Epiphany – Manifesting Miracles
This will be I think the first time that that we've talked about something that you guys asked me to talk about. I think it was the board members or somebody, just yesterday I think, to talk about epiphany and and I'll explain what that is because we don't do things kind of from a religious standpoint per se here.
When we talk about Christmas we don't do kind of a traditional or gratuitous kind of a holiday. Nor for epiphany or Easter or whatever else. So we want to approach it from a deeper level and in the reading that was just shared I heard the word the word that stood out to me was magic and and let me just start with commenting on that because the epiphany is honoring the Magi the magicians not magicians as in Copperfield or whatever magicians meaning there's a time when people actually were the magic they didn't perform that they were the magic
and even today's magicians can be the magic when they know the the Wonder in people's eyes like children you know when you're performing for children doing magic the wow factor and and even though there's sleight of hand in that sort of thing in modern magic that's still not the point if you can still access the hearts and souls of the people watching especially if in the magician in the back of their mind they know what they're doing meaning reaching into the hearts and souls of the audience so I think it still retains the
original magic so the the Magi were magicians they were magicians it meant masters it meant astrologers metaphysicians is what the term meant so we just we just closed out the the holidays the the ones we call Christmas and so on but as I've talked about many times there's this progression from Halloween Thanksgiving up to Christmas and then the Christmas gifts and we think it's over or maybe New Year's but it's not really over there at Christmas we start the twelve holy days oh and holy nights of Christmas which are going
through a microcosm of the 12 signs of the zodiac starting with the Virgin bird on Christmas morning and then progressing through each sign and for those 12 days you're going to set an intention to let the universe work with you the Stars and the energies of the universe sort of like we're placing an order for the next 12 months and the universe says well let's see how you are for the next 12 days just like the Sabbath lighten up be still on the Sabbath not do all the doings and workings let one day be for
kind of communion right learning like this like when we come together in the services let it be dedicated to God you know there's people who still oh well I'm just too tired it's we have all kinds of reasons and excuses tithing or going to a Sunday service is not supposed to be when you're in the mode for it it's the God day if you're gonna have a mood to not do something let it be on your day any of your days whether it's your workday or whatever else miss miss a family dinner if you have to because it's less important than missing
communion with God nothing is more important than our communion with God and the world you know can exhaust us and that's where we go for an oasis to you know to get some reserves we can't run on our own energy forever so it's like the Sabbath in a sense you know take a break from it so the universe is saying let's see how you handle 12 just 12 days of the year if you can Center and set good intention for 12 days each one being specifically astrologically aligned to the science virgo libra Scorpio and so on if you can get that
right you'll be setting a patterns like placing an order you'll be setting a pattern for that relevant month the respective month so a lot of us talked about that if you didn't hear that before you can go back and listen to the it's the Christmas morning service not the evening one we reviewed it a little and did other things in the evening one but in the morning when we talked about it more length so you know that's that's you know been all over the internet even like I noticed you know I was told my YouTube videos that we sometimes film
here at unity up Sedona and sometimes life things that I do on my own you know people will watch a few thousand here and there the one on twelve holy days and nights at Christmas has over ten thousand people that have seen it you know so so that's been really important to people so go and check it out it's not too late it is in a sense but in a sense not because time is an illusion so set aside your 12 days and go for it okay now at the end of the 12 days and nights we can go okay so now the holidays are over no because now you
have a PIFAN II an epiphany traditionally is called an octave holiday and it's one of the only ones remembered from the old days an octave holiday means you just had another holiday in this case Christmas the octave holiday means now that you just went through your Christmas energies and the solstice and your 12 days and nights of Christmas the octave holiday is to take it to another level another octave so think about this why would people ignore celebrating Epiphany it's an octave holiday it's like let's
take everything to another level people like no I don't even remember what a penny is well try to remember let's get back to living you know with spirit as our first love our first priority so epiphany starts and and some people celebrate it for a day or a couple days but traditionally seven days so it started just a couple days ago on the sixth and it'll go till about the 13th and there's another name for Epiphany also kind of lost to history it's the celebration of manifestations now who
would want to miss out on the festival of manifestations who would want to miss out on the holiday of manifestation well you know the human mind starts to go really does that mean we get stuff you know yes but what we teach here is get the consciousness first and then the stuff the reason this was called the the feast or festival of manifestation is because there's a few key events that the traditions were trying to commemorate the first one being the birth of Jesus now this is important because we're not going to just like talk about a Christian holiday the birth of Jesus
