God First, Part 2
you know last week I talked about something I guess you could call it God first you know and and I think that that should be pretty much understood and all the years I've been teaching God first and it sounds to some people like philosophical you know kind of like even religious to some people but all the time I've been teaching from the very first talk back in around 1980 till now it's it's always been about this God first now I don't just walk around you preach those words but it's in
everything I've ever taught whether it was about intimacy and relationships or about Christ consciousness or about oneness there's always this feeling this vibe about God first because it's not but again it's not preachy but there's this concept of what could be more important than being guided and all the things we do and that people are thinking oh you mean like on a Sunday no no I mean I mean it is possible but more than possible it's inevitable that we're all going to get back to that place see
when we even when we first came to Planet Earth although we already believed in separation that's how we got here we got here and we lived in a sacred space a consciousness everything else is just a reflection of that the mother of Empires Lemuria this isn't a talk about Lemuria today but Lemuria was an ancient civilization pre Atlantis and that one you may not even believe in so if this is all a little out there just tune out for a minute alright think about a ballgame or something you know they on Sundays you
know but but the truth is there's this ancient civilization and and these people believed in sacred living but they didn't call it that because they didn't have to because that's all they knew they didn't have to you know we're now going to start a group and it's gonna be called you know breathing back into God or entering oneness or nobody had to think like that to even do anything because that's all they understood so that to me is beautiful so I but but if I had to give that thing a
name it would be called sacred living then it becomes grit sexuality sacred you know diet and health and wellness and holistic this and that at one time none of that had to be named not even sacred living but it was the lifestyle was sacred living and this was about making God a priority you can't have that without God but people are out there thinking they can we're gonna vote a new politician and that'll be the answer no they won't you they will not because if somebody even brings in a something called sacred
living consciousness first of all you can't even make it very far into politics with such thinking and if you do you're gonna be a wonderful beautiful guy you know like like Jimmy Carter who nobody thinks about because he's building houses he's not going out on tours charging hundreds of thousands of dollars for to be in his presence and they're not even worth being in the presence of this guy's building houses for you know people with less means that's what it should look like but
nobody remembers him because it's hard to adapt sacred consciousness into a place like politics I'm not saying it's impossible all we can do is a day at a time our forefathers tried that I mean they did something with it but I'm saying that the world of politics the world of medicine they're all against sacred living they make a living not allowing sacred living so not to be fooled it's not going to be by getting this thing to happen people can be hanging out at your local granola store
you know and they're thinking we're we're just hanging out here eating organically because we're all about sacred living really tell me about God oh you know God I don't really know about that I don't believe in that that's putting power outside yourself then don't call this sacred living you're just eating granola that's how you're doing you're not different there's nothing there's nothing fantastic happening there's no there's no angels swooping from the higher
heavens to be in your presence while you're not on granola they want to know what's happening in your soul so I'm glad you're taking care of your body but at some point you're going to come to realize I don't even have a body all this I was combing something that wasn't there petting something that wasn't there you're a soul and you better take care of your soul because that's all that matters so we have to feed our soul not the body now if you're feeding your soul properly
it'll guide you to the right diet and all that I get that but that's not your priority is the food your priority is not what the movies you watch but it can be soul food music isn't gonna be your thing that saves you but it is soul food to feed the soul but the soul needs to be the priority but even my soul can be starving if I don't plug it into God gotta plug it in just like your vehicle's nowadays you know plug it and let it get charged so the soul has to be alive so last week I was talking about
making God a priority and I even asked hey folks how many thoughts do you have a day it's in the hundreds of thousands incidentally but how many thoughts do you have a day and then how many of them are about God how many thoughts do you have about food about the body in some way do you realize almost every thought is somehow related to your body your limit itself which is really kind of weird I think I'm going to have a life where almost all of my thoughts are things that don't even exist it doesn't make any sense I'm
gonna worry about food to feed a body that I don't have I'm gonna think about illnesses related to a body that I don't have oh look a gray hair a wrinkle and all these things I'm gonna get somewhere on time well who's gonna get there on time your soul is already there it's all about this thing that we are not now I was saying look at the comparison of hours and minutes that in thoughts did go towards God now immediately people think I must mean you're supposed to walk around going you know all money
