How We Got Here
today's topic will come from something that came to me at 5:55 in the morning it was pretty cool you know because it was pretty complete but this is the idea of of we you know we've talked about like the creation process you know I've done talks about the creation process how we got here and things like that so it's it's along those lines but something really really special in this because I'm going to share a little bit of a story that came to me that helps explain it all but it's all about how we
got here people will say this all the time you know whatever we study different reading material even if they get that that we're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy you know even if they get you know that we're here on earth is there a reason what's the purpose to life's tests how did we get her and if if it's all an illusion as many systems say from Lao Tzu and the doubt a Ching or Buddha or Jesus and of course in miracles' if we're hearing and and Hinduism of course all these systems saying you know even
the indigenous Aboriginal people that said we're the dreamers of the dream we're dreaming the world into being you know they're all consistent but nobody understands it so in the Western world nobody recites that very often in the eastern world it's a very common teaching the Western world they're like oh yeah exactly that's all an illusion like you know they're like thinking and hope whatever they don't understand what we're saying it is hard to understand and yet it's only hard for hardened
Minds to really understand it we have such an arrogance we don't get what it means that this is an illusion it has to be an illusion I saw a rapper interviewed once and it was amazing because the words coming out of his mouth he said this world has to be an illusion and I was like what what you know and it caught my attention you know I'm like wait turn this up what and he's going has to be an illusion it's so crazy it can't be real and I'm like oh my god I mean wisdom comes from everywhere
God's voice speaks to me all through the day it's a workbook state statement and it doesn't it can come through any place but this person didn't study Eastern mysticism they just got it they just went wow if if there's a god it can't be involved with creating a crazy world or it would be a crazy god and then everything would be nothing but chaos University I mean planets to be flying into each other explode everything would be death it would be just constant death and destruction so it doesn't work that
way the whole world the whole world the whole universe is an illusion that we dream into being and you know the Bible and the Ten Commandments you hear you know thou shalt not bear you know the the idea of images worshiping idols images false images what does it mean and you know I was brought up the same kind of religious background most of us which is kind of like none but it's you know it's it's a this pseudo religious concept that what did it mean oh well you know the ancient people and they
formed objects to worship you know golden calves and that sort of thing okay well sure it could include that but what does it really mean do not bear false images do not worship false images you know what it means it means the images we have started living I'm a black person I'm a white person I'm a male I'm a female I'm Republican I'm Democrat I'm successful I'm poor all of them are false images and the reason I can say they're false images because if they're not God's perfect image they're wrong
they're off they're false every image we have that isn't God's perfect image technically is a false image can I hear name in yes jeez okay so so think about how beautiful that is Wow and and I'm I'm saying like go all the way with this you're looking you know driving down the street and you see somebody oh they're pretty good-looking a false image because that's not who they are what you really mean to say is you know the color particles of that person's being are somehow appealing to
the false images in my eyes that flip the image upside down so I'm seeing everything upside down and then back into the back of my flipping it right side up again giving me a false impression that I'm seeing everything properly that's what you're saying about that gal or guy you know oh good looking nothingness is what you really that person's appealing to my general patterns of dysfunction this kind of ruins everything doesn't it I was just gonna go driving down the street today looking for hot people you
know and there's just him merciless man it leaves nothing nothing to be desired as the saying that goes but but it's kind of cool that's why in the Hawaiian ho oponopono prayer you're you're praying and you're saying I love you please forgive me you're saying sorry about the false image I've made of you of being sick oops I apologize for my contribution that there's poor people on the planet some people are playing out that part and some people are playing out other parts all over the world
everybody's playing their parts like Shakespeare says it's all a stage and everybody's playing parts but we need to retire each other from those parts we actually have to retire each other from that and you can do it by saying oops my bad I needed you to look worse than me today so I didn't feel so bad about myself I needed someone to shine brightly so that I you know could could covet someone else's success and look at my lowliness all we're doing is finding convenient places in our
little selves you know our lives and we've all done this it's kind of like playing small but we also play large in some ways wow I'm successful that's still a false image so we've got to let go of all these concepts these these these false images so try to imagine this for a moment try to imagine that you somehow adopt it or you know gain somehow a child a newborn and then imagine they said the child is in a coma and they'll be there for five years like a fairy tale they'll be there in the coma for
