Everything Exists within Our Mind and Soul
Tonight we're gonna talk about how all things exist in our mind and soul. The title sounds kind of deep and philosophical, but we'll make it as practical and simple and clear as possible. But it is a really, really important and beautiful concept to get because lots of people don't get it.
So let's go for that, okay? So let's let's begin with this. There's an old axiom, you could call it a proverb, from, in the hermetic laws. And the hermetic laws are fantastic because they were always about one-sentence statements that within those sentences meant all kinds of things.
I mean, not just meant by interpretation that - but meant it encapsulated several multi-layered laws or concepts, and I love that. That's the old saying one picture is worth a thousand words, well it's kind of like that. One brilliant statement has all kinds of layers and meanings and so in one of these old hermetic axioms.
It's it's a concept of within all things exists all things within all is all and within all is the all. So what this means is that, you know, as above so below, that kind of a concept. So within the mind all things exist. And yet we have to clarify. We're looking at a world and we say, "Okay, there's a human world and it has dimensions and it has all things, you know, going on.
" One of the most important teachings from Buddha and the Buddhist teachings and teachers is the idea of of withdrawing oneself from the world. It's not exclusive to Buddhism but, it's an important piece of Buddhism. So it's to take oneself from the world, and I'm going to just sort of simplify this concept, so you're taking this idea that there's a world we look at and they'll ask you you know you close your eyes and withdraw yourself a little from all the senses so you kind of you know you back up, and you say, "Okay, I'm not my senses." I'm just
giving like a a very simplistic crude version of it, but I'm not my senses so I closed off from the world by closing off the senses all right and I learned to kind of get quiet and some of us go oh my gosh I'm really good at getting quiet getting quiet is not the goal but it's a piece it's a tool so we sort of come back from the world and then we start realizing wow I'm starting to see other things like within other dimensions and you know in a sense almost like universes within my being wow it's amazing and then they'll say okay but
that's not the goal either so go beyond that and point is go beyond that go beyond that go beyond and beyond means deeper within deeper within deeper within so you could say that in the core of our being is the light of God Raptor and it's I say it like a finger it's it's actually let's picture it like a dot a perfect ball of light and that is the spark of God within us and then when the children of God wondered what life would be like if they could be separate from God there's the God peace then all of a sudden they go to sleep and when
they go to sleep they create this dark barrier around themselves just like going to sleep so we're spiritually alive oh you know shining brightly and then going to sleep and around us went this layer a very thin but dark layer called the ego now what exists when we look outside of ourselves into the world what do we see nothing darkness why because we see everyone else's light that's been surrounded by ego so we see darkness darkness darkness and so that's what it means by you know the universe was dark and without without form so it
was just empty it was darkness that's one of the meanings of the darkness and it too has many many layers but anyway we're looking outside and we see this dark also because the light of God we have let me say it this way we have gone to sleep and it's important to remember what would life be like I wonder if we could separate from God is the question the real answer is you can't separate from God so that kind of snuffs out the question back to point zero you know pure light done however the question is answered in another way what would it like to be
separate from God remember one option is you can't done the other answer is oh what a horrible thought that we would even want to separate from God that horrible thought which isn't necessarily horrible because it's just amusing it's just a you know amusing a musing means amusing it's like a that's kind of amusing it's kind of interesting what a funny thought it's a funny thought because it can't actually be done we can't separate from all there is just look at the logic of that if it's all there is you can't separate it from it
you can't separate from it so and I've talked about this many times so forgive me for being a bit brief with it so the children of God go into a sleep and say Oh instead of that can't be done we go into a sleep and go into fear like what have we done oh my god this this is horrible what have we done and so we then try to hide from what we've done by putting a dark layer around ourselves and think now that our attention goes outside outside when we turn and look back at ourselves we see darkness we we think we're horrible
people this is why you think there's something wrong with you this is why you think I just know it diseases coming soon I just know nobody loves me I just know somebody is gonna betray me I just know it's like you know I just know I made an investment and probably not gonna go well financially not everybody thinks those thoughts all the time but there's always at least one in the mind somewhere because we turn and look and find ourselves to be lacking we look and back and find ourselves to be dark so
the ego says not liking this huh no I'm not you know what I would do no what I would turn around and go that way so you don't have to perceive your darkness what a brilliant idea what's out there well it looks kind of dark I don't want to go well here's what we can do we can pretend there's things out there to keep you distracted from the darkness within but remember on the other side of the darkness within is our pure light so what we have are things out there that look like they're real so it's kind of like it's kind of
like a you go into a dark room let's say even a child's room and there's this idea of that it's completely dark but you have a flashlight and you go into the room and you move the the light around you see a toy you see a truck you see a doll whatever right you a bedpost you know you see things a shoe it's a dark room but you show you know you're appearing you're showing things with the flashlight so they're appearing and what I'm saying is the Eco kind of gets us to
