Ideals Versus Idols
all right today's request of what you'd like me to talk about please despair okay thank you all right sometimes the folks online will say you know we couldn't hear what they were saying you don't need to um control freaks um I try to repeat them back during the service so if you listen I'll I'll bring them up every so often but they're you know quite diverse service holy relationships homeless and sin new paradigm and forgiveness and so on and so on despair I mean a lot of different things
you know and the Yogananda quote that was read I was just listening as Robert was reciting that um one of the themes in what he was saying was the concept of service which one of you then brought up um it's an interesting thing because service is how we restore everything right service isn't like just an act of well I'll be of service because then I can cash in on the Good Karma you know and service isn't supposed to be like obligation it's you know that's that's service from your head
true service is a is just an obvious natural extension like how could I not right Technically when Jesus is performing Miracles and healing people I mean technically he's being of service we may not use that word miracle working and service you know hand in hand but they they are the same it's just depending on it's it's a qualification in other words if I on a 0 to 10 scale think of myself as a two then my service level is a two but when I know who I am and it's a 10 my service level's at 10. we call one
Miracle working and the other not but in a sense they're all miracles because they all improve a moment anything that improves a moment is a form of a miracle especially when the moment that is improved when there's a Consciousness shift even if it's this much when there's a shift in Consciousness that's really the definition of a miracle we sort of think of external shifts as the big Miracles and then internal are like well those are nice but I want it's funny humans who are you know they want the opposite Miracles the ones
that aren't really that big of a deal right the the real Miracle is the Consciousness shift do you want peace or do you want a thing well I don't know it depends what the thing is all four go piece if I can get a car I'll go forgo peace if I can have a great passionate relationship you know that's bargaining you see so that's the person who's a one or a zero in Consciousness and so they're they're the service they can give and the service that they can attract is going to be lower in
vibration I'm glad that they're looking for any changes in their life but truly the real Miracles are here their their shifts in Consciousness which by the way the word is ideal we think ideal means you know an ideal day an ideal job spiritually the word ideal is synonymous with a mantra a mantra in Sanskrit means like a tool of the Mind a focused tool you know where we sit there and think that a mantra is you know just repeating something and it has some magical power if you don't show up while you're doing
it it has no power at all no prayer no Mantra no chant they're empty if you're empty the point of a mantra is to focus your mind why because you're a holy Child of God when God said let there be light boom something happened God didn't say Let there well wait a minute what am I having for lunch oh let there be light what do I kind of like okay because I kind of like you know as long as it's you know Green Light you know I want to make sure that this is all energy efficient like God didn't go to all those places that
humans go Jesus says in A Course in Miracles you're far too lenient of Mind wandering duh like no kidding like so so an ideal it's an odd word to use but in the west we've developed that the word ideal means your Mantra your focus word what is your ideal what's yours and you may not even have ever thought of it and when you say Well mine's some long Sanskrit kind of a thing an ideal is a word or two it's more effective and more efficient especially for westerners to use because they're
simple and they're clear and you can pronounce them and they're always feeling words Sublime feeling words so in all the decisions you make left right up down this car that card this date that date people just kind of do things and they're living a dualistic life Jesus and of course in Miracle says the same thing ideal gurgifensky Edgar Casey they all talked about everyone should have an ideal but nobody even knows what it is what it means it is what is your word your key Focus word to measure your life to make your
decisions by so for example it might be of Course in Miracles is saying you let inner peace be your guide right another individual Joseph Campbell follow your bliss he was telling you follow a key word if you don't know like cheshire cat says to Alice where are you going she goes I don't know you know he goes then it really doesn't matter which road you take if you want to sit there in the middle of the ocean with a sailboat sails down Rudder in the you know sales the oars tossed and you just sit there
going I wish man that my life had some direction really really you know then point the boat in some Direction get the oars in the water like come on take responsibility where would you like to go I don't know well then you're doing just fine nowhere he's a real nowhere man so you've accomplished it you know mission accomplished so you die you go to the other side how'd you do I don't know what did you accomplish no nothing much you know just dated now and again oh great so nowhere man we have a perfect
parting gift for you tell them what they're gonna get saying Peter well you didn't make it to heaven but you get to go back to Earth you know and then hell again you know until you can just grow up show up change channels um but your focus word what is it I mean if I were like let's just cut to this like Jump Ahead real quick if you were to be the god or goddess of something what would it be the god or goddess of I've used this analogy before what would it be just make something up creativity peace throw some words out
love what is it music poetry family great now because you just thought of one and if you didn't think of one quickly just come up with one so that we could say in a in a pure instant everybody has a word that they feel comfortable with which by the way you're allowed to change now I don't mean every three seconds because that's an unfocused mind but you might find you know my word is creativity and you might totally delve into it become it and go it feels complete I'm gonna now change my word to
something else when I was around 18 I I used the word Enlightenment because you know in school uh you know philosophy and the concepts of philosophy and quotes and books that I would find and you know find you know cool quotes and spiritual things it was like people talked about find Enlightenment so I was like yeah that would be my focus word so I used Enlightenment for a few years somewhere in there I went I have that now I feel I'm not saying I'm praising myself I'm saying I felt that that was adequate I was there
I changed it to a Christ consciousness and that's why you know look at how I teach and what I teach about Christ Consciousness that's because it became me and I became it for years that was my focused word somewhere in there I also went and shifted to love and abundance pick a word or two they shouldn't be similar like happiness and joy is a little too similar and you don't want to use human words like excitement try to find a spiritual Sublime word that represents a feeling of if God appeared to me right now and you know
people have that near-death experiences and they say I felt this overwhelming what love peace Joy Oneness right those are the words well why just hear about that in somebody's near-death experience what do you think you would experience if you saw God oh there would be this okay whatever it is whatever it is you could try allowing that to be your focus word why wait till you die well you're right there this is a peaceful place yeah but you had a near-death experience 48 years ago where we gave you a taste
