It Always Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
today is an interesting talk because it's sort of like life gets harder before it gets better and I'm not trying to sound pessimistic I'm trying to explain a spiritual principle that folks have been saying you know wow I mean I'm waking up I'm growing spiritually why is anything at all going on in my life that's a challenge it really could basically and best be explained the way life itself is for example because everything you know as above so below and as within so without there's
metaphor of life there's connection and reflection of life from the inside to the outside and vice versa so when we look at the near-death experience for example people say wow I saw the most beautiful blissful things you know whether it was a feeling of happiness or whether it was a lights and so on you know loved ones or whatever notice that when they first pass over almost always there's a quite pleasant experience and then people just assume that's all there is on the other side which isn't actually so just like on
earth when we grow spiritually there's those in my immediate moments of wow you know I I'm sobering up and I feel clear-headed or I started meditating and I felt a little more calm trusting of life or whatever you know I worked on some issues and I feel oh cthe artists you know Cathars is kind of a the old just feels decompressed and I feel a little more clear and centered that's just like going to the other side it's it's after a death there's often this nice quiet centering moment and a lot of
people then just assume of course it's from wishful thinking that that's the way it's going to remain well it doesn't remain like that even though like in A Course in Miracles the teachers manual it it talks about when life when you grow and you really commit to the spiritual path first of all good for you but there will be an undoing period where the things you knew will start fading away you know you certainly might have that initial you know wow this feels good you know a better life or less stress of the past but it
doesn't stay that way so we have our initial kind of a nice feeling but then comes the settling in and and sort of adapting to the changes in the losses it's not really supposed to be looked at as losses of things that that should destroy you you know emotionally having lost things it's it's more like some changes that which was familiar has kind of gone away and a new life is kind of filtering in and so on so I'm saying that when you have a near-death experience it starts off kind of nice what you don't know is
what comes after that I'm not saying bad things happen but you're now there so when you first get there it's like welcome come on in you know this is great just you know see your loved ones and higher vibration frequencies peace happiness you know everything's kind of sweet but when you actually are there and you stay for a while like indefinitely meaning just when you stay because you've passed over for sure and you're not just coming right back see they don't want to bum anybody out
they're gonna just let you see the nice stuff and then go back and report it you know they don't tell you well then after that you know a minute and a half or a year and a half or a day and a half or whatever it is of that okay we got to sit down and look at your file see how you did you know let's see looks like you worked on this relationship but not that one okay go we'll just note that and you know it looks like you did this pretty well a good job you know they go over your files your it's really your
Akashic records and they go through that to see how you did and what you might still need to work on so after you've experienced that for a period of time so there's like the immediate bliss just like immediate positives that come from say getting on the path then the work comes in and that's where a lot of you are at right now saying you know I took Michaels co-creating a new life class or I'm reading A Course in Miracles starting here in January you start a new year maybe it's good time to start the course or whatever it
is you did my online courses or whatever you study and wow it was so inspiring and it's exciting but then not for everybody but for some for many there's still this like wow you know stuff stuff comes up processing you know deeper issues so when we start off on the other side or here on the path it is pretty nice because you're getting kind of a taste of a better life but it isn't there's nothing wrong with the fact that it will turn on you you know it will it will have to reveal at some point that
there's more and so those of you who are on on earth right now and going through this and saying it just feels like things are challenging right now let me just check my astrological reports you know what did the newspaper say today is it a full moon no mercury retrograde no you know you're looking to try to find the reasons rhyme and reason and sometimes there isn't gonna be a tangible rhyme and reason instead it's gonna just be your spiritual path and that path might start off an initial like wow cool but then it'll go into
work it goes into God you know I was happy to know that I have a new life but I forgot that I'm gonna have to spend some time saying goodbye to the old life which can come through burning bowl ceremony screaming crying counseling you know therapy bodywork who knows it's gonna vary per person but there'll be some some you could call it painful stuff it's only painful because of our resistance to releasing and our insistence to have a certain thing like control but it just you know it's gonna
pass away this too shall pass so the painful experience will pass and then comes the really great stuff forever no because their cycles within cycles you know you could do work on relationships and have that initial for example let's say you're in a challenging relationship and you want to you know do something about that you want to change that so good for you you make a change and then you meet somebody right away on the rebound that's that initial going to heaven Wow this is all really great but before you