look outside and I see things that it wants us to see so let's look over there let's look over there very specifically though for example when we're starting to change our lives and want to wake up it'll turn the light and shine it on something it's not a real light like capital L but it'll turn a light which is metaphoric for our attention so it turns our attention to an object such as a person oh look at that Here I am working on my self worth no more settling no more addictive behaviors wow that person's kind of good-looking and
they're giving me attention I mean oh my god I've never had like that before I've never had that much attention and we cannot seem to help ourselves and we get hooked into it and back to old patterns we forgot that that person that looks all shiny and sparkly just right for our addictive selves you know happens to wear the same brand clothing that are abusive uncle war you know they have the same hairdo our abusive neglectful mothers wore you know we don't notice those things because we got in later of course after you're doing
psychotherapy counselors gonna probably go by the way and you know along the way they might bring up things like that and yet the two of you sit there with your jaws open going wow you know can you believe these amazing things were there all along and we missed it so that's kind of what happens the the ego turns our attention outside now the only reason it succeeds at getting us to see a fairly terrible life because you could say it's not terrible it's wonderful show me anything that you think is beautiful out there name it right now
you can name it just name it out loud you don't have to you know try to call me and tell me just name it out loud to yourself what rainbows and kittens and everything you see will die one day and that's why Buddha said this world sucks that's why Jesus says do not there's nothing this world offers you now when you start getting irritated at me saying that that's because you don't understand your home is not this world this world will end at some point even science that doesn't necessarily believe in God will tell you even a star comes
to an end at some point when our solar you know our Sun dies there's no life left on earth you know so you you get a rocket ship and you try to beam to another plant and that star is gonna die at some point you can't everything in this universe dies because it isn't of God cuz in God nothing dies so now that doesn't mean you should try to just run into the caves of the Himalayas and hide away because it's all worthless no there's it's a there's a really weird thing that has to happen seemingly impossible but
it is to become awake while we're here and if you don't become awake while you're here you keep coming back until you do you don't you don't get to not be awake here go to the other side and go look at this I should have had a spiritual v-8 you know the old commercial I should have had a v-8 oh my goodness silly me and then not come back even when you get it on the other side or wherever you get it some dimension they're still sending you back here to prove it because the third dimensional world is the place to prove it it's the
place to ground it and really you know work it and demonstrate it Jesus woke up prior to his life being Jesus he still had to come back and work it from beginning till end which is why he ends his life on the cross saying it is accomplished it is finished meaning I did it not just that doesn't have just one meaning but one of the meanings is I did it from birth to death I completed the idea of being able to hold Christ consciousness and not lose it and have tidbits of it like some of us I maintained it even temptation did arise but I handled it right now that I got
that done right I can now tell all of you just follow my example what do you mean your example you know you you don't have exactly the same you didn't even have check books back then to see the zeros you know and the minus numbers in your register you didn't have quite the same things we've got today but he did in all different forms and if you think about it the things he went through you could say are far more severe severe he had friends that threw him under the bus as we call it today there weren't the buses then it throw him under the camel
so there were friends that threw him under the bus back then there were people that denied they even knew him so do you have people that deny they even know you have family members have turned their back on you good didn't affect him you know so just you just keep going you just he'll he had a father died when he was just a kid it's raised by a single parent you could say I don't I don't see how it affected his ability to be Christ 'add so he's saying look I went through stuff to any name anything you could name I did some form of it some
metaphoric version of it and I still pulled it off so come on guys don't make excuses he's saying you could do this too if I've done it you can do it too there's a saying he used all the things I have done you shall do and more and people focus on that means we're gonna really do some cool miracles even greater than his it also means all that he has done will do and more which means go through the same kinds of crap he went through garbage she went through lessons tensions anxieties temptations and so on
because it's part of the waking up process you can't just wake up with all levels of waking up every level of it every leap to a new level of waking up comes from having passed a test it's not like you just you know have Wheaties and wow that just took me to a whole new level it's bypassing our test or by doing some spiritual work that creates epiphanies but you don't just get it it comes to us in those two forms and it's usually a balance of the two a bit of tests some epiphanies yeah you can sit in
meditation and some have some aahs like how it comes to me just to talk about this today it's like a nice aha that's fine but there are times when going through some difficult situations and managing them well remembering to stay connected to God and then getting insights and awarenesses from that so don't think that these things only shall come from spiritual experiences they come equally so from challenges and us passing our tests and don't become fixated on it being only one or the other because if you only focus on
