Being the Arc of Life & Relationships
foreign thank you for joining us thanks for being with us folks online all around the world and here in the room one of the benefits of being in the room in person is besides being in my presence sorry um there is a unique and beautiful vibe to being here in person but but I don't emphasize that and say that all the time because it's not meant for people to feel left out when they're around the world you know you're totally here just believe it just imagine it you'll feel all the same Vibes but those who are in
the room one of the perks is you get to tell me what to talk about so following path to the highest good joyful surrender to what news okay that's good so oh that's great that's that's a light load today that's only six or eight items um do you remember last week it was like 38. and you know and some of some of the folks just so you know how unmerciful they are here um they throw in things like just to see you know Twinkie um just to see if he can work that into the conversation which I can [Music]
um you're so outlandish um never heard of it never seen it so yeah I don't get out much um so on that note a variety of things um one of the things you were asking about had to do with relationships there's forgiveness is a consistent one you notice that each week so we've got to address that a little bit more hi there um relationship forgiveness um miracle-mindedness I mean there there is a theme they seem like separate words they're spiritually related all of them you know but path to the highest good
one of you asked about and they seem like separate topics separate books separate whatevers but one of the most important things to learn to do there's a there's a thought in the Eastern tradition that music that synthesizes is the highest form of music synthesis synthesizer you know synthesize meaning the capability of doing many things when we learn to keep our mind open and synthesize how things come together not looking for things that are different and apart but how they connect that's brilliance
that's brilliant anyone can see differences but only an enlightened mind can see connection and it is our job and it's our destiny let's say you rated yourself on a 0 to 10 scale how good are you at synthesizing how good are you at connecting pieces blending things joining conversations that look totally different you see rate yourself and that'll tell you in a way how spiritual you are because if you're a two it really shows you're still really enveloped in separation you're really in
caught up in separation I can't see how that's possible to bridge this and you give me any two people to having a conversation that seemed completely out of it completely at odds and I swear to you I'll be able to bridge the two because that's what God does all we have to do is open up to God I'm not claiming my own abilities I'm saying this is what it's like to open up to open our minds to see differently to see wholeness now at first you're going to go from seeing separate pieces that's human
thinking to seeing things more holistically and then because holistically still means the many parts played together there's a point where there's not many parts playing together there is only the Oneness of God and that's our destiny and we're moving in that direction as awkward as it seems when people are tripping over themselves to try to prove the equality of this and the equality you know this is people in their clumsy way trying to trying to verbalize something that's a spiritual concept
these are humans trying to wrap their mind around something that they can't get they don't get because they're still thinking of it from separated Minds you know I have a feeling things are changing in the world and then they start trying to let the ego infiltrate the intellect and figure out how to make it look different instead of let go let God we're still trying to get our own manipulations in there you know so things like generation gaps and racial gaps and so on there's going to be a point where you don't have to talk
about how they're all one how they're all connected or they're the same everybody's deserving of I mean it wasn't too long ago that some people weren't allowed to vote it wasn't too long ago when when young men and women but young men were sent to war that they couldn't even vote on you were old enough to go to war but not old enough to vote which is really a twisted kind of a thing so these things existed in our lifetime and it it really is is amazing things are changing so fast
we need to credit some of those changes instead of only obsessing on changes that haven't happened yet really really see that in a lifetime a lot of things have changed now I don't really get caught up in proving that or because I don't care the bottom line is soon enough none of it's going to exist the concept of separation will soon be impossible right now we're trying to work it massage the situation into a better state of being and clumsiliso so why is it clumsy why didn't we just all go wait boom Oneness
because there's an ego involved and we have our resistances right this is all about bridging there is God and there's the human race and we can say well there are teachers that help massage the situation to help us rise some of us rise in Consciousness to gradually get home now that has gone on for let's say a million years we could call that a slow boat home okay snail mail to the max right then some individuals really accelerated the situation whether it's Krishna whether that's story myth or fact
Christian is saying live it you have Buddha he's saying we don't need lifetime after lifetime you can get it then you have Jesus who comes back and says I'm the embodiment of getting it not only am I the teacher of it I am it and you're part of me therefore you're already saved you're already home he just took it to another level now all we have to do is let go let God get on board it's already done on one level it's a matter of accepting it on another level we still have to live it you can't go I accept Jesus as
my personal Savior and you're a jerk it doesn't make sense you know you have to live it you have to you can't just say I'm forgiven how am I forgiven if I don't forgive you you are me if you really get it you realize this is all together all one we're a synthesis looking like separate parts but we're the synthesis where the non-synthesis then the synthesis and then Oneness and that takes a bit of learning and understanding so Jesus in a sense becomes the bridge between God and man that's true he says
by me you'll get home whatever I'm paraphrasing but if you asked him he would say it's not just me per se it's the Divine mother who birthed the Christ in me will also birth the Christ in you so technically the Divine mother known in all cultures as a the Holy Spirit she's known as the Divine mother it's a feminine principle the feminine aspect of God the holy spirit is the love of God named whatever we want to name it the Holy Spirit but really she's the comforter she's the Creator she's the
