Heaven is Almost Here
you know what this world needs is or the only thing that can make the world better or the only thing that will change the world and this is very important i mean think about this for just a sec what's the first thing that enters your mind what we need the like the only thing that can help the world is what the only thing that can help the nation the only thing that will make earth a better place is what maybe name two or three things if you want but tune into that for a sec type them in share them with each other while
you're watching and part of what i'm leading to is that it's kind of strange because every answer that is to say 99 of the answers are going to be wrong no matter what you say people are going to say we need a new politician we need a new this we need a better support for children better you know support for children with special needs what we need is more equality of gender or equal pay or what we need is racial equality everybody's got these differing opinions and you know that's fine but they're all
incorrect not one thing not one thing we can do or implement in this world not one material thing will actually save the day it's not possible because you can't correct a world that's been messed up with the same minds that messed it up what i mean is we have to come back to humility guys we have to come back to look you know i mean at what point do you just say i guess we might not know how to fix it you know at what point are the big oil companies drilling in the earth and ocean oil spills killing everything at what
point do they go well maybe this isn't the best thing now a lot of us can go we totally agree with that they should learn their lesson but earthlings in general human human beings don't do that they keep thinking there's something else that will change things and then you have kind of a buzz kill like me coming along to say none of that's going to work you know so you can get ticked off and you know change channels or stay on and complain about it but still not going to fix it even if you complain about this or um
shut it off because you don't like this kind of commentary you're not going to stop it there's it's it's there people like me you know will say these things so the only way we could really implement initiate a change is from the inside meaning if you're going to fill in the blank it has to be something related to god more communion with god more humility in our placement with god more request for guidance on what we could do every day those are the only things that will change the world the world we've created
is designed to fail the human beings here they've got this propensity towards greed and you know do what it takes to make more money so you can you know rule the world or whatever what a shame you know and yet we can say that's really unfair and be mad at those people but studies have been done that's have proven that if you distributed all the earth's wealth evenly equally amongst all the human beings here we'd have about a day and a half of you know we all get money but shortly thereafter they have proven that
it would be back into the hands of those who had it in the first place and out of the hands of those who didn't so why is that is it because somebody is bad taking it it actually isn't it's that there are people who think nothing but about nothing but money so they tend to want it manage it and it's their thing and then there are people who have issues wounds around money fears around money or beliefs in lack and they keep sabotaging themselves so giving the money equally won't cure it because everybody's going to end up
back in their hyper greed or hyper need state of being because that's their thinking so and i i've learned that a little bit in you know my own way sometimes the hard way but and you know trying to help people and offer this and gift this and so on and so on but i learned the difference between a miracle worker and a rescuer or an enabler and we all have to learn that but just because you've got some money doesn't mean you hand it to those who don't because that actual that actually could be the most
harmful thing that anybody can do that to them today it's important to help teach them it's important to help educate i don't mean just on how to handle money but educate on how they got there and you know a lot of people get confused about this jesus saying you know a rich man cannot enter heaven he has a better chance of like a camel getting through the eye of a needle we don't need to worry about exact interpretations of that and so on right now i'm just saying the point is he's saying it's it's next
to impossible or the old saying money is the root of all evil and so we say oh no no those are bad statements they're incorrect they're misinterpreted just for a minute let's pretend that they're at least half correct then why were they said why is that kind of a consistent teaching in the bible there's all kinds of negative reasons the church used it for their own you know means of course now you know a lot of that got twisted um but why why is it there even if it's 50 accurate why because
this concept of being out of control makes us feel powerless the more we get money the more we feel powerful and so there's people that are addicted to that those who can't seem to pull that together that false power they are going to drink and have poverty and live lives that you know multiplying more and more children that don't need to be brought into this world they're going to do things that poverty people do and then what's strange is the world tries to figure that out and solve it all kinds of theories well if the rich
people just gave more money to them that would not cure them and if the poor people take more of the rich people's money that will not cure them the problem is a thinking problem it's a consciousness problem so when i say that we're almost there heaven is almost here what i mean by that is in one respect or by some thought systems heaven is already here meaning not only is it an invisible dimension right here which is kind of true but also that we never even left heaven there's a part of us let's just say that