was this amazing event because it entered in the the stories of very coaches to the South Americans that cuts a quaddle of the Central Americans the Osiris or Horus of the Egyptians he this person Jesus or even Krishna in the Far East this person Jesus was saying I'm this soul says I'm gonna go in and incarnate as all of the mythologies that talked even the pagans they're all talking about and the Jews the Messiah this person says I'm gonna go in and fulfill them all which is no easy order it
sounds like oh cool I'm gonna be the god to all beings it's not so easy because to become and I'm talking to you and I to to become something wonderful spiritually you first have to burn away that which is not spiritual oh can we not just can we skip the burn away part and just you know no no we can't when people tried to burn witches in the old days they were trying to attack their own stuff that they projected onto the witches the witches were worse is sadly victims of this but in their consciousness those witches can see
themselves as Christ's because each of them was being sacrificed because we try to kill what we hate and the people were killing themselves the priests were just killing themselves not the witches if a witch in the old days using just the traditional term if the witch died with resentment she has to come back and deal with it again but if she really understands and she could say to them forgive them father son and mother moon for they know not what they do then she awakens because that's what it takes the the seeing beyond the way
people see and the way people think so these people these these you know unfortunate beings were put in a very potentially fortunate situation just like you and I so Jesus comes in and he manifests all of this for everybody now that does mean that all of those traditions pagan Jew and everybody else has to start becoming Christian because Christianity is just another religion equal to any other religion it's not better than God consciousness is the only thing beyond the religious leaders in other words
there's a Christianity there's a paganism there's all these and they all have their place they all have their place everyone eventually has to learn to embrace all of them you have to learn to have the tenacity and commitment of a Jew you have to learn to have the law-abiding of the true Islam or Muslim you have to have the honor of everything that the pagan has everybody's got to eventually embrace all the traditions but there's one tradition that's not so traditional that's outside of all those religions and even in Christianity to
accept the being born again concept love and forgiveness the compassion of Buddha all of us have to embrace all the religions but there's one thing beyond the religion and that is when you open up awaken Christ as a consciousness or the I am presence of God and that's where we're all going even here at unity of Sedona in Sedona people love that we embrace so many traditions because some people say we embrace all traditions and they never mean it they just say that gratuitously you know because it sounds good we really honor all traditions and
then you bring another tradition they're like we don't like that here you know it's like no that's a whole it's all alive so we don't want to be eclectic just for the sake of being eclectic we here are embracing all but also surrendering to the all because there's one step one notch above all the eclectic stuff so Jesus comes in and and he's he's being born wet-weather the traditions all accepting or not that's not important at this point what I'm saying is it's one example somebody came in so we honor that Christmas moment
because it's a manifestation of that's why they said in the Old Testament he shall be called Immanuel which means God is among us and that's what creation tried to explain I it's a mythology but he's saying I am God among you but instead of the story of Osiris and so on it's an actual person saying I'm gonna actually try to live this I'm gonna try to do what all your stories told you the pagans are saying we have a hero every year this every year then you know the Sun starts moving back into this hemisphere to bring us springtime after
the death and symbolic death of winter springtime so here comes our hero this son so they make stories and mythology's about the Sun coming back so he says I will be the Sun will even call me the son of God people go yes so that means male that means a child at one and only and we started screwing up the whole wording of it he's saying I am the son of God s UN and the s o n at the same time because the Sun meaning the child meaning all of us so this moment means that it's an this festival that we're in right now it's a time of manifestation
so concentrate for the next several days on what you'd like to manifest but don't just get greedy yet let's hold on for just a sec first let's commemorate Jesus is manifesting heaven on earth divinity on earth very cool then we have the three wise men and the three wise men are also manifesting something so they show up with gifts for Jesus gold frankincense myrrh that represents human royalty it represents spiritual royalty and it represents the the put what's going to happen to Jesus that the you know myrrh represents the it's the
anointment of the dead so it's someone that brings us death so that we can be born again but also these three parts these three gifts from the law of the wise men they represent the gifts of material they're the physical the emotional and then the mental spiritual so three gifts that symbolize these key components and these three wisemen you know a lot a lot if people don't really understand who they were and what they symbolize but they're so much more than meets the eye the wise men these are also ascended