know it that relationship also starts having challenges it's kind of like that life is kind of like that the ego has no intention the human ego it has no intention of saying well now that you're reading the Course in Miracles I'm just gonna pack up and leave it doesn't work like that the ego which is like the psychological equivalent of religious versions of evil so the ego or evil it it has no intention of giving up just because you decided to get on the path you know instead it looks at you and says do you
you never stick to anything anyway so I'm just gonna beat you up and you're gonna give up on this so-called spiritual tangent you're on you know it doesn't think you're gonna be authentic with it the more you show your tenacity you know you're gonna be like hanging in you know with your path it's gonna start going I don't like you no I don't like you very much and what's worse is your being an example to other people how to endure being alone instead of desperate you know in needing relationships you're
starting to show people how to how you can handle sometimes being ill and and still be okay you know it doesn't doesn't really appreciate that very much you know so the religious standpoint would be that you are essentially in battle with the devil you know in psychology or in mythology people that study mythology has a sort of archetype of life you know they're gonna look at it and see it more like you're battling yourself your own lower nature you know and so and there's ways to to get through that you know but
why does life see why does my life seem to be going through challenges certain it shouldn't be getting better yes Oh guys it is getting better but the challenge is still or a drag I mean they are they're you know you're changing your life you're getting on the path you spent some money to take a workshop you're your whatever you know change your wardrobe your house do Fung Shui do you read breath you know rebirth you breath work to you you know did burning Bowl you stood on your head and did pranayama
breathing and you know all these fancy things you took up yoga you know you got yourself you know your special yoga outfit you know and bought your mat you know to do the work on you did all these key things you bought you bought fairies to hang in your house or whatever you know and still you can't keep your ex from bothering you calling you nagging at you or you still can't make your children behave differently or whatever it happens to be or you just here right here in yourself still have addictions
or still have anger that you can't get past or just things you thought were gone why would they be coming up again I mean seriously I thought I was way beyond that and here it's coming up is that the best I'm gonna get out of this workshop I took I could have not taken the workshop and just been better off because I didn't have the person calling as much that's how the Eagle wants you to see it but instead yeah you did you you awakened a dragon but it will not drag on that dragon it will not drag on
its just rearing its head because it's doing the little screaming I know thing as it fades away it's all that's doing it and if you weren't watching the movie say Wizard of Oz and you just heard the scene right starting right then I think melting that the screaming the the fear in everybody's faces when they're watching that happen that gathered around in that moment in The Wizard of Oz I don't think I've ever even seen the whole movie but that's just I understand some of the clips from it you know so
when you're checking that out and you're hearing that yeah it doesn't feel very good like a vibe it doesn't feel very good but when you really are able to know the movie know the scene know what's really happening then you're kind of gonna be more confident it's no big deal she melts because she was evil and she disappears she just melts she disappears she's not actually going to be tortured she just disappears and then you know good things come to everybody but notice that in that story how Dorothy has to go
on these initiations you know to find a heart to find a brain you know mind and so forth that's like us we get on the path you know and at the end of the path we realized we had it all along we did we really did we had God all along God is with us everywhere we go and you say well wait a minute that kind of sounds like then God is when we start wars God is when I'm abused or cause abuse no God is with me wherever I go it doesn't mean God's doing those things I'm doing God is being being quiet
centered way deep down inside somewhat pretty for the most part invisible to me who's being hurtful or is being hurt centered in here just saying I love you come home it's okay I love you I love you and we're juggling to hurt or be hurt we're trying to deal with this world and yeah doing our best but remember you're you're on the right path you're on the only path the one that has to do with waking up remembering who we really are and what God really has in store for us in our day-to-day lives so
it's not going to always look pretty but I know right now a lot of folks are going through a lot I mean literally and figuratively where you know globally going through a dark night of the soul round and round that goes where it stops nobody knows how long it will last you can't really predict it you can generally say you know dark night soul you know that usually is a few years long could be several years even seven or so but once you get launched into the dark night it usually is going to last a few years and you know we could say we
always have some amount of political struggle or economical struggle or war or things on planet Earth that's true but you can tell when the dark night hits because it's a different vibe to it it's like the depression the Great Depression many years ago that was one that was a little more undeniable it was one that lasted longer and it's one that hit almost everybody so that you know is different from a recession that might have happened let I think in the 70s or something you know there's a difference
one you're having a bad day a bad weekend you know one you're having a hangover because you drink too much that's not a dark night of the soul the dark night of the soul really lasts longer hits harder hits more people it's broader deeper etc and and the world is going through that right now a lot of spiritual teachers are being tested and attacked attacked and tested you know political figures you know it's just it's just people are just going nuts about every topic just about you know so