Padma you know money you know and reciting chants I told a funny story once George Harrison has had as a house you know broken into by somebody that came to kill him and the guy almost did it was one inch from his heart when he stabbed him but what's interesting to me is George was you know realized that this guy suddenly rushed into his kitchen and starts stabbing him and attack him and George is wrestling with the guy and his wife comes out of the upstairs room and she's yelling you know you know telling him you know how you
know something's going on watch out and be careful and all that but but George the whole time that he's wrestling with the guy he started reciting a mantra about giving up the body and dying so you just picture this you know wrestling that you know and I think it's just brilliant that's called faithfulness man even being attacked God God first I think it's great instead of let me save myself and think about God later and I'm not wrong anybody who doesn't do enough of this I'm just saying perspective how
much do we really think about God and then you think in terms of going you know it's got to be like religiously you have to wear certain things and you have to bow and and onto your knees and I don't mean that and I talked about the number of times so I'm saying there's really two ways that you think about God overtly speaking it may not always seem over but I mean it by term of choice one is fearfully and one is celebrational e1 is kind of am i doing this right and God you know and it's kind of like worrying
kind of like God is something in the sky watching over you and you want to know if you're doing okay that's better than not thinking about God and only thinking about yourself so that's good news but the other way to think about God is what if what if I need do nothing what if I'm already plugged in so in other words there's the type of person that is asleep asleep and they're not interested in any of this so they just think themselves a lot which is technically narcissism and people that think all
about themselves they're being narcissistic they're being selfish and so on his own and fear-based but then there's people who start thinking more about God and and they pray a little bit more and so forth and that's wise that's that's moving in the right direction we simplify that if we just remember to start and end each day with a bit of connecting I don't even want to call it prayer because that has too much of a negative tradition to it I'm going to pray to God in the sky
because I'm really messed up I'm hoping God will find pity for me that's not what I mean by prayer so I call it connecting or communing which is basically to open ourselves up with words if you like and welcoming God in so it's an it's a tied here I come and here you come it's like this beautiful communion until the movement in and out disappears and I am plugged in and then that's that's one way to do it and then it evolves all of my choosing to think more about God results in my learning to
feel more of God then even feeling more of God becomes I'm in communion and then there's nothing separating sort of like saying I'm back to sacred living and that's like the Lemurian culture this idea of sacred living it's impossible of me thinking to harm you and if I did it's impossible for me not to apologize and it's impossible for you not to accept my apology you see even if I make choices against my own higher good OOP I eaten or drinking or drugging or whatever something that doesn't feel
congruent with my higher self oops got it my apologies not just to my body but to my soul because I bargained myself away there for a moment same with romance and relationships so there's this beautiful symbiotic communion and very l'amour e'en like and then mankind fell further and further into the lower mind kind of controlling life and further from our hearts and souls and so on so I'm saying that we go from a place to learn to think more about God then it becomes feeling more about God then it becomes communion
communing with God now I mentioned some of this last week how much do you think about God now here's here's gonna be the tricky part it's not actually just the concept of guys let's think about God more often how start and end each day said there's two ways start in and you know make an effort to commune the other way is to be the presence for other people don't just walk in walk around chanting it or you know starting the day with it but not living it one part is plug in the other is
bring it that's how you have more of a day with God or a day of prioritising to God perfect now the second part of this conversation is this so I ask again how much how often do you think about God now let's pretend the majority or the as a group let's pretend as one voice all of you watching this could say let's pretend you're having a good day and it's 10% because it isn't but let's pretend that we collectively think about God 10% of the time all right now the next part of this isn't actually about
quantity it's about quality because if I asked you and you were really honest you say well I got to be honest I have a lot of thoughts I got work I got to pick up the kids if my thoughts are not always about home you know God God God you know it's not let's pretend it's 10% I'm actually going to tell you it's actually 100% every thought you ever have is about God that seems like good news but it isn't every thought you have is about God but it is is it a loved thought or a fear thought okay that's the trick so
the good news is we're not faithless we're not godless we're always thinking about God nice job wait there's a problem they're not good thoughts so every thought we have is about God so for example you meet somebody you fall in love with them there is no body when you think you're falling in love your ego wants to hijack your thoughts and make them about outside things whenever you think I painted a painting and it's beautiful every thought is about God so just free and if you don't agree that's
