Boundaries and Discernment
you know I want to start off with just saying you know boundaries and discernment they're very very similar they're kind of important partners with one another but boundaries are not what people think they are boundaries are and discernment to there these are ways to test your spirituality I can't tell you you know how much you know how often people think oh I'm so spiritual I'm so this or that you know you get a lot of that in Sedona you know the way to know that you are truly a spiritual person is
not just because you say oh I'm so forgiving I'm so loving oh my god I see people say that and they're so hateful it's just mind-boggling but the way to know you're truly spiritual is not going to be lip service it's going to be your ability to set healthy boundaries that's really one of the major criteria that you're able to set healthy boundaries and practice good discernment and yet boundaries and discernment whether coming from a truly spiritual person or from a truly spiritual place it's never
oriented to hurt or hate never defenses or reactiveness it really comes from our Center in God believe it or not our Center and God that's why modern psychology doesn't have an easy time trying to help people become healthier healthier emotionally and mentally healthier including with that topic of boundaries where they say you know you know where we need you to teach you better boundaries you know it's a topic that typical therapists would want to bestow or impart to their clients or students or whatever there are and yet
the field of psychology all too often doesn't even understand it because you cannot cannot set healthy boundaries without your Center in God otherwise it's just sort of still reactive reboot you know boundaries and discernment it discerned from who from your head and and you know like Einstein said how you gonna fix problems with the same head that created them the same mind same whatever they created them so you have to call to a higher our you know and so you know coming from that better place it takes spiritual growth so you can't
just set boundaries because I told you this is your boundary your counselor told you this is your boundary your mother told you this is what you should do as your boundary you can only get that from God I mean how much more of a empowering concept could you have it comes from between you and God your ability to Center into God but if you don't have a relationship with God you're not going to be able to find your Center to be able to set healthy boundaries so you'll still be reactive and let me add oh there's no school
where you graduate from it and say never again will I have challenges you know we have this comes up every day for any of us you know how are your boundaries doing today and when you see your reactive then you know you're not coming from your healthy center your healthy center you know this is about having a relationship with God really and for you to have a healthy relationship with God would mean such things as you know in my book called creating fulfilling relationships you know that the root concept of relationships means one with
God one with yourself and the other with others one relationship was with God one with yourself and the other facet of relationship is with others so and it's really in that order priority why so if I don't have a healthy Center in God I'm not going to be able to have a healthy Center in me nor with you so we have to have our healthy Center and you know it takes work it's a process it means having communion with God and spiritual connection but oh my gosh you know even people with the greatest spiritual
seemingly connection they slip and make mistakes and ours is not to condemn man it to judge people it mean man they're in the same boat we're in you know so shoot at them with your your hate or gossip you put holes in our boat we're all on this ship together you know so you know it's so it's important to understand you know pray for people who mess up really pray for people who mess up if messing up is out of control sometimes people need to be restrained in some way some way or another you know just hold no this isn't
gonna work for you you know we can't have you doing this because you know like let's say they just have this penchant for this propensity for for theft and and you know you don't want to maybe counting the money out of your till at your office or whatever you know your store not because you judge them but you're using healthy boundaries and discernment to say you know you know I could have swore I saw on some you know Hallmark Channel some movie about a person who was untrustworthy and nobody could trust
them and then somebody finally did and oh my god tears tears and oh you know and then they they changed well of course you know that does happen do you want to be the person that keeps testing that to see if they will change you know you can if you can afford it you know by all means if you've got the finances to afford testing if you've got the mind the patience that you can just keep giving them another shot great but we should never go beyond what we can afford so you know that's a very important point to all this
boundaries are really when I say a healthy center in God the second relationship is a healthy you know us so before I can set boundaries with you or I'm used to sermon against other people with other people I really have to be able to check in with spirit my Center in God but also my healthy self and when I'm checking with my healthy self I say you know I would really love to be able to trust that person but it doesn't seem like it's the best thing for them I hope that changes someday see I hold that
vision for them of maybe health or healing or a shift a miracle but in the meantime the miracle might be for me to just let them do something different at the office or store or whatever so a couple of questions have been written in and I'm going to integrate this into what I'm talking about anyway but that's why you'll see me I'm gonna stop here and there to make sure I address some of your questions and I want to also say that how do I know I have the healthy boundaries do I just say I have a more
is it because I've learned to say no more often healthy boundaries is not learning to say no it's not learning to say yes it's learning why you say yes or no it's knowing why you decided yes or no you can say yes I'll do that and then you could say wait to somebody else or to yourself okay but why what why do you want to do that well I don't know it made sense they asked me to or whatever other answer wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong all of them are wrong there's only one right answer I checked
in and it made sense spiritually it resonates with peace and love inside of me not peace as in I'm gonna be peaceful and have people trample on me because I'm not going to show any backbone that's fake peace I'm saying I check in and it resonates with love and we won't go into all the details of this cuz that's in the other talks but it resonates with love and peace and then we also checked in with me and said you know can you afford this you know does this make sense to you that you could be
okay but what if it doesn't work out oh my god I couldn't take it then probably it's not okay for you or you can say I feel really great you know but people don't typically do this they don't typically check in you know I think I've shared this before but in my life it's kind of a weird thing but the couple of times people have asked me out or to ask me to be intimate or something like that you know those adult kinds of things that people propose you know I actually have literally verbalized it
sometimes and said but why you know I mean it must be that kind of the most disturbing thing you can imagine hearing when you either see you know you're proposing something to somebody it would what do you think it is or would you like to do this and you know I'm kind of like but okay sure I'm open but why look what's it about you know because I'd like to know what this is about are you saying you're looking for something quick or you are you saying you're attracted are you saying you know
whatever you know the those are things we should ask and it seems very strange maybe to imagine me answering like that but that's actually healthy that's actually healthy answering because you're checking in you're like well okay you know even if God says you know the resonance is there spiritually I still have to check with me and so I would want to know what's why you know what are we doing you know what is that about clients in my life in years that I taught sacred sexuality you know there would be lots of teaching in