challenges to be your epiphanies then you're gonna create challenges and nothing but challenges if you think only epiphanies then you're not going to ever really do any inner healing you'll just do more of the sublime work and you'll kind of have insights but you'll not be able to ground it because you haven't made it real you know so that's one of the values of like a 12-step program is they're not just telling you to find God they're telling you to also look at yourself so we need those two parts which brings us back to that metaphor
again here's that veil here's this perfect light here's that veil we go out we turn we look back we see darkness you will never ever ever reach your light going that way explain it again let me say it again it's impossible you understand it's impossible first of all there is nothing outside of ourselves everything is in us what do we mean by in us in somewhere in my thumb it means it's in your heart and soul in your soul which is your mind not your intellectual thinking mind the next level up is the
abstract mind the soul that's the soul it but by abstract we don't mean like tripped-out abstract brain by abstract we mean multi-dimensional mind versus the linear mind the linear mind can say I'm here and now I'm over there one plus one is two I think this I don't like that the the discerner the thinker the abstract mind is one plus one is who knows sometimes it's two sometimes one plus one the one we just counted as one is more than one because in some dimensions it multiplied itself you just didn't know that so you were looking at
the number one and you didn't know on the other side of a veil behind it were more things to add to it so it's like it's abstract and it's abstract in a good way meaning all you know sky's the limit all possibilities so it's it's quite beautiful but in the abstract mind is where our original beliefs are not thinking processes in the higher mind the abstract mind is the soul and it's located right here in your heart metaphorically the next chakra down is the lower mind the solar fire plexus the fire the mind
and Europe nervous system the firing of the nervous system as much as that has a purpose the nervous system the nervous system is still a linear thing it is a is a chemistry and it fires as we call it neurons firing that's great neurons firing but they're still just doing a job that is linear firing what's what's making them fire is the other mind here the one that says hmm I believe I'm going to integrate more God today make it so number one the the leader says to the general make it so
and so it passes that down to the mind and the mind says got it the mind and the brain the solar plexus brain and the head brain there's two brains you could say in the body they communicate and so all of a sudden this brain says to that brain make it so here's what I want you to do and it starts firing neurons to get this done and the muscle movements and whatever it happens to be thought processes all these kinds of things even decision-making so off we go and that lower mind we think is the that's called the cognitive you know the thinking part
of us we actually think that's what makes us greater than animals but if an animal has a soul just not a mind that is the thinker like you it still has the next higher thing anyway so anything that has the ability to feel the presence of God is equal just because as species or as something has seemingly developed a sense or a adapted in some way to have some sort of you know genetic gift doesn't make it better it only looks better on the outside world you know so there is this concept I'm going to come back to the mind in just a
second but it's very important that we understand outside turning back all we see is this and the reason this works is because this layer is pure ego and looks so bad alright so the ego can actually keep us going outwards why because of one thing anything outside will look better than this and the ego made sure of that so it tells us this is the core of all fear every I mean it's like take any phobia you have take any wound you have any issue any unhealed wound multiply it by multiply it by a hundreds and trillions
okay and you don't have this yeah this is even more intense so please try to understand that the ego is not just a their their ego you can you know be nice okay and let's get along some people think you know you tame the ego first of all you don't need to tame because it doesn't really exist nor do you do the opposite destroy it like in some religions that's the concept you don't destroy it because it isn't real you don't tame it because it isn't real what you learn is to simply you know disperse
it you just don't choose it you just make different choices you know my ego inside is causing me to feel fear bitterness hurt resentment a judgment or whatever you want to call it I know where that's coming from and it's not what I choose today you now just unplugged another strand of it within yourself so it gets released that's all it's not killed it's not befriended it just gets released now to think well what if I don't want to release it that would be your ego talking so to say I don't want to release it because I have
free will you're not actually exercising free will when you say that you're actually under the bondage of your ego when you say it alright now we turn and look outside and there's pretty stuff and ugly stuff out there and there's always a little of one or another here and there highs and lows you live you die you have nice things they'd go away that that in itself Christ teaches us the Christ consciousness the presence of God within us teaches us it's here and it's trying to send messages through the veil out there to us through books and
channels and a song here and a internal message there those moments when it's trying to say please reconsider please don't believe all the stuff you see please don't get overly attached to the nice things nor overly afraid of the not so nice things just stand man chill show cuz you're out here chill just relax and then here's what's happen when you learn to hold my presence even when you're here all of a sudden you'll do it and you'll do it and you'll do it and you'll do it and you'll all of a sudden the veil will be thinned
and gone and we're one with God again there's nothing seemingly separating us now here's what's interesting though all the things that happen in our lives happen within our belief systems first in other words and that's our higher mind so when I say all things exist in your mind I don't mean your intellectual mind all things exist in our beliefs I cannot be watching this program if I did not on some level believe that I was ready to hear this particular comment whatever comment it is now you may not like what you're hearing let's say you
