How Past Lives Affect Our Life and Relationships
I'd like to share today a question was just asked or handed to me. One question that seems like a an ongoing thing that we've covered before. I want to talk about relationships, but not typical material' I want to talk about past lives and how they affect our current life, how they affect everything we do really.
Now, including our relationships, so let's talk about past lives, but really from a different place than sometimes you hear about past lives. One thing I don't do, don't believe in, don't support, is blaming things on past lives, because that again disempowers you.
It's just the same as blaming all women, all men, all this, all, you know. You don't want to find a thing outside yourself. Past lives are not, per se, outside yourself, ourselves, but in a way they are, because they're not happening right here, right now. Not literally happening right here, right now. So please remember that rule, so that I can also go a little nuts here and explain some really trippy things that most people don't understand about past lives.
But don't forget the rule number one, which is: don't go to the point of excessive power or whatever on past lives you know we don't want to get to the place where we say, for example, you know I was unhappy in a past life so I can't be happy today. I didn't have money in a past life, so I can't be happy today. I was not a nice person before.
I can't be a nice person now. everybody for the most part screwed up. If you've had enough life times you know it's kind of like saying you can be the New England Patriots and win every game, but you know you're gonna lose one here and there. iI's just gonna happen.
It doesn't matter how great you are as a soul, you live enough lifetimes and you're gonna slip somewhere, because the earth just does that. It's just dense and it wrings you out. So Jesus has had past lives, believe it or not, and you know we all kind of have this curve where we come in to the earth plane and some of us have, we dip in to the Karma, the illusion, and buy into the pain aspect of it somewhat. We all dip in at least a little bit.
Some of us you know really nosedive into it full-on, but everybody's got that curve downward. Just some more than others, and so hopefully that eases that concept a little bit even though once again we can go amen how much was your learning curve you know and still try to compare and compete we just don't just don't get caught up in that we all just think of it as we all dropped in to some degree or another just don't try to qualify it and compete it ok anyway so we we come in and what's amazing is in the souls journey the soul momentarily thinks to itself what would life be like
in this universe outside of heaven and in a universe the universe explodes becomes a place and it starts to cool eventually while souls come in and start landing in places at first observing the whole experience from from afar so to speak but we start landing into this universe we start saying wow you know what's going on here what is this place we were as Dorothy says we're not in Kansas anymore toto so we found ourselves outside of Kansas outside of heaven and in a world with scarecrows and tin men and whatever else it's all a
metaphor of life we're going what is all this and to some degree we felt terror because we're in the darkness of space so to speak and then to another degree there's a fascination well what is that you know what is that thing over there it's a nebula what does that it's a planet what's that it's a rock you know once you get into planetary spheres so we come into this experience and we're saying to ourselves okay well this is where we've landed we've come into this
dream this universe experience and we're sort of landing somewhere we're landing like we're densifying some of us densify more than others and we've already done talks on that various kingdoms the Kingdoms the angels and all this you know so you can watch those on Facebook lectures or YouTube or wherever but you can check those out remember we've have we have tons and tons into hundreds of of talks and it's kind of a drag because sometimes people just think well there's so many you you become overwhelmed try to intuit I mean like think of my videos
as a book like the Bible with many chapters or pages and then you know like some people do with inspirational reading you pray you crack it open and read the what page you're landing on right or the passage or the reading or whatever try and try that technique with the videos where you just kind of say well there's so many I'm not sure which to pick do a little prayer and open up the book so to speak the YouTube directory or whatever of my videos and just let one call you you know let let land on one and see what's there trust
that there's going to be something you need in that particular moment other times just let the titles speak to you you know there's a topic you're interested in so we came into this world and we land somewhere and then let's call it our first landing our initial experience in the in the material universe and just like life for a child when it comes to Earth its first experience a warm welcome experience a scary you know the backseat of a taxicab on the way to the hospital you know it's different for everybody but those
experiences they imprint to our impressionable souls you think a child doesn't pressure Noble our souls were very very very very impressionable we're sitting there doing nothing but sponging everything up as Souls far more than even children babies do so we're like where am i you know the of that where am i Wow and all of a sudden we land and is it a is it a safe landing and it starts becoming an impression you could call it initial programming wow you know I'm here and it's not so bad or oh my god where am i this place is terrifying and