five years come back in five years and the child will awaken so like okay alright and you come back fibers and they tell you like the you know the the first one they cast their eyes upon they will fall in love like a Sleeping Beauty kind of thing but when they wake up the first few things you tell the child they will adopt as their belief systems good so far and you get there the child wakes up you are made in God's image you are one with everything and you can create anything you want through thought and
then the child's like got it boom perfect now they say now the child needs 24 hours to integrate that so come back tomorrow and you leave and you come back 24 hours later but in the meantime the child was sitting there integrating marveling just one with a little and mating the image of God love create with my mind Wow and then the child for a moment said I wonder what would happen if I thought something naughty something bad horrible like that I wasn't part of this you know this connection what if it
wasn't true what if I thought a thought it was not your you know made in the image of God you're one with everything and I can create with my mind what if I messed up in that moment the child felt terror and then felt guilt and shame that's what would happen we've all actually lived out the archetype of that child whether you even if you came into this life sublimely created and you had a really stellar life and supportive parents I don't know where you lived but you know it wasn't in my house so even
if you came in with all this great stuff okay but at some point when somebody abuses you harms you neglects you and so it's still gonna eventually become what's wrong why aren't they being nice even if you've had a great life when someone abuses you in some way you start to become tempted to wonder what you might have done wrong but there are issues with you or their problem not yours but you'll still be tempted to wonder what you've done wrong because it's the little it's called the
psychological development you know child psychology we're developing and we all do this it's the natural development of the psyche and children naturally personalize and think you know I mean parents can get divorced when you're five and go is did I do something you know this is what children do so when we're wondering what we might have what you know might have happened now that we have this knotty thought we started feeling ashamed and guilty and so on so now when that new parent comes back to
get us the next day what are you doing with it you're hiding it this is like a Garden of Eden Adam and Eve they fell God comes to find them hey guys were gone where are you we're hiding see we all have done this and this explains where we've come from this is how we got here this is the creation so to speak but it's also the non creation because those children of God started feeling like ashamed they started feeling confused and guilty so they started hiding now the parent comes back you go back the
next day to get that child hi sweetheart and you can tell there's something different you can tell and it's there's a feeling of honey are you okay oh yeah it doesn't know how to deal with this it doesn't know how to manage what it's feeling because it's feeling something horrible why one reason is because of the huge contrast between how I was created to be and what ended up happening now and then what's really a drag is that that child with a parent will watch and notice that that
child just like God watches us it will notice you're you're never happy as you could be you're getting by but you're never thriving so God watches us going man I created you like this and you're you're doing this keeping all sheltered why because we're afraid of what you know because we don't want to talk about it talk about it bring it out talk about it no but this is horrible most people won't even talk about their their semi you know errors mistakes on planet earth let alone their worst mistakes and if
you can't talk about your minor here in their mistakes and own them set of defending them or excusing them if you can't bring those out make amends apologize you know if you can't do that you're not going to get to your deepest stuff there's a saying we are as sick as our secrets so if you can't bring that out you're never gonna bring out the ultimate which is I thought the separation took place I thought that when I had the the concept in my mind I wonder what would happen if I actually
thought it happened and I started feeling guilty and ashamed that's the deepest level of soul most of us can't even own that we tied our shoes wrong today you know we that we can't we you know we have blame we either suppress those feelings or we blame them and that's why we have humans on this planet instead of a oneness we have separate people so we have somebody to blame for our stuff that's why you have to say I Love You Man I'm sorry sorry for what why does that prayer the Hawaiian prayer
why does it talk about sorry some people say all sorry is a negative word you shouldn't use it they need it they need it more than the other folks because they're hiding behind something oh you know sorry is a negative it when you affirm sorry it means you're a sorry soul and now you've lowered your consciousness no you become empowered when you say my bad and done and you let it go when you pretend you didn't do anything and you stuff it behind I don't like to say the word sorry because it's a negative word you
stay messed up bring it out you have nothing to lose so you just say okay Here I am Yogananda says just open your heart to hear I am God all of all of me no rock left unturned here every part and religion however has taught us that when that happens then a lightning bolt will come and strike you dead that's not what happens something related to light but not lightning light shines upon the creepy things that were under the rocks and those creepy things are my guilts and chains and we think Oh God okay I'm
