Everything Here is Backwards
for being with us those of you who are guests my name is Michael Mir dad and I serve here as part of our spiritual leadership and as is customary on Sunday mornings I ask what you would like me to talk about so have at it you know what's important what's important to your heart [Laughter] surrender God center it's punishment [Laughter] punishment that church is up the road just that's a different house of God our house on the other house is a very
very very fine pardon social media social media well we have a vast yeah vast array of of comments questions that or people are asking to I didn't ask for any more okay one of you asked about Being Human versus human being you know last week we talked about just briefly addressing that concept of The Big Bang Theory you know where we're we're not talking about it from a scientific standpoint but from a standpoint of what what is behind that I
mean everything's backwards on this planet everything is backwards that's the first thing to understand now why don't we just fix it because everything is backwards so it's not it's that's a perfect design of the ego make everything so overwhelmingly backwards you can't fix it because there's too many things that are backwards I mean and I'm not talking about we should start walking backwards so that it's forward I mean you know it's wearing glasses where everything's
flipped I'm not talking about going into some strange psychotic kind of behavior or episode I'm just saying that to breathe you know this is all you have to get from it at least this that it helps you to just breathe because everything's wrong everything's flipped our eyes are flipped your vision the way Vision Works it's flipped everything is backwards your mind your brain is wired backwards to your body your brains wired the left side of the body goes to the right side of the brain device for everything is flipped
so that nothing makes sense and everything's backwards perfect perfect it's a perfect design of the ego so that people can't just find home that's the idea of like entering a maze dead ends and dead ends so that people are feeling futile and the so the Big Bang isn't something that happened and then we eventually evolved out of it as just biological beings and then if you're spiritual you would say well the biological beings eventually grew and evolved enough to wear Souls because you're spiritual
you're not going to just think it's biology and creatures and we think that we then incarnate into those things because now you're spiritual so you add the incarnating of souls into these creatures bodies but the big bang wasn't an explosion it was an implosion it it we are in the mind of God and the universe is in our mind nothing ever went anywhere there is no big bang exploding you know moving universe that's separation that which means that you and I are constantly separating The Big Bang
Theory affirms that everything is constantly moving apart and as I said science now some scientists are scratching their head saying you know we're having a feeling in a certain data is coming in that says the universe has now stopped expanding which means gravity will kick in and the universe will now contract back to what it originally was and then it'll be as though it never was that's a theorem in quantum physics and it's exactly right but I'll add to that if there is no time then the expanding Universe the pause
and the reverse which we talked about last week and go check that out and the reverse of it it already happened Let's Pretend the universe is 10 billion years old when does the children of God when do we eventually go home what will be the date will it be 2 000 something A.D when is the date somebody could say oh maybe it's going to be 5000 A.
D Nostradamus says this and Edgar Casey says that in Sciences or whatever but the only answer is when will it happen 10 billion years ago this has already ended what we're doing is we're just imagining what it would have been like if it could have happened so it's all in our minds we are thoughts of love in the mind of God Have You Ever Had Loving Thoughts towards somebody kind of like that except times everything we are Loving Thoughts of God God which is love said I wonder what it would be like to have more love boom and we were
created and then we said this is amazing we also are experiencing what it would like to be love then we said hey I have a crazy notion here thought I wonder what it would be like to not be love boom and the Big Bang took place and then it's like well what do we do next I guess to not be in the state of Love would mean to fly into that thing that expanding Universe where everything's apart everything's separated now we're going to go in and we're going to gradually descend into matter which is what limitation which is death
you are mere mortals and Mortal comes from the word mortality so as soon as you become immortal you're already dying we're Spiritual Beings dreaming this whole thing up but that doesn't mean it's easy to wrap our minds around that idea one of the biggest challenges Being Human versus human being one of the biggest challenges in the universe if not the biggest is the reason for suffering the reason for challenges is because we're trying to be human beings but you're not a human being everything here's a lie
you're not a human being and trying to be either just get by as a human being is already hard work because you're you're being something you're not but you say well that's not me because I'm on the spiritual path so that you can what become an evolved human being which you're not so what do we do identify only as a spiritual being is that easy hell no you know just totally in a state of Love totally in a state of the moment Etc et cetera it causes spiritual aneurysms you know why so many Mystics had nervous
breakdowns because they're seeing something's wrong with this picture they stop caring about Illusions and then the illusionary world locks them up you're not you're not playing the game anymore yeah because it's a game Buddha calls The Wheel of Life it's just an illusion step out of the wheel into the center and watch the wheel go around but don't go with it you know wow persecuted he was often persecuted for that but at least he introduced this idea it's all in the mind but the problem is we hear it's all in
the mind and of course in Miracles tells you it's all in the mind but when we hear the word mind we think intellectual mind and so Buddhism and course and miracles and so it's often attracts intellectual types of people who end up intellectualizing the material because this is great we're talking about the mind no not cognitive mind it's about your imagination get back to your imagination oh okay daydreaming no it's not daydreaming it's imagining that you're far more than you currently know imagine that you love far
deeper than anybody understands imagine that we're all connected imagine all the things that aren't currently accepted as being more true than the things that are plugs you in more directly so but people there's the human masses that are kind of asleep people on the spiritual path they have this phrase soul-searching which is good absolutely good I'm all for it where self-help groups and soul-searching right but but everything's backwards so when you're doing soul searching here's what you're doing you're trying
to get to know your inner self I wouldn't do that if I were you because you're not going to like what you find because there's lots of wounds and hurts but I'm not actually saying don't do this I'm just saying it should not be your ultimate goal you must be honest and look at your soul to get to your spirit because you have a human self a soul self and a spirit self spirit is the spark of God still within us can never extinguish still it's the spark the flame in us that still sits in God
