Feelings Versus Emotions
So today, a topic we haven't covered before, at least not directly, but it was requested by one of you folks. And that is healing, you know, consciousness. And as we heal, we come to know the difference between, something very important that most people don't even think about, there is a difference between feelings and emotions.
And as we heal, we come to know that there is a difference, but for some reason most people don't understand that there is a huge, huge difference. They sound the same, even I you know when I use the the word emotional might say a feeling such-and-such by its just accident or it flows off of our tongue more easily sometimes we're used to it but there's a very dramatic difference between emotions and feelings or feelings and emotions feelings are something that are spiritual both are expressions they're expressions of where we're coming from emotions and feelings but most human
beings think they're the same the very first book I ever wrote is the seven initiations on the spiritual path subtitled understanding the purpose to life's tests and in that I talk about our lessons for each chakra you know lessons in life related to each Center because people are not actually having experiences that they think they're having they think they're just having arbitrary experiences all of life's experiences are about our developing growing awakening all of them doesn't matter if you like the experience you
don't like it somehow our soul is saying we need to do some work and so each Center when you say I have some physical things going on you're working you're working on your root chakra financial things root chakra when you say I'm having two relationships you know going on issues going on you're working you don't have in relationships that's not how spirit ever sees these things how are you doing all relationship issues oh you're kidding those huh you know that's not how God sees us God's gonna be more like all I
know is you are fine-tuning yourself until you ultimately remember who you are so it's all about this remembering what seems to be learning and healing which ultimately leads towards you the remembrance but it's us working on our centers so when you say I'm having this go on that what you're really saying is I'm working on this Center or that Center that's all that's really happening so when I wrote that book and was describing the emotional center versus the heart center because no the heart center is not your emotional
Center people just think it is that's not it your emotional center is your navel Center some people say oh isn't the emotional Center the solar plex is too complicated to get in and explain all that right now but let's just say generally speaking the emotional center is your navel Center the belly your emotions that's different from the heart so when I wrote that book there was a part of me that thought I better not go there because it's not known enough and maybe not acceptable enough so I thought
what the hell you know made man oh my whatever let's just get it in there irritate him so I just went ahead and put it in there and then a couple of other big teachers finally came out and said yeah there's a difference and I was really really grateful to see that in here that because folks need to understand stop confusing a divine a God feeling with a human feeling human feelings our emotions the word emotion can be translated in motion which means I'm off center I'm not centered I'm in motion something
is stirring that somebody could interpret that and go but that's amazing when we're in motion well yeah whatever not really because centered there's an emotion with center it's called a feeling a God feeling but there's not enough teachers on this topic we have to make this really well-known like people have made other ridiculous things well-known that aren't necessary to make well-known let's make well-known the things that are really important such as there are God feelings and there are human feelings ultimately we as humans
should be able to feel God feelings but we separate the two both God feelings and human feelings I'm using the word feeling you know in both not to confuse but God feelings and human emotions let's say well of them are expressions that's true both are expressions of something going on where within us we say you make me angry it's not actually possible for another person to make you angry they're rubbing up against something that's triggering the anger but they didn't actually take anger mold it slap it on your energetic
body and download it to you you didn't you can't make me angry what you're doing I'm allowing to irritate me but I still have the buttons have we talked about this a week or two ago in one of the talks you know just that why are the buttons there so we have to work on healing and releasing the buttons and then there's less that people would seem to be able to do but those emotions those are in me I'm set into motion by you that's what it means you make me angry oh you broke my heart you set me into motion is what that means instead
of I was able to maintain my Center and ultimately that's where we will be but people are so far from it they can't hear this talk very easily because they go this is just too far I'm nowhere near that so I feel irritated listening to Michael talk about that so I can't I don't want to hear it you see because they seem like it's it just seems like it's too far from their ability to accomplish but it is not we just have to choose it I'm not going to give you a speech some people will tell you you know what you need to do you need to
just conquer your emotions and have none no no that's not my thing at all other people are the opposite are gonna say you need to embrace your emotions you know that rage just be with it well then I'll choke you if I'm just gonna be with it so we don't really want me to be with it you're only telling me that because it sounds kind of new agey why don't you just be without emotion so it's only when it's convenient people want to say that because they don't know any real way of dealing with it I wouldn't say to somebody oh you're
you're you have struggled with an addiction just be with it indulge go ahead just relax into it get extra high or whatever it is you know I wouldn't say the opposite either I won't shame them for doing what they do then what's the answer it's neither do nor don't do I'm sounding non-committal the answer is somewhere in the middle a center where I will do what I can and accept what I can't I will work on that addiction but I do slip you see the the casualness of that it's okay the Bible tells you
