Channeling: Conscious Versus Unconscious
okay you know uh the last several weeks we've been talking about uh i think in one form or another basically consciousness during one of the weeks we talked about uh real and false versions of consciousness and also another one of the weeks we talked about how whatever we consciously choose in our lives whatever we're consciously choosing like what you use to to spend your time on your thoughts on your words on the things we consciously choose result in your consciousness so it makes no sense to claim a certain consciousness hi nice to meet
you um i've changed my name my name is enlightened i am just so enlightened if you're not making conscious choices that lead to enlightenment that you're not enlightened does that make sense pure and simple the contradictions are ridiculous i'm enlightenment and yet none of my thoughts words or deeds match that that's why buddha zarathustra jesus lao tzu they all repeated pretty much one line for sure that they all agreed on in several lines but one for sure good thoughts good words good deeds it's
got to be clear or jesus would elaborate when you see me you see the father meaning i don't talk the father mother god and then act differently and there's this concept that's very popular and and i'm i want to just go after it right now because this this thing about conscious choices consciousness now today channeling i got great things i can talk share about that i can already see that coming but there's basically two kinds of channels conscious and unconscious unconscious not meaning bad unconscious meaning conscious
channels are aware of what they're channeling unconscious they go into a trance and they don't know that what they said okay there's a third type however that most people don't even imagine or think of or have ever heard of it's being an integrated channel so we all channel but what are you channeling you can channel your ego which is what most people do when you sit down and go you know look at that and what they're wearing can you believe they thought that looked good that's channeling your ego all right
when you start gossiping about people you're channeling nice job welcome to sedona and all you're doing is channeling evil it's all you're doing now jesus talked about that he told the pharisees he didn't use the word channeling but he basically said it you guys are just channeling evil what a thing no wonder they killed him like you know does that feel good for people to call you out like that he's saying you come from such a fearful hateful place you pretend to be spiritual you're not
and that means you're channeling the wrong source change channels you know and try try a little higher frequency oh wait we can't find anything on the higher frequencies of course not because you're not living it you got to kind of get into that higher frequency to be able to hear things of a higher frequency the good news is we all have beautiful souls we just forget them but because you have a beautiful soul everybody has moments where light leaks through those are when you have beautiful insights and
epiphanies anybody can have them even the most evil person can have a little moment where some thought entered to you know hey why don't you try something else the only difference is they go no hallelujah they just go no i'm not no no i'm going to stick to the you know the way i am unfortunately so at the end of the day we all channel there's moments where we all have the the leaking through epiphanies and ahas and that's beautiful stuff but the thing we call channeling more overtly or professionally there are what
you could say are unconscious channels conscious channels again conscious channels are uh something comes through they literally set an intention something comes through and they're aware of what they say edgar cayce was an unconscious channel and i i hesitate to use the word unconscious because that means it sort of sounds like they're not awake it's just in this context it means they're not aware of what they've said and i want to get to that because there's some great stuff we can we can
share about that but casey was you know a channel of christ consciousness but he went into a trance to access it yogananda was more like an integrated channel because what you see is what you get and that's not easy i'll get back to that in a sec so edgar casey was a channel of christ consciousness but he go into a trance to channel that high awareness helen shuckman who channeled a course in miracles was a channel but she was a conscious channel she was aware all the time of what she was saying and doing
okay now there's an interesting thing that we should learn from this and it's very deep psychological and spiritual thing channels all have we all have our filters now the filters can be anything from gender race upbringing programming wounds past life stuff so the spirit of god could purely channel through every one of us watching this program right now it could give exactly the same message but it would come out differently for each of us why is that because it strained through different channels so if my channel if my my history if i
was a monk if you were a rabbi if you were a nun if you were an agnostic if you were an intellectual if you were an astrologer if you all of those the same message coming through from god would come through with an astrological twist or something else a warrior is going to put you know a message so so a person stands i'd say 10 people stand up here to channel the exact same message let's say from god and there really is always only one message i love you come home now here's what happens i love you come