why but pretend you do for a Freeman a few minutes here today imagine what if it's true that every thought is about God then that means even when I look at you and objectify you out you're looking really hot I am telling you you my have had a thought of actually getting closer to God and then your ego took it and made it about something you you started off well I'm feeling beauty oh you're looking kind of nice and you just your eyes took it away your senses took it away when you do stop for a moment
catch yourself don't wrong yourself just catch yourself and go oh my god I got it in that moment that person was so good-looking but that was an attempt for me to take my connection and put it on a person why because if you put it on a person you don't have it with God temporarily you didn't destroy anything but you did put connection on pause you pause the button it's like so now you're not getting anywhere so you can snap back take it off pause how take it off the person and back to yourself every
thought you have every painting you paint a beautiful painting do you know how that happened I must have been plugged in if you just get in awe about the painting you've actually lost your mind that's a funny way to word it it's kind of what happens all of our thoughts are about God you could sit here and you couldn't say I love this talk thank you I'm glad I do what I can and so on it's not that's great but guess what it's also speaking about your connection if you say this is the absolute worst talk
I've ever heard it's speaking about your disconnection but it's still about you and God everything is about you and God when you feel love it's actually your love for God you're longing to experience God again but since I don't see God with my senses let me just settle you look kind of nice today and you make it about a person but the same with negative projections once called transference and one's called projection and it's the same with projection if I am not feeling connected with what God
because everything's about God and if I'm not feeling connected with God do you understand that that would naturally make me feel awkward you feel awkward because you've something's missing when you walk out of a store in your cars and there that and that's take that multiply it infinitely in terms of knowing how it feels to start a day and not feel God like missing your car and then multiply it beyond what the mind can even comprehend how do I know I had that thought of feeling disconnected that's
what I meant by love and fear one is feeling plugged in and one is fearing that I'm not plugged in but you're always plugged in because God created you you're gonna always be part of God it's not about whether we're with God or not it's about how you feel I'm not feeling plugged in and then watch what happens well I'm not really thinking God stuff right now I'm not thinking spiritual stuff what's your mind done well you know I got this thing happening someone betrayed me what that means is I
feel betrayed by God the person's playing the role what else you feeling unloved sorry to hear that do you know what that means you actually believe there's a chance that God doesn't love you this is where it gets tricky in the talk because it's gonna sound almost religious because we're using the word God so much get over it you know just what what part of you is funky with that and work on that cuz this is just the truth guys every thought when you got trust and you went oh god I look kind of
nice I'm telling you that what it means is you could not have felt anything good had you not felt plugged in on some level then when you made it about your looks you simply blew it again so catch on and go it's not just how I look it's how I feel close your eyes and talk about the feeling I can't have looked nice in the mirror here for a moment if on some level I wasn't feeling good honestly because if you felt horrible you wouldn't go I feel terrible but I'm looking kind of hot it just
doesn't usually connect if you're feeling that off it's really hard to pull you know put on a mask you can try but that's tiring when you're feeling an ache you're not bad it doesn't mean you've oh I must have sinned what it means is is you felt something was off in you just see it and it's impossible I'm telling you it's impossible for you to truly ever be completely disconnected from God you can only feel it feel disconnected well why would I ever feel disconnected
cuz you want to part of you has gotten into a pattern in all of us a pattern of feeling undeserving unlovable and so on but it isn't just about our partnerships you you the reason counselling and drugs and medicine can't fix people is because it isn't an external problem it's coming from the inside you know it's coming from the inside I've had times when I was getting bodywork done and and I don't just go and get bodywork I'm there I show up and this isn't bragging it's
kind of a vulnerable thing to explain but I've had a moment where we're getting some bodywork done remember this gentleman working on me and so on and he's kind of sort of a dry it was like lurch from Adams family you know it's not like he was all like oh you know he was just real you were a Pendleton he looked like a Fogerty from Creedence Clearwater he had his Pendleton uh but he knew what he was doing it was a master at his particular work any oh he's working me and I mentioned something about this recently but he's