it's not to be taken personally it's not you you're doing your work if you're doing your work if you're not doing your work maybe things are falling apart in your perspective cuz you're not doing your work so get on the path get sober get clean get right you know work on just staying in as much alignment as possible but if you're on the path great the difference of not being on it and on it is that being on the path helps you to be more conscious so you're more responsible about decisions instead of
going I don't know why this is happening it's a little more like no I dunno it's still a drag because I know why it's happening but I'd like it to end a little sooner you're you know you're gonna have those human thoughts but just hang in there this too shall pass be prayerful you the thing is that an primary difference between not and being on the path and having stuff go on is that if I'm not on the path consciously on the path and stuffs going on it won't matter when it ends it doesn't matter
because I'm not on the path and I'm just gonna go around and around with these challenging issues anyway everything else is in control of me I have no say-so I'm just a victim of the world I see and it just keeps going around and around like that when you're on the path even if you still ache at some of the challenging moments you kind of have a different way of looking at it so sort of saying but at least I have friends that are with me on this spiritual friends that are supporting me on this I
can reach out and they can say I'm gonna do some prayer with you you also know how to do prayer and shift today instead of just staying stuck every day after after day after day you know how to shift and go wow for half a day I felt much better you know even if it's just half a day you know that you were able to shift it when you're consciously on the path you're able to to know this is going to end and when it does you're like launching into co-creating a new life with God you're not like well I'm just glad
that's over it's that's then you're only happy that you're not in as much pain and that's not the highest level of happiness you can have so it's instead you're like no I I'm gonna now launch now that the dark night is fading so my tires are not stuck in a rut I'm ready to launch and you just hop into a new life so you recover faster you stay a little more sane during so there's there are perks to to staying sane you know awake or conscious when you're on the path and going through a dark night
of the soul of course in miracles' does say things like you know it's funny because there'll be a moment in the text it'll you know right now you're along far enough in this course you should know by now that that you're coming along you're getting it but some days you're still gonna be doubting and right about now you probably are feeling maybe even a little more anxious than you used to be feeling or depressed more than usual and you're thinking how did how did they know you know you are they got
a camera in here it knows because it knows the level of consciousness with which it's shifting in you it knows our consciousness and what changes it's making as it's doing it it's not just a nice book it's not just a neat read this is a very very God inspired book it the every line in it is designed not written designed and that does that design is a part of God's plan for our awakening the undoing process of the past so that we can awaken to a new life so it's very very powerful so just you know check it
out let that be part of your study if you don't you know if you if you're open to that and if you just you can't seem to get it just try anyway just try and read it anyway try at least for 30 days to see if it starts to catch on if it doesn't it's not a problem switch to something that's more user meaning user friendly like Jesus calling I do both you know it's cool you know whatever you want to do Jesus calls nice spiritual inspirational reads for everyday feeling like Christ is communing with you and so
on one day I might do a book like that to sort of a 365 readings or blessings for each day or something I might I might do that one day but just finding things that work for you that inspired you lifts you up but even a Course in Miracles is telling you yeah but now instead of like you're gonna win the lottery tomorrow it says things like about now you're probably feeling anxious or depressed or whatever and why is it saying that that's that's not very uplifting it is it is uplifting because
it's reassuring you you're not going crazy you're just waking up if you're feeling anxious it's because your egos getting a little bit agitated at you and and it's gonna get more than or ticked off that you're not succumbing to it so much how and why well you're reading a book that's reprogramming your mind you're feeling not just reading you're also feeling a book you're feeling a material that's changing your heart and soul so you're awakening you know and
it's it's it's just wonderful and you know the world is going through a dark night of the soul so plan accordingly I mean you'll save yourself some grief if you just kind of go okay wait the world is going through a dark night so let me just chill a little bit more instead of expecting the world to get it tomorrow politics I'm gonna turn on the news and everybody's gonna be hugging you know it's kind of a funny thing because when you think about the word Congress you know all the the Congress is getting to
get congressional meeting because in in some teachings in the Far East especially in the Tantra Buddhism the word Congress means to make love so wouldn't it be funny if one day Congress you know they were all making love or something but in a sense that's what it's supposed to be that you're supposed to congregate Congress congregate gather together and become one mind which is why in Tantra Congress is too becoming one in Congress it's supposed to be two parties or more parties joining as one two to become sane you
