Ascension & The Etheric Realm
hello everyone my name is michael mirdad and these are our regular friday evening arizona time 5 30 power packed presentations so this is sort of like concentrated spirituality and um we're doing this for several weeks as a series and then they're also going to be they are and will be posted on youtube as a play set you know a playlist so thank you for joining us the topics can vary from from important kind of what's happening in the world right now to pop topics like uh narcissism and how to deal with
narcissists two things that are cosmic for that matter and um i did a talk recently and a lot of people really seemed to just eat it up you know they just really seemed ready for this topic and so i'm gonna title this one ascension and the etheric realm okay and the idea of ascension is just so misunderstood so let's get what it isn't out of the way and then let's talk real practical about what it is and how it's happening right now in the you know few minutes we have so what ascension isn't
it isn't for some and not for others although it's true that some are ready to ascend and not others but the other doesn't mean the others won't dissent just means they'll have to do it in a different form some are ready to literally right here right now shift their three-dimensional body into an etheric body or we can call it a light body but it's a fifth dimensional body and and it kind of when you attain that fifth dimensional body you you can still materialize for those who are dense needing to see you
in that realm and then you can also let go and become etheric again that process is is like cosmic electricity you know it's like voltage going on here so that's why jesus when he was in his transfiguration or transformation process after crucifixion and then into ascension he tells mary magdalene do not touch me i'm not done with the process yet meaning it's kind of like saying i'm still completely a live wire you know these are just using silly terms but i'm i'm right now i'm it's i'm not
safe i'm not coated grounded etc i'm pure voltage so it would have fried her to have touched him when he's in this amperage or or voltage you know electricity kind of terminology state so ascension isn't for some and not for others but some can actually just let go and they pop into this new body it's not a different body doesn't mean oh look now i have dark hair again um my gray is gone you know it's it's the body you have but it turns every cell turns to light and uh maybe i'll need to talk about
just the light body sometimes there are people that talk about it a little bit but some of them don't know really a lot about it they're guessing uh because they haven't done it they don't know what it is they're just kind of guessing sometimes it's channeled material which is sometimes accurate sometimes not so maybe sometimes we'll just address that totally okay anyway that's one way to to experience that ascension but it isn't for some and not for others it's just a matter of it's
time for them and not others and um those others when it's not time sometimes what they have to do is experience it through a longer drawn out form which can include people doing light body work on you kind of helping your body to let go of some of its density and transition a bit higher now where do you find those healers here and there some of them are real some of them are not but i can tell you this by real i mean authentic um but i can tell you this it's very important to understand that there's no better
healer therapist that can help you with any form of healing including transfiguration into light body than the divine mother a human mother gives us birth into density the divine mother gives us birth into spirit and i would recommend trusting her and calling upon her the holy spirit she's also known as the holy shekinah asking her you know just help me to prepare don't say do it let her decide what you need and when you know no more than then you know the child in the womb should be giving orders um to the to those
birthing the child um you know just kick back relax and let let the people that know best well in this case the holy spirit so that's just a simple simplistic kind of a way of explaining that but ascension is also not just something that is like a new agey concept ascension is a result of consciousness so you don't just go to a healer and open your third eye and you ascend also it's not a galactic experience where oh there's going to be beings that are going to come here and do my work for me i can be a jerk but
they're going to say honey you're ready to ascend look at you no higher beings are attracted by higher beings because because like attracts like so if you're not of the consciousness of fifth dimensional beings they're not coming to make you fifth dimensional now that said what ascension is is a universal galactic family experience and i was sharing this recently in a talk but the all the cosmos is in touch with all the cosmos you know everything in reality everything's connected on earth everything looks so just tip of the
iceberg you know and everybody thinks that tip of the iceberg is is you and that one's me and everything's separate when we can get over being separate we start to see oneness you don't see oneness and then the separation disappears you have to be willing to let go of separation consciousness to get oneness consciousness and that is a big step or big ingredient to ascension so it's really be a loving forgiving kind person and angels and fifth dimensional beings for example or high even higher dimensional than
that are drawn to you they come to serve you they come to be of service honestly you know what you are a really healthy whole being for example enoch of the bible enoch is described very briefly in the bible and then the book of enoch was voted out of the bible because it was too cosmic and mystical but enoch is said to have been a being who walked with god and he was not for god took him well what god is not not the ultimate god took him it's actually in the book of enoch that god's creator beings higher dimensional beings