working on me and there was a moment where I almost fell off the table because of the angle but I wasn't really gonna fall but it felt like I wasn't again the key word but I felt like it and he caught on that I was feeling like I'm gonna roll off the table I wasn't going to but he's so sensitive he caught on that I felt and he said I'm not gonna let that happen and I started getting tears in my eyes what's that about a human being first of all knowing that I just you know got chills even saying
that that a human being even cared enough communicated the care knew exactly what I was feeling and said I got you connection brings feelings even to a new level I was worrying and he brought it to healing make sense and I can remember that all these years laters at least 20 years ago I think all these years later connection takes us the other direction disconnection keeps reaffirming that I need to be afraid that I need to stay obsessed on fear worrying about what's not happening worrying about what could
be what might happen connection just boom it just brings us right here our heads are still gonna try to screw it up yeah but what if I did fall off and what I said to that voice because you're gonna have that voice but but what if he's wrong what if it what if he it surely feels like I'm gonna roll off here's what I said to myself Jimmy crack corn and I don't care even if I roll off the table I refuse to let it disprove that this person cared you get that I refused because I know that's what the
ego would like I refuse I've already accepted love so and I just drop in to another level and there you have some healing healing what of the body the soul man my soul was feeling heal the body's just gonna catch up you know as we let it happen so something beautiful now some people can say and I am saying all of us all of the things that happened to us are a statement I'm either plugged in or I'm not when something's going well guys soak it in man it means you must have been plugged in on some level it's not
got to get past this maybe someday if just one more asana one more year of healthy food dietary stew one more this and one stop we're there and start recognizing you're there by the experiences you're having every day your thoughts your words your deeds all of it they're just mirroring to to us mirroring to us how we're doing how you doing today oh I'm good people just give a car to at this answer you know good things you know hey how's it going all right you know but really how are
you today and the answer is am I plugged in and what's amazing is if I'm not I can choose again in one split second I mean how much easier can we we're spoiled man we're totally spoiled we don't go well I slipped today so now it's gonna be I gotta go to the church and do five Hail Marys and six our fathers and you don't have to do anything but plug in if you want to do the other things to help you plug in then go go for it and if you want to you know dance in a group and stand on the
mountain and drum a drum anything you do is fine but know this you're not separate in the first place so start off owning that you felt separate I felt so proud I felt separate I felt separate I felt you know go ahead all in that you felt separate beat on the drum chant ring the gong do all of it I think it's beautiful those tools are supposed to use you you should be used to get you to go and center they're not supposed to take you out they're supposed to take you in so you use those things and go boom just
you know boom boom boom boom right here boom to your Center and plug in the actions of these ceremonies the rituals they're fantastic they absolutely are if they're used to plug in if you just do them horizontally just go ahead keep you know doing this technique and doing that and eating this it's all horizontal I don't care if it's pages out of the Bible tear each page out lay it around the ground and look at it horizontally it's not doing any good read anything read anything and let it pull you in and
it becomes holy let it go nowhere how holy can it be if it's not creating a wholeness in me if it's not making me one with God what good does it do for me to do pranayama breathing or whatever other thing out there out there in the world there's no book holy enough to fix you if you don't want to be whole so there's no holy enough site on planet Earth their sacred site Peru Giza all around the planet and all of them are screwed up with taxes and rates and rules and laws and regulations there's all these amazing sacred sites
in England and they just let animals just rip it apart you know walking through the churches and it's just weirdest things some of these things I don't go anymore because all of its been so abused and I like people to me there's nothing more sacred than people so I'd rather be here then you know in a temple somewhere where people are you know just such control and so many issues in these countries we go to sacred sites and in some places like the Great Pyramid there you're not allowed to pray you're not allowed to chant
you're not allowed to do anything sacred in the sacred sites that's okay do it in here but I can't justify hauling people around the world saying well we're not allowed to do anything but just get it inside they'll go why did we pay you to take us could have got it in Cleveland you know or wherever they live and I agree I can't with a clear conscience take them there when we're gonna run into all that strange stuff so I like gatherings of people with right intentions and right consciousness so
all of our thoughts can be corrected in a split second and it doesn't always feel that way I get that it doesn't always feel I mean no no I'm way far off that's fine if you lost a loved one I don't expect you to bounce back in the next five seconds just because you can say ready go however I'm just saying you can feel better and you'll heal faster when you plug in you're allowed to take your time but do you want it to take lifetimes years months weeks days hours minutes or seconds that's free will he