home welcome to the i love you come home conference we have 10 channels each sharing from god um you know would you uh would you come out over here uh you know moses and he comes up and he goes oy vey this whole thing with egypt captivity it's got to end pharaoh release my people nice it's still i love you come on he's hearing it we've got to break free from captivity martin luther king steps up what are you people thinking that one race can be better than another boom and he brings i love you come home
but he's bringing it his way you have a warrior come up he's going to be like we've got to make some changes now who's up for this let's make a plan divide and conquer right you bring a nun up i think we need to stop hugging and making contact with each other i'm not picking on nuns i'm saying that their style would be hey a mommy would say it different and a woman who's tried to be a mommy and lost children a few times she would say it differently she'd come from this sad you know this wound this wound in
her heart you know guys let's stop taking each other for granted see that's what would come through her each of us is saying the same thing now the fact that they seem to be different is why we create races and religions and nations and opinions you and i are going to get to a place it's going to happen the easy way or the hard way where we're not going to see those differences anymore and how do we know we're getting there when you get your way no when people start saying what you want them to say no when you
when you consistently continue to hear i love you come home no matter what they're saying i love you come home so there's music you know you can listen to some of it's very obvious and overt you know i as a kid i would listen to earth when in fire it was very obvious you're a shining star no matter who you are i mean it was like okay but there were times when i'm like my channel my filter was not very earthwood and fiery i was kind of a you know in a mood of black sabbath but but i would listen to their lyrics
which would say things like god has given you a choice and it's up to you now to decide to come home and i'm like this stuff is spiritual they were deeply spiritual but it's coming through this boom you know their beat was like a dinosaur walking through the fort everything was boom and gloom you know but for an adolescent in a hard moment the music was right and the lyrics still leak through i love you come home not all music is going to come across that way you can hear music of the most gross dense
wording but if you're really there you can know how to interpret it differently you can hear this person's in pain and i understand pain instead of oh my god they're speaking negatively you know i can i can hear songs now with some of the most absurd rude comments and laugh at it i swear i do because i get it oh yeah i mean some of it's like really out there but i get it people everything you know for people everything is love or a cry for love so if you're not hearing the earth when you fire love then there's a cry for
love and the cry for love is going to sometimes sound very angry and very gross and of course it's not just words and songs it's it's you know behaviors and all that as well everybody is channeling but it's coming through our filters as we grow spiritually one of the things we're doing that we don't realize we're doing is we're thinning out the filters so that more and more pure light can come through we call that growing but it really isn't how are you going to grow when you're
already created divine you're perfect the growing looks like growing but it's really you know taking out layers and layers it's like stacked you know depending on how many layers of issues let's pretend 100 layers of cheesecloth not much is coming through because even though it's cheesecloth and it's porous put 100 layers it's less porous so i'm going to get rid of mommy issues and daddy issues oh and then there's that past life thing and then there's and you're taking out layers and
eventually you know wait wow the more i heal i notice my prosperity is improving i notice my faith is improving or whatever else it might be suddenly a song comes through it's like this this is amazing and on planet earth the veils are thinning and as the the veils thin the light comes through more directly as a frequency and you know what happens when that happens it's all going to be peachy no what happens is the world of fear fights harder to continue to exist now if you've pulled the layers of cheesecloth off and more
light's coming through what's the ego going to do it the ego has no real power evil has no real power it can't make up layers it has to scare you into adding them back i noticed you've been growing lately yes and it feels great i'll arrange a phone call from your ex that'll put another layer of cheesecloth back in oh look mom's called you know whatever's gonna be a trigger it adds the layers back in the ego has to have your cooperation in other words your reaction which includes obviously fears and
upsets and you know the tummy turning because something happened and so on we're all channels the highest thing you can channel is your i am christ consciousness that's the highest thing you can channel but even if you channel christ consciousness you're still going to do it in one of those two slash three ways consciously unconsciously or as an integrated being in case i haven't emphasized it enough yet and i plan on as we move through this being an integrated channel is challenging because you're attempting to wear it to
be it it's one thing so let me explain the brilliant thing about edgar cayce first of all he could channel this highest of high information but isn't it interesting he couldn't remember well you just go you know he was unconscious he was in a trance actually what's happening is he has a very strong belief system religious background a lot of him came from a very fundamental place he barely made it through elementary school let alone any other academics so he was unlearned let's say spiritually he had