know they're supposed to get together to say two or more being gathered right now to receive your guidance God just tell us what you'd have us to and then we'll do our best to stay aligned with that guidance and then deal with the paperwork that's all they're just supposed to just we'll do the paperwork but you guys are somewhat to do you know you get an inspiration to buy a car and somebody still has to sign all the paperwork because that's one of the illusions of this world they don't say
well we'll just just imagine God's stamp on it because that's not the way the world is allowing itself to be anymore it was a little more like that in very very ancient times but you know people seem to have separated and lost sight of how to do that so in our lives guys that's what it partly means up to keep the faith keeping the faith means this despite things looking like they're falling apart keeping the faith means I'm gonna still know and affirm that despite feeling down up is here right
here somewhere despite getting caught up in an ego spirit is right here somewhere despite being angry love is here somewhere faith means that's essentially believing in things unseen it means I just can't see it right now but I still know not just believe I know it's there and that's really a really beautiful interpretation of what faith is it's not supposed to be blind faith in something that might come through some day a faith means despite what I seem to see or feel despite what my senses tell me I believe
there's something else I believe they're right here there's God right here there's love right here there's happiness and all I need to do is or do my work to get the other stuff out of the way so that I can then feel spirit come through and all of a sudden there's a shift you know a little happier a little like more relaxed a little more peaceful which seems small because it's small because people don't know how to spot it they're just so caught up in the stuff they don't spot it but when you
see that little shift did you have a shift like that seconds before that no did you have it an hour before three hours no I'm pretty upset today now you felt a little shift you must give credit where credit's due that was a miracle you had a shift where you weren't feeling one before and if you did feel one you probably wouldn't have taken time to even do your prayer to try to bring a shift so something wonderful happened you you you got to feel like a little drop of peace it could have been more but that's all you
were open to right now now are you okay with that that it was just a 1% shift yeah one but I could feel that 1% would you like 10% really can i yes you can have a hundred percent the percentage of how much you want to feel the positive is it's up to you so part of what I'm saying now is you and I were going through changes we're upgrading to another level of consciousness globally many of us are but also as we started a new year started new levels of teaching we started my co-creation course started
a course in miracles' or whatever you're doing in your life to raise it to a new level the darkness is going to try to match that it's going to try to counter that not even just match it it's gonna try to counter it and get you in a nosedive so it's bringing up in each individual stuff but then just in case you can survive that because you know how to do it properly and responsibly it's gonna try to create enough of a darkness around you to so that even when you when you say okay maybe today is not
so bad and you stretch out in the morning Oh yawn and open your eyes the world's gonna be dark enough to get you triggered if your own stuff doesn't get your triggered so then there's a whole game that this thing plays the ego and tries to set you off and I'm not gonna tell you don't be sad don't be angry you know I'm not gonna try to tell you there's no reason cuz you feel the way you feel it's okay but do your work as best you can knowing this too shall pass and know that I can make a shift of one percent
ten percent or whatever is it possible that I can do more than one percent to tend to then from 10 to 50 and zone is any of this real as any of this possible it really is then can I feel the effects sooner if I did a prayer on a disease could I could I actually see instantaneous miraculous chips you actually can why don't i because the time between the moment when i chose it and the time it finally appear appears if this is a chronology moving this way I chose it here it doesn't appear to here that's till here B that's because the
ego is making us it kind of controls our mind and our belief systems a lot so it's figuring technically when I shifted the miracle came along with it it looks like this but the ego puts a little jaws of life mmm you know wedge in there and then inflates it why because it's hoping that between the moment you asked for a miracle and experienced a miracle it's fully hoping that that's that's now called time that's all time is it's an illusion so it's saying well now that I've been inflated the illusion of time
between here and here I'm hoping that you will completely fall apart in here somewhere losing faith that way this will be canceled so because every thought everything has a you know cause as an effect the word you know cause like the word curse in a sense comes from cause and it means a curse I'm cursing you I'm causing you to believe something I'm causing myself to believe something I'm causing myself to believe I experienced a miracle the ego gets in there inflates this space and causes or
curses us to not have that miracle now if we believe and buy into what it's just done if I let my eyes determine my reality if I let these senses which are generally controlled by the ego if I let them control me determine my reality this gets inflated I look around with my senses there's no miracle I'm looking closely there is not that's not going to be good on my soul is it it's not going to be good because I tried I prayed took a new class no miracle now I'm deflated my deflated consciousness is going to bring effects
this guy here the coming miracle gone and instead it's these miracles are replaced with new effects that the new cause is brought so a new cause or curse created a new effect which is faithlessness or doubt or you know how you feel when you you've taken a class you thought it was gonna make a difference and you know I took a prosperity class and the next day I went broke you know how is that gonna work you know how what person is strong enough to say and I guess going broke was actually part of the ending of the