still had to believe this is what you needed to hear let's say for example you deep deep deep down inside resent males or brunette males or whatever and on some level that is not healed and your soul is trying to say why don't we why don't we work on that I know just the way to do that oh look we'll just randomly click on something online boom there's a male or there's a brunette male or whatever it happens to be or what I'm saying or whatever it triggers you you can say oh what a jerk but then you missed your test because you tried
to look outside and say that guy is a jerk you missed your test now you have entrenched the ego more and you have entrenched more karma in the external illusionary world so you're up creek with that samsara for you that's a Sanskrit term or a Buddhist term more illusion for you okay now on the other hand you can say I needed to hear that and then you might get tempted because there's nice stuff out there and not so nice you might get tempted to go god this guy is brilliant he's great what a great teacher what a wonderful teacher I love the way he words things
and that's great you can do that do not become overly attached to it him though no matter what don't get attached and here's why because what you see out there is reflecting your belief systems here's the knowingness of the truth of God here's belief systems and here's the external experience so we only experience what we believe I will see it when I believe it I will believe it when I see it actually means I'll see it when I believe it whatever you believe you end up seeing it's kind of like saying
we keep doing self perpetuating you know self-fulfilling prophecies now we don't realize that statement is huge I mean it's huge means so many things self-fulfilling prophecies everything is pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy but it means not that you intellectually knew that you're gonna create something deep in the belief system so today you thought to yourself man I really want to make some changes in my life click you're watching this I say something that works for you and you go there it is thank you now if you credit only the
teacher respect to the teacher is good and healthy it's actually healthy or your counselors or whomever but don't worship them here's what's more important give thanks you know appreciate but what really happened if you didn't believe that you were ready you could not have been watching this so I'm only here because you believed in this and I must have believed that I could have people watching this so you're there because I believed so that's one new meaning to please have faith in me or you saying please have
faith in me it means have faith in who I really am let's find each other in that faith let me have enough faith that you're ready to wake up let you have enough faith that I can mirror that you see so it's kind of cool if you think about it now it's all mirroring our belief systems that are in the heart or higher mind now all of that's happening within your mind if you can believe that it's a hologram so the world out here is actually here's here's the the veil here's like a projector room of the higher mind and it
shoots onto the screen of life the things you believe which videos you have which tapes you have inside if you have tapes of undeserved bility they you know your your ego will put that tape in watch it and you'll manifest people that make you feel undeserving simple as that and that's really naughty of them that's really mean those bad people bad bad bad but wait a minute it's just a video screen why go up and throw coffee in the face of the screen that look like people I don't like what they did to me I understand I'm really sorry that that
happened and it hurts you but don't get too violent with the screen that's a little bit you know so what do you do instead who put that video in your ego but you had to give permission because you own your mind so on some deep level I'm not saying you chose abuse as a video but the day you didn't choose love you automatically defaulted to the ego to choose whatever it wanted when we don't choose right wrong automatically gets chosen for us which seems unfair you think you'd be better if it's the other
way around if I don't choose negatives positive always runs that's not the way this worked when we went outside of God because we said what would life be like outside of God that would be the way it is where God isn't the default program anymore okay hope that made sense so we're watching a world based on our beliefs so let's go or let go of the world now for a second because they're only coming from the tapes within our mind and then what has happened to our mind you know where is our mind well there's a veil here
separating God pure light from our mind unfortunately but everything in the world watch this everything in the world exists within our mind our mind actually exists within God our soul actually exists in God we are sparks inside the fire of God but we chose two seemingly separate the veil is here now the ego we chose to separate and live out here in this as souls and then souls that manifested life so there's God there's a soul there's a life including your body your experience external experience God soul
life life would exist within our souls beliefs and we our soul exists within God but things have happened like this we left God and then the world left us and the world is now mirroring things to us but we think it's actually happening to us God if only life in the world would go better I would be able to be a good person again I'd it would be clean and sober I would be healthy I wouldn't be sick I would be happy I would have my life mate etc if only if only what if only this happened this was after the separation and because just a screen the
screen can't determine anything I mean it's just silly if you sit there and put on a horror movie on your on your TV if you would cassette recorder whatever it is DVD player if you put a video in there let's say a horror movie why would you expect a love story it doesn't make any sense at all so we actually sit there and yell at the screen even telling God as though God is on the screen because it's a thing outside of ourselves so we think it's out on the screen god I wish you would were you looking guys outside on the screen even