so you could do it oh I didn't get it you're right you didn't and back you go so God is God is what it's a Feeling God is another thing remember it's a Feeling so I could make my Mantra my my ideal peace Joy love like I said love and abundance I used for a while so find a word or two that feels right for you if you're in Step 12-step program you might use sobriety right but you might say I feel pretty adequate with that now it might shift to something else inner peace again Jesus says use that as your
guideline a Feeling of God a Christian might say what would Jesus do it's kind of similar so if you're the god or goddess of a word you guys just all came up with a word peace Joy loved Oneness whatever then here's the bottom line if I may just kind of use the two by four here 's the bottom line every time you do a word or an action that is not conducive to the word you just shared is your ultimate goal it's hypocrisy it's dualistic and it's karmic you know see now some folks are like I
shouldn't have come to this talk man now I can't get away with this but it's it's okay to thine own self but it's actually to thine own ideal be true Edgar Casey was asked in readings about a Fidelity and infidelity it's interesting because somebody asked is it right I'm having an affair and is it right why do I feel conflicted Etc another person asks the same question one of them he said it's fine the other not so is Casey Miss channeling like why so they ask him well why did you say yes
and why did you say no he says because I'm telling you based on the person's ideal to one person it was okay therefore it's okay to another it was not therefore it was not see be true you can't fake it though you can't go well you know today I'm feeling like this is okay I'm muscle testing yep oh come on you know you go and get a pendulum and go you know can I you know uh get this person you know today can I whatever they hook up or whatever you know oh yeah Lord has nothing to do with my hands swinging
the pendulum you know come on you know so we know how to manifest our own egotistic reality for me um it has to really be clear to my ideal it has to feel conducive sometimes it's a challenge though because to air as human so sometimes you might say well does it feel conducive inner peace how does that decide whether I should have a Pop-Tart today I don't know did you notice that after Pop-Tarts you gain weight and then hate yourself then that's not inner peace oh you know here comes my pop feels peaceful to me
it's not excitement and temporary your word your ideal should be in the big picture see I mean you can rob a bank and go wow this is exciting is it right in the big picture see and you could be delusional enough to say well we're all one so those funds were mine you could pull that off and kind of you know for how but for how long and how sane are you really and sometimes you could get second opinions and you can you can say you know to a counselor a sponsor well um but I'm torn between this and so on so
is it okay if I have a drink I don't know if your ideal is sobriety I guess not right see what I'm saying how practical but we don't want that we want to get away with dualistic living we want to get away with constantly not knowing what we're supposed to be doing there is one answer and we put two or more to everything which show I'm gonna watch which team I'm gonna root for or whatever we just get torn in everything divided we fall so there's ideals and there's idols what are Idols ideals are internal
feelings Idols are external things generally also Idols would be all the things I use as temporary Replacements to make me feel better about not living up to my ideal did you catch that that's what Idols are about falsities you know low self-worth I need cocaine wow I do have self-worth no you don't man it's a false idol you know so we we do know this with common sense we do know this but we want to act like we don't and keep getting away with acting so incongruent words like being of service words like
one of you brought up sin for example being of service where when how and how much okay let's pretend your words are inner peace if I start to step over the line to exhaustion guys oh but I'm supposed to be of service no to thine own ideal be true now I have to say if it were me and I feel like I'm being of service that's great and um they want something more is needed and more and I'm getting past my line there is going to be a part of me that's going to say you've you've abandoned
them when they needed more help than you would give you see what I'm saying you're going to have doubts that's to air is human but to see through it oh you again just say that to those doubts oh yeah yeah you always say that a great shamanic book from decades ago this is a great story where the individual says and I was brought to the tribe and the tribe was doing you know the the journeying and so on and he said they introduced me to this and so I started journeying and I saw these creepy characters you know these
alligator heads with human bodies and and they were telling me we're the Lords of this world and he comes out of it and they're like how'd you do oh my God I saw these freaky alligator beings and they were telling me they're the Lords of this world and the shamanic Masters go oh yeah they always say that oh you know you know do you want chocolate or vanilla ice cream like oh yeah the crocodile yeah they always say that like that's hilarious to me you know the world is going to have its games
you're gonna feel doubts and confusions and so on just say to your doubts oh you again just because you have a doubt doesn't mean you're supposed to go oh my God let me let me fan the incense to this God this the god of doubt even that I'm starting to doubt does that resonate with inner peace no it does not then say goodbye to the doubts get behind me Satan as Jesus put it right no you know no not today yeah but but but but not today and as I've said to many people that struggle with doubt you know oh my God you know doubts all
the time well you know what get used to becoming the master the master and you say okay doubts are not going to control me but I will observe them so here comes some doubts I have these doubts all the time when I leave the house did I leave the stove on and I have that let's say all the time well here's the bottom line if you came to me for counselor I would say and this is an obsession of yours I would say out of the last hundred times that this has happened how many times did you leave the stove on will never then shut up
you just turn to yourself and say hey that's enough stop [Music] you always do that and besides what's the worst case what if you did leave it on you'll get home and there'll be this red glowing head you know head of the the stove right it just sits there you wasted about 48 cents in electric bill or gas or something and you just shut it off now if you're telling me you don't understand I'm afraid I left the stove on and I had all my paperwork sitting on the grill you have bigger problems
than than doubt you left flammable objects oh I mowed the lawn and I left the gas can sitting on the stove okay and if you did that's reasonable so say to yourself is that reason is that is that inflict afflicting my peace or is that a reasonable doubt I'm wanting to down I'm dating this person and they're wanting to be intimate I'm not sure and I'm not sure stop you don't feel peace with it yet do you no then the answer is no give it some more time okay I give it more time and they're like but come on
man it's been you know a day and a half you know then you're allowed then you're allowed to say oh my God this is brilliant I saw this talk about ideals and being treated oh and you're so not resonating with my ideal you know it's okay oh but then I'm Gonna Be Lonely really is that the voice of God yeah God's going oh I'm going to be lonely I should give in sooner that's not the voice of God and I know it's an inconvenience to live to a higher ideal a higher standard I I know we'd like to Oh but