says in A Course in Miracles this course is inevitable everybody has to take it not the book everybody has to learn what's in their love and forgiveness he says but when you choose to take the course is totally up to you so everybody's going home but when and I would never see you don't want to make a religion out of anything including what I'm saying here today you don't want to leave here and say to people like at the grocery store somebody's complaining you overcharge me and you you don't want to be saying Oh someone's
not plugging in apparently like Michael said wronging them is not who you're supposed to be doing but everything I see is part of me and it's reflecting to me am I plugged in are there exceptions no but there will seem to be for example one that comes up now and again well Michael if you're saying that the outside world reflects the inside Jesus was really mistreated Buddha was mistreated and they asked him why and he said well cuz in other lifetimes I did this and this so it's coming back to me
that's pretty dang responsible if you asked me you know he didn't say I don't know I'm so spiritual I don't know why anybody would be mean to me you know right he didn't use the victim thing that we use in spirituality often so Jesus was pretty maltreated right every imaginable thing done to him so can it be true that here he is all you know supposedly peace love Christ consciousness and yet he's being completely abused and murdered plotted against murdered and he never said to these people after all I've done for you
he never went in that direction and also this is where it gets tricky well if Jesus was holy and he was mistreated and our outside reflects our inside then does that mean he was messed up yes and no what it means is he had to be here and have the opportunity to believe that and he chose not to that's why he very specifically tells you in A Course in Miracles I was completely abused and for no reason because I held a completely sinless flawless holy state of mind but then he adds but I chose not to see it that way now watch this
carefully he didn't say it didn't happen in this world it does appear to be happening so he doesn't deny your eyes from thinking it sees something but he says I chose not to see it that way what does that mean it means that even if your holy stuff of the human unconsciousness is still going to come at you your holiness deter is determined by whether you believe it or not not by it happening that's where it gets tricky because humans so often go by the outside they assume well I'm on the spiritual path stuff shouldn't be
happening I can't believe I still have to pay taxes i I've been I've been reading A Course in Miracles now for weeks I can't believe I mean and my landlord I can't believe why don't they get it no rent no rent no rent I'm gonna chant rent lessness into my life hey you know I'm gonna visualize you know it's the holiness comes from my choice to say there are there there are two worlds the real world that I see around me and my third dimensional experience with all my senses and then there's you know there
sorry the real world of God and then one that overlays it the one I've projected so the real world and then the lower case our real world over that so when I look out in my life I'm seeing this one the one we've manufactured how do I get to see the other one it isn't through an election it isn't through a certain medicine that's going to be invented it isn't anything to do with the third dimensional world at all the third dimension is a dimension of dementia it's one to keep you from seeing clearly
anything it's gonna make you see things that aren't quite centered and right and accurate so what I do is I learn to heal my mind meaning my soul not my intellect I learned to heal my mind I'm seeing this in this and this but I take responsibility and say not today I see that I'm reflecting to myself a chance to judge or forgive and that's what it all comes back to if my world if I open my eyes today and I see someone rejected me oh they rejected your making it now a reality your reality if there's a you
who can read checked me first of all I must not be a glorious child you know made in the image of God because I'm powerlessness enough to be rejected I'm not like infinitely powerful I'm just you know little lowly and you rejected me now my day is really off and then all dejected and all that and then now I'm gonna judge you for doing it I'm hurt you caused it and that's my reality and now the next day I start the next day going I am now affirming that I am her table I am a firm I'm her table vulnerable to
people's opinions subject to whatever mood they can put me in that's what you're affirming now am i / saying to do the opposite like pretend this did not happen this did not happen I was really not rejected I am beautiful and wonderful what you're doing is you're shining up a tombstone it's still a tombstone you know you just polishing a tomb so isn't that pretty of it you're still dead inside so what I really need to do is stop and go wow look at this this own it own it while you beat the
drum and chime the chime because that those sounds take you inside and you go into a place where the sounds disappear and you become open to learning and you say what's really happening here well they will wait they what they made me feel so how do you feel I feel no they now I feel rejected how could you feel rejected what are you feeling I'm just miserable I'm sad and they keep going and look at well look at the the ego layers of yourself this is how I feel her table oh I just had a flash of this memory oh my gosh oh
there's that now we have what's called a pattern so now I have a pattern of rejection and betrayal and hurt and you just drop into that for a moment like wow look at this this experience I've had now is this Michael is this who you are it's what who I thought I was right were you correct would you like to be that that to be true I don't want it to be true are you willing to let go of the idea that it's true well it certainly would you like to do that now yes what do you think would be there when you do