there's only one purpose for regret and that is did you learn something not beat yourself up with regret so there are lots of human emotions and they're not all negative mind you don't get I don't want to give that impression do you know that happiness is a human emotion it's not a divine expression it's a human expression I'm happy I'm excited see human emotions even the positive is one of positive ones are related to stimulation I got something I wanted I feel great let's see it's still based on me getting
me wanting it's still human so we have this spiritual center and then we have this human self so some emotions come from the human self and they're totally not real emotions not real feelings so there's three types basically you could say of feelings / emotions one a complete illusion and is ego based and those can be positive or negative I could feel great about beating someone out in the deal or a poker game or whatever people do you know I want you lost when lose is not a divine feeling it's a human emotion but it's a good one
because I feel great not really you not feel great you're having a stimulated moment there's all kinds of drugs that will create stimulations coffee I've never had coffee in my life I never really understood I've never even sipped the stuff but I've never really understood that people go ahead my coffee man they look like they're the walking dead and then they have you know this is only my third man I can't wake up until I get my okay I mean a no big deal I mean that's fine do
you know do what you want to do but it's interesting to me because a human feeling says I actually like being here I like being alive I don't need something to wake me up I actually enjoy me enough to just want to be awake when you have to drugged yourself to be awake that's human emotion that's down that human emotion needs stimulated to be up as a human emotion I need my human emotions that are now down in the dumps to be stimulated up and that's a really good description of any form of addiction including codependence I'm
nothing without you you know just picture I mean you know there's either there's one already made or there will be one some sort of a commercial based on you know cappuccinos or yeah that's a lot of coffee right a cappuccino or espresso or whatever those things are you know and it'll be you know just just petting that copier you know there's got to be one already made her it's going to be made I get a percentage of that commercial if you're out there making it okay okay yeah so it's like it's it's just that's how
people are just the I'm in love with this thing but what are you in love with stimulation why cuz I need it and that's why people think they're in love love with a lowercase L is a human emotion it's not a divine expression it's a human emotion any so there's positives and negatives but they're totally an illusion I said there's three types of feeling / emotions one total illusion stimulus I get what I want I really like that person oh I'm so in love because they make me feel good that's it that's a drug that's codependence and it could
be negatives too you make me angry you know I'm reacting to you the first category is completely based human expression the second one is still human expression emotion so the lowest one is human emotion could be higher low could be happier not you know but it's coming from ego the second one is also human emotion but what's nice about it is you're trying to be more real if I say to you you make me sad it's my tantrum it's an ego that's the first category when I say I really struggle with sadness it's starting to become still
human emotion but it's honest it's I not you are causing you are giving me happiness but I struggle and so when you start talking about your core emotions and your struggles and your you know yeah I've just you know dealt with abuse as a child I was abused and it really took a toll on my self-esteem even though you're still talking about human emotions you're being real about it and that's very cool not the highest there's a third category but that's very very cool so at the very least let's work on shifting from broken ego based human
emotion to healing human emotion I've done talks are DVD sets healing one and healing two they talk about a lot of the human emotions regret and and betrayal and all these kinds of it's great to just delve in if you're a counselor or a healer or just any human being delve into those DVDs so you can study a bit more about human emotions you know and get to know yourself but going into those topics you get into that second category you get into this is what I'm feeling inside and that leads you to the third eventually you can't just jump
from ego based emotions to divine feelings in between those two you have to become more real you have to heal that's where you're doing in that second group you're doing a bit more like your step work in the 12-step programs you know you're doing step work you're looking at yourself what makes you tick what's going on here self inventory but the third group that's more of a divine feeling and they they're two positives you know you're looking at love like the positives like love there's a human love but it's not the same lowercase L
oh hell whenever I do paperwork or when I'm writing things that I'm supposed to write for unity of Sedona in our paperwork or whatever almost always I capitalized love peace joy abundance capitalize them and some people you know there's always the the editor which is you know like a funny expression of the human ego no you don't capitalize those I do so why capitalize them because I'm saying they are synonymous with God so remember they're called God feelings love peace joy abundance oneness bliss
their God feelings technically if you could only say one word affiliated with God associated with God synonymous with God any of them are wisdom as well wholeness they're all synonymous with God but if I could only use a needed to you only use one I would choose the word bliss because when God is not doing anything this is human interpretation not really but when God is not you know expressing love and joy in and through us as us God just still God just is it still is something and it is love and it is peace and joy but the best word is
