Awakening Christ Consciousness Intensive Invitation
okay hello everyone Welcome to our live presentation it's not something I want we're good to go to just an ad I don't really like doing hello everyone I'd like it to do our lives in some way completed in its own right so I'd like to share a quick announcement and sharing about um the concept of Awakening Christ Consciousness so the first thing we should probably do is get the idea right the translation or the interpretation Awakening Christ Consciousness really means Awakening God within us because
Christ is really just the name of God within mankind people from all walks of life would agree although they disagree on some dogmas if they're involved in religion they would generally agree that we're made in God's image and God is the Lord that God is one to one culture and you know to another it's said another way but we are made in God's image and God is one which means we're one with God we're made in God's image so really we shouldn't spend too much time arguing about how to belittle ourselves
who are we really well we're Divine beings made to be divine but but really mankind has allow themselves to go into a state of Amnesia when we theoretically we seemingly separated from God from the Divine which we can't really do because we're one with it but we can choose to believe that we're separate and in choosing to believe that we're separate from Love from God we then can go into a nightmarish kind of Trance where we create all kinds of challenges or turmoil it's kind of like saying we
created our own version of reality we created our own Universe um overlaying God's Universe of peace or love so there's a workshop coming up it's a four-day intensive now I've done this intensive Awakening Christ Consciousness I don't know it must be 25 30 years I don't know something like that every year and and people sometimes ask why do you do it on Thanksgiving because what could we possibly be more grateful for or give thanks for more than to God and to ourselves for who we really are so that's one reason and it's
another reason is because I say you know people are sometimes they don't have really healthy family to hang out with during those that holiday so why not be with a spiritual family so there's different reasons that I did it and chose it to go that way but beautiful you know I like the decisions we made on this now people again travel near and far honestly over the years they've come from all around the world to attend this and this Workshop used to be five days and it used to be like 12 hours a day
then it also cost twice as much at that time and people would have would have to travel and deal with lodging and flights and all that now people can attend in person for it's a four day intensive they can attend the first day and likely the last day as well Sunday but um those are optional if people want to they can attend in person because I'll present it here at our Global Center for Christ Consciousness in Sedona Arizona so you're welcome to do that if you'd like to attend in person but um we're we're going to be streaming
live on Zoom so for those who want to attend anywhere in the world you no longer have to deal with flights you can even still be with family for that matter if you want to do both so it's a lot more convenient and it's half the price and so on and so on so join us if you'd like we're going to cover a lot of things but it includes the initiations into Christ Consciousness it covers things like how to awaken that State of Consciousness and some people again well what do you mean more specifically about
Christ Consciousness what does it mean initiations of well some people may not know this or understand this or accept it or believe it but Jesus was a person who who evolved he awakened to who he really is not just an Awakening like a sort of an epiphany or a really beautiful meditation that this person had it's way beyond that he he completely remembered his divinity and in so doing because we're all connected he also sparked that neuron in the brain of every person that would ever exist so we all have this now
Awakening in us when we seemingly separated from God we set an alarm clock you know even though we were being silly to to try to imagine what life would be like without God we also said but let's put a time limit on this and that time alarm clock is activating now it started activating around 1960 ish and there was a 40-year cycle along those lines and then it another cycle began around 1998.
so we're in another 40-year cycle that will complete around 2038 and this is it we're in the home stretch in our Awakening this included things like the 11 11 convergence the harmonic convergence 20 you know moving into a new millennium uh 2012 all these key events are parts parts of an Awakening parts of a Time convergence that's part of this whole Awakening so it's really really beautiful I mean this is like amazing because the first coming of Christ was you could say in one respect Jesus Awakening to who he is the Christ but the second coming is that Awakening
in all of us so he's promised that everything he's achieved we're going to achieve and it's happening now we're all moving into an Awakening so it's really really timely this begins again uh at the global Center for Christ Consciousness formerly Unity of Sedona and we're here we're going to have a a meal for those who would like to break bread as it were um at the center in the morning but then we'll start the workshop at noon and that'll go for several hours maybe four
hours it just depends on the group and what they're wanting to learn that day but we'll be here in person or you can watch it streaming on live so that's Thanksgiving day which is uh November 24th then the next couple of days it'll be on Zoom you can watch it and it's recorded so you can watch it anytime if you can't watch it on time at that time live on time you can just watch it later at your convenience so that's another really great perk we're going to cover topics including clearing and
spiritualizing our centers our chakras spiritual centers we're going to go into the deeper meaning of any teaching including those of Jesus or of ascended masters and whatever sacred texts people want to ask about we can learn how to interpret things at a at a fundamental level which is literal or at a more esoteric or deeper perspective we're also going to talk about and this can be controversial for some that person Jesus how he spent lifetimes growing to that point of Awakening to realizing who he
completely is so we're going to talk about past lives of Jesus as well as the Missing Years of Jesus during his life you know the the Bible tells us he's a young boy that's it it cuts off and then says um next thing we know where he's in his ministry so we don't really hear in the scriptures what happened those are those what happened those several years in between which is a lot of years it's like 20 years that's a round number uh missing from All We Got Is three years of his ministry a little bit of