this great but occasionally there would be clients that are used to asking for certain things that would not be my typical work and I would say well why do you think you need that well I heard that that's what you know tons of worker sacred sexuality work is about it said no that's not that's what some unhealthy people say it's about but that's not what I'm into so would you like healthy and then I would take that a different direction and I stuck to that I think 99% of the time I'm sure I've made a
mistake a couple of times you know in my years but I don't think it was ever really kind of lame and kind of selfish it would just be more like missing a mark or cue somewhere so you know one thing I want to say get this out of the way discernment and boundaries when it comes to being hurtful it needs to stop now so it's not like if I see you physically being harmed I'm gonna say oh well oh let me check in as you're being brutalized or I'm gonna do like muscle test here or something you know let me
hold an arm out and test my arm strength against you know should I step in no no I'm just gonna do the next right thing the immediate right thing BAM I'm gonna be in there and some people have judged me for that a couple times when I've done it they would say well we should have done this and it know in an immediate situation I'm stepping in stop that's it not today and you can do that firm voice without even being hateful so I want to get that out of the way because when when stories come up of I don't care if they're
healers spiritual teachers celebrities common people there's an immediate response sometime need and so don't confuse my saying boundaries and checking in with irresponsibility we do have to step in and I don't agree with people that are hurtful in in whatever ways the more overtly hurtful externally hurtful violently hurtful the more immediate we need to respond immediately we need to respond so let's get that out of the way just to be clear that I'm not by any stretch enabling hurtful behaviors I don't agree
with it I've spoken up very obviously about it Tantra teachers that take advantage or whomever you know I don't care who it is people that take advantage I don't agree with it but but I don't hate it or the people you know and so that gets tricky but some people have confused me with other groups I'm a male so I'm just typical male or I'm a teacher of this and you know so I stopped teaching sacred sexuality so not to confuse people but people easily would cluster you in with people because they want to
just be simple and quick in their judgments they'd rather just group everybody into bad and not have to discern one or the other so that's you know pretty ridiculous but it happens so you know when we practice our boundaries meaning put into practice implement our boundaries in discernment we really are demonstrating instead of lip service we're demonstrating our true level of spirituality don't forget that your practice implementation of boundaries and so forth that is and discernment that is how you can prove confirm that
you are spiritual to say you're all loving and forgiving I don't even care those are just words I just want to know if you put it into practice and you don't okay then work on it you don't want to work on it okay see you later because I'm not really interested in hanging out with people that are hypocrites or that are just too weak to implement their spirituality that's just me and that's a boundary again that would be my demonstrating a boundary you know so I and I can't tell
you know how many people in like Sedona or in just in the spiritual communities of the world you know but in Sedona too I would say out of every hundred people that claim to be spiritual 90 of them immediately or not because they don't really practice boundaries and discernment at all and then of the 10 that might do so there might be one that really is willing to draw the line and stand up for it when push comes to shove and I mean that I mean that's practically the ratio in the people I have met in this town or just in the
spiritual community in general I have gone places where God you know ministers are really out of line really messing up don't hate them don't gossip you don't need to but things are really out of line and the church might say what do we do and I'll say well why don't you step up and do oh we can't do that we can't terrified like you know what are you afraid of you know this is your test and most people fail their test and so when when you're called to practice discernment and boundaries and you don't
do it you're failing your test it's not someone else's test it's not my opinion on a test you are blatantly failing your test I don't want to hear anything to the contrary it's not it's bull it's just bull you know just own it you don't want to you're not ready to be that strong in that firm doesn't say that you know it's not my thing I'm afraid or be honest about it but don't talk oh I'm just so loving that I can't draw a line anywhere I'm so forgiving that I just
let people trample on me it's just ridiculous and there's no brownie points or brownie buttons in heaven for it they're just gonna kick your ass out on the other side they're just gonna kick your butt you know out of heaven back to earth to have to deal with ten times the number of people that are rude and weird for you to just gee you missed it last time I guess we should raise the volume of weird in your life so that you can learn to say no or yes based on what's healthy for you but just to say you know
no this isn't okay I mean it's really kind of simple but people are just terrified of doing it in any case let's see you know some of you are asking about let's see I'm gonna put these in the right order meaning that the best ones to talk about first okay so it comes to standing for what's right and some of you are asking about some gossip that's coming up around Martin around John of God and and it's interesting because some of the same gossip came up around somebody like Martin Luther King jr. you
get these weird stories women izing or whatever John of God in case you don't know he's a the number one faith healer on the planet successful wise and record wise I mean he's got in the hundreds of thousands of testimonials of people that have been healed and they have I mean they really legitimately have had been healed dramatically scientific testing and so on to confirm it but there are people out there actually gossiping to the contrary although he's never held anybody you know like it's just
ridiculous but he's in an incredible faith healer and you could say all kinds of great things about him there's one problem though he's also a human being so he probably has done some of the things people are saying don't know you know I don't know because I wasn't there meaning when it happened neither were you so you know you're gonna have people gossiping and trying to grab at things and again it's all very convenient the way people gossip like again there were lots of stories about Martin Luther King
women izing and so forth is it true yeah probably I wasn't there to prove it so what do I care me it's not my thing it's not my business I wasn't involved but I'm just saying as a general story probably was true and it seems to be true based on all his friends and close close associates the same so but you can say well that's different I don't know you know it's very tricky because I would say that when we are supposed to be standing up like representing something spiritual and
again we make mistakes I know I've must have made a couple in my year forty years or whatever it is of teaching but and I and I just you know I get pissed at myself for even a couple of mistakes I made I can go okay when did I yeah there's probably a couple of choices where I shouldn't have done that or I went too far with this or not far enough of that or whatever it is I could have been more something patient here or impatient there but those few times I am honest and grateful to say that it wasn't a lot of times but just those of
you I can still just smack myself and go oh you missed that that was a test you could have got it I don't think I don't think Christ would be as harsh on me as I am but you know it's my thing I mean that's how I am and I'm okay with that and I'm working on even lightening up on that piece lightening up in here you know just in in my heart but but I know you know it does happen and we make mistakes and King make mistakes along those lines and I think that if we're representing God's supposed to be
preachers reverends and whatever healers I just feel like we're held to a higher standard or we should be held to a higher standard but you know that's me and got to be careful not to overly push that because it's an opinion it's my my preference and opinion and that's why I kind of didn't teach certain topics the way other teachers might have talked to my I felt that you know we need to live a standard but also lifestyle wise I just I just thought keep refining Michael keep refining your lifestyle