one birthing she's the one that walks through the world with us being here with us to manifest and mirror everything that's going on she is the ark you've heard of an ark whether it's arc welding the Ark of the Covenant Noah's Ark they're spelled differently but they're the same what is an ark in electricity you're taking two polls and joining them together what that which is a broken circle is now connected right what is an ark the Ark of the Covenant was actually a a a communication device in a way it was
actually a a thing that was made that could access the spirit world and the bridging the spirit world with the material world the people of Israel and their High priests would go in and communicate with this this presence that would manifest you know above the ark guiding the people of Israel it's pretty profound so that's that's a form of an ark but what is it arcing Between Two Worlds a negative in a South Pole two electrodes Noah's Ark Between Two Worlds the one that was being flooded into death and
the rainbow into a new world it's an ark we are all supposed to be arcs the Archangel archangels are a bridge we're all supposed to be the ark when there is not light in a conversation someone's not bringing it someone's not showing up look at a spark plug so for some of you there used to be these things called cars that had spark plugs foreign end but there's this other end where you have this metal thing that's kind of bent like this and a spark has to jump between those two you have to use a tool to measure the
gap between and get it just right and so on so there's a spark that jumps between the two that's us there's two things that seem dead to people in a dead conversation two people musically yeah man I'm just not getting it and the other guys doing something else yeah I don't get it man you're just not playing what I want you to play and they just differ right instead of let me hear what you're wanting especially if you wrote the song Let me hear what you're looking for and see if I can bridge to that instead of
I'm going to do it my way you don't even understand my instrument see it's all superiority and weird ego trips we're supposed to learn humility when Jesus said you must become as children that's one of his points teachable be humble be teachable you think you know everything when they asked Mary Magdalene some of the Apostles and that this is written I don't make this stuff up like some people you know oh Magdalene you know stories that just come out of their head in in the book she's asked
why does Jesus teach you some things that he doesn't even teach us she goes because you're men you think you already know everything that's what she basically says she said I'm teachable you know what I'll believe anything he tells me and that is the divine feminine not because of her passivity but because of her openness and you could say well why should she believe everything well if you don't then don't follow him I don't that's code that's cool he'd have been fine
with that but if you are going to follow him believe in him and if you can't believe in him you shouldn't follow him but by all means find a different person you can believe it but when you go around the world saying I can't find anybody I can't believe it that I can believe in the problem might be you you've got to be able to find and feel trust for someone somewhere right so bridging how can I bridge this conversation how can I bridge this situation somebody's painting a painting they feel
like something's missing you walk up and you can see it because your mind is like that it's open the mother shows me everything me being any of us anything you see I remember in in high school some a band was playing and they're doing this song and they're they're you know they're like jamino and these are you know wow cool man these the musicians you know you're they're like they're they're talented and they're playing this song and I'm listening and everybody's going along
and you could just tell that this intro that gets to this drum part that's like this and they're going but something's wrong and the bandwidth guys are all looking at each other I go he's playing it backwards I'm not a musician he's playing it backwards okay what do you mean he's doing you know back the other way dot dot dot dot it's do it the other way and he's like oh and they're all like yeah you know Jammy like they had it all along you know you can see things that other people
can't see you see a painting and you go what about you see a landscape what about your mind stays open and it Bridges I'm not saying that's always a great thing it is always great but I'm not saying that it is because some people will not like you for that somebody could be working on a math problem for an hour and a half and you walk in and say oh they're going to hate you for it you know how dare you know what I do you know how dare you see what I didn't see that's how it is sometimes
so you got to kind of sometimes be very stealthy about this but it is a right it is an or it is our inheritance it is our destiny to become the bridge that the mother is because we're born In Her Image she's the ultimate Bridge all Jesus did was step up to being it he remembered he's the Christ well of course I'm the bridge thanks Mother for reminding me now let me be the bridge between the mother and the children hey guys and when he leaves he says I'm leaving you with the comforter he meant
to say basically you still have her she's the one who birthed me she's going to birth you I'm here to help but she is the one that is the ultimate Bridge how can I be more like the Holy Spirit well first by asking her to be with you to be in you as you it's the holy spirit is not a masculine it never was whether it was in the for the Hebrew people or for the Far East it was never that way it only got changed after the time of Jesus and just before in some of the Western religions they started changing that culturally to
being this masculine thing and when the hyper masculine Church took over more and more in the Western World they made it masculine why because you know that's what they were into so the Holy Spirit became this this almost like a harsh hand of God very different from the mother the mother that says I am always with you I am always mirroring life to you and new opportunities to you and yet you know people could not relate so Jesus becomes that what's his final message love each other as I have loved you where do you think he got that
the love of God which is the mother everything he was saying was basically an embodiment when Jesus wakes up he's basically making a statement I have no will separate from The Holy Spirits I am the embodiment of the Holy Spirit and you too all that I have done you shall do and more so it's our destiny and that's a very very beautiful thing but we are the ark that means if you have a boat and the floods come you ask for people to get on board and help them because you're a bridge you see if you're a spark plug you you let that