really bliss because bliss we can understand is sitting in it it's just sitting in bliss it's not even a thing it's doing love can sound like it's an action bliss is just being so it's a great word but as soon as as soon as God expresses in and through this and that's just more of a side note but as soon as it expresses in and through it becomes joy and love and everything else but there are God feelings and if anybody anybody has heard me speak more than once you can immediately start picking up that Michaels consistent about that
he teaches that God is the same God is synonymous with love peace joy abundance got that and there those are therefore God feelings one is not superior to another because in God all is the same now humans even spiritual teachers they're going to say God is all things there for God is also love and hate happiness and sadness no those are simply unev teachers that do not sadly they do not understand that it is possible for something to just be good just to be perfect all the time no God has to have bad days no no God's got no PMS God's got no job
loss God's got no hormonal stuff nothing had this none of this has to do anything you know to do with God God is I am and we are as well but we forgot to get back to it we remind ourselves God is a Course in Miracles tells us you are love light peace and joy you are those things first of all because God is than I am and we are that can't be changed thank God oh no no I'm having a bad day no it doesn't matter how bad your day is doesn't matter what's been done to you and it doesn't matter what you've done
ever in history and some of us have done some of the grossest things you can imagine or had done to us however there is a part in us a perfect spark of God so perfect so pure it's so strong its strong in its innocence no people took my innocence people can only stimulate a human reaction there's something so deep inside nothing can harm it not just because it's hidden so deep inside we're using the metaphor it's so hidden deep inside as a metaphor of their layers around it that made me you know you know he made it easier for
me to forget Who I am there is this core of God presence nobody has ever harmed it or affected it in ever in any way and the more we learn to access that part which is a a process described in different teachings in you know different ways really really good like Mahayana you know Yoga and Buddhism a certain conforms of Buddhism will will teach some of these ideas like they'll say you know a train your mind well your you know what are you doing right now you know who are you well I'm Michael no now go deeper then what well I'm made up of of history and
up deeper than that deeper than and you peel off layers and then as soon as you get to I'm this perfect light no beyond that because you're still talking the layers oh that I'm gonna let go of the talker you're still talking and you work this as an exercise until suddenly it hits see while you're still thinking of doing it you're still thinking therefore it's not done it'll it but it happens and I always describe it as this if you ever took a koi or or any form of fish
you took it and you held it in the water right it out after being outside you drop it slowly into the water like so and it starts moving a little bit but you you let it go and there's this that it does the initial splat and then you know splash and then it starts to it's all of a sudden where is it it did is it is it really in the water or has it become part of the water it's not splashing the water with its fins its navigating the water with its fins it's in the water it's as the water and that's what happens when we work on
letting go of the layers of the false self who am i today I'm happy the more you are going off of human emotions the sooner they'll be gone unfortunately the ones that are the most negative human emotions stick the longest and I've explained that before their understanding and medical science now that the brain actually treats negative emotions like velcro those stick sooner and more tenaciously than positive emotions well that's bloody unfair you know how come how come positive ones don't stick as much
because we didn't create it that way we created what we think we see of ourselves there's this perfect expression of God then there's layer upon layer of our opinions I was this perfect beautiful innocence and now I've I'm winded it doesn't matter what you do to try to protect your version of yourself this human world has a way of breaking it down breaking us down you know we come to this world you can beam in just perfectly as spirit you can just beam in and it just taken be a matter of time it'll take a toll you could beam in
perfectly glowing you know you can come in and go to high school glowing be you know like the movie powder you know this being with all these unique skills but it's just a matter of time bullies are gonna be all over you male or female why are you glowing you're weird you think you're better than us you know this is what they do so it and it takes a toll it really does because we're still identifying with being human beings if I'm a human being human hurts are going to take a toll on me aging process and everything else takes a toll
the more we identify with spiritual being the less they take a toll but it's interesting to me the less we identify with one we finally get to allow the spiritual self to come forward when you do you start to fill because it's like a karmic payoff I start to feel more divine feelings and the more I own divine feelings the more I'll feel more divine feelings but it is something we have to nurture you can't sit around and say oh I you know I I go to unity of Sedona I don't understand why don't I have just a constant divine feelings
because you have to breathe this in you have to integrate whatever whether it's here or anywhere else you listen study meditate pray wherever you go you still have to own it you have to integrate these things you have to become them you can't just go I'm still listening with one ear and then out the other it goes you have to start to just really breathe it in the same as I do that's what I work to do every day how can I read this in more you know if I were to to go and do a talk here and it's broadcast all over the world and just
think to myself all these minions they're just never gonna get it I then would lower in consciousness when I'm sharing I leave high on I arrive I come high like there's a vibe I breathe it in and I do my best to take it with me the hardest part in my opinion at least for me and I think it's true for a lot of people is to be in that high and then deal with the mundane world because you can leave going I'm just like practically ascending today's talk the meditation the songs that we were all just in such