you know this person they're handsome and they're they're or she's got money or whatever the stories to try to justify our unhealthy behaviors then go back to the other and keep doing the other but remember how many times you cried about that to thine own ideal be true so whatever ideal word you came up with a little while ago and if you just tuned in or just got in the room you know I asked everybody think of a word if you're the god or goddess of something what would it be creativity peace joy
happiness Oneness Sublime feeling words and now think about how simple this has been we could end the talk now and everybody could go out just with that statement and you'd be changed your whole life would change if you only stay true to that ideal don't do anything that is incongruent to that word I am the goddess of peace and you walk around gossiping you're a liar you're a hypocrite and you're going to pay for it you're better off I don't know what I am and just be kind of duh kind of
mentality and you're not held to a high a standard go ahead if that's what you want to do I want to get by with no standards no Integrity no nothing and I'll be measured by that only for a while you're still going to be asked by your own soul Hey listen we got to wrap it up here The Whole World's ascending but you you know we got to do something to get you to wake up so you're still gonna get it you know learn the hard way but when you do choose a word there's there's a danger but it's a good
danger meaning you are now held to that if you don't want to be then don't say you're the goddess of something don't tell people you're all about creativity don't say oh my God I just love this concept of inner peace if you're not really living to it don't say it watch what you ask for because when you say oh I'm the goddess of the universe says really let's watch let's check that out and it's not like there's some vindictive universe that's trying to punitive you know punish you for every
flaw but I'm saying we're asked to live by that standard this is a choice we can make and we will make at some point or in some lifetime it's something we'll we will do am I done with Idols the the replacement things these you know just get me get by kinds of Concepts or am I ready to live to a higher standard it's actually you don't have to do this you get to you get to say you know peace peace is my compass Joy is my compass love Oneness self-worth the two most common words I recommend when I'm
doing sessions and workshops and things the two the most common Mantra or ideal is love and self-worth mainly because when I'm doing sessions it's a lot of times with people that have been hurt relationship hurts betrayals so love and self-worth become a great pair because think about those words one I'm loved and I'm resonating with love that's really big but also self-worth teaching people to live with self-worth as their compass it tells them automatically do I date my friends said I should
Compass them they're not resonating either you know come back to here and it doesn't mean you have to cut everybody out you know and put all your friends on notice because they suggested you date somebody what you say is joy is my compass this doesn't feel joyous oh but you do but but but oh wait a minute wait wait am I hearing correctly that you're trying to make me go against my see do that call them on it and if they say yes we definitely want you to go against your highest ideal Buy but hopefully they'll say well no we
would never do that and they'll at least back off and they they get a reprieve okay they're only put on probation so ideal yeah it's so common so ideals are an inner feeling love peace you know I could I could do let's do some really Cosmic kind of talk and I'll give you uh mantras you don't understand and we'll talk higher dimensionality and you could leave going whoa mind blown right this what we're talking about is in the top few things most important things any person on the past should know
if you don't have an ideal you don't have Focus you're drifting come up with an ideal rather than Idol remember the Idols are compensatory so Idols are things but ideals Sublime feelings if you've let's just say hypothetically Let's Pretend for the next year you follow this concept of an ideal peace Joy Oneness and you die a year later I'm telling you living by that meant you were living by the guidance of God you are act absolutely far more evolved than a person who's jumping around
reading and meditating and trying all kinds of spiritual cool things but tangentially one thing consistent this compass Joy is my compass when I'm not feeling joyous I'm probably not going the right direction this is only true 90 something percent of the time it'll happen on occasion that you'll follow what you think was the most joyous and once in a blue moon it didn't work out that way once in a blue moon you'll say no to something that you probably been could have been okay doing it's worth it it's
worth it for two percent of the time or whatever for you to miss something and the 98 or 90 something percent of the time for you to land it it's worth it because the universe is going to say you know what we're going to help clear up the environment of this person's mind a little because they seem to be really clear about this see they're not if you're relaxed everything around you your environment is going to be relaxed if your world is chaotic chaotic everything is going to be chaotic in your energy your
environment of your mind so the more you're like no no no no I'm like this I'm like this the universe at first goes yeah you always say that you know and so it does it just supports more chaos and indecision when you start living up to it and you make choices according they're like this this person's serious like they really are following what feels like what resonates with bliss or peace or Joy go back in time do you think people if they would have checked in do you think they would have ever said
Joy slavery yeah I think that could kind of work they couldn't have done it do you understand what I'm saying there do you think addiction would have been ever as rampant as it is if people went inner peace heroin you know probably not should I drink and drive well the commercials say not to I don't need a commercial right here does that resonate with peace it does not and I'm not talking about you living to my ideal me living to your idea I'm saying to thine own ideal be true and to you you might say well this
doesn't feel like peace for me so I have to say no someone else might say how could it not feel like peace we're going to go to Fatima you know and chant and and sit amongst all the people praying where mother Mary appeared sounds really spiritual yeah but it doesn't resonate with me to be on a bus of with people for a zillion hours traveling from one place to another some of them getting car sick and no it just doesn't resonate some people might have tangible reasons why they don't get why it doesn't work for
you but they're not you so you say you know listen I would let's go out this week okay great we're gonna go to a movie it feels right I want to go to him great can't wait you know popcorn synthetic butter piled up that's me I totally love that man pour it on pour it on take it to where it would kill somebody and then back it off just a little that's what I want for popcorn that's what I do when I go to those places which is why they don't allow me in so oh that's almost true no no more no more
you know I just watch that Liquid Gold so it resonates I'm gonna go to a movie and then you're like okay great you know friends you know we're gonna go okay well who's going well just some friends that already doesn't feel totally right for me and then you're like and they want to see Friday the 13th Part 28.