if it's up in the sky it's on the screen everything you can see every dimension is on that screen on some level so we're looking at the screen going wow why don't you love me Wow why don't you do this wow I wish I had children wow I wish this whatever it is it's you're talking to the screen now if people walked in the room and you're looking at the TV going I wish you were a love story and yet it's a horror movie they would think something's wrong with you and there is something wrong with you technically when you're talking to
the screen telling it to change for you that's why those few people here and there that have reached enlightenment which could be some of you could be me you know some of us have reached certain levels of epiphany that we call enlightenment it's when you start to see through the game that's what Buddha meant by I am awake it meant I now know this story that Michael is talking about I now know there's a screen and it is not real it's only a hologram of something else what else mr. Buddha as
they interview him well it's a reflection of the mind and so when I started off a little while ago the mind is the one going I am now detaching from the world as long as you're still thinking you're still not all the way into your soul so that's why in those exercises in Buddhism you release and release and release layer upon layer even the thinker is still in a sense on the screen layer upon layer upon and then you're in a sense beyond the thinker I'm awake and with thee I'm awake comes the Heart Sutra
you know teachings of Buddha comes sublime consciousness and I said this before I was talking I think it was last week not the fake sublime not the people that say I'm so sublime you know because of my this or that or I had a certain epiphany you know as soon as you start having to talk about it a lot it's probably pretty good evidence that it's not integrated and that real even if you had some experience if you're thinking about it and talking about it you actually killed it to a degree it becomes so integrated it's just you and
the light just channels through you in whatever form all right so what I'm now getting to towards a little bit towards the end here is that the outer world is existing within my higher mind soul my soul mind a lot more of this is explained maybe in my book the heart of A Course in Miracles where I'm explaining a lot of those deep concepts of the course in really clear lucid ways so you could try that out if you want but the world disappears and it goes into my soul mind so everything everything exists within my soul mind
great and where's my soul mind it exists within God well didn't Michael say that there's God and then there's a veil the ego and then the soul yes I did and then the world yes I did so here's the cool thing remember what I said a little while ago when we hold so much light where we are so much unconditional pure love so much non judgment and I gotta explain those but so much of that awareness and then surrendering to the presence of God the veil disappears and that which seemed to be over here God expands to include us
and now everything then exists in the mind of God the light of God saying the word mine can scroll through the cause they start thinking it's a thinking thing the light of God everything exists in the light of God now when I say exist this is going to get tricky for a moment this world somebody might say cuz there's a lot of people that you know pseudo spiritual they might mean very well there are a lot of them or teachers or authors or just laypeople but here's what they'll do so even illusion is in God even hate fear war which are part of
the illusions projected onto the screen hate right death all those things oh my god I got it they're gonna have an epiphany but it's not a divine one I have an epiphany that means that even the screen is in God because Michael just said everything's in the light mind of God yes it is everything is but this isn't nothing this doesn't exist so if as soon as you start saying because of Michael's theory and many theories in the past you know great teachers in the past it is all within the mind you know some great philosophers from the far
east it is all within the money that they're then they're students and the religions made from them say it's all on the mind which means you know it's all good it's all part of God so that look there's a little creature killing another creature oh isn't that nice because it's one of the magnificent elements of God well it doesn't feel very damn nice and pleasant if you're the one getting eaten you know isn't that nice look look at that beautiful spiderweb sacred geometry spiderweb man that's amazing that you know the spider
must have some sort of knowing to create that well that's all great get all brilliant about a spider but what about the fly whose blood it sucks or whose flesh it eats or whatever it is right that's not very cool don't keep justifying gross things as being part of God those came from fear those came from the ego that believes that things can be destroyed and even worse should be destroyed in God none of that happens which is why they say when the presence of God comes the lion lies with the lamb there's no death there's no there's
nothing like that so if we want to say all things exist in God including love and you know peace and war love and hate then why is it saying that when God comes there's no more of that think about that so if it all exists if everything exists in the mind light of God then doesn't it mean all this does you see as soon as you ask that question which some you know intellectuals or people that really fancy their ability to think and in a conniving way they're gonna go hmm I've got you beat if everything exists then that means that
does and that's why some people have successfully written books spiritual books where they said that and everybody went you know they bit the hook line and sinker they just went for it because it makes sense to ridiculous minds that are broken and separated from God but here's what the divine mind says well good point except those things aren't real they don't exist so even non-existent things can exist in God but in that sentence you just said they don't exist so it's not that they're things that are non