that can carry with you lifetime after lifetime those initial experiences you know when they say that first impression well you have a first impression of Earth or the Tyrael universe for that matter but we have a first impression how was yours you don't know well sometimes you do know because it still carries with us there are chances that some of our first experiences got worked out and healed for most people not so lucky but over many lifetimes we do kind of peel off layers and work on things but the
problem is each time we come back there's another semi first impression it's not the first first but it's a semi first impression again so off we go you know it's like here we are again first impression again and here we impressionable and the parents want to me they don't want me those tell us something they you know those things they can make you feel welcome I want to explain though to bring the responsibility back to us if in a perfect universe in a perfect world we would recognize so clearly our power and
our light it would not matter if our parents want us or not it would not matter if if people despised us or not they tease us at school or not we look funky our hair isn't cut just right and so on those things would just like water off a duck's back it would just wash right off in a perfect world with a perfect soul but we're forgetting our perfection and instead we're seeing ourselves as vulnerable I was with God one minute the next minute I'm a naked soul flying through the universe at Lightspeed literally because we're light
at Lightspeed shooting through the vast cold darkness of the universe not knowing how I got here what it because we have an amnesia see the the embryo logical experience the experience of a child being being sparked into life and then developing developing and then being born it's a metaphor of I mean it's amazing that biological experience is a metaphor of our soul experience so once upon a time becomes every lifetime and as a microcosm of the bigger picture so picture this guy's the child is with God just like the child is in a sense
sparked in the womb and in the warmth and safety on that you know in general of the womb however the concept of we separate from God is almost like the separation from the mother where am I were you taking me you know and then they pin whatever these you know breathing apparatuses and they Pro poke you to get blood out of you to can do a blood to I mean just all kinds of weird things and that's like earth we we separate from God we're startled just like the baby initially we're startled where am i that you know there's the darkness of the womb but you're still
okay but you seemingly leave that womb and out you come out so you're coming into the universe and into density the swat on the bottom the traditional one or whatever else and here we are like in this world and some have even more rough entrance to the world with you know different techniques to extract a child from the womb and all that the mother wanting us the mother not wanting us the father wanting as the father not wanting us all these things are adding to the experience and we come into this world just like we separate from God we enter
this world and then things start to develop that that that umbilical cord is like our silver cord as it's called that keeps us connected our soul to our body so there's all these amazing parallels as I'm getting to the point with this though that's how we get here and then you live and you have your first lifetime we we we all came in here for the most part we all came in here into in phases like in other words we lived in almost astral bodies for a period we long ago long be forgotten time and then we came
in almost like etheric bodies after a while we came back as in etheric bodies eventually denser bodies were created you know and it's almost like mankind was projecting it's interesting because of course in miracles' we'll use the word project psychological projections meaning I project my stuff onto you and we do this to each other my issues my wounds my insecurities we project on other people so somebody says I know you don't love me any or in a relationship and often we're projecting our own insecurities that
were not lovable on to that person now the sad thing is sometimes they actually don't love us anymore and we're picking up on it but we forget we don't we can't even tell which is which is it am I making this up or is this am i picking this up making this up or picking this up and people are so wounded we can't be honest about it so we live in fear that it could be true and where it's all ambiguous see so this is a messed up life right so think of that and look at it as a parallel to everything else I'm describing we're coming into this world
and we project we projected from from being spirit beings I don't mean one with God I'm past that now it's soul like beings in the universe and we started projecting into matter we started projecting ourselves into the planetary spheres and so on now once you we got caught in a solar systems let's call it almost like its gravitational pull but it's really it's an energetic attraction so we got energetically pulled in that spiral of a solar system right a galaxy and a solar system one way we can look at the spirals are there
like whirlpools that are sucking us in so they pull us in and we become trapped in that evolutionary cycle even if you get out of a solar system cycle somehow like when you pass over you let's say you were to be able to segue somewhere else you typically will stay at least within that galaxies processes so whatever part of the universe we you know account 'less numbers of souls this number of souls split into different parts of the universe then smaller levels split into different parts of a galaxy and split into a different parts