Arc happen you let that light move through you if you're a Healer some people think the movement of the hands which is very beautiful wonderful but there's a point where you back off slightly and allow an arc to happen between your hands and the clients and it's powerful that's why it when we did the Hands-On healing workshop last week I talked about doing the Hands-On and then also allowing a moment for the hands off that's allowing the arc the arc's there even if your hands make contact but it's
it's numbed by the contact if that makes sense because there's contact there's a mental distraction because you feel the hand touch as opposed to back off slightly and it's does it doesn't matter what kind of work myofascial fascia Chiropractic there's the work that you do but there's also step back create just an Ever So slight space between any part of the body you're working on and let light jump between the two poles okay make sense so in a story in a written story what is it's something's called an arc in a
written story it's the bridge between the beginning the middle and the end of a story so think about this if you leave here today going okay according to the talk today I am an ark am I living it am I only standing back going look at the differences in the world look at the differences in my friends that I live with they have these arguments is it only racial gender generation is that all you see or are you the type that's starting to step up and go wow boom and put things together a mediator right spiritual mediator psychological
mediator whatever form your mediator and people are learning this now a few weeks ago I introduced this concept this group of beings which can be you or not it's whatever but they're called the daughters of Heaven the daughters of Heaven are like a faction of light workers that are stepping up to a new level and one of the things they're doing these Daughters of Heaven is of all the characteristics the one probably most important defining piece is the humility their humble relationship with God they're not
they're see light workers I'm a light worker you're a light worker light workers love to study all kinds of self-help and cool things light workers it could be UFOs pyramidology ancient civilization multi-dimensionality Ascension crystals Hands-On healing it's very cool very Broad and all necessary beautiful Daughters of Heaven are like God it's all they care about God God in the form of the Divine Trinity father son Holy Spirit Jesus mother Mary too because their embodiments of but it's really God that
they care about so they're in a precarious place because they're living now asking themselves well wait because they're the first ones being trained on the real version of relationships relationships because some of you asked about that relationships were never about hookups they were never about hey find another person you can share codependence with that was never the Destiny or the purpose of code of uh of relationships relationships were also not about procreation real they were never about that they
were never about you and someone else one or two five 18 other people they were never about the other you know like relationship with someone else there is no one else so as long as you're talking about there's people you know in conference rooms at hotels packed thousand people because it's a a popular author on relationships and they're all looking for answers please help us fix our relationship find me my twin Soul or get this one to behave better that's what it's all about relationships
right and they're packing these conference rooms and everybody's like oh you know worshiping the kind concept of make this better for me there is no one else they should start these popular authors on relationships who know nothing about relationships they get up on stage the way they should start it is if you think you are looking for a relationship with another or have one with someone you are schizophrenic you're seeing things that aren't there there is no one else and then of course everybody would leave
and then you wouldn't be a popular author anymore on that topic people want the fake they want the stimulus they want the distractions those are the things that sell you know keep enforcing our Illusions find my other you see and it's like oh my God there is no other which immediately sounds pretty deflating okay well thanks Michael for letting me know that loneliness is my destiny being alone yep I'm gonna buy some books now on self-pleasure and I wonder if there's a book 101 mysterious ways to dine alone and I
wonder if the checkout stands at the grocery store can you know are the Articles going to be you know how to how to rise in within yourself you know 15 ways to enjoy your own self you know it's not there if people are just addicted to codependence the truth is the word relationship means two people are on the same boat together we're in this together now there are no two people so really relationships have two purposes one you're going to reflect my lessons about my relationship with myself and God
or you're going to be showing me the gifts I get for having improved my relationship with myself and God that's all you are you're a mirror of how I'm doing with God and myself if I'm still all fragmented I do up to the altar you go I do and what you're really saying is God help me please you know because you've just hired someone to be your Hitman to to show you your weaknesses this is weird isn't it you know I hope I can bail out of this and Bridge myself home but that's what we're doing I I know how
it sounds to the needy Soul so don't be a needy Soul just listen they are the mirror of your weaknesses and lessons or the mirror of your successes in having healed so the daughters of heaven or perhaps you and I we're in a precarious place because there's no more settling we're getting to a point where it's like no real or not at all thank you but there's not a lot of other people at that level of Awakening saying I get it real or nothing and then we realize even real is just all those are holy relationships
you have people showing you your lessons or mirroring your successes with the lessons that's all it is so give thanks when people seem to be beautiful to you because they're mirroring your advancement your growth that's what they're doing we make them special I feel so good about you I think I'm supposed to marry you aren't I because that's the human limited thinking I can't I can't just appreciate I have to own you I have to lock you up in our house and look at now I'm doing
better because I have a partnership I could have just said you're already mirroring where I am therefore let me be as I truly am thank you can you still have relationships yes but only from that healed holy place there's nothing I'm here to take from you nothing I'm here to give to you I am as I am I notice that you two are committed to being as you are that's pretty cool you want to stay in the same house together and hang out be and if some issues arise I'll go here first not there first