your choices etc because it's good for you see I don't want to codependence I don't want to just put on a scene for other people it's also good for me to keep refining and healthier and cleaner and clearer whether it's on the topic of love or patience or actions or words or whatever keeping you know that refinement going so yeah so questions are coming up about John of God you know is it possible that he was somehow inappropriate with women let's say that there's a hundred women that have
claimed this used using a number 100 hunt just for an even number I would say to you I'm I would be quite certain a large portion are reporting because complaining because it's a bandwagon it happens in every topic there it happens whether it's sightings of Santa Claus in the sky that you know somebody says it more people say it because it's there's a bandwagon and excitement there's also a portion I think that are doing it to benefit financially or in some other way but that cannot excuse all of them just
using rational thought something is weird I can tell you though I myself have have brought 50 females as males - but we're talking about with 50 females before nothing has ever been even remotely happened and out of the there's been hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who have gone to his healing center in Brazil and and you don't hear that for all these years it's been he's been doing this work for 30 40 years and you never heard any of that until now so it is confusing it is weird
did something happen i I I would think you know likely I'm not saying that to gossip and I wouldn't have used his name in fact until some of you specifically are putting that on my website and on my emails and my on my Facebook page so you know since it that parts out I'm using the name but just be careful because typically I don't like to name names it's it's for various reasons but yeah there's a bit out there information and buzz going on and he doesn't speak any language but his own Portuguese and
always has to have a translator so I've never in all the times I've been there to his Center or known people that work for him literally like right hand people to him some of you watching I know it worked with him none have ever seen him alone with anybody he's always having a translator or assistants with him does this mean maybe in his personal life you're not getting a lot of clear stories out there on the news about it and I don't go looking I I haven't looked clicked on any links don't I
don't need to I'm not going to succumb to that and I don't think you should I really don't but I mean you need to do what you need to do but I think it's very day dangerous to enable the evil not because what we should what he's done if he's done something we should ignore it you know it's just all so bizarre how convenient a lot of these things are some of the very people that are complaining about this guy doing this have no comment when it comes to a former president that they liked and voted in twice for doing
the same thing well somewhat the same thing I don't find any of it to be very nice or healthy I don't I don't think it's very nice the way they treated other human beings not the politician nor healers or whomever it may be but be careful who's gonna cast the first stone I could sit here and slam any one of them with my opinion but I know I've made a mistake in my life now and then so how much do I want to push that it's you know we need to forgive as we would want to be forgiven and the
truth is if you succumb to gossiping you've already failed the test of forgiveness because it's very unlikely that you have forgiven or acted lovingly if you're gossiping at the same time because 99 point something of the time that we gossip it's coming from an evil and a hatred within our hearts it's not coming from a legitimate well let me check in yeah it's right that I said here in gossip hey did you hear the latest you know when you're trying to commit character assassination it's just
it's it's kind of disgusting but again I it's there's no easy answer because I have myself said that you hear about athletes abusing people women or people in general and and I think you know people should stop going to the ball games and tell the teams to say to the players hey you know what we don't care who you are how much money you make you abuse people you're off the team I think that would be great because that's a boundary so it'll sound like them being maybe lenient over here and
not lenient over there but it's not because discernment and boundaries you need to check in and when you do you're looking for what's the greatest good here and you know John of God is doing all these a may healings but that doesn't justify hurt even if it's one person really it doesn't justify hurt but you've got to slow it down get out of the gossip and and somebody should say hey dude you know this looks like it's happening first is this happening in your work and you might say that doesn't matter it
very much matters whether this is happening in your work because if it's not happening in your working at your personal life you need some personal therapy or whatever other constraints are going to be needed to to sort of parameter put parameters on you personally as a human being but if it's not in your work it doesn't need to be tainted there you know and that's getting tricky because it's healing work it's different than say being an athlete or whatever else it might be if you're
abusive as a parent at home it doesn't influence your work and yet in some ways it all crosses over so it's very very confusing and and match the whole topic I get that but we each have to check in to ourselves and decide what would be the right thing to do and what I know is this came up recently where somebody came to me for the advice in regards to some a counselor and in this town who was acting very inappropriately and very hurtful very into sick kinds of ways they asked you know while you probably
Michael you're gonna probably see I should do this and this to them and I said wow you you really don't know me see if somebody knows me as much as I say set boundaries where and when you can I'm not about ruining people's lives so I would ask myself 49 ways first to not hurt the person even if they've done wrong how can we not hurt them how can we get them help and not hurt them I know that sounds strange but love compassion forgiveness first mercy first then where and when do we need to
implement force if we need to so forty-nine ways I would have said how can we stop from hurting and that's what I did with this person how can we prevent prevent prevent and it really narrowed down that it's a possibility that one last out of 50 ways that one last piece is it may need to take a issue of taking action it may need you know be a matter about taking action just because there are so many ways that have been trying to fix the other that you know it's just not working so but I really really think I
don't care if this is with your mother your siblings whomever make sure that when you set boundaries make sure that when you say no if you say no in your life ever about something draw a line make sure you have done everything you could first before having to say all right that's it I don't mean everything you can to the point of hurting yourself I just mean in general have I done everything I can because that's what I would want to know can I sleep at night knowing that I've done what I could or
did I just succumb to you called me and said hey did you hear someone so did such-and-such you're kidding click dial dial dial hey guess what you know you know that didn't show any amount of responsible behavior there was no amount of true discernment I just jumped on it I just was like excited to think somebody else is gonna be miserable if I pass around this gossip although most people are going to check in and realize that's what they're doing is making people miserable and thriving on that
very idea there's a I remember a story a radio guy an old radio personality shared this story on his show again no names but this guy shared a story and he said this is you know he's sharing true stories you know and he said it happened where a girl and guy got married and I guess a bunch of their friends you know when I went with them to the marriage and whatever it was on a maybe in an island somewhere and it was a real beautiful romantic thing a bunch of friends though so support there but they got married and the bride and bridegroom
you know when the when the evening was done they went back to the room turns out they were intimate on their wedding night you know it's kind of a normal thing for some so they were intimate the friends decided to put a recorder in there and record the whole thing and got a kick out of it but then the next day they were all giggling and laughing and playing the tape over the slough dear of this resort that they were all at and talking about the girl making up you know stories and assumptions about she's