masters now it's years later that it leaks through here and there that those three wise men the son before and some after became what we call today ascended masters like ku to me and so forth these guys materialized as Magi zuv Persia and so on to recognize the coming of Jesus and that's because even ascended masters refer to Jesus as the master of masters and it sounds like then we're pushing a religion but were not remember we're talking about a consciousness and that's what's important here it's going to be so beautiful that the day will come when
everybody gets what they were looking for and it's not in competition to somebody else's somebody over here honors Buddha someone over here Jesus and someone over here you know Moses and so on and so on they'll come a day when the Jews get the Messiah they've been waiting for and the Christians get the Christ that they're waiting for and everybody ends up getting the thing that they were looking for and after they get what they thought they were looking for they'll let go of the names of it and it won't matter anymore but at first it's
gonna have to look that way the three wise men not only brought gifts and it's very very very rarely known that they also received gifts and I won't go into what those gifts were that they received but it included visions one of them included a vision of all of Jesus's history and past lives one of them included what was going to happen in this life and one it was one saw a vision of what was going to be the future for Christ or Christ consciousness and that's just to give you an example so the three wise men are
are really significant because the baby Jesus appeared to them and they were considered pagans not the people of Israel and there's a reason for that and it's because the pagans were so open to everything rather than extra traditional but Jesus here's to them but he still then has to say goodbye and go and serve and teach amongst Judea because he's saying these people are the lawkeepers God trusts the Israelites to - to have maintained the laws throughout the years some discipline what you need to wake up you
need you need that kind of discipline to be a good Buddhist for that matter you can't meditate when your mind's everywhere so there were all kinds of reasons that he appears but he says I'm gonna have to go and work with the people of Israel but I appeared to you to thank you in advance to the pagans honoring the metaphysicians and not just the religions of the region so you know that's part of it and the the three wise men are honoring and commemorating this this moment where God seems to be manifesting so so now we have
manifestation of Jesus number one and the gifts of the Magi number two all right typically in Epiphany there's the third thing that's recognized or or commemorated and that is the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan River with with John the Baptist and all kinds of people you know they'll travel there and they'll they'll see somebody who will ghost for ten dollars I'll tell you what really happened none of the people that claimed to know where the water baptism took place actually know where it was partly
because the river isn't exactly where it was 2,000 years ago just like any Creek and river you know they change and so on and so people start worshipping once where there was water and now there's a rock and then you know no no none it gets kind of silly what matters is that if people go there and have an experience that's all that matters not whether that's the exact location besides if if Christ is all that the energy was left in the region you can just kind of trust that if you're a foot off it's still okay and anyway so so
this was commemorating the baptism why was it about the ritual no because that the baptism is when we hear of the Holy Spirit which is the Divine Mother descending in particular formula they call it a white duck but the Holy Spirit the Divine Mother descends upon Jesus at the baptism and then the fourth thing commemorated an epiphany is the wine the feast the wedding feast where Jesus turns water to wine it's not the first miracle Jesus performs in his life but it is the first one in that region and
so that was a really big deal you know that's like his first miracle a wedding this is all really cool and symbolic guys because this is the feast this is the week of manifestation Jesus like it or don't you do what you want without the gifts of the wise men excellent the baptism and the coming of the Holy Spirit which is just like watch this Jesus comes into manifestation and there are gifts from the wise men men now the Holy Spirit descends into manifestation commemorating his his baptism and then we have the feast the wedding feast
where he performs his first miracle it's a it's a statement of all the miracles that come after it in other words if you're born spiritually which he was when the divine mother descends upon him and gives him the gift of the Divine Feminine when when you receive that you have the skills to perform any and all miracles so the one miracle of the wine which is a beautiful thing way edgar cayce he describes it i've always loved the the festival is going on and people are like hey you know there's jesus we've heard he does amazing things
there's no wine we thing you know you wonder he you know if he can do something and perform a miracle he's like back off like no you know he's like back off give me some room and finally he decides all right fine you folks want something here and he goes before the water the pitchers of water and they all turn into wine which some people oh no those things can't take place that's because you've lost magic people that don't believe in miracles have simply lost their belief in magic and in a real magic capital M magic and that's a shame
but that's their thing you know so when when Jesus goes before the water Edgar Cayce describes like this he says the water blushed when it recognized its master and that is a very poetic and a very beautiful description because it's humility even the water said you know here we are what would you have us be wine please and so it is just as you hear stories of Moses accomplishing and partying the seas just as you hear buddha when they say he's sitting trying to meditate and it's hot the trees would bow over his head to
