Fear & Worry; The Worst Addictions
thank you so today as per a lot of things that several people are seemingly going through we're going to talk about fear and worry how they interrelate to each other how they need to be can be dispelled it's not it's very important to not shame yourself for feeling feel feelings of fear and worry of course in miracles would explain this that fear is fear is essentially the the seeming opposite of love but what he means by that if you ask the average person on the street what's the opposite of love they're going to say
hey jesus instead in a course in miracles says it's fear christ says it's fear so what does he mean by that it means see if you have love and hate then you have two things right two things an action a feeling of love a feeling of hate he doesn't use hate because that would make it real it would make it a thing he says love and fear why fear because fear is only an opinion you get that fear is only the fear that love isn't there but love is there so fear disperses itself it renders itself impotent because as
soon as you have fear love there is no fear so there's no opposite to love ah okay so that's it for the talk today you know right it's all you know nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists heroin lies the peace of god and so it is thank you you know right but we're on earth and we're struggling with this stuff these feelings so fear and worry are the opposite of of divinity but putting in humanistic terms fear and worry are also the opposite of peace and happiness fear and worry are also the the opposite
of whatever other words you would want to insert there one one other word though safety when you feel fear and worry you're not feeling safe right yes in a bigger picture fear and worry the opposite peace and happiness now peace and happiness are feelings you would have let's say let's say this stage where some sort of vibrational let's say like like multi-dimensional representation of god and it really is this whole space and place and our souls but let's say that this stage if you were to step on it you would suddenly
feel all the feelings of being one with god well we could say that fear and worry would not exist up here right you would feel peace and happiness so when i'm feeling fear and worry i'm not on the stage of god i'm not in divinity well how did that happen the average human being is on earth saying well because of what somebody did you know when my partner you know divorced me or cheated on me they took away my peace and happiness all that's going to do is make you sit in the audience instead of on the stage
metaphorically having to reincarnate with those people that you blamed we know that their behaviors were not nice we know that they were inappropriate sometimes illegal but they don't have control over our response i could just step on the stage anyway and you might be interviewed when you're trying to get on the stage hi how are you i'm i'm fine how did everything go with that fear and worry well i'm fine because you know i just decided to heck with them that doesn't sound like peace and
happiness so they're going to still keep you incarnating with those people and then you'll try again in another lifetime hi i'm ben hey how did that go fine i just opted to never speak to them again you're still not there all the human reactions you see the human reactions are still hurt talking they'll there will come a day when you come to the stage of entering enlightenment divinity and you're asked how did it go you'll say how did what go you know all those things that they did
who you know and the things they did what what things not because you're in denial but because your mind has no room for it see it's it's just not there not there it's like there's no interest not because you're forcing it away which is a normal stage to go through but you actually don't have room for it your brain as you worry as you know as you as you heal rather as you heal and awaken from worry fear and worry your brain gets rewired some people don't realize like when you're doing mantra
some of the effective mantra is rewiring your brain it's not like it's just words even when you do a prayer you know um like the prayer they did or the prayer you know that we do in the morning or or the reading sacred reading robert did and then he ends it with and so it is and we say and so it is but how conscious are we when we do that prayer how present are we when we do the prayer do we really mean and so it is if if robert or one of our sacred readers stood up here and said and the will of god is what i am and the
will of god is peace and love and oneness you know and so it is do we go and so it is or do we go oh my god yeah and so it is like do you really really feel it and get it it's very easy for humans to be flatlined to walk around just ah so it is you know hey how's it going i'm fine i mean we've lost sight of sacred language and realizing that my words are coming from here even when they're not nice words they're coming from here you think not but they do if my heart is corrupt with hurt and hate and fear and worry my
words won't sound very nice if my heart is filled with the presence of love and god my words will be different so our words are not just words they're expressions and they're coming from somewhere it's why it's important sometimes to you know to lighten up why why would i want to make a joke or do something that lightens people up well because in my heart i would like to see us lighten up to be lighter see it's a beautiful intention essentially so one of the hardest things to understand
when we get into fear and worry it's like this is like an addiction this is like an epidemic fear and worry so the ego convinces us that we're separate from god then we start to feel afraid once we start to feel afraid we start to worry about how to deal with the fear once you start to worry one of two things is going to happen i'm going to worry about how i can fix the problem or i'm going to collapse because i can't there you go two options when it comes to fear and worry you can pretend it's not there i'm talking about
when you tr when you deal with it it's not usually in a successful form fear and worry it's going to lead to one of two things think about this which one do you tend towards i'm going to fix it my fear and worry i'm worried that my children might get harmed so i'm never going to let them out of the house or whatever your obsessive behavior is perfectionism but it's all obsessing see fear and worry lead to obsessing and obsessing is going to be i'm going to fix this the other opposite do you like