because I understand you're a hologram and if I don't get you chocolates for Valentine's Day you should look at that [Laughter] it just covered me for all the years of never doing that look at that right so it's all a mirror but but where's The Arc in that the ark is when I no longer see you as separate therefore the cause of my problems or the bringer of my Solutions that's a false Arc the real Arc is I love you as you are see the the the daughters of Heaven are learning instead to say where's the one
I like and dislike I love everyone and it's confusing because if I love everyone it lowers the need level and some people are not going to want to be in a relationship with such people because they get high on the neediness level makes sense they get high on that so the daughters of Heaven are saying drama are you kidding let me check in no pretty sure I'm not interested in drama other people are going to be like you know what you're boring I want that stimulant I love that fight when can we have some makeup sex you're
not going to get any because if we're not already together in heart Minds whole body then you're not getting anything like that anyway I want to bounce back into Holiness they're like oh God you know so I'm I'm with Mother Mary or you know some Immaculate woman who never wants to be intimate that's their trip all I'm asking for is Holy Consciousness we can be passionate but in holy Consciousness and they're like oh I don't understand that exactly that's exactly that's why this might not
be happening for us it's a very precarious place to to realize we are the bridge we are the Holy Spirit and you want an Ascension that isn't happening without us owning and living the consciousness of being a bridge you ascend to where how do you get from one to another without an ark oh yeah the ships are coming to take me to The Fifth Dimension they don't want you if they did they'd have been here by now they're they don't watch you have to become the bridge to The Fifth Dimension oh I can't wait till we all go really do
you turn on the TV and watch a reality show you think they're going home soon someone's got to become an ark someone's got to become a bridge someone's got to say there's got to be another way is this making sense someone's got to become the solution part of the solution not wishing for and hoping and longing for relationship and partnership and Ascension be that you walk into a a room a 12-step group or a book study or a family reunion everywhere you go are you being an ark in that room if you're not because the
ark is made of light are you being the ark I'm not saying you should judge yourself if you're not just don't expect to see much energy without an ark you want to talk Ascension or do you want to be part of the Ascension light workers man hold the flame hold the torch you see but the daughters of Heaven are saying we've held torches for Generations but we're now stepping it up God is telling us in our hearts don't just hold the light and enable people so hold the light and take it to another
level get people to see Holiness what it really looks like instead of just theorizing or talking about it or accepting deluded versions of it people are happy when they have Partnerships so let's just talk about relationships how to find one how to fix one new communication issues and all that which is helpful but the daughters are saying I'm looking for devotion I'm looking for my own Devotion to God and if other people want to be in a relationship with me they've got to step it up I don't see them as less I see them as
here but they're not getting that they're there so do I want to have a relationship with a puppet that has no puppeteer's hand or strings or anything just a dead puppet do I want to have a relationship with a balloon that's got no air in it it just sits there I know your capabilities you see I know that you can be filled with the spirit of God I know and that's the children the daughters of God I know where we're going can't you feel it well not really other people and that's very challenging to be in the
world and not of the world and it's not just in the world not of the world it's in the world in an enlightened state I'm not saying total Enlightenment I'm talking about I'm lit man I'm I'm happening I get it now no settling no settling in in conversation no settling in Soul's purpose or jobs we start to really get it oh my God it's all about God and we thought that Devotion to that level meant celibacy Chastity because spirit said you shall have no other gods before me so when we became spiritual we
started making religions and taking vows of nothing of this Earth I can't have anything which was overboard it said don't worship those things but having a nice car just like a nice relationship is either a distraction or a credit it's either showing you you know lessons you have to learn or the lessons you did learn I happen to see this this thing a musician some of you might remember wonderful uh he's one of the few major routes to rock and roll Little Richard and Lucio remember that okay so Little Richard you know he said
I saw people saying to me we're going to give you 10 million dollars after my fame and losses he said I said no because if you give me 10 million dollars Lord I have to also figure out now because I'm Different who to give it to he wasn't saying the money's bad he's just saying it comes with responsibility and I love that he said give me 10 million dollars and I'm already thinking about who to share it with he said because God doesn't give you gifts for you to hold on to and be fearful about
it's supposed to be in out here we go Shine the Light who would have their light lit their candle lit and put it in a closet Jesus said but it's not just your light it's your everything your presence what are your gifts Buddha said if you have a great smile use it Buddha said to bring people to God if you have money use it to bring people if you have a great sense of fashion whatever because people keep thinking Buddha was all all against the material he did not say that he said whatever you have use it to
bring people forward he didn't shame and people you know made this up poverty Chastity you have to shave your head wear a robe that's only for people that really wanted to go full on into the experience of no no no but there's a point where you've done it and you get to come out and experience the gifts of Having learned your discipline self-discipline your Devotion to God it's not abstinence and so on you might do that to a degree but there's a point of and now comes the gifts for having chosen well
it's important to give up all the karmic effects of all the ridiculous things I've ever done to myself or others thought word or deed there's a phase of emptying my cup and that's important to do but don't forget it's not just about commiserating that's not holy the healing part of the path is letting go of all those old ways there's a second side which is now living the benefits living the gifts you worked on Prosperity great now you have Prosperity appreciate it and share it something else you have a a better level