old prosperity so that I can launch into a new level who's gonna do that you know what what person what group says you know all right let's get together you know family unit family meeting let's all get together let's pray to change our lives let's pray for a better you know only to find out the next day one of the partners launches into an affair one of the kids has a terrible accident you know how do you explain that to the family the day after that probably we shouldn't pray anymore because clearly
God doesn't like us you know yeah I mean you wouldn't be wrong to be tempted to think that or say that or feel that honestly I'm just you know being honest guys it's it's a practical way you're gonna feel as it as a human being what I'm saying however is despite the way it looks you can't concentrate on a shift and have anything go wrong per se it would only be our consciousness that's already off you you God doesn't bring you challenges when people say that I prayed for patience and God gave me
tests of patience God doesn't say oh I'm gonna teach you a lesson today God is only love but it's us it's us that allows that time lag for a miracle it's us that allows you know I should be able to create greater prosperity today but I have some karma from another lifetime God never once in history brought up somebody's past life in a way that would condemn them from having a new life it's never happened from God only us our soul and or our own ego that will bring it up we are so bring it up
sometimes you know because it's it thinks that's what it needs to grow and so therefore it is it's what we need to grow because that's what we believe the ego on the other hand is like oh you want to bring up past lives I'll show you a couple of those and it downloads a bunch of dark stuff you know and so we don't have to buy into all that you know instead you know God past present or future you show me who I really and God never accesses the past to tell you who you are in the moment it
only tells you based on your absolute innocence and purity like a newborn you are pure you're just sweet and more than a human reborn baby far far more than the human mind could every concrete ever comprehend we are an absolute pure light and we have forgotten that we manufacture all other kinds of you know stuff so if you're out there living right now and you feel isolated in relationship or you feel you know we're holed up in snow or cold or dark you know some of the people living in the Northeast are talking about how dark
sometimes the days have been it's not an accident you're you're you're representing a lot of our winter consciousness dark cold alone a band rejected and so on so it doesn't surprise that some of these kinds of feelings would come up don't don't just try to brush them off don't just light a candle and say how good the darkness is gone embrace it in the sense that if you're going through a challenging time whether it's related to politics whether it's the weather or
take time to just sit with it and say wow if I wanted to process this darkness this coldness this loneliness or whatever it is so that I would never have to visit it again not because I'm afraid of it but if I wanted to really thoroughly clean this out so that I knew that I'm good to go into my new life what is it I would need to look at and then look at it just be brave look at it oh there's a little bit of this a little bit of that you know I need to be surprised I mean you could drop a shoe on your toe and go out and
that could carry with it lots of deep old stuff kind of amazing you know the the you know I mean just just using that quick analogy drop what she wanted to it just reminded me of remember a person I knew who dropped something heavy at work or something like a board or whatever contractor maybe they dropped a board and it really it had a toe and really hurt I mean it really hurt a lot maybe broke it but hurt their toe of badly and I remember that person saying I don't know maybe at the time they were 40 I remember them
saying years from now that toe is gonna be cut off because I have diabeetus and that's what's gonna happen self-fulfilling prophecy but in other words whether it's they shouldn't have said that or they shouldn't does not the point what I'm saying is notice that it came back that thing that they invested in it came back and that's often what happens so I'm here talking to you about that and I'm remembering this person not only hurting themselves really badly because there were know quite a bit of pain but then
affirming that they're they're doomed now just years from now that's gonna all get cut off I bet they're saying they weren't having symptoms of diabetes at the time you know in their life but they already predicted one day that's what's gonna happen and and so it is and so it did happen but part of my point is I'm talking about it I'm remembering that and I'm not even the one it happened to so it does happen that moments of today conversations moments of trigger of some
kind of watching a movie these things happen and they bring the past to us the Eagle will use it to further put you in pain and make you afraid and further layer Armour around yourself to try to protect yourself or reactions defenses etc or spirits gonna say hey since this came up why don't we just use this as a moment to clear it then it won't haunt you anymore humans do not usually choose the latter of those two options unfortunately you know but the the world is going through a dark night it's not personal to you
the world is going through a dark night if anything you might want to think about contributing to everybody waking up a little sooner and I don't mean a complete global awakening yet per se because that will happen sometime soon but I don't mean the total like that I'm just talking about in your own little way your own life your own people surrounding you there your closest friends or whatever it happens to be people at work just for you you're supposed to be rebounding and making a difference and as we're
