Conquering Ego Distractions
the world we're in tends to to try to disprove Spirit you know it tries to make people feel a helplessness and a hopelessness and then of course that brings that Despair and depression and a lack of desire to live you know people take their own lives because they're so sensitive and they look at this world and say well you know what there's something wrong with this picture and they don't know what to do with it because if they speak about it too much they're either shunned or if they speak
about it too much you know um they tend to look crazy or they look depressed and clinical and they are and they're righteously depressed because they're saying the emperor is naked there's something wrong with this picture so it's just a very difficult thing to juggle but Christ teaches us don't take it so seriously meaning not to see it as something of a joke even though it is a joke he's saying don't take it to heart that this world is the way it is it doesn't mean don't do
anything about it or don't try to heal or step forward but he is saying you know be careful on how you see these things and not take them hard to heart not not be so devastated that the world isn't a better place even if you make this world a nicer Place Yogananda says you better keep telling yourself even if it's a wonderful life don't forget to tell yourself this is not my home even if things go well do not get sucked into oh well now that things are going well I guess I'm gonna you know be okay
with this as being the best as it gets this place could never even reflect a fraction of a fraction of a fraction and so on you get the point of what the real world looks like the world that seemingly now unseen the world that people don't any longer believe in you know if you could if you could imagine all the tensions gone and the stresses of what to do and lack and limitation and ailments and if you imagine all that gone that that's just a first fraction of a step imagine that not only all the problems are gone
imagine that all of a sudden the the the angst intentions start to fall away and something else starts to emerge so you start to see a different world you start to see colors more beautiful colors you don't you don't see an extremes of weather you you you feel different you know beings glow more you start to see other dimensional Realms with higher beings you know to be able to see wow you know light beings and sometimes even deceased loved ones but as much as that's beautiful that's like you know that's like first steps I mean
beyond that man Angels and Archangels and so on you know it's there's another world waiting I mean Jesus describes It In A Course in Miracles so beautifully but he only does it here and there because he's he doesn't want to overly tease people but he's saying it's it's a beauty beyond your imagination the world waiting and some people go Oh you mean the world when we die and go no it it's not heaven and it's not just another dimension it's actually still here it's just not the one seen so
there's a dense layer an over you know layer like a a an overlay um you guys might remember those of you who are old like me might remember overhead projectors right and there's a glass top and then the projector shoots you know light through it and it projects it up onto a screen um and they had the overhead slides you know so they would be sheets of plastic so those overhead sheets imagine having none on the screen and you look at the screen you look at the wall you know and you see pure light well that's a poor depiction because
it's just pure light it doesn't make you go whoa but the concept of pure light which in a sense you could say this is the the better world that awaits us and I don't mean awaits us upon death I mean awaits us here as we learn to shift Consciousness the better world that awaits us is a world that essentially it is like a blank screen so when you see white up on the screen because there's nothing on the glass you think well it's it's blank it's empty no it means infinite possibilities so you
put blue and green and you put life on there and and things that are just so alive it you know as soon as you see that you start to just go wow you know I was sitting um outside for a little while a few minutes ago and just kind of looking around and I was just in awe you know butterflies and you know sometimes I I film these things from my yard front yard backyard whatever and you know you just hear the Chimes and there's the butterflies and I see these hummingbirds and these bees just concentrating on the
pollen and the purple flowers around me and all that you know that's all beautiful and and that is still just a a very small fragment of what awaits us meaning it's that times a billion times a billion and so on um but it's a beginning to learn to start to see the love around us the beauty around us and if you don't have a beauty and if you don't have the ability to see beautiful things and I don't mean opulence because that's the opposite polarity there's the the dry the Dead
the gray and then there's the opposite the opulence that makes you feel you know I've been in homes and Museum type places that you can't move I mean everything is just so gaudy or opulent you know you can't just hang out and relax in such places that's that's overly like The Other Extreme it's not about how much stuff it's it's what they represent the beauty that they represent so all of us have a world waiting for us that world will not be made available to our eyes options while we hold any particular