like this and she's like that and they just thought it was the cutest thing the girl committed suicide what do you do with that you know how far do you want to take your gossip with people I got to be able to sleep tonight and ask myself wow you know did I do everything I could to handle it and every other way besides you know jumping on the bandwagon and talking and the talking is all shallow stupid people do I want to be one of them if so great then then you would talk cuz that would fit your goal but if
I don't want to be like that then you know then I gotta be you know be wearing make different decisions so I personally think I think we have to stand up for the truth of God and say no and I'm gonna say this one very important thing to do if you're gonna say I'm spiritual I don't here I want to know do you have healthy boundaries and discernment oh absolutely okay the next test to prove that you have healthy boundary and discernment how are you with gossip you gossip you're a liar then you're you're
a hypocrite I don't mean if you slip once in a while I mean if you allow it no when I say aloud I don't mean just when you speak it even when you allow gossip this is a test and you're supposed to be saying no in oh this is not going to happen on my shift you're not gonna give me evil talk venom from your mouth you know Catherine Potter great a great author on prosperity and so forth you know she said you know when the Bible said thou shalt not kill it also meant with your words thou shalt not kill don't commit character
assassination you know thou shalt not kill it's like it's such an obvious thing and you know it would just be a better world if we would just make better decisions but man oh man you know so you know we were also told in the Bible do not bear false witness thou shalt not bear false witness don't lie don't gossip do you well I wasn't causing me it's not lying it was the truth it has to be a fact it has to be loving and it has to be necessary for you to say it and even then you're probably not needing to say
it but if you're gonna say something are you sure it's a fact oh yeah cuz you know it was also said you know it's like wow don't even go there fact means you saw it you were there and then how can you know for sure that your eyes saw what they saw because our senses lied to us according to Yogi's and masters throughout time you're gonna throw them out all of a sudden oh I don't believe any of them all of a sudden your senses are factual you know that's that's what they did they crucified Jesus based on
lies so Jesus is going before the court in this case the Sanhedrin and then eventually the Roman Court and you know it's an interesting thing because when Jesus just days earlier rode into Jerusalem they had all heard just like the John of God and Michael mere dad and you or whomever they were they had heard this person's wonderful John of God hundreds of thousands of healings Oprah you know she goes out there sorry I named a name it was an accident but she did do anything bad so it doesn't matter
but she goes out there does her show and boasts you know this guy is incredible and everybody's like wow gets on the bandwagon and quadruples the number of people going to see him every single day saying thousands of people per day and just like in Jerusalem Jesus is great he's wonderful we heard he heals and he does this in their just gossip started from the most hateful few was enough to ruin the man's life and ministry tried to ruin his ministry you know anyway so within a few days the people that were
praising him as he wrote down the street oh my god you know hosanna in the highest hallelujah God is with us yes and all praise praise praise days later this people were screaming and shouting the words crucify him and you just think wow can people really be that sick yeah yeah they kid just like family you know you can have family together Christmas Oh let's sing Christmas carols or let's let's hold hands and say grace you know dear Jesus we love you and so on and they'll throw you under the bus
you know we all gather for the Christmas holiday we say Jesus he kinds of prayers and parents die the next day and the day after that you're being sued by your siblings for the will yeah it happens all the time this is happening on this planet it would be nice to think that we had more people we could count on you know I sometimes wonder wow you know if ever if ever I were on my deathbed if ever I were being you know dragged through the mud which happens to all of us speakers every so often I wonder how
faithful people would be as friends and I know some of you would say man I'd be there for you Michael that's what Peter and other apostles you know said to Jesus we'll be there for you we would never do such and such and Jesus is saying you know you don't get it this is what humans do they turn on each other I would never Jesus I mean this is Peter you're talking about I've been here throughout the years with you man I'm faithful and Jesus says no you're gonna deny me because the world is gonna test
you and say do you know him no I don't have you hung out with him no did you learn from him didn't know that's what he did and you know it's a it's a rude awakening in my life I've had that you know friends who you think are friends and then they they turn on you and they gossip and and make up stories or whatever they there's a hatefulness and so that's heartbreaking but I also remembered you know the Christ teaches and Ian Jesus that he said you know if if my kingdom were of this world my friends would have
fought for me and there's very deep meaning to all that but if if my kingdom were of this world he tells Pilate who's got the last word on crucifixion or not he's if if my kingdom were of this world in other words if this mattered you know my friends would have fought for me they would have seen Who I am a little more clearly and they would have said I'm standing up for the truth of God but they you know often they ran for their land they did those who didn't overtly be trained they ran for their lives man
you know it's like hey oh Jesus you know sitting around the Last Supper and Wow we're with you Jesus forever and then it's like well someone's coming out of here boom they run and leave I'm standing there alone scary and heartbreaking for any soul even an awakened soul to have to just breathe through that and know the truth of God I just had this happen recently it was this week someone approached us I guess and said you know wow they're they're kind of a big promoter of some kind and
said wow this Michael Muir dad I saw him one of his programs and and Wow like he is so phenomenally great I want him in my programs like immediately even though one of my programs is already happening it's like you know it's out there it's it's it's gonna be presented anytime I want a minute anywhere we're gonna we've never done that we're gonna force him in and get him in the door because he's so he's that good that's what the initial contact was about and I may not be translating everything here
perfectly but it's kind of happened along these lines so then offices had to talk you know so what would you like us to do how would you when we do like Michael in and da-da-da-da-da and you know they said a couple days after the first initial contact well you know I have a friend that I talked to in Sedona spiritual Sedona and I said yeah this guy he's blowing me away and I'm gonna get him on my they went oh I've heard about him and it and it put a question mark in this promoters mind and and the
promoters like so so I avoid any controversy I'm going to skip this program because I don't want to rush it but we'll probably ignore what this person saying and just move forward in some other programs so it was sort of left in a way like that just left hanging like that they'll get back to us my people will call your people and so a couple of my team members get together and talk about it because we have policies about this and it's like this it's a it's a way for us to test the
legitimacy the the spiritual IQ so to speak of people they're real their heart and so forth by just saying okay so my office says to them you know you heard this stuff from somebody and it concerns us that you heard it but that's normal people gossip you know but we wonder if you shut him down or if you just you know enable did you just listen or did you say wait I know I have my own discernment and I saw the light in this guy so no I don't want to hear that but then add no I have to ask you as a
friend suppose a friend why are you actually lying why are you on the phone lying to me I know some of you think that's a harsh word but why are you here why are you passing hate or evil because gossip is evil why are you trying to assassinate the guy do you know him not likely have you met him not likely how much have you been around and probably not at all because that's most of the experiences I have in my life it's people like that they've never met me and it goes on and on we hear this all