gonna get real strong here and go before the Lord who's gonna probably strike me dead no it's not gonna happen go trust God Here I am in the silence quiet of your own little confessional your room your bedroom your closet your bathroom wherever the shower backyard hammock chair anywhere and do it consistently Here I am that vulnerability man it brings light in its it allows miracles it's I get to choose between my salvation and condemnation and I choose every day between those two all my secrets add to my condemnation
and all of my openness and vulnerability oh you know adds to my salvation how can I become a higher being when I won't let go of the weight that keeps me dense and stuck on the lower realms can I hear an amen can I hear an amen there we go all right you see so it's it's just beautiful there's no no harms that's gonna come from it just beautiful now that child remember didn't do anything wrong per se it didn't do anything wrong but it did believe in something that wasn't true right when it didn't when it chose to
believe in something that wasn't true technically God is right capital R though God is right consciousness when you and I are not in God consciousness were technically wrong but not in a bad way so there are these people out there that say oh there is no wrong those people are completely wrong when I'm not choosing to be right in consciousness called righteousness right consciousness then I'm in my wrong consciousness this doesn't mean the duality of opinions rights and wrongs I'm not talking about right and wrong
opinions I'm talking about incorrect consciousness which means I'm flawed correct consciousness which means I remain as God created me to be there's nothing wrong with saying that nothing you know bad about affirming it's true so we could kind of even get excited about go man I was thinking an incorrect thought but do it not just when you have thoughts about yourself that put yourself down do it when you have thoughts about other people that person is ugly that person is stupid that you're you're always wrong about your
opinions of other people there are no other people you're schizophrenic spiritual schizophrenia when you look around and think you see other people there are no other people all I see is part of me so what I can learn to say is we or me don't say them we or me man that person's really upsetting me it really is more accurate to say there's something going on between me and that person that's triggering something in me if I'm totally clear there's no buttons for them to push I know that sounds
pretty idealistic you know like some people are like wow I'm a Button Factory man I have button how am I going to get completely clear of all the buttons there's two ways one daily daily practice when you're shown a button work on a button the second way is to just generally surrender them all to God you can do it one at a time which works but you can also just go I got buttons you know instead of while I'm waiting for one to show up and then I'll let you know oh there's one you know in doing one at
a time just man I'm a total Button Factory Here I am there they're all through me every gland every cell every organ every memory I got buttons everywhere you can generally surrender it and then you will generally be released from it's because the Holy Spirit which is the Divine Mother she it knows where they all are if I wait around for them to show up we have what's called reincarnation you have to keep coming back how many buttons you work on oh good four or five that's that's great four or five can you
believe this guy you know four or five you do know that you have eight billion right do you know how many lifetimes that'll break into you know like you're gonna be here for a while and Jesus tells us in A Course in Miracles more or less he's saying something to the effect of yeah you know you guys are hoping this will all end soon you've been doing this for millions of years so technically you're just now getting over that hump of awakening of humanity's starting to to reach a nice pinnacle to
start moving into enlightenment but technically it should take another several billion years millions of years or whatever and it's like that's just depressing to think it's taken us millions of years to get as messed up as we are and now we're going to take millions of years to try to get back to awakening he agrees with that but then he throws in yeah that's gonna take a lot of time geez you're kidding me and then he says oh yeah but time is an illusion so we can kind of play with that a little
meaning Jesus hmm how many millions of years are we supposed to Gyu let's just use a round number ten million years away from waking up oh man so so on this new learning curve that time is an illusion learning curve what's it going to turn into and he says it depends on you technically it could take a few seconds I like that that's I like you're thinking Jesus on that I dig that a few seconds see cuz a million years I just immediately go man I'm not coming down get somebody else to teach I'm not this
is like taking too long you know but he says it can take ten million years can turn into just one is that a worthy tradin that's still a long time but technically one tenth that's a pretty fair bargain if you think about it but how about turning it into you know a hundred thousand years Wow it still seems like a long time so all I'm saying is you can do it generally releasing the buttons or specifically do it specifically do once in a while and I think you should do both but if you only do the specificity here and here and