no thanks oh you're bailing on us oh here comes all the the false friends stuff you know wait I I'm just saying that's not for me some people will even say okay fine I'll tell my friends you know they'll only go and see spiritual movies and you know no I don't need your friends hating me and judging me just don't tell them anything I just don't go I don't see I'm okay with that but can you be okay with it can you take the hit when you live according to this and some people don't dig it
you and I have to learn to navigate the world that doesn't always get that that will not always be respectful about it you know there was a a get-together a few years after my high school graduation like 80 years ago and um you know and I heard about it somebody said hey you know I ran into somebody a year after this after they had this party you know and um Michael how's it going you know and I said oh good good to see you what are you doing I'm you know I'd have to be tactful in how I say what I do and you know and all that and
so I'm probably 20 to 22 somewhere in that time frame age-wise and they said oh well we understood why you didn't make it I'm like really why didn't I make it well you know some of us were there saying oh he he found God and he doesn't you know you know he doesn't believe in partying you need to and I'm like enjoying the view just lit wow really is that why I didn't go really and you know yeah well you know some people are like that they don't you know they're I don't want to be around
smokers I don't want to be and I'm like wow this is amazing how you know me so well and I said just so you know I never received the invitation see they made up stories in their mind would I have gone I don't know probably because I would have said hi to friends but I they knew me they knew I was never gonna you know I wasn't the ultra party person at the same beer through every party in high school I just walk around with one beer all night and it'll look like oh and another one you know and
make it blend in but they knew you know yeah he just it's Michael you know he's not going to get too stoned and he's not going to do this and that because it's not wrong it's just not me so try on those words I'm good no this feels you know this resonates this doesn't see if I tell you it's wrong for you to do something I'm actually reaching boundaries first of all I'm imposing my opinions that's not what I'm asking you to do can you learn to say no I'm good
you know or I'm fine or something like that hey Michael would you like a beer no I'm good I didn't say beer how dare you I can't even hear that word because I'll spontaneously combust I'll have bad spiritual Karma oh you know I'll have to come back you know stop no I'm good you don't have to shame people for having your Center right they're not wrong for having a different Center they might be drifting but if ever they ask you can say well what I do is I just check in oh
you're one of those people they check in you know you say hey would you like some water I don't know let me ask my guides they you know they think you're really out there so you have to find tactful ways to explain but who cares it's not about whether you tell them or not it's are you doing it are you living it so if I'm an open channel for anything see watch an open channel you know because I can get paid a lot if I say I'm channeling so I go up on a stage and people say oh you know any channels you know and I
just don't I have no sense of Integrity about it I just I'm open to whatever which is like dialing 1-800-66 hell you know so and just see just whatever kind of entity you know like dial a pay phone in La what are the odds of getting a Mystic just happen to be walking by their telephone the phone booth remember those and they pick up and they just channel the spiritual wow I'm glad I dialed a vague telephone in L.
A on a street corner you don't know what you're getting but when you have an ideal only certain beings of certain caliber art can be attracted to you you've already set a standard see when you have doubts you can attract doubt entities of Doubt when you have fears oh great thing to do go into a you know exorcism home and with all kinds of fears and doubts you know it's like accessing your worst memories and then taking acid you know God you just want to accentuate all that don't you it's amazing when you set a standard
for the most part everybody else in your airspace has to comply but can you have you set that standard well I don't know how do I have to take classes in ideal 101 ideal level one ideal level two no seconds what word or two represents a feeling of God and a feeling that you not only want in your life but you feel is accessible see if if somebody's just starting this and you give them total Enlightenment it might be a little too far out it has to be something you feel is attainable keep that in mind in your criteria
if you don't know you're ideal you will never fully know your Soul's purpose you will never fully know how to conduct your life and decisions you make you'll still be deciding between things you'll still need all kinds of external things to help you or blame you for making the wrong decisions when you have this it's pretty amazing I've had people say Michael I want to give you a zillion dollars I'm going to is it to publish a book okay you know you want to pay for me to publish it
great okay and here's what I want you to write about no yeah but money money money no I've had people say I'm going to give you money for a retreat I'll give you five million dollars for a retreat and here's what I think we should do with the retreat no not interested right I could I could have people control me for free you know you're you're going to pay me and now you're asking me to forego my Integrity it's still it doesn't work for me it's not it's not computable right in
my mind can you do the same wherever you're too weak to say no well because they offered so much see and Joseph Campbell who coined that phrase follow your bliss when he wrote his first book he had people approach him we're going to give you money to write a book and they started telling him what direction they wanted it to go it he checked in and for some reason he didn't know it didn't resonate he wasn't feeling Bliss when he thought about that company well there's money there's something that doesn't resonate
and he said no and they thought he was nuts When A Course in Miracles was put together you know they had some people that were saying we're going to finance it you know one of the people involved knew some people that had money and said I have some friends that will finance it and God this is great this book has been so just fluid in so many different ways and it's covered it covers this fantastic material somebody's now you know because this is the the spiritual and new agey people that go oh synchronicity it must be a yes
so they tried and there was definitely something strong in Helen and others is something no no well we're going to give you money no ended up being trafficking money at the end of the day how can you say no because there's something off for me I notice the words from me whatever it happens to be where are you and take responsibility to say for me this doesn't resonate so whether it's me people offering for Retreats or the course being published or Joseph Campbell you know no no you know what be true to your bliss your joy
or peace whatever your word is sense of Oneness whatever it is check in you're going to have doubts now and then it could be something as simple as food a food item but you know what if I'm a vegan or if I'm a meat eater whatever I am does that resonate with me am I at peace and here's a weird little snag to all this when you have people sort of attacking your Center they're actually testing you unconscious to them they're actually just being rude but they're testing you unbeknownst to them they're testing your