we have just like we say we have a conscious and a subconscious self right if we can believe that then ima imagine that it's possible to have a a human and a spiritual self both existing at the same time i have a right brain and a left brain but i have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind and i have a human self and a spiritual self so we believe the conscious and subconscious are here at the same time we believe that you know some things that would seem convenient for us to believe are here at the same time
you know you can't see the air but you know it's there you see the earth so you say it's there they're both there at the same time well spirit is there at the same time that matter is there and so heaven is here just like earth is here i don't mean the heavens you know the universe stars and such i mean the consciousness of god is actually here and buddha said it's actually right here all you need to do is lift the veils to see it oh excellent thanks for that 4-1-1 mr buddha you forgot to tell us exactly
how we're going to do that and he says no actually i did tell you how i told you exactly how this happened which is people forgot who they are they lived in ignorance became afraid grasped at anything they could to give them a certain certain sense of semblance in their life and those things they grab onto they will lose now or later then they will end up suffering the whole all of that buddhism all wrapped up in a single kind of concept i just shared and it's consistent with what i said a minute ago those people who feel afraid they're
going to either try to control one way they do it is the power through the money the others are going to be kind of collapsing into a depression because they don't know how to get that money so they give up or take from others kind of a strange concept world war one world war ii here comes world war three where is it world war three won't be like the others in many respects edgar cayce said you better watch out folks because world war iii is a battle between a war between the haves and the have-nots those who have and those who don't have
meaning the desperation on planet earth is going to reach an impasse where people more and more are going to fight in in like a duality god look at what's happening man i think it's amazing it's not great but it is amazing what's amazing to me is that people aren't seeing what's happening more and more there's arguing about president and senate and this and that and the other even in even in professional sports there's all these arguments starting to happen about whether they should stand
or kneel when they pray or whatever they're just athletes you know let's not make them into god's like what they do matters you know they drink a certain soda oh i got to drink that soda they're athletes you know they're they're not necessarily the pillar of what we should be looking at as our example of spiritual well-being although some of them are very spiritual and some are not but i'm saying they're just that they're just a thing need not worship a celebrity need not worship
an athlete and so on so there's all this duality going on and i'm thinking this is pretty ironic people are actually arguing about these dualities and it's kind of funny they they each think that they have something valuable to say there's the only thing valuable in the universe is god and only when god speaks is it valuable and god only speaks love so as soon as you sit there and start complaining about each other right wrong right wrong you're automatically then wrong and have nothing of value to say
you might have something of value hidden beneath what you're saying but then why not find that kernel of truth and get to that and share that heaven then is actually right here you think you're going to see it while you rise up in one argument against another or have somebody rise up against you in an argument you know i think sometimes people think i'm almost too detached because i say you know i don't i don't read newspapers um and in in no way do i feel that that that there's that many um
human beings that are more intelligent than i am and i don't mean iq but more intelligent than i don't feel walking around feeling threatened by other people being smarter because they read a newspaper in fact i think it's um kind of an unhealthy compulsion to do that you're reading what well i got to know what's going on by whose standards do you know you don't think that the news on tv or the newspaper isn't controlled by somebody that wants you to believe something you know it's all very manipulated so
here we say at one point heaven is right here but clearly it doesn't look like it so what i'm saying is there's two things that appear to be true or at least people believe to be true heaven is actually right here heaven is far away and i would say instead of which one's right i would say they're both right they're both right in this heaven is right here that's a fact it's the truth it is here but it is invisible to us most of the time by frequency vibration and so on those who say heaven is you know
zillions of miles away meaning not just the distance but man's ability to experiences is far in the distance that's also true which sounds like well i just contradicted myself and i didn't they're both true in a multi-dimensional universe two seemingly opposite things can simultaneously be true so it is true that heaven is also far away sadly what does that mean though in distance again no it means mankind appears to be far away is it well how could it be really far away when it's here and now
then how can both be true because it appears to be far away meaning again mankind seems to not yet make it their first love their first priority to once again find god experience god be god and bring god to the world when that becomes a priority we'll say here we are you know the saying random acts of kindness again why oh because it'll it'll it'll it'll save us you know just like if you become a vegan it's going to change your fa save you those things of themselves will not save us random acts of kindness are