only read the bible and he's now channeling reincarnation you know what that causes it's called conflict so you know what was perfect for him hey it's not me i'm just going into a trance see what he's doing it's a defense mechanism all i'm doing is going in a trance i can't be responsible for what's happening it's a defense mechanism unconscious channeling i'm not saying you're bad because he was obviously brilliant what i'm saying is the unconscious channeling is because of
a filter he was conflicted between what he was taught and what was coming through so it was safest for him and gotta you know value people's needs for safety what worked for him was distance himself from it in the meantime he still knows it's coming through so he had anxieties and depressions he was a chain smoker to deal with this stuff that was happening inside of his being you just think well with all that he was channeling wow it should have been really easy peasy should every day should have been just
stellar when we're channeling we're always going to be confronted with ourselves whatever that is our stuff and i'm not saying it's all bad just whatever the filters are helen shuckman wrote a quote be like and the like fragment gone and so it is you know it's like well what did she say so it's in fragments but one thing that was there incomplete in a complete form was was when the apostle said you know this is kind of strange mary we notice some of the conversations you have with jesus like with us he teaches certain
things but with you he kind of takes off on into really cosmic stuff why does he do that with you and not us her answer was simple and very honest she goes because i believe him that's it she goes you guys think because you have heads you're men so you think and you go well you know i like what jesus taught because it kind of fits into what i believe she's like whatever he tells me i believe it and that is really amazing so i in my life said well of course that's the good disciple that's the good
apostle you told me and i believe you why else would i be listening to you if i'm not going to believe what you tell me i mean that's the logic for me so i'm there i'm going i'm going for it however try that out and you start to realize there's an anxiety that comes with it because the more you know the truth the more the illusion tries to beat you up the more you believe in love the more you're gonna you know feel anxious when you see lack of love because you know something's true
and the more you know it to be true uh think of noah think of moses they did not have an easy life i mean if you had what moses had i mean oh he sees god he talks to god god you know shares with him insights frees the israelites i mean that's a big job you think that it once he pulled it off it's like we could do anything no constant anxiety constant insecurity you know god maybe you should use another channel i'm not real gifted with people and gift of speech i'm not really good this week you want a prophet you might want to
pick somebody else god said no i'm good i think i chose what i needed to choose but moses heard god he knew it was god now when he said guess what pharaoh the coolest thing happened i saw god oh and by the way he said for you to let go of all your volunteers who were building your city for you the slaves you think the pharaoh goes well i think i can work that i'll start paying egyptians to do the same job that's not what most dictators would do this is an inconvenience to my reality bam bam bam on moses noah
hey everyone i need to let you know the world's going to be flooded soon change your ways lot sodom and gomorrah change your ways jesus hey people change your ways they kill him it doesn't go well so if i haven't emphasized it enough i can't say much more on that that the world doesn't support your knowing and the more you know something to be true the more you're creating a rift between reality and illusion so if you would like to keep some illusion it's going to hurt you so you go all the
way the other way well now you're going to be walking around sedona going peace and love and nothing matters and yet you have to rent to pay oh now we got to deal with that well i wish my landlord would just get it you know rift rift rift you know tension it's it's um i mean how many different ways can you say it's it's a major challenge that's why some of these other challenge uh channels like helen oh no i'm jewish i'm an intellectual this doesn't work she was trying to distance herself
but she could feel palpa probably she could feel the the love and the light of what was coming through she knew it was palpable she could feel that love that light but the more she felt it the more it increased her anxiety go magdalens route and say well why increase anxiety just believe it well it's easily said you're programmed it's not easily done it's in the cells of your being i mean my god from religion to past lives to whatever else you're you're programmed to believe this stuff so it's not like you can just go you
know i'm snap my finger done you'll have your confrontations with your filters i'll have mine everybody will have theirs i recommend you know and it's it's reasonable to say if ever you hear the voice of god saying you know what i think you're ready to become the highest which is an integrated integrated means i don't talk about christ consciousness i become it so if the heavens ever say to you my beloved beloved beloved it's time time time for you to be an integrated integrated
channel of christ consciousness god's gone you know you could go wow i would recommend running i'm not going to tell you to run but i'm going to say it's an option it's an option and i'm just being human when i tell you this i know that i'm really supposed to tell you you know love and god and vibration and so on i'm just telling you as a human being you're increasing the intensity of the water against the dam you've doubled the volume of water it's double it is going to keep growing and growing
