Becoming a Family of LIghtworkers
greetings this is Michael Moore dad coming to you from sunny Arizona it's always sunny here even in the shade I think hence the casual attire sorry about that and the glare sometimes because sometimes we just want to film outdoors but anyway I pray all of you were well have some different things we'll share today this is part of our Friday evening spiritual insights with Michael Muir dad so we'll progress from there and and just remember there's there's a lot there's a lot of things you can join us
in you know participate in lots of them probably 70% of them are free Sunday Sunday services at unity of Sedona live services these Friday evenings and then now and again we do other you know free events intros to other things other workshops coming up and so forth so just you know keep your eyes open and you know stay informed it you can also watch it must be 50 YouTube events now you know presentations or whatever lectures talks whatever and then we've got lots on other sites as well you can check out
there's a lot on my Facebook page in my public page Michael Muir dad so you can check there too so god there's just I don't know probably years worth of study if you want to check that out alright as for today something I want to share that's coming to me as of a few minutes ago you know we're sort of there's this theme happening and and it's very interesting to me because let's keep in mind assuming that you are spiritual if you're not you know you may not may or may not like any of my talks or other
people's talks on spirituality but assuming your spiritual and you believe in a creator god and so on we come to understand that that creator created us we didn't create ourselves although some new-age teachers think that we're just simply synonymous with God that's a little bit of just the go leaking in you know trying to claim its divinity again so when you hear even spiritual teachers do that you know if they do it excessively maybe change channels go to somebody else to listen to but it's normal for that to happen
now and then or a little bit because you know the ego slips in and it'll happen and so when they when they you know promote a little of that we are God you know they're just missing it they don't get it you didn't create yourself it doesn't make any sense and if you did you're not a very good creator because we ended up in this mess right I'm kidding but God created us and gave us free will we didn't create ourselves we were created but God created us not flawed as the ego would create us God
created us perfect and holy so then we can say well then how did we end up in this mess like we would say if the ego created us there's only one way we could end up here it's not freewill like you would think some of us go because again limited in our understanding some students and teachers say well it must be that God created us and then God created us limited and we're supposed to grow and grow until we become unlimited but that doesn't make any sense God wouldn't say I'm gonna create you a one
on a 10 scale you need to become a one kind of fight your way up why wouldn't God create you divine you could say well it it wanted us to learn that doesn't make sense because in God there is no learning it's perfection so a lot of those things don't make sense and I would elaborate a little more but for brevity's sake I won't in any case you know then how else could it happen well some people say God created us flawed because God itself is learning yeah that's what God needs us God needs
us to tell it you know listen divinity divine one we were on earth and we have a report well I hope so cuz I'm God and I was hoping to expand my consciousness by your downloading some data to me well God here's here's what smoking is like because you missed out here's what this and that and the other here's what death is like and rape and molestation or the pleasantries here's what rainbows are like like God wouldn't know that so that doesn't make sense again this is my silly way of saying
those things are ridiculous but I'm trying to be nice about it but they are they're kind of ridiculous they don't make sense but I do understand I swear I do understand limited Minds have to come up with limited philosophies or concepts and and that's totally understandable forgive them they know not what they do moving along what other reasons would we have to have gotten where we are well God gave us free will and we utilized our free will to end up in a place like this that's partly true we did get free
will with our stamp of creation you know and we did use the free will to say I wonder what life would be like if we were outside of heaven now that's it's not just freewill to think that thought that wouldn't have been a problem but we used free will to choose to feel guilty about that thought and that's where we got in trouble not literally but that's where we got ourselves into trouble where where as soon as the children of God who thought and know they we know the law thought creates so as soon as we
had a thought I wonder what it's like if we could be separate from God we said oh oh all thoughts create which means it just happened well it didn't and if you bear with me this is a little twisty it didn't happen because only true thoughts that can be thought will manifest anything true thoughts meaning God thoughts only God is real so only godlike thoughts are real and so only godlike thoughts would create anything meaning if their love based thoughts well thinking were separated from God and feeling guilty about it is not a
love based thoughts therefore guess what it never happened in reality it never happened bear with me I know that's a little out there for some but in a sense in a sense it never happened the bad news is it feels like it did because when we said I wonder what it's like to be separate and then said oh oh now it's going to happen we didn't create because only love creates but we manufactured we made up a belief because we created a new mind like we're creators so we created not a divine but we created a fear-based mind called