kinds of hatreds now I um I announced a week or two ago on one of our shows somewhere here but you know about what's going to happen this month a lot of a light planetary alignments and so on and I love the the you know the people that the Skeptics that's a nice word so I'll be nice and try to not not say anything too rude but the um Skeptics who say oh you know there's nothing to that sort of thing you know and and if you're oh my God I mean it's like it's right on time right on schedule I I I didn't even mention
that right in between these two um um eclipses is a Mercury retrograde and I mean my God if you if you're not seeing these things you you are either you know numb to them or you just don't have any sensors at all to be able to see these things it's it's so evident um look at the quantity I don't even know what's going on in the world per se I catch a glimpse here and there somebody says something and I know there's some sort of political stuff again um and it's it's just hatred you know
people it's the politicians that have lack of love and then the people that lack love for the politicians and it goes around and around that's not going to reveal the real world so you know if you guys get caught in the the hamster's wheel of dialogue and gossip and hate and worry oh my God this is for sure man this person This president's going to do this and ruin us and this politician and this governor and whatever else um it's just not even worth getting caught up in and I know that people some
of you might say well Michael's just very um negligent he's he's got his head in the clouds he's not being responsible at all if he doesn't pay attention to politics and so on you know what if you're all stressed about politics even just slightly worried about what might or might not happen politically and you die tomorrow and I Die Tomorrow one of us is already in paradise and one of us is not so think about that if you want to criticize me for my lack of care I'm telling you the same things Jesus
has told you there will always be suffering there will always be tragedy on this planet because we made this planet too much of an ego-based Planet it's not meant to be that way but it's the way we meant it to be so this world will not change the politics Will Not ease up racism and so on and I told you all that that there's going to be a band of light across this country calling people to heal the extremes and dualities such as and I'm not the only one that spoke about this mind you I'm
just saying that I did speak about it and you know The Duality such as racism and whoa you know people are talking about that happening in the world uh dualities of every kind and genders and you know whatever else so if you folks are like me and you you believe yourselves to be a spiritual person and you believe yourselves to be maybe more focused on spirituality or your interests your studies your concerns you know you can't be a hypocrite and say you're into spirituality but then you know like some
opposite of a Superhero by you know by day this person is pretending to be spiritual but by night they're angry politically based and so on it you can't do that you can't put on your spiritual suit pretending to be but then your Alter Ego is just too egotistic it you know guys we got to start living this and and stuff does happen stuff will happen if you think the things that happened in 9 11 were disconcerting if you think they're wars and rumors of wars and struggles in this country in that country if you think those are
something it it's not going to get better the the ego and evils of the world are going to intensify to try to distract those of us who choose to be awake and and of course it's going to win some battles get your you know get you distracted our job and I mean this our job is to look at why we get distracted what distracts us um you can say um I don't really care about war stuff but the economy I care about then that's your weak link and I'm not saying don't care about it I'm saying if it upsets you that's your weak
link so you know practice looking at what buttons get pushed if you end your life and you go to the other side and they interview you you know kind of a post-earthly uh uh life interview um and you all you got to do you know all you've got to do is complain that's the only what report you bring back well I wasn't more spiritual because of who was president and who was this and who was that they're not going to hear any of that they're going to just send you back with whatever you didn't like
multiplied by a few why would it be multiplied because that's bad karma no they're multiplying it for you so that you can see it more dramatically so you can say wow you know this just this just isn't very cool I'm gonna I want to either let this crush me or I'm gonna just disperse it and it's always this the hope of spirit that you'll grow up and disperse it and say not today man I'm not letting this stuff get me today I don't think you should be concentrating on my thinking that you
need to be perfect I'm saying that we just need to try harder to not let stuff get to us so much stuff does get to us um you know when you say I'm going to stop smoking you'll never think about cigarettes more than those first hours and days because it's not in your hand you're not doing as soon as you starve the ego of something it starts bitching about it um you know and and by the way somebody you know when I sometimes use a a curse word um it upsets somebody I don't know I think they should you know go watch a