the time so long story short needless to say I'm not gonna be in any programs of theirs anytime soon and they think probably that they're totally vindicated and that and so on but but that's how that's how I believe you and I all of us should be is it's like wait you know when you find out a family member of yours is throwing you under the bus let's say it's not just an issue of being sad about it especially if it involves like something really you know intense like if I had a child custody
thing going on and a family member of mine turned on me and said untrue things that ruined my ability to have custody I wouldn't just go gosh I'm just so hurt and angry about that you know I'd be like no you're done we're done it's no problem I'm okay with it we're done because that's not what a brother-sister would do a mom or dad or whatever so it may sound a little intense but love guys stand for love and gossip isn't love so say no to it and I have out of even my
closest friends and students please don't be offended if there's you know applies to you guys but closest friends and students even at unity of Sedona where I teach regularly you know they'll say very proudly you know yeah I heard something once and I just told them no that's probably not true and I wonder I say you know this is like the conversation Jesus was trying to have with Peter it's like so you said no I don't think it's true but did you ever think to ask him why they would actually
be telling you that did you did you think to put them to the test and say do you know that that's actually evil to talk about people that you don't know and and to say things that are true because you know if you don't know them you don't know that it's true you know do you know that that's actually like a character assassination or whatever do you you know put him to the test because why do you want a friend that would do that or a family member that would do that come on why would you want that
person in your well I know their friends and I don't really okay so you're so desperate for friends that if they're hurtful like that you just go and overlook it turned a blind turn a blind eye as they say you know no that wouldn't work for me if there are two of you out there that are friends and one of you came to me and kept gossiping and telling me negative stuff about the other even if it's true stuff let's pretend I even know that it's true I'm going to tactfully dissolve that so that there's a healing
somehow as best I could bring but you come to me and you're telling me about somebody else even if there's any remote amount of you repeat it over and over or there's a vibe teal you know that's not very healthy or you're saying things you don't even know are true I'm not gonna just go oh well I just love everyone that happens a lot here in Sedona I'm just so loving and forgiving Michael so when somebody was saying some about you or about me or whatever whoever it is I just said oh well we all just need
to love that is oh my god you know I mean that just makes all the beings in heaven roll their eyes at how ridiculous humans can be because it's such hypocrisy you're so it's you're being tested you're being tested by the universe here is evil in the form of gossip what are you gonna do with it I just love everyone no you're just afraid to say no because you'll lose a friend but you're not really losing a friend Jesus tries to tell you in the course of miracles you're never really losing or
sacrificing things you think you're losing or sacrificing there are things that have no value so let them go if they have no value let them go you know so that was you know that's just one reason you know example some of you have emailed another it'll be nameless to this one I think even though some of this is on my facebook page in here and there there's a popular spiritual teacher who was really the most popular with angels and so forth and you know a lovely lady you know pretty sweet and so
forth it's somebody I've known for many years haven't talked to in several years but I've known her over the years and years past we were you know I knew her pretty well anyway and you know certainly not a malicious person or hurtful person or anything like that they got very popular with little playing cards and books on angels and fairies and so on and most everybody watching this probably has a deck or card of hers or that's how many that sold lots and lots so most of you have them or at least has a friend at the
very least has at least one friend that has whatever products well this person became a fundamental Christian like fundamental you know so what you think is fine you know that's fine but it turned out that they're saying and you guys don't need to start posting on there who I'm talking about if you tempted to do that you don't need to do that but you know so the it's now they're saying I think that maybe I was misled by the devil because that's the Christian vernacular terminology I was
misled by the devil all the fairy stuff and angel stuff is a line it's evil and so you should all burn in your cards well I would say this is my humorous side coming out how about instead of me burning them if you really think itself of the devil and you really want to make a stand how about refunding might me my money and refunding all the people that ever bought them that's not going to happen because I think that's kind of a funny way to ask cuz it wouldn't happen but I do believe the person has become a
Christian they used to compliment me when they were really out there into channeling they were like you know there's something about Michael Moore dad they said on record I love his love for Christ I love his love for Jesus too and it's kind of cool because it ended up being a calling for her so all power to her and all that saying that it's of the devil not what you expect that that's kind of the fundamental breakdown you know of how things work when you go that route but you know you go so far that it's people
are confused what do I do do I believe in John of God now if I heard this while I tell you something his work is for real there's nothing like it in terms of its spiritualist form of healing where he calls in guides and angels they come in and they do actual surgeries on people leaving incision marks and so forth inside work you know heart transplants all kinds of bizarre things that the guys doing with never even touching a person just energetically all these things happen and there are other faith healers
that do similar work but it's just he's like at another level so you know the work is fantastic we have you know his blessed crystals that he does he blesses these crystals we sent him out to a couple hundred of you guys months ago and the testimonials man you look at him they're posted somewhere the testimonials are phenomenal about people saying immediate miracles and healings and so forth coming for or even just feeling a piece by having these crystals around it's pretty amazing just today we
got our new shipment we've been waiting for for a few months and you know so it's an interesting thing because you know people should they get those crystals the work the crystals that's all stellar but let me make a point to that while I'm on that back to John Oh God for a second I took a group there six months ago or whatever number of months ago but what I did I told you all it's my last time there for various reasons but I also could feel something was off and I don't mean with him or his
work I'm not going back to that topic I'm saying I could feel something wasn't quite right there was a lack of a standard in the premises and I didn't say this I didn't you know I hinted but I didn't want to say it cuz I'm not gonna gossip but I felt it at the time that there was and it was just more of a there wasn't a precedent the beings that come through him when what is he gonna do surgeries on people is he not that all the guides are in their ego fighting with one another as to who who what
guide knows him the best and there was just a lack of that clarity and I go that's that gets dangerous like when I go to a place like unity of Sedona we have to have some standards and we do and we post them the rules and policies so that people know there's a standard we want to live by and even if you were to have an issue with me we have chaplains you can go to there's this we want to assist in place of healthiness so you know that comes in handy and I didn't see that knowing for me that it's healthy when
when I check in with God and self I know what a healthy standard looks like and for me that was not there so I know that I wouldn't be going back but I know you know if you can see somewhere on the shelf behind me I'm sure there's at least one of the Joan of God crystals because they're beautiful they're beautifully beautiful they're the clearest I've ever seen in crystals but there's amazing colors inside of them such a frequency to them they're beautiful but I don't I didn't have any particular