of a solar system even to different planets on that solar system and the planets are swirling and sucking us in so we come to the earth plane obviously a huge number of us we came into the earth plane some came later than others but we're showing up and we find ourselves saying okay now we go from drawing in on an etheric level and eventually we start to project through our minds we projected into more like objects like animals some of us remember feeling like like feeling like we're animals we we
think we remember being dolphin and so on if you ever have that it's because there are times we projected into them we didn't incarnate as them that means you weren't birthed through seed as a dolphin or whatever sometimes we actually remember being animals because we projected into them in certain times and that's why the Bible is describing these mutations it's saying the children of God got trapped and Greek mythology describes it as this whole you know creatures that were half this and half that because we were using our minds to
mate one being to another you know this one's a dolphin and that one's something else in it and they made it because we chose mentally to cause mating and it was not a harmonious mating so we were making creatures so the Bible's described no this all sounds kind of out there but so the Bible and other sources are describing a period when there were all these creatures and got it then the Bible says in God repented that it made man it's not an accurate statement but it's that's us projecting our crap onto God but we're saying and in other words
Wow things are funky man we are our souls and we got trapped in material materiality you can't how do you do that we mess things up we were souls that could have still gotten home but we got trapped materially so at some point a plan was made and we probably don't have time to go into it right now but a plan was made to create bodies so we didn't evolve from a meat amoeba and then on upwards through you know and into into humanoids anthropoid rather and then into you know human bodies there's not a missing link
there actually isn't we simply we simply lived in these different kinds of creatures at different times and there's also believe it or not extraterrestrial involvement some light beings and some not-so-nice that we're trying to use genetic manipulations on things because they're caught in this thing too this universe so they're doing their thing to to survive and get by so so a beautiful dispensation was created where some beings said we have to go to the earth plane and help the the ones that got trapped they came here
the second wave so to speak and they got trapped then a third wave came in and said we're gonna go in and we're not going to try to save them just like humans in relationships where we try to rescue them and we get sucked in this third group said no no we're gonna go there and actually create bodies human bodies of in various ways we're going to create humans so we didn't come from an ape we created humanoid bodies now that would would have the right structure vibration esoteric embryology esoterics energy
systems so that we could use the body as an evolutionary device may sound strange but I'm trying to be brief okay so what we did was we created the human body so that the groups one and two of the human soul groups we created bodies so that groups one and two when they pass over when they die their soul will free out of the body again but because they got trapped they're stuck now in this evolutionary cycle in this solar system and all that they need somewhere to go they would now incarnate as bodies that were now going to be getting birthed in
human birthing processes so I hope that makes sense and if not listen to it again because I'm giving the gist of it if even if all the other sounded way out there check out just this part where we're saying that souls that were trapped in various ways various forms literally in various forms when they died they are freed out of their body just like we are when we die we're out of the body but now where do we go this final part this third section of that group that comes in this third part says we're coming in not to save the other
two groups but to create bodies for them to go into so they could save themselves that's kind of how we start our first physical human lifetimes so so that plan was made it's important to understand that plan was made not for a quick out we lost the chance of that when we got sucked in and we did get sucked in so now we have to go through human evolution of consciousness and you know so here we are we have our first life our second life third light and so and that's why one reason why the flood takes place the traditional flood it
wipes out a lot of the remaining creatures that were trapped and not able to get out and come into a human form to incarnate okay so let's start now with the human bodies if the rest was bizarre think of it as you just blacked out and had a bizarre flashback and you know and you're just now listening so you won't remember any of what I just shared if it was too out there so let's start again in a sense with human bodies we incarnate we incarnated again and again as soon as we incarnate we're starting to work on any issues in our
consciousness even if you just flew in from the universe and you come into a body you're still gonna say Who am I what am i what is this thing I got now this body your your thought relationships will become your human relationships everything happening inside like psychologically spiritually and so on is going to be projected and lived on the outside how well many ways but the primary way is through our relationships so when we say and let me now start really tuning into this about relationships when we say I have a lot of bad luck with men or women or