because some parts of us think it's got to be worse that's how hurt we could be you have to be willing to own that the other world behind this one is better or you'll never commit to it like just like somebody stays in a relationship that's terrible but they don't know if there's another one that's better so they stay in that one it's familiar at least I know everything's messed up this could get worse what kind of affirmation is that of your soul of your character you know honey I
don't think you're as bad as it gets [Laughter] I've been thinking and and instead you know what if I'm committed to connecting with God and the world mirrors how I'm doing inside I have a sneaky suspicion in a very good way that this is gonna get better because as I plug in more my life is gonna get better whatever else may have happened in my life and in this world it's time it can change in an instant and just that little process which can actually be done in seconds I took 60 seconds to maybe to word that that
process but it can actually be done in seconds and as you get better and better at knowing just recognize accept surrender you're halfway there then refill and give thanks the better we get at that it starts becoming a bum bum bum now if ever if ever that becomes a quick process where you go fight recognize except sorry and now it's just words again it has to come from the heart has to come from the soul I really do get it now to know that it's coming from the heart first of all I feel the shift but also even as I'm still in the
process usually there'll be something amazing that I didn't expect a memory something flashing and then I know I'm really there if I'm just eating it by rote you know just words then it's all kind of from the head and it's flat so you'll know you don't have to push yourself and you know how do I make this sincere you don't have to be on your knees you don't have to be crying but the bottom line is it's not flat and then you'll know you're doing something that's real you'll feel either
more real humanely exposing an opening or you feel more plugged in one of the two things is gonna happen if not both so what do we do what do we do to have God first it's not just think about God more part two to that talk today now is not just plug in more it's the quality I'm saying technically you're always thinking about God first you have to own part one I don't think about God very often it's very rare in the day that I Center and pray work on that which sounds like a contradiction no plug in and do that but
part two is saying even when you don't think you're plugged in you're still reflecting how you feel because you are always with God but you're reflecting whether you know it or not you're reflecting whether it's a happy relationship or not so we'll part one plug in more part to improve the quality of it all through the day not just the moment you plug in but all through the day what's really happening how am I really feeling what's really going on any time if you think someone's harassing you you're actually
you know recognizing how you feel about God somebody's shaming you you're recognizing this is how I feel about God but even if someone's harassing you on some level you believe that God is picking at you finding fault with you flaws with you and only one person can change it well if God were nicer no but it does reveal how I think about God I actually think that God is a micromanager I actually think God is out to get me how do I know that I got pulled over by a cop today gave me a ticket cops and
they have the quotas and you make up all these stories and instead if that was God blame me just say Michael claims this was a god experience so then what does it mean well let's see I think that I need policed something's wrong with me I totally need Polly I can see it I date crazy people I eat unhealthy ways I have complete addictions and so on and so on and so on that's why the cops showed up because I think I need policed or it could be wow that was amazing see I've only been pulled over a few
times in my life maybe half dozen in fact over all my years but four of those times they let me go with no ticket I mean I was crying no I'm kidding no really they let me go now it's not them letting me go that makes a difference there's one time for example where twice actually where when I got pulled over I let them write the ticket before I actually told them what really happened and I knew if they really knew they were gonna write me up but I didn't want to sway them which sounds weird cuz
you want to get out of the ticket I don't I'm just going to surrender to whatever's needed and to happen because it's just reflecting and I've every time I've shaken the hand of the officer afterwards whether they gave me a ticket or not it didn't matter about the ticket shake their hand thank them because you're just a part of me are you apart though that needed I better recognize I need it but at policing in my life could be or or are you a mirror of oh gods taking care of me if I was driving too
fast let's say or whatever you know it's oh it's a protection perhaps mirroring a protection when the guy was doing body work and almost fall off the table and I got you what is that well how dare him what does he think he is I know if I'm falling if you could do that with people and then it's telling you how you think about God what does God think you I know better that's what you're doing you like the people you don't like the people you know I've shared before even odd