of patience show people patience if that's one of your things you've mastered the gift of speech it doesn't matter gorgeous body oh Buddha is all against the gorgeous body no he isn't he Jesus they're all saying what do you use it for what do you do with it so you'll go through all your human weirdness about shaming the body over indulging the body those two polarities extremes that's just the typical human thing after you get over yourself five lifetimes of over indulging five lifetimes of having to come back you
know and not have anything to make up for the party you did you know party hangover when The Hangover Fades you go well now that that's gone party again and then hang over and that's called reincarnation but there's a point where you can also go wait a minute right here within this Center I can still move I can still play and enjoy but I know to give I know not to take it too seriously I can laugh and then I can have compassion and cry with someone just write in here not living these extremes the holy the the Divine mother is the
perfect Bridge and she says you think you've left God and have gone into a world in Exile from Love from peace now I she could say I could say well good luck but you know what I went with you you did you mean you're here is it which one of them you know no no which one of them here's the mother the mother is a womb in which a child is born in terms of biology and so on in anatomy it's a woman to child's born the way the mother works is the whole universe is her womb and the child gets born two levels you
into your Illusions or you into your Christ self she's hoping for the latter she's looking forward to the moment where she can birth you into your Christ self especially since then you can help do some work around the house but but she's also willing to do the other for millions of years the other being birthing the illusion she will be the manifestation of you and your beliefs on Earth if you say I have limited beliefs I don't believe I deserve she says and so it is not because she wants you to not have she's
only ever materializing matter mother materializing maternal she's only materializing our beliefs why to learn from them so that we can rise till the day where my will Becomes Her will and her will becomes my will all the mother wants is all I ever want myself right now humans are going I know that there's some sort of mother Holy Spirit God and I know it would like some good things I'm not in the mood I like doing this and screwing around with Karma and all kinds of horrible things now I mean what am I going to do if I'm not
a victim that's going to be kind of boring what am I going to talk about oh Oneness again how you doing today I'm one again Monday Tuesday check back with me on Wednesday I'm still one really it sounds boring to the human intellect because the human intellect is Twisted it's forgotten it doesn't know what it is bliss Bliss doesn't miss something else it's a Perfection and it's a Holiness the human mind can't comprehend so going towards the direction of closing here our relationships are
it's kind of a funny thing because they they look like things they look like we have one we don't have one got married okay three marriages and this relationship with my kids they like me they don't like me they won't talk to me they're off to college it these are this is a hologram how I feel about all people is going to change from having conditional relationship with others to unconditional from fear-based to love that's what's going to happen but it is it well I got to meet the
right person then you've already failed to realize you are the right person your perception has to change how your willingness to have it change is com has got to come first what I've been doing is not working I need an absolute absolutely need a 12-step program from me okay 12 steps recovery program 12 Steps from being me I gotta go into the part where I gotta own there's an issue I gotta call upon God to help me see it more clearly no no I think I got to figure it out oh my God you so do not and if you did you'd have
been through it trust me you'd have been done by now you don't have it just say I don't know I I think I do but I don't know for sure I think I know why I have messed up relationships men you know how men are you know how women are you know how tall people are and that you know and all the labels and after you get exhausted from enough labels what five marriages this lifetime add up all of them all lifetimes do you see how messed up you are you've been married 6 000 times and you think you're on the rebound now
marriage after marriage and you're still here take a break take a break okay just divorce everyone divorce your your children make them into you know just buy you're all orphans get cut back from everybody and say I will no longer be what you once knew me to be now I'm becoming something else my question children husband wife partner friends friends too would you like to get to know the new me and by the way I don't know what that is yet I just know it's going to be good that's what I need to know I get cut to
the chase because what we do in relationships is kind of micro adjustments you're kind of annoyed at this so I'll shift it so you're not quite that annoyed unless I enjoy you being annoyed because sometimes I want to you know jab at you so now we have a dynamic called a love hate relationship which is common you get to the point where you say I'm no I refuse to have a love-hate relationship if there's issues we're going to talk about it we're going to talk about it move through it when we move through it
we will be able to experience the gifts of having healed it well I don't really like to talk about stuff so I'm supposed to stay here and hell with you no Purgatory no I want to go home would you like to do that with me or not even if we break up I still affirm you're going there in your own way in time in fact spiritually speaking you're already there just don't know it yet but I know where I'm going I know what I'm about so it's it's quite a rude awakening to the spiritual path that we were on
that was working for a long time especially the the new age spirituality was really ramping people up fast but nowhere near our capabilities it was just better than it had been you know we talked about peace love more we brought in World music we started doing ceremonies in 12 steps more and we we were creating a better scenario much better than it had been for through many years of Dark Ages so to speak but now it's going a thousand times faster is the time we're in it's going to go exponentially higher which means
brace yourselves and get in on this there's a wave coming what should we do Michael teacher turn and start paddling that's what I would do if I were you go with the wave don't act like I didn't see it coming you know and now your nickname's Sandy Bottoms you know you're um you know you're tumbled and dragged along the ocean shore and you get up and there's seaweed everywhere and that's called divorce when you look all disheveled and beat up I didn't see this coming they didn't
they gave me an image that they were one type and they were another really do you have any intuition at all you know guys the old way isn't going to work anymore there's a wave coming you can hear it you can feel it and you know it don't go into denial because you'll suffer for it there's a wave coming turn and start paddling and Ride The Wave be the one at the crest of that just out here writing that wave it's an easier ride but it's going with the will of God which is love don't fight it