partnerships marriages commitments children whatever it is those typically are not out of the blue they're coming from somewhere we're having challenges because we are challenged we're we're kind of there's a saying in the Bible there's nothing new Under the Sun one meaning to that is we're we're reliving our stuff you know what we think is happening like you know all too often for the first time is not for the first time it might be the first time in this form but there's traces of it somewhere because whatever is
unhealed in me will get worked out in my external life that which we do not work out through healing we will live out in our feelings and in our lives so you know we're kind of we're kind of in this and somebody says how can I deal with I'm having a heartbreak today and again each part of this talk could in itself be its own talk so tune into this that somebody says somebody broke my heart I mean I was in this relationship it ended and they broke my heart and you know I saw this gal just today and it was interesting because I said hey how you
doing haven't seen her in maybe a year or two hey good to see you how you doing her first response was I'm fat I was like okay and then she goes right into I mean haven't seen her in years and and she I'm fat okay and she said well I am i gained 80 pounds my dad died I haven't totally processed it my life's a mess and so on and and also this all triggered before dad that some guy dumped her she said and so she just started nose-diving now understand the guy dumping her isn't the problem the
guy dumping her is there it is again see to her this happened before not just in this lifetime in other lifetimes but in this lifetime too what I'm saying is that we carry all this stuff with us and then we meet somebody and we dump it on them look I've been betrayed many times I want you to be the person to not do that to please fix me now and that person's carrying that needless to say when they betray you if they betray if they let you down if they leave it even if they die there's a loss and remember you're
not having the let down loss betrayal or whatever of just that moment every loss from every lifetime is riding on today's losses all we're doing is reliving the past constantly of course in miracles' I see only the past you see it's just reliving and and it's you know the good news is it's because if you can get it you realize this thing that's come around again like a betrayal if I work on and truly truly thoroughly heal the betrayal today I'm actually healing all betrayals throughout all lifetimes
that's how efficient healing is oh I just clear betrayal that's kind of cool there's this person who's been insensitive when you think of him as a jerk or whatever they're so insensitive but at the same time when you realize why were you so hurt when they left why were you so upset why were you so devastated because you had so much stuff riding on that relationship you see it's God there's just so much hidden beneath the surface saying I have a relationship is like saying I have the tip of an iceberg look at me I have a
relationship and if I think I love them there's a lot of stuff riding behind that behind that if I say I'm mad at them for doing something there's a lot of stuff behind that what I know about my life what I know about my relationship with you you know this other person whoever it is there's so much beneath the surface you know somebody says I'm really devastated I'm so angry I'm so hurt whatever it is that someone left me I never just go oh well it's yeah it's all about the other person leaving I will when it's the
right timing I will ask them to become aware of all the times they lost someone and let's say for example I I saw a client this week who said you know my dad left when I was 1 or 2 or whatever right and it's like how does that not hurt come on so dad left me when I was a couple years old he left a family my mom was never the same she was sad she was depressed she drank I mean that child's absorbing that and and that if I if I were saying if that child were me I can tell you here's what I'm feeling dad leaves mom's
devastated we're depressed there's a financial strain now all of a sudden in my mind here's the program program isn't just I wish daddy were here the program is also if only he hadn't left that's a big statement if only if only he hadn't left mom wouldn't be drinking if only he hadn't left mom wouldn't be sad if only he hadn't left we wouldn't have financial issues and so on so now later in my life or five lifetimes later let's say my thoughts that if only dad or the mail doesn't leave could still be
carried with me to where I have terror at the idea of a male partner let's say leaving me because underneath it it's ruined my life before it's ruined households before me it's just terrible and so I have that kind of a reaction to it you know there are people who you know I've seen children who I was asked to work on who you turn on a faucet of water the sound of water running said there's one child into terrifying scream attacks like terror of like terrified it wasn't just like oh I kind of don't like water running the kid went nuts over the
sound of water running you know that can't be that's something visceral there's something there in the mind so we you know work on that another person it's you know there's the there's the ambiguous things like the there's the creature under the bed kind of stories you know that some people have and it's not a real thing it's actually an archetype all my fears are under the bed it's not there's not a thing it's all of my fears there's a monster outside daddy