a deep process you know and then go to a grocery store in this town or whatever and something irritating can happen you go oh I lost it now I gotta wait till next Sunday you know just because people say and do just such ridiculous things and I mean they could be just such just just such ridiculous things you sometimes I'm just amazed at how silly and ridiculous they can be but it's still a test everything is about learning and healing so it's still a test you can't go oh at the grocery store the gas station wherever you go
you know had it not been for that one comment I might have been able to maintain my Sunday high at least till Monday afternoon and it's tempting to do that I mean it is for any of us it's tempting you know I mean I can leave here going you know just feeling great feeling high singing Aquarius you know to myself or whatever but if one of you was driving through the parking lot and you ran over my foot I probably wouldn't be singing Aquarius you know I mean wow I mean you know it's something that that hurts
we were building a the brick wall the big rock wall out there next to the labyrinth eight years ago and it just happened to where one of the big boulders we were guiding it into place and then they dropped it but my hand was in it so it pulverized my fingers the bones inside now when that happened we were all high like this is just great we're building the labret well we were excited and high in one rock and another excited as we're building this because it's such an amazing inspired experience but that's
not what came out of my mouth when they dropped the rock hey I had a mantra but it wasn't love peace joy it wasn't I swear I never had a problem with anybody involved and you should've done it that's what you don't need to do that but for the moment oh you know and I knew don't look don't look you know cuz it's just you know everything it just split it open it everything just shot out every direction so it's like wow and it and it hurt hey I guess that was obvious but but it hurt but I just said I'm gonna sit down because I could feel
the temptation of the body to go into shock you know so I just I observe so when you're having physical or emotional experience as a human being try to remember to become the observer I'm not the pain I'm not the rejection I'm not the betrayal of you this is what's happening to test me and it's testing me to go one of two directions always one of two directions choose whom he will serve God or mana reality or illusion choose who you're going to serve so whether it's this thing or visit you know emotional struggle or your
relationships struggle what are you gonna do with it I have two options can I perceive this from just human emotion that's automatic that kicks in automatically just like it seems unfair that our negative emotions lock in like velcro positives or they say in medical science are like Teflon positive emotions and beliefs and thoughts in the brain the human brain move through the brain like everything's made of Teflon positives are not made to adhere or remain that doesn't make any sense but that's how we manufacture the world we
live in the ego based world that's why we hear there is your world and there's a world that God created you tried to build your world around heaven and then experience life outside that wall the Great Wall so to speak you built a wall around heaven there's bliss and happiness in here and you all live outside like an exile so of course it's survival of the fittest so of course the emotions you're going to feel our emotions of hurt and hate and fear and lack but there's still a way to access that inner how do I get to that
place it's nowhere you go it's already here that's the first thing to remember I don't have to do anything I kind of do but first I'm going to say I don't have to do anything to earn it it's actually already here so what's the work I would need to do take down the walls and then I would find it I don't have to pray enough to earn God's love to shine some light down upon me from up somewhere in heaven it's right here left within me in this altar in my heart I
need to access higher spiritual feelings no better way then to start developing God feelings when you do talk when you talk about I'm so happy I'm so sad whenever you talk do your best to think about the words I'm not trying to make you overly you know hyper language conscious but just to some degree think about the wording you're using and say to yourself like if you say I'm happy remember if I'm happy behind happiness is joy of God I'm feeling relaxed behind relaxed the peace that surpasses understanding behind
every human emotion hidden behind them even positives is a divine feeling I want more of those divine feelings that's what I'm heading for that's what I'm looking for how do I get to that place first by recognizing when you're having negative human emotions and taking responsibility for those second recognize of course also happy the positive human emotions and then ask yourself even when you say I'm so happy didn't just go ahead and ask yourself would we like to stay we want to keep it at just happy yes
anything beyond that's gonna be a bit too much for me I think some people can say that but when you're ready you can say you know what I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go all the way with this numb not only do I feel happy I'm gonna now allow this to be turned into joy I feel kind of calm and relaxed I'm gonna shoot for tranquility any word that you believe you're feeling positive or negative for that matter ask if you're ready for it to turn into something sublime and what it does is it all of a sudden it deepens you know one is a
little more stimulus even to my nervous system like a stimulus like I'm excited see excitation and stimulation are related to human positive emotions the same is true for the negative human emotions but they're they're not stimulating me into an up sometimes it down human emotions but there's something beyond so remember anytime you've ever thought you felt a positive human emotion it was still a limited version of an emotion because a feeling is waiting just think anytime you know recently you might have felt a pretty