the ego and said to ourselves what's gonna happen now we must be terrible we just ruined our creation and so on so we started doing all this obsessing and then we created a world like this and then we flew into this world then we create okay we're gonna sit here and try to evolve and heal ourselves from our Mis beliefs and we've been doing this for millions of years and it hasn't worked why because we're biding our time we're taking our sweet time because the egos too much in control of people only
individuals that say I don't buy it I'm gonna accept my holiness and be what God created to me me to be are actually the ones that wake up so it's it's kind of interesting kind of cool kind of not cool when you think about how this really happened now important if you say well thanks for sharing Michael that's a little weird and I don't buy it no problem don't post your comments to that effect when you're watching this you can but I'd prefer you didn't because you know it just it just detracts but if you
don't understand it's no problem try this on let's forget I didn't even say any of that try this on think about how every single day when when it seems like someone said something you didn't like you think someone misjudged you when someone leaves you for another we do the exactly the same process we have a thought oh or an experience Oh someone left me or someone did this for that and we go into the same chronology of thinking which is something must be wrong with me how dare them you know something must be wrong
with me and judging them and judging ourselves and then obsessing why there's people that sit there they'll start off at 17 with their first boyfriend or girlfriend partner whatever it is and they'll still being doubly knitting at a hundred and seventeen going what was wrong with me I wonder if it's something I said if only I could look them up and ask them why they love it had to be something I did something I said maybe I wasn't handsome enough pretty enough maybe maybe they heard a rumor of
that same obsession sub sesang is what we didn't we left heaven I wonder what's going on what do I do what's wrong with me what are the other souls doing that are departing from bliss you know maybe it's their fault that this is happening you know if we really do replicate it so that all of that is just to explain a little bit of a foundation I want to just get to this now that all that seems to have happened is it ever gonna come to an end good news bad news good news is believe it or not it actually came to an end
one fraction of a second after it happened because in heaven there's no time so in the second that it happened then very like fraction of a second later I'm almost instantly right after that boom oh wow we were done we had the thought and it was done because there's no time but as soon as we thought we created a universe and went to live in it that universe is like like a time warp in God there's it's timeless up here it's timeless but all of a sudden there was this veil of separation some of you have heard me
talk about that and then a time warp existed a warp that created this loop and we flew in and we live one lifetime and another and another and then you could say they're like layers of records the old record players where you stack the records remember that on the post and you could say that all your lifetimes are all those records here's here's one record here's another record and then think about this each lot of life each lifetime is like a record I talked about the occasion records at the last Sunday
service at unity and the last Friday night we did but each of my records is a record of my life a life now you take all those records and you kind of look at your catalog of records some of us have a catalog that's you know as deep as I don't know I think there's a band called argent I think they had one album they broke up before the album was even released so some of us have that kind of history others have albums in their catalogs that we don't even want to remember having had lifetimes in other words
where we go you know that was that was that album that what was I thinking and then some of us have our sergeant pepper's you know our Abbey Road where we go Wow God so creative so beautiful and so on it is our destiny not to have one-offs here and there one good one one bad one here there our job is to get to the point where the records disappear because we've cleared them there's nothing to look at in other words when you pass away and some people say your life passes before your eyes or some traditions say you'll be judged on
judgement day it's as though everybody's gonna listen to all the records and here's kind of what happens if there's a Jesus waiting to look at your records with you your book of life to see if you passed or failed your test here's really what happens the records are all put on the player each lifetime remember and some songs are some pretty naughty ones and some songs are raunchy this way and that way some are absolutely blissful creative the bottom line is we're eager typically proud of the songs that are
wonderful and we're egotistical ashamed of the ones that aren't so wonderful and if you are either of those look at me for the good songs you've put onto your records you're not awakened and if you're oh I don't want to think about that or it wasn't my fault it was the producers faulty brew and my song or the band members you're in trouble still really what's going to happen is it's a test and Christ or whatever God whatever you want to believe angels they they put the records on then they say we're gonna
listen your entire catalog in this a Kasich jukebox all the records okay they put that on and as soon as you wince at the idea or become emboldened at the idea of some song playing then they're gonna say failed not in a judgmental hateful way but it'll be in other words as soon as you wince it already means you feel guilty which means you're already coming back to work on whatever that album a record was song or whatever it was our job is to say no matter what I could have done as a human being there