because we're in the mind of God what's in the mind of God a spirit spark it can't leave it's the flame of God but we decided to say I wonder what it'd be like if we could separate that's when a soul was created how is a soul different from a spirit because a soul thinks it's separate and is on a journey of study and learning and meditation to get back to God the flame the the spark the spirit see so we're the spiritual self still but thinking we're dreaming that we're Souls that have gone into the
universe not yet bodies Souls these lights these sparks flying into the universe where are we I don't know man but something's happened the Big Bang the separation Etc all I know is that we're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy so you know we need to do those of us who decided to have conscientiousness some of us just went you know deer in a headlights like you know no thoughts no deeper searching they're just politicians or whatever you know sorry anyway but there's but then there's people that go you know what I
think there's more those are the goddesses the the god that Mystics the you know the ones on a soul path and they're what are you into soul searching man or Soul finding right those are the people on the spiritual path and they're searching listen their soul is searching for God is that good to do yes agreed great idea very good idea but what we should be doing is letting God guide us in the search not searching for God don't have your soul search for God ask God to expose your soul because it's all backwards
when you say I'm on the path and I'm studying and I'm learning I think I'll meditate for 10 minutes at a little alarm you're still controlling your soul search you see you're still in control I believe this I believe this this religion is better than that it's all still controlled I have no idea is the attitude we should have show me God so that I'm not looking for my soul's lenses for God but looking through God's eyes so to speak to the soul what will happen is you'll only be given
the essentials in the moment to work on instead of us deciding what we need to work on so that we can become better people we're just one with God and it trims way down the essentials of what to work on only that which is before us only that that seems meddlesome or troublesome but it's all you know it's all just illusion and the world will use every means to keep the illusion alive some of your questions ranging from you know fear to two hearts coming together and say all these different things the world's gonna say the universe as we
know it which has been hijacked by the ego again we're perfect Sparks of light perfect flames in God we're thoughts of love in God then we're in the mind or consciousness of God but in our mind is a universe of separation so God's still you're still in the the whole of God the wholeness of God we're still sitting in there but the lights are on and nobody's home we're still in God that's that flame is still there in us but we've closed our eyes and done what you could say is like
a visualization I wonder what it would be like to be separate so the Big Bang took place in our minds when you hear in the beginning there was this void Stillness Darkness Abyss it's when we closed our eye and started to visualize separation which by the way sounds gorgeous in mythology and then this happened and then this and then this goddess was and this God has created this and then the gods and goddesses started the gods and goddesses fell with us all they are is more of us everybody gods and goddesses alike that's why God
in the Bible is portrayed as a jealous God because that God was one of the Fallen ones everybody did this together well isn't there anybody that was saying no if you were in the third dimensional Universe it'd be it meant you became to some degree Fallen when Jesus did what he did remembering the Christ he was remembering not not higher Consciousness not the consciousness of your deceased mother or your spirit guide from another lifetime nor this or this or this or this or this not even channeling angels
Jesus went all the way back to the flame that I am one with God no conversation about this stuff just boom back when he received guidance he was saying when you see me you see the Father which also meant because he was using their language the father mother God you're seeing God I am no separation from God I have no decisions or beliefs that are contrary to that of God I have no little in between moments I am as God created me and I will to be the Christ even though I'm on Earth so you bring that Awakening to this you
know to this place is what he did so he's actually offering not just higher Consciousness like some teachers oh I'm going to teach you a meditation is going to give you higher Consciousness I'm going to teach you a breathing technique what are all these fancy things and some of them are like wow and this was happening and guys all the buzzing and all the purple lights and those are fantastic they are not your goal they are signs of you rising in Consciousness don't ever think I can't wait till I reach purple light
really what about Violet that's higher than purple vibrationally what about the light colors you can't say that are higher than that what about the dimension where it is beyond Spectrum at all see God in God there's no dimensionality dimensionality came into the universe with dementia only people with dementia experience dimensionality there's a bumper sticker waiting to happen so we're not we're not what we think and the universe is going to say you know what you need to be more complete and there's always
some stinking magazine that's going to tell you what you need or some now you know memes and things that you know on YouTube and wherever else online you know here's what you need to be a better person if you just take this remedy you'll feel healthier it's always something to lift you up a little higher which is better than nothing don't get me wrong better than nothing the approach that I'm describing is instead of doing to get home imagine being home and do then the doing becomes the expression of
the being instead of the doing the efforting see this concept really oh this world you know here's what you need you need children no you don't you need a marriage no you don't you need healthiness no you don't it tells you all the things you need to be more complete you need a job retirement all these things they're labels but as soon as you think that that's what you need it implies that this place is real and now you've bit the the you know the apple of Illusion along with everybody
else and you're here so it's okay we're not going to try to pretend we're not imagination is not pretend it's not daydream it's to see as God sees it's very different so we start to realize God all these goals that you know the stuff if only in retirement and one more lists and if get a house or whatever the things are can't once I get a car then I'm more complete none of these things are true none of these things are real and they can't offer anything because they're not there
so then it gets down and again one of you a couple of you have mentioned romance love relationship kinds of things the ego tricks people into thinking that their people individuals and therefore incomplete because you're you're alone if you're in a room and there's not somebody else there you're alone it doesn't allow you to access how could I be alone when I'm all one everything is with me no no no you need to single somebody out that'll make you feel more complete and when they fail to do that you
