that was the right thing them not coming back as their choice what God joins no person can pull apart this world's gonna try to pull it apart but just because I divorce you you divorce me I don't care you still need
help what do you need how can I help I never lose the love so when you have a project you and I could go into business together the business could last five years and then it fails oh it failed and we're bummed and you know I don't like you and you ruin the business and honor no no it seems to have not failed didn't it go for five years if it went for five minutes I joined with you people lose sight of the joining energy well if I married you I should have never divorced you what when how long was that going to
last I should have never we should have never been pulled apart as in ever soon as you die you're gone one of you is gone understand it this world externally don't judge by that someone's going to go a comedian once said all really he said you know relationships are bleak kind of a concept they all end in death or divorce and I went well that's you know it's kind of true they're gonna end and Buddha tells you that this world is a world of suffering everything ends you'll like it it ends you don't like it
it ends so if you don't like it why worry about it because it's gonna end if you do like it why get too attached because it's gonna go so Center just find your Center when two people are joint two or more gathered in my name there I will be Jesus is saying what he's saying is when two people can get along and agree on anything including an intention to create something how could I not be there and there's a trick to this he doesn't just mean his energy his spirit will be there he's saying as soon
as you're willing to us to see yourself as part of oneness with another that is what Christ is the joined nough sub n II of God's children separate we fall as soon as any two or more join together Christ is present not just Jesus you have found the Christ in you when you can see someone else as worthy of your presence does that make sense we have the ability to bring the presence of Christ and it's not just how many crystals you put on the earth how many chance how many Bowl rings and how many whatever it's that's not how
you bring the Christ that's a way to set the stage sacred space but if two people or more cannot join with an common intention there is no Christ I don't care what you do two or more because that's what Christ is us returning to oneness us in our separate state have a different name Michael and Joe and Roger and Sally and Sue those are our names those are our separate names Revelation tells us when all comes to an end you're going to be given a new name oh cool wonder what mines mines gonna be crystal
cluster by the river you know rainbow men of the universe we're gonna be very upset when it's just Christ that's your new name Christ first it'll be instead of Jesus Christ it'll be Michael Christ and Sally Christ and Roger Christ and Joe Christ not literally but figuratively it is and then pretty soon it won't be Michael Christ it'll be Christ so Christ is our name when we're joined wherever two or more gather there I am that's what he meant anytime two of you can put your garbage aside and get
excited about joining in a common focus there I am and that's why in my personal life I've always told my my friends they'll be like oh and we're let's do this and Michael let's go on sacred sites trips and Michael let's do all these cool things there there's people have wanted to be intimate people have wanted to go on tours people have wanted me to write a book or whatever friends have ever wanted partners and friends anything they've ever wanted to do I don't care who they are my own
children I've always said the spirit first spirit first if you guys can't get along don't ask anything of me and it would they just you know get irritated at me a lot hey we're all gonna go on down to the lawn at our retreat we're gonna all go down there and have lunch you guys still bickering well yeah I'm not joining you I'm not going get along and they didn't like that but I don't care that's the right way for me I tell folks work comes first and I'm always working when people
say Michael you know can we do lunch or work this is me work comes first and I'm always working working means not literally labor but it means in here and if I see something unsettled let's settle it if we can't settle it I don't want any part of it you want me to be part of a business but you're all bickering I'm done you want it to happen then join where we join is the Spirit of God where we separate no you you know united we stand divided we fall and I know that's challenging for people I
know I know that can be challenging clearly in relationships and so on but that's just all how I've always been I've always felt like sanity comes first love comes first well forget the love you you could still get this if only I won't even die you know any topic I even things that could benefit me materially I won't do it if the spiritual consciousness isn't there but that's me you have to be faithful to yourselves but find something to be faithful to whatever it is you're your limit on a
zero to ten mine might be a ten because I'm a bit stringent about this yours could be just a two but at least be true to your two or a five or whatever it is just find some level of come amendment what you believe and stick to it please take a few centering breaths let's start this meditation with an absorbing of what we learned today what did you hear or learn that made the most sense let the Holy Spirit help you find what could be the most helpful to you but breathe and allow this to integrate don't come here and just listen with
your head what did you hear what can make a difference in your life and let it not be Michael talking to you you talk to yourself own what did you hear that made sense any of the comments any of the passages any of the interpretations of those passages in what way can you be grateful which is one of the words you brought up before service in what way can you be grateful for anything you heard her experienced
in the service today was it the person you sat next to was it a warmth was it a shift in consciousness was it a comment was it laughter was it a processing you did while you sat here find it and give thanks for it breathe it in the gratitude is a depth that we go to a new level of consciousness with we go into gratitude and it means I'm really anchoring this new truth for me I'm so grateful this made sense I'm so grateful this spoke to me today and in this sense the meditation not a
visualization today the meditation is you taking whatever you learned in her today you yourself taking it twice higher four times our 10 times higher it's up to you how much deeper would you like this to set in how would you like it to grow how much and let it really shift your consciousness how did this most speak to me and lastly take a moment just to imagine if you really integrated any one or more things from today how would it make your life different already how would it make you different whether it was the
metaphor of not reacting to the explosions of things surfacing whether it was how to step up and put some people or things in their place or how to walk away whatever it was you heard see yourself being a master of that now really getting it and then quietly start giving thanks really seeing that happening you're getting it you're applying it you're living it you're giving thanks as you're slowly coming back to the room you're still absorbing and getting it and giving thanks very good open your eyes when you're
ready okay how are we all feeling good good [Music]