that more it's obsessing or depressing which one do you lean towards if you lean towards obsessing you're kind of an uh neurotic person you're a perfectionist you're you know i'm going to fix this and you're go go go go thank god i'm not like that and you do the opposite oh i don't even try to fix them because it's hopeless so instead of obsessing you're depressing neither of them is really a good idea but it's what will happen just so just bear with me for a moment
fate prophecy predictions it's what's going to happen and i'm not just talking about you individually globally everybody right now is either trying to fix or collapsing because they can't and the word there you go the world is not going into good place because they're doing the obsessing or depressing my prayers to get my own act together and to also hold a vision that they too are getting it not that they will they are getting it that's how we can make a difference not complaining about the world
but actively shifting my consciousness myself i realized that you know the ego not only has me fearful and worried now i'm obsessing to fix or depressing because i can't and the ego loves this because it feeds off of that it triggers it in us plants it in us first and then it starts feeding off of it and triggers more and it comes back to feed every day it comes the human ego or evil if you want to call it this the human ego every day let's pretend let's pretend that when you sleep at night it goes for coffee
the next morning when you're waking up it says oh i see you're awake again nice and it'll you know but it has come back to feed it says you know i went to to to you know the global uh consciousness of starbucks for to get myself a latte or whatever people drink i went to get myself something and and i missed you so i'm really glad that you're awake so i can start feeding off of you again and it feeds off of darkness it feeds off of illusion because it is illusion but it feeds off of darkness
and when it feeds off of darkness it's a really strange relationship it's called parasitic but it's a very strange relationship to have the one we have with our ego because even though it's coming to trigger more fear feed off more fear trigger more fear feed off the fear it's an amazing thing because we keep going with that there's not a lot of people going no no fear today there's a buddhist saying you know when you're worried about something why would you worry about it because if it's
solvable there's nothing to worry about but if you can't solve it why waste time worrying because it's unsolvable you see what i mean by that it's like don't waste time so why would i why would we why are we allowing fear and worry to play such a role because we're addicted to it now just the same as people are addicted to cortisol and adrenaline and i know it doesn't make sense but we're addicted to it so the ego even if archangel michael flew into your life right now and said be gone ego you can't
torment them any longer that would be good news right two seconds later we'd be like but where did it go i'm concerned for its well-being it's not hurting is it you know i miss it i need a little bit of adrenaline or i mean we'd start pining for it please come back it's the strangest thing but rather than feel guilty about that what we need to do is be responsible just own it don't shame yourself or just own it wow isn't that weird like i asked for a day of peace and it started off peaceful but as soon as an
opportunity came up i'm like oh money brought me home i started my day i went to work somebody cut me off i'm like oh you you know and all these mannerisms and finger mudras you know hand mudras you know there's all this stuff going on so enlightened why i just couldn't keep the peace for too long now you're taught in a course in miracles try to go as long as you can with a meditation or starting your day and it's up to me don't expect that there's a god in the sky that's going to come
and fix you it's up to me to center so when i start my day and i veer off it's up to me to go hold it catch yourself and come back sure call upon divine help but you have to make the choice to come back to center and what he's saying in there is if you're meditating and your mind gets distracted try to go quiet to the mind and just go a few extra seconds and then stop now why didn't he say keep going a few extra seconds and then if it happens again do it again again again because he wants you to give credit
that your success happened even though i only meditated for 20 seconds before my mind got scrambled and then i made myself go an extra five done i ended what on a success and it's the same with your day you start the day and you're going to see yourself slip into fear and worry catch yourself back to center even if it's just for a moment and then give thanks so this is technically um an active mind discipline so there's a there's a list i'll share i guess for a moment a list of what sets us off
but also some solutions i know some of you are you know note takers so we'll go with that okay but just know people cannot cause you fear and worry a loving mother oh man what a day i had you know those kids i really worry about them that one child of mine i really worry about her you know she says she sees fairies you're probably going to need to see get her a therapist you know this is mom a loving mother worries and they say my child makes me worry nobody can make you anything they act in a way that triggers you you
need to be looking at why you're triggered rather than their actions believe it or not it's what a miracle entails if i work on my reactions often the trigger retires because when you get the message the messenger can go but that takes responsibility nobody can make you feel these things if you're insecure if you're insecure then you're insecure and you can say well you know it's because of my my partner making me feel no if you're insecure about who you are and what you're about then that's
what people are going to seemingly trigger but all they're doing is triggering they're not causing it they're just being manifestations of that thing but you already have it before they triggered does that make sense you already had this is this is you and that's another important piece to this very important most people don't get it your fears and worries are yours when you say they they drive me nuts they they make me worry my boss you know disrespects me you can't tell other people how they