an act that should be coming from an even deeper more profound sense of light and self-worth if i'm not you know if it isn't the real me that's doing the random acts of kindness i can still be doing gratuitous things i can still say watch me i'm going to pay this person's bill oh look at me i can still make that an egotistic thing and you know the the random acts of kindness can just also just be lip service is what i'm saying if it comes from an authentic why am i doing random acts why are you doing
random acts why do you do why do you watch this show if it doesn't come from because i believe this is all that really matters that doesn't mean i won't change my child's diapers or get them to school when they're old enough on time i'm not saying don't do anything else i'm saying what is the priority what's the first most important thing and if god's the most important thing you can bet it'll get you to your kid's school on time it's when we run on our own energy that
we run into problems when we run on our own accord which obviously is an ego thing i've said before i'll say it again edgar cayce was asked what's the number one flaw of mankind he said self it's all it is self self then becomes selfish you know that that self becomes i lack something like buddha said and i'm going to go out and get it for myself even when people say i need to be heard is all too often coming from a wounded or flawed or broken self it's not necessarily coming from the god self
you think the god self says now i need to be heard think about it you know do you can you picture that maybe jesus wasn't really that great of a teacher maybe just he was insecure and he just was like i need to be heard blessed are the meek and i hope you're all listening because i need to be heard he didn't care if you didn't hear him he didn't care can you imagine jesus he's he's the person who said those of you who are listening and get ticked off at what i'm saying it's because your your father is the
devil you know like wow he's not bridging exactly is he you know he's not even trying to make friends you know you're let me make this clear folks that's because my father is god and yours is the devil that's like a a schoolyard argument my dad can beat up your dad you know your dad is the devil mine is i mean like you would almost think that's inappropriate to say but what he's saying is the truth he's saying the reason you people get ticked off at what i'm saying is because you are listening to the
wrong guide you're listening to the inner liar the ego that's trying to ruin your ability to hear me to hear light to hear love and he's saying and i swear to you i am coming from the light and he says look at what i'm doing just because my words trouble you or upset you track it look inside and see why if you have some real legitimate reason okay share that with me but really you know it's amazing he's so confident like buddha too and other great teachers men and women throughout history that
didn't they just knew what they were saying was the truth now not necessarily the truth comparing and competing with other truths but they just they just knew what they were saying was the truth as much as they pers could understand the truth in that time in the moment and and how much they could present it to the people around so when we say random acts of kindness make sure we're coming from the deepest most profound place and secondly you know those acts to other people of course have to remain unattached
we just do them because not only do we know they're coming from love in us but we know those other people deserve it if you do it thinking they're going to appreciate it in a certain specific way or with specific words it's not going to work out so well so you have to actually know that people people deserve it i think most of us would say if we see a wounded animal a wounded dog and it's growling when we try to help it usually we don't say well then die you know you deserve to die big dog because
you're growling at me we don't with huma with humans we're not as patient for some reason i won't go into the reasons why but i'm saying think about it we're not as patient with people because they push our buttons more and we're more you know tied into them in different ways but isn't it strange that an animal we could be more patient you know when i think about this person on this interview saying this would change the world i really feel compassion for them because i realize you know i know that you know you know
your art your music i know that you're very popular i know that you really believe the world needs to change a b c and d and so on but it's sad because you can tell the person doesn't really believe in god doesn't know god doesn't have a relationship with spirit and that's to their own admission and without that how are they really how are they going to find the peace they're looking for and that's all okay because there's such a thing as reincarnation so they'll get another chance or a
thousand more chances if they need but when i'm looking at all this situation the world the heavens reality illusion and and where's our answers and what's going to happen and are we going to get it again heaven's right here and yet it seems far away but it's only far away because of the behaviors of mankind the thought systems the res their refusal to change i have so often talked with people and shared with people and sometimes i mean they're in audience they talk to me after they email they
text like you guys they post something and they're like wow wow this guy really has it together and they become fans or students or friends or whatever you want to call that all i need to do is say one thing that they don't agree with and they're gone which means the love was never real in the first place now if i were them i would go geez if if my love can die it wasn't even there and if this love respect i felt for whomever you know gandhi or whomever and then you know we we hear like people