shade him that's what our life is capable of looking like we've got to bring the magic back but for that to happen you don't sit there you know like you're trying to rev up and start a motorcycle effort effort effort to be magical it's in the heart and soul it's in the beliefs like just and it's in the humility not I know I can create magic it's if I connect then magic happens magic / miracles happen so it's to me it's a very very beautiful thing when we see what's really happened summarize those four things and and a lot of
people that um celebrate Epiphany historically they really think of it only has three things but it's for the physical birth of Jesus and the physical treasures that he was gifted by the three wise men you got that physical this spiritual birth of Jesus and the spiritual gifts called miracle working now we have to ask ourselves you and I were born physically what gifts materially did you receive oh you know not me I had a terrible family at no wait keep looking what and you'll find something find something and look for
even the deeper symbolism of it it could be you have a beautiful smile and it's not that I'm asking you to connect it to the genetics of your family although some of that might click I'm asking you to find your magic I mean simple things for example things I've shared before so I'm not going to go into but an example would be unborn and I'm living my life in in my family you know in that your tradition of that race and that religion or all that I was given a godmother but my godmother was very much like an angel to me she I only saw her
once in a while but man when I saw her she always whispered wisdom to me such as Michael I know your family is screwed up and I'm sorry and there's not a lot I can do because I have to play a certain role with them I'm your family's you know friend but I'm here if ever you need me or just planting some words of comfort and support is that making sense and and and yes as a kid man I was like oh God can she be my mom and it wasn't the case but when I'm looking for the gifts of the three wisemen she's one of them look for the Weizmann in your life
someone that had sanity and sometimes it wasn't if your family was really messed up sometimes it was the cop that came to the door to take you away from that family which sounds hazardous and it sounds terrible memory wise but how do you not call that an angel of God being sent to help you find someone even if it's only someone that visited the night of your birth like the Wiseman it may not be somebody you saw all the time but who was the wisdom for you who were the wise men who brought you your gold your frankincense your myrrh whatever the
case may be and that could be your business savvy or or anything else gift wise to look for it but do not act like it doesn't exist or you cannot become the the holiday of Epiphany you cannot become Christ and either were you born yes I was find the wise man and this parts easy compared to the next you can't find the material gifts it's gonna be harder to find the spiritual ones so this this next piece is when were you baptized oh well when I was no I don't mean historically when were you spirit
fully born again when were you spiritually baptized when did you say my old life meaning you know Jesus going through the desert 40 days 40 nights when did you say I'm fasting from my old pattern of relationships I'm done with my family style I'm done with genetics I'm when did you do that if you didn't excellent you can start today today could be your time it's a good time it's the weekends not over yet fast for just a few hours I don't just mean food fast although that's included
fast from the garbage write it all down not just don't eat write down what you're ready to don't you know enough of this addiction enough of this silliness I still think other people hold my self-worth and it's okay it you know you don't want to say all that sounds like negativity I'm not looking at it is the only negativity looking at it is not negative you're not being a buzzkill you're being honest because if you can write it down you're able to say no more if you're going to pretend it's not happening you're just going to be helped
by it still so do what you want but we have the option what can I say goodbye to drama jobs that I don't really like you know whatever it happens to be I have a job or have to drive two hours every day to work that jeez man I'd be praying for ascension I'm not going to drive two hours to get to work get out of get stopped unless you love driving I mean if you're like man I love morning and night two hours added to my workday I think that's great write a book about it so you might encourage some other people to enjoy it more I don't know all
I know is I wouldn't want to do it so I don't I do fly cuz I'm on tour but I never felt like I hated that so lion braced it that's what I do is part of my life you know so find what you enjoy and keep going in that direction but say goodbye bid some closures to the other thing go through the desert afford it you don't even have to do it the way Jesus did it 40 days and 40 nights in the desert I mean to the point at the end worth his the voices inside are saying man you know you should just turn those
rocks and Debrett wouldn't it be nice to have a cent Aban about now you know you don't think and then and that story is telling us that even someone like Jesus is feeling it seeing it like damn you know I'm paraphrasing but damn like I'm hungry but he answers it with food does not fill us only the truth of God fills us and he breathes it in like it's a 6-pack of Cinnabon she breathes it in man like well I'm filled now food wouldn't matter and as soon as he achieves that then it says the angels come and minister to him so if you can