it's all of my fears are the monster outside so those are psychological Bugaboos and creatures and whatever boogeyman and so on but there's there's the more tangible so to speak where it's not an archetype but a memory a thing a specific thing so some of us are having a problem how do you know how come you don't have a relationship why can't I have a relationship I don't I don't have them they don't work or or I can't even find one it's the strangest thing it's
I've been without a relationship Michael for 25 years and instead of going oh that's terrible get on you know easy hookups calm I'm gonna say why don't we look at what that's about because I'll tell you this much even without a lot of searching let's just use one example let's pretend in the past law if you were a nun and that word means a lot of things it means nun nun relationships nun fun you know it none of anything good you know there's there's vows of poverty
vows of chastity you know I mean you as a nun you literally are are shaming the idea in fact you're you're considered to be Wed betrothed to God or Jesus so so the very idea of a relationship is a sin and I come in with that program you don't think that might affect you of course even have a relationship means I'm betraying my love for God and even as I just said that I started picking up that some of you are crying as I'm talking about that you know and I'm sorry it's it's let it cry it out because you were wrong we were wrong to
think that to think that you know you did something wrong by okay I think I'll come back now and have romance oh no I have this subconscious pattern that says somehow you know it's naughty it's bad it's it's not allowed you know so what can I do just I don't shame having been a nun but instead oh well I did that didn't I when was that is that today no I've already done that it's like done complete stamp by be done with it closed the chapter close the book I did that don't shame it even learning from it god
I wish I hadn't done that because that made me somehow believe in needing to go without relationships there was nothing wrong with with being devotional to God yeah there's also some negative things we've picked up from lifetimes but you know try to look at what you gained from it learn from what wasn't so good and move on and grab hold of what was so good I love that I was devotional to God I really loved that I feel so you know proud because a lot of people live real shallow and they're not into God and yeah I gave a whole lifetime or two or
whatever to God so find the positive out of it but understand that past lives can you know teach us things Minoo to take with us but also they can stifle us they can smothers they can control us and usually they are humans that aren't awakened are nothing but controlled by everything without realizing it even if they they know how to yell and be loud and act all independent that's just that's just a game we play I did a talk you'll see it somewhere in our catalog I think it's called false false weakness and false
strength that's something like that check that out that's only just a few weeks ago it was a live talk at unity of Sedona and that that false weakness that it's a false humility and the false strength those of us who act so loud and would like look at a confident clear person sometimes that's just compensation because if you're not awakened you are being controlled to some degree by genetics by race by culture by people's opinions childhood programs you know you come in with past lives you come in then with childhood
issues and then you have to deal with young adult issues and even today so might the set the self you see me who I present to you any of us is going to be a conglomeration of a collection of all of my past an awakened person starts peeling off the all of my past stuff we start to go well you know know what you meet here is me it's a greater version a truer version of me as a soul now I'm still a person who's had lifetimes but I took the negative lifetimes and said you will not smother me control me I in fact I learned from you what I
wanted to learn so you are gone like you're your air you're just just dissipated and I've extracted what I wanted from it and I'll use that thank you it could be you know anything from artistic sense to a knack for scent being sensitive intuitive or whatever I'm gonna take that with me I don't need to take the lifetime and drag it along with me a master extracts what they want a value from something and moves forward that's for starters then that's of the negatives but then
there's the positives it's the same thing even the positives we don't want to dwell on we can say listen you know I was once you know a a happy historic character everybody liked me I was a queen of whatever a gyp and now everybody should still like me because of that that's only gonna cause you harm in fact a lot of people you run into that are struggling with entitlement sometimes it's from this lifetime but there are people that are born with it they come in and they just think they are if they're an only
child sometimes that'll perpetuate it but and so we think only child the only child syndrome has is the reason for that before they were an only child they might have been something significant or semi significant a legend in their own mind and they came in saying I need to be you know pampered I need to be praised you know and so we come back as an only child because we can't afford any competition we want to have all the praise so the only child thing could be a psychological reason but you might have been an only child because of past
life reasons so we come in and we carry these things with us and our job ultimately is to look at relationship obstacles oppressions stifling moments areas of our life where we're we're we're not feeling free because as I awaken I am bidding farewell to the the the control past lives have had on me and I start to become more like I get to choose God and I cuz God too will pitch in with this saying let's utilize your intuitive skills with your skills of command and confidence but using it for greater good rather than personal lacks