spiritual muscles no thanks no I'm good see and I need not tell them oh I just started using this ideal and I feel so conflicted don't give people something to tear at you know they don't don't don't cut yourself and bleed and jump in the shark infested waters and then blame the Sharks you know so you don't want to you know get all into their thing but the bottom line is to mine own self I'm gonna be true and this is where I'm at making sense yeah it's internal it's it's my walk with God
as far as I know the goddess of creativity now here's the next piece to this this is your ideal living through you Okay so if you say I'm totally not that you announce this but you might it might be on your business card goddess of creativity goddess of gardening or whatever that's fine but at the end of the day when people meet you would you say that they just as soon as they meet you they go oh that totally makes sense that's how it should come to that point when I ran into people about Five Ten
Years After High School never really saw anybody but I ran into somebody and it was the parents of a friend a parent of a girl that I saw once in a while in high school and they're like so what have you been up to what are you doing I'm like oh God help me here you know how do you explain to me the parents of an old girlfriend you know what you do oh yeah spiritual no too much for them so I said oh I'm a counselor their answer was that makes total sense you were always counseling our daughter and other kids when they
were in trouble I kind of remember that I did that but I didn't in high school go I am such a counselor and if I would have tried to pursue the route of College academic version of counseling it would not have resonated it would not have resonated you know me in a sweater you know doing psychotherapy sorry so how did that make you feel [Music] um sorry if you're one of those I totally love you um instead that totally makes sense and I'm like really why and then you get to hear about reflected back will you always and I'm like thank you
because in a sense you need I need we need to hear and soak in that confirmation but is it there you're the goddess of creativity and we show up at your house and it looks like a bomb went off in your yard in every room it just looks like you know a a really you know craziness chaos you're the goddess of peace and creativity and your whole life is chaos you know you have one ring on lost the other one and you know nails are there all the polishes have peeled and you know you have their shoes on the wrong
feet and it's not it's not peace there's chaos and that's not bad just say I'm the goddess of chaos and we'll be like and so it is you are so oh my God so through and through see Jesus said let the inside be like the outside the outside like the inside be through and through man this is who I am or you make changes wow I I keep talking because I remember one public speaker that was sometimes in conferences with me at the big New Age conferences and I just thought this person's always talking peace and I've
never known an author or teacher that created so much chaos at these conferences constant constant chaos drama always trying to take the theme of the conference their own Direction it was all about them you see so it was like wow there's a great example of that so at the end of the day if you you know you want to be a a heavy metal musician through and through right there's this one heavy metal band they're like this one member we hired him we said you're great we want you in the band but this person was like I want to wear a suit
and clean cut they're like that's not the ideal of the band you know the whole thing we're about is like yeah just wild and you're like you know look like somebody's substitute teacher and this person was told you're not allowed to get a haircut do not get a haircut let it grow out six months while we're rehearsing they go on tour he snuck out of his hotel they had security guards he snuck out of his hotel and got a haircut what's that called passive aggressive behavior but the bottom line is was it wrong for
him no but was he in the wrong band Yes or no why because you're a guest in our band and we have set an ideal you don't like it well who are you guys to tell me we're not we're saying this band not you if you want to be in this band we are doing this you don't have to be in the band set your standards and that's where you get healthy boundaries don't act like you know what healthy boundaries are if you don't know what an ideal is because then you're a hypocrite when you set rules for your kids and
you're not consistent that's the second worst form of child development first is overt abuse but second to that is inconsistence with parenting and parenting isn't just children it's your employees it's your clients everyone needs to know what are you about I've shared this story many times but there's a popular new age musician aeolia and he was always the number one with the celestial kind of music and as I've said this and I'll be brief this time just when I met him it was just
everything was aeolia there was not an inconsistence you know there wasn't like you know um you know the music and then you meet him he's like oh yeah you know no no it was knock on the door oh hi Michael come in oh you know white shag carpet everywhere gold highlights his business card was embossed with opalescent colors and everything was so Cosmic and beautiful it's like a trip he couldn't have a statue that he didn't glue a feather to he had to accentuate everything and beautify everything
totally totally through and through and he started because he's white everything and he had you know he drove a Volvo Wagon but he had these thick white pads on the seats of course of course but a few years later a Rolls-Royce because he just stuck to his truth of who he was when his Volvo was a Volvo it was already a Rolls Royce if all you live in is a studio apartment you can make it feel like a mansion if it's through and through and you can be a person with all the money in the world total chaos and total mess and
total whatever in your house you see what I'm saying it's what are you about and get everything to match and it's beautiful I don't mean fake it an ounce of that maybe is fine but is it really through and through some people had to come over my house recently and they're like oh this makes total sense you know it's just kind of a funny thing you know and I'm like what oh you know yeah you know all these angels and you know fairies and that sort of thing I had a pest control guy come over because I you
get a house and you have it checked every so often by the way I want to tell you what man your yard is cool you know he was almost going to say beautiful but that wouldn't have been guy enough you know so he had to like use a different word but it's funny to watch the gears turn it's it's gonna be this is how I am through and through if you talk one and you do another that is Duality it's hypocrisy I'm not saying you're a hypocrite like hurtfully I'm saying the lifestyle is incongruent guys
incongruence will bring chaos every kind of challenge because someone's not in the driver's seat we'll we'll share that a little bit more I guess when we do a meditation but think about that are you really there are you really being that thing um if music is your thing would it be unusual to find a guitar pick in your pocket it's kind of cool right yeah that just makes sense if you're an artist we just we just know if we go to your house there's going to be something creative and and unique about the way you have
your furniture but if it's like well I am an artist and I want to be unique but I have a partner and they say no everything's got to be from you know linear and and you know particle board and whatever it is and I know that's all we can afford sometimes but Ikea land you know and and that's okay for some people that's perfect but you want to be creative and someone says no see that's incongruent yes it's a drag that your partner is doing that but you are also participating in that if you are a goddess of creativity and