is no song that is the holiness of God which is what I really am no song I've ever written no poem I've ever written can perfectly I'm saying perfectly reflect my holiness they can only reflect it they can't completely perfectly represent it because they're not it they're just expressions of me and they're in my human form if Mozart and Beethoven used to say that no song that we've ever composed no composition has ever matched what we actually hear when we tune into the ethers the heavens then
what makes you think our songs are that much better our songs of life I'm talking about no no meal has ever been perfect meaning wholly good tasting nice you've had moments maybe of wonderful sensual experiences with a partner maybe great meals maybe wonderful memories of your children somewhere along line all those are great none of those compared to those events in their purity any event that you could say oh gosh my children they're the birth the first step none of those I mean even come close to the tip
of the iceberg to seeing the actual light of what your child is you can say ah it's first step and of course that's cool on a human level of course I'm not dissing that what I'm saying is there's a part of us that's going wow its first step if you could see it sprout wings turn to light and soar away in every dimension simultaneously what are you then gonna do you know that's what is the cool stuff there's so much more that's what I mean by don't be overly proud of your stuff nor overly ashamed
instead just see them as that's what I was doing at the time what can I learn from it that's all that matters whatever I learned from it I take with me and it raises me to a whole nother level of consciousness and that you could say helps me make quantum leaps I go from baby steps to quantum leaps I go from human to master even in my evolution and then master one day surrenders into the divinity completely so that's kind of cool right on another note as I've been teaching a lot about Christ consciousness lady lately I have a an
online course that's just in a short time ago you're welcome to still join us on that and you can join at any time because you can go back and pick if you're if we were eight lessons into it you could still go back and pick up the lessons but I mean it's very cool very deep stuff you can join us in that it's an online course but if that doesn't suit you or you can't for some reason you can also join us in November because we have our five day Christ consciousness intensive which is
different overlap slightly from the online course but they're different so you can join us there if you like fantastic stuff great people of course attending that's held here in Sedona not a bad place right to go to a workshop okay nevertheless I've been talking about Christ consciousness and one thing I want to share with you a little personal and historic stuff for me when I was a kid I one of the earliest spiritual awareness as I had was this that whatever you study make it consistent make it not not redundant but make it
make it hold up to a particular bar of quality make it hold up like don't just read anything study anything do any workshop listen to any teacher go to the best go to the highest and the highest in consciousness is Christ consciousness because that's what God created us to be Christ just means God in us God and man so Christ means the divinity in us you could also call it the I am presence if you like those words get twisted into different meanings just like Christ does I am it starts to mean certain groups
Christ means Christianity and they all gets messed up but Christ consciousness I am these are fantastic concepts because their divinity in us and that divinity is awaiting our remembrance so when I teach and so forth it's really about that on any topic I really lean toward that direction and bring that everybody that direction but one of the things I knew even as a kid was Michael whatever you study let it hold up to that bar of quality let it measure up to awakening Christ like don't just read anything you know only the materials
that are Christ II as I call but again that's not to limit that's not to say I don't read this and that but I look for the books teachers teachings that had the light I mean you could just feel it the presence of God it could be Rudolf Steiner Edgar Cayce but I could feel it it wasn't just metaphysical cuz some metaphysics is heady not necessary good you know I can read it and add a little something of it in whatever I teach that's not a problem I'm talking about what I would absorb myself in I would not absorb in
something I don't want to absorb in a relationship that isn't real and I don't want to absorb in a book that isn't as real as it could be so that can sound a little stringent or intense for some but maybe that's why you know I understood things earlier than some people and I'm grateful for that and I'm not comparing to some people I'm just saying maybe that's why some people are sitting around still in there not so great relations reading they're not so great books you know so I knew
that early on and that was one of my first things cuz I would know I'd pick up a book and I always remembered is this Christ II does it have that vibe moving right along from that age era shortly thereafter or during the same time I started realizing this world is unlimited time and I used to have guidance and visions and imagery and so on of Earth changes they weren't solid because sometimes those things change sometimes there's a prediction or prophecy and it changes per global change consciousness change but the the
spiritual people that think that you know one prayer you know own money padmi boom Shakalaka suddenly there's no such thing as all earth changes or pole shifts no their efforts I think are great and all every bit helps but I would never brush it off and think that one of your little you know living room prayers by the fireplace is going to release all of mankind from its collective beliefs limiting beliefs and lessons that it's attracting so we need not just change ourselves we need to change all consciousness everywhere so