and fears compensations so it's kind of cool how it all starts to to work if we just work it well if we if we put things in you know in perspective you can say what that I can't forgive my ex well because they left me careful you're not just mad at them for what they did if there is such a case in your life in this lifetime or a boyfriend from high school it's not just what they did in this lifetime it's what it means to you and a lot of times the meaning is rooted in past lives but even in this lifetime
for example if I had really great parents and they taught me that I was wonderful now I'm saying to myself let's say I'm a female and I say I really was brought up to know that I have value and that's really healthy obviously and I'm glad I had really great parents a lot of people don't have that but let's pretend this is an ideal situation and I'll still show you how it can nosedive so an ideal situation still now when I go and date someone because of past lives not my childhood past lives there's a little something unresolved or unhealed in me a
question a doubt I have about my value despite this life doing pretty well I have a question mark or a you know an issue perhaps with my value maybe I have a karmic thing I have to pay up so I meet somebody who I'm like pitter-patter over wow this person you know I met a guy or a girl that I'm in attracted to and this is kind of cool and we give them our body we give them our heart we you know and they just stomp on it after a while that pretend to be in love they use us physically and they dump us okay now why did that happen if the parents
didn't contribute to such a thing sometimes deep inside I'm still saying to that partner I was so loved and taken care of I need you to do that for me now you need to be my new version of a parent and often they can't live up to that so what we do is we end up getting hurt were mad at them not just for using us but for us being dumb enough and I'm using a figure of speech meaning sometimes we feel that way we're mad at ourselves for being dumb enough man I mean I had a great life my parents were and so I was feeling healthy and and you
know uh pure sexually in and so and I gave that to you and you ruined it I'm not just mad that you betrayed me I'm mad that I wish I would have picked something that would have lived up to that standard that I had I'm just explaining examples of how there's layers of things there's other angles that we missed sometimes so needless to say those those other angles those other perspectives when you start bringing in past lives guys if you've only had ten lifetimes and you likely had more lots I mean there could be a thousand but if
you've only had ten lifetimes if you had two it still carries with it enough stuff to really affect us in this life to pushing and pulling us so in a past life I was someone who was a free thinker but people laughed at me okay no problem I still know that I was right in my free thinking right great now I'm born again but I have this subtle sensitivity about people laughing at me when I'm expressing my opinions you know and you know you get some friends behind you going I need to be heard I need to be honored and so on and they'll say
yeah that's right you know but getting people to agree with you doesn't heal you the truth is I have this sensitivity and it could be you know we carry all kinds of issues that we think are just from this lifetime and they're not you know even the fears of commitment like I said we can project I am only committed to God and I can't commit to other people there's that kind of stuff there are people that are for example organically gay or organically straight but there are also people who are gay because they've been priests in other
lifetimes monks and they felt a certain affection or nuns and they they felt and lived certain affections for each other they had almost a closeted version of relationships literally and figuratively with the same gender and they come back in this lifetime with that attraction or that confusion for some of them it's a good when it's not organic and thorough in your being you're living out a confusion so some of us are going if we just get that as I'm just going to start wrapping up now I want to look at solutions if
you start getting wait a minute this can be a compulsion from the past rather than inspiration in the present no you know some of us it's I feel aligned inspired and it's organic I am a musician I am gay I am straight I am this I am that I love this I love that I'm not into that I'm not into that or it's just there it's thoroughly like sometimes we can learn when we wake up we start to see when it's really clear and organic but to get there we have to start owning the ones that are not real and that takes a little bit of a you
know blow to the ego in more ways than one just the blow to the ego that I thought that I was in love with this person and I found out geez it was just a past life kind of a we met each other just to clear some old stuff you know who wants to think that oh you know I told everybody I loved that you know this person I sent out you know cards to everybody that we're gonna get married and they dumped me I feel really great now you know you don't usually say guess what everyone you can take back your toasters and exchange them at the store
because I have a revelation this wasn't real you know that's not the way humans react to those things it becomes can you believe that jerk did that and what's sad is our past life and current life hurts we carry with us affecting us onwards from this time and it need not happen the person you think harms you remember to help heal this to help turn it around towards a positive start remembering to connect the dots so this person hurts me all my hurts from all time are wrapped up it's not them you would be amazed I hope in a good way