Christian evangelist or something they might be safer that way but sometimes I do say those curse words and um and you know I just say them because it's how I feel in the moment um but I do also respect you you know those of you who said you know could you could you not use this word or that word um uh you know I don't know I can't say yes or no to that um I'm also not claiming that it's Jesus channeling curse words through me it's just it's I I am the channel um so it you know whatever comes through
me I emphasize it this way that way sometimes with a cracking a joke and sometimes with a curse word because there's a Ridiculousness to this world that people don't quite get so um I will use words like that that sound you know almost irreverent not almost they're irreverent and um they're meant to be irreverent because they are irreverent because the world is stupid the world is Just an Illusion it's you know don't take it like it's your God this isn't our home this isn't Our God and I'm not
saying give up on it I'm saying we have to make this place into a happy dream the the nightmare of this world because there's a nightmare and there's a happy dream nightmare happy dream next to each other equal opportunity between our ability to choose nightmare happy dream Heaven is up here it's not down below the veil that crosses here there's just this Duality while we're out of Heaven a duality and we have to choose which one we're going to serve which one we're going to you know give attention to
and so uh this one is absurd there it's all absurd because only heaven is real but even on the Earth plane even in the third dimensional universe to allow the nightmare to be our God to to allow the nightmare foolish people acting foolishly small people with small minds to to upset us I mean if you really see when you know when you criticize people like political figures or religious figures if you really see how foolish they are and you say oh that person's such a jerk they're so this and they're
so narcissistic all the names that people throw around with these leaders if you really knew that you would do like me and just kind of call it ridiculous you wouldn't get actually personal about it you wouldn't say it as though you are angry at the person for being the way they are it's just stupid meaning it's just simple it's ridiculous it's it's not worth our value God is the only thing we need to value and I don't see God when I'm judging this person or that person so my job is
is to forgive and I know we've all heard those words but it's true it's all about forgiveness there's really not much else we're on the planet for but to forgive oh no no no I thought I was here because um I'm supposed to do this or that or the other I'm supposed to start a non-profit organization or I'm supposed to have babies and grandbabies I know I know how rude I sound when I say these things but I swear to you nobody on the higher Dimensions cares about you having children or grandchildren or
non-profit organizations or anything else you think are playing checkers or being a master at playing chess or being a great cook they care only about forgiveness because if you know how to forgive then you create Bliss for all beings when we start to think we're here to have let's say babies or to start a new business I'm not saying don't have babies and don't start a new business I'm saying when we think that that's our main function it's another way of escaping our ultimate function because
you can have any people on earth have you can live on earth a thousand times and you will have children potentially 900 and something of those times and grandchildren 800 and something of those times right so it happens you've had children in other lifetimes did it send you home instantly to heaven where never again would you incarnate just by having children or grandchildren no is the answer no those things do not help us how many books you read do not help us nothing helps even if you watch this show that I'm doing right now and um you
know let's say you watch it you listen to it and you go this guy's pretty cool and then you don't apply any of it then it's completely worthless not this program not a book nothing is worth anything unless it changes us the value of you Jesus says uh in in some parts of A Course in Miracles um it was edited out of the course but it's in there in in the unedited portions but Jesus talks about children having children for example again please understand I'm not dissing that this just happens to be the topic I'm on
right this second he says you know again for example to have children you're going to have sex and he says you know people do just don't even understand the concept of sex but from spiritual standpoint go ahead and have sex and then sex could result in children and he says the only thing Spirit really thinks about when it comes to people having sex and children is this if they have sex and then they have children as far as spirit is concerned the only value of you having children is that you now have more beings to work on your
crap with that's it can you imagine that you know can you imagine getting that as a as a congratulations on your new baby here comes a card from heaven from Jesus you know it comes through uh God X or whatever in the mail so it shows up at your post office your mailbox or whatever and you get this card from God you know Jesus or whatever congratulations on the new baby you know like you get one of those from a friend oh you know um but the one that would come from Heaven would be congratulations now get prepared you'll have another being to