divorce them you know this is the routine oh so I'm going to add that to my goals divorce you know it they don't they can't they cannot lead us anywhere because they're not true stories now can you still experience sharing with another person absolutely but you're choosing to share from your higher place your higher self not the lower self that strives to get somewhere higher if only I have you then I'm more complete no I am complete choosing to share with others that sort of resonate with that level of completeness right
so the whole the whole notion of love romance from the human standpoint mind you it just becomes another false reality and and I know this is a bummer because some people want to you know this love is better than that love and this is the and so on and so on um all of those dialogues are still coming from the head even though we think love comes from the heart it's still dialogues from the head there's still limited Notions so when I say I love you who's talking you know someone's saying I love you
they're already lying to them because who's the I that's speaking if the human being is expressing I love you and you're not a human being it means you can't actually be saying the truth which is I love you because if you don't know who you are you're lying to yourself and to them I love you means I need you to make me feel more love which can only come from God so the only accurate version of I love you is if God be with me and you say it for me so the Divine in me loves the Divine in
you that's the only authentic version of love if I'm blurting it if I'm coming from a needy place I don't care what you'd call it oh The Chemistry Between Us yeah that's what I want to be chemicals I just want to walk around going hi nice to meet you what's your name I don't know I'm just chemicals I'm hormones nice to meet you you know I'm neediness whether it's psychological or chemical those things don't make sense to me into the I am presence now the danger of
getting into the I am presence is you say I love you to everybody because it's true and then they're all freaking out he said he loves me no he said that to me well I think he said it to me first yeah but he meant it for me more you know so you know you're Jesus walking around I love you and people are like oh he said I love you to a girl it was okay that he said to the 12 apostles but now he now we saw him say it to a woman Magdalene or whomever you know and that's not allowed because that's personal but that's everybody
projecting their stuff onto him really really giving permission oh my God I love you I can't not hug you because I feel so much Oneness with you come here and now we're just physicalizing anchoring what I feel inside Oneness come here oh my God it's not the neediness it's the knowingness there's just day and night difference knowingness but we keep bargaining and the ego convinces us tricks us even into niceties I got a great job you know getting paid very well no no no no no even your jobs they're a lie listen to
this when you're working to earn money you're actually bargaining it means I can't just receive the abundance of God I have to work hard for it that's a lie and we all signed the document the agreement when did that happen remember Garden of Eden man you will now need to work hard to earn anything why because in the garden it was a depiction of them falling from who they really were androgynous whole beings that ended up thinking they're separate now they're separate people now they're having
separate children the whole story becomes just ludicrous you know and then again falling falling now you have to work to women you're now going to have to feel pain to give birth to things and it doesn't just mean babies everything for the man and woman the common denominator was effort man you have to work to earn a living woman you're going to have to be in pain to go and deliver a baby the common theme is pain or work effort which means we were once one with God and all it took was imagination all we had to do was oh
we can create anything because we are everything when we miscreate is that good well of course not but we could at least see it and go that could have only have come from me you know and own it erase it life is supposed to be just an Etch A Sketch gone I'm clear my slate is clear we understand you're going to Incarnate again and according to your Acacia records oh wow you got some heavy stuff hold on let me get that read that again you're good you're good to stay here Heaven that's what it should look like but we don't
remember all of your life's Deeds the ones that resonate with love carbon Stone the ones that don't write only in sand so that they can be washed away easily by just making a different decision the problem is human beings are told by the ego anything you do wrong anything you do off you're going to be punished somehow for it you're going to be held responsible that doesn't feel good so we tend to not own it we tend to have issues with you know taking responsibility if we realize that taking responsibility
oh my God all the Angels Sing when we stop and say wait wait a minute there might be some other meaning to this instead of just I've done something naughty here it comes back to me Karma Boomerang anything you want to call it you know that's that's the ego's program when we say wait no no I think there's another option I've done thought said something I'm going to own this for a moment I was mistaken to think that I needed you that I the job I could only get a raise if I worked even harder
got to break your back you know to make a living none of this is true now how do we get to that other concept how do we get to effortless prosperity by the way those of you who pull it off let's say are going to be judged by those are still that are still carrying the weight how did you get away with that oh you probably have wealthy parents I remember one time at a Tarot class God this is like 40 years ago we we were exchanging readings you know and developing that and this one lady said something about how frustrated she is and how her life's
been terrible and you know her father didn't do this or whatever it was you know and I was guiding her into again you know taking responsibility let's change that and so on and then she kind of blurted out um well what do you expect to do what would you do if your father you know what would you do if your family your parents didn't give you enough and I said I would just ask my father for something more oh you have to always rely on your dad no no no I meant the father I didn't mean Dad but see she went right into
projecting this is what we do somebody else earns and we think they're you know they must not have done it right everybody that has money stole it or they're all greedy or whatever they can't have only gotten it it's not like the universe went look look the 10 most wicked people have passed over let's saddle them up with gold when they go back that's not what the universe is somehow they have to have earned it in consciousness is that wrong of them if you think it's wrong of them you've already blocked
your own prosperity it doesn't matter not judging them opens you to Greater abundance but the ego tells you you can only gain by effort this whole concept oh my God you know like people being reduced to to you know to mating cattle you know like you just we need we need a steer over here we need a you know cow here putting you know like the universe is putting together people and all the cows like when they do these nature shows there are five butterflies all wishing to find a male and four of them are gonna die alone but one of them