here and here you know you'll wake up slowly generally it's kind of nice it kind of works it but there are times when you're going to need to see specific buttons leave it to the Holy Spirit leave it to God you show me what you would want me to learn today you show me what to say and do and not say and do in my day-to-day life because you don't have to hunt them down now if they come to mind or if you're doing breath work or healing work they do come to mind and that's helpful but it's not
entirely up to you to have to hunt them down just live generally I'm starting another day today and I choose awakening salvation rather than judgment and condemnation show me and guide me Wow you know that feels pretty cool but you do have to recognize you did ask for something that's important my salvation my awakening yes but that doesn't happen with it without the parts of me that are not awakened called buttons to be shown to me I don't have to see all of them the Holy Spirit might go you know
looking through hmm let's see this cluster of them we can knock all these with just this one button on top so mmm sets it inside your soul somebody cut you off on the freeway you know all angry enough oh never mind we'll take that back and we'll work on that later sweetheart and it just goes right back into the consciousness because most of us don't want to own when that opportunity came up it was a chance for me to heal and forgive does that mean it's easy to deal with people that are rude and you know cold and obnoxious and
hurtful no not at all but what we can do is simply say show me how to see them the way you see them it's just surrendering the perception of them is important I don't have to commit to seeing them exactly perfect all of a sudden they all have bright shiny teeth and everybody smells great and they all act you know nicely no they're gonna be humans with issues and reactions and annoyances but the more we bring a new consciousness to the conversation the more we can change everyone in the conversation I don't want to be that one
today I'm not in a good mood get another spiritual person and God will say out that yeah I'll do that no problem I just remove you from there and send you somewhere else but whatever lessons you chose not to work on today they they get assigned somewhere else it's not like you just go I don't want to do that okay you know and it's just it's gone then what would be the point these things are coming into our life so that we can get the buttons pushed like Yogananda says again Yogananda you know
when you think people are like causing you pain they're never actually causing you pain as much as they are rubbing up against you wounds you already have that make you wince when they touch them so you already have the wounds you already have the you know the the bleeding and the hurts and the pain inside people just rubbed up against it out and when they do you usually react so if someone pushes your buttons know you're reacting to wounds of yours not the causing zuv them as much as the wounds of yours
again that doesn't justify their behavior that's where healthy boundaries come where you can say wow you know that pushed up against something I felt pain and I reacted I want to apologize for my reaction but do me a favor don't be touching my cracked ribs that's a boundary you see it is it's cracked don't be touching it oh but I have some lessons I can teach you if I push on the buttons are called a cracked rib yeah oh don't do that I'll just go over here and I'll look at that and see
what what I need to work on in this moment when you work on it the Holy Spirit your mother divine mother she will remove you from painful situations as much as possible we're only brought to them when we won't work on them ourselves we can actually do a lot of work within our quiet time not just praying for good things don't just put on your alters your cute things but look at my altar angels and empowerment totems and be put people you hate put a photo frame it nicely some of your ex right in the
middle of your altar try it takes courage there's Jesus and Buddha and you because if you can do some some work with that person and try to see them as you see this one in this one you will have done more work than if you two looked at this one or this one and prayed to them you may not want to put that on your physical altar a physical picture but I'm saying in here it's a metaphor in our consciousness in our soul just to be able to include even the people that have been hurtful but I'm not talking about pretending that they
were nice okay I'm an ocean should look at a picture and oh you were actually an angel the whole time it was all me because you're never gonna believe that I'm not saying their behaviors were sweet Jesus tells us in A Course in Miracles when people are coming from their egos they're always wrong so he's not justifying their behaviors when they're coming from their egos you can bet they're not coming from a good place and likely they were not very nice he's saying however they're trapped in what
they're doing to you they're karmically trapped and I'm asking you to help me release them why don't you release them because they entered your life and pushed your buttons so you would help me release them if you would snip off the buttons they pushed and let them fall to the ground did they push any buttons yes and that's called tracking to look inside and see what they might have been what buttons they might have been pushing well they pushed buttons about my self-worth my you know self-esteem or
whatever along those lines they push buttons about rejection or betrayal see look at it and then you learn to say and it seems like it's what they did to me but I already had the button for them to push so I forgive them for the doing now I forgive myself for the being the one that was being oversensitive the one that was being hurt from the past forgive them forgive myself and the third stages there's nothing left to forgive now back to holiness it may be not permanently you know cosmically but in that moment you're now back into holy