you're not letting it happen I'm telling you it's an accident waiting to happen because your soul knows sweetheart yes what do you feel what do you want peace and creativity oh my God I went in my house a little waterfall somewhere and I want music to be plain you know oh my God what's what's it really like kind of like a surgical room everything's stainless steel and you can smell rubbing alcohol all the time I want to smell vanilla berries you know and I it's yeah rubbing alcohol yeah
that's an accident waiting to happen and I'm telling you to the point even of a disease forming because of how you feel about this am I living real here am I being authentic the external is Fame and control and wealth those are the idols to make up for where you're not living your ideal and some people can seem to be bought right some people can actually yeah I'll go ahead and forego what I'm really looking for and settle this because I'm making so much money or fame or whatever else it is those are Idols
so what do you want ideals or idols what feels right for you ideals are simpler they're practical they're so clear I wish I knew Michael I wish I knew what God wanted see people say that to me what do you mean you don't know well no I'm I'm waiting for a sign Stop close your eyes what is your ultimate feeling if I could wave a wand and Grant you a feeling what would it be oh peace and happiness okay dating this person or not which resonates with the most peace and happiness oh but I want to date it's been a while
then go to hell you know go ahead sacrifice I mean then you should just say I'm the goddess of hell you know I want to live chaos and have then you're doing a great job you say you want peace and happiness then why don't we live that again I know it's an inconvenience I do I know that I was all excited about dating and you asked me to do this and now I'm saying no to this person and I now I feel alone and frustrated and that doesn't feel like peace I understand I asked you to check it out in the long
run the big picture right Michael I'm going through divorce and you know you asked me to check in it doesn't feel like peace so I'm not going to get that how does it feel like staying like hell see so you're stuck between I asked you the big picture in the big picture it might be a drag for a year but I can see total peace if I do go through with this then that's the right answer because as I'm coming to a close here sometimes achieving your ideal one of you used that word homeless sometimes I'd rather be homeless and
happy that doesn't mean all homeless people are happy it also doesn't mean the opposite that everybody that has stuff is miserable but if I had to choose my beloved godmother who I've mentioned before really beautiful instrumental part in my life you know just even though I only saw her about once a year on average she was always Michael just follow your dream Michael She'll always bringing me Moody Blues albums oh Michael you know Justin Hayward and the lyrics and check this out how does that feel I mean she was
just so hippie-ish you know before you know but her family had her locked up institutionalized because she wasn't willing to be like them her husband and had a lot of power he's a big wig and had her locked up you know and and it was to punish her it wasn't like let's lock her up and see if she's happier or see if we can medicate no it was all about punishing her and when they realized she still wasn't going to conform they let her out and she said Michael I won't see you anymore I'm
leaving California I'm going to Oregon I'm like no I couldn't have imagined see where you live is that consistent think about this is that conducive with the word you came up with the street you're on the town you're in who you date what kind of makeup you know well I wear makeup that that I'm allergic to but I look great for an hour but then you know everything just kind of blows up and but by then I'm home so it's okay you're like Cinderella hell you know like wow the bell went off and
everything's rats and pumpkins or whatever um so that might not be okay in the big picture you know what that's not for me anymore check in your house your car I'm not saying go and buy new ones of everything right I'm just asking you I could say the car I drive is totally me it's got enough room in it to help others when they need me to help you know move things around it's this enough it's that good right but that's for me it it does your car feel you know if you're like I'm the the
goddess of flower fairies and creativity and you're in a monster truck with wheels you know 12 feet you know you know when cars get in front of you just over them it's not consistent there's some you know call me silly call me judgmental but I think you might be off a little bit thank you right um consistent peace joy happiness when I had babies I was just so into this like everything's going to just be Cosmic you know like oh my God you put a Bible on the mom's tummy you know everything is just going to be so Cosmic and that that
makes sense because I'm so into that I would see people when I had a job as a kid they would look at me and and often just roll their eyes and do this with their hands when they looked at me like he's hopeless because we're talking about you know where they're cussing and doing things you know the guy's on the break and yet I'm like reading spiritual stuff and they'd be like oh this guy's hopeless and that was a compliment because it meant he's just always about this Jesus where were you your parents were
looking for you how did you not know I would be in the temple don't you know I mean um you know I was born to be the Messiah wouldn't I be there what was I going to be in a bar I'm 12 you know I'm sitting in the temples right that's what he was saying Common Sense live what you say you're looking for and then you become it Don't Preach it don't talk it don't contradict it can you really step in and live it and I I can say whether I'm considered spiritual or Not by others or
evolved or not one thing I know is I'm pretty consistent and I like that that generally people that know me my own kids would say yeah that's that you know that's typical that's Dad they know that I would how I'm gonna be that I'm going to look at things another way right then I'm going to look the deeper lessons that I'm gonna you know and people that call for sessions once in a blue moon somebody will call because somebody told them a relative oh you got to talk to this guy and this
person calls and they're like fundamental whatever and they're like wait how do you know these things did you check the internet to get and I'm like this is not congruent what happened because someone told them they should talk to me but they failed to tell them you should watch his programs first to see if it resonates with you you see what I'm saying with that that's responsible check it out first please do not come into a session uh for a private session don't watch my program you know
a little at a time see if it resonates if you have people that you doubt in terms of their open-mindedness ask them to check it out a little first otherwise you're putting them at harm you're putting yourself at risk people getting triggered because their religious beliefs or their personal beliefs are not matching try to keep everything so congruent keep everything nicely in alignment that happy and homeless is better than well-housed and miserable of course well-housed and happy ideal that's perfect
but stay true to your ideal that ideal is God how do I know that because if you have a near-death experience you're probably going to feel peace and that means when you feel peace you're feeling God therefore if I allow peace to be my measure of discernment I'm allowing God to guide me so stop saying I wish I knew what God wanted you do know go into that feeling that's God speaking to you my beloved I I want you to feel Bliss and joy and and we're in our heads and we're doing things that create chaos and