will flap the wings enough to impress the male butterfly and they'll mate I mean it's all effort why don't and like they're channeling the butterfly how do you know why it's doing that maybe the four other female butterflies are like I feel so good being alone I dig this I was butterflied up with somebody in the past life you know and I I never forgot how great it is to fly alone you know why don't they channel that they just make this stuff up working for money is a lie be waiting around for your partner life
mate someone that you know the right person all this stuff that happens in the chemistry they reduce you know women to like looking the right pheromones to give me the right breed of children oh my God how is that not a turn off for anybody no no no I am free I am free oh my God the burden off all the shell peeled off all the limiting belief systems all of it has to go who are you really you know I am as God created me I'd love to share some time with you you know I'd love to do this let's dance let's sing
let's play music together whatever it happens to be sharing the whole notion of give and take it's all a lie everything in this universe is telling you you have to learn by the earned by the sweat of the brow everything in this universe is telling you that you have to hope to be the one you know that gets the the mate which is fantastic because then they'll double the number of women on the planet to males so that somebody's going to be left out just it's just it's all a lie it can't be true that anyone or anything
isn't already deserving of everything to have a life mate easy if that's what you want but is it you the ego you that wants it or is it a knowing in your soul that that's what you're ready for and if that's what you're really ready for how could it not manifest well it's not happening then it must not be clear from God's mouth to your ears you know it that the guidance is not what you think one uh popular very very popular author sent his wife to me for a session and you know we're having trouble you know
having a baby and heard that you know you you are the person to go to and you know what what do we do you know and as much as I would like to have said you know the energy work and okay okay you'll have a baby within months you know and that sort of thing instead what I knew was you're not going to have a baby which of course ticked her off for a moment you're not going to have a baby you know now it's well I I thought you were good and not you were gonna zoom zoom in and tell us what we needed you know to have a baby
uh it's not going to be a baby you're going to write a book you're going to that's your baby see human brains take things the way they want to take them the guidances now she was resistant until the book came out and did very very well Michael oh thank you you know and yeah after you beat me up for verbally for a while but but you see listen to the guidance not the detail the the guidance is you're going to give birth that's what God is saying to her soul her soul goes we're gonna oh my God
we're going to give birth which then her humanness translates you're gonna have a baby which it the human knows she's not and puts her in a route of frustration paying all kinds of money to go all kinds of people around the world eventually coming to me paying all this money for medical as well as intuitive reasons as to why they're not because you're taking it literally get the message and the messenger disappears get the point the symbolic is always more powerful than the literal what are you really being told
when you're told move to Sedona don't start packing how do you get there in here what if what does Sedona mean to you oh Sedona is a place of of love and there's a lot of acceptance or whatever then do love and acceptance in you right now Where You Are once you get the details like that once you get the theme the message whether or not you need to move becomes like I'm open either way that's how this works when you get the core of it the external manifestation becomes less pressure it becomes more like ah so you you got
what you were really looking for God was telling when you hear you move to the mountains oh my God I had a dream last night and it's guidance that there's going to be a tsunami we need to all move to the mountains you move there and you're waiting and no tsunami and if you had 10 people with you you're not a false prophet so what was the point of all that well when you hear move to the mountaintops to be safe I'll even throw that in to be safe that means it's definitely tragedy oriented no what is the Mountaintop
higher consciousness if you want to feel safer and loved in your life move to higher Consciousness oh but you know I already bought land you know in the top of a mountain peak in the Himalayas or whatever enjoy I hope you got a coat be careful taking these things all so literally when you hear in a dream or a feeling even a feeling and all these people that Michael my biological clock is ticking I need to have a baby soon do you have a partner no give me one of those too get me a partner and a baby within three months wow then you got to
be pregnant six months ago first of all so this is the this is don't tell me you're a biological clock man that's kind of sick you're making yourself a victim to hormones to chemicals no you're a holy Child of God who created the entire universe honestly we all the universe is a thought within our mind collectively our mind we can't be victims you have a baby you don't have a baby it is as you thought you needed it at the time and there are lots of people that'll say I guess it
was meant to be only according to your beliefs don't act like God was in on that you know I I was dealing heroin went to jail but I you know I guess that was meant to be oh yeah because God was like you know what you need to be doing dealing drugs and going to jail that was never God no God wasn't the one that told you to have three points something children God didn't say you needed to do anything you are as God created you perfect whole light you think you're a human you think you have experiences you think those
experiences have brought you Karma lessons that you think you need to learn all of us are here to learn and heal that's all and the third thing we're here to do is experience the gifts of Having learned and healed but it's all about learning and healing but who determined what you needed to learn and heal only you that's all you can't say well my parents I wasn't supposed to come to this lifetime but they couldn't keep their hands off each other and them them creating a a baby an embryo you know develop it grabbed my
soul from the highest heaven and dragged it into the universe and threw it into that being and it became me victim victim victim it can't happen without some part of our beliefs aligning with it and and I know that's creepy for some because some of us have gone through a lot of dark lessons in this life so it sounds like I don't like listening to this because you're telling me lessons and healings were my fault no I'm not saying that if you're here it has to be that you had things you needed
to learn or heal that you believe you did that's all you did I say you did no so the good news is you didn't really need to they're you're not really bad you didn't really cause yourself all the trauma that you went through but there are these aligning or alignments of misbeliefs that we have I believe that I'm alone and therefore desperate and love hurting people a real Predator type and then another person says and I feel alone and separate too and I'm very sad about that so person that that
