Inner Child and Indigo Children: The Real Story
hi there Michael Mayer dad here thanks for joining us for another one of our spiritual insights with Michael Muir dad some wouldn't sent in a question and it was around the topic of indigo children but what I'm gonna do is sort of a sharing about a blend of things inner child indigo children crystal children and so on and so on okay so and and and it could take hours and hours to do a talk on each one of these so this is really a bit of a summary of sorts and let's start with this the most important
thing for me to share is that my view and you know really the the truth behind things like the indigo children and so on is really somewhat the same as it sounds like a completely different topic it's the same as topic like soulmates and twin souls and I say that it's the same because it's very important for people to understand the word specialness in other words we're all the same we're all in this together we want to be careful that when we talk about inner child or indigo children or
soulmates and so on we don't want anybody to get tempted because it's already we have enough ego in this world but the point is to not you know not so much to tempt people to think they're special you know where you you watch people in the new-age community oh I'm an indigo I have a new name for my dysfunctionality no I'm joking but it's kind of true but you know it's along those lines like specialness my twin soul and you know I'm looking for my twins oh just we're all in this together
so shift into humility to hear this talk and it'll really make a lot more sense it could be offensive to people that want to make themselves better than or different then but we're really I mean we we are different in the illusion of planet Earth so therefore some of us are a little bit different frequency and vibration and so on and so on and our inner child's developed or less developed from person to person but I'm saying not to get caught up in that you can go ahead and play with the terminology because you'll know the
truth but respect the illusion no the truth is that we're all one nothing needed to be special and so on but we're we're all one however on the flip side we're all one but we also need to understand that in the illusion respect the illusion and that is in the illusion we seem different and so for now you know we play along a little bit with that in mind and I hope you understand and can be patient with that part of it but with that in mind spiritually speaking there's no higher understanding of anything than from a
spiritual perspective honestly intellect is not higher you know physicality is not higher emotions or not our so it's important to take a spiritual perspective but I'll try to cover all perspectives as best I can so the inner child from a spiritual perspective is this it's the soul that after we thought we separated from God like mommy and daddy the child separates from mommy and daddy and daddy might have you know anxiety around that might have trauma around you know birth experience or you know separation
anxieties and so on that all can happen in this world but behind it all is that spiritually we feel far far more intense feelings about separating from God than we did just separating from our parents but everything is a microcosm you see everything in this world reflects things that we feel on an inner world so internally we believe we separated from God and then we repeat that with something called the severing of the umbilical cord you see so it's it's pretty amazing when you start to look at things from a fuller perspective but we
as Souls felt lost when we incarnate into bodies it's just a little while before we start to feel separated from mom or dad and then from siblings perhaps rivalry in other words everything that happens to the human body person personality when you come in is actually just a simple mirroring of how we felt and feel spiritually so God has deserted us dad's never home you know mom didn't breastfeed me in child stuff in her child stuff where the child growing up took on I'm gonna have to make up for my mom who's not around
because she's drinking all the time so I have to help raise my kids well that's what you we do with each other what do you think we're doing watching these programs we're helping each other out we're family very likely missed the boat you know and just just didn't provide or first loves left us and that wounded us and so on all the wounds of life there's nothing wrong with approaching it now with spiritual teachers and healers to help us through those things because they're really acting as spiritual
surrogates for those who sort of missed the mark and it's not to say that we should hate the people that missed the mark they just missed the mark that's all that's all that happened just didn't get it they weren't aware enough they were being too selfish or whatever that's them what are you gonna do about it today and so a lot of people say well when I started working on myself I started doing inner child work and so they come to a guy like Michael Moore dad and say Oh Michael you know what do
you think about inner child work or what do you think about the inner child or other parallels like what do you have to say about shadow work well Michael Mayer dad gives you a different perspective I'm not an enabler typically so I'm going to tell you the truth and I'm gonna say look you're you're asking about what the shadow is because some people are out there oh I'm I'm doing shadow work I'm really into my shadow oh my shadow is coming forth right now and they just personify it and it's kind
of strange I understand it it has its place but it's kind of strange because if you look my my hand can cast a shadow on my shirt here because there's light in front of me and when I get in the way of the light I cast a shadow so what is shadow work it's when you get in the way it's when your ego gets in the way it's when you get so dense like a hand and you get in the way of just being the pure light that you are so I can't just see light reflected on the world this is the screen of the world I can't just see