Duality and that's just our addiction get past that and say I'm allowed and encouraged to feel peace A Course in Miracles I could see peace instead of this use that as your compass as as simple as all this could be for me to say these things I can I can see and hear some of your thoughts some of you that's a little bit like oh God you know he's saying this it sounds true but there's no way that I could go home and make this kind of change you can but maybe in different time measurements than somebody else
just try it some amount of time you know fix up nothing fix up your car well I can't buy a new car change the inside aeolia with his thick white wool seeds you know he made his reality you follow if that's all you can do I was stuck in my room which I've said many times in through middle school high school always on restriction mainly for grades um or the lack thereof um always in my room but you know what when I found a scrap piece of white carpet from my parents room that was getting thrown out when they got all
plush beautiful white carpet I took the scrap stuck in the corner of my room if I'm going to be in here gonna do it my way had headphones my music thick white carpet my brother had this big Great Dane dog ceramic dog he set it in the trash one day I went out and got it it's beautiful all glossy black and I stuck it it was my Sentinel you know right there next to my white carpet corner in my prison but it didn't feel like a prison when I laid back pillows you know it looked like wow this kid's spoiled look what
he's got I made that I assembled peace and reality put on Earth went in Fire and wow you know yes you're a shiny star I I mean yes there is love there is hope there is peace that you know and listening to this kind of stuff you know my own little reality do that start somewhere what is your word are you applying it are you living it if not some areas try if you're not going to do it that's fine but remember that is incongruent remember that and only you are deciding that your own incongruence will attract
karmic effects not because I said so it's the way it works when you're out of alignment your life will show signs of being out of alignment and when you show alignment All The Heavens all Dimensions praise that you're doing it because a child of God has shown up discovered who they are by their own word like peace love joy goddess of this that they've discovered they are the goddess of and they're living that how could that not be something that the Universe would celebrate please take a few centering breaths
soaking in what you heard today what made the most sense [Music] one of you asked about new paradigms what is a paradigm new paradigm a shift of Concepts I'm gonna start living this [Music] I really feel this I am and what is it you are [Music] damaged then you're probably seeing that you live congruent to that it's probably unfortunate whatever you believe you are will be in and around you and your environment [Music] but you have free will not what have you been what in your imagination would you choose to become
be and become let's pretend you're having this near-death experience you're seeing Jesus angels or something God and it says when you go back we're giving you a gift to be the god or goddess of what would it be [Music] what would it be and then gently ask yourself are you are you already living up to that look at the areas that are not just gently the god or goddess of such and such what areas of your life are not doing it and you don't have to get all into Despair and be dismayed because
you can change it but just for now where is it incongruent [Music] you have your word what conversations negative reactive conversations have you had in the last month or year where you are not coming from that place that you're now seeing as your ideal just see it so we can learn [Music] have you ever dated anyone that was not congruent with this word [Music] just own it [Music] have you ever lived in an environment
that was not congruent [Music] everything did you ever have a wardrobe that was not congruent it's just so that we can learn how to discern what's what [Music] and then the opposite have you ever made decisions dated people had clothing that were congruent even before you ever even knew of the word ideal Focus word mantra were you already ever dating the right person or listening to music that was congruent take a moment and see if you see yeses to some of those give thanks because it just shows where your soul
was allowed to come through and manifest what it knew you really were about foreign [Music] and the sin would be when you're not living because it means missing the mark when you're not landing on the target of your ideal technically you're sinning not in the traditional church he sense you're missing the mark and with sin comes Karma take away all the drum dramatic reaction to those words if I'm not being true to myself [Music] there'll probably be a reaction of some kind [Music] now lastly
what if now knowing this I do it what if at least 50 percent of the areas that were not congruent are suddenly right then what kind of car would I have what kind of relations what kind of book would I write if I wrote a book what kind of friendships what kind of house Decor what kind of music [Music] all you have to do is Envision the organic answer if I'm centered into the goddess of then what would my life look like that's all you're asked to do [Music] Let It Be organic and you're starting to Envision where
you're going to go you don't have to go there you can stall you can make opposing decisions but if you did go where would it go what would it look like [Music] [Music] if you're in the 12-step program sobriety might have been your word or you might have used love and self-worth because if I know love and self-worth I'm automatically going to live sobriety pick a word or two that makes the most sense and do your best to live it when you feel like you've really landed that
enough you can always change the word or two sometimes you'll get inspiration that it's time to change the word [Laughter] [Music] close with a feeling of gratitude I am so grateful truly grateful that I'm hearing this today this is me reflecting to myself with God's guidance that there's somewhere new I can go in my life even if I'm spiritual and happy what is the next level for me I can go from my former Mantra was happiness now I am pretty happy maybe my next word is bliss maybe it's Joy maybe my word one of them
is passion if I've lived all smothered and held down all my life boom I want to break free passion peace happiness see find a word that is also probably opposite of what you have already experienced so my word or two is partly determined by being the opposite of what I've experienced before [Music] Freedom might be an important word for you if you've had too much of the opposite [Music] I give thanks that somehow I'm here hearing learning feeling exactly what God has decided determined that I would hear
this is a first major step in my living my ideal [Music] not idols ideals I have my compass now this is a training that I've just experienced and I have my compass God you are my guide and I know you as a Sublime feeling and so it is very gently stretch out a bit at any age you can still learn what is an ideal you can teach children just by saying mom I want this okay what word and a child might not connect with the word bliss they might say happy Okay so
happiness this or this which resonates most with happiness you can you know guide people teach people if you're a life coach shift it from what do you want I want this and I excitement shift it to let's make sure that we're Guided by a Sublime feeling and it changes your work as a life coach just because of one thing you gave a new criteria instead of just external you know life style changes okay all right thank you very much we're going to do our closing prayer and our collection it'll only take a minute