things that exist in God they're automatically non things which means they dissipate there is no outside world to exist in God they're not there they're just images projected on the screen now what about this guy the soul our soul and soul mind it believes it's separated from God which you cannot do so even the part that thought it separated and created an ego to cover our tracks doesn't really exist so even that is and isn't in God it is because the soul the light in us that is from God is real
that is in God the part that dreamt that it could be separate isn't and so it dissipates so it looks like we left God the children of God you know they fell from heaven we look like we separated we look like we created a world we look like we're walking around graduating from school and doing all these things and we're quite amazed at ourselves if all of the things I just described happen in one sneeze going and returning here's what ends up happening not only did all this happen in the twinkling of an eye but
the reverse happens and that means at some moment the children of God will turn their attention from being outer oriented to inner oriented that one decision to stop talking about others and blaming others hating others or falling head-over-heels over others stop stop stop outer outer outer turn within and go oh my god it was all in my mind not it was all just a hallucination which it kind of is but that's not what I mean I mean everything is reflecting my belief systems it's quite amazing if you
think about it it's all reflecting my belief systems and then in that same twinkling of an eye we go back the rest of the way there's a point where we so much let go of all this in the process see you don't actually have to work on letting go of the world and then oh here we go turn and fight the ego this is what's cool guys as you work on your stuff with the world the ego without you realizing it because it's behind you so you don't see it the ego is thinning and thinning and thinning so when we do our work the egos
fighting harder to exist to to survive because it's losing its grip so it's got this bite on the back of our necks going go that way and we're like no I don't think so I you know I used to think my ex had the authority power over me they were responsible for my low self-worth today I thought my mom's genetics made me sick today I thought something family from 20 generations ago caused something I thought but wait no no you track things and release them you track things and release them you do that Buddhist type of exercise and release things you you
keep doing whatever works for you to release some of them are healing techniques some of them are spiritual epiphanies through meditations and insights both of them are important but it's released to the left release to the right release through healing released through spiritual work release release it would be great to do tons of it you know constantly but usually it's a day at a time so let's just accept that it's a day at a time you would you like it to speed up then just do more of it but not everybody's gonna want more than a
little at a time you know because that means a lot of changes and then it changes intimidate people so we're going to be in a twinkling of an eye I got it I stopped investing there and I'm working on myself while I'm working on myself this spins out and all of a sudden something's tapping on our shoulder oh god don't tell me it's the ego I forgot I've done so much he work on or with my earth stuff damn now I got to turn around and face my ego but this time we're not afraid and we don't say
I'll just go ahead and find new things to get distracted with hey fine I'll do it even if it kills me we turn and the egos not there it's God and God says welcome home or you could say welcome home as it expands to include us and that's kind of what happens even God itself expands and grows when it reads us into its consciousness not because we took a portion but because through our choice to love and forgive a world that wasn't there we have in a sense grown and God in its love and appreciation for our
growth expands because it's heart swells up enough to include us that's how it all happens so that's why it's true and it's not true that it's all within the mind only things that are real are in the mind but also the things that are unreal appear to be in the mind so we could say everything exists in the soul mind and God mind the good news is really only real things exist in the in the god mind the bad news is the soul mind wondered if there's another option manifested that other option believed in the other option and got trapped in that
other option so we think out of those three things we're over here which we're not but we think we're over here you know and stuck praying to God way over here to come and help us God is telling us it God sends a message here to the soul to send a message to the human self just let go and trust in me the soul so I can trust in God and we'll go home but the ego is blocking that message from coming in and from coming back so it blocks the incoming message from God and any you know somebody you could say our
desperate desperate pleas for help to go the other direction it blocks and blocks of so anytime we try to grow it's right there saying I would go this way if I were you because I'm here to mess you up and you did a horrible thing by even leaving God so even if there is a God in a better life you don't deserve it go the other way and just settle with life just be happy you have a partner even though they're not very nice to you be happy you have a job even though it doesn't pay you what you deserve etc etc etc etc and there's niceties too but the
niceties out there are really just so that we don't go to nuts with the things that aren't so nice but eventually those paths they pass away and then we're upset again you know pleading to God to fix our life and and and God keeps saying I'm sending you messages it's all about choice choose to hear me and the ego couldn't stop it stop believing in the advice of your ego and you wouldn't have the things you have so here's where the correction is made this is only the manifestation here's where the
correction is made this is all perfect over here in God this is where the decisions are made choose whom you will serve God or manna and so I close with this idea right now you're watching this video even if you're watching it 10 years later right now you're watching this video and whether you had a nice experience or not let's just go with this and let's just for now let's pretend it's a nice experience the truth this concept will kind of hold for are either option but let's go with the nice one so you watch this and you go wow now