the dam is only so high meaning our knowing that hey we're on earth and so on there's that damn but there's a pressure building and god's going i am that i am and you are as well oh that's brilliant waters rising you know and the dams just shaking and you're like no i'm fine you know i'm fine you know give me a double scotch i've never had scotch but i think you can have a double i think i've heard that in tv shows somewhere i'll have a double whatever it is martinis whatever people drink so you
know boom boom now now i never felt called to do that i i was like no you know i i this should be fine you know so by not smoking and not drinking it just built more pressure you know so what am i going to do as a human being trying to live in the world not be of the world it has been an absolute anxious ride on planet earth no connection with family eighty percent of my life just dedicated to god it feels great 80 that means i've got 20 or 10 or whatever i've got this much percent to be a daddy a partner a friend you see
an employee employer whatever it is i've only got this much the rest is like just stellar everything's vibrating great i've only got this much humanness let's call it and and that will also kick your butt because when you only got this much ability to to relate to the human side where are you going to get a job okay so go go to walmart hi i'd like to work here okay you know can you tell us about yourself well i'm barely here barely here um so so i might be walking through the aisles singing earth wind and fire you know
you're a shining star no matter who you are because i believe that and they're like i see um okay well thank you um that'll be enough for you and you're like what do you mean or partners i would like us to be present with each other all the time and let's do this and let's do that let's go on vacations i don't i don't need a vacation let's have children i why you know you don't understand most things you're going to say it's all an illusion and the more that 80 is growing to 80 or
more the less you can relate but if you're going to be an integrated channel you have to learn to be here and now that's going to increase increase the tension again because i know but i also accept and i know but i also accept every day and so you you go well that little percent of the human what is beautiful is that the more you accept the divinity aspect of yourself the more it really makes the any percentage 20 or more or less it makes it pretty stellar because when you bring god to the earth plane
it's pretty stellar so even though now now if i'm doing 80 spiritual 20 material but i'm broke and sick and messed up in my relationships something's not authentic there i thought i was 80 20. but it might have been i was 20 spiritual and the rest is just messed up human so you have to be able to look at now i can say i'm grateful that this spiritual that seems non-material has served me enough to to give me uh the ability to to write books and and they sell and i give them away and you shouldn't give them away you should sell
them yeah whatever because because the material is less i just i do things that are non-materialistic but if if you try to know your spiritual and honor the material it's going to create anxiety if you do the opposite forego the spiritual knowing and accepting and enjoying the material more it's going to create depression and the more you vacillate between these two the more you're going to have anxiety depression anxiety depression not a great way to live so being an integrated channel i mean it's it's a huge responsibility
and when you've got people saying hey you know what about the rules the laws you know you can't eat that that's bad you can't do that that's bad right um it's going to build an anxiety because there's a knowing and there's these opinions and your knowing doesn't match the opinions and the opinions can sometimes be very loud and what i chose to do in my own personal life was this this eighty percent nobody explained this to me i it just happened and and i i would love to have you know going back
it would have been great to have a teacher that knew this kind of stuff that knew these things and said michael here's how it's going to happen here's how it's going down here's what's happening to you i just knew the truth i just knew i'm going to step into this and live this i love it i love the feel i love the vibe and it's me it felt organic not like something i wished i could be it felt like this is me i love this spirituality and yet it meant that this is what i did this is who i am
and it was everything i do i'm traveling 300 days a year on tour there are rock stars there are bands that said and then we were doing great we got along and all that but then we went on tour and it was a lengthy tours unusually long tour six months we hated each other we broke up the band after that i'm telling you touring like this traveling living in hotels at least they had liquor and groupies and each other as band members to kind of you know play off of for me it's just always on my own walking through airports
i would say 90 percent of my career was like that walking through every you know hotel hotel it's a weird surreal existence and i think when i overheard you know and saw band members and people talking about how how taxing and horrible that lifestyle was that i started to go i had a horrible experience for 40 years of my life touring but then i went no no no that's their interpretation of how they experience it i don't know how i made it through with sanity but at least it taught me when i heard other people