consciousness and that's when we where and when we can attract miracles so miracles naturally come rushing and they're not sent by FedEx they naturally are already there miracle consciousness is in us it doesn't get sent to us it's in us but we can't see miracle consciousness spiritual consciousness while we are holding armor up shielding it away not allowing it to enter our lives it's here so when we heal our heart and soul things kind of open up in the things because we know a world outside
we don't have an inner world much anymore so what we know of ourselves is usually reflected outside so I'll know that I'm getting there when I see miracles coming into me but they're really already there but we're too stubborn to see it that way so we like to see things coming to us that's what seemed like evidence to us so we start to see that when I stop shielding these things away and I'll stop shielding those things away when I let down the walls inside myself so it's an amazing you know it's a it's an
inside job as we say but we have to own is there a right and wrong well there's the dualistic right and wrong remember of opinions I'm not talking about that in this talk I'm talking about wrong consciousness judgmental consciousness is mistaken the word wrong all you have to do is substitute it with you know mistaken we were mistaken to think we could be separate now there's a really good thing about this story about the child because the child now gets brought home and it's never the same it's
continually sad it's continually depressed and it's hiding something went wrong now it's thinking that if I do say first of all it could be afraid that something Bad's going to happen to it because it was told thoughts create that was the third rule it was given thoughts create so it's thinking so that means something Bad's going to happen and I'm just going to do my best to be quiet until it happens it's a really harsh way to live however there's also the concept not only that Bad's going to happen but I I
love my mom dad creator and I feel like I might have hurt them so it's not just what fear I have a what will come to me I'm also sad that I've maybe hurt my beloved right God but it takes courage to say all right I'm gonna risk it mom dad here's what I did I had this thought oh did you sweetheart yes what was the thought well you know you told me that I was one with all things yeah and I was loved and could create him in my mind yeah well I I had a thought cuz you said thoughts create I had a thought
that what if I'm naughty what if I were bad what if I don't act like you like wonderful all the time and so I I know thoughts create so I know something Bad's can happen oh well that was a natural assumption this is what God is trying to tell you and me it was a natural assumption that you made there thinking that you did something wrong Garden of Eden ate from the Apple you know and now I fell in Eden it totally makes sense that you would have thought that but you didn't understand that when
I said that thoughts create only real thoughts create what do you mean only real well love is real and there's no opposite to love so only loving thoughts are real so when you thought that what if I do something wrong what if I'm not as God created me what if I do something wrong and I'm bad and ashamed and so on none of that really happened the child actually went and slept that night you see it goes to sleep and dreams of the entire experience in other words gods that's why we call it spiritual
awakening our awakening means to awaken from a nightmare sometimes looks like a dream on this planet but everything is us dreaming the world into being everything we see in our lives and in our world is the effect of our belief systems so we are the child who thought that we did something wrong and then lived a half life just really afraid constantly afraid tense and anxious what a weird life for a child if you gave me a child and it was thinking that I would do everything I could to help alleviate those thoughts in that kid wouldn't you
yes then why don't we do it for ourselves just treat yourself as decently as you would the child there's no way you'd give me a five-year-old night say and you know it's I had you know thoughts and sad thoughts and angry thoughts and I said oh that's it bad things are coming to you now like you know wow what kind of parent or guardian you know no no it would have been Oh sweetheart not at all well I had a dream last night that I was a bad person I would tell it what it was a dream and that's what God's trying to do it's
just a dream honey you had a dream and now you're awake but we're saying oh no no organ that we're not telling we're not fessing this we're saying no no we're not going to talk about this we're going to keep it inside we cannot heal with our secrets we can't heal with because the secrets are why we keeping it a secret because we're afraid and as soon as we're afraid you know what we're doing we're affirming the problem is real we're affirming that we are flawed I
wonder what it would be like if I were flawed oh my god that's terrible now I'm afraid what did I'm flawed but God said rule number one you're made in my image you're forgetting rule number one you are only loved and I'm not talking about human perceptions of love and nice I'm talking about divine wholeness and perfection that's our true inheritance our true identity so we decided we might be something else and the set sad thing isn't that we had the thought it's that