there's the first amazing in a shocking way but in a good way you'll be amazed when you realize that when you when we put all this energy on that person and we thought they devastated us they can't they're just a part they're not there believe it or not they're just inconsequential they're there none beat their non valuable they're a nonentity no no that was my love of all my life no it isn't it's someone you thought that about you don't want to hear this but
you thought that because you put all this stuff on them you took all this I was never loved in another lifetime and I'm they're gonna be different this time this person's gonna prove my value and when they don't damn them but I put that on them I need to recognize my own value and I'm not just talking about becoming you know self-aware and detached from the world it's just that when we start to realize it all starts here I can start attracting people who are more authentically who they really are or more authentically part of my
life not compulsively pushing and pulling codependent relations but real things you know those of you who believe in soul mate type of things that there is such a thing but it's our connections to other people they some people are into twin souls and they say and and there is such a thing it's people who make a spiritual pact to accomplish something wonderful while they're here so we don't just have one we could have several you know maybe at least a few twin souls people that we have a pact to accomplish you know some of us haven't
even found one yet but that's because we were living from limited old ways of thinking and now when we start to wake up we become more a little more aligned with the idea of more and more soul mate relations meaning soul buddies from the past and twin soul relationships meaning pacts we have with certain couple individuals to do something wonderful it when we get our act together on the inside it starts manifesting on the outside when we don't have it together on the inside that's what manifests on the outside so it's an inside job you
know as we say about so many things but healing the past healing relationships you know it's it's all part of what you know we're here to improve and so remember this when you when you think you're angry at an ex somewhere you're not just angry at them or what they did it's everything you brought in to and put on to them into the relationship and put on them it's I want to feel loved oh you love me wow this is a great relationship they leave and you go you lied to me you made me think I was lovable and I'm mad at you now how dare
you but what you're really saying is with you was writing all of the other hurts from the past so now I'm not just mad at you I'm mad at the whole thing and it takes a responsible Awakening person to be able to own that like oh my gosh I get it I thought you know I thought it was you every time we have a letdown it means we had an agenda an attachment to something we put something on someone they can't let us down without there being something we put up they fell off the pedestal why'd you put him on the
pedestal I'm not saying don't have positive thoughts and hopes and aspirations but I'm saying it you know understand the real meaning we when we put people on a pedestal you be the person that'll never leave me you be the person that makes me feel valuable those people are gonna fall because nothing outside of us can actually bring us those things furthermore those things are not actually missing we think they are so we we bit the Apple in the Garden of Eden we bit the Apple we bit the lie that there's something wrong with us
then we bet the next lie which is someone out there can probably fix it for us and they never do so we stay in these karmic cycling around and around and around and we start to realize wait a minute I'm gonna get off the crazy you know spiral here and not be in the gravity the gravitational pull of a solar system a planet you know and and a galaxy and a universe that I'm just here to live a grave gravity kind of a life where I'm sucked in I'm free of it and now I'm holding a center even with the whirling still happening this isn't me
anymore oh my god I can't believe these people did them oh my god it's my childhood don't wait past lives it on and on and on so much you can't fix it you it's impossible to fix all that next just do this this spirals and you're centered wow I'm just I get it okay now things don't push and pull me I get it nothing new Under the Sun nothing has power over me and I start to become self-aware and I start to realize my value is right here I'm a wonderful soul in a way that I don't even know yet because I'm just waking up but also I
have a suspicion in that spiral there's lots of other individual souls that are also wonderful but I can't tell if they're wonderful because they're spinning around me and when I'm desperately spinning I try to cling on to something that's also spinning so I can try to hold on to it like it's a partnership but I realize I only grabbed it because I'm desperately being spun around so what you do you're you're you know the impulse is to grab hold of something when your car slides on ice you you grip the wheel harder as though
that's gonna help you know it's just a natural survival technique so relationships are nothing but us gripping clenching onto something for a pseudo sanity and instead they just become part of the problem gosh the poor guy poor girl girls guys poor parents you know they never stood a chance I was never even centered enough to get to know partners and bring them their real meat oh my god what have I done so sorry guys so sorry I I was in such a state you couldn't see the real me it's like I