struggle with it it taught me sort of um explained some of the challenges i went through inside and out how the the toll it took on one's being sanity as well as everything else i mean i remember moments and going but this is all i know and so i put it out of my mind when i arrived at another hotel where more strangers you know that all you meet and i do sessions day and you know day in and day out day and at one after another 12 hours at a time and it's just the strangest existence and if i would have had the world
telling me i wouldn't have done it then i wouldn't have fulfilled my soul's purpose so i knew this was right but the world is saying it's terrible and it drives you crazy fortunately i didn't hear them telling me that when i was doing it so i was able to know the truth and go with it i had an automatic thing i check into another hotel room once i get in i put my luggage in my room because i know sessions are coming up and usually hour an hour away or whatever i have to go to the vending machine and clear out the
famous amos cookies because that's going to be my food for the next few days not kidding i don't have time for restaurants and i don't eat what's in restaurants so all i could do you know and and god forbid that they'd be out of might have to go another hotel across the street and cut out their famous names and i'd get like 10 bags of famous you know and then take them to my room and i would have one bag you know for lunch one bag and that was my life that was my diet i know and it's surreal but i'm saying
this to say you're a channel you might be only a little bit say an unconscious channel if if you have only literally epiphanies popping through now and then it's kind of like being an unconscious channel congratulations you are a channel everybody but is it like unconscious and they just leak through once in a while and you don't even know it or have you written a book and you're a teacher somewhat so you're more of a conscious channel meaning you're just clear that you're doing this on purpose
now you're more of a conscious channel you know better or worse than an unconscious channel i'm just saying it's different that's really cool but the universe is going to call one day and say are you ready to become a more integrated channel man that's intense because you know it's what it's doing in part is if you're ready to do this it's not just about what you're going to do differently you it's how you do them differently and when you sign up for this immediately the dam
starts shaking because immediately the world says we're going to increase pressure against your consciousness that literally means your mind can get a bit strained a bit pressured what i tend to do as a relief cut we might call it is um you know doing my best to see the light everywhere so it's not just building in me that something i need to share but seeing it everywhere helps take it from me like the water and bringing some of it on the other side to relieve the pressure on the dam is that making sense
so i'm unfortunate i i wish i didn't own this 30 and 40 years ago but it is what it is for me there were times where i didn't know what it was but i wanted friends i just wanted normal all i'm doing is touring you know and it's like there's i was married when i was a kid you know 20 till 30 years old i wasn't there because i'm touring um you know so it's a really strange existence but the spiritual me 80 goes i know but there was a 20 human being saying but wouldn't it be nice
i mean can i just have a lover for a moment can i have friends can i can you know just put your feet up you know just anything normal and there was nobody saying well here's the list of normal things you can go and do michael nobody could tell tell me because nobody knows this stuff exists these kinds of issues and and growth spurts and whatever else so that that's kind of a vulnerable sharing to let you know how strange and how surreal this was probably the closest to sanity i could find were moments with strangers
who i could just be myself and they they didn't you know and myself is what you see is what you get there's a spiritual being and all and this is mostly what i live so it was kind of nice because people i could just laugh with them they're not going oh michael's laughing there's no they don't even know who i am so if i laugh it's just i'm a guy laughing with them you know and and they have conversations about things and i get to just wow that's great see that was how i found some sanity i didn't know that i
was that's what i was doing at the time but as a 30 year old it was different less mature than as a 40 year old and as a 50 year old and as a 60 plus year old now you know it's just it's learning but i'm glad that i guess i can share some of that to maybe carve off some of the learning curve anybody else would have to go through but how beautiful that we now get to see oh my god there's light everywhere the light of god and there's still the human the the part that's going you know some relief cuts please you
know let some of that water out please how just laughter or whatever and and you know i mean i'm okay with it you know mostly i talk to myself walk through my house talking to jesus or talking to god or talking to you know mother you know the divine mother i mean it's okay that's not not bad and you're not insane unless your neighbors can hear you but but it's you know this is me and i walk through that singing and that's it any amount of friendships i have or can have are deeply appreciated
but i can't forego my spiritual self and do nothing but a human experience because it doesn't go well i mean i tried it as a 30 year old i tried to go well i wonder if there's some normal like human because i went through a divorce so now i'm like wow what am i going to do now you know and i sat with that you know for a little while and you know and one day i went i'm going to go out dancing never danced in my life and i'm like wow i'm 30 i'm going to go to a nightclub for my first time