feel you can only you know look at self and say where am i at and how did i get here what's this about okay so you're feeling a little unlovable that's going to leak out into the everybody around you they make me feel this they make me but really there's a theme i feel unlovable and it manifested as my mom did this my dad did that or what people won't do people don't seem to care about my needs so in even in the new age self-help community there's a statement i have to take better care of me
i have needs and you're not honoring my needs people divorce each other because you won't honor my needs how did you end up so needy that's offensive you know how what do you mean i'm needy well you're standing here saying you're unhappy because people there are no others it's an illusion this is a hologram and yet you're saying your happiness your peace is contingent on other people who aren't there making you feel happy which they can't do which is why you're miserable
because you're still waiting for people that aren't there to make you feel happy which is called psychosis by the way positive message on so retire them retire them they're not even there retire them whatever you symbolized the people that made me worry the people that made me feel so disrespected i have to retire my projections onto you and this isn't one person one incident as soon as you do proper tracking of this you say for example i'm really having a bad day why well somebody you know did something and it was so
disrespectful how did you end up you're you're holiness you're a divine being how did them not buying you two scoops instead of one of ice cream destroy your day or giving you one instead of two how did how did that throw off a holy child of god well because they should have been they should really who's the day you're talking about all that's happening is they're holding up a mirror they're going hi nice to see you mirror and you're going i don't like you all that happened was they surprised you
and that's why partly why you don't like them because they caught you off guard with a lesson what we sometimes think is if i would have known ahead of time well that destroys the whole lesson in learning anyway if only i had known they were going to be unfaithful well that wouldn't have been any fun then you wouldn't have married him and you would have been hiding from your issues of abandonment you know it's all so twisted but this isn't one incident you know there there are there's a string of things you've got
karmic guilts that cause us to feel afraid and worried i mean past life stuff guys past i mean stuff lifetimes you don't even remember karmic guilt family programming religious programming cultural programming because some of us are obsessed as i said fear guilt fear guilt shame worry i have clients that call in they're worried about everything i would like a session michael okay what would you like to talk about first of all i'm worried that the session will end before i get it wow and then you know you could do click and
trigger them you know just so they can work on that healing no religious programming cultural programming and even my ongoing low self-worth i hi my name is michael i've just arrived on planet earth and according to the rules and laws of earth i just got here man what's this cultural all this stuff downloaded to me genetics genetic fear and worry you know it's an amazing thing some of us come from regions where there's more obsessing on fear and worry i can tell sometimes where a person was born or
raised by that type of thing the brain how it goes fear worry fair worry so i've got all of that well how do i deal with it before we talk that one last thing fear worry coming from all these layers in me in me that seemingly was caused by their genetics passed to me their culture their religion passed to me and it's true i know these places have added to our problem i get that however somewhere deep inside of me i've allowed this to become an addiction why would i let social programming religious program become my reality
well because programming what has power over you it doesn't so despite the list of things that program fear and worry in you please answer this to yourself why did you listen why were you susceptible to religious and family programming think about it one of the reasons is deep down we deserve we don't believe we deserve better here comes fear and worry i get to decide fear and worry really why would i want that well i don't i don't deserve better than that and we allow it why wouldn't you believe you deserve
better because you've forgotten your divinity which is why we refill after we empty our cup why it's important to do affirmation and mantra about the reality of god divinity someone's got to step up and put a new reality in the consciousness if you keep waiting for the religion that programmed you differently the genetics the family the culture haven't you figured out that's not going to happen you've complained about it enough so we kind of know they're not the ones that program fear
and worry aren't going to give us the peace and joy of god we have to get it we have to find it choose it ourselves develop it ourselves so i have to own there's a part of me that doesn't think i deserve it own that part then release that part and then replace it with a new reality i do deserve and the second reason we which is very much related to the first believe it or not deep inside we think we separated from divinity and cause has effect when we thought we separated from divinity we also assumed we deserve to
be punished for that as soon as i allowed myself to believe i was flawed deserving to be punished then comes after that but as soon as i believed that i was flawed less than divine i set myself up for the addiction of the ego which set myself up for rampant fear and worry is that making sense all right so some solutions i'll name four primary solutions that are coming off the top of my head the first one the first two i'm going to name are sort of like the mother aspect of god helping you the next two are more like the father
aspect of god it doesn't matter which one works best for you or because because some are going to work better at different times you might even hit it from all sides and use all four but when you see that you've got this thing called fear and worry catching you off guard or on guard when it catches you and and trips you into obsessing fear worry depressing fear worry first the soul level healing process that's in my healing the heart and soul book and it's also a free download on my website but