get through your stuff you'll get what you're looking for but if you try to turn the stones into boyfriend's it's not going to work or wives or partners or anything else it's not gonna work oh but please God if only I have that's failing the temptation in the desert try to make it through life's tests try each one of them and collectively try to make it through the stuff of life that says you if only I had one more piece of bread if only I just fast from it and learn to say nothing like Buddha said to nothing of this world
can fulfill me the world offers me nothing and that's not as negative as it sounds it's that once you get it then the stuff of the world comes easily as miracles because you understood it it can now come to you as a kind of as a natural occurrence rather than as a going after it and pulling it to us because all of those things that involve us grasping will disappear as has been taught by great masters so there's this baptism you and I have to vow towards that but what comes after the baptism he he has this ability to
perform miracles it's symbolically you know put into the the wine because it means to the people to that region I'm now launching into my ability to do anything that's needed but what's really cool is that he starts they they believe you know to a lot of people's tradition he starts with the wedding feast where he turns water to wine strangely and for some reason a lot of people don't get this the the last miracle on earth is also at a wedding when you go all the way to the end of Revelation the last miracle on
earth is when there is a wedding between our souls the bride and our spirits the bridegroom revelation ends with a wedding now anything the last few things in Revelation after that are talking about the spiritual gifts that come from that but it's still the last miracle on earth where it we're in the material world disappears and were wet with our spiritual selves again so that's what's happening during this feast of Epiphany it's this celebration of Epiphany this is this holiday of manifestation what are you ready to manifest only the I was
born and I'm still looking for my gold and frankincense and myrrh which to some people it's a job retirement and a partner or kids or something and even if those things are blessings to you did you have your spiritual birth yet and I bid you to encourage you to look for the spiritual birth not just the physical which we'll do in a mental meditation but look for your spiritual birth if it hasn't happened let it be today because really in a nutshell in its shortest form it means when you're ready to say I'm hearing something such as this talk
I'm feeling something such as this morning's meditation not just here but at home perhaps it's when we said goodbye to the earthly life we were born into and welcoming in a spiritual self well still on earth physically but welcoming in a spiritual self when we get that all of a sudden we realize the magic and the miracles are here now but I don't have to do them I become them and now it's so amazing because hosanna in the highest all praise to Immanuel who's a man where who's a mango you because you have said God is with us God
is amongst us because you walked in a store and you smiled at somebody that was feeling down I'm not saying you you are the one and only embodiment of God I'm saying God is amongst us and people people say that about a lot of the work I do as a spiritual teacher but I'm in a role of a spiritual teacher so they're going to more easily see that we you guys have even a harder burden because you have to try to make them feel that without standing in front of them and looking you know like you're talking about this stuff you guys have to and
it's it's not a chore but I'm saying it's you have the extra burden of at work being the one that somebody says god I'm so glad they were here today because that means God is amongst us my job is sometimes in it's a challenge of sorts but it's easier than the folks that have to without title fly in under the radar and leave a room somehow leaving people the impression that God is amongst us a tall order I think for some you know like seriously me yes in a sense just be nice or as of course in miracles' puts it I to be truly helpful
be loving be forgiving be a good example don't just wear the beads the mala beads you know don't just honor the holidays of this tradition or that tradition you know don't just say the words actually live it embodying it God is amongst us that's what the title meant it wasn't titled someone's doing occasional good deeds to get something in return it was simply God as amongst us alright let's have a moment please of meditation set aside all the stuff even of the talk today other than absorbing what you
heard that might have made sense imagine that it's the middle of the night dark a moon in the distance stars in the distance middle of the night and imagine that you were born no matter what time of the day you were really born let's pretend you were born in the middle of the night and then reflect be objective be clear born to the world it doesn't matter if your family and parents likes loved you this doesn't matter on the
invisible planes angels attended your birth that is a fact not a hope it's a fact so imagine that you're born and you can still see them in that hospital or wherever it was not seeing the the mundane level so much as something else was there the magic and despite who you lived with who you grew up with and so on and so on allow the Angels allow the divine mother to help you see your life differently in this who were some of the wise men women in your life and just let some of them come to mind anyone relative neighbor schoolteacher
sometimes it's a sibling who were the comforters the supporters the nurturers in your life clearly there may be more than three so you witnessed the birth not of Jesus but of you and not the story of the three wise men but the wise men and women in your lives look at it just a beautiful view of it all maybe a different perspective than we're used to the wise men and women throughout our lives and then what gifts did they bring you what was their gold their frankincense their myrrh their treasures