i didn't go and get stoned or drunk or anything i just went because i like music and i'm like well and i thought this is kind of interesting what do you do what do you wear and if you want to ask somebody to dance how do you do it i have no idea you know what sign are you i don't know i don't know what i'm supposed to say it's so weird spiritually mature humanly immature you see what i'm doing and that's a rift again i'm like like a kid at a high school dance or a middle school dance you know the nerdy
kid you know what do i do man how do i ask him to dance you know get rejected oh you know i mean how do you deal with this stuff i don't know so i go and i remember i went and bought pants to go be able to go out and a shirt and i went i went by my ex's house i said listen does this look okay she's like you bought clothes she swear to god she's like you're kidding me i mean jeans like you know i'm not a wear jeans kind of guy and she's like you bought jeans wow you look great you're so handsome she did this you're
so handsome you will enjoy yourself you know she of course she was like get out but um not really but you see i mean it was new so for me these were nervous moments people watching wouldn't have understood that so having friends you can bounce these things off of the beatles said the reason we didn't go crazy like michael jackson or elvis was because we had each other these individuals that had all this fame and success had nobody really to bounce it off of it was all coming in on them and it was too much
we could just as soon as one of us was getting too high the other you know we could come down we could play off each other and and so having some form of a support system that understands a little at least a little of what you're going through is essential i'm going to start coming to a close but there's something real quick i'm going to share that's an amazing story i saw in a biography of somebody and this is a really amazing example because everything's love or a cry for love well in the the professional wrestling world
um i remember uh you know there's the famous hulk hogan and then there was a guy also roddy piper and he's this guy that would wear a kilt and you know that was his shtick but he was like the bad guy wrestler always bad-mouthing everybody and all that so anyway he and uh hulk hogan were not friends at all they hated each other and um and so they would be nemesis and they would you know wrestle each other professionally and all that but they really didn't like each other until towards the end of the life piper
had so many injuries some of them caused by hogan but he had so many injuries his body's breaking down and he's retiring and he's starting to feel a depression you know here and there but he's trying to get through life in the meantime he reaches a certain age in his 50s and he did an interview when he did his interview he would only get like halfway through sentences and forget what he was saying because he had a lot of damage but he would start forgetting but what he was doing was he was starting to have a
stroke on on the air and nobody knew but he wouldn't be able to finish sentence he'd go well let me let me let me answer that again or let me start over and it wasn't going well now the cassidy newscaster he's he's laughing thinking oh it's just kind of fun maybe he's drunk because he was slurring a little nobody knows well he's done with the interviews talks to his wife she's like what was that about i don't know honey you know he goes to bed and he dies that night now his last year or two he became close
friends with with uh hulk hogan remember everything's love or a cry for love there was no love between them but there really was they just couldn't find it till the end now they became friends now here's a really amazing story hulk hogan says yeah i heard about it like a day or two later that he had died and he goes i was really devastated you know i mean because we became close and i just grieved for days but i was just in a state of shock for a day or two he said and then something weird happened i went home and on my voicemail
was a voicemail from the guy the voicemail came today the guy died two days ago okay now you could say maybe it got it's not cyberspace like your phone this is the old machines so you could say well maybe somehow he just didn't notice it was there but that's unlikely because it would have been when he was slurring and you know it wouldn't have made sense the message came through after at least it came through after he died now what did the message say the guy says to hulk hogan hey bro i'm doing fine now and i wanted you to
know i love you i'm in the light now and i'm walking with jesus like wow and hulk hogan's tearing up and he's shaking as he says it he says i couldn't wrap my mind around this for days everybody's channeling in that moment something in him was open enough because of a friendship that a friend could come through and leave a message and the message is audible you can hear it okay in the interview they play it you hear the guy's voice saying this you'll have loved ones that pass over
and they won't be able to reach out to you for various reasons but mainly filters sometimes it'll scare you make you miss them more who knows the differing reasons but we are all going to get to the place where there are no layers no levels no veils and we'll simply know each other at the highest truest sense the highest thing i can channel is christ consciousness if you don't want to call it christ call it love call it the i am presence but it means you can be open to receive a voicemail from a loved one