it involves recognizing it's happening again don't deny it or minimize it recognize it's happening accept that it's not what you think so in other words if if today um your car doesn't start you start going into oh my god the car's not starting i don't have anybody that i know they don't live in close to you anybody so what's going to happen what's going to happen what do i do what do i worry worry i recognize it's happening again i accept it's not about my car
this is my pattern of unworthiness the car is just acting out my stuff i don't even have to know what my stuff is just own there's a deeper message here than a car if i die tomorrow and get to the other side and reach the point at the stage where you're about to step into divinity and they say how are you doing well i would have been able to get on the stage but my car they're gonna laugh and send you back it's not about the car it's about you it's all about you even though your parents said it's not when you were
growing up you think everything's about you now you can go yes it is it's all about you for good or ill it's all about you so you own that second piece the third piece is and i now use free will and choose to surrender it all of it this pattern my car the day give it all up that's the emptying those three steps step four refill with god and give thanks i can do that in 60 seconds it can be a five hour process it could but it could be like this oh my god i recognize this car situation i accept this is bigger
than what i think it is i get that there's some deep lessons here whatever they are i give up all of my past beliefs and patterns to you father mother god what i really want is your presence in every form of goodness and so it is that might have been 30 seconds five steps soul level healing process turning a dark moment into transformative that's the first thing i recommend the second thing i recommend still related to the mother aspect is to say because mother aspect is nurturing so the second thing would be
if you're so triggered with fears and worries you probably need to nurture yourself by making sure you don't put yourself in dangerous situations that make you feel fear and worry that's not a solution it helps if all we do is enable your social phobias and say don't ever go around people then you'll be fine well no but if you are overly triggered let's step back and breathe and do the maybe the first step i named that those five steps there to heal your goal is to be able to be immune and come out your goal is to be
healed not to be triggered or hide from your triggers but there is something of value to say look if loud ruckus noisy kinds of things machinery triggers you i wouldn't be around it so much find a way to find peace and quiet not to stay hidden away but just a moment of sanity and if you've really been wounded as a child for example you just treat yourself the way you would a child when you're triggered there's a time for that and you say you know right now i'm feeling terrified so let me go get some space because that's
what you would do with a child hey honey you know why don't we get a warm bubble bath you know at a certain age type of a kid you know let's do a warm bubble bath and you know what after the warm bubble bath let's watch a cartoon you know that's how it helps to treat yourself that's the mother that nurtures you see that that you get that feeling there's a nurturance we don't want an enabling but a nurturance the third thing you can do now we're entering more the the divine father
aspect of god the third thing you can do is basically get into a place of saying because the father aspect is more to the point it's not honey how you feeling it's hey enough so the father aspect is when we say to ourselves hey bottom line is this it is not god's will that you feel worry and fear if it's not god's will why are you doing it see how more kind of to the point that is it is not god's will and so if i continue to feel fear and worry i'm actually saying brushing off god's will and choosing
insanity that's an important thing for us to kind of it really helps if we let our minds have epiphanies and go wait a minute this is not god's will i'm like afraid again if god didn't create the bible tells you god did not create fear in man i'm feeling afraid and worried and trust me if you're feeling worried you're afraid so any really any emotions going to be based on fear so if you really look at it so if i'm feeling fear and god didn't create fear in man it means i'm
conjuring up something first that god doesn't will for me and secondly if god didn't create it it can't be real so i'm obsessing on fears and worries that even don't even have any power that's bizarre that's really bizarre it's called hallucinating how are you doing today oh hallucinating how are you i mean do you want to walk around going yeah i've been hallucinating and i today i came up with five new things to worry about if they're not god they're not real which means you're hallucinating so you
said just now i have five new things to hallucinate men you need therapy and some strong medication or something who in their right mind would do that other than someone who thinks they don't deserve better and they deserve to be punished now does it make sense why you would do that if you have that premise that i gave does it make more sense i know it doesn't feel good it's just the truth if it's up to god none of this could or would be happening so the fourth one that i'll share is christ teaches
your mind is far too lenient of mind wandering it's important mind the mind to focus that's the father aspect so the first father aspect is say hey if god didn't create this what am i doing the second father aspect which is item number four in total is that the divine the christ in us says hey guys you're far too lenient of mine one you're allowing obsessions and fears and worries in why well because i feel low self-worth i feel flawed i feel like i deserve to be punished do you deserve to be punished well i feel that way does
god think you need to be punished for anything no because you never left you just think you did is god gonna blame you for having a dream no you can't control other people's dreams if your child woke up you have a baby you know or a little one in your household and they woke up from a nightmare you would be insane to punish them how dare you have a bad dream your reaction even as a human would be oh let me help you well all the more that god would understand honey it was just a bad dream so you're far too lenient to mind