translates alone as angry and predator-like finds alone sad and subject to Predators you see you're not bad you're just insane that's all and by Insane I'm talking about you are living a truth it does isn't true and that's that definition you're believing in things that are not true namely that you're separate from God and then comes everything else if I'm separate now I'm broken I'm damaged goods I'm lonely I'm sad and none of those things they're all erroneous
assumptions so you can get on the soul Journey get on the spiritual path yet you're going to be working towards a goal that you never lost so let's practice aligning with being home the easiest way to do that ask God to show you you see instead of asking God to get you out of this mess the next mess the next issue the next emotional crash instead ask to see things as God sees them it's very different plug right in well how do you do that well there's this one school there's this one initiation there's this one
herb you know that no just ask as soon as you think you have to do something to earn that you know everybody's got their thing you know Ayahuasca and whatever else that wow that really got me there no it didn't you're already there these are all just fun things that you you're experimenting with marriage babies tripping you know whatever meditation uh lucid dreaming all these things on the spiritual path lighting green candles for Prosperity they're great they're all fun they're all cool but all they are is you
exploring what you believe yourself to be today I really needed acid because it really opened my mind that there were other things no no don't tell me you needed it I know you didn't you chose it and you believe it helped you open your mind to something years ago when you did it good for you did you need it no I really needed to go through this terrible marriage they beat me up every day but I I guess I needed that to learn how to set better boundaries you want me to say and so it is to that statement you just made
that you needed to go through punishment to learn better about why didn't you just learn it by going wait oh there's an idea and do it why can't we just access our imagination so if if you have two rooms of people children I've said this before but children in one room adults in another room and you get some very sophisticated spiritual leader to teach one of the two groups they're almost always going to go to the adults and then they're going to wow them you know heaven is like an in God and
and some of them are going to talk dimensionality they're going to use fancy words you know some of them use you know technology that's a fun one these days well there's this God technology that's being a god technology and the adults are all like wow they have gotten nowhere it could be a one-hour talk an all-day seminar they have gotten nowhere all they did was move information around from one part of their brain to another you go into the kid's room how are you going to tell them about all
that technology instead I could do this in 60 seconds hi kids we're gonna learn about God oh God well how do you do that well I want everybody I just close your eyes and imagine being happier than you've ever been in your life but then 10 times happier and they all start to smile and how does that make you feel even if you want it it let it take you over they start giggling and they start just twirling and they found God and you didn't foreign because they're using their imagination and it's love based you and your
complicated recipes ladies and gentlemen I guarantee for 99.99 today only you are going to experience god listen you have to just do this meditation technique where you hold your hands a certain way turn your eyes upward tongue to the roof of your mouth breathe you know except on Mondays you got to do it the opposite direction because Mondays is technologically lunar alignments and people are just like wow this guy's got to be on to something because nobody would make this up yeah they would they actually would it happens all the
time just making stuff up you know or if they really want to get cosmic to impress the the adults I'm in a channel now you know a being from the 89th Dimension which beats the 88th Dimension the 87 and all other I'm way up here this and then they whisper to each other those adults that's amazing because I've only ever been to channelings of the 15th Dimension this person's like 16 you know thousand levels higher and they get all wowed go into the kids room hi kids we're going to channel the 89th
Dimension this guy's weird they're right they're right they need to feel what's happening to be real you're just talking I know you're fancy talking I know it has Glitz and Pizzazz to it wow good for you my my mind I'm just not impressed by those things you know you look at them and it's like wait a minute why do you think Jesus so often allowed the kids to gather around him you know let me tell you a story they're like okay I mean it wasn't like they went stories oh we wanted you to intellectualize
things they were like stories oh bummer no story that makes sense why because you must be as children to find the kingdom and it means your pure heart and it means your imagination okay we've got to get to your higher mind open your mind to all possibilities that you are made in the image of God that you are an expression of love you say that and even children are getting it it's like wow and you say it in a way that they understand a good teacher is not the one that can impress adults a great teacher a good one might
pull that off but a great teacher can say the same thing to children and get it across you can talk to any level of people and you just all you're doing man the Divine mother only she could do this she's the bridge of all bridges she knows how to close a gap so now you're talking to electricians oh well God is like this you talk to a group of divorcees God is like whatever the topic is you bring it to them at where where they're coming from at their level this working hard this staying in control of our own path if it's not
clear it should be that it didn't work all these years that we've tried to do this ourselves so if you go to a let's say you design your own 12-step program hey I have an idea you know people like shorter lessons you know YouTube videos that were once an hour and need to be 10 minutes according to statistics so instead of a 12-step program we're going to do a two-step program you know and all that is is control again you can spice it up you can make it sexy for people to want the two-step program
instead of the 12-step program hey did you hear there's this other program where you only have to do two steps now who's happy about that God or your ego the ego why because it gets to miss the steps that would make you not an addict you're still gonna have all the problems because you overlooked the step about looking at yourself or you overlook the step about God being called into the situation you can't you can't mix those out you can't pick and you know I'm gonna start my own twelveston I'm going to use steps
one four and eight and I'm good this is that's not how this works a complete program 12 or not like the higher number or not you're wishing you could have two steps wishing you could do it in five minutes instead of five years let's say it's it's an example of the ego still trying to control things so at the end of the day there's nothing wrong with step work there's nothing wrong with soul searching there's nothing wrong with self-help programs but it's how we approach them
undeservingly broken I'm damaged goods I'm an addict etc etc trying to get home see that's different trying to get home as opposed to I am as God created me I am home and you are I mean I'm swearing to you you are there's your spirit can't have left God because we're a thought our spirit is a thought of God and it's in the mind of God consciousness of God we're just daydreaming that we're somewhere else like in cartoons when you see uh little cartoon drawings and they have the little bubbles you know that