and it's not always going to look like two people that meditated and did eye gazing with each other it could be somebody you were combative with but somehow it was set aside enough that a miracle could happen and these things happen all the time but just people aren't that open to it yet songs you know like lennon and mccartney both said sometimes we would write songs they would just come completely to us there was no struggle there was it would like it would just be there this is how the song is going to
go the chorus all the bits so that's channeling look at your own lives ask yourself because you are a channel and there's only a couple types you can be are you a conscious channel are you an unconscious channel if you're an unconscious channel i recommend that you stop for a minute and say this i mean i would recommend this i'm not saying what you're doing is wrong or bad at all because it's beautiful all forms of channeling light and love is great but i would stop and ask myself if i'm
an unconscious channel i wonder if there's any part of me that's distancing this am i afraid why don't i remember my dreams just start with that it's because something happened traumatically and it shut that down start falling back in love with yourself rising back in love start forgiving whatever scared you out of knowing your dreams you have the right to number yours and ask for them to come back open back up to remembering knowing your dreams and then any other messages of love light coming through
be open to someone passes away if you want to hear from them don't force it don't have an agenda and don't put an expectation just be open and being open to the presence of god itself and what they say won't always be okay start writing this will be a bestseller i a couple weeks ago very very one of the clearest times i've ever experienced the divine mother two different things two different times within a week or two one time she said i i want you to know how much i love you and and i'm just downloading that for
day i'm like wow you know just and that's taking my consciousness to whole new levels another time she said i've always loved your sense of humor i'm like thank you for getting that no um nobody gets me man and that meant a lot so you don't know what the words are going to be the words might even take the form of another person saying hey how you doing today by the way i've always thought you were such a giving person that spirit trying to get to you in a way that you can hear it don't ever
think that it wasn't telling you that directly if it comes through another person thank you if you tell me that i'm going to thank you but i also inside i'm going to go thank you because i know you're being a vessel for that message and when you bring me a message of michael you're a jerk i hate you that's going to be simply my ego coming through or your ego coming through what do i want to do hate it fight it you know sorry that you feel that way if there's anything i can adjust within
reason i'll do so if i can't i'll change what i can and accept what i can't and lastly remember you're not just conscious and unconscious you're meant to be and you will everybody every being will eventually become what they were once channeling in spurts everybody's destiny is to become the divine again first you'll you'll talk about it first you'll talk about it like you don't believe in it there's that level of people then you'll talk about it religiously i
believe in jesus christ my personal savior just repeating it reciting it i believe jesus is my personal savior you know i have my bible right here you know i carry my bible everywhere i go because i'm i'm religious or whatever i'm saved jump in the water and that book's going to weigh you down and you'll drown you're not saved you're not saved you have to become what you read in that book what did the book tell you it tells me love and forgiveness put it down and start practicing love
and forgiveness well i would but you know there's other things and you know that's religion then you go to a level of the spiritual oh i get it i'm supposed to be living this and that's very cool kind of the path of the mystic is is is part of the spiritual but it's not completely it's it's its own things to a degree so spiritual and i get it now you start becoming that thing when you get that just at one point if you heard nothing today but that you eventually have to become all the
things you talked and heard and read and whatever when you become those you are becoming awakened you are becoming more buddha-like you will if you come back you're going to come back at a completely different level not with a little growth like in the the trillion lifetime cycles of reincarnation if you get this one point i'm to become then you're already starting to become so when you come back you're coming back as a person who is being that thing instead of just needing to hear more about it you tell
it to me i start telling it to you and i start becoming it and everything starts changing everything the quantum leap and then what is it i want to become when you start owning i don't just want to become wise or a little nicer but i want to become the divine it's a tall order but it's your destiny it's the destiny for us all but i am saying in part of what i said today the world doesn't it resonate with that frequency it just doesn't resonate with it so it's going to create its share of
anxieties tensions and they're a strange thing to deal with so if for you and i'm not writing making justifying anything you do but i am saying as a human being i understand it more now in my life that it can make you want to smoke like casey did it could make you neurotic like helen was just you're becoming deeply spiritual but it can take a toll so if for you it's having chocolate ice cream and your friends say oh my god do you know what's in ice cream get behind me satan this is the only thing this is the only thing right now