we should do some work ourselves for ourselves on ourselves but we also need to do some some group work and and I always had this thought you know like I knew the world's gonna change I always have taught don't move to a place so that you're safe if you're miserable you know move to a place you would love living and can potentially be safer so I've said in different talks bear with me if this is a repeat for some but very briefly you know coastal lands are generally not a good idea because the poles are melting and they
will not I've said that before they started making the news with it and even now some people say it's a farce it's not true man that's very sad but that's the ego so it's expected the more somebody says things like that the more ego filled you know they are I don't even have to name names but I know some of you are onto what I'm saying when they start saying that that whole thing is a lie it's untrue man they're usually those are people making money off the melting of
the polls they probably have companies out there bottling water off the melted and you know they're gonna make money off it so they don't want you to know I'm joking but that's partly true in any case the polls are melting the water levels are gonna raise in some cases gradually in some grace's cases dramatically but that's going to happen and so on and so on so aside from that I want to get to consciousness and say what during these times of changes there are several layers of plans and inaction already one
of those is materials released so Helen told I'm sorry Jesus told Helen who channeled a Course in Miracles Jesus told her Helen the world is worsening at an alarming rate and we need you to help to receive these new materials now these new materials isn't just one book you might have received even a poem and it contributes publish the dang thing get it on the internet somewhere if you believe in it if you think and you can feel that it's real and Christ II to some degree it doesn't have to say Jesus
in every line or anything I'm talking about if it feels like it offers frequency not just words but when when someone reads it they don't they don't have to meditate they don't have their eyes closed they don't have do any of that but you can feel it when you've written it that there's a vibration to it how to know it's clear it's got this crispness to it it's magical and then you know you've contributed to God's plan for salvation in the written form or a verbal form if
it's recited a Course in Miracles is likely the most dramatic of those kinds of books in history but certainly in modern history I know other people have written books that they say is similar better continuations they're they're they're wonderful they have their own little piece to the plan perhaps but there's a plan man and it has layers you and I are part of that why because I said so I chose it I chose to be part of it all you have to do is go I choose to be part of it and then you are you don't
have to like be ordained by a group or below anointed by a teacher just choose it just go you know what blast it all man I can't screw around anymore it doesn't mean you have to wear white and stand on street corners handing out brochures just in your heart and soul say I am I am ready and I am willing and I am now part of God's plan for salvation now more consistently I ask God guide me on everything to say and do and what not to say and what not to do there are a few key prayers that are Lightworker prayers
if you know one recited as long as it feels like hi vibe to you I have been clear that there are layers of these plans for salvation I know what they are I've never published them never spoke about them and I still will not yet but I can tell you this one of them is that there needs to be a hundred and forty-four thousand awakened souls awakened not typical let me come back to that and I don't mean it can't be more than 144,000 144,000 symbolically means mankind but since we can't wait around
for all mankind to completely become awakened not in this lifetime anyway and it's beautiful it's a beautiful vision but I'm saying since it may not happen that must not be what we're told we're supposed to do is wait for them what I'm saying is that under the behind the curtains and underneath the story there is an anointing of 144,000 teachers of Christ consciousness who are they they're all not all standing on a podium but but when you really start to choose it does mean you commit your life a bit more it
doesn't mean you're interacting to some degree on the internet or even in in groups to some degree or another you don't have to be the leader of a group but are you a participant I can tell you that there are groups that there are besides 144,000 Souls there are groups that are very Christ's II Edgar Cayce some people are rooted in Christ consciousness they're steeped in ego because they're an organization they owe and so organizations can have that a lot of ego and so there's fear and there's
old-fashioned you know takes a year and I'm sorry takes a million years for them you know any many organizations to make moves unity is very Christ II Edgar Cayce foundation very Christ II beautiful all of them but when voting and board meetings and decisions that take years are running a business it's no longer Christ II Christ never said I you know I'm feeling inclined or inspired to do something right now but we need to vote on it and we need to discuss it and we need to do this and now my god you know or maybe they did
that's why he said crucify me now so anyway kidding clearly he was not a fan of dogma and and oblique Ettore religion so that's kind of what I'm saying when when the dogmas and the all that stuff whatever you want to call it I have words for it but I won't use him is greater than the the inspiration God you know think about that man something's wrong so I'm saying there are groups if I inherited a million dollars I would consider still sending a tithe to Edgar Cayce foundation because of what he did
not of what they're doing I would also think of not sending it to them because of what they're doing my point being I have enough respect where I would consider them and the organization edgar cayce sorry Jesus says in A Course in Miracles regarding edgar cayce he said his organization will last and last not because of what they're doing now because that was his way of being nice and saying because oh my god and again I'm not dissing the area I'm using KC's foundation as an example and I could say