we believed it so what are we gonna do about it don't get into I'm not going to have bad thoughts erase erase erase don't get into obsessing on don't have bad thoughts just don't believe them don't worry about having them don't believe them so you can look at a person you can think of thought and if you start going oh gosh you know spiritual of course I'm nervous I'm not supposed to have these thoughts it's not helping because the very shaming of yourself and trying to hide it again is going to keep
you hurt just own it Wow I just noticed I was I was thinking about that person's color race gender religion whatever it is and I was mistaken to think that they were more or less darker or lighter stronger weaker masculine feminine or whatever you of it to be anything you think you see sick healthy those are all my perceptions and they're all wrong completely mistaken see if I try to wish you into more health I already am affirming you're sick and I'm wishing you because I'm an amazing being into
better health the real way to heal is to identify with who you really are by erasing who I thought you were you showed me sickness and it was a mistake you were mistaken and I was a mistake you're not sick who are you really and start affirming going after go after that go after seeing people as they really are how ask God to show you how God sees that person and then it'll start to happen am i really willing to see you whole am I really willing to see you prosperous with everybody we know and whoever shows up in your mind you know
out of the blue driving down the street and a person from high school pops into your mind you think what was I thinking of them every time someone arbitrarily pops into your mind there is a good likelihood is for a reason and the reason would always be here's someone to forgive here's someone to forgive and you don't have to know how well I don't remember I knew the person 11th grade but I don't remember any conversation you don't have to know who did what to who all you need to know is that's
interesting they popped into my mind and I love you whoever you are and they could have been hurtful people boom into your mind don't be too too confused or dazed by it they popped in for a reason God how would you have me see them and the bottom line is God's going this is wonderful I have a bunch more now because you're doing a great job let me just give you a bunch more mmm flashcards you know boom boom you know hot terrible hurtful abusive rejecting you know and nice and not nice and the flashcards come up of all these faces
and they're all for a reason because when you're done on planet Earth it's not because you went up on Bell Rock and chanted for ships to come and get you it's it's when you're done on this planet it won't be because you've you know you know pranayama enough and yoga enough and fast enough those aren't gonna be what's you know synonymous with your awakening it's when the flashcards hit and there's nothing left no cards left the Holy Spirit's doing this you're
reacting and pushing buttons are being pushed and you're forgiving loving it goes on for a while then all of a sudden the cards are blank and there's nothing there's no energy no charge anymore I don't see you as Wow good-looking or ugly or no nothing there's only the light of God so those cards that had image is pretty soon they're just blank blank not just blank cards they're transparent so God who's holding them up to you is basically like a like my posted here it's like God's going to be
flashing these things in front of you and then at some point there's no images stuck on them there's no images because you have no images graven images you have no false images left you have no people left that you're holding as an idol the idol don't mean just people you like like I want to worship somebody because they're good-looking or whatever they're successful anybody you have a charge with is a false idol anyone you like and dislike if you think they're other than you there's they're lesser than God
including yourself then they're false images so the images are on these blank let's say clear places pieces of plastic or glass there's images stuck on them and eventually if I'm holding those up you're seeing those if I'm God playing that role for you but at some point the cards are coming up and there's just clear glass nothing left no images now what do you see what's left god you're looking and you see God and that's exactly what we're supposed to see when we look at each other
yep they're they remember my acts you and Mom yeah mom again mom again mom in the last lifetime mom when she was my kid mom when she was my dad you know and so on and so on and this character and that person and this and that and people you like people you don't like I want more of those I like those people if they're all images and they flash in the flash and then all of a sudden you're every year learning to see them as God sees them to see them as God sees them to see them as God sees them oops reaction love forgiveness
blessings to see them as God as God as God and all of a sudden it all levels off it's a stillness the reactions aren't there we don't have sleep dreams that are as strange and confusing they're clearer messages and in our day-to-day life things are just clearer less chaotic because there's less stuff showing up on the slides the slides are not just people they're our life and our events in our life all of your material body or material manifestations those are all things showing us charges and how you
doing with them and you know how you're doing because of that that reaction that one's happened and it's starting to level off so God says you know I know that you're not completely ready for this you're not completely willing to just go I get it I had a thought and it wasn't true and I'm ready to let it go God says so in the meantime until you're ready I'll do a maintenance program to get you there slowly so I'm going to send you those thoughts here and there so you can