love gandhi or mother teresa then there'll be some ridiculous piece of news posted somewhere usually on the internet but they post something somewhere about did you know that this person had this flaw and then people oh okay well i guess i don't like them as much as i thought i did i do my best that if you know when i see a person and i respect a person a teacher whatever i try to never lose the love i might not prefer their style of music there are some things that confuse me about people sometimes not really confused but you know
figuratively one of one of the most popular musicians of all time success wise dollars wise pop musicians popular man big act was also known for singing about saving the planet really really important songs clean the oceans man we got to clean the oceans or topics about you know being healthy and fresh air and all these great concepts let's save the planet and yet this person was a flaming addict about of just about every kind constantly in trouble over their addictions and i'm not saying that's bad or that
makes them evil i'm saying that even for me it becomes kind of sad and confusing like wow to be so close heaven is right here and yet to be so far the truth is you will not be able to reconcile those two things you can only in accepting them as a paradox why did this musician have so much love for the planet and so little for themselves think about it and that is a hypocrisy and not a good thing none of our hypocrisy are good they always come back to bite us in the butt however besides the heaven you know is here and also far away in the middle
is eden which means don't wait for the one that's far away man i'm telling you there are some people that recognize that heaven is so far away that they'll even take their own lives they may not know that that's what they're feeling but i know that's what they're feeling because that's a very disparaging thing to come to understand just to sit and you know i i work with so many different kinds of people of so many different climbs and walks of life but i hear it man and i see it i know and i'm sorry
i say you know i know it's it's difficult if you focus on how far away it seems but really it seems doesn't mean it is but when you really get a grip on how far it seems like even jesus says and of course in miracles it took you guys let's say a million years to get in the position you're in just pretend it's 1 million he says then technically if you're the world is starting to wake up now spiritually he says technically it should be an equal amount of time to get back if you have strayed a million years away
it takes you a million years to get back and in all fairness that's true i mean really that's a fair answer which is really discouraging in my opinion but he says it should take an equal amount of time to get back but then he says but time is under our control meaning miracles disperse time one miracle can disperse years it can disperse years he talks about that in the course he says recognizing certain things just even epiphanies can take he says you know thousands of years off of your life's your lifetimes and clearly he must be
meaning that you have other lifetimes you know reincarnation so we can trim all this down by just getting our act together and and making spirit a greater priority so the last kind of main two themes i want to finish on is that the eden eden means i'm not going to focus that it's a far you know heaven is far away but i'm also not going to just pretend that i see it all the time because i don't see it all the time what i'm going to do is start trying to see it more my here and now moments start to become
more forgiving more loving more like heaven but what is it called when you say something is like heaven when you say heaven on earth it doesn't mean you don't have heaven and you only have earth heaven on earth when you have something like heaven it's called eden eden is the halfway point between heaven coming to earth and halfway between earth coming to heaven and several of you have heard me say this many times that you will not go to heaven as you are we all will enter that higher dimensionality
first and live kind of a fifth dimensional experience for a good long period of time although times an illusion a good period of time where we will have a heaven on earth like experience and how to do that to me is internal first always internal more love more forgiveness more patience more tolerance more looking at ourselves if you say you're patient tolerance and you practice random acts of kindness and you don't know how to look at your own garbage when you're triggered i don't care how much you can justify
that other person did something you don't like you're actually deceiving yourself if you can't see that i don't need your random acts of kindness thank you i don't need your bumper stickers because you're not living it i love love i love people that live the love that's so cool it could be a two-year-old and it can be a 102 year old it's people that just get it and as much as we all can stand in circles and chat together that doesn't mean we actually get that it means we're aspiring to it
it means that we would love to have that and feel that feeling of true inspiration in god so we get in circles and we we work it you know we we're having fun implementing it as best we can but when you leave that circle if you break the consciousness and not take it with you you're still failing the implementation the actual integration anything that's not integrated is hypocrisy but anything not integrated will be lost that's why i've said many times if you have beauty and you misuse it or you don't use it properly
you will lose it in this life or another if you have money and you misuse it or you don't use it properly you will lose it next time around or whenever you can't you get away with not integra integrating means i get it i don't just have money i have prosperity and if i truly have prosperity in my consciousness i'm constantly giving and sharing you know one thing i did man years ago many years ago i got a retreat i bought a retreat center and it was beautiful we could do workshops and all that there