the light of God reflected in the world we just gotta get in the way so my shadow engages with other shadows and then we're all met because you're in the way I want my shadow to show not yours or you're blocking my light well even if they move you're blocking your light and so it becomes a whole ego cog on this planet and there's things we can learn from it but shadow work yeah it has its place but don't worship it and don't personify it the shadow is just us getting in the way what is in her child
work the inner child is spiritually my soul that came in and became afraid became confused and is trying to vie for position or fight for sanity and trying to deal with all the malfunctions of Earth which is like life with our let if you had to happen to have had dysfunctional parents so the inner child in that sense on a humanistic level again the inner child is a wounded part of us you know there's a wounded part of us that's embarrassed from the past we've been shamed we've been molested and shamed we've been taunted we've you
know even just implications of things said somebody could say you know oh well my parents used to say well you put on a couple pounds or something and you're just a little girl or boy you know who cares a big deal and yet it can program things in us and so when you do the inner child work it's kind of like if you've done work with let's say you had an accident somewhere in your life and you got whiplash in the neck then it could be 40 years later you're getting a massage and all of a sudden either
visual memories or this is somatic like muscle memories and pain emotional memory all or any of those can come up and you know bring back that experience in one form or another Eva flashbacks love or whatever so it's kind of like that you can have experiences that you know where you have an inner child that's been shamed 40 years later you can be doing just you can be speaking on behalf of at a corporation you could be a CEO or just a person reporting a team leader and one person just looks at you the wrong way and it could bring up all
the shame of the child and it's the same as any other abuse pattern of ours it's just that we give it a name and kind of give the inner child like a an embodiment of several patterns so it's almost like it's a suitcase holding many of our varying types of patterns or wounds and so the inner child is yes it has to be healed just like shadow has to be exposed but not overly you know inflated you can't just keep walking around yeah but my inner child yeah but my inner child I'd like to succeed but my inner child I
would like to have a great relationship but my inner child because then you're enabling it so that's why some people have become cynical about the inner child because they're like oh my god I'm just tired of hearing it if we would learn to present things in this world with a little more balance and not enabling and not excusing people would be able to hear us a lot more when we share really important things like inner child work so humanistically speaking you know it's the wounds it's its parts
of us that are embarrassed or ashamed and sometimes it's people did do things and sometimes we just felt like they did it wasn't necessarily true or they didn't mean to do what we thought they did there's a story I'm real simple of mine I remember whenever this story would come up it's kind of interesting because in my family whenever this story would come up I could tell my my dad who was typically not a feeling person at all kind of a cruel guy I could tell he actually felt bad he almost he'd never
felt bad about anything you know but there was this thing where he did a newspaper he was interviewed in the newspaper for something and you they were asked him about his family and whatever and he said I have a couple of sons named this and this and daughter named mist but he left me you left me how um and I know you're gonna think I'm either laughing and it's funny or you're gonna think I'm just in denial but it is funny because there's a lot of awkwardness around it for everybody because he he left me out but I also
think it's funny cuz I never really belonged to the family but he left me out and typically he would just get over it the way some people talk about inner child get over it but he actually knew he blew it he tried to make excuses and he never excused himself for anything so I really kind of felt for him you know because he was like well they asked you know your son's names and and I meant to say this but I say you know he was juggling and just nervously kind of and to see him in such a vulnerable place I
really felt for him but but he thought that that really must have scarred me in other words he thinks well the reason Michael doesn't feel part of this family is probably that and he pens it on that which is and I never said yes or no because I wouldn't want to to to tell him you know really well no it's how about everything in this family made me feel like it was a part of it so I just let him hang on to that if that was going to be his belief to feel better about himself or whatever it was so I'm just saying that sometimes people
don't intend to do things and in that case he says he didn't intend oh I don't care either way but but I what if I read that as a kid and went oh my god you know it felt left out and what if that became a pattern and it did in many ways in my life but it as a kid but what if that became a pattern and then what if I grew up and couldn't have confidence and couldn't love myself or whatever because of it then really do I want the wound to still hurt here limit me today or if we wanted to personify the one say Michaels and
her child is carrying that wound do I want that too you know harm me today so what we have to do in healing and I'll be brief about this whether its inner child or shadow or whatever what we have to do with healing is bring forward the things to heal today don't let them drag you backward that's called regression or digression so when you have an old wound get triggered like let's say you know let's say a family member of mine was getting interviewed just using one literal example and they