starting to get towards it close one of the pieces to this remember is you know this is all a test so you're not actually just going through darkness about your own process you're also believe it or not being watched by everybody around you you are all of us are not just teachers all of us everybody around us is we're all watching each other going well we all are in this together aren't we kind of separate hmm are we gonna be afraid today or are we gonna be trusting today are we going to be ascending or
descending in consciousness are we awakening or going further into sleep and everybody's watching each other so when I speak like I do and teach people are watching going yes and you don't realize you're not just liking what I'm saying if you happen to like what I'm saying um you're not just liking it you're actually recognizing it as a voice of sanity waking up awaking up you're waking up and you're recognizing that my voice is sort of like one of those you know hey honey honey come on
it's time to wake up or you were having a bad dream that's all I'm doing as a parental kind of a voice that we all need to be for each other and we all have moments of struggle but are we are we saying you know hey be quiet you're moaning in your dreams yelling at people adding to the fear of their nightmares or are we trying to be a gentle voice I would like to say oh my gosh that we're all just gentle voices I would love to be able to say that or not we do blow it sometimes I'd like to think that I'm
always a gentle voice and I know I'm not I mean you know it's lips now and again you know whatever that version of ouch might manifest as it could be frustrations of a project door could be frustrations of a family crisis or who knows what you know health things that people have and I and I know and I watch and I hear folks talking about you know how much they're in pain and their health issues I you know I can kind of hear conversations as I me and her about life but you know it's it's um
this too shall pass and we're asked simply on appearance simple guides we're being asked would you do me a favor God is saying you're all in the nightmare but could some of you try as hard as possible to be a voice of sanity a voice of reason a voice of mommy your daddy saying it's okay it's okay honey it was just a nightmare when your friend is saying oh I can't live they left me you know they betrayed me I'm not saying try to talk over them and try to look superior you can even get in
the trenches with them you know and cry with them if that's what comes up but but to not forget they're listening can you say anything that would help reel them in a little bit like if they say I hate him you know just saying yeah I don't blame you be in there with him and then gradually you know when it the time is right a little planting of a seed of forgiveness or a loving thought or you know this will pass you'll see you know let's just agree that you and I you and I are together man we're gonna make a
pact that we're not going to rush into relationship so quickly how about it you make a little light playful a game of it in a sense something that would make sense to that person in the time in the moment okay and you know those of you who know my work you know that one of the things I talk about is the five stages of the soul level healing process the five stages of the soul transformation process and one thing I could tell you is if you're struggling like with right now like a little bit of darkness and so forth in your life
you're going through probably it's definitely one of the first three stages because four and five is rebuilding and rebuilding a new life so if you're going through a lot of Darkness you're not there obviously so let's take those out you're going through one of these and it's possibly probably stage three maybe a bit of the others but stay tuned because the first stage is when things are initially falling apart a lot of you it's not initial anymore you're you're kind of in
it and then also you're seeing some light now again but it's staying dark that's the interpretation I would have from most of what I'm hearing around from people the initial stage dismantling the second stage emptiness that's just the oh I can't get out of bed depressed sad just totally in a state of shock the third stage is where you start to say okay well now where am I gonna go what's next what should we be doing to get this you know launch to get something moving here so it's kind of like you're coming
around but you're not totally ready to come around so that's disorientation stage and that's where a lot of people are and the biggest mistake people can make in the disorientation stage is to underestimate it and to try to just force yourself into a new life or guilt and shame yourself I should have been over this or I shouldn't be feeling this I I read a book and I it should have made me spiritual so I shouldn't be dealing with any human things well you know just don't even bother with that it's not
going to be any good to further shame yourself or I should have could have whatever you know so yes so do your process for sure but don't impose your timing on it like I read that book it should all be fixed immediately as soon as I saw the end it should all be there right you know don't don't impose your timing know that there's a buffer that we create all too often it's not God but there's a buffer and if I notice a buffer it's best for me to go I recognize I must have allowed a buffer
to be put in place and I deny the effects of that buffer because I'm denying the effects of my choice to let that happen because I'm gonna let go of my belief in time and call on the timelessness of a miracle I'm gonna call on the power of God to neutralize this at least its effects on me even if time still has to click by for some reason whatever their reason may be even if time is gonna click by I am denying its effects on me I'm ready for inspirations now so even if I'm going to write a book
and it's not time it doesn't happen yet there's a publisher so they're going to book it they're gonna do it but they're not they're delaying it's gonna be an extra month well I denied it I'm not saying to do that sometimes it's like okay I'm gonna have to accept it'll be an extra 30 days but in that 30 days I'm gonna kick some butt man in that 30 days I'm gonna start getting my PR ready in that 30 days I'm gonna start booking some interviews like you can still do