positive you know experience it's not too late even if you remember God I remember I was I was so happy back in 1989 and this was happening that you can actually reflect back to a past experience and trust me your nervous system and the neurons in your brain hold a memory of that happy moment and the emotions with it you follow because emotions are still part of a chemistry in the body because they're still limited to chemistry and molecules and so on divine feelings are like waves of quantum energy rather than particles
they're just waves that's why it's called the peace that surpasses understanding it's not you know you know Jesus or anyone else speaking of in terms of there is a peace that can be put in a box and looked at on a shelf it's way beyond what humans can encapsulate or understand so some are like little you know objects that can be framed that's my happiness day and that this is when I was pretty excited this is you know that's me at graduation day you know and take the Hat and they throw you
know you know happiness and excitement that's my wedding day you know and and look how happy I was and I was going to get married for the first time and so on there are people who have gotten married a few times but but a lot of them that third one down the line they felt closer to joy than they did then they didn't the first time around the first time around in their immaturity it was excitement it was stimulation and excitement oh my god I'm getting married you know that sort of thing it's it's just a different vibe the other one is
almost like more mature now having said that children no children can know just by experience they may not articulate it but they know internally what a divine feeling is and we gradually lose that and replace them with stimulation called human emotions to get by you know if you could check in you could go WOW you know when I was one or three months older but I remember just wow the world if you could remember to be like wow right and then something happened between then and now now I don't even want to open my eyes each day you know
but a coffee will do it so we find we find ways to supplement so that we don't become suspicious that we've lost something so human emotions are a form of ego distraction so that you feel something at all and not become suspicious how empty you actually feel because the human emotions that human beings feel are not real they're they're completely synthetic so when you're feeling them you're actually pretending to feel something so that you don't realize how dead you are without
God so instead of just getting by going while I'm doing pretty good with my life I'm a courageous I'm a confident person confident there another human emotion you're not you're not in the knowingness of god you're just humanly confident yeah but I'm also happy yeah you're not in the joy of God you're stimulating ly happy kind of excited oh that's me excited see it's still you're compensating and you're making up for things and if you're gonna have human emotions god bless you if they're
positive ones cuz that's a little better than how you doing today mostly lonely rejected and betrayed thanks for asking you know those are a drag they are but but I would rather be able to say I don't know what it is but I'm really feeling a lot of old rejection stuff coming up rather than oh I'm happy if it's not real remember I said positive or negative emotions can either be completely fabricated from our ego or they can become more real heartfelt I don't mean heart literally like heart chakra but I'm saying they're heartfelt
where we say I'm feeling sad today and I don't know what it's about but I'm going to look at it that you know that's more advanced or evolved a heartfelt real look at abandonment is better than a false human happiness does that make sense now clearly a heartfelt happiness is even better but remember the completely ego fabricated practicing through those whether it's in any form of addiction relationship or whatever else for me if I were saying like let's say today I won the lottery by Nature we're gonna feel
happier more stimulated because you've got something you're more stimulated than you would have been if you had lost your home today you dropped what do you feeling today I'm feeling is just devastated how are you feeling hi I won the lottery technically we're not supposed to be vulnerable to human stimulus like that we are capable of being in the center where I am joyous and at peace all the time there's going to be in that Center there's still a little movement you could say a little bit of Moo because
you're here and even Jesus wept when Mary Magdalene came to him and said you know my brother's died and she was devastated and on her behalf he cried for her and Martha he cried for them because he felt how sad they felt it's not I mean think about it he knows he's gonna bring the guy back to life I mean he's at least a little psychic so he knows oh I'm gonna bring him back to life but did he say that to them no he the Bible tells us he became disturbed emotionally disturbed it means he choked up why because that's what's happening
in the moment so even a centered sublime wonderful being a being is still going to feel some of this on earth and when you do because to remain the witness feel it but remain the witness you know I've done talks here I think maybe three or four times with people loved ones from unity but also just people families that have asked me to do it for people that have passed away and it's not easy to stand in front of people that are deeply mourning the loss of a loved one and just do that because for me I can't just lecture at people as soon as I
stand up here I'm plugged into those people so it's a little bit almost empathic to where when they're choked up I feel it too sometimes I tell them you know that I've told you guys you know sometimes when that happens I look up to for a second you know and talk just for a moment because if I catch the man I'll catch it man I'll see what she's doing over there he's doing over there I'll pick it up I'll see that somebody's choked up I can feel what's going on and everybody here which is why some people you know say
well you tuned into what I would needed to hear because it's worth dancing together this this is that divine dance meaning we're connected and moving so those feelings I don't think of them as bad or wrong I mean I don't say get over it you know you just lost you lost your loved ones so what's it's an illusion get over it that argument about accepting those emotions be with them as long as you can remain the witness and then be with them if you get lost in the emotion it's dangerous not only is it dangerous for your growth