work on is with which to work on issues I mean what a bizarre perspective but it's true because he's saying healing relations brings you home it's the only thing that brings you home not because the the relations are um better or worse or judged one way or the other it's because we live our stuff out in our relationships Now relationships with people yes but believe it or not our relationships with all things there's a a pillow sitting here next to me I I have a relationship with it how so
well let's say I lean on the pillow and I like it for back Comfort one day the pillow starts getting worn enough and it starts to get squashed and no longer is back support you understand it's now let me down I need to now trade it in for a new couch you see you have a relationship with everything your car lets you down you need to trade it in your pillow lets you down trade it in your wife husband partner you know whatever it is we trade these things in that's why I've said even when you have
to let something go refuse to hate it look at what you can learn from it and acknowledge that there is a light in it deep in it that is in the image of God if you can pull that off then you've done the right thing it's when you try to end relationships or with objects or anything um with a a neutrality it doesn't work with a like an I don't care or an anger or anything else it can only be done successfully if we do it responsibly nothing can be done right if it's not responsible so we have to be willing to to look at
our part so a nation divided you know the nation's been divided before well what about troubled you know news of world and and issues and and War we've had them before we have to heal stuff it doesn't matter if there's a war or not we're still going to have the same issues which is to heal if we have War we're not going to have other people in other countries to now think about healing our issues with all it does is bring up more stuff for us to heal if we were completely healed there would be no
famines no economy issues you know economic issues there would be no war we would have none of that people are going to recognize at some point that that in our lifetime there are seven billion people on our planet something like that and that number In Our Lifetime alone a fourth of those maybe a third of those have popped up Just In Our Lifetime doesn't that confuse anybody doesn't that bring up anything of concern um you know that we have a overpopulation and what does it mean overpopulation you know overpopulation
in the sense that it's that's stressing the the ecosystem um water food all of this is going to be an issue and then we start synthetically creating Foods so that we don't have that issue but that's fake see you can't synthetically create things and think everything's okay everything's got to be looked at in the heart and brought to forgiveness you know so we all have our variations of what we think needs to happen on this planet mine may not be the right ones for you but we are indeed dealing with some
issues on this planet folks um and they will never go away without forgiveness they cannot and they will not you can create a a limit on population that will not fix it because we still had issues when we had only four billion people on the planet so having seven billion people now um won't make it better or worse because we still have issues forgiveness is the only way um you know I I know that there are particular people in your life in all of our lives that have been you know emphasized as uh the ones that push
buttons and have been our harbingers of pain you know the ones that have been our you know greatest Nemesis but what are you doing with them if you can forgive and work on forgiving with those individuals it should be much easier to work on the Lesser strained people in your life but you might take the opposite and that's fine too let me work on the easier ones and work up to the greater issues do something though do not hide behind things do not hide behind false spirituality you're not spiritual if you're not a forgiving
person doesn't matter you know what colors you wear or whatever it's are you practicing forgiveness you know so we we all have a job to do a responsibility to live up to and it's to practice forgiveness and I've talked about that many times so I hope I'm not being too redundant but to kind of bring this full circle there's a world we keep wanting to see and longing to see when you look deep down at the stuff in the world that bothers you instead of just using your head and say Here's why it bothers me
because all men are this way or women are that way or whatever whatever you know now uh politicians and yeah okay great how are you feeling about that try looking deeper inside and I think that you're going to find that when a politician angers you a religious figure angers you um a friend a partner angers you just pause long enough to ask yourself besides what they did that angered you ask what it is they didn't do what did they not live up to and you'll find yourself going you know the politician didn't do what
he said he was going to do that's why you're mad the politicians making me feel this way that way fine which makes you feel well look look for what it's not making you feel he's making me feel like uh I'm more stressed about my insurance I don't have health insurance or whatever the issue could be it's you know flavor of the month these issues change every every day but it's it's my health insurance so you're not mad that they that they're straining your chance for health insurance it's that you don't