of any kind material or emotional their spiritual support like the frankincense the myrrh such as their ability to to sort of help you ground and realize there are some life challenges but you can get through it coaches trainers friends hear and feel the words of gratitude the feeling of gratitude for all of them thank you thank you thank you to all of them knowing that when you're saying and feeling thank you see them wherever they are in the universe imagine them being lifted energetically by your gratitude
they saved a soul that's big stuff and then have you yet been and if not imagine it happening today spiritually born and possibly more than once have you been spiritually born I don't just mean the the words but when you actually felt a commitment to say goodbye to the old the past and bringing in a new life it could be when you sat in this audience it could be today watching from afar it could be a vision you had in a meditation but hopefully something somewhat cathartic clear that you were done with the old you may not have done it 100% perfectly but as long
as it was a significant shift call it what it is and let's think of it as a baptism and then if it happened more than once see em all and also here today as our ceremony ritual of the month honoring Epiphany we call in your presence divine mother or Holy Spirit of God we empty ourselves of the past emptying our cup to be refilled you know how you know in what way and you know in what quantity but we call upon your beautiful spirit Divine Mother Holy Spirit of God to pour upon us descending as in the form of a dove once but for us
how whatever form it's to take it's the presence of joy the presence of freedom the symbol of the Dove joy and freedom feelings of God pouring into us blessing our hearts anointing our hearts giving us the grace of God giving us the state of God's consciousness letting us helping us to be all that God is and all that God created us to be and our hearts are open with gratitude swelling with gratitude baptized not in the desert of Jordan but in Sedona and wherever we happen to be baptized in the waters of purification that only come from the
oceans of God the water is washing over us the rivers of life washing over us cleansing every Center every cell every organ every gland every body layer of bodies within my being our being gifting us with the ability to perform miracles water into wine smiles on people's faces paying a little bill for someone here and there helping someone when they grieve every form of miracle not just the material type I am as God created me and I will to be the Christ on earth in me is the Messiah awaited for by the Jews the Christ awaited for by the Christians the next Buddha
awaited for by the Buddhists and so on in me is that and more in each of us when I say me I mean each of us the presence of God perfectly holy I am part of God and I am very holy God is I am we are and so it is thank you okay I wasn't quite clear that that's where we were going but that's where we went so I hope you enjoyed the trip nice we're going to do our closing song in just a moment I want to share something briefly with you all about where we're at at unity of Sedona and this will only
take about two minutes then our offering and our closing song first I want to thank there was a wonderful couple that approached me a couple of weeks ago after service and they said and I'm paraphrasing hopefully I get the the words right of what they shared but they said we were the living in the I think the Northeast and it was around the time of the last election and they said and we were devastated by this election and after the election we decided sort of like a feeling of giving up there was just a WoW right and then we're just
gonna go on a trip to kind of get away from it all and they came to Sedona and strangely they sat here while I talked for the first and only time I think about politics for just I only commented on it for a moment just kind of reassuring people about what happened and what's going on and the bigger meaning and all that and these folks from what I understand you know they result they said that's it they went home sold their house and they moved here I thought you might have asked if I was planning to move first but you know to make sure I'm here but they loved that
they heard they loved what they felt now I think that's great don't you I want you all to remember the more you live this kind of stuff though not just me but each of us the more each of us live this the more people really dig that but it also means you have another level of responsibility to hold I'm not trying to put guilt and responsibility on you but I'm saying if we're going to be spiritual if we're going to be spiritual leaders if we're even going to talk about oh I go to unity of Sedona it's amazing people are watching you to see
how you're different than the average person so be great examples be great examples to your kids be great examples to whomever because people are watching and observing try to be the same one in the room when people are all upset try to be the one that handles illness differently you know try to be able to handle life's tough earth things news broadcasts and try to be one that's a bit different because even if you don't live here and you move you live far away or you move far away and you talk about your New Age beliefs your spiritual
beliefs people are watching you if you're the only one in your family to wear mala beads you know they're gonna say what's that and they're gonna want to see if you live up to what it means it's not like you just well these are just accessories you get these up learner or whatever you know make company or whatever I don't know what stores exist anymore but you know yeah they're just accessories you know um you know so yeah last time I was at a mall it was a 90 so those are the stores I remember
one of the gifts of the wise men and one of the whole points to some of that story is you know that the families that were sometimes born into aren't going to be the ones to honor us so we're we're often the black sheep and and that's one of the things you have to be prepared to live up to is that you're not fitting the old system so one of the reasons that Jesus went to the pagans first is he said because I'm gonna go to the is people of Israel and they're not gonna really accept me that's a statement to you and I the people of Israel are often