healing of some kind when I was there those crystals I don't I don't put him here because I can suddenly see fairies already see elementals not this I don't need but I still believe in the frequencies though it's here I love supporting good work and his work is very very good I don't think the human aspect and all the guides and eco stuff is very cool so I'm not going because it's not my thing you see for me that's healthy discernment where you don't throw everything out because of a
problem but I am willing to throw some things out for some problems and that's something you should ask yourselves the your response needs to be proportionate to the action but I'm telling you and I've told you guys this before be careful because the world loves to find even the slightest flaw in spiritual people politicians it can happen again and again and again and again and nothing happens to these people almost almost ever you know but spiritual leaders and teachers man one flaw man they're their career is dust they're
gone because the world hates spirit material hates spirit because in spirit there is no material so energetically materialistic people hate spirituality because they're not important in spirit they want to have human importance when they don't have it they're gonna have to mouth it then and you know verbalize to act important like they know something through gossip or through power poles you know even people that make proclamations and politics and big statements and grandiose moves they do to compensate for their little spirits
okay so let's see if there was any others yes of the gal with the the angels and so forth guys use your discernment just use your practically don't go burning cards because someone told you to um John of God has his work and then he has his personality this gallant question she has her work and then she's got her personality her work was beautiful if it was ever authentic it created beautiful cards and if you liked him you liked him there was a back in the 90s a very popular popular book which I shall not
name I know that might make me a bummer of a speaker you know when you have to sit here and guess all the time what Michaels talking about the topics with people's names and it's the better way to go so this person was very popular and her book and materials and speaking was all about her relationship close relationship with indigenous people in the world somewhere and made it big then all of a sudden somebody of course in the material world says wait a minute we don't think she actually is as close to
them as she claims and I know an indigenous person and I asked them and they said but I don't like her and so that proved that the person was a fraud so they slammed this person I've never heard about them since you ruined somebody's life and career and maybe not even for valid reasons maybe it was maybe it wasn't but people will not care if it's valid they'll just shoot people down I've I've had it in my life for people gossip that I don't even know never even met and that was enough
evidence for me to know people do these kinds of things so you know that was another career that was ruined and then I remember there's one speaker who I know from firsthand experience who was really messed up they man fooling around a lot but you're allowed to you know if you you know there's no rule against your adult so I don't mind that part this person was known for you know sleeping around a bit but and this is a name all of you and no but sleeping around and whatever but really pretending to be this whole person
towards peace and love and whatever causing constant controversies around themselves and so it was a really a big mess but something came out about them and some people started slamming them and so on I would be the last person to defend it because I knew all the garbage they were doing I even told him once you know you might want to lighten up and they told me you know my own business so we never talked again but it's interesting because I wrote in a newsletter this is back when I had a paper newsletter
meaning you know the folded and put a stamp on it and mail it to you guys I it was that long ago and I wrote in there you know I didn't say that I had feelings to the contrary I only said I may or may not agree with this person but why would you people what a gossip and slam this person like this all you need to be asking yourself about them the angel aide or anybody else did it work for you or didn't it if it did work for you then shut up that's all if it didn't work shut up what it would just
walk you don't dig it it what doesn't work for you if I don't work for you walk away no big deal and you know we're pretty good about that discerning on these kinds of pages and programs that I do cuz haters love to hate as they say or haters 10-date and they're gonna hate so they're gonna gossip they're gonna and and nobody's saying anything to them almost ever there's people that go on public pages and and did you know in the book and nobody really says wait a minute you're messed up you know
it's slamming just slam the door on them saying wait bad Grossman we're not interested in your BS people won't do that for what reasons they each have to look within themselves and if they don't no problem they'll come back with that happening to them more and more and more so that they would have to one day make a choice and say I was wrong man I need to say no to her all right so let's see the same things go for I already added to this but some of you had you know same thing goes for family draw
the line don't be afraid of being family less partner less child less friend less god first guys that's all in stand up for the truth of God the truth of God means not material things I don't mean politics or save the whale I mean oh those things might be great and beautiful but you know it's not you know standing up for God does not mean standing up for material things which means most anything of this world standing up for God is more like at a spiritual integrity that we're asked to stand up for so you know even the people
that that have gossiped err hated me I remember one of him in particular saying these rude things and they were not true they really weren't but then I saw the person installed on the side of the road the car had broken down you know and I kind of just get that feeling as I like wow isn't this funny how life works I still pull over do you need some help you know and there was that awkwardness you know there feeling like oh and you know call for some help for them had somebody you know come by and I don't
know they may have been out of gas so they brought a gas can and gave them some gas and I guess they were out of gas because they were out of money so I gave them a little money too and you know we helped them out and the person said I guess I owe you an apology I said no you don't you know Oh me anything but you know you might want to just think about what you do and say you know see that's taking it a little further instead of going oh no I love and forgive love and forgive isn't really a part of what I'm describing here prove
the love and forgiveness for yourself to the love for yourself but I love you enough to say you probably shouldn't have done that and if I don't say anything you're gonna be carrying the karma I don't want to slam you or hate you for it but I just want you to know it probably wasn't very nice to do that you know I don't have to sit down an interrogator for it but I'm gonna do what I can to ask spirit what would be the right thing to say for this person and spirit isn't gonna say oh let's just let it go
sometimes that would be the answer other times spirits gonna say why don't you look at him and say hey why are you doing that see Jesus said to certain individuals Jesus had a vision you know and appeared to Paul who becomes a spokesperson for the teachings of Christ and he shows up and says Paul why do you persecute me man what's the prob why'd he hate me I'm love why do you hate me so much so if Jesus is saying that's how he handles Paul how is he not telling us to do that what's you know friend says
calls and says hey did you hear about the lady with the cards and oh my god that shows it all that New Age stuff is a scam excuse me why are you persecuting her why are you hating why are you passing that to me I actually don't believe you yeah we're allowed to differ don't get me wrong we're allowed to differ in our opinions of something but why are you using your venom to try to kill me with your venom kill meaning meaning control my mind or make me doubt the part of the Bible Jesus is saying when people are
onto something he's talking he says children but he means even spiritual children when people are on to something learning something and you become the culprit to make them turn on that and make them doubt their path you guys that are on the spiritual path when anybody trying to is trying to turn you and make you doubt your growth your path Jesus says that person and he's using it as a metaphor he doesn't mean to be mean but he says that person would be better off tying a rope around their neck and the