that keeps me sane don't be talking about my chocolate ice cream guys and honestly whatever is your thing breathe and thank god you found a thing you mustn't become that thing then you're an addict of a food addict or a sex ed or whatever it is you don't become it but you just recognize this is my temporary calming now i have tried to pretend i have no need to have a call me and when i say pretend i don't mean that literally denial i just mean i've tried to be so spiritual that i won't need any of those things and all
it did was intensify the angst inside but i still chose not to reach out for a thing to fix it so what it did is it intensified my need to commune and say i all i want to do is have you help me repair this and that in itself is not an easy thing to do i'm not claiming to be better than anybody else because if i do that and it's a struggle and you do a cigarette your struggles are gone you might be further on than i am as long as you're not judging what you reach out for as your sanity and probably my weakest link when i
reached out it wasn't for drink smoke it was for friendships and i realized but i don't have them and i'm gonna go to god and then when i do have them now and again they're bits and pieces i appreciate them i love them i send gratitude to them and i don't possess them i just see it as thank you you know somebody channeled friendship for me today because when you're doing the spiritual leader thing it's a strange lifestyle please take a few centering breaths a lot to consider a lot to absorb a lot
to integrate just breathe for a moment decompress the tensions of the body of the mind the lower self and absorb what you heard that made sense to you and make it yours make it yours what did you hear well michael was channeling michael talk michael said no that's nice that's good that's a good start but i said first you're going to hear people telling it to you but you have to eventually become it what did you hear that made sense and that you could now bring to others remember the people you judge that
needed to drink and do whatever that's their way of coping is it their higher self of course not but they're coping i've known singers that sang such pure notes they had an eating disorder because they needed food to create a density in their system or else they were vibrating at too high a frequency often psychics with all the high-energy astral work they do often they're overweight because the food and or the excess weight helps to ground them help them integrate with all that astral energy it's okay
everything is okay love or a cry for love i understand them a bit more now you can say to yourself and then shift it to and now i understand me a little bit more now i understand my eating when i'm anxious i understand my smoking when i'm stressed none of these things cured me but i understand them the auschwitz survivor victor frankel said if you are going to be a light to the world you might expect to burn just simply absorbing what did you learn today
and it becomes you do you want to dim your light so that this doesn't get too too much for you dim your light is that what you want to do is that what feels right because if you do it and you don't really want to you'll create anxiety around that if we now see ourselves leaving this room how are we different hearing what we heard how are we different closing the program online when we're done how are we different the highest consciousness is the i am present his presence and that's what i will eventually become but first
i'll be channeling it i give thanks for all the unconscious times i've channeled the light i give thanks for all the conscious times i channeled the light and now i'm asking for assistance with becoming that light i'm asking you mother to descend into my being and help weave a beautiful tapestry for me that helps me become this presence helps me integrate all that i once thought new i become these things but help me mother in the way only you can to make this a gentle graceful process as much as possible
help me to forgive my filters and beliefs in limitation around this and i give thanks for anyone at any time who's ever served as a friend to support me in this process and so it is thank you boy we went a lot of places today ah so breathe that in think about just in one sentence what you heard or learned today that you can apply in your life what made a difference for you and uh what might make a difference for other people in your life take not just one sentence hopefully
several as a new being you know into your life into your world that way you're you're not just integrating you're living it in your own day-to-day life thank you thank you please stand for our closing prayer i can really tell and feel that a lot of folks are really integrating now just what we talked about today i can tell there's a lot going on inside processing it's pretty powerful it's really palpable i can feel that online as well god bless you all thank you our closing prayer if you don't know the
words it's on your bulletin and it's posted online but first just a few seconds of appreciation inside appreciation to unity of sedona as an entity that we share to each other to spirit for guiding us here and being so ever present and gratitude to ourselves for making healthier and healthier wiser and wiser choices to be here for example instead of places that might not have been as consciously in alignment with our true self thank you brother the light of god surrounds us we are the light of god the love of god unfolds us
the power of god protects us we are the power of god and the presence of god watches over us wherever we go god is i am we are and so it is ah peace be with you all we'll see you all thank soon thank you