it's dangerous spiritually chemically neurologically it's dangerous to get lost just like in what they call a bad drug experience you must practice remaining the witness if you do shamanic work there's something of value to remain the witness instead of just getting completely taken and lost in it there's a certain IM that remains and watches the experience the deepest Buddhist meditations there's still a certain I am awareness that you keep you don't get lost and the same should be true and lovemaking or anything else we
do on this planet there's a certain amount of I am and I am allowing myself to seemingly get lost in the experience the beauty of lovemaking the beauty of dancing the beauty of the song you're singing and music and wow the music just took me but you're still aware that it's happening you're still aware you're still there that's what they mean by the witness so yes it's valuable guys to to just go with it accept it be with those emotions but the balance would be be with them as opposed
to totally control them and stuff them no don't stuff them also don't completely release them remain the witness and ask inside what is the right thing in this moment and sometimes it's to allow a little more because that helped me connect with you now I understand what you're feeling but not get lost in it now who's going to help you we're both lost now it's the blind leading the blind I'm going to do my best to stay here in this moment and then there's the shift the other direction complete stoicism coldness and
there's people that totally believe in that you take control of your emotions you put them in their place you are the master there's some value to that there's value to this and they're both brought through the greatest value when they're brought closer to here remain centered goal here and a little here sometimes it is important I noticed that I'm trying to have a conversation with somebody and it's really pulling me too far into emotion so I need to take a breath and Center myself that's where that wouldn't
kicked in a little bit or other times you know I'm probably coming across a little cold let me let me you know feel what you're feeling and go this way a little bit that little dance but remaining somewhat in the center so emotions have their place if we learn from them if we learn to understand them if we see the dance that's being danced in and through us I will not have an emotion take me that needs to be our attitude I will not have anything take me how could it take me I'm a Divine Being if it takes me it means I've
forgotten my divinity I mean I'm allowed to do that but why would I so instead oh I see that it's happening and you know it doesn't take much take a breath and just ask yourself right now I'm feeling angry or I'm feeling happy either human positive human or you know negative human emotions are still emotions ask yourself what would be the divine feeling I would prefer to feel right now and so again which one would I like it could be trust see so that comes to my mind as soon as I think of being conflicted between these issues human
emotions and I don't know how to bring them in that's why I went with trust instead of love or whatever I don't know how to bring them in why trust why did I spontaneously choose trust because I don't know what to do trust became my immediate word trust I'm gonna trust in you but you're yelling at me but I'm gonna trust that you and I can figure this out on this level you and I can calm it down but you're not calming it down that's what you're thinking and okay because it's been proven that
anyone in the room once they in their mind decide to connect with everyone else and they do a breath on some level it's been proven mind you that the breath of everyone starts to change all it takes is one person to change the energy and the room can start to change you see so you're yelling at me I just start breathing differently now if you go and practice this don't email me and say Michael I didn't they didn't do it I wouldn't put expectations on it because that already ruins the trust hi
you know you and I are arguing but we've already escalated a 10 being a really dangerous one and we're at like a 38 you know this has gone way too far I'll understand if we don't come down but I'm going to try so I take a breath then I change the tone of my voice instead of your the what mmm you know yeah all right Leah okay I can see what you mean just words like that called bridging words like that all of a sudden it just it connects with the soul of the person the ego could be so inflamed and so in control that it won't calm down it's
just gonna keep flaring but as soon as you do this you just know and trust in the goodness of that person they're gonna get it now or later I'm not attached I already know we went too far so I already accept that if you don't get it right away I also contributed and let it going letting it go too far so you grab the room again you grab the situation someone has to and you when I say has to someone can if they choose to but if you don't if someone doesn't choose to do it then who's going to that means we lost that test you and I have
descended into pure ego and the pure ego is going to bring about a reaction because human human emotions and divine feelings are both a reaction or response they're an effect of what a choice even when you don't choose a divine feeling I didn't choose the negative when you don't choose a divine feeling you chose to not have it I never remember choosing it see I'm sorry man when you don't choose one the other kicks in automatically there's another unfairness you know the velcro Teflon brain thing you know why can't I have the brain that
six to ten positive in when you rewire your mind enough through healing and connecting with God it will become attractive enough to turn positives into Velcro but most human beings that's not the case healing and love you know just the most simple thing somebody says oh you did a great job at such-and-such oh you know and you brush it off even little things like that is a false humility the real you can say thank you for seeing that you know some of you have written kind letters and sometimes I say that in my
thank you for seeing that in me Michael your this and that the other thank you thank you for seeing that in me and I mean it I mean it not only am i grateful but I'm also aware that by your seeing it you're a better person but also by you seeing it in me and me acknowledging I grow even from a compliment I don't mean like oh yes I know that's that's an ego acceptance of the compliment I mean where you'd like sit back and just go wow wow you saw that thank you that's pretty cool and you have to get the brain used