have health insurance it's what they're not giving you that's upsetting everybody thinks it's what people do to us it's also and more often founded on what they're not doing you're not making me feel safe so I'm mad that you're starting a war in this world you're not making me feel spiritual enough so I'm mad that you're making me feel unforgiving you see it's they're they're doing things seemingly on this planet and we're not pretending that they're not
doing them let others do as they may but as for me and mine we will serve the Living God Biblical scripture it's like let them do as they may they're going to do what they're going to do when Judas is going to at the Last Supper betray Jesus now think about family members that betray you or you know Partners when Jesus it's kind of amazing imagine imagine you in a moment being betrayed by somebody your partner cheats cheated on you let's say um or a business associate stole money from you and you struggled because of
that and and some of the stories I've heard man but pause for a minute and imagine if you would have had I'm not saying compare yourself so that you feel lesser than but just imagine here's what Jesus did here's how he dealt with that Judas is about to go and betray him and you know Jesus is kind of like you know since you're gonna do this why don't we just get it over with Judas you know that that thing you've been plotting Judas is like what you know you know about that yes I know what haven't you figured out I'm at
least a little psychic error I know what you're gonna do why don't you just go get it over with you know and and Judas is bewildered and even Judas was fooling himself sadly he wasn't just a bad guy he was also deluding himself so he was a weak guy too he was deluding himself into thinking it sounds like Jesus wants me to do this and if he wants me to do this it must be because Jesus has the same idea I have which is that if I turn him in he'll go before the courts the courts will acknowledge Him as as being the Messiah
and then all of Israel would would be raised up as a as a as a as a race and as a power and they would kick the Romans out which is like conquering evil as a metaphor so Judas is kind of deluding himself into thinking that's what Jesus wanted so he's like wow this is great oh and on only Jesus and I know this is the the real thing we're up to so he goes and betrays him Judas was heartbroken he was he didn't hang himself for any reason other than the fact that he was heartbroken when he realized oh my god
what have I done I thought that something good was going to come from this meaning good in the third dimension and it isn't see now the first mistake I want it when I want it so sadly he's let down but he also realizes I've been used you know you guys used me and and tricked me but he also tricked himself so we need to not just look at what people have done to us but what we've done to ourselves you know and the more often and the better we get at looking at our part in these kinds of strange dances that we dance it
really behooves us to be able to say wait a second what part have I played or might I have played in this it's a very difficult thing to explain just in seconds here or minutes here um but it it is essential you will never Ascend to higher Consciousness you'll never go to fifth dimensional realities and all the other cool things you know people are waiting for it'll never happen without responsibility you you will never reach higher States Of Consciousness without first taking responsibility for the
lower states of consciousness it sounds like it's not true like it cannot be that you know most of us think taking responsibility makes me feel terrible and so on it's the only way to fly baby you know to be able to say wow I just um uh just a quick personal thing um I just um flew unexpectedly you know I didn't tell anybody but I just went a couple days ago Monday I flew arrived Monday night was there Tuesday and came home Wednesday so I was there really 48 hours maybe but I flew to Southern California
because I heard my mom's dying and you know um you know and I thought it it I know that you know the truth and respect the illusion I know the reality is if a person passes away they know that you send them love and care and all that appreciation but this is really an earthly mom it's not like you know I don't see it as anything too beyond that and um as much as she was somewhat neutral and sometimes kind to me when I was little I think probably till I was six or so she was actually I from what I recall and feel quite nice to me but it
just shifted man and the hatred kind of overwhelmed but uh but that's kind of the the the the style that's the background for her that's the upbringing for her that's just the style but you know and I could tell you and she did this and they did this and you could go oh you know poor thing and it's true it's a bummer that people treat each other that way but I have to be able to go what what is my part in that potentially what is my part does not mean what kind of a horrible jerk was I to deserve such
and such that's not what it means it try to put it a positive spin to it what positive might there have been if I played a part in this at all it's going to seem like a negative and that's going to scare you but try it I could easily say I would not be doing the work I do if I would have been the way my other siblings and such were which is real caught up in this whole family kind of a thing um so they're still doing the family thing on our you know kind of bummed and kind of um um have some great qualities but some