wandering means start catching yourself and come back to center as soon as possible now if i'm a type of person that's been damaged and i tend to have fear and worry and anxiety you're telling me just bounce back it's not that easy you're right try those five steps and it starts shifting things try affirmations and decrees because besides the one that you're far too lenient of mind wandering remember this one i i really love this one i will which means i choose i will to think and feel only what god would have
me think and feel and that's that fourth one i'm far too lenient of mind wandering hold it boom the reality is i will to know to think to feel only what god would have me know or think or feel is that making sense now why didn't i just give one solution because some days you need one some days another and some days more than one but what if you do one or more of these techniques today you're dealing with a lot of fear and worry and you do one or more of these techniques and it doesn't shift i'm telling you this it's impossible
unless you exercise free will to not have it change oh i'm i'm just too afraid sorry to hear that you're affirming that the wounds are just too great to allow you to step up into your divinity and make a change that is very sad i have nothing but compassion and blessings for you you're not going to experience a shift if you're a counselor and they came to you and said you know i did all four techniques and it didn't work and you said sweetheart you're still identifying with you don't deserve we need you to go
into i deserve and let's go there oh no i don't want to do that see you're you can only do so much when a sponsor is dealing with somebody who says you know yes i i'm really wanting sobriety drugs alcohol co-dependents whatever i really want to be clean this over from all those things and you're helping them and then they say god today was just so stressful you know i got drunk with a co-dependent person as we did drugs because i was just so out of my mind but it's because stressors were too much as a sponsor you
don't go wow you know god i would have done it too if i was you they gave in and let me say this they gave in before the stressors came you think you can blame that something made you drink or drug or whatever no you already determined you were not completely ready willing and able to hold your center so you manifested some things to complain about that you call triggering you and they might have been really hurtful things true but you already decided to give in the way christ puts this and of course a miracle
the way this is put is you're only going to end up doing what you're going to do anyway you wanted to be depressed today you made up a story to get you there oh i don't like that that would make me responsible you know so it's hard to hear but you ended up where you wanted to go anyway you know so often people experience this major shift where they go you know my partner cheated you know so we broke up and whatever it was already done you think it's what they did that ended the relationship this is where you already wanted to go
it doesn't it's a ball game and somebody oh and i dropped the ball until we lost the game this was already believed in the consciousness on some level what you think what you feel what you do all comes to confirm your belief systems that's all the whole world of experience emotions and thought processes are all doing nothing but and so it is to the believer you know it's not easy for people to get that to accept that but that's it so so imagine that when the shift doesn't happen that you're looking for
hope before praying for processing for stop and say to yourself for a moment say to yourself there's a possibility i'm not saying you know say it lightly like this there's a possibility that i don't truly want it yet it has to be what else is it well the forces of other people are still you know no people that deal with hauntings and and exorcisms they know this too they know that ghosts that are mischievous or dark in a building do something to trigger you make you afraid then they start feeding off your
fear and they become even stronger entities right all they have to do is go boom knock a glass over oh my god i know this is the end you know the person you're like oh my god you know you go into all this panic and they're like you know wonderful well it that's this whole world acts like that so instead of triggering each other bringing up old wounds that we then psychically feed off of in a dark place why don't we try being the opposite why don't we try being the change the difference the miracle in people's lives
instead of their ego going oh my god going into fear worry and health why not trigger something that goes really i have value thank you that's the opposite and that is one extra piece i just realized that i'm sharing as another tool bring good to others and it'll help the good karma for you for yourself to feel more good more often it'll give you more power to deal with the times when you feel powerless so soak in these concept these concepts the human mind it's an amazing thing fear and worry how why would you want to
invest in fear and worry do you know that 90 something percent of the time it is said that the things people are afraid of and worry about do not happen so what kind of an investment is that why would you put a lot of fear and worry about what might happen that never happens i mean it really that's not saying and it's if you're a gambler that's terrible odds why would you even try that there's no you know it's almost impossible that you'll have evidence to say see i knew i should have been afraid
but humans live like this obsessing but it could happen i think it's gonna i know i just know and then one in a thousand happens and you'll go see and it justifies my fear and worry every day so you're saying that out of a thousand if 999 never happened you're going to use one to justify the other 999 times that you were afraid and worried for nothing why don't you just own that you were wrong own that you i lived in constant fear and i was mistaken i was constantly assuming that people can't be faithful i was constantly