show thoughts you know and words out there whether it's Snoopy or whomever the little words are in the bubble that's it's like that this whole universe is nothing but a thought and at some point pop and it's gone but the universe that came about through our musing about what life would be like if we were separate is all of a sudden Contracting again now why because we're saying we're not separate our spiritual work has proven to be effective it's turned us inside now it's bringing us all the the 12-step programs
we're not just sitting there the channels and whatever else all these things we've been doing the good news about being on the spiritual path is that underneath it not the details underneath it it was trying to get us back to understanding our deservability it's it wasn't just about not being an addict it was what you are not just what you're not I'm not an addict you see it was turning into then what are you that's why those programs include developing the new you discovering the
new you any program that only empties your cup has left you only empty any healing you've ever done a cathartic counseling spewing out all this hurt and rage and Trauma without asking you to refill with peace love and self-worth but say they they they're they're trained and taught not to believe in that well you know I don't go into the god stuff we're not really supposed to do that that's up to you and you should take responsibility I would not leave the counselor's office without refilling
but your time is up then sit in your car and do the other half of your counseling session everything you cried out has to be replaced with something else something new something that is of god makes sense has to be replaced if not you've left an empty place and it's a dangerous place okay you left yourself susceptible to being programmed with more illusion or more pain or whatever it happens more limiting programs so when you asked one of you about that word specific word punishment you know there's literal and there's figurative
but even our believing that we have to earn our way home look at all the things religions do they dress up a certain way headdresses you know necklaces certain things the Rings and the all the regalia which every east and west that happens and it's okay but one day we're going to look back and crack up at that remember remember when we we wore stuff to be holy we wore it on our bodies that were never there you know these were just dream figures yeah but you wore a weirder one than I know I did not you order where do
we know we won't go into that but you know it's true it's all kind of ludicrous it's and it's laughable at the end of the day this is what the ego says I I have a religion I know you guys have religions but I am the religion of all religions meaning false worship so I am the religion of all religions and I will have you bowing to Idols that you don't even think you would ever bow to you will bow to the idol of the body make sure you feed it and water it every day which confirms you are a body I want
you to react to respond to chemicals chemistry in your body well you know or be sure to your mother had a certain disease you inherited who makes this stuff up what makes you think I'm not even a body how could I inherit it well the science says oh then I'm up creek you know now I gotta walk barely breathing because you know of what things I might pick up from everybody else I'm a body and I'm I'm not a body and I am free I remain as God created me that's a fact but I'm not saying be careless you know
I'm not play the game in at whatever level you feel comfortable playing the game whatever your nutrients your health items or whatever you know let it be but at the end of the day I am not a body I am free for I am and remain as God created me which means what best answer I don't know but I'm willing to find out as soon as you start to go on listen I'm an eighth dimensional but you're talking again it's better to I don't know but I'm willing to find out which means I am infinitely open for intim uh infinite uh
conclusions infinite information infinite can you know just consciousness Inspirations too I'm just open open open and that's how this comes just like the way I teach you know and some people ask but how do you teach and did you study and no really I'm I'm really not intelligent in by human standards like probably a sixth grade education I would say by today's standards it's kind of weird you know like uh when my even when my kids were little I had no idea dad can you help me with my algebra
algebra are you kidding you're like five I never took algebra and I'm 35 at that time you know or what you've got to be kidding me algebra so it it was never my thing and and yet I'm doing fine I feel functional you know you know I'm like old and yet I I didn't have all the problems that you know people struggled with trying to eat healthy and they still had issues you know it's like find God God first in all things find God whether you're sick or not find God you know bring God into everything
bring God into everything don't try to perfect and then find God bring God into everything in your lovemaking into the shower into your labor at work into your stirring your food how could it harm to bring the highest vibration that exists into everything you do before your counseling sessions before you do surgery on someone bring God in especially if you're not trained as a surgeon bring God you know before your mechanic and before you go under the hood oh man I'm a fifth you know generation mechanic I'm a fifth
generation mechanic I know what I'm doing it doesn't hurt before you go I'm going in God under the hood into a person's soul into a person's therapy session whatever I'm going in be with me while I go when you go into your own Dark Night of the Soul a God go with me be with me bring God into everything so imagine tethering the light of God down into your heart your mind your emotional Center and your physical Center you see that all that God is into every center of my being my four torso centers
I insist see I don't want anything to be done I got this one you just fill my heart I'll take care of my body I don't want any part of me not plugged in to the light of God okay thanks thanks please take us entering a few breaths [Music] [Music] [Music] imagine an image of yourself whatever image would most represent limiting belief systems
a broken self a wounded self an abused self a lonely self any symbol of yourself that symbolizes or represents your most challenging image of yourself and it could be these you know the adult that strives to be successful but it can also be a very lonely sad child let the Holy Spirit help you decide the image let her help you make it Vivid and clear [Music] this is an image of you that needs worked on today [Music] I can see you
and name yourself I can see you so and so it's not always easy for me to look at this part of you [Music] because this part has been hurt has been left undeserving unloved pot impoverished whatever it happens to be or several words it's not always easy for me to see this this part of you this part that is me [Music] somewhere in time I left you behind and yet I can't so I've subversively and subconsciously carried you along as a Consciousness and it has undermined my life [Music] I'm sorry