but um it was kind of interesting because the bank said here's a bunch of money tens of thousands of dollars for you to you know build the buildings and all that well i did we put you know paid contractors i did all that but i'm holding this cash you know more or less and i'm like wow i have a thousand dollars paid the contractors they're still a thousand dollars i didn't know i couldn't think of what to do with another other than giving it away i mean it was probably to some people standards
completely irresponsible but they're going you know like i'm tithing for some of the money i got from the bank the loan they go you don't you don't tithe from a loan it doesn't count because you still have to pay it back and with interest how do you know that tithing it won't come back to you with interest so but that's that's how my brain works it worked that way then and now and of course when people are saying no you shouldn't be tidy you shouldn't be giving that away you need it for one
more set of drapes over one window when you're building this retreat center i i never thought that it would do me much good to think save it for a rainy day because something might you know go wrong and so make sure you you stow it away you know jesus was saying great barrier your money in the dirt like as a savings he says the you know the earth's going to eat it up and its critters are going to eat it up go ahead hide it here put it there it's going to deteriorate even if it's gold or silver it'll it will eventually rot away he
says store things up in heaven which is in here so really we're better off being good people sharing what we have i'm not saying go out and spend every love your last dime certainly not your rent and things that you need to be responsible for or with but i am saying that's how i was you know if i've got extra money go ahead and pay for somebody's food in the line that you're in you know go ahead and pay somebody's toll away i mean why not if you have it if you're struggling ask for some help
and receive miracles from people that will sense that they can help you i mean i just believe that when you see heaven on earth one symptom of it is that people are helping each other not pitifully but actually understanding i'm not helping you because i feel sorry for you if i feel sorry for you i've already condemned you as being less than a holy being i want to help you because that's the role you're playing right now and this is the role i'm playing i have a few extra dollars let me share
that with you you know so it's such a beauty to it for me anyway i know some people get stressed about these kinds of ideas that i'm sharing but eden you can't be saying you want heaven when you haven't even learned how to integrate eden you know eden is what giving and love and forgiveness and implementing this to the best of our ability first on the inside a good loving person but i truly believe that if i don't see that good loving person on the outside i'm still seeing a contradiction a
conflict so how do i bring it to the outside and that's what i meant by you know a little extra payment a little extra here and there i just think it's important i just think it's helpful every time we see someone struggle and it's not just money it's like i said your beauty your words i go on tours and you know sometimes people are really struggling and what can i do to help not just internally externally that's why when i've talked about the world the condition of the world or even the future condition as it gets
maybe more severe i said i want to get a retreat again but a different kind it'll start maybe as a retreat like i had before to where teaching happens but i want to make it even more global more important for everyone not just the students that come there but i would like to see it changed to where we can we're creating this retreat which i call edenshire like a village of eden um where we can share foods like let's grow foods that we can help give to people let's let's bring in alternative energy that
we can share let's create houses that who knows one day people might have to come to like an ark a noah's ark kind of thing i do believe this is going to happen i do believe these things are needed whether we manifested or not that's just where we're at where we're at right now we're you know going in that direction we have a website in case you're interested edenshire.
org but what i was getting to was we have to bring this to the outside not just the inside so when i'm on tour god sometimes you can just tell that someone they go hi you know beautiful that was amazing lecture i say thank you but i can tell there's something more they need my hand on their shoulder they need a hug sometimes brushing their hair off of their face or taking their hand one extra time a smile please hear what i'm saying right now because i feel it as an inspiration and it brings miracles and i know we're all miracle workers so don't
underestimate that those little random acts of kindness are not just the big ones that we that they appear to be but in fact instead a different look a different view you know a different way of integrating and manifesting it i mean isn't that cool like let's do it so if you like what i said if you even heard what i said like wow that sounds nice you know for a spiritual teacher to kind of take a moment you know there was um leo buscalia i think is the way he usually pronounced it's been many years since i
met him and knew him but leo um was way back in like the 80s he was the guy at the end of a talk he would stand there and be willing to hug every person they'd all get in line he would hug every single person and not like thanks thanks next thanks like a typewriter next he would he would hold you and just download love i mean it was a beautiful thing it was it was his thing and he was known for that at the time and here it is you know 40 years later and i didn't forget that i thought it was beautiful that he did it so remember that these
acts of brushing the you know the the hair off a person's face how beautiful that is god i mean don't take it for granted and that's just not oh michael's so nice no i'm you what what are you doing you know so when you're looking on the other side of a counter of a checkout person but maybe a ticket counter in an airline or whatever wherever make sure you just stop for a second and say that was very kind of you thank you i did this on the airport coming back from dallas the other day they you know my god you know for