to programming positives first positive human emotions yes if so many are negative eventually positive human emotions but divine feelings so please remember as we're wrapping up here please remember divine feelings have to be chosen or the default program in the human ego computer system the default program is the opposite there are some programs you have to select them to activate them the others run as default programs and the human ego is the ultimate default program when you're not choosing god overtly clearly consciously choosing god you're automatically
running from the other okay you're automatically running from the ego and that will show itself how course in miracles' and all brilliant teachings and teachers they tell you exactly the same thing they say you can tell by how you're feeling if you're feeling joy and the higher the fee I'm talking about high feelings not just human happiness excitement the more you can find yourself feeling divine feelings like joy like happiness times 100 you know joy tranquility peace inspiration is another word they're not
all just like soft feelings kick but inspiration is a good one like you don't plug in to the voltage of God and go you know I'm just kind of chill today it's your gonna plug in and just you're like wow a livewire maybe not all the time but that's one of the options if that's what you'd like today you plug in and like wow painting painting paint you know more and more paintings are coming through songs poems you just you plug in it just starts pouring through you so it's a very active energy and passive when it needs to be passive so you're
plugging in how how do I get back to God the simplest thing is plug in to try to plug into the vast universe that's beyond your brain how do I you know connect with God I'm gonna ask for the divine being in the sky there he is old man with a beard you know No then how do i plug into God the simplest thing God feelings since God is love and love is God God is joy joy is God God is peace peace is God all I need to do is work on feeling God feelings and I am closer to God than at any other time in my life just get that one line if
nothing else today and it'll change your life that's why being and doing are so different doing you can still do spiritual things but you're still doing I'm doing trying to connect with God I'm doing more spiritual work to become closer to God what were you going what were you going to get closer to God just a feeling gets you there so take anybody take them so called master of any group religion system sit them down and show us how to connect with God fold the legs up high hand mudras some
chanting a bowl and what a you know raising the vibration tranquility and pranayama and everything raising the whole bar do you know connecting with God however long it takes him thank God they still got there that's very cool you can take another person a five-year-old whisper in their ear what you want them to do and say now you connect with God they'll have it done in seconds versus the person that might take minutes or hours seconds why because I would tell the kid just as I would do for myself
think of the well for a child I would use the word happy because they may not know the word joy but I would say think about being happier than you ever have been ever in your life and you just see immediately you know they'd smile that's what it's supposed to look like plug into a god feeling peace oneness bliss tune into a god feeling and you're anchoring God right here and right now not any in twenty more minutes we should be there this isn't like a subway ride you know or a train stop you know next stop heaven
it's just it's already here it's not something to achieve it's already here I I can remember so many quotes and you know no no race has ever you know been perfect all the time but there are some races that have great sayings and understanding in most nations of the Native American people's the Wise Ones the Masters the the elders you know they seem to know how to describe trying to embody you know there were some great quotes from some of them saying you know it's an amazing thing that when when the white man arrived as they call it I
don't mean that a racist or you know anti race time type of thing but they're saying you know when the white man arrives it was very interesting for us to observe observe you telling us how we needed to find God because we were already experiencing it in day to day activities but then you you were telling us no that's not it you have to do it this way and it became an app like a thing like some bizarre thing up in the sky you taught us to not have a relationship with God forced us to not have one
we were wrong and bad for having one he ashamed us murdered if we didn't do it your way but your way isn't even real and it's it's it's very very sadly true so just back to being like children why did Jesus say that you must be as children you know what a great way he he knew he was irritating the elders of the time he knew just what to say let's see they think the older and richer you are the more powerful you are the more you wear the garb the robes as he teased them for that you and all your robes you know it's like your decor you know
they'll fancy it up and gems and the kissing the hand of the altar of them he says don't call any person on earth your father and that's why some people are you know oh we're supposed to honor our father and mother you know and no no God is your father and your mother you rented the other two you borrowed them that's all there was some genetic neat material you preferred there was maybe some karmic stuff maybe some gifts from them but they're still rented God is your only creator you channeled through the others big
deal God is your only father and yet some religions name the priests and said there's called father they're given these places of high esteem when you when I introduce myself to you folks what do I say I'm part of the spiritual leadership here I'm part of it because I am part of it yes I know I'm hired and put in a role of um this uh spiritual leader but my brain will not compute being the anything I'm part of something well where the others are the board members no chaplains oh it's everybody because the talk is going to go in the