release him as needed learn to also do them every day in general and you'll lessen the number that have to come to you and you'll make more powerful and efficient your day to day life because instead of running from the challenges and only looking for good people or whatever you know nice people which is okay to have in your life but if you go and try to force it to happen that means you're still afraid of something and it's still going to become a lesson to come back to you on the other hand if
you say to yourself I'm going to become a better a better person you know what's gonna happen the people around you start to look better they start to feel better the the life starts to improve because it's happening in here so there's two ways you can make your life better one make it happen the other one co-created one is done with God one is tried without God this one will never work ever ever you can only try to manipulate or manufacture it as though it's working and that will not last and
then it will break your heart so we're all heading the same way we're all heading the same direction the same place and it's just remembering and it's remembering the first rule God is and we're made in God's image thank God thank God that all the things that I keep thinking you know oh oh TV and then oh there's war I need to pray that the wars you're still affirming that there's a war and you're gonna fix it with your prayers it's more effective and efficient to say
I don't know what I see it looks like I'm seeing war and racism and ridiculous behaviors on this planet but God how would you have me see this and then it starts to heal it's far more efficient for me to say I get it soon as I you know turn on a TV or watch the news or read a paper or interact with people the buttons that come the incidents and events that come to me can only be related to my own particular issues or lessons and I get it so I'm surrendering them ongoing basis surrendering them and
then I'm healing the world I'm healing here and I'm healing this place that I seem to live is that all making sense please take a few centering breaths let's do our best with each inhale to show up to the inhale but on the exhale to consciously let go let go of tensions the muscular tensions and the joint tensions the thought tensions emotional tensions let's let things just fall away being as children Jesus says be as
children to enter the kingdom and so if we take a moment to just imagine all tensions and issues of life fall away melt away and we become clear for a moment be as children it partly means be teachable be pure of heart be open to learn and so one thing the child in us can be taught those three essentials you are created in God's image God's image of love and peace let's soak that in for a moment I really am doesn't matter what I think I've done and where I've been that was a
dream the truth is the soul my light inside was created in God's perfect loving and peaceful image and let's just have a half-dozen breaths of just absorbing that into our heart and soul our consciousness and then law number two not only are you created in the perfect image of love you are one with everything everything that's real we're not needing to be one with stuff
we dream up in hurt but we're one with everything that is real everything that is good and everything that is love we're one with the light in each other and let's breathe that in a half dozen times [Music] made in God's image of loved one with everything and from that place from that state of mind rule number three law number three and you can create anything with your mind not your intellectual mind with your consciousness made in the image of loved one with all and now a co-creator with my mind my consciousness
soaked in law number three and then remember there's an opposite that seems to exist that really doesn't exist because there is only God but the opposite would be to say you know I'm capable I have free will I could choose to be the opposite which would mean instead of love I'm flawed and unlovable instead of one I'm disconnected from
everything and instead of being able to create create with my consciousness I'm disempowered unlovable flawed and unlovable disconnected and disempowered that is how I've been living my life that is how basically human beings live their life and I have a choice and every day I can have one or the other but only one of them makes sense only one of them is real so we can all say in our minds now I choose door number one I choose the love the connectedness I get it I'm choosing that and the power of God within me it's easy
to say all we're asked to do is prove it to ourselves by acting that way don't just say I'm choosing it acted act loving act like you're one with everyone and act responsibly in a sense that I know that my consciousness creates so if I miss create I'm gonna take responsibility see it own it surrender it and ask for door number one again so take just a half a minute more to make that commitment in your own way and in your own words I can easily say the words but I have to act like it feel
like you make that commitment and just practice promised to practice doing that acting loving not just calling in I deserve God's love I deserve to be as God act like it act like you're one with things everything you destroy everything you kill everything you shame is a part of yourself so act like it and back like you understand that so that you can say this doesn't feel good take a half a minute with that and then quietly begin to give thanks
give thanks that this is the law give thanks that this works this is real you have made a different decision today really understand that give thanks that you're choosing awakening don't just ask God to make other people act more loving one and empowering to you cease saying other people took my power choose love oneness and empowerment within yourself and do your best to see it and bring it to others and then it's ours and so it is