don't turn see a big wave and go where's my partner that's not going to help if I only had my soul mate boom now you're just blaming I thought you were there where's the life raft where's the that's that's relationship conversation I'm done I'm done cutting all the ties codependence belief systems even old roles false roles we were playing with each other sorry about that I got to let that go you see and people will go one of two directions with you they'll either do the good cop or bad
cop that'll play story they'll either go how do who do you think you are saying you're gonna change the dynamic of our relationship this is the way it's always been and this is our religion our race our culture and my mother said and just say well then go marry her I'm done I'm not any of that anymore and they're going to be mad there's another side those who will go you know and and try the sad the Martyr to get your because you won't buy into the angry one but the soft heart in you
is going to give in to the one oh but just don't change it I don't you and and you're you'll be tempted to give in don't even announce your changes until you're willing to stick by them you're going to do the world more harm and yourself more harm than good if you announce changes that you don't stick to you're going to feel worse you're going to crash you're going to have a hangover a really bad karmic hangover for having sworn to your commitment to change and then
falling announce it when you know you can stand by it rehearse it if you have to in your head a little bit I'm going to say this and if people react I'm going to be loving and compassionate but I'm going to stick to my guns here's how it's going to be you can think that I'm making this up or I'm exaggerating I promise you this is happening now the daughters of heaven mean The light workers that are a little more awake and a little more committed and can't settle anymore light workers are light workers but
they're still willing to settle you know at times not as much as standard human beings but there's still some willingness to settle light workers can still read just a self-help book it can be terrible but I'm reading a self-help book can't you look in the back it says self-help category the library right there itself out to them it just as long as it looks good you know to them it feels a bit better they'll settle because it's better than it was the daughters of Heaven are like no it's got to take me home
you want to be in a relationship with me we've got to really go somewhere I mean I love God where do you stand in that you know you're really going to have to kind of ramp it up a bit buddy you know there's God and there's everyone else my devotion is to love to God not celibate Chastity it's you know in poverty it's to love it's to God and it can create quite a chasm in your life quite a rift because you you know you have to find the ark so bring in that full circle be careful to be light workers and
Daughters of heaven and not knowing how to Arc that how am I to know as much as I know that God is that I am and we are how am I to to be so devoted to only reading inspiring materials I don't I'm not interested in learning complicated stuff spiritual platitudes and whatever God I want to know it I want to feel it I don't want complicated prayers I want prayers that take me home right now and the daughters of Heaven are no longer going a heavy duty prayer they're getting to a point where they're
becoming what they prayed for why did you ever pray it if you weren't going to become it I just thought for her while I'm on Earth I'm supposed to just keep reciting things that's partly what Jesus was saying about proper prayer don't just repeat things and not believe in them don't just repeat things and not change synthesize become what you prayed for oh dear God please fix this please fix that well wait a minute what if the repair is already here now you shift it to affirmative prayer right instead of
please give us a break here it's your love is here now right that's affirmative prayer very powerful but there's another level of prayer that the daughters of Heaven are now going to be introducing to the world it's called blessings where you are holding the space and can say my peace is yours the peace that I am I give to you it's not arrogant if you're doing it from arrogance then you're not you're not really doing it the real thing you're going to bestow blessings upon people can I say that to
all human race no there's all kinds of things they bestow and it isn't a blessing flipping each other off on the freeway that's not a blessing it's kind of a cursing what about light workers is it a blessing you're getting better but the daughters of Heaven and everybody has those moments mind you the hand mudras you know on the freeway everybody's had got their moment I'm not judging anybody don't care all I can all I'm doing is saying what I see is happening the daughters of Heaven are feeling more
and more so plugged in this is all happening right now this isn't a whole known wave of something a thousand years 100 years ago there were only a few people throughout history here and here and here and here that got this a few percentage and right now it's starting to open and these light workers are stepping into a little more of an advanced level of light work the daughters of heaven and they're learning that my prayers are now blessings but they know I can't give blessings when I'm off
I can't it's not possible if I'm off my offness is infiltrating whatever I'm doing and it's no longer a blessing blessing by definition to bless means that I'm in my Holiness sharing that Holiness with what appeared to be someone else that isn't someone else so my prayers and my blessings are not for you they're for us as I bless you I'm blessed as I heal with you I'm Healed you see what does that mean there's no two people which means my blessing becomes what an ark
how can I be think feel the presence of being an ark or a bridge the nice thing about Arc is when we think of it as arc welding you know creating that that between two charges you know that that bridge between two charges the arc welder would use the welding rod and then the base material and create an arc but we are the Ark of life our Arc Brilliance is far bright you think you have to wear a helmet when you're arc welding our light is so bright that we actually have to use a pair of goggles called eyeballs to look at each
other think about this an arc welder covers his eyes because he's arc welding we're covering our eye with goggles called eyeballs so that we don't see our each other's brilliance as I start to heal as I start to rise in Consciousness I start to notice lights around you light episodes of Course in Miracles calls it all of a sudden Aura and this and all of a sudden my healing work I back off and transmit light between our skin light your light body lighten up I am the light of the world oh it's all