came to earth and said you are so pure of heart we were drawn to come and talk to you and we are giving you guidance and special messages here is some information to pass down to your your your descendants and then we'll come back and pick you up and take you with us to higher dimensions that's there it's i'm not like making that up it's it's there in the books but that's what happened and he he was taken ezekiel was lifted in a fiery chariot these are i know how it sounds to some people but
these are light ships these are intergalactic beings higher dimensional beings if you don't like the concept think of them as angels okay they're actually not as high dimension dimensionally speaking as angels but they're sort of halfway between human and angelic consciousness these higher dimensional beings the ones that came for ezekiel the ones that came for enoch the ones that can come for you now instead of an individual named enoch and then an individual named ezekiel and individuals now and then
and sometimes groups sometimes full races like the hopi and others have said when they were asked where are the anasazi as the common name for them where did the anasazi go they were a native american or they were they were a native tribe in the americas where are they who are they where did they go and the honest the hopi and other tribes said they were taken to other planets of course academics are gonna go okay thank you for sharing that's ridiculous can't happen throwing out the belief systems of indigenous people is like the first
tragic thing that people did maybe the first would be them coming here in the first place or invading other countries but the second or if not the first would be throwing away their wisdom and their their knowingness of of things and um then of course the third would be when you start decimating the people physically but you decimated their minds and their teachings before that even happened on the next level so just you know to me it's it's amazing and beautiful but think about this that even full groups racist tribes have
been taken it's amazing but they weren't taken like kidnapped and they weren't taken so they could be made into better people they reached or attained a level of goodness that attracted beings that then helped midwife them to another level this is now happening on earth lots lots and lots of evidence of a veil being thinned out between the two worlds three-dimensional and higher dimensional worlds more and more i said a year a couple years ago more and more you're going to start seeing the door as the veil fins you're going
to see fourth dimensional and fifth dimensional creatures entities beings ufo type things higher dimensional beings light beings fairies gnomes bigfoot all these things that seem bizarre because some of those beings are of the etheric realm like angel uh uh fairies and so forth and i know how again how far out this can sound to some but yeah you know it's the way it is this is all real it's all it's all true there are other beings and they want to help but they're here to serve they can't make us something so raise your
consciousness through love and forgiveness i have a book i've written just called the book of love and forgiveness and i have other things you can study and you can watch oh hundreds honestly of free um video presentations they're all over on youtube in playlists you know see what what works for you what clicks for you and then maybe enjoy watching these things but bless you for even watching this much of this program um i if you ask for it i'll teach more on this of course i do teach more and more on this topic in some of
my workshop intensives but um join us if you'd like on these friday presentations join us every sunday arizona time at ten o'clock for sunday sacred services that's a live presentation from unity of sedona in arizona and um you know there's so much that we can share and learn but realize wow you know i'm not going crazy i'm just waking up i'm starting to see things feel things i thought it was crazy but no it's real and acknowledge it you don't have to believe everything somebody's saying so some of them are
saying hey on a certain date ships are coming and they're going to pick us up i wouldn't pack my bags for that kind of a message it could be true one in a billion chances could be true but what i would bank on instead is be a loving forgiving person and allow god to decide how you'll be picked up when you'll be picked up how you know how meaning um will it be through consciousness you ascend will it be literally working with intergalactic beings will you be channeling you know let that all be
decided by god and trust that i see this as such an incredible time like no other on earth but birth pains you know birth comes with birth pains and we're going through a lot of craziness and a lot of birth pains be at peace as best you can the more you love and forgive through this and try not to believe what your eyes tell you the greater the chance that you're moving that's a consciousness shift for you and that means you're moving closer to ascension consciousness so there's so much that
is coming our way so many beautiful transformations so many beautiful things are really they are coming our way be patient um do your best to to see through the illusions don't buy into fear and pressure from people take good care of yourself love yourself and give yourself as much believe your your signs and symptoms of spirituality believe them as much as if you had a seven-year-old child that said you know mommy i saw an angel in my room last night try believing them instead of disbelieving try letting your default program be to
believe that that pure part of yourself that does have these supernatural experiences rather than jumping to the conclusion that it's your imagination in a negative sense all right so god bless thank you very much if you need anything more books cds and things like that feel free to check out my website michaelmeardad.
com alrighty peace lots of love to all of you bye bye