whatever reasons i didn't get the um pre-check so i got in the longer line so i'm going through the longer line that's kind of a bummer because you know you time things just right you get there and it's a little longer but i get through no problem i go through they pull one of my bags they typically do because i have cookies or something in it and for some reason don't ask me why it's true story that tends to ring the alarms they probably have vegans running the machines and that's why
but my you know my cookies and stuff tend to ring their alarms so they always take it out i say no problem you know they take it out but this time they went on and on and on searching you know make sure my cookies are real cookies make sure this is that and so on okay are we done no no no this time they had to pat me down they put on the gloves i'm thinking you got to give me your number first you know like no i'm kidding but are we really going to go here and would you like this in a private room or i'm
like isn't this funny because students might think oh it's when michael goes through the airport he probably floats through because he's a spiritual teacher and a lot of times that's how it feels to float beyond all the garbage but sometimes you're going to be tested and challenged with the other stuff what do you do so while i'm standing there i'm kind of like you know like okay bummer bored you know waiting waiting they're going to find anything you know but you know i'm waiting and then finally
this guy and then he goes on break now he's got a tag team with someone else who comes in he's got to tell him what things he did and didn't do then the other guy's going to start doing i'm like this is almost comedic but okay finally what we can often think these guys don't care you know they do whatever they're going to do and they don't care one of them that's finally gave me the bags back he said i'm really sorry about all the extra time i had already made up in my mind
that whatever they were going to say i was still going to maintain being kind then that created him being kind and he said i'm not saying that he wasn't kind in the first place i'm saying one thing deserves another one creates another so i i thought well i'm just going to be kind and he said you know i'm really sorry sir for all the extra time that took it was really a bit of a mess and i stop i look in his eyes and say you know i appreciate you saying that see i didn't have to have him say it but
let him know i appreciate you saying that you know and i know you know what you guys are doing is for the greater good there you go now his day is going to be different you know i didn't pay him i didn't tip him i didn't you know probably not even allowed to but all that was kind of it was was kindness your eyes your eye contact your smile a deep breath sometimes you know you never know a little levity who knows but the heaven does not come without eden first and eden is the random acts of kindness right
here right now as many as we can some days we're not in the mood for it that's the day you pray for someone else to bring you a little bit of eden and i close with just the idea in case um you're not familiar with it i i since i mentioned it only this much that we are wanting to create this center and um it happening in itself is an experience there's challenges so always remember this just because you have a challenge does not mean you're going the wrong way just because they practically strip search me
in the airport does not mean i'll never fly again although that's a decent consideration but just because there's an obstacle does not mean like some people say if there's an obstacle you're going the wrong way that is incorrect if you have an obstacle that is more it's greater in size and and power against you then the payoff that you're heading for then it's not worth it so what you need to do is make sure even though i have an obstacle the goal is still much bigger and the goal needs to be great the goal
needs to be god it needs to be love it needs to be forgiveness it needs to be friendship all those things so keep these things in mind for yourselves and if you want to know more about the eden shire that's a website like i said edenshire.org and there you can you know come and visit check it out but my guidance on this and a lot of people already joining in the idea um is we have to also ground not just talk it but ground a place like eden on earth therefore let's make something that looks beautiful let's make something
that feels peaceful let's make something that even has to deal with logistical things like organization and decisions but do them from a loving place and you know the alternative energy and the healthy or organic gardens and all that stuff to me it's back to eden it's let's get back to eden and um i pray that you guys get that and you that you're hearing this that this makes sense i pray that you can implement it in in your own life somehow but do understand the the goal of such things let them be inspirations don't just jump
on things but let them be inspirations do not think that an obstacle means you're going the wrong way sometimes it means you're being tested most of the time in fact you're being tested we set into a new direction in life and tests are going to come that doesn't mean you should cave but i will say this greater dependence on god walks you through those tests greater dependence on yourself and even if you get to achieve what you sought or saw you know set out for you're still you've still lost
the test you still lost the moment so if you don't end up with more god after each day after each test after each decision after each ending of a relationship or ending of a lifetime if you don't end something with more of god something is wrong please hear what i said energetically and figure out how to create your own inside first and then outside and if all you do is create a nice garden in your backyard that you can sit at and birds and butterflies come to it just soak it in a bit more of god on a tangible level