said you know yeah I had great parents my mom's and her name and left me out whoa that reminded me of that other incident and then I yelled at them and hated them for it and that's totally regression digression it means I'm actually being dragged back to the original pain the original wound the original hurt which is not actually God's will nor is it healthy and effective what we really want to learn too is see it and choose heal and choose healing right now see it and do whatever process you like journaling counseling
tracking work that I teach people and so on and bring the event to today seeing it as not an incident that has destroyed you but it's actually one pearl on a string of pearls and it's it's a thread as part of a pattern of your way of thinking about yourself for being and then choosing to take the thread string out of all those pearls and they all go falling to the floor in other words I'm gonna heal not just that one event I'm gonna heal anything related to it that's far more efficient a version of healing
than anything else you can imagine so that's sort of a perspective of what is the inner child the spiritual inner child is the one that feels not just separate from parents or wounded a little here and there it's the one that feels separate from God from itself from everyone feeling lonely way beyond what a human concept of inner child could could could imagine lonely abandoned rejected betrayed all of those patterns and feelings are their emotions are there in the spiritual version of the inner child but there's a bigger picture
that even still you could say that that one I just described is is like the soul in its wounded inner child state but there's also a healthy humanistic healthy inner child the one that likes to paint and finger color and all that and we should allow that but there's also a spiritual positive you know inner child and that's the one that is the Christ child within us all the pure spiritual God essence within us that is like a child only in the sense that we forgot it it's sort of now sitting there
in its embryonic or childlike stage waiting to be nurtured into maturity which is why we do the work we do spiritually the reason we're all doing spiritual work is because we're essentially trying to birth that Christ self the Christ child the I am presence and you could say the inner spiritual child so that's what that's all about and the last thing is that I want to say that when I said we go back and we bring the past events up to the present for healing instead of them dragging us back what's amazing is when you start
doing really good humanistic inner-child work on the wounds and so forth as well as spiritual inner child work what ends up happening is you'll bring the past to the present but when you do and to me this is a beautiful thing when you do what happens is you're going to actually feel blips and moments as though you're a child again you may not notice it you might notice it you might might not but it's gonna happen so for example if I was heavily wounded at five years old you know molested or abused or neglected or
whatever and then I go through my life I could be 55 years old and I start doing some really deep work like I do we do some really deep work in my annual mastery and healing intensive and so what happens is now you're going wow you know you didn't just get dragged to the past through some triggering event instead it's more like wow I'm doing some really authentic work past stuff is coming up and it's being healed and then you go wow cathartic or or relieving or peaceful or whatever you feel afterwards
great but that's not it it'll continue the healing will continue and you're gonna find you know three weeks later out of the blue you're changing channels but you don't realize why but you stopped on a cartoon because there's a child that's reassuring inside to got left stuck in the past they're called dismembered parts of us dismembered broken off from us and when we're doing really deep work they start getting remembered is the word remembered to not just remember in memory but realign reassemble and so we
remember and all of a sudden it's the coolest thing because you'll feel maybe you'll feel giddy maybe you'll feel sweet and innocent and it's just the cutest thing to know Matt men you know men and women of all ages can go through these and sometimes not even realize that they're happening now you're not going to just re realign with or remanufactured like reman of fast five-year-old an 8 year old you will but then does it stay at five no what's going to happen is there's going to be a progression your
fifty-five now you froze at five part of you was left there maybe at eight and two and whatever but when you heal those parts get reassembled re put together right remembered and all of a sudden you feel kind of five-ish for a minute it's like you know I've had it happen way back when all of a sudden I was like all over the Cocoa Puffs you know and it was it's a sign of going back you're you'll have these feelings of like being a kid again maybe your vitality level is is going to be like a kid again excitement
level naivete in a good way playfulness laughter maybe you won't maybe you'll be turned off by some of the adult things that kids think are yucky and so maybe you know back off from that for a while whether it's movies or actions or words or whatever conversations but you'll you'll be five again it could last a day a week a month it's hard to say come in pieces you know here and there through maybe over a year or so then comes the six and seven year old and then maybe ten maybe you'll jump up to twelve maybe
you'll stay there a while then comes fifteen and sixteen out of the blue sometimes they overlap of course but sometimes you can tell your progression in therapy in counselling and healing in reassembling by the age you go through I only want to have one note of caution be careful when you go through adolescence again you know because you will he'll likely go through a lesson some of us would skip it if we went through it well enough or if we're not ready to go back into that but you very likely will go