stuff which you wouldn't be able to do if you were living in the depression of the buffer the tantrum of the buffer the you know it's not going the way I thought and then the timing I thought so you know we've got to just readjust you know and just kind of hang in there just and sometimes I have to say sometimes that can be very dark it could be like once or twice I've been through that and just all I know is it felt like not just darkness it felt like I was dead it felt like I'm sitting here witnessing the
world but I you know I almost had a feeling like if I went to lift a pencil up I couldn't lift it because I'm not hear it it's hard to explain but so dead so lifeless because that's how dark it can get you know you're probably at that point some people are gonna start watching or listening to movies and music that related to romantic loss because they're gonna want to you know the moan how depressed they are other people it'll just be other versions of just a dark mood you know put on a little pink
floyd-- hello hello you know can anyone hear me so it's like you're feeling like you're in that you're yeah what am I in a dark you know am I in a Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon you know what do you think the Dark Side of the Moon is when I was a kid there was a survey or something on the radio because that that album had come out so it was the buzz you know and they you know caller number three can you tell us what does the dark 90 the movie the moon the Dark Side of the Moon mean you know people like well
it might mean this for that and you know and I called in I wasn't the I'm not like a Pink Floyd fan or anything like that but I thought well I don't understand why people don't know so I was a kid and I called in and got it they're like yeah you go on tickets or whatever it came to some friends so it's like what does the Dark Side of the Moon mean well the moon represents emotion you know in cosmic symbology Dark Side of the Moon is that the cold the dark it's the dark night of the soul it's the
dark mood it's the dark night of us it's the dark side of emotion and hence the woman be wailing pain and some of the songs and you know us and them and and some of the some of the two songs that have to do with just reflecting looking within you know and so it's a it's a very interesting album and became the number one selling album of all time for a long time or he was either the best-selling or it was the number of weeks that it was on the top 10 chart for the longest number of weeks and it
was on for years I think it was really surreal why why would it be is it because it's the best band ever or is it because there's a big pop song no I didn't have a big pop song on it to some money was a little bit of a hit but then how did it happen guys because it appealed to the archetype of human consciousness just like George Lucas wrote a movie called Star Wars he thought it was a failure he finished the movie was done and he went off to Hawaii was sitting on the beach thinking okay I probably should
give up film now because this movie's gonna just crash and nobody's you know gonna understand it's kind of corny to some people so yeah I probably should give up filmmaking and he got a call and said he was told he guess what it blew open it's number one and he was shocked but he was working off archetypes he was reading mythology by Joseph Campbell and he was working off archetypes when you work with archetypes you're gonna be more accurate when you're singing songs that appeal to the
human consciousness that's an archetype you're they're gonna understand what you're saying if you're just sing your song then only you'll understand it or paint your picture you might be the only one to understand it but the more you tap into the collective you know sometimes it's dark collective van Gogh versus you know some of the burne-jones or pre-raphaelite beautiful angels and all that and other guys are painting almost sometimes a darkness because that's where they're at it's neither
good nor bad but it is an arc type of consciousness so you're working with the archetype of the Dark Knight you're working with the Dark Side of the Moon you're you're working with the dark night of the soul you're in it even if you're not doing so bad and you know you're doing pretty good that's great you're holding space for the rest of us that hey I did the co-creating class of Michaels I'm watching Michael's video my life's turned around and it's 99% great
that's fine you're not family because you're not failing with the rest of us you know you're doing great you're holding space for us in the light and some of us then are holding space for you in the dark meaning we'll hold the the archetype of the dark space and we're process if ever you're there we will have already done some of your work for you then you're saying you know those of us who were in the light side of things it's like hey we're holding space for you soon as you're done processing
we'll make it easier for you to access this light because we're holding space in that light so it doesn't matter which side you're on or even if you're half and half wherever you are there you are so you'll just do your work in that space but know that it's a conscious thing know that you're you're doing something that that's that's an intelligent program you're not just accidentally on this side that side or in the middle it's all part of an ingenious plan for humanity's awakening
but wherever you are and especially if you're in the Dark Side of the Moon the dark side of emotions the dark night of the soul do your work while you're there be as conscious as you can do your work it's very important because if you don't you're gonna get you know called back to do that work I mean it doesn't just go away you're gonna be called back to it so remember you have the power to shift these things be healthy be responsible and work through your stuff if it's they're doing tracking another exercise