let's just play with this for a second you're sitting here in your soul mind watching a video on the screen you see you're watching me but I'm a video on the screen so if this was a pleasant experience do you understand that you had to have chosen right you had to have chosen properly that you deserve something good you had to have listened to the voice of God leaking through the veil of the ego into your soul making you go I would like a little something different I would like to wake up a little or whatever it was that you
thought and then you manifested watching the video of me now you could say oh Michael is really great and that's fine to compliment and to respect teachers but that's not the end point the end point is I'm only reminding you that you figure this out that you picked this I don't mean just intellectually putting on the video or the the the presentation on on the social media I'm talking about you had to have decided that you had value or you could not have seen a valuable presentation so you're watching a screen somewhere just
try to watch this foresight to figure this out tune into this you're watching a screen that's showing you a presentation that comes from cyberspace and it's being presented right here from my place pretty background you know and lighting and whatever we use here cameras all these kinds of things so you're watching this all the weight cyberspace to another part of the planet might even be watching it later in time but all of this a picture this you're there there's a screen cyberspace my cameras and so on
my home my country my town my city yours oceans between some of us oh and then it's daylight it's night there's a moon there's a etcetera etc etc etc all the way out let's say to the outer limits of space and within space within all the universe all the dimensions all the galaxies all this is existing you're sitting there and all this exists around you and what I'm saying is this imagine though that little head you have right here watching all of this with your human eyes is actually not who you are you're an energy of light looking like
you have a body and a skull and a brain within the skull zone but you have a consciousness and your consciousness expands to those outer limits of the universe and so all of this including me are within your soul mind because the universe doesn't it doesn't like existing god per se the universe as we know it the material universe is a reflection of our soul mind so all those things I described are over here on the screen the galaxies the dimensions they're all on the screen guys and all that's on those screens are on
videotapes in your soul mind so within your soul mind all that existed so it's not over here it's all here so in here inside your beliefs here's let's say the little brain that thinks it's watching this and then there's Michael and there's galaxies and dimensions and planets and the whole universe is here that's your soul mind and then your soul mind is a dot within the mind of God but not a dot as in a limited being just metaphorically because as soon as you take this thing back into the gut it's one with God
completely and is all with all love within love but even right here it's magnificent but yet nothing compared to this God mind our soul mind contains everything there is nothing you can see taste feel smell experience in any way to you know any way shape or form anywhere in the universe that isn't existent in your soul mind every explorer in history every wretched dictator everything is in the soul mind because the soul mind is made up of God memory reminding us who we are and what we deserve good things and the ego the
ego telling us all these other things so our lives are made up of yin and yang you know you could say these two perspectives these two perceptions it's way beyond yin and yang trust me on that but just just I just mean a duality but only one of them is real and we that's why we need the humility to say and I don't know which one to trust anymore oh I do because I've listened to so and so on and you know this this this guy that charges a trillion dollars for empowerment exercises you know that's not what does it though I've meditated
myself into silence and that's not what does it day-to-day practice love and forgiveness is in this world this universe the way you practice it being God not by looking better not by acting better like you know look at me kind of thing none of that really does much for us day-to-day practice of love and forgiveness you cannot behave more like God and thin the veils between us and God and release the visions you see on the screen of life any better than you can with love and forgiveness all the other things you know they help you know I just want to be a little healthier and
I want to improve this and work on that in my life that all helps I want to wear a you know nice amulet or I want to do this or you know whatever it happens to be I want to extend my life span all the things they're all just part of the stuff on the screen that comes from our belief systems and those belief systems again are going to be either whispers from God or screenings from the ego what are we listening today and I'm saying nothing draws you closer to the center of really who we are more than love and forgiveness that's not just one of those
gratuitous speeches of love and forgiveness guys everybody love and forgiveness peace joy it's not it's a very practical statement it means I am as God when I love and forgive God doesn't actually have to love and forgive anything because in God there is no thing that ever happened to offend only when we separated did the offenses and defenses take place and pretty got projected onto the screen of life so in God there's actually not love in the form of forgiveness there's just love therefore there was
never anything to forgive because nothing but love ever happened in God here we had these tormenting separate thoughts and they manifested as tormented experiences tormenting experiences so while we're here thinking we're there we need to practice forgiveness and that means forgiving when we thought other people had power over us forgiving that we know remember not just actions you'll start with forgiving what those people on the screen did to you do that that's very important do that but gradually you'll