even throughout a lessons again how will you know because you're gonna start feeling edgy you're gonna start thinking about doing naughty things the way an adolescent might want to rebell you might literally you might think of that as perhaps a midlife crisis kind of thing where you want to cheat a little bit on your partner or you want to watch something that's a little edgy you're gonna try to get a with things maybe it'll be late to work a little more often because you're just like school you know it's showing up
late it might be things that you did do and you're doing them again when you're an adolescent or a child or a young adult or it might be things you never would have thought of doing it's neither good nor bad it's really not a big deal and it's not worth judging yourself if you end up doing some things just see it for what it is allow it I guess if you you could say if you're going to allow a child to allow it in the safest way possible you know not a way that harms you or others if possible okay keep an
eye on it just know what it is and laugh and giggle about it a little bit it's kind of cool you know your friends call you hey man what are you doing you want to watch the game no I'm I'm watching Bugs Bunny with my cocoa puffs it helps it just seems so strange to people but I think it's the only way to fly you know I typically like to just embrace that part of me anyway because it's a good healthy part of us when you know what you're doing and you're not regressed to being a child you know kind
of unconsciously so I pray that that much has made sense it's a bit of a summary but that's that's the real story about the inner child now similar topic but slightly off and to another topic the idea of indigo children and the reason I say it's similar to inner child is because indigo child like an inner child is in all of us in one perspective there's another perspective again a share but we all have a little bit of what they call a crystal child or rainbow child you know indigo child and
so on it's it's there really in all of us so please never buy it when somebody says well I'm a Taurus I wish I were a different sign we all have the signs all the signs within us you can access it you just choose to and then allow that Libra and part that Virgo in part that scorpion part that Sagittarian part you know whatever it is just allow them to be nurtured just like you can access your own and who would deny me this you everyone can access their inner may our inner female their inner child so
you know it would be inappropriate incorrect for anybody to say no no I'm an indigo and I'm special you know and nobody else is you know it's just it's just that's the that's the insecure person wanting to be something special they want to be unique and you know that's the only way they can think of doing it but in from another perspective the indigo child is is also a valid concept so let me explain that whether it's indigo child or any other version you know crystal or a rainbow or
whatever it's like this the Mystics of old and and teachers of the especially at the turn of the century started sharing and this also goes way way back that there's an idea that there are so many just so many races not races as in black brown there's only so many races meaning cycles of human beings that come to earth and it's believed that there of course would be seven ultimately seven and then the human race would be done and completely ascent that doesn't mean seven is around the corner and it
doesn't mean that we're only in the first we're actually past halfway point you think half way that means we got another million years or whatever to go yes and no the the movement up is much easier once you get past the midpoint which is kind of where we are a little past the midpoint but we're having the toughest time we're representing Humanity waking up so in Hindu astrology and mythology this is true from the Theosophical Madame Blavatsky Rudolf Steiner perspective they agree Edgar Cayce agrees you know all these mystics
and Rosicrucians and so on all these mystics agree on several things in life but this is one of the things they agree on that there are cycles within cycles and when it comes to the human race we have you know what we could call the lamb Orion would be a race not what how many colors within Lemuria just the little EPOC or epic but it's actually a puck it's not likely an epic moment EP I see it's it's EPOC H and in that cycle that big cycle called Lemuria there are sub cycles within that and once you get
through seven sub cycles then you go a little more into Atlantean there's some you know theorized to be before Lemuria and some you know that you would be familiar with and some not but long story short we have had several cycles of full races and their sub races of seven then shifting us into the next and shifting us into the next now it doesn't end on a single day you don't say Oh today an entire new race is being born and the old one will just suddenly die everybody at once doesn't happen that
way it overlaps by thousands of thousands of years however we did have the Atlantean - and all their sub races they call them sub races but then the next was called the Aryan race not Aryan as in the Hitler version of the Aryan supreme white race but rather it's it's just called the Aryan race and in that Aryan race there are again sub you know sub races and I'm sort of having to summarize without perfect accuracy some summarize several theories that come together because they they all agreed all these different groups and systems
but they stay very on at least one key point but it still may all of it they all still agree on what I'm saying here but one of the key points is which one are we now we are now moving from the sixth race to the seventh or is it from the 5th to the 6th a couple of these groups differ only on that and although that would help change when the ending comes it's not a big deal because what they agree on is that unending is definitely happening as we sit and speak right now so all these ancients from going back to
