Clarity Versus Distortion [Short]
hello everyone this is michael mere dad and we're sharing our friday-night spiritual insights with michael mere dad this is our presentation today what we're going to talk about is something that's on a lot of people's minds but currently as in to various degrees we go through changes obviously every day in our lives but right now there's a lot of major changes going on in the world and in people's lives and what I like to do is look at the deeper meaning to things if there's a lot of endings which there
are a lot of endings going on jobs finances then as a result of the jobs but finances health issues and so on social issues all kinds of things going on but when you see a lot of changes on the outside those are called symptoms so try not to react to symptoms try to look for the greater roots of issues and so although the world right now might be calling you and you know flashing images whether it's on the news or in your mind flashing images of what to do and not do and so on and so on it's very dramatic
we're not supposed to be creatures of drama we're supposed to be creatures of centeredness reflections of being creations of God and instead people have forgotten who they are and then they start reacting to life so instead think of the importance of clarity versus Distortion so today we're talking about clarity versus distortion or clutter if you'd like to call it down our job and our right is to find teach feel experience share clarity distortions are not our inheritance they're not our destiny
these are man-made issues that man likes to wallow in it's it's like a self-imposed hell in a sense you know you've seen pictures like in some the door a drawings carvings in in the books the Divine Comedy you know like about Dante's Inferno and Dante's describing but door a the artist is illustrating this this thing you know this this concept of like being in hell but if you look carefully read carefully it's often really depicting stuff that's going on in people's minds it's it's the
same as what goes on in our minds it shows you you know hell and all this people nollie and grabbing and clutching that's exactly what it's like to be on earth all it is is a magnified version of it so many mystics have said that life on Earth is already living hell so it's not our destiny to be here this way it's our destiny to to release this place to free this place to bring something different share something different offer something different to each other so choosing clarity is not something even though it's our
inheritance what we've gotten used to doing even addicted to doing is grasping on to clutching on to distortion rather than clarity so people are now stuck in that distortion where they're they're insisting on looking through those eyes let thine eye be single learn to see through this eye the one of the divine mind that says you know and it's kind of funny it doesn't mean you're like in la-la land it means you see feel experience things differently than others but it also means you bring a different world to
others if love is what's in my eye one of the meanings of let thine eye be single it means let your focus be single instead of conflicted if you feel conflicted inside you're going to manifest duality and conflict on the outside so whether it's some karmic thing or childhood eating wounds of the past unhealed stuff resentment all of those heed this inner conflict that then will manifest or appear as distortions in our life in our parent appeared appeared world you know the world of manifestation but manifestation is like
more accurately like the word infestation which I've shared in various talks here and there but mankind has infested this world because of their ego we've allowed ego to take precedence instead of instead of spirit spirit sees clearly ego distorts as it naturally would because the ego is a software program in our minds that is subtitled Distortion it's a distorted view of everything the ego can't let you see clearly because you would release the ego then the ego has to keep us seeing distortion so that
we would still rely on its viewpoints and as our guide and God saying just let go let God we can't we got to watch out for this and defend that we gotta speak up we got to fight for our rights what rights you're a divine being what do you have to fight over well but other people don't let me live my rights how is fighting it going to fix it oh you mean fix it on the outside through through law or behavior whatever that doesn't fix it you can imprison people and make them behave a certain way that doesn't mean they actually like
you anymore do you want to be loved you want to see us be seen as a divine being you have to start living and acting like a divine being I understand all the logic about fighting for rights I'm saying it doesn't bring you what you think it would bring you and the conversation here is not about that extreme stuff it's about how we choose between clarity and distortion practice clarity in every area of your life you might want to take an inventory and say are there areas of my life that are distorted if so what are those areas are
there areas let me check do I see feel perceiving aériens peace and love in work then you might not be in this in the right work in your relationship then you might not be in the right relationship in the same in the town you live in then maybe you're not the right town now the examples I gave are just very vivid they're very clear why because their clarity oriented instead of distortion oriented but it's nevertheless I want to say that even though they're clear vivid examples they're not exactly perfect because I
don't want to give the impression that you have to move to the right place to marry the right person to have your peace and happiness it's an internal experience it's a choice we have to make first is to say to say to ourselves I actually own and accept that the choices I have made to get me into a conflicted relationship or job or region I live in that I need to own so I can say goodbye to it in other words instead of it just being a geographic shift I'm shifting something inside I'm choosing clarity
now remember just because though I choose internal doesn't mean I don't get to have external the the point is that external doesn't necessarily bring you internal you find internal clarity first if you don't choose internal clarity you are actively choosing internal Distortion you can say well I don't remember choosing if you're not choosing actively choosing clarity god peace love it cetera then you are even with no choice choosing distortion because one the universe of bores a vacuum it's
gonna have one or the other clarity clarity clarity not there Distortion naturally fills that void and it fills it especially since people are addicted to it because people live in fear and the ego once it sees that you're afraid it is given rights by a fearful person ie you to put anything at once into the mind so it puts all these distorted views of what you need to watch out for defend against and so on so the ternal change will bring the external clary and what I say external I'm talking about even your health for that
matter but internal in the consciousness deeper than the body in the consciousness we choose clarity how well first of all anything that doesn't feel clear practice forgiveness second of all even when you see a lack of clarity and you've practiced forgiveness and something still not quite right practice gratitude for all the things that did feel right all the things all the times you did have epiphanies and insights relations or comments people have made that we're very kind in other words give thanks for all forms of goodness so