notice your forgiveness processes start shifting to forgiving yourself for ever manifesting those kinds of people those kinds of events what was I thinking let me forgive myself you see and it starts shifting that's a lot of how you know you're growing when your dialogue talks more about you than them forgives more you than them but but don't jump the gun work on that other do the forgiveness with the other while it seems like it's happened go ahead and play the game and then you'll notice it
organically shifting to where you're talking about yourself please trust me it'll shift organically don't don't go too far into trying to force that to happen to prove that your spiritual or whatever but I was saying it'll start with forgiving others work on forgiving yourself but something else also happens and that is you'll realize it's not just forgiving offenses you start realizing oh my god is I deepen this I also have to forgive that I ever even thought there was anything outside of me I have to forgive that I think that there's
dimensions I have to forgive that I ever thought that there was sickness not just a person who was mean to me sickness I have to forgive everything I have to forgive I myself I have to forgive that I think you folks are watching me right now and you have to forgive that you think you're watching me not because forgiveness is we're doing something wrong see it's it's kind of a bummer that people put that connotation on forgiveness is only relevant with bad things forgiveness think of means release so
yes you do release judgments on other people and you do release judgments on yourself but you also release all form of limitation not just horrendous or overtly bad things all forms of limitation release them how that's the Contin you know prayers the constant prayers the consistent prayers whenever you can definitely when you think of people that are you know they're coming to mind you don't know why might it might be the spirit that spirit is putting them in your mind so that so that you can apply some forgiveness but
also sometimes just when you're looking when you catch yourself going wow you know look at that clear cutting on the mountains that's terrible probably something to forgive forgive the people that cut the trees forgive myself for believing that I needed to see in my soul mind out into the world an image of clear cutting and killing species of animals like wow what was I thinking I need to forgive myself I need to forgive the people I thought that did it I need to forgive myself and then I need to believe forgive myself for believing that there were vulnerable so
you know species species that were vulnerable killing them poor things how did they get there I created them with my beliefs so I need to forgive myself for that so it's a really amazing practice to to just think positive things - oh look at that rainbow and I'm releasing because the word forgiveness is gonna be misinterpreted sometimes so I'm gonna release that rainbow to be even greater to what it truly is and believe it or not you'll have times when what just happened the rainbow looked like it
magnified a hundredfold it did probably not on the outside but it might have but what happens is on the inside your inner eye got activated to see the light that cannot be contained in the bands of a rainbow same with a person that you're working with in this technique or this style of technique forgiving forgive that that tree is you think is that you think it's a tree why would I do that I like the tree forgive release that you think it's there when you do that it goes poof and it expands a hundredfold see everything gets unfrozen it's only
in our selfishness that we would want to keep a tree into a tree and a dolphin into a dolphin and a person into skin it's not that you're going to harm them you we release them release people you have like to release people you haven't liked release things you have like to release things you haven't liked release dimensions release nature release ever thing release Jesus release Buddha release men release women release Democrats and Republicans release everything because they're all just projections opinions manifested from
belief systems and they're usually not healthy belief systems usually they've come from the ego self because we're not used to listening to God whispering in us as to what we could really see the only time you'll know when you're hearing God is when you have chosen to somehow release the encapsulations on life then all of a sudden you'll have glimmers and whoa what was that that's God insights feelings of love all this kind of you know all these kinds of things that's when you'll know you're getting it that's why we say that
there's a peace that surpasses understanding when you practice this I pray this has made good sense guys I know it's you know in some ways a bit out there maybe for some people or a bit lofty but this is how it works and this is how it worked in history this is how it will work in the future how we all get home and and what's really beautiful is that all this procedure happened in the twinkling of an eye that phrase is actually used in the Bible by the way in the twinkling of an eye but all of this happened in the twinkling of an eye and
will return home all in the twinkling of an eye so it's kind of cool if you think about it which means that whenever it began was also the moment it ended so that means we're living nothing but a memory of what seems to have once occurred and eventually ended and we're just living the memory of it so we're sort of experiencing a photo album of what life would have been like outside of God the photo album however is filled with an infinite number of DVDs or videos that were in our minds so that's all that happened we're living the photo
album of what happened when we went on that journey without a distance to a place we never left in any case many blessings to you all I really really appreciate you joining us and join us in some other form as soon as you get a chance and remember these are nice reflections of your higher mind when you have higher things happening to yourself it's a good decision you're making because it reflects positives in your higher mind in that cool it's not just the good things outside their reflections of your
better choices so thank you for being a reflection of my healthy choices and I pray that I was a reflection for yours if I wasn't track it work on it heal it and then it'll be turned into positive anyway alright peace and love to you all bye-bye