tens to hundreds to thousands of years ago have predicted these cycles and sub cycles these races and sub races and so what I'm leading to is the we're in as we just moved in to the Aquarian age it is predicted that this is one of the sub races that's shifting so we are going you know kind of completing one major race going into another finishing one sub race as well so it's kind of cool because it does confirm like the Edgar Cayce perspective he was talking about a new race of kids coming in more sensitive and so on but
don't think that that's them and we're not that first of all if you're watching this program it's likely you're part of that new race you may not think like it or feel like it because everybody says indigo children meaning they're ten they're not anybody born really at the earliest maybe forty eight is part of that 58 for sure over fifty eight to nineteen sixty you know they're part of that but it doesn't matter it's not like oh damn I was born a day before that so
I missed out being an indigo not at all you can be indigo like and be born a hundred years ago and be nothing indigo like and be born today so you know don't don't get too stuck on the linear judgments and opinions of those things the point is that we anybody watching this is part of this and the old school it had its place the previous age before the Aquarian age the previous generations if they had their place however things are changing rapidly on this planet and so as things are shifting you know yeah very much so
we're entering a new age as we call it and the Aquarian age but also there is a new sub race that's being created and also some would say shifting into a full new race completely which means one of the major ones and so on but whether you want to think of it as a sub race or it or it's and/or a major race shift definitely there's a new sub race at the very least being created and that sub race is part of the end times for us all as we knew it but I want to say the previous generation we're a little bit harder tougher you
know living and so on the one that's coming a hundred years from now fifty years from now or whatever is very light very offeri 'el in some ways so that's pretty sweet right I want to be one of those well wait you know who the the real great ones are the spiritual warriors it's us the ones that are half and half the ones who have had to sort of transition from old school ways of doing things into the infinitely open new way of doing things after that the kids coming a generation from now they'll have it much easier in
terms of this lighter embodiment how we get to that lighter embodiment is part of the end times as part of the end as we know it the earth is still going to be here you know 50 years from now or whatever because we are still going to have a place to finish our evolution but we're gonna get rid of three-dimensional dense bodies and become more ethereal it's already happening which is why your glands and organs can't function the way they used to they're changing frequency and yes we call that illness but is it
really if you want to think it's an illness then just keep in mind that in our time in our generation pregnancy was still noted in the American medical journals as an illness so think about that that was considered an illness and you know so now today's glands and organs and chips and so on those are you know they're very much related to frequency shifts your body isn't able to handle some of the foods it used to handle and of course it doesn't help that they're further toxifying some of
the foods that we used to have with you know with no problem but you know as long as they don't mess up you know Cocoa Puffs then I think we're gonna be alright in any case it's true though you you are already in the indigo frequency whether you're somehow literally an indigo based on somebody out there's checklist it doesn't matter because you're part of the frequency you're here with the you know assisting the shift so we're the midwives the people in previous generations
they were what they are the future generations those are the babies of the future we are the midwives and I think it's the most important job of all I really do and besides you're gonna come back again anyway most people are going to come back anyway and you know and and end up having to or getting to enjoy the perks of being one of those children so it's kind of cool that all works out you know you cannot come back if you're evolved enough which is fine but if you do then just know that you
know it's it's going to be pretty sweet down the road the transition is the tough one the birth pains that's the tough one that's the tough step so whether you break this off in two and I hesitate you know some people would say rainbow children and crystal children and so on I just caution you please be careful not to get too caught up in too many names because pretty soon everybody's going to be so fragmented even though they're using you know seemingly wonderful little terminologies
so fragmented that nobody even knows anymore because at the end of the day you have somebody that betrays you you have somebody that speaks or harmfully about you you know you you don't just go well you know what's greatest being an indigo I haven't even noticed this harm you know when somebody hurts you you're still tempted to be hurt you're a human the things you can say for sure you have a spiritual self and an eco self and those are the things we need to deal with the ego can be fractured into many names
like Indigo's and crystal children and all that oh and so too can the spiritual self be mislabeled in a bunch of ways so I would just caution you to to just know the truth behind these things you know know that you're growing know that you're part of this this new frequency that's coming know that that doesn't mean you don't have an ego you have an indigo ego you know in the Indigo so we'll coin a new phrase indigo children it's the Indigo's that still have egos out of that are out of control which is