assuming that people always lie i was constantly assuming that nobody wants to hire me they're just made up hallucinations do your prayer work do your healing work shift it and you'll find a lovable universe to support your belief in being lovable and i know some people are out there the the you know positive thinkers saying things like you know uh uh you should not acknowledge fear and worry because then it'll make it happen no no no people are already feeling fear and worry if they stuff it you haven't fixed it they just stuffed
thinking and talking about it it's in the soul it's in our beliefs it's helpful to talk about your deepest fears what are they oh you don't want to know because they're really really weird no tell me what is your deepest fear what's going on let them speak it when you speak it you're affirming if i believed it had that much power i wouldn't be able to say its name haven't you ever seen one of those sci-fi movies there's an evil presence and we can't even speak its name that was in i think
harry potter too wasn't it don't speak its name did that make it not exist no say it i'm afraid that what what i have this phobia there's no name for it yet but i have this phobia that if ever i enjoy potato chips bigfoot's going to storm into my house and steal them from me now you don't want to be a counselor or sponsor and go wow but you're thinking it but you know what that's just the manifestation of theirs you have yours and your seems weird to somebody else fears and worries are ours
they might seem unfounded they might seem ungrounded but let's talk about it my deepest fear never shared this with anybody so might as well do it with ten thousand people my deepest fear is one that is i think fairly fairly normal for conscientious spiritual teachers if you're a spiritual teacher to some degree or a healer or a counselor or even a parent when you play a role of being helpful to people your deepest fear is what to fail them but it's deeper it's not just i'll fill them it's
failing god can you fail god no but i didn't say this was sane i said i can see my deepest fear deepest absolutely for me is to let down god and people do i believe consciously that that's possible no i just said it's it's i can see that it's there when you love people your children you don't want to see them hurt when you teach people you don't want to see them hurt it's a very normal natural thing it is not the god in me that feels that way it's just the human aspect i don't sit around obsessing on it but
i can be honest and say it is absolutely there's not even a close second deepest fear is to that everything i'm doing and sharing and teaching and all that that you know it's that it just it in any way falls short of being helpful and it's something that is not just in a person it's also an archetype that we have as that's why you feel that as parents that's why you sometimes feel it with your partners i'm afraid to let them down i'm afraid to you know god my partner's sick now and i'm not able to
do enough for them i mean that's what it all is we all have the same one i just named it's just in different forms but we also have other ones low self-worth or whatever else our fears are um you know being seen as you know flawed or not being pretty enough or whatever our things are those are just all symptoms so if this is my deepest darkest fear my job recognize i have it don't deny it or minimize it except that it's deep and vast and touches in all or most areas of our lives or my life give it to god
replace it with the wholeness and love of god now there can be no flaws because i'm filling up with god's presence instead of my own and i give thanks when i do that i shifted it it is impossible for it to not shift to at least one degree when you do healing work it's impossible for it to not work so every bit of effort you're putting into healing or being stronger being more faithful clear it it is all working but you got to think about it fear and worry are controlling people and it seems to be caused by others
but i'm done living in fear think about like retiring it drink a drink that you go no more the biggest you know this addiction fear is the number one epidemic and addiction now that's weird i use two words whoever who likes to walk around going not only do we have an epidemic i have an addiction to it that's kind of odd but it's the truth it would be gone if i or we did not have a collective addiction to it and the current pandemic and anything like that in this world why do these things come because of our addiction to
believing we don't deserve better we deserve instead to be punished for being imperfect or or imperfect or or flawed or whatever no longer holy children of god which implies that it's god bringing the punishment and god's like i have nothing to do with this so that means we're making up in between us and divinity we're making up another entity that's doing this because god has nothing to do with it then who is it that punishes us who is it that sends us back with karma who's doing that
a made-up thing and that's called idolatry thou shalt have no false gods one of the meanings is this thing here there's you there's love and you won't allow love to be in you 90 you know 24 7. instead you fabricated some punishing thing here i will find god after i've been punished enough after i've done my time and done penance that's what karma and reincarnation are in the dark side of it the bright side is i'm using it to awaken i see my lessons i surrender them and i come back to my perfection
i'm going to close now but i i want to make it clear i'm i'm very clear that this doesn't seem easy all the time when you're in it it's not like you're going oh wow right now everything in my life is going horribly wrong but thank god it's not really happening oh money part of you i'm just boom chuckle boom i'm good i just did this little mantra and wouldn't you know it um so i'm sorry for that i'm sorry that there are times that the pain is so much that we can't seem to see anything else
but what i would do is do the work anyway say it any do the mantra anyway do the prayer anyway do the you know five step soul transformation process do it anyway and even if i walk around terrified i can't even walk i'm in bed curled up fetal position oh my god nobody loves me everything's going to go wrong i just know it now now that my you know my husband cheated her or my one of my children moved out of the house oh my god something bad's gonna happen to them and i'm a terrible mother and