our families who are wonderful in their ways their traditions whether it's family tradition religious tradition but Jesus already told you they're not the ones that'll often accept you and so he went to the pagans first and there's a lot of connection to paganism even after so just keep that in mind your your the black sheep if you are the black sheep it's it's you're not the first and it's okay do what you can to feed life into those systems that are entrenched whether it's religious or family tradition do what you can to drop a
smile in there and try to you know bring some light there but do not expect it to get what you're in it to just drop the petals man drop the petals of love and move on so I I want to thank you know the folks like that that have really felt the call whether they've moved her or whether they're just attending here that feel the call because we got some really cool things going on so I want to close with these couple of thoughts do remember to teach only love for that is what you are do your best to be an embodiment of love and a lot of you were
asking in the last couple of weeks again and again you know this comes up it feels like you're talking directly to me and I often smile and say oh that's nice so let me explain briefly one what I do is connect with God to I bring as much of that into myself as pasta three I also connect with the people here who wherever I'm talking because that's a perfect Trinity for me I don't only channel God I don't only channel Michael and I don't only talk to you I believe all three are what we're supposed to be doing any good mom and he
could dad any good partner should be god self and others in this beautiful relationship so that's why it feels like like I'm talking directly to you it is possible to talk to everybody in the room and only that one person all at the same time because there's magic that is multi-dimensional in what we're experiencing why cuz I'm amazing no because I know how to say of myself I am nothing I don't even have probably the equivalent today of a sixth grade education this is not skills that I
developed it's honestly it's humility and I don't mean to sound arrogant by calling myself humble it's I can say that with a levity about it because I know this didn't come from anything I came you know came in you know and studied or whatever so I feel like I offer you know what I offer and some people dig it they like the way the style of my sharing I believe it's the truth of God I dig that so I don't just like to talk about stuff and teachers and quotes and you know whenever you see me having to to recite something like a
quote I have to read it I don't have much memory when I teach it just comes through when I have to recite something I usually have to read it like a quote like the notes I'm sharing you now with you now so you know people might like the approach but beneath it all what I'm really saying is everyone get back to God teachers often talk about themselves and I don't really have anything to offer there's not a Michael thing that I'm introducing you to it's really get back to God I don't think people should
settle for gurus I think God needs to be here only one and only but some people that think they need that teachers are not gurus there's a difference a teacher knows how to remain somewhat objective and know their role I'm teaching alright so so but it's the something you know people are into that let them go and do that for me I don't even I don't even want my teachings there's a part of me that would like my teachings to not be remembered when I go because of how easily people twist things but if people could forget my
teachings and just get what they were trying to say I would dig that because the word they're gonna twist if they can twist Jesus so they could twist mine you know it's just the concept of getting back to God so here at unity we will continue to teach to teach all the things we teach just starting this new year this is our first Sunday of the year so we're going to continue teaching many things we're going to teach all kinds of traditions but not just eclectically we're also going to teach that all meaning of God so all the
traditions of our chakras our heart traditions the mind religions and traditions the root really we're going to embrace and continue to teach all that and yet one more one betta you know the god stuff and we're slightly altering our tagline as you know this is you know unity of Sedona still but it's going to be Sedona Center for masters and students on the spiritual path we're going to continue asking people to be responsible here and you know I don't you know we don't want a lot of intense preaching to each other to really just
be loving keep being loving to one another and people that come here and visit here we are not traditional in any sense not a traditional unity or anything else and lastly someone said to me you know they were kind of being disruptive and rude to people and I had to say you know hey listen no stop you know lighten up back off and they said well wait if this is sanctuary if this is a sanctuary shouldn't we be allowed to do whatever we want and I said no there are a couple hundred people here on a Sunday the
needs of everyone are greater than the ego needs of one selfish needs of one and that person probably will not come back anymore because they didn't like hearing that spirituality is not enabling the ego don't confuse the two spirituality can often be you know seen not as cross her flowers or lotuses but a bhoot you know to kick the butts of people that are out of line I just came up with that so don't hold it against me that wasn't in my note you know it's being able to say no for the sake of love man
do what's right and live righteously righteously means right consciously thanks for listening