some challenging ones so there's not a lot of peace I think maybe you know for some of these folks but anyway I did I flew there um didn't tell her I'm coming you know um because a lot with that family a lot of negative things could happen if if they know I'm coming to town um so I just show up um you know because it is metaphorically for you and me sometimes um pre-warning such things you you know you end up just with more trouble crucifixions as it were so it's better just to kind of uh swoop in there you
know um kind of like Jesus appearing after the crucifixion right he just appears behind doors you know closed doors just shows up hey guys you know they're like well why didn't you call first you know um and Jesus is like it's better this way trust me so it's kind of like that so I just showed up and for a moment I was just taken aback because of how she looks now um I don't remember her looking like this physically energetically and so on so I I had a moment of wow I mean almost choked up for a split
second like because you see that the change so whether people look ill or act ill to you you still have the same job beloved father mother God before me I see someone that looks aged or sick or sickly or near death or whatever it is or just mean I have a job to do it's not dear Jesus give me the armor of the Lord and let's conquer these jerks who are mean to us let us overthrow them all that's not how this is done nor is it oh look how sick that person is dear God please take care of them you just told God that the
person is less than holy you've just given a a negative overview of the person which now kind of keeps that imprint if you really want to help them own take responsibility oh my God I just saw this person as frail sickly and they're not they just look that way I just noticed this person's being rude but they're not they just appear that way who do they appear that way to God no Angels no Jesus no who me we learn to say good one um it was a trick it was a little bit of a test to make me doubt your holiness
and I have to take a moment and look because I'm seeing this woman as frail and age and now this is hard to explain so bear with me it's not just I Surrender my image of her to you God and let me see her holy which is the perfect thing to do and say but before I do that I also take a second to go why does she look that way to me and what does that bring up I feel bad for her I feel sorry for her you know and she looks sickly and so on let me explain something because she looks you know however old she is I have
no idea I don't mean to sound insensitive but she's old you know whatever it is the age um she's older now but it's not her age what I'm seeing in this sickly woman and and her physical stature and the appearance and the vibe um even her voice is fading away like an older person all of it is symbolic of in a sense how she appeared to me all my life because in some ways she was in my opinion she seemed sick to me in her behavior she's not a cruel psycho mom like some people have had and I'm sorry you know if
you've dealt with that some of you have had a better Mom some of you have had worse some of you a better dad some of you were some better siblings some were we all have variables on that what I'm saying is when we see someone as sick it's a test but what they're doing even the mean people in the world what they're doing is taking not just your inner hurt hate and whatever it happens to be but the worlds and they're squeezing it through their being and showing it to you I am hatred and then they treat you mean it's not
just the hatred you have to heal and the hatred they have to heal it's Global hatred so when you have a test it's not just with one person it's all Humanity reflecting through one person in a way you could say like Judas people are being used to reflect to us the lessons of ourselves and of all Humanity so my mom looking that way is the sickliness that that my whole family would have appeared to me you know the way they treated me and they were the way they were all those years um but can you catch that and see it for what
it really is and say goodbye to it because all it is is a test and and I felt really good about that you know um uh whether it's when my dad passed away or whomever um other family members I mean I I everybody almost everybody that I've ever known family wise as deceased now and most of my wasn't even around and never even knew about it I hear after the fact it's not it's not them it's what they represent to us that we're most supposed to be thinking about you know people will pass away you can have
a child pass away and that just seems so out of sorts with with nature like how did they die before me what it doesn't matter whether they died before you that's just part of the illusion they still are bringing certain things up and if you lost an innocent sweet baby child that that is horrible probably the most horrible of all the things when it's a tiny child didn't even have a chance to to you know walk yet how could that not be a horrible experience but it's the same from spiritual view it's the same as all of
them what does it symbolize to you you know when you are um somebody was sharing with me today how they were um advocating and fighting to try to help an adolescent um friend of theirs or whatever um it quickly tells us that it's not the Adolescent alone that you're trying to help but there's parts of your own lost adolescence that you were trying to fix the good news is you are helping them and trying to help them the bad news is we have to be careful not to miss what's really happening that we're trying to