you're doing this fine you're gonna be blurting something in your head try go back to i will to think only what god would have me think stupid this world and i can't really and i got fired but i will to choose and choose only to think and feel as god would have me think stinking and my body and i'm getting old and nobody wants me now just keep doing it anyway you can still blurt the others if you enjoy that but i promise you one ounce of sanity puts a foot in the door and it'll become two and three and
eventually the doors will open your don't shame yourself for having those dark moments but don't let them last too long do something about them do something with them be honest about them be clear about them please take a few centering breaths we're going to be gifted with a meditation which will start with a minute explanation first and then a meditation but before we do i want to share just this take a moment of centered relaxed breathing just let the tensions out of the body out of the mind just breathing and
centering and just imagine if there were a moment today or this week and let's really do this something that brought up any kind of fear or worry we're gonna just do a brief healing on it but bring it forward even if it's past i don't want it to just pass by to come up again next week in a cycle let's just do it let's get it what were you fearful or worried about lately today this week this month this year could even be global stuff whatever comes up let spirit help determine what that is and then we know
it's the right thing see it and hear these words like they're your own you're saying this from your heart and soul i recognize i'm doing it again i'm feeling worried and afraid no denying or minimizing it's absolutely true i am or have been feeling afraid and worried at least one breath on each of the five steps i accept this is not simply about my current crisis or whatever issue this is not about that this is far bigger it's a pattern of mine thinking that i'm flawed and separate
from you father mother god and now i am exercising my free will to surrender all such false beliefs and all the symptoms and all the people related that i've dragged into the drama to play roles from the past or present or even ones i would have hired for the future all of them giving them all to you along with my fears and worries father mother god all this stuff out even just an ounce of hypothetical belief that you are giving it up at least gets a foot in the door just try to believe and i've emptied my cup and i choose you
instead father mother god i choose to feel your holy perfect presence i choose to feel peace and happiness that comes from surrendering false old emotions and replacing them with the true feelings of divine presence i get to fill up now not just the breathe out i'm breathing in the new the presence of god and even if i only believe this hypothetically and only one ounce or drop it's still going to have an effect fine i'm going for it i'm calling in your presence prove my ego wrong prove my deservability
i insist on experiencing a miracle and i give thanks in advance that the miracle is already coming it'll be a shift in my feelings my emotions my centeredness i am in charge of my sanity i allowed myself to stray away from my center of sanity and i'm now saying no and coming back and when i come back god awaits me so i'm giving thanks that i've chosen the will of god this is god's true will my center my happiness so in this i find my true self my divine self if i were not to feel a shift my next job would be to forgive myself
for not allowing it because it would be me that's holding it back last breath or two integrating this please keep your eyes closed and we'll move into the next portion the monks leading us into our meditation the rest of the way so please stay in the center eyes closed and breathe this in um [Music] so first of all
thank you very much our spiritual brother michael such a really amazing talk and also it's really really touching so to enhance on that how you can practice this as a inseparable from you and actualize this in your life so we're going to talk on this so main thing is all those kind of like uh feelings emotion that you have from your fear and worry and doubt so it's because we are not aware of what we are really experiencing and what we are really seeking for so this recall there is a four seals of universal awakened
so one is all those component things around us that you it's all the nature of impermanence there's nothing permanent at all so once you have a doubt once you have a fear that it is always permanent then you are wrong you are going into a wrong process so we are going to take once we start the meditation we are going to think on those things and second thing is all the contaminated things in this universal is nothing it's only the origin of suffering so once you are contaminated of any things any kind of ignorance any kind of
like a afflicted emotions this would only make you suffer and the third thing is all the phenomena in this world that it's neat uh it's an empty of inherent existence it's an empty of independent existence nothing exists there independently it's nothing exists there conventionally it is nothing exists there ultimately sorry it's exist only relatively conventionally dependently and intrinsically so you will going to meditate on that and the the so the main if you approach on the aspects of path that
leads you to enlightenment to this cut out the roots point of our universe our being in this suffering nature is once you achieve enlightenment once you cut the ignorance which is selfishness which come from self grasping and self cherishing which is the obscuration of all those afflictive emotions that you have and that's you are ignorant and you do the wrong part you walk in the wrong path so please close your eyes and we will going to meditate on this for four minutes hmm
okay thank you very much so um next we would like to um request syringeola who is our tibetan classical uh the performing arts master i would like to request him to uh do a chanting about the heart sutra the sudra that we call the the heart of all those teachings of so it means how you can actualize this all those virtues in our life and how you can make this as aspects of path to enlightenment is by accumulating first governments accumulations of all those virtuous things by