other end to a rock and throwing it in a river meaning you're up Creek I couldn't reason sorry you know but it means yeah like the guilt and karma they're getting it's gonna kick their butt they've taken a person off their spiritual path and again what's the most important thing on this earth our connection with God whether you're on this earth beyond connection with God is the only thing that ultimately matters but at the very least it's the most important thing of all if there's anything else
it still rates number one okay so when someone's on the path and you detour them you carry a burden and if your are the teachers who screw people up and lie to them or you know whatever yeah you know there's a karma that goes with that I know that Christ understands it and says you know yeah you just used to come to your ego there's some really great stuff in A Course in Miracles were you saying you know you'll succumb to you know cuz you have powers you have its power to speak or you have a power to
translate scripture e of a power of prophecy or psychic in abilities or past life regressions or you know you have these skills and it looks like all cool and fancy I don't I don't boast a lot of stuff like that I really don't I you know I'm glad you guys see great gifts or something in me but I have people come for sessions thinking they're come for counseling and I'll do it intuitive read on them all and they'll say are you psychic or if I do some healing work they'll go wait that ink is gone are you
a healer and it's kind of funny because I don't promote any of it so I'm sorry about that because sometimes that becomes awkward moments for all of us because it's like oops you know I didn't mean for somebody to go oh I didn't know you're a psychic it kind of creates this awkward moment in a sense so it's it's not like I'm purposefully trying to be remiss on giving information but I just think of these things first of all it's normal for me but I think of them as so
what I mean it we all have these gifts and different gifts and and it doesn't matter who has amor doesn't have we just are we're all in this together so I kind of look at that they look at it that way and but it does happen to us skillsets and intuitions and insights and and it it does start to make us feel a little tempted to slip into our ego and whether that happened to card lady angel lady you know brazilian faith healer michael moore dad are you we slip and it is our job to catch it and bounce
back as soon as we that's all if it slips and you become the problem you become you know you you start they used to say reading your own press you know you start believing that you're just so amazing that you can do no wrong yeah it becomes kind of dangerous you know I think it's better just to look and then laugh on ourselves when we make mistakes or whatever I kind of you guys know like I make fun of myself about a lot of things and I think when you can keep it light like that it's an easier way to deal with it but
anyways we're gonna start wrapping up now you know just remember the rules is it true is it loving and is it necessary necessary is a really good one most things you're gonna repeat if you ask yourself should I cos if should I say this is it true most of its not so you can't prove for sure 100% factually true probably not so you're never going to get to gossip because it's nobody gonna get past the first step of criteria second is it loving because even if it's true it's not loving I want
to be careful because I don't want to be the one responsible for screwing somebody else is headed by you know their head up fine what if it is seemingly loving is it necessary man that's a great one because even if I think I can justify it as being true in loving a lot of times it's not even necessary just like I said it's not even necessary for me to talk about some of my skills or whatever I I don't think of it I know that some people would like to know it so there's necessary but it's
just not my style it's not my thing so I advertise it I put it in my ears what Michael does when you read my page for private sessions we try to be at least you know open obviously and some people can make a decision if they want to session but you know I just don't go overboard and constantly talk it so you have to check in you know is it necessary this is also a point of you know no matter what people do we have to be forgiving and there's an interesting thing that means to ourselves as well so why would I need
to gossip if I'm practice forgiveness you got to watch that your technique of gossiping might be a little bit of a passive-aggressive if not overtly aggressive it might be a little bit of a passive-aggressive way of slipping that you know that venom in about that person you wanted to jab at this happened with Helen who wrote A Course in Miracles she had a couple people that would just push her buttons and then she would just happen to talk about it or sometimes very overtly talk about it but she'd justify it constantly
while this person did this and they didn't you know I can't believe they did this they did this because they know it bothers me and she's even talking to Jesus because she's channeling him and she would talk to him about personal things like this and this is even Jesus going Helen they are not doing it on purpose you know this is almost like she's thinking well would you know it's like even if you have Jesus telling you dude don't take it so personally it's not on purpose you know you know you're
in your ego when you try to assume and push that it is you know but you also have there's an old saying consider the source I remember my dad used to say that you know if I said such and such happened or so-and-so said this he would say consider the source meaning sit long enough and discern the source of that information because if that person has you've heard them gossip about one person at another your next you know so be careful not to just want to bite into that meal you know and take that for that bait because chances are that's the
pattern for them if you know somebody to have a pretty decent integrity and still talking you know if something must be bothering them it might be worth listening to not for hatred reasons but to give them a place so you know to share but you have to ask yourself do I know these things you know absolutely for sure I mean you could ask yourself very simply why am i why am i sharing this why am I going to pass this on if I am why what is the purpose of this that's a very big criteria most people don't know about
that was shared by Edgar Cayce in his readings and in a Course in Miracles and by me you know telling people when it comes to discern ask yourself what is the purpose of this I'm about to say this what is the purpose of it and God you you would know you know some of you maybe wouldn't know how horrible it is to have your your love stolen from you whether it's your career we make mistakes but sometimes the overreaction is the world of hate trying to destroy people it doesn't matter if it's politics or religion or
spirituality or they don't care the evils of the world the energy of the ego doesn't care who's destroying who it just wants everybody destroyed heartless hopeless you know and feeling just empty and so it takes away one thing after another so I thought you know for me I'm gonna do my best to live the Christ life and be responsible to end up a target now and again is kind of confusing because it's like wow if I'm doing my best to be in alignment and get attacked Wow like there's nothing there's nothing
sacred you know there's nobody immune to this sort of thing and that's a fact I mean Christ tells us you're you know this world doesn't have anything in the material world has nothing completely immune to the ego so to speak so something's gonna pick out and pounce on it and it's like wow it really really creates a sadness and despair in the human race so try to keep some things good watch all that look at all the movies out at Christmas time they come out how many times the theme is people
have forgotten that the spirit of Christmas people have stopped believing in Santa and these shows are all about believe again look at the magic of that kids get it they're like wow yeah I believe or I want to believe in the spirit and adults they're showing you right in those movies how adults are so dense even the miracle on 42nd Street or whatever the street was you know where everybody had forgotten their faith and and yelling and laughing and taunting and terrorizing and whatever the Santa was just like Jesus