forgive that what doesn't feel good that which doesn't feel good give thanks for that that has ever felt good that's going to increase your clarity level other than those two pieces those two principles concepts practices other than those two extra things to remember one of them make it so live it choose clarity not just on the inside now also practice it outside in your conversations humans live in a constant mercury retrograde even though mercury has a planet only goes retro every so often so every so many weeks people can say Oh
Merc Mercury's not retrograde anymore and they don't realize it they're still in it because humans suck at communication meaning a lack of clarity honest love based always love based loving and tactful and clear you order food at a restaurant did you tell them that you didn't want such-and-such in your food well no then that's why it's in there well I'm mad because I don't like when they put it in the other restaurants don't put it that's not the point blaming doesn't release you from
responsibility the bottom line is you forgot to tell them it's a drag offered to pay for a fresh batch and even if they say that's not necessary you offered and that's kind that's clarity and clarity are from the same root of consciousness be clear clear about what you want in your life something I shared earlier just today in fact in our zum we have a daily zoom group and one thing I shared right there was the ABCs of relationship long story short you and I are gonna have a relationship whether
it's as friends lovers or whatever we are family members whatever we are to each other but the point is when you have a relationship with somebody it's like saying here's a whole alphabet A to Z we're gonna start with a and say here's a relationship after a sky's the limit if we're going to have a relationship at all any other alphabet pieces you want in there any other letters what do you want to have be boundaries P passion any letter that represents anything in our relationship
C cooperation communication and so on all the letters decide what letters you want to put on the table hi you know what we're really hitting it off I would like to propose this letter this letter and here's what they mean to me and you say hmm no I'm not really interested in those letters no okay instead of how dare you I hate you please pretend you're interested just clarity no but but I this letter is interesting oh yeah that one's not really my thing how about this one yeah yeah really okay
so M for movies so let's watch movies that's let's go to the theater together or whatever you know because we're interested this is some similar topic just share what works and enjoy and give thanks for it instead of guilting and shaming and wanting something that isn't being offered humans they're just so challenged with the word responsibility that they are not likely going to have a clear life you won't have clarity if you don't know how to take responsibility in a way clarity comes from it's like one
of the perks and gifts of being a responsible human being who knows what they want what they don't want communicates it clearly you know and all that afterwards but you know what you want don't you're you're taking responsibility and if something is going on that you don't want like somebody put a letter out there a letter of the alphabet out there that they want in the relationship and you don't but you did it you you own that and you say you know yeah yeah that was my but let me just take that letter
back that's not in the in the mix anymore it's okay being so clear tell the restaurant what you want and what you don't want in your food tell people what you want what you don't want if it works for them great if a day the restaurant says to you we actually can't do that I've been to restaurants I I don't restaurant a lot but my foods always the same tortilla and cheese butter something simple like that but I went to one place this was bizarre seemingly to all of us to our lower shock but it was a Mexican restaurant
and all I ever get is nachos just chips and cheese and they said we are authentic Mexican restaurant we don't do nachos you know whatever you know they were very fussy about it like offended hmm now I get to decide I put a letter on the table here's what I would like they said we don't have that Wow now I get to decide find a different letter that they can meet or leave and I don't remember whether we stayed or left but I think we left partly because of the attitude and partly because yeah we're not you know weird it's not like
we hate you we're just like okay nevermind well we'll go somewhere else it's just so simple and some people will get offended when you're that clear but you don't mean offensively right you don't mean it offensively you want to be just clear I arrived really late once to a bed-and-breakfast in Scotland and it was arranged that we would have dinner and this is in far north parts of Scotland and dinner and you know it was a long drive took forever to get there and we got there probably an hour or two late
from the standard dinner time and they refused to feed us I mean this was a day and a really you know you really want to need to eat some of the people especially and they were like no no you know you're late so if we give you anything it'll just be this and that and we said you know and their tour guy that driver and all that he's like oh what are we gonna do all worried I said let's leave just tell them oh we understand thank you we'll check out you can refund our money and we'll just
leave you know and hey you know clarity like that is also brilliant because it really tests situations and and brings the light to those situations so they're like meh right and then fine we'll get you food see how that worked up isn't that nice clear instead of victim clear clear and victim are also opposites because victim is part of the distortion of life you're not a victim you're a holy child of God and if you ever look different than something's distorted and it's coming from distorted beliefs about yourself or
others so we work on it we heal it we forgive we practice the forgiveness and the principles of how to get back to clarity so please consider this in your own life this this download of you know vitamin packed downloads here you know concentrated nutrients of information in one little sharing talk but there's so much here if you if you're listening carefully let it make a difference in your life and also I'm well aware that one talk could give you one bit another talk another bit and then it adds up and
the light bulb goes off and you go oh my god I'm actually deserving and then it's kind of cool when that comes together so thank you for your time join us anytime or do these we do these Friday at 5:30 every every Friday at 5:30 we do these talks and then we have five o'clock workshops or classes on usually on Wednesdays every every month every week every year if you're interested in deeper classes there in the evenings in five o'clock all Arizona time and we also have Sunday services sacred Sunday
services every Sunday air Zone in time at 10 o'clock so you're welcome to join us for that as well if you're interested in anything more have hundreds of free CDs DVDs or I'm sorry what do they call videos on YouTube all those kinds of video presentations hundreds of them you can watch for free so god bless you and thank you for your commitment to clarity you must have that commitment to some level to be watching this all right so thank you let's see you soon bye bye