making sense now the goggles are worn two eyes representing Duality are worn because it actually numbs me from seeing who you really are and that's a convenient thing for what God are the ego seeing you with these eyes I'm seeing you through the eyes of my ego that doesn't mean you should not use your eyes but you're asking God to help you transmit them from eyeballs three-dimensional eyeballs into light and you begin to see light and then you start to go God I'm starting to see or and you think it's with these this is
starting to open and tell your mind that you're seeing auras and you're assuming it's with these eyes the clairvoyances let thine eye be single Jesus said the yogi throughout history don't trust these don't trust smell and touch they're Illusions they are that doesn't mean curse them which was taken too literally when Jesus said you know if your hand you know airs you cut it off not literally not literally it's a metaphor celibacy was a metaphor Chastity poverty they were metaphors it
means I will have no Gods but the real God I love God and if I seek first the kingdom everything else will come and on Earth we keep trying for the everything else first but if my senses are filled with stuff I won't reach out to God and if I tried I wouldn't know it when I see it because I'm using all the wrong senses lay these down lay all the senses down don't curse them just lay them down bowing is a very beautiful ritual but people think it's a cultural thing a religious thing it's a statement of that
which I am not I'm laying to the Earth to disperse just like the ashes of the body just disperse so that I can rise into a new self see it's my destiny I go from having a body to a light body to just light I will not get there without doing the same for you I cannot see discover feel know my light without seeing the same in you how to do that holy spirit of God and you can do it in your own playful casual way you can use the silliest humanistic terminology the Divine mother Wow have I been insane today I have been looking with my eyes I have
been wow oh nice legs oh what a great smile I want money all stuff of this world maybe I can get paid for my nice legs it's all stuff and you laugh at it say here I am yeah me again I know you're probably laughing mother do it that way it doesn't have to be oh money you know Namaste and I must go it it doesn't have to be all all that heavy duty being you know home yeah it doesn't have to have to be that you can do those things they're powerful additions but it's got to be here and the mother doesn't mind sometimes
mother mother mother please help me be with me bring me into your heart it could be like that and other days hey I'm such a doofus did you see what I did today oh my God I saw and I was judging these people and so silly see be the mother by being compassionate for the child inside that makes mistakes don't shame yourself for judging oh my God I shouldn't stop just like a child what would you say oh honey did you see what you were doing yes that was kind of silly wasn't it yes to think that they were less than you
really no Mom I I do know that they're not we're all together what was that about well I was feeling really low and so I was picking on someone else you see that's talk to yourself like a child major Bridge that level of love and compassion is called an ark a bridge you centering breaths [Music] tuning in what did you hear that made sense what did you hear that could be of value to you anything to the contrary just let it go but anything that feeds your soul fed your soul feels right felt uplifting and like yes
soak it in as yours [Music] had specific requests hear them as having been answered one of them knowing the path to our higher good that was all through this talk [Music] miracle-mindedness various issues questions about relationships [Music] surrender [Music] of myself I am nothing because to think I am a little self is it true to think such is entertaining nothingness it's just a waste of time it makes us not evil it just makes us wasting time [Music]
for the next minute or two tune in to the sounds what do you hear with the notes are the notes bridging arcing to cells in your body a note to a neuron saying goodbye to the Past and singing through sound singing a new life that neuron appearance [Music] do you do you adurge of dying of the old do you hear a celebration of rising into a light body listen hear feel tune into a resonance
[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
[Music] [Music] foreign deep breath in as the music plays just a sound tuning into the notes the key the feeling [Music] exhale that sound for as long as you can and breathing remix dance with it foreign celebration hands to the heavens if you
can if you will [Music] be good the sound ohm like Mom is the mother of the universe om is the creative sound of the mother sing to her I'm here om here [Music] all right [Music]
let the mother sing through you play through you here I am miss me as you will [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
[Music] [Music] [Music] to anyone that enters your mind the love God is the love I am I bless to you [Music] we don't think about and determine who deserves and what they need and Hope just the God is in any form I give to you [Music] [Music]
yes [Music] [Music] take a moment integrating
into your body that isn't there sitting on a chair that doesn't exist in a room that's an illusion looking at people that are you such an amazing thing to remember our Holiness and share that together stretch out a little bit just to get nice and present whether you think of yourself as a daughter of heaven or not when you see a cat walking down the street just bless it the love I am you are someone pops into your mind the love I am you are
see what I'm saying bless and you shall be blessed yeah as always John Bueno a round of applause for our guest musician [Applause] John has a table of products in the foyer but a website as well John you can go there and download music and learn more about him okay um a couple of quick announcements your generosity is always appreciated and we're going to do our love offering in a moment but your generosity is always appreciated whatever form your prayers there's all kinds of ways that you share and shine
light some of you have gifts of things that we incorporate into the landscape other times it's donations steady donations on Saturdays are your attendance to events or sometimes it's one time or sponsorship through the year whatever you can do please do if you're interested in private sessions with me you can call the office and they'll set that up for you sometimes it's booked a day in advance sometimes months in advance just sometimes spots open up if ever it's an emergency let them know so they can try to find an
open spot that might pop up um but also our our chaplains are trained Hands-On healing prayer counseling they're available it's free of charge and and you can do further work with them if you'd like to and make donations or pay if some of them are Professionals in those areas but as chaplains it's free and they're available some of them make home visits to people that are ill or whatever you know we're just we do our best to be the presence of God Crystal bed sessions are available you