help ourselves too I don't mean you're blinded by something I mean you could be you need to see when you're helping others it's often all too often it's a part of yourself you're wanting to help when you're mourning the loss of a loved one or their sickliness or whatever it happens to be it's what they're symbolizing that you most need to pay attention to so I didn't you know for a Split Second the physical caught my attention but I caught on pretty quickly this is there's so much more here which is more
emotional than the physical piece because the the all the other layers man when they start downloading and you realize you're watching this person who can barely talk now who used to say some of the rudest things to you but now they can't talk you know and it's it it can show you like wow some of the feelings come back or you know whatever else you might have experienced with them a partner you know and a divorce it's all the same death divorce loss change they're all the same and our job is to look at what it's
bringing up so whether you're looking at the political environment or uh other Global things you know I'll try to occasionally share with you guys insights and predictions about things but I kind of got out of that business for the most part years ago and I exited that business in one of my closing statements was this it's the worst career in the world to be a a prophet of sorts because you're in a lose-lose business if what you predict a negative that's going to happen happens it does not feel good at
all but what if you warn people and say guys if we can just do this this it'll change it then they start to think you're full of crap and you're you're deceiving and you weren't accurate so you're if you if you're wrong you lose and if you're right you lose it's just a terrible business to get into and that's just putting it in my kind of silly vernacular or or framing to it but I'll try to to give some insights and so forth but um maybe in my um online Christ course
that's coming up maybe I'll share more with those folks because they will have gone through months of weeks and weeks of preparation to kind of grow into understanding these things but um stuff's gonna happen in this world and it's going to intensify there'll be times when things level off but it's going to intensify um am I telling you all to go and buy a bunker somewhere and store up your water close the lid and just live there the rest of your life no because you'll be miserable when people said to me Michael
um there's a good chance that the oceans on the shorelines of the east and west coast East and or West Coast could alter and and great flooding should I move to Higher Ground I'm like I don't know would you be happy living in Nebraska because I'd rather you know or wherever you know Michigan or wherever I'd rather die with the tidal wave on the west coast than to live in some states which I will not name in the central areas of the country you know there's just like you know kill me now
um where would you be happy be be where you reflect happiness you know where you feel guided to go don't move to the top of a mountain to live survive your survival like having children or grandchildren is not what's important it's your Consciousness is what's important have children with Blissful Consciousness and teach them Bliss have grandchildren Blissful Consciousness and teach them Bliss live on the coast live on the highlands of any place as long as you can do so blissfully I live in the
desert now if you know Michael murdad if you know anything about me if you would have interviewed me hours before I ever even thought of coming here um you would have there would have been no way Michael desert no and yet I'm here and I'm blissed out being here oh that's because it's Sedona no it's because I create a blissful environment where I am not because I'm special we're all supposed to be doing this so please watch your choices be very responsible as much as possible you know
and I only pass over these things here and there when I do these talks I'm sorry that I can't go into really Vivid Technicolor detail you know about exercises of how to and specifics about all the prophecies it's it's you know it's not the place for that you can watch and I and I uh only a week or two ago I started emphasizing this um watch the catalog that we've got on DVDs guys there's a lot of absolutely for free YouTube videos and you know live things made available the Sunday
services for Unity of Sedona these things are free there must be a hundred of them by now they're all for free so check them out if you can make donations fantastic we greatly appreciate it it's what really has most made us be able to afford doing this work so thank you we put it to good use we really do um but the videos that are on DVDs the DVDs are sets you can watch individual ones or sets if you buy a a case it's a set or you can watch individual ones but when you watch them they're not
passing comments they're not 30 minutes they're you know they're 45 minutes sometimes an hour on a topic so and and really focusing on that topic so they're really more intensive and if you were looking for that kind of material from me you know please try those out there's some really deep ones on Spirit versus matter or um the mind and soul Consciousness and you know all kinds of higher things there are some very deep practical ones on Prosperity development you know just quite a variety
um the after death experience um you know just everything imaginable dreams lucid dreaming you know just all kinds of things even even the one called holy days is not holidays per se it's holy days it's what you how to better understand the symbolism of different holidays or equinoxes or whatever they're not on holidays per se you know it's more the the deeper understanding of these holidays which are about our Awakenings so if they're not about holidays they're about our Awakening so