to kind of look deeper inside and counseling and cathartic work or whatever and then be prepared because this too shall pass and you're gonna come out and you're gonna launch to a new life and when you do you know yes party time you know celebration if I only do like 10% of my work when I'm in the dark night my celebration when I reach the light at the end of the tunnel it's just 10% of the light I could have had so I've always been the kind to think you know I'd rather not finish my periods of test
thinking I only made it halfway so now I only get halfway positivity I only you know this is partly what Jesus meant by the the parable of talents or coins they're funny that they use the word talents so he's talking about once upon a time there's I'm just gonna majorly paraphrase this but there's a wealthy man and he gives to a few of his servants or friends some of his money to go and invest you know here's some money you hold this for me you hold this for me you hold this for me I'll be back in
a bit splits comes back how did you do with your talents one guy says well I was afraid of losing any of them so I buried him and you know okay one guy buried him - out of fear you know what to protect them another guy says I invested them and here's what I got back for it so each person in the story did something a little different but the the leader of the story the main guy in the story the wealthy man he wasn't happy with the guy that said I buried it which sounds like it's a good idea like what guy invested
in lost some money you you're happier with him than the guy who buried it it's because in this particular story the moral of the story is beer doesn't do anything for you you you didn't even risk growing in any way so even if you seemingly lost your money or investment if you're that guy you didn't really lose it because you it the losing is the metaphor of the dark night of the soul so in the dark night you still learn something right did you learn something yes then I'm going to give you more of
my money now so come and let's celebrate you the guy that buried it get out of here and it's like wow kind of a weird harsh you know tough love kind of a story but and it has many layers and many meanings but you know one of them is do something do something come on come till I do something even in the dark night come on invest in something and run the risk I mean try to come out try to breathe try to keep the faith so if it wasn't already clear I'm closing with this concept that spirits gonna say okay can
you I know you're suffering but if all you do is suffer in the suffering and put on a sad face then you're telling people this world has power over me which means hey everyone this world has power over us my pain has power my finances have power that's what you're affirming in your behavior you're actually teaching that to this world like we use the metaphor of your children they see you doing it they see how you're acting and it's I'm not saying shame yourself I'm just saying
sit with it and think about it and yeah I would rather do what spirits asking and spirits saying I would like you to show them it does not matter that it does not get you you believe in a miracle you believe in a consciousness a shift is coming even if you don't see it try and find it inside I know it's there believe and you'll receive ask and believe and you will receive it's not ask and receive I don't know where some of these people got the idea to to rip that quote up you know and morph it the
way they wanted to make it you know but it's asking believe so ask for what you need but also believe that it's a possibility if you don't don't ask for so much as for less so that you can believe that it'll happen then it more likely will if you ask for something you don't believe it's gonna happen it less likely will happen and now you're gonna have evidence of negatives again it's just so weird you know how this all works but please remember God's looking for somebody's teeth to smile to say a
smile in all the dark times because does anybody have any teeth to show you no oh you know can you show Bright Eyes despite you know everybody else feeling down can you show that you know you're in a room of people who who can't move they don't their legs they're you know paraplegic quadrant in this case they just can't walk and you be the one that says wow I heard that Chi cone can be done just from a sitting position ah wow I feel better already after doing you know a couple dozen Earth's of focus concentrating you know
breaths with intention wow I feel kind of a nice buzz a qi energy you know somebody else is in the room is gonna be like even the skeptics you know they'll kind of wheel themselves off somewhere and test it out you know you're being an example to somebody even when they look broken-down you'll be an example to somebody just like how many movies were made like that you know little stories of faith and miracles you know how Pollyanna lived amongst people that were skeptics Andrew some of them were
skeptics Andrew but she she you know she wore them down basically with love and and got them to realize you know it was there all along and I forgot I lost that love I lost that faith and I feel bad that I did but you really have shown us that through hard times you're a great example and and I guess you know I don't think I've ever seen the movie but I know the story somewhat and I think it's a great one on that particular thing alrighty so power to you guys you know hold your Center stay the course show
faith even when things seem faithless do your best because it's a test but also other people might sink or swim based on what they see you demonstrating I know it sounds like responsibility but we're all in this together so if you choose not to be that faith for them today it's ok it might be me and if not me it'll be somebody else in the program or somebody else that they run into but somebody's got to do it please that's all we're thinking in this world is you know please some you know the light beings
are like just calling you know is anyone calling all souls calling all souls is anyone going to step up and help us make a difference so I hope it's you today alright blessings to you god bless your hearts and souls and remember keep focus on the light even in dark times but also keep focused on the light when you're on the light times just light all the time as best you can and when you struggle call on us all of us and we'll be there sending your prayers okay peace be with all of you we'll see you