have the healing room here you can go and just hang in the beautiful these specifically cut crystals vocal crystals and all that that set to each chakra bringing balance and healing I mean there's phenomenal miraculous things that the feedback wise that we hear from people um thank you for joining us on any form of social media and friending us and liking us and whatever thumbs up or whatever they have and you do um remember to arrive early a lot of times people come struggling which is totally fine you can arrive anytime but
five or ten minutes before the hour is best because that's where our musicians will do an extra song beforehand you can be part of that all right um we also now have a community board in the foyer it's more for for um members and attendees it's not just a public bulletin board but it's folks that attend here and or are members but there's a new bulletin board in there that means that I want you to make sure if you're looking for a place to stay or live or visit post it on there I want us
to have a network that when we're looking for things we can find it okay be there for each other if you have a place to rent post it on there we want to be there for each other all of us and Sunday May 14th we have again this is uh three to five in the afternoon Gabriella young and an afternoon of roomy a lot of you have experienced Gabriella doing the roomy readings poetry and such to music huffies and others including music by John Dumas all right so join them May 14th you can find out more about that on our website
or on the Flyers that are in the foyer alrighty so thank you let's please do our prosperity blessing on our closing prayer Take Your Love offering with full intention full commitment hold that to your heart together Divine love flowing through me blesses and multiplies all that I am all that I have all that I give and all that I receive and so it is thank you can anyone share what they learned or heard today before we do the closing prayer what did you learn her here that made the most sense or that might be of
the most value to you yes being in alignment with the holy spirit's will your will my will is the Holy Spirit Well I choose nothing but the will of God which is the Holy Spirit the mother and remember people that have this intense stuff about God the thoughts about God labels about it's the mother the Divine mother she only loves us she's only acting as a bridge for us yes being the bridge no matter where you are so if you're in a musical band be the bridge where the other members might be straying be the bridge bring them
together be the same one in your family your household look for commonality you have two kids well this and she did it for now he did it back and forth stop how can I be a bridge today it might hit instantly that you see how to do it it might take work just depends on our resistance level and our belief that we can do it in the back yes laughs but however they're not expensive it's the most powerful content nice and for about 20 minutes or so yeah all Communications
very cool thank you nice yes of course how Consciousness affects our surroundings wait it's wait it's just a quick comment about the service so it's okay cool wait we have to go but thank you you can give us literature but it's more about what did you hear in the service thank you yes stop looking for the differences the bridges and technology that he's just describing is another Bridge the Ark of the Covenant was another Bridge the Noah's Ark is another Bridge healing holistic new remedies are
another Bridge they're the bridges the goal is not the bridge itself it's the light that's behind the bridge remember that the light behind it it's not the technique or it's not the hand play you know it's it's not just the conversation it's the the desire to bring love into the moment is the light behind it your love intention is what makes everything else as powerful as it is yes two more people yes they were all married I'm sorry yeah I was the only single person there to talk with
you watch them it's amazing what you see when you single and then as far as I'm concerned they all should be divorced me well maybe you're the only smart one here wow well he's talking about having been at a public gathering and everybody there was Couples him being the only one and he could kind of see a lot of them should not have probably been together yes [Music] right that's right mom very brief yes grateful for the experience being mirrored why because if I get it now you know it's going to be married to me the
gifts from having gotten it that's how this works some people are out there trying to use a mind over matter Law of Attraction listen if you haven't earned it you're not getting it you have to earn through learn to go to new levels of consciousness to attract better your repetitive words can only manipulate temporarily at best the universe and get something from the universe that's not impressive to me did you earn it did you go to a new level of Consciousness or you just did you just affirm getting something
go to that new level let the world mirror the gifts from God yes and the entire service you enjoyed the whole service and all yes and the meditation and the music and did you enjoy participating kind of bringing that sound out a bit good thank you for doing that one more God God and Only God yeah isn't that beautiful just God first and in all things it means your integrity your healthiness doesn't mean God and nothing it's God and only that which resonates with God which is also love which is also peace
Joy that's my compass sanity could be your mantra that which doesn't feel like sanity no please stand for a closing prayer ah yes soak it in coming here is a beautiful thing it's a great decision you've made whether you turned in on line or attended here or you watch it on a program 20 years from now it's how amazing that I made this decision to be in this space of light today but this isn't the goal this is just an oasis so if I were you soak it up because you've got to go back to the desert
back to the world take what you learned today to the world bring it you fill your cup while you're here and in any prayer and meditation fill up go forth fill up go forth courageously passionately don't drag into Monday you know oh you're the weak can't wait till Sunday no no then you're not getting it yet you're here to fill up if you leave with your canteen empty so you can bemoan start of another work week relationship week loneliness week you're missing the point soak it up fill up your canteen the
Waters of life the presence of God goes with me pull down those goggles onto your old eyes open up the third eye oxygen mask and say God I'm going in the light of God surrounds us the love of God unfolds us the power of God protects us the presence of God watches over us truly wherever we go God is I am we are and so it is peace be with you all bye-bye