direction that everybody is asking for in here and in here so we're all part of the spiritual leadership Disgaea meant he's gonna do a great talk it's not he I'm standing here and I plug in to beat wanting to do my best to be a good person wanting to serve these people anybody watching and at the same time plugging in saying all right here we go what would you have me do so it's God self and others in this talk experience so you can teach complexities and it's just not gonna serve the complexities still wow the
human brain and the human brain is hijacked by the ego why do I want to impress that so spiritual or divine feelings get you there five-year-old yeah I'm gonna meditate well how do I meditate oh not until you're older cuz you got to learn how to mess up your brain first and then approach God in a very intellectual dragged-out boring kind of a self disciplinary kind of way I would say no man not at all you tell the child well what's the best feeling you could ever have what would you really like to feel
oh happy that's a common one for children happiness great so let's meditate both of us will meditate on happiness so all we need to do let's look at the clock for one minute keep a time limit for a kid you don't want to say it's got to be for an hour and then they fail give everybody things they can achieve for one minute now watch the clock see the needle when that goes back to the twelve we'll be done you just have to do this for one minute let's do it ready and when we start
we're gonna think of the happiest thing we've ever done ready go happiness and oh yeah and I remember when we had my birthday party and that's the child's version and it comes around and all they did was think of something happy positive that's meditation now if you can just add two words like happy that are kind of human even for a child it's a human concept can you deepen it tranquility peace oneness because we're told those feelings are you you are peace and happiness you just won't be able to remember them as fully it'll be
work to try to get there I'm gonna be happiness peace and so you're a peace and joy and so on you're gonna get there with some work you can do it you work it and it'll work but a shortcut the simplest way is start remembering your true value as a child of God you are an innocent holy child of God if you can remember that it'll be easier to remember sublime feelings God feelings if you're still in the human trying to get the God feelings it's still going to be some work you'll get it but it'll involve more work can I just
stop for a minute and access the other why because it's your deserve ability if I think I have to earn joy it's still gonna push it away and keep it a little bit of distance and make it work when I recognize wait there's a part of me that existed before all this other stuff that part that's never been wounded never took on false identities that's who I really am and we'll take that into meditation please take a few centering breaths centering and setting aside all stuff of life all stuff of the world
become aware of at least a couple of the most consistent negative emotions you have in your life the ones that organically pop up are probably right and ready to use distrust fear anxiety loneliness whatever it happens to be doubt sadness rejection be aware of them and be aware of how you may have felt these now and then throughout your life other recurrences of it just objectively seeing it and then the seemingly positive human emotions where
have you had them where have you seen them where have you felt them happiness excitement whatever type of positive human emotion even love calmness we can clearly see the distinct difference between the positive and negative human emotions look at these positives as a pattern you've probably felt them before but look at how both are still usually related to something outside yourself what someone else did or what you achieved what you were given or what was
taken if it's a negative emotion someone took your time your commitment someone took your faith in people look at positives and negatives and how they were related to something outside of yourself now let's shift gears and see if ever in our life we felt divine feelings God feelings and if not just imagine feeling them now a God feeling like feeling inspired joy absolute tranquil peace oneness notice how they actually were stirred inside notice how a divine feeling a God
feeling was happening inside of you and even if any of these by words seem to be stimulated by something outside just own that that's possibly still a human emotion even if you call it joy or love it's probably still a human version of it so try to find God feelings that came up inside of your own being more than one would be fine if it's peace and joy love and oneness more than one is fine but become aware of how different they are than the human emotions and become aware of how they arose within you not came from someone
else and lastly pick one or two of those emotions those are those feelings those God feelings pick one or two of them love and oneness whatever it happens to be peace and wholeness pick your two that most resonate with being important to you breathe them in make it like it's expanding within your being not I'm thinking about a divine feeling like it's out there somewhere but really breathing it feeling like it's expanding in your being you are becoming more of it and do this every morning and night for a few minutes
I'm swelling up with love and oneness and if you're still thinking of love and oneness you're still missing it try to imagine feeling what it's like to be the presence of love and oneness peace and wholeness I am I am this thing I am these feelings and in so doing because those feelings are synonymous with God you're becoming one with God and if I'm one with God then I am as God created me I'm back to my divine feelings as best I could for this moment and then just imagine in your life your
day-to-day life how would you apply these God feelings so that they become practical grounded but when you apply them that's when they most integrate into your being they could still remain sublime concepts in meditation when you live them they become manifested so look at that for just a moment see yourself making decisions based on these feelings how just ask yourself I have a decision to make which decision would most be congruent with these feelings which job would I take should I or shouldn't I date this person every decision you have
to make just ask the check the compass in your heart does this resonate with peace and happiness and use that as your guide the spiritual version of GPS but it's a god system and relax and slowly stretch out nice job hmm