it about every organization that is larger and larger it gets into money and it gets into the dogmas but Jesus did say in the private notes to Helen Casey's foundation known as the AR II will last and last because of what spirit it was built on nevertheless there's the stuff in there in fact Jesus even said to Helen there are some amazing channelings Jesus did Edgar Cayce did with Jesus coming through and all the material Cayce channel for that matter there's a lot of it that is as high as you can get but the filter known
as Casey Edgar and his stenographer and the people in the room and his organization even in those days would create filters let's call them distractions deviations and misinterpretations and it was amazing because and this is just brief sorry to just bear with me here but Jesus tells Helen even even Casey's descendent Hulan Casey what a jolly great beautiful soul he was Jesus tells Helen Hulan knows about the errors in the Casey readings but and he's trying to change them but he will not be able to
that really hit me like a ton of bricks man please try to hear what that means we're talking about Jesus Jesus saying the work was blessed there were some errors in interpretation there's somebody that knows what those air are ours and will not be allowed to change them will not be allowed why because of dogma and boards and meetings and groups and and fighting and infighting and his own and the group's own resistance to the higher levels of the interpretation so I'm using that as an example because it's a really vivid one the same
exact story applies to Rudolf Steiners organizations the unity science of mind you know and Ernest Holmes work Christian Science these are all rooted in Christ consciousness but the stuff just deviates there's a Rosicrucians around the world man some of them got really messed up the Essenes some groups still try to follow the way of the Essenes of 2000 years ago and they can't because there's so much stuff in the way so one of the things I've done and accomplished I thank God is to bring the
spirit but not let too much of the other stuff get in the way I can tell you certainly there's moments of filters and deviations and even allowing other people to push and pull me a little bit and my own stuff but I'm really grateful that not to an extent to where something was ruined so as I'm coming to a close what I'm leading to is there are not only 144,000 needing to be awakened not just awakened awakened into Christ consciousness there are people who say well I'm awakened I had an amazing meditation everything
turned to light so I'm awakened there's people that shave their head and tell you look at me I have reached Samadhi which basically means I now am worthy of you paying me to sit in the same room with me although there's some sincere people with that but you you know just try to feel it and see what they're about just so much of its silliness and games but I'm saying not just people that claim to be awake there's Yogi's that teach yoga they have systems in the in the States for example
that claim Awakening and just ends up being a nightmare of an ashram they have or of a commune they have but who then who are they it's not the teachers that you think it's gonna be some of you are going to be one of those handful of hundreds of thousands or tens or huh and they're all around the world and then there's organizations although they're screwing up here and there they're still rooted in Christ consciousness so they will still be bearing light they will still be holding presence as part of
this awakening people that are into systems of lesser than direct Christ consciousness they're still contributing even if they don't call call it Christ they're just holding the vibration at different levels different tones and semitones and vibrations but again I'm just saying a man go to go for the Christ go for the gusto so there's yes there's organizations even if they seem deviated they still have a route in in Christ and they deserve some some light and kudos and so so on then there are fewer individuals
there's twelve on this in this lifetime there are twelve that have to meet and connect with each other and hold space in their own way and they are here and they're on this planet and I can say I've met most if not all of them I won't say which but I've met them and they are almost always aware of who they are they're one of the twelve these are just sacred numbers but they're also sacred meanings there's even twelve groups of people representing the zodiac awakened to zodiac twelve let's savor goings that
are awakened to it because there has to be all 12 signs represented in as an awakened state on earth you might not be the the one of the 12 individuals that I'm talking about you might be one of the you know twelve representing a planet a sign there's that all things have to reach awakening so each planet each sign 144,000 s are there a certain number of organizations and yes twelve individuals and they all are like imagine grids light bulbs all over the earth and as they get plugged in this twelve these twelve these
144,000 these groups the more they start finding each other the more they start activating each other's lights to a new level and this is important because if any one of them sits around going well we're the Steiner group we don't listen to the urn Holmes group then you're a thread of lightbulbs that aren't yet turned on and if you are turned on you have a blown fuse so you're still not working to the degree you can or some of the lights are burned out on their on your string of lights that's kind of what it's like not
until they all connect and I I tried that just like Jesus said I uh I tried to help Hulan casey to awaken the the Edgar Cayce foundation and he can't mm-hmm I feel that way I've gone to these different organizations and said your Christ it man come on yes we are okay then connect with this Christ a group nope not interested they have different beliefs different haircuts or whatever you know I'm like you people need to listen to dr.