check out these different sources for these things and um and if ever you want me to talk about a specific topic just take a moment send in a message and I'll do what I can to to get to those um what I've shared today I hope made sense primarily there's a world that we cannot see and it's not yet perfect heaven but there is a blissful world still while on Earth that we can see and some of us are waiting for a president or a spiritual leader religious leader to make it happen and guys I guarantee
you that is not the way it's going to happen people the human race is addicted to learning the hard way rather than the easy way so they want to be beat up before they can be humbled you know it's the silliest thing in the world but it is a dysfunction that comes from the human ego something we're addicted to listening to as our guide so we have to neutralize it not pretend we're not hearing it we have to heal it by saying I Can See Clearly that the investment I have put into politicians government
religion whatever my parents whomever is not working Jesus says in A Course in Miracles before we can talk about the good stuff you must first own what you have tried did not work and is not working okay that includes medicine the world of medicine I want them to fix me you know they need to no I'm sorry you know anything in this planet that can give a person power or money is usually corrupted so it's not going to give you anything so stop looking for the you know the love in all the wrong places and don't hate the
things that failed to give it to you don't hate them because that's what's happening I'm angry at so and so what you really mean to say is damn them for not giving me what I wanted but what you wanted was just to be placated you wanted to be given a little holiday to make yourself think you were okay you know uh the boss that overlooked you when it was time for giving raises he's a jerk and he's this and everybody that works everybody at work agrees that doesn't make it true what's true is
first and foremost you talk about you not the boss what happened they didn't give me a raise and why does that upset you and look inside it makes me feel lesser it makes me feel overlooked it makes me feel unheard there you go oh so now I'm not even having to use the word boss am I I feel overlooked and unseen and so on and I get angry and hurt I get hurt and then angry when I'm not seen for my talents okay good now that you see that that you're angry that you're upset are you willing to see that that's a pattern
yes are you willing to then release the pattern because it's not making you happy not to not get it nor to keep waiting for it it's not working it's not happening so let everybody off the hook instead of curse everyone let them all off the hook Mom Dad bosses politicians don't hate them because they're they're sometimes they're ignorant to how ridiculous they are and sometimes they're seemingly thriving on how ridiculous they are but even if you're upset with who you have in office there were not a lot of
other better options every politician is going to be bringing up some issues for everybody so we might as well just let them all off the hook and work on our own stuff I I hope this has made sense and I know that racism stuff too is a major charge just like looking at my mother or your father or whomever people can look like they have a charge and racism is ridiculous but be careful don't don't give it a whole lot of power instead of we have to fight for this you know you don't start seeing the love in everyone black
or white red or brown yellow or whatever see learn to see beyond the colors instead of fighting for the colors learn to be the one that doesn't even notice it be like a child who doesn't even notice that the other children have a different color that you know children before they speak they don't even realize they have a different language that's kind of cool just find commonality be the one in the room that doesn't buy into the picket signs of hatred that emanate in our Aura when we start gossiping and so on and I'll tell
you keep doing that and let the world keep doing that all the hatred and all it's going to do is attract a greater tragedy to shake everybody up because something is going to wake everyone up it's it's it is time in our lifetime it's time that these things are going to happen the Hopi have told this great psychics and Clairvoyance and prophets of old have said this this is the time and you can say what a bummer no it is a bummer but don't get caught up in that um we're the generation that's going to
make the transition to a new world ours and the following generation are the transitional Generations so let's do what we can to to be the change you'd like to see in the world okay I pray this has made good sense and I appreciate your time and your patience and your dedication to your path at whatever amount that is blessings to you and I send you lots of love and freedom as a soul and try to join us Sunday we're going to have an incredible service um I I know that because I don't know what I'm going to say yet but I can
usually feel waves of things and I feel some really really amazing things because of uh the changes going on in the world and and so on so join us if you can be the change you'd like to see in the world it's a quote from Gandhi not Michael peace be with you bye-bye