[Music] for trying to abandon you it seemed like the only way to be safe the only way to protect myself is run from an image of me being unhappy or broke or whatever [Music] please forgive me and I know you do [Music] and what's going to change now is I'm bringing you back into myself and we're going to grow together we're going to grow up together but I'm going to say in advance I know part of you doesn't trust me and I understand why not only did I try to leave you behind and hide you so people wouldn't see my
loneliness or my fears but I also have done a lot of self-damaging things bargaining and whatever else [Music] but I know who I am today I'm waking up I cannot promise you Perfection but what I can promise you is I'm here now and we're not alone God is with us God is guiding me to guide you and the Divine mother is going to take great care of us we're going to go and re-age from the age this image is and we're going to take you into spiritual psychological responsible maturity we're taking us to a new level today
[Music] all is well [Music] come with me look at that image and it's not easy for some but I want you to say goodbye to it I'm not going to abandon you trust me trust me tell her him trust me bye I'm letting go of my old image of you which is an old image of me goodbye [Music] feel the hesitation if you have any feel the resistance if you have any try to be courageous trust me you're not going to leave that person behind say goodbye let them fade and Fade with them goes all thous Karma agreements and contracts from the past
all the bargaining the guilts and the shames goodbye and where they were once standing just see some beautiful Sparkles of light shimmering and colorful [Music] that's what you really look like not the image I had of you this shimmering sparkly little beautiful light this is who you really are and who I really am but I needed to have the courage to say goodbye to the old image of you [Music] now I'm greeting the new you underneath all of my images of you you were always whole bright safe [Music] breathe those sparkles in through your
breath into your heart a couple of times where none are left outside breathe them in the child or person that you once Left Behind breathe it in breathe it in really feel it just imagine it and see the Sparkles now just kind of swirling in gently in your heart put a hand or two over your heart oh my God [Music] I see you I can feel you [Music] we're back we're home in this place in my heart this is the home of the Divine mother [Music] we're safe and we can do everything over again meaning simply in a new way
anything I do that doesn't feed this light in my heart might not be right for me the jobs that are laborous not peaceful might not be right doesn't mean I quit today just I learned to follow this what is it that will stir these sparkles in a good way what is it that makes them fan like a flame into a brighter light in my heart don't date people that snuff this out don't stay in relationships that snuff this out what fans that flame I don't know but I'm willing to find out I refuse to try to figure any of it out
on my own even those who are proud when they've been told you're such a Survivor I'm not even going to be a survivor anymore I'm a thriver it's so great to connect with you which is me again it's so great to connect with this part of me that is made in the image of God this part that is light this part that is love so great to see this light now I have hope for various reasons I thought it was either minimized or gone completely and it's not true I give thanks father mother God I give
thanks you've guided this process you've shown me what and who I need to work on all surrendered to you and replaced now with your holy presence hear the words love and self-worth with each in-breath for the next half dozen breaths and when you do try to imagine those Sparks in your heart getting excited they get air that makes them burn brighter love and self-worth and so it is on the exhale and then again and again love and self-worth nice and slow like a wave anchor it there in that heart Fanning those Sparks and then exhaling and so it
is a few more times [Music] thank you thank you thank you father mother God this is my dedication to know my value my Divinity guide me in this in all parts of this help me to show this part of me to the world help me to be this part of me in my world and I choose to remember this every morning to start the day with this [Music] I don't have a day I have a god day very slowly coming back feeling gratitude
and hopefully that address questions also like Direction and and guidance and so on see so instead of being compelled by chemistry hormones identifications of male and female I'm none of those I am only as God created me that's my identification and I know how to connect with that when I connect with this love peace that's my Mantra that's my compass right like that title of a good friend to author uh Alan Cohen a book he wrote called Joy is my compass exactly all right thank you can anyone share what they learned or
heard today that made the most sense or was the most value in the meditation or the talk or whatever it was yes asking God instead of your soul search to God let God help you do a soul search to you good anyone else yes I'm reminded of the Albert Einstein quotes imagination is more important than knowledge my belt yes imagination as Einstein said is more important than knowledge imagination he said is the highest mental faculty not intellect anyone else yes the meditation Imagining the self wow
oh beautiful yeah right on and the image you saw as she was saying the um this almost a fairy-like image but yet dirty soiled you know which fits which fits some old chain that's the right word and hiding the right and then that needs cleansed purified nice yes you like the uh Etch-a-Sketch version of The Acacia records yeah yeah that's right yes I don't know but I'm willing to find out that's it just here I am God you know everything's so based on you have to know everything I don't know
but I'm willing to find out leave it open the reason people don't like to leave it open is because they suspect something bad's coming which means they've already determined what they believed them themselves to be shameful or you know whatever and instead you know what I don't know I'm willing to be to find out but I I only ask for it to be of God you know one of the times Going Through The Dark Night of the Soul um one of the tricky things that happens is people are like man I'm going through
the dark night if they even know to call it that and they start thinking about I can't wait till I'm out of this and they start planning tomorrow you're in your screwed up self trying to plan your future how good can that go well I got to do something why because because I got to be in control the I don't know but I'm willing to find out it it just drops us in to sit in the darkness like Jesus in the garden not my will but yours be done as dark as that moment was for him not my will yours be done and what that means
is I only believe in yours don't let me fabricate where I'm going to go to that next job or that next thing and I'm not talking about don't plan at all I'm saying ask for guidance to plan ask for guidance on how to find a job don't just walk up and down 89A Highway you know I'm waiting for God to just drop a job into me you know somebody's going to put a sign in your hands I'll give you five bucks an hour to walk up and down with my store name you know since you're walking anyway well that's
underpaying me now you're back to that so stay open stay open always plans guidance can come to you for tomorrow and for next year and 10 years from now but careful not to get stuck on the detail of the guidance God told me so it must be no God told you this and you defined it as that who else had their hand up yes doing all things that's what it means do nothing that's the Zen concept the Taoist concept of course Miracles concept about do nothing and that just messes people up they're like I'm not