experiences I had one guy you know doing bodywork on me and I could tell he was working too deep in a specific area along the the back of the ribs and I'm like you know you got to be careful that he oh no I got boom II broke a rib you know and it's like oh but guys I still went back to him later on after it healed I still went back yeah it took a couple months you know but went back and you know he got close again I said be careful and and he almost didn't listen this time I'm not telling you to go back to people that
hurt you what I'm saying is I felt right enough to do so because I'm the type that will test something I'm going to go and take this and look at it as a test am I gonna judge this person am i going to hate this version am I going to blame that's just somehow he's you know for some reason various reasons that's what I do it's not like an obsession or a compulsion it's just sometimes that's what I do and and I can still tell you it's not what others are doing it was a test so people will do things in our
lives they did it to Jesus Buddha you me mother Mary everybody's gonna have stuff happen and our job is to say if this is a test what is the test and how do I pass I can guarantee you judging hating would not be a passing grade love forgiveness is always a passing grade now do we just okay fine I love and forgive the words are just words it's got to be an action from the heart and soul you have to really understand not fine I'll forgive them the forgiveness basically morphs and evolves to the point of us understanding there
is no them this was a reflection of my own process and how am i doing and then how do i improve upon it where I slip let me improve upon that that's why I went back again let me check and watch and see how I'm feeling about this it brings us to a level of spiritual maturity that other things in this world will not be able to do for us simply exercising the power of choice you know to to judge is human and to forgive is divine so look at your thoughts part one how often are you really plugging in each
day and work on that part to the quality of the thoughts all of my thoughts are actually about God and what are they that you love God or that you hate God do you love God or do you fear God I don't fear God really how was your day well it was great except I drove through McDonald's man and they ripped me off two dollars and they refused to give it to me really is God so petty to you you think God swiped two dollars from you today no I was talking about McDonald's and I'm saying they're all the same how
you feel about yourself is projected in your outside world believe it or not but how you believe feel about God is projected into our world because everything is just God and self others are just the mirror of God and self so how are you doing I'm doing fine I just don't trust - don't you trust I don't trust the Medical Association okay except everything's a part of God everything's your relationship with God being mirrored I'm not telling you that means that they're not doing weird
things cuz again they did hurtful things people to Jesus but what did he mean by I chose not to see it that way you see you follow he's not saying nice people only have nice things happen mean people have naughty things happen no everybody has both and it's about our choice on how to perceive it that determines whether we're plugged in or not today I'm choosing to unplug how do I know that because you irritate me and I don't want to get over it and I don't want to forgive you you just irritate me
there are just certain things that you you know you do that I it's unforgivable Wow no problem what you've just said to the universe is make note here's where I draw the line in terms of my willingness to be one with God and with myself and the universe says okay three life names from now we're gonna set you up with a certain situation where you can really work on that sweetheart because we love you and we certainly want you to get it because we love you and so you get signed up for more of it you know whoever it is they
closer and closer and the issues bigger and bigger more blown up so that will get those simple lessons those tests I say simple not always seemingly simple but imagine if we get so aware so responsible that we realize just imagine pretend for a moment nothing happens by choice by chance rather nothing can happen by chance everything's by choice on some level if I choose to believe I'm plugged in and I don't mean you're a bad person if bad things happen to you I'm saying those things are mirroring to you how do
you believe about yourself today honey and if I react and choose to see them as bad things that I refuse to love and forgive its affirming that I myself am such okay I'm flawed certain things people do are unforgivable what did that just say about me that means that I actually believe things I have done are unforgivable and and yes people have done some really wicked things it's tricky wording guys I'm not denying that they seem to happen I'm saying what we have to do is correct our choice to
believe that they're happening to us rather than for us they're reflecting things about ourselves and because gods involved we have absolutely all the power that we need to fix it to correct it to switch it it's not like okay how do we get there that's what people think the spiritual path is about working harder to get there true spirituality spirit driven spirituality spirit would mean I'm already there so how do I remember that not how do I get there how do I remember it and then I start to see
all the things in life are simply tests and and things coming to me to help me get there because whatever's happening is mirroring my consciousness so by Jesus doing what he did stepping up into a really wicked environment everything you know tossed at him he really took it to another level and said I want what seems unforgivable because human beings basically if you asked them if you interviewed the souls of all people we all believe one thing's for sure and that is harm done to people that don't deserve it is the most