was so ill and I woke up and realized you had visited the hospital and I'm so embarrassed I look like hell and you know and it's just terrible situation right and that's how we all look on earth we all just are pretty freaky looking in in a full-on post-surgical kind of experience and people we show ourselves and we feel terrible we can wake up and start to realize we have shown the not best part of us you saw me when I was upset you saw me when I was scared you oh so sorry but I'm now getting to know the real me would any of
you like to get to know the real me if so great if not I understand because I've been free at times so you know I would understand why you might not want to incarnate with me or share any time with me that's totally understandable see it's easy it's like centered no investment but for those of you who are interested great it'd be cool cos I'm getting to know me if you're open to it I'd like to get to know you from this deeper place who are you not who are you in your brokenness
compulsions and unhealed wounds from past lives who are you now that you're extracting the valuable pieces of then good and not-so-good parts of your past lives and assembling a new person because you're going to go through three selves the totally false self broken the healing self which is the one that starts to assemble a new self and then the divine self so that's our journey we came from divine to a semi-divine to a broken self and everybody's been living living from the broken cell trying to actually have relationships as though
that's gonna work without even realizing you know why we react the way we do it's not just childhood stuff not even just young adult stuff you know it's even past lives so try to imagine the weight of all that oh my god Michael this guy's Michael's talking and this makes sense how was I ever gonna manage all of that and that's the weight of the world where we're trying to wear masks under the pressure of so many things at once hi there nice to meet you I'm my name is Joe and and I'm looking for a good partner you know you seem like a really
great person I feel a nice connection and yet cracks you know um I hope we can spend some time together cracks you know like that I mean it's kind of a great sci-fi concept you know here you are presenting yourself to the world any of us and and if we pay attention there's all these cracks and we look at that person as though I am not seeing those cracks I am NOT because we don't want them to see the cracks that we're producing on our masks because those masks are saying hi nice to meet you and I would love to yes we really are
hitting it off and I would love to marry you I do and so on I'd love to part or with you or whatever instead of and oh my god I'm remembering I was once a nun you were a priest and you used to toy with us nuns and control us and push and pull and have you know the church behind you oh my god I hate you I hate the church I hate priests I hate black outfits I don't know why you know and and all this is panicking inside of us we're in fact oh if we could see it oh I don't want you to be the father of my children you were the father in another
life I didn't like you then and I don't like the games now so what say we just go by you know peace out bye you know you might go back to that church thing you might not that's your business but for me I kind of feel clear and I'm not dissing Church I'm saying it's just a metaphor one example of a person having problems how can that not haunt you childhood is enough to haunt us imagine that you've had a thousand childhoods ten childhoods and let's say eight of them didn't go well guys there it is
this stuff haunts us your commitment to doing recovery work you know 12-step recovery work your commitment to doing counseling your commitment to doing spiritual work meditation all the work we're doing one of the roles functions of doing all the work we do is to dismantle the past so I don't have to give you a recipe or remedy per se other than stay on your journey and deepen what you think it was you're not just meditating so that you can say oh I saw pretty light while I was meditating you're dismantling the
past in your meditations your 12-step working on you're trying to dismantle the past so that you can shift who you are in the present and then open up to an unlimited future there's a huge purpose to all the work we're doing it's not happenstance it's not half you know with only half meaning it's very beautiful very deep and again if you heard me I'm not dissing past lives in general nor the belief in them nor the meaning of them I'm saying there's a point where they have controlled us and enough is enough
now I'm going to take control God and I and decide what parts of my past are a value to me today so that I can create a new future I got and I you know I will decide not it will decide my life and make me act compulsively where if I see somebody in red I just get it I get a headache and I start getting nauseous and I have to leave a room because they're wearing it because of some past life you know it's I don't have to act compulsively anymore all of a sudden there's not certain foods or people or races that
trigger me I saw what it was I learned how to track it look and release it and it all becomes neutral it all becomes it's all neutral there's I have no false loves or hates in my being anymore now everything's in the moment I'm at peace with it all nothing's pushing nothing's pulling I'm centered I pray that all made sense okay thanks for listening that was kind of nice and kind of cool and I appreciate it that you know you tune in and hopefully we shared enough specific answers to some thoughts you might have