supposed to do anything I'm thinking stop thinking I'm breathing I'm dying you know from not breathing it's you're overthinking it I need do nothing only means doing from a place of being I need do nothing or do nothing means stop exerting effort to make things happen based on your ego allow them based on God which is all beautiful but I know I know it's not always easy to live by that yes only here to learn and heal what's that one take god with you everywhere you go that's right
bring God into everything it can be done is being done must be done but it's our destiny you know ancient people first coming to the planet lemuria they landed in lemuria and lemuria was sacred living everything was done with an attitude of sacredness but our falling caught up with us with the guilt and it fed us to where we're not even deserving to live in a a land a a life of sacred living and we broke all those spiritual knowings down into rules the rules became something that led us that that controlled our lives and so on back to
back to Eden we go yay um we're going to take up a collection so please Hold Your Love offering in your hands and to your heart and hold in the highest consciousness an intention to share know that what you share multiplies spiritual law you don't have to earn by the sweat of the brow earn receive receive by sharing your light this donation even if it's only a thought of love and appreciation now begins all ready to multiply know that see that feel that as we affirm Divine love flowing through me blesses and
multiplies all that I am all that I have all that I give and all that I receive and so it is thank you we've gotten feedback from folks already we're going to do our closing prayer in about a minute when they're done while they're passing the baskets around a couple of quick announcements remember the crystal bed therapy sessions are available it just you just lie down on a crystal healing table the crystals are laser-cut they're they're Vogel cut crystals and they do this sort of a light therapy on each chakra it's
very very powerful experience you can do those 20-minute increments so you can do 20 or 40 or 60 minutes okay you could do that you can sign up in the call the admins or or the bookstore whichever also you know when you're on social media like a sheriff's or whatever the other words are that they ask you to do um I know not sixth grade education remember um so Sunday July 16th one to four you can uh join that's when we're having our next um psychic fair so be sure to sign up in advance because they do pretty much
always sell out if you want to do it but forget to do it and think they're sold out still come by there's always you never know a cancellation or something just leave it to God to guide you um and um there are now commercials posted um on YouTube so if you go to YouTube or our website or the daughters of Heaven Daughters of Heaven is a new book that I've written it's in the bookstore but it's also a conference that's coming up in September that's just already the The Vibes are so extraordinary it's really really
beautiful but go to daughters of Heaven website or our website and click on as many of these there's commercials you can see what each musician is offering what each speaker is going to talk about but so you're doing yourself a favor because you'll learn what these folks are going to be doing but you're also helping to populate you know the and the rankings and all that improve if you do that it would be very much appreciated go to our websites and click on those video links um and uh Sunday the July 30th from 12
to 3 I'll do a workshop called the three gates of love and that's about relations and intimacy and so forth so you know it's it's you know bring God into everything you do from hug and kiss to friendships and hellos to cooking your breakfast everything we do so that's still in that context and keep in mind though this Daughters of Heaven conference and the book I'm glad a lot of you that did order the book have been receiving it and I see all the great feedback you're you're sharing but uh
the daughters of Heaven conference in particular is um it's just it's such a divine inspiration it's like in the Book of Revelation I saw a New Jerusalem descending from the heavens you know it feels like that this conference the musicians um the speakers the volunteers everybody involved is just doing this co-creation of such an experience you can attend in person but also virtually online you can register which is uh like a third less the cost anyway but quite an experience the daughters of heaven without going
into a whole bid on that there's some videos you can go and see on that and you can get the book on it but the daughters of Heaven bottom line is this people are talking about even us light workers talk about you know changing the world you know creating heaven on Earth it's great light workers we're bringing this light to this world to make a difference but there's a faction of daughters of Heaven we're calling it beings that that have made dedication whether it's today they make that vow dedication or other
lifetimes where they said I'm not here to fix the planet I'm here to be the presence of God on the planet that's the difference between the light workers are working to fix things let's say heal things it's great it's got to be done but the daughters are hanging back a little going I'm here to be the presence of God so they are manifestations of the Holy Spirit they are manifestations of the Divine mother so there's a far more feminine frequency in a sense The light workers often you know very often males
involved which is fine it's perfect I'm a light worker you're a light worker you could be a Pepper too so but the daughters of Heaven what a what a warm embracing concept and uh anything you can do to to step into that you know and own that okay if it's not making sense again go on go and read a little more on the website um and go and read the book if you want but if not the website what does that mean Daughters of Heaven if you feel an affinity to Christ Consciousness the the holy women when they talk about that in
the Bible the holy women Around Jesus they were Daughters of Heaven they just weren't called that yet because the name hadn't been channeled into the Earth plane but um that God did such a beautiful thing that's happening especially at this pivotal time where we're birthing a new world so the divine feminine has to be there to birth to give birth to that new world the daughters of heaven so men and women are part of that if they choose okay pardon a pain-free birth yes did that make sense to you all about the
the the the contracts we make to only be prosperous by hard work did that make sense right enough that's that's a lie and if I can surrender it don't fight it surrender it and replace it with true abundance Prosperity comes your way the problem is you'll be guilted and shamed for learning to do things the easy way who's the guilt and shame coming from usually family members but remember no matter who it comes from it's a mirror of your own doubts of your deservability no matter who it came from
still you know and it's up to you get behind me Satan to all those voices that's the old note not interested I'm going here Back to Eden back to who I am please stand for a closing prayer we doesn't it feel good like oh wow so grateful the light of God surrounds us the love of God unfolds us the power of God protects us and the presence of God watches over us wherever we go God is I am we are and so it is thank you peace be with you all I've seen it