or two while they're Gathering those baskets and so forth and while you're Gathering Your Love offering please be as generous as you can be your donations go in the pretty blue bags the baskets are for just any extra donations and the folks online there's a link you can click there but the baskets are for any extra donations like you might feel called to to help us with special projects or whatever it happens to be we're gonna do some painting at the property here in the building and we're you know we have
some things coming up so if somebody feels compelled to share extra that's where you'd do it the basket or you'd send it in with a note what you want to support okay that's also people of lesser means and while we're getting ready for that just briefly remember that we've got the healing room here the yurt which is the crystal bed in there profound I want to thank the people that showed up for volunteer day yesterday because we shifted things out of three and four cabinets that are on the property all
the stuff paints and tools and all that over to one shed that you guys helped us pay for and manifest so that's all cleaned up we'll move those sheds out of there soon um keep in mind our bookstore our gift book and gift store things are about 30 percent less on what you would pay Elsewhere for them because there's not a tax but also we don't price as much as we could we keep things as affordable as possible so it's great there and we have a little gift package if you're getting for yourself or somebody else and you
don't know what to get them there's a nice package it's you know it's probably worth double what's in there but you get a free book you get a book incense incense burner cards a few things that you know would be nice for a gift if you're traveling all right um thank you if you're on social media of any kind watching thank you for joining us you can share that with good discernment who else might be interested Sunday April 23rd from 12 to 3 I'll do a workshop on Hands-On healing if you're interested
you can take that independently or you can take it as part of a chaplain training that we do here but you're welcome to join us all right please hold your love offering to your heart hmm together please Divine love flowing through me blesses and multiplies all that I am all that I have all that I give and all that I receive and so it is thank you it'll only take them a minute or two to pass the baskets around and while they are can anyone share what they learned to her today that made the most sense and that might help you the most to
share as you will yes recognize recognize that I unconsciously have wow nice it wasn't too conscious if you know it I didn't um it wasn't it didn't register as an ideal yeah right so nice good job so you could see in your life where there was an ideal showing up here and there even if you weren't conscious of it at the time and now even in retrospect you can give thanks that you were following something yeah that's beautiful good job right
nice God that's fantastic and like you said now with this in mind giving more and more permission to be who you really are I mean you could be the actor who says only certain roles oh no you should you acting you know you're lucky to even have a role that's not how I want to think you know so to to know love and abundance and just live that way I'm abundant even if I don't have enough roles you know fine my Integrity will be my thing it will pay almost always sticking to your ideal will pay off unless you have
lessons about it not and doubting unless you already have so many doubts you need to manifest that to work on that but can you imagine being Joseph Campbell and saying no to a book deal you know can you imagine e what if you don't get another offer for a date for three years is it okay God first man and if you know that it won't have to be three years that's only in our head that we think whenever I do something good I really have to lose a lot that's that's bogus that's the ego convincing us that you're losing
something of value and then nothing in this world has any value only God and God within me yes and she was telling me how awesome it is about learning about the sins or in death yeah that's why I said that um right nice just internally feeling right right give me a sense so it's not just right right yeah I like that that leaked in at the end when I was you know that sin sin is when you're not the word means missing the mark so I'm missing the Mark here's my ideal and I'm doing this instead of this
that's sinning but that's a heavy word we use so I'm being incongruent and all actions have an equal and opposite reaction I'm being incongruent there'll be lessons about that okay yes yes say it again wanted to say what you think I'm funny wow thank you for seeing that in me um I wish I wish you were my child [Laughter] yes raising your standards
and kind of label you make it your life a little bit isolated yeah right yeah the best thing you can say to yourself and I've learned to say this right yeah learning to not care what they think this is where I'm at right this is where I'm at and you said it taken you seven years for somebody some other people at 70 lifetimes so you quick learner [Laughter] but you learned you know think about this how beautiful do you understand there's a vibe in what I said was it's giving you permission to say yes and no based on what feels
right for you that's what's beautiful about it but be honest there's possibly for many of us also a feeling of I have work to do and I'm sorry about that I know that part doesn't feel fun I need to change this and I need you know I get that and I'm sorry not sorry that you're going to do it but I I feel for you and I understand that it can feel heavy sometimes but one day at a time this is where I'm going even if it's one day at a time you're going to get there though and did you have luck visualizing
what it would look like if you were living it the yes or no yeah and let's go people that just visualize I want this I want this they that's not that whole concept of ego-based Law of Attraction don't do it ask this if I were plugged into God as a feeling of Love Peace Joy what would my life look like that's healthy co-creating visualization not my head going what do I want but rather what is what's just naturally there if I'm the god or goddess of peace Joy you see what would naturally be
there I don't have to go I want that car the first thing that's going to happen relation to a car what kind of car one that works probably right and then it just skies the limit you just stay true and you'll go there's no limit somebody else had their hand up here yes owning who we are and being accountable did you have luck seeing where you were incongruent is it kind of obvious how things can go a little wonky if you're not do you understand that there's a part of you that always knew what is your ideal
but another part that didn't do it even though you knew that was incongruent and that made you sick and that made challenges pop up in your life the incongruence now we say not today not interested man this feels so right and some people like you said will have issue with that doesn't matter to thine own self be true in the truly get what that means please stand for a closing prayer does this talk feel congruent does this type of people this group feel congruent if not it's there's other places
to thine own self spiritual self be true when it does feel right enjoy it thrive in it because it's the real hire you the light of God surrounds us the love of God unfolds us the power of God protects us the presence of God watches over us wherever we go God is I am we are and so it is and always is peace be with you all bye bye