most of them so yeah so we still have that guys you don't you're not born in indigo and suddenly you're just flawless and sweet oh but Indigo's are so intuitive who are we talking about what do you like schizophrenic it doesn't that include you and me aren't we part of this aren't we intuitive no no Indigo's are extra so there's special so you're not that doesn't sound healthy I would say access your inner child your inner indigo your inner intuitive anything you want to be call it in just
choose to be that thing and identify with it and if you think that a label and I know a lot of people that talk about my child is an indigo so be careful don't look at them don't speak to them you have to wait till they're standing on their head chanting or something you know it's all really foolish and it's really just enabling the ego and that's why some people get just completely turned off and nauseated when people start talking about their special child you know the truth of the
matter is the child still has an ego and can still be out of control it might be that they're unique it might be that because to me unique would just simply mean unique ways to address them but their spiritual self is the same as you and me their ego self has the same pitfalls as you and me so we just want to heal the ego in all beings Indigo's or not and access the spiritual self you know but if you have children that you think of as Indigo's and all those special terms for it or know of people be patient because you're not
wrong for getting sometimes a little annoyed or frustrated when people you know enable the kids behaviors you know if if you're doing a recital somewhere and one of these special Indigo's decides to suddenly start shouting and playing you know armymen you know through all the aisles of their theater we shouldn't go always in fact cute no they just need to be taken out you know how do we take it out I mean taken out of the theater and you know and and you know hey if we're going in there then
we're watching this if you can't we're not going in there it boundaries met boundaries are good for souls whether they're Indigo's or not I don't care if they're Purple's or Indigo's or Pink's boundaries are important because boundaries are a way of saying if we have love for self and others then we're going to think as a we and then behave as a we which means my behaviors will affect you and I need to be aware of that and if they're adversely affecting you then
maybe I want to alter those out of love for the greater good and again that's something that some people have completely lost sight oh so that's sort of a little bit of an overview and incorporating not just the the fad of indigo or indigo children's but the real message behind it which is it's been talked about for thousands of years that there are these cycles and cycles within cycles races and races within races and that we are in fact we are definitely in that pivotal time from the Hindu the
kaci the Steiner you know whatever perspective they all happen to agree they don't all agree on everything so when they agree all of them on anything it's pretty cool to say that that's probably a pretty good standard the fact that reincarnation or karma or the power of love or the cycles within cycles you know all of these things are very valid and very valuable at least in this dimension so we're all heading a new direction man and it's cool to have it validated that there is such a thing as
a new sub race being created and we are part of that and as that race gets birthed and birthed more and more it takes a couple generations for it to happen but as that gets birth more and more it used to take several generations and now things are speeding up so it only takes a couple but as we move into that we're going to see the effects but for the human soul to be in a body that can't handle the new frequencies we're moving into that body has to be altered it's chemistry and it's neurology and so
on but for the body to be altered the mind has to be altered and I don't mean altered state like drugged I mean altered as in we have to grow enough to alter and live in new body frequencies and you know when the for the mind the soul to change it means spiritual growth and we do it the easy way or the hard way anytime we run into a stumbling block anytime we run into a barrier where we will not you know be able to pass through it because of eco stubbornness or just letting the old ways get to us like judgment and hate and racism and so on
if that keeps up then then the universe has to say we have to speed this up a little because they're all moving to a new body but they're not getting it so they're not able to adapt the law of adaptation they're not able to adapt to new bodies so we're going to have to teach a more intense lessons more intensely and more immediately so that they can just snap and snap out of a the transferrin and so that's what we could look forward to if you want to call it looking forward to it so I pray that
this has made sense and that it you know clears things up and can help you along the way and also that it helps you explain in your own way to other people a little bit more about this but be patient be careful you can't just tell somebody who's got a an out-of-control child you know there's no indigo that's just ego you know that's not going to help anybody at that point just kind of know it and help let it help you shift you and where you can plant seeds you know just like I'm doing here with
planting seeds about the truth of these things you never know who you might be able to enlighten on these topics especially people that are just open to learning the ones that think they know and they want to absolutely believe no Indigo's are better than everyone else and I'm one of them so I'm better than you you know it's better just not mess with that anyway all right so god bless you all and peace be with you bye bye