you know by accumulating merits and the wisdoms and part of preparations means you are peppery you are preparing for all those kind of like realizations that the pure ultimate realizations of the universe and then part of seeing means you are perfections of all those kind of like the ultimate realizations and the ultimate the uh knowledge ultimate wisdom of this world and this universe so by realizing the uh the the wisdom of emptiness though is we call paragate means this wisdom emptiness if you gradually practice on
those aspects and those you know meditation in concentrations so you will going to upgrade this and to the highest level buddhist means then you achieve the supreme enlightenment which your body transformed into a the we call uh complete enjoyment body and the ammunition body that complete enjoyment then through that it emanates to serve the all those sentient beings for the welfare of them like buddha muni and also your wisdom will be transformed as a we call truth body the wisdom truth body and the nature to body
so once you have that so you are complete complete in joint and uh supreme enlightenment so for that purpose uh the swing lotion i will going to chant the the mantra of heart sutra thank you very much they're going to organize the background music if they can it's a last-minute inspiration you know so we're just playing with that to see if we can do that while they're doing that how you feeling pretty cool stuff isn't it another great day obviously um and while we're waiting by the way um
you it was announced that ray keller is doing the venus rising event so keep that in mind stay for that if you can um and that's going to be shortly after service but uh ray is here already isn't he where are you ray no no there you are hi good to see you quite quite a story and quite a workshop um so stay for that if you if you can today and um when the song is done and they're concluded we'll just do our closing prayer and we're done for today this will be just a few minutes of a song and then our closing prayer in the meantime
while they're while they're prepping let me know if you need anything stephen while they're prepping um i invite you to join us for a couple of other things we have next weekend an amazing workshop that we're going to do here on intimacy and relationships and that's going to be very very uh just extraordinary honestly i know that because i'm doing it um no um i just i i know what we're what we're heading for and there's such deep questions people have been asking so it's going to be a very
[Music] oh very powerful very revealing um very you know extraordinary it's not about partnerships it's about this here this our being and about our own how to how to know the truth that we're light beings but how to and what to experience when it comes to the human form sensuality and so forth so we'll cover that also remember we typically we have the chaplains doing prayer after service i'm not sure that we're doing that today we'll see how it goes because of time and all that for people and we have the
other workshop coming up so we'll see if we're going to do that we'll let you know um and we have our um let's see okay cool some of you have been asking about um struggling with with um jobs that are telling you they're gonna dump you if you don't have paperwork that say you're a valid human being or whatever they're looking for um so what we're doing is we're having a letter organized a legal letter it costs quite a bit to do this but if anybody wants to use the letter at work or wherever you want to
use it you're welcome to some people will honor it some won't but what i asked the lawyer to write up i basically said this as a religious exemption that we believe that god is the ultimate power and the only power in the universe and that and i'm not telling you to be or don't be a certain type to wear or don't wear masks i'm not telling you what to do i'm saying for people who are being threatened i would like to help them feel safer saner and so we're using that that message to
say the divine is the only power yes in the letter i also mentioned that you people the world the government thinks that they're the ones that have the power so the letter says you don't um and i said here's what we believe here's what we believe and i told them and then i added this i think this is really kind of fun oh thank you thank you so i added this now that i've told you what we believe which is god is i am we are the burden of proof that there is no god is on you isn't that fun
you know tell them yeah guess what we don't have a problem we believe god is i am we are so therefore i'll wear a mask it won't work get vaccinated won't give vaccinate i'm not going to judge anybody about it but if you have a problem with that the burden of proof is now on you isn't that fun i i just think that's yeah thank you so thank you for that so lastly the message of today take this with you it's very very powerful and important what fear and worry does to us and that when you work on fear and worry
and it doesn't seem to be going please understand there's deep addiction to this you know there's deep attraction to it it nothing saying in you is attracted to it it's the part of you ego that has forgotten who you are and so it loves to feed that and feed off of that this parasitic relationship the ego fear and worry fear and worry the ego around and around and around so please understand it and if you're struggling because several people acknowledge this this week struggling with fears and worries
this is not your destiny but it is your test it is a challenge certainly but it's one you absolutely can surmount so thank you and thank you for your love offerings please stand for our closing prayer first a centered breath or two with absolute conviction absolute knowingness we stand in our divine minds all of us two or more and there are many more all around the world watching this program with us all of us are joined together holding in thought and prayer first those who would like to have received prayer today they're already receiving
that whatever the issue the answer is here clarity is here peace is here but for god's sakes grab it draw it in you deserve it absolute love and prosperity and joy to our guest tibet monks their whole crew their supporters all of them absolute love absolute support bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you absolute held in the mind of divinity held in the mind of love and know that there's waves from them coming back to us the light of god surrounds us the love of god unfolds us
the power of god protects us and the presence of god watches over us wherever we go god is i am we are and so it is blessings to you all thank you