it's like wow everybody just is so skeptical about good anymore so I have thought I'm gonna do my best to be a great example of good so that people can have faith but I have found that that didn't really work all the time I think it I think it helped some people go wow that's pretty cool that this guy lives up to that I do and I tried my best to live up to I really really do to the point where if people have to ask something I don't mind I mean we just made a presentation I guess it's
probably available down but it's questions and answers where people have asked you know the 10 or 12 or whatever most common questions for Michael this is kind of a popular thing that's going on out there you know the Paul McCartney ten questions and he sits there and answers them for you so people may be known people or whatever are doing it so it's very popular and so we did that and I'm like answering questions they just pop up and I open them and read them and answer questions and you know ranging
from are you married or what do you think about what is your faith or and just answer because it's like let's be as transparent as we can but there's also part of me that thinks first of all people shouldn't care about personal details so part of me was even conflicted about doing it I'm open to be transparent I'm fine with it but it also too shows me there's people that can watch it I can be completely transparent and there's still haters that are gonna hate and still go after different things
and make stuff up I remember one time on the internet somebody was passing something saying Michael is still married to this woman that he married back in 1980 or whatever and so on and so and they said and I know because I was a friend of theirs you know whatever and it's like factually I was divorced around 90 or something like that and yet this person whoever they are they wouldn't disclose who they are that's always a good sign consider the source but they know what new us so well that they told everybody on the end of this
was a big lie that we're still married at you know 20 years after we divorced and it was like wow so your people are just gonna make stuff up and consider the source I would ask you guys please I don't care if it's about me or the Pope or you know whomever please use discernment and shut it down she used a sermon and don't even read stuff like this stay away from garbage stay away from hate in any form period okay let's get that out and just do your best to do that but if you are dragged
in to the point you know personally dragged in it's on your facebook or it's in your life or whatever and and you do have your put in a spot to say something then shut it down I mean only if you're certain you know then shut it down say no you know what why are you saying this if it's not true if it's not true we should be talking about somebody but it isn't the one you're gossiping about if you're spreading hate and lies we should be talking about you so this can take the role of me being a therapist to you
right now if you need one or it can take the role of me being a friend saying knock this crap off you know and just saying you have a choice right now you can fess up that you're in a very dark place right now treading thinly here dark place and give it up which I'm open to and then we're good or you can also decide and say I'm gonna stand by this I'm being evil and I'm gonna stay evil and then we're done because I don't need any more evil in my life I'm working on my own thank you so that's what I would
do if I were you you have to live with yourself at the end of the day you know and if you've put out some venom there it's toxic and it will come back so you know please be careful I think you know you guys probably know for the most part that like I said I mean I you know I try to in general not even hear it not interested I don't you know I see all the stuff that comes across you guys will sometimes send me things or the internet says it Facebook I delete all that I don't look I don't open
attachments that's more than one way that I don't believe it attachments I don't open attachments of enemy stuff and gross stuff there's enough hatred in the world and I do know that those who try to pass that even sometimes well-meaning there's enough hatred in the world I'd rather not even be tested you know or attempted rather to to hate but if I do see something I will see it as a test and I will want to pass my test and the test is going to be do you become part of the problem or can
you contribute to the solution love and forgiveness so I put it out there if you see something about this person or that or mere yourselves or whatever in this world shut it down don't get into it but when you're brought dragged up far enough into it then shut it down and say excuse me you have a choice here you want to be a friend of mine retract what you're saying because it's not true and that's it I would say step up don't say that you are so loving step up and prove it and if you're loving stand up for
what's truth try to stand up for the truth of God because that is love you know so come on you know show up on all the right levels in all the right ways use discernment healthy boundaries in all areas of your life if you can and really sorry about the confusion that some of these things could have caused I'm sorry if I ever caused you any kind of confusion about Integrity's or anything like that and I'm definitely sorry that some of you are confused by Jonathan or whatever and you know the person with cards or the person that
wrote about being related to indigenous people or you know at any time that someone's trying to be a spiritual representative of some kind and has let you down or even you're a parental figure a partner it's we let each other down and we scroll you know very sorry on BIA on behalf of the human race very sorry that that happens but we have to bounce back and we also have to do our best to to hold in a sacred vessel the things that are good and not let people just trash them left and right except that there's humanists I mean fine but
you don't have to trash it they don't have to trash it so do what you can to keep sacred things that are sacred to you but don't worship them don't worship me don't worship a book don't worship a teacher a teaching don't because we're still you and we're gonna slip some of you might love a Course in Miracles and you find out some things about the author being a little bit of a harsh kind of a lady a bit of a challenge for Jesus to have worked with you don't you don't diss the book
because of her attitudes you know it's just the way it is just discernment guys okay I pray this is all making sense and I appreciate your listening I want to share with you real quick that we have some things coming up tomorrow we have the solstice festival winter solstice festival packed I mean wow it's probably our largest attendance ever but if you're in the area you can show up for it but online we're going to try to sneak a few shots and share them you know live online or something you know
where and when we can so keep it out for that that's got Keith Bardem a wonderful guy a gal named Theo she channels Theo and myself as the primary speakers and then there'll be musicians and other folks involved beautiful you know vending and all that too so that's coming up we'll try to send you a shot of it online we also have Sunday services 10:15 every Sunday morning live from unity of Sedona that's worth checking out for inspirational teachings so check that out as well and I also have my online course on
Wednesdays coming up and this is the only one I repeat every year and it's co-creating a new life you know with God it's how to how to get into co-creating a new life with spiritual connection and forward movement it's getting rid of the past releasing the past and rebuilding a new life it's absolutely cool and I'm saying that truly not as a sales pitch it's the only one I repeat every year because it's perfect it's a perfect way to start our lives and do this every year and every year I don't just preach it on in
January I go through the course with you guys of course doing the exercises too and its stellar men it's absolutely amazing to walk through that and do that work saying goodbye to things of the and moving forward into a new life cleaner and cleaner and cleaner you know clean out the past inside and out right our mind our consciousness our soul but also external things so I've been having quite a quite a great time the last few weeks already letting things go and cleaning out the garage and you know whatever cupboards and you know just
cleaning up and it just feels really beautiful so I pray that this has made sense as I said and I appreciate your patience and that you're willing to hear things like this and you know I know that it's not typical that the world supports these kinds of ideas such as no gossip and no hate and so on it's to the contrary in this world but somebody's gotta you know take a stand and make a difference so do the best you can in your lives it'll make a difference for you and everybody around you alright
peace be with you we'll see you bye-bye