Seuss or something each of you think you have your own little letter of indictment on your chest breast and you can't deal with other people because they have a different letter it's gonna happen the easy way or the hard way and in my teachings I got to admit on a personal level sometimes I get tired I wish I didn't I would like to think I'm so immune to that that it didn't happen but I do man I get sometimes tired and I give up sometimes and think that's it I'm just gonna do my own teaching and then there's times when
waves of light coming I'm like I get it I hear you Jesus then I call him Jesus trust me you can call him Jesus other people say oh no the answers to Yeshua Yeshua you know whatever um you know you could say well in pig latin his real name is you know what whatever refer to him and nobody even more than his name it's Christ and then you can say oh it's Christos oh geez so my point is whatever you call him I I say to him I go I hear you I feel you I get it but they're not listening I mean what do I do write
letters to them all great you think they're all sitting around you know going oh I didn't realize that there were other spiritual groups that we can connect with they don't want to ego so stupid and strong in their groups does that mean I'm telling you I'm giving up that I permanent will give up no I'm telling you it's tempting sometimes but underneath all that even when you're trying to change family members and it doesn't work underneath all that there's an old saying in the bye
let others do as they may but as for me and mine we will serve the Living God so what I'm doing is my part to connect and help people get connected I teach it I even spew out my little tirades now and again and my comments about these groups you think it's just because I want to sit around and be rude to them no I'm hoping they can hear now and again I'm here hoping that one of you says something to one of them don't tell them don't don't don't tell them Michael said but you can say come on you know
wake up there's another group let's get involved let's let's create conferences of all these groups instead of you guys having your own little conference you know and um I've done that I've brought and I brought two different people together and they don't stay together they just it's weird but they don't so I'm gonna keep doing my work for me and mine and I'm going to continue reaching out to others I'm I was just being honest telling you it's tiring sometimes
just like it is with our family members or loved ones or at work or wherever it really is much the same so in closing my last bit is this just that there are all these awakenings waiting you might be one of them it doesn't matter if you are or not your job is to awaken you might be one of the non-members of those things that are supposed to be bringing the Christ to that group maybe you're just supposed to be the person in your country that's one of the people in that country it's not about being special one of three of
whatever it's doing the Christ's work wherever you are whoever you are so at this time I'll share more of it later on sometime but at this time I can see myself now preparing a retreat for down the road and preparing a place would which would be probably the last place I would live if not Sedona and and having it more of a place of complete holistic experience love or God lived in every way shape and form from community to everything we do just like I have taught in my life and mastery and just as I
taught and practiced that unity of Sedona we spiritual eyes Dever ething we pulled it off when we proved it can be done I wish others or organizations would do it I've brought that light and message to them and they become too afraid and I hope you understood all of what I was sharing here join us if you can on Sunday Sunday 1115 I think 11:30 for the live Sunday services from unity of Sedona and you can watch several other programs YouTube Facebook whatever we have libraries catalogs of things that are just free to check out you know
as there what we say you know if you love it check it out if you don't you know move on but please find something that you do love okay and I really really pray the light to be awakened in you and myself and in all and you know God first Christ first not to settle on things that are kind of 2nd or 3rd or 15th in order let's just do our best to connect to that frequency of light there's there's a light in the pagans there's a light in the Catholics there's light everywhere and if you're
gonna stay in one of those groups be one of the light bearers in those particular groups you also have the right to join groups that are more overtly light you know whatever you do be the light all right I pray this has made sense many blessings to you and remember to to like us and do all those things that Facebook's asks you to do and when you do so you can ask to be given notices as to when we're doing any things on Facebook and then you'll be able to watch again ok many place many blessings and lots of love to you peace bye-bye