childhood in you know stories of a little boy but for the most part the lifetime of Jesus is unknown to some especially people who more prefer the the um fundamental Christianity or fundamental Traditions but uh but those teachings are known they're in the Lost Books of the Bible um and the Forgotten books of Eden it's a series of books they're in the uh you we can even find some teachings in the essene books known as the Dead Sea Scrolls there's the nag hamadi Library there's all these books and some of them
were chosen to be voted out of the thing being compiled called the Bible Bible meaning uh a collection of books that's what the term means so in the Bible we left out some some manuscripts the church chose voted them out on purpose some of them they literally in the records of that they say it was too esoteric or too mystical they didn't wanted things to be a little more literal for reasons I won't go into right now but that's the way it happened nevertheless some of those teachings are known and they weren't some of them
weren't known at the time of compiling the Bible so it doesn't mean they were purposefully left out they weren't discovered yet till you know many years later the naghamadi library the Dead Sea schools and so on so it's quite cool because we can now fill in the pieces and understand the complete mystical understanding of this person's life but also more even more importantly believe it or not how to awaken that same Consciousness within us so we'll talk also about what other modern teachers
and teachings have that that Vibe even if you don't watch this program this later on the workshop it's really kind of beautiful to know this that Christ Consciousness has been with us forever since we even came into this universe there's been a concept of the light of nightmare pagans understood it as the the Gratitude every year for the Son of God the son moving back into their portion of the hemisphere you know on the planet the sun returning to bring life after winter all of this has been understood subconsciously or consciously
celebrating you know this this thing this what is this the Son of God and then Jesus comes and says I am the manifestation where you used to worship or or in in ceremony or ritual you used to maybe appreciate the coming of the Son of God you know uh Christmas Solstice is about the coming of the sun back to the Northern Hemisphere so that's been there forever in Egyptian culture the the resurrection of Osiris or this concept resurrection of the light resurrection of the Son of God really is not to be worshiped
uh you know from afar or from a time of old it's supposed to be celebrating the resurrection of the light in us the presence of God coming back into us you know just what a beautiful concept but this is happening now not in one person the whole planet the bad news is everything that's not very Christy in us has to surface and be purged away that's what some people are thinking to be times of tribulation coming times of trouble that Humanity we've already entered that we've already entered the the home
stretch as it were the last half of this 40-year cycle after we've experienced an Awakening and so we're really down to that home stretch we have the responsibility of stepping up now the responsibility of not only Awakening the light in us but being the presence of the light for others it certainly is a beautiful experience to think that Jesus is a part of your life or mother Mary or the Holy Spirit or God whatever you want to refer to as being this hierarchy of light but it is God's will that we return home and this workshop's
about that you can think of it as an educational experience because the the workshop's going to cover everything from when we first arrived a Lemurian continent what happened in an Atlantean continent what happened in the post Atlantean Deluge time what happened where did the light go because it's always been here the Christ has always been here we'll talk about sacred geometry and its role of demonstrating through geometry the the presence of Christ all along people can use other names they can worship any religion they
want they can follow any philosophy but you can't get away from it's the Christ that has been there sin since the beginning not books that I've written weren't there from the beginning books you've read were not there from the beginning no author no matter how popular how many books they sold they not neither were they from the beginning the beginning is the Christ from beginning till now and forever shall be so we're going to talk about those ancient civilizations moving eventually into understanding more about the essene
community which is basically a a Mystic sect of people that existed in the Jordan region we'll talk about everything from that period the Arthurian Knights to the Mayans and whatever else comes up in our conversation and uh understanding what are the main pieces to this is the understanding that wow Christ isn't something for one person nor is it something that might or might not have ever been there it has always been there it has that's the fact the truth it's always been there and we shunned it we moved away from it we
forgot who we are and acted accordingly hurtfulness and wars and all kinds of things that happened on this planet well it's now unacceptable not only to God but to us to continue acting so in it's time for us to birth the love the Christ self and with that I want to close with this concept for that to happen please don't think you just sit around and read the right book and it happens you want to prayerfully dedicate yourself that you're ready for that you're ready to not just read another book to not just
do another Workshop to not just hope another day really really accept you're ready so that the workshop you take the books you take read They're All cleverly designed by Spirit much more efficient on our path instead of just kind of doing things reading things and expecting that it's just going to kick in on its own it's important that we really go further with this and understand wow you know I'm stepping up what would you have me do God start and end every day calling upon the light presence of God
asking it to fill us don't pray superstitiously up in the sky call its presence into your being and let it help you make every decision in every day so I pray that you feel called to to join us but again even if you don't do your method of of prayer every day for this Awakening and understand that for a child to be born it typically needs a mother the holy spirit is the mother aspect of God so get a relationship with the holy spirit it's not owned that name is not owned by one culture or one group or one
religion it's it's just simply the mother aspect of God the people of Israel understood that the Holy Spirit what we call now the Holy Spirit had a feminine uh name or or Identity or vibration to it there it was a concept of the feminine aspect of God which we also lost so we get back to understanding this is our mother and she is the one the thing that will birth the Christ in us so it's not something we should try to do it with our own cleverness or Ingenuity that human Ingenuity is what got us into this mess
we have to surrender the human self call upon the mother to birth the real Christ self within us and start living up to that standard thank you for taking a moment to watch this God bless you all peace be with you bye-bye