unforgivable whether it's the Nazi Germany and the Jews whether it's slavery whether it's this the plight of Native Americans it's even weirder when they don't seem to deserve it if somebody did something you know you don't think as harshly about it if somebody did something to somebody in the person kind of deserved it by our opinions but when innocent people children animals think about it we're really we have an extra charge and Jesus therefore says I'm gonna be the ultimate
innocent I've done absolutely no harm nothing in any way shape or form in this lifetime to deserve this no have your way with me boom boom boom you know hitting a beating him up it's crucifying a stabbing all this and then he says they're forgiven for they know not what they do and he's teaching us now now you're telling me that the store not giving you $2 back is worth it's unforgivable well look kind of because my fries were not fresh either you know you're gonna throw in something to justify keep trying but
what you're saying is this is where my line is drawn here's my limit on patience here's my limit on love here's my limit on forgiveness you're just it's all and I'm not making you wrong for it but you are wrong for it and by wrong what I mean is you're believing you have a limit you do not you're incorrect so just own that for now for now this person this event seems unforgivable but I know that I'm eventually gonna forgive because I'm a divine being I'm made up of the ability
to forgive that's kind of cool because you're saying I may not be there now but I'm affirming I will get there if you want to be hateful you're not even affirm that you can ever do it and once in a while I meet people that'll say that I don't care how spear shall I become I'm never gonna forgive them I say well I understand don't wrong I'm racheting them because that'll make the distance even longer for them love them hear them understand them bridge with them support where they're at and
they'll get there sooner all making sense good job guys thank you let's please take a few centering breaths nice fluid breaths when we're inhaling we hear the words I am and when we exhale the word relaxed just a nice tied in and tied out affirm it affirm it so that your back muscles can drop in and just relax only
using enough muscles in the body to hold yourself up which you don't have to do consciously but you feel your shoulders your neck relaxing more emotions in the mind part-1 that we shared last week how often do I think of God how often how many minutes per day are spent there's a lot of minutes in a 24-hour period how many of them are spent connecting with God how might they be
first by my literally communing meditating praying and then secondly by being that presence how many minutes per day am i calling in that presence and living it being kind giving supportive healing how often am I being the divine mother to children of the world including animals how many minutes per day am i consciously connecting and just decide can you commit to more of that the easiest thing started in the day in that state of mind surrender an attitude of surrender and gratitude and communion and celebration
and bringing that to the world and then part two the quality of our thoughts so what if all of my thoughts even just starting with today being awake however many minutes throughout this day however many minutes every thought I had is telling me about God either that I am connected or not connected so how many thoughts did I have that were love peace joy abundance oneness how many thoughts were the opposite how many thoughts were about fear or competition or comparison how many thoughts were about frustration not good
enough or others not being good enough look for a moment or two at this that both opportunities how much time did I put into either I'm always connected to God in some way but is my life showing me I feel connected or disconnected either way it's a feeling only one is of any value take a minute more to look over the day don't exclude any example and if you try to you should ask yourself why something
as simple as oh I can't wait to have my morning cup of coffee which is really my longing for God God is my source of energy vitality not the coffee then in one think your coffee you get to have your cake and eat it God and then the rest everything everything is about my relationship with God Oh somebody gave me such a warm hug when I arrived here today that's God how did you feel about the hug did you soak it in can you accept it as thank you thank you to the person who hugged you but thank you to me cuz it mirrors that
I must have felt plugged in very cool then it will multiply if you're faithful for what is already given you everything someone spoke ill of you sorry did that happened they clearly know not what they do and the only reason they could do that is because they don't feel plugged in so what can you do plug in yourself and then you will vicariously help them in some way unknown perhaps to you so in this moment we're closing with choosing to see everything differently the whole world in fact the whole universe is a
part of me reflecting something to me what about me always that I'm plugged in or feeling unplugged it's not complicated two things always I am or I am NOT spiritual self ego-self and no matter how far off I feel in my life my day emotionally financially or whatever just one thing that I heard or thought or felt today can help be the doorway home by seeing a positive was there it reflects a positive in me that's watering and feeding that seed until it can grow to be the greatest in the forest overshadowing all else of the
past and so it is before you open your eyes just a breath